Who assigns subsidies for housing and communal services? How to get a subsidy for utility bills. Can apply for a subsidy

Subsidies for housing and communal services are provided to certain categories of persons in accordance with Art. 159 Housing Code of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the amount of expenses for utilities does not exceed the standard share of citizens’ expenses established at the legislative level.

The housing subsidy is calculated in accordance with individual legal documents from the Government, which determine spending standards. How to calculate the subsidy for an apartment? Let's look further.

Norms, rules and standards

Procedure for calculating the amount of the subsidy

To correctly calculate the allowable subsidy amount, it is necessary to calculate the average monthly income per family member and compare it with the cost of living.

Let's begin the step-by-step calculation using the example of a family of 4 living in the Tula region. Let us clarify that this example includes two adults and two minor children.

Step one. Using payment standards for housing and housing and communal services, we calculate the amount of utility costs that citizens must pay every month:

115.8*18*4 = 8337.6 rub.,

where 115.8 is the standard payment for housing and communal services per 1 square meter housing,

18 - standard living space per person,

4 - number of family members.

When calculating housing costs for other members of the family, one should not forget about some rules. The minimum standard of living space for 1 person is 33 v. m., for two people - 42 sq. m., more than two people - from 18 sq. m. for each. In various regions of the Russian Federation, these norms fluctuate, setting standards from 10-12 square meters. m of living space per person.

Step two. To calculate the monthly total family income, we use all official payments, including scholarships, pensions and additional payments.

21000+1000 = 22000 rub.

where 21000 is the salary of both parents,

1000 - benefits for both children.

To calculate the average per capita income, the total amount is divided by the number of family members.

In this example: 22000/4 = 5500 rub.

Step three. Determination of the average cost of living for a specific family. In this example:

(9631*2+8898*2)/4 = 9264.5 rub.,

where 9631 rubles is the cost of living in the Tula region for an adult,

8898 rub. - living wage for a child under 18 years of age,

4 - number of family members.

Step four. We use a correction factor.

To determine it, the budget per relative is divided by the average monthly subsistence level for persons from the given example:

5500/9264,5 = 0,59

Step five. Share of utility bills in the total budget.

For this calculation, we apply the norms of allowable costs established by the Rules for payment for residential premises as a percentage of total expenses. Standards are approved in each region separately; for this example, we use a compensation standard of 10%.

To calculate the correction factor, we multiply by the compensation standard:

Step six. Determining the maximum payment amount for housing services.

We multiply the total monthly income of family members by the share of payments for housing and communal services calculated in the previous example:

21000*5.9% = 1239 rub.

Step seven. Calculation of the legal amount of the subsidy.

To do this, from the standard payment amount for housing and communal services, we subtract the maximum allowable amount received taking into account the number of family members and their income level:

8337.6-1239 = 7098.6 rub.

The amount of the subsidy obtained based on the results of calculations cannot exceed the actual expenses of citizens for housing and communal services.

If the benefits exceed actual expenses, then the overpaid funds are fixed for payment of future periods or returned to the owner of the funds.

ATTENTION! For the smooth exercise of the right to receive housing and communal services subsidies, applicants should not have arrears in paying for housing and communal services. Currently, only those collected in judicial procedure debts - if there is a valid judicial act and/or initiated enforcement proceedings.

In addition, as the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation explained in its ruling dated August 20, 2018, the authorities involved in processing subsidies must understand in detail controversial situation and find out the reason for the arrears in payment of housing and communal services from the applicant for the subsidy. And only if the debt objectively arose through the fault of the applicant, the OSZN has the right to refuse to provide financial assistance to this citizen.

According to current legislation, some individuals are entitled to subsidies and various payments to pay utility bills. It is important that at least 22% of total income is spent on utility bills. However, this percentage depends on the specific region taken. The minimum threshold is 10%. There are also other requirements for candidates to receive compensation. We will find out further who is entitled to a subsidy for utility bills in 2018 – 2020. Who is entitled to a subsidy for utility bills in 2018 – 2020

This type of subsidy is issued for payment of utility services or is made in the form of monthly payment to the specified account, depending on the region. That is, the citizen is given a discount on payment or until the 10th day of each month the required amount is credited to the specified account for partial payment of utilities.

Important! Regardless of who exactly applies for compensation or a discount, it is due to citizens who do not have debt on utility bills. The presence of debt is grounds for refusal to provide benefits.

If you receive a refusal, you can pay off the outstanding payments and reapply. If the candidate fully meets the requirements, he will be approved for a benefit. Who is entitled to a subsidy for housing and communal services?

Who can apply for a subsidy

They have a right to it separate categories citizens, namely:

  1. Pensioners.
  2. Disabled people.
  3. Single mothers.
  4. Large families.
  5. Persons recognized as low-income.
  6. Unemployed citizens.
  7. Persons who rent housing under a lease agreement.
  8. Persons living in state apartments under a social tenancy agreement.
  9. Citizens who live in housing cooperatives.

Reading time: 7 minutes

Utility tariffs are constantly rising; paying for utilities is difficult even for families in which everyone works. It is not surprising that many are concerned about the question of who is entitled to a subsidy and how to apply for it. The subsidy for housing and communal services in Moscow depends not so much on the status of the citizen, but on the level of his income. Those who, for various reasons, are unable to repay accrued amounts on time can receive compensation.

Assignment of subsidies for utilities

This normative act containing general rules purpose of the subsidy, valid throughout the Russian Federation.

The right to receive a subsidy in Moscow

The regulatory act that regulates the receipt of compensation for utility costs by Moscow residents is Moscow Government Decree No. 850-PP dated December 7, 2004 “On the procedure and conditions for providing social support measures for citizens to pay for housing and utilities.”

The document provides a list of those who are entitled to a housing subsidy in Moscow, and determines that measures social support citizens are based on the declarative principle. This means that the discount is not calculated automatically. To obtain it, please contact:

  • at the MFC at your place of residence;
  • in the State Public Institution “City Center for Housing Subsidies”;
  • through the State Services website to users with a confirmed account received in accordance with Moscow Government Decree No. 23-PP dated 02/07/2012.

A sample application will be issued on site. You must have with you the set of documents listed below.

To determine who is entitled to a subsidy for utility bills, the applicant must be guided by the established standards for the area of ​​living space and the cost of housing and communal services.

  • Standard 4 applies in cases where the applicant is the owner of housing in an apartment building and does not pay contributions for major repairs.
  • Standard 3 is established for apartment owners who pay contributions for the overhaul of common property.
  • Standard 2 was developed for tenants of housing owned by right of ownership in Moscow, if they are provided with benefits in paying for housing and communal services.
  • Standard 1 is applicable to users of apartments in state, municipal or private housing stock, members of housing complexes, housing cooperatives and other consumer cooperatives before citizens acquire ownership rights.

Housing subsidy to pay for utilities in Moscow is provided to citizens of the Russian Federation, Belarus and Kyrgyzstan, who are tenants of residential premises in public and private housing stock.

Confirmation of permanent residence for which compensation can be issued is citizen registration.

Subsidies are of a fixed-term nature and are provided for a limited period. To receive payments upon completion, the applicant must once again provide income information to the social protection departments.

The size of payments is not constant, so it can either increase or decrease. The higher the income, the lower the subsidy and vice versa.

Conditions for applicants for state support

An important requirement that the state imposes on applicants for compensation is that it is issued for only one apartment, even if the applicant owns several properties.

If a Muscovite has a small income or none at all, but he owns several residential premises, he has the right to apply for a benefit for housing and communal services only for the apartment in which he lives.

TO mandatory conditions This also includes the permanent residence of citizens at the specified address and the absence of debt for utilities. This is defined in paragraph 5 of Art. 159 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

The Moscow region and Moscow are an expensive region, so local authorities have provided an opportunity for those who are unable to pay off their debts immediately before applying for compensation. These applicants may enter into a debt repayment agreement.

Total income of the recipient of a subsidy for housing and communal services in Moscow

The acceptable level of utility costs in Moscow is 10% of the family’s total earnings. For the subsidy, the total amount of income for the previous 6 months is calculated. The family includes:

  • spouses and their minor children;
  • blood relatives living together;
  • citizens who have not registered a marriage, but have children together and live together;
  • guardians and trustees living with their wards.

In this case, income includes:

  • wages and other payments provided for by the Labor Code as remuneration;
  • saved average earnings;
  • severance and social benefits;
  • pensions, regardless of whether a non-working pensioner applies or a working one;
  • funds received:
    • from the use of one’s own property, entrepreneurial activity;
    • from bank deposits;
    • by inheritance;
    • as a gift.

The following are not considered income:

  • earnings of adult children living separately;
  • assistance from the state for child support;
  • income of parents deprived of parental rights;
  • income of spouses passing military service or in correctional institutions.

The procedure for applying for subsidies for Muscovites

Registration of subsidies for payment of housing and communal services in Moscow takes place in Multifunctional Centers, in the district department of the City Center for Housing Subsidies (GCHS) or through the Internet portal public services Moscow.

The main task of the SCHC is to provide targeted assistance to Muscovites in paying for housing and communal services. On the official website of the institution you can find a sample application and request forms for those who do not know how to obtain information about income on the basis of which the amount of compensation is calculated.

The MFC Center is an intermediary between the applicant and government agency. Here, in the “single window” mode, they only accept documents. Employees do not decide on the accrual of subsidies, but redirect the received papers to social security departments.

To get an appointment at the MFC, you need to make an appointment at electronic queue in the very center or in electronic form using the “sign up in queue” service on the website.

In order to minimize the number of visits to institutions when applying for compensation, you can submit an application and copies of documents through the State Services Internet portal.

In this case, citizens will not have to look for where to apply for a subsidy for utilities, because all data can be transmitted over the Internet. Having received the service notification, you only need to present the original documents on the specified date and time.

To access personal account need to register.

Set of documents for subsidies

The basis for considering an application for compensation for housing and communal services is an application and certain documents for a subsidy:

  • passports of the applicant and family members;
  • certificates of income for all those indicated in the application;
  • a certificate of absence of debt for utility bills or an agreement on its repayment;
  • information about rent in the last month before submitting the application;
  • copies of certificates confirming the right to benefits and compensation: labor veteran, WWII veteran, disability and others;
  • grounds for residence of all citizens specified in the application at the address for which compensation is calculated: certificate of ownership, rental agreement;
  • details of the account to which the compensation will be transferred.

Authorized institutions have the right to check the information. The applicant is held liable for providing false data.

More details about what timeframes and what documents need to be provided to calculate the subsidy are described in the material.

Subsidy for Moscow pensioners

After reaching a certain age and retiring, every citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to count on regular cash payments. Calculate the pension Pension fund RF based on length of service and earnings, so its size cannot be the same for everyone. In this regard, the Moscow government has developed social support measures for some categories of citizens.

The main criterion for assigning a subsidy is the financial situation of the pensioner. There are no benefits based solely on reaching retirement age.

The need factor is determined taking into account the cost of utilities and the amount of total income. What subsidies are available to pensioners in 2019 is indicated by Moscow Government Decree No. 850-PP dated December 7, 2004.

Main payment characteristics:

  • gratuitousness – funds received are not subject to return, but payment may be suspended or terminated;
  • intended purpose - the amounts received must be used to pay for housing and communal services, otherwise they will be recovered in court;
  • subsidies for utility bills are financed from the regional budget.

The main purpose of compensation is to reduce the cost of maintaining housing for pensioners with low income. In this case, the amount of payments should not exceed the family’s actual expenses for housing.

But there is a category of pensioners who, according to clause 1.2 of Moscow Government Decree No. 850-PP dated December 7, 2004, receive fixed benefits for utility bills in Moscow in the amount of 50% of costs, regardless of the type of housing stock:

  • rehabilitated persons and members of their families;
  • citizens recognized as victims of unjustified political repression.

If a pensioner has federal or regional benefits (WWII veteran, disabled person, etc.), this fact will definitely be taken into account when calculating.

Subsidy calculation

The procedure for calculating the amount of compensation is set out in detail in the Rules for the provision of subsidies for housing and utilities. The following are accepted as the main parameters:

  • service consumption standards;
  • tariffs;
  • level of improvement of the premises;
  • availability of benefits.

There are several formulas that help you understand how the subsidy for housing and communal services in Moscow is calculated depending on the average per capita income of the population.

With an average per capita family income equal to or higher than the subsistence levelWhen the average per capita family income is below the subsistence levelIf the average per capita family income is below the subsistence level, with benefits and discounts provided
SSZHKU x n – MDD/100 x DSSZHKU – cost of housing and communal services n – composition of the applicant’s family MDD – maximum allowable share of expensesD – total income familiesSSZHKU x n – MDD/100 x D x KK – correction factor calculated according to the formula: average per capita income of the population / subsistence level of the applicant’s familySSZHKU x n – MDD/100 x D x KK – correction factor calculated according to the formula: amount of payment taking into account the benefit / amount of payment without benefit

By substituting the corresponding values ​​into the formulas that the table contains, it is easy to calculate the approximate compensation for housing and communal services.

The official website of the Moscow Mayor provides a convenient online calculator for the amount of subsidies. If you enter in simple form area of ​​the premises, family composition and number of years registered, the program itself will calculate the amount of the subsidy.

It is useful for Muscovites applying for a discount to learn how to complete it independently and without errors.


Financial assistance from regional authorities helps reduce utility costs. This article discusses the rules that relate to the registration of subsidies. After carefully reading the provisions of these regulations, citizens will find out whether they have the right to payments and how to apply for compensation.

Video: Subsidies for housing and utilities

Lawyer. Member of the Bar Association of St. Petersburg. More than 10 years of experience. Graduated from St. Petersburg state university. I specialize in civil, family, housing, and land law.

Any family whose income is below the generally accepted subsistence level in the region can receive a subsidy this year. According to state legislation, the share of expenses for housing and communal services for each family should not exceed the permissible limit - 22%. Moreover, 100% is total income, which includes scholarships, salaries and pensions. Pensioners, veterans, disabled people, single mothers and other citizens who belong to socially vulnerable groups of the population also have the right to receive assistance.

Receiving benefits is possible after submitting a package of documents and an application in a certain form. However, one should not assume that this social program has no restrictions. Families with students and unemployed persons must submit additional certificates. Contact multifunctional center To receive benefits, you must have paper that officially confirms your income level.

You cannot apply for a subsidy for an apartment for which there is arrears. An exception is the situation in which the property owner has taken the measures necessary to restructure the debt. An official document confirming these actions is the reason for approval of the application for a subsidy.

Where are subsidies for housing and communal services issued?

You can send the required package of papers in several ways:

  • using the official government services portal;
  • visit to a specialized regional subsidy department;
  • contact a multifunctional center that provides services to the public.

In any case, the submitted papers must undergo a series of checks, after which a final decision will be made on whether to provide social assistance. For pensioners and veterans, the list of documents is simplified as much as possible. Young families will have to officially prove their total income level.

If necessary, a citizen can submit papers to the above authorities through his official representative. The application is reviewed by an authorized employee of the housing authority. It checks the correctness of completion and authenticity, and also records the date of receipt and review.

Officials check the reality of the income indicated in the application. After confirming the accuracy of the data, employees begin notifying public utilities. The final stage of the work is the issuance of a subsidy. The payer will be able to receive compensation to a specially created bank account. Transfers are usually made before the 10th day of the month following the reporting period.

Documents for receiving subsidies for housing and communal services

To receive a subsidy, you must collect a complete package of documents regulated by the state of the Russian Federation:

  • a statement of a certain form;
  • passport details of the applicant and all family members;
  • a document confirming the citizenship of a country with which the Russian Federation has signed a corresponding international agreement (for foreigners);
  • birth certificates of minors living in the applicant’s apartment;
  • title papers for the apartment for which the benefit is issued;
  • certificate of family composition with dates of registration;
  • a document confirming the level of family income for the last six months;
  • latest receipts for housing and communal services (to confirm the absence of debt);
  • documents indicating direct right the applicant or his family member to receive assistance from the state.

Subsidies are provided for six months. Heating benefits can be applied for at any time of the year.

Receiving subsidies has become a significant measure of assistance to the population - today you can even receive funds to compensate for housing and communal services, and many people take advantage of such opportunities. Subsidies are aimed at helping low-income categories of the population, and therefore, in order to receive such assistance, it is necessary to meet the list of requirements established by regional authorities. In particular, there are criteria that determine what income should be to receive a subsidy, and it is according to them that social security or subsidy department employees are primarily guided.

When considering such an issue as subsidies, it should be noted that much of it is based on the ratio of the size of utility payments and the budget of a family or a person living alone.

There is a maximum figure of 22 percent, and rent should not take large amounts from the family budget.

Important! In Moscow, this figure is minimal per person – 10 percent, and in general it can vary greatly across regions.

Another important condition is the absence of utility debts. If a person does not consider it necessary to pay rent, or does not do so regularly, accumulating significant debts, he will not be provided with government support. The only possibility is a debt restructuring agreement, which can be concluded with organizations that provide housing and communal services, and with these documents you can try to order subsidies - if you follow the payment schedule to repay the debt, the funds will be provided.

Also, when calculating the amounts that a person applying for government assistance can claim, certain standards are taken into account. This is the standard size of area per resident, which is up to 33 square meters. m. for a single person, up to 42 sq.m. for two, and +18 sq. m. for each subsequent family member. Utility prices are also taken into account, which change every year and are formed differently in each region. In Moscow, fees for heating, major repairs, water supply, gas, electricity, and sewerage are taken into account.

The following categories of people can apply for assistance from the state in accordance with existing legislation: owners of apartments or houses and members of housing cooperatives, tenants of housing from the municipality, tenants of private housing if they have the appropriate document.

Important! People who are not citizens of the Russian Federation cannot apply for assistance and subsidies in this direction.

What income must be to receive a subsidy?

At what income can I apply for a subsidy? The most important criterion in this situation is the percentage that is spent from the family budget on utility bills. The percentage is individual for each region.

What is being considered here is not the cost of living, but another concept - the maximum family budget, which ensures the right to receive a subsidy for an apartment, and it also remains individual for each region, allowing for significant differences.

In Moscow on at the moment The following indicators and ratios appear.

How much should it cost per person? With an income of 800-2000 rubles per month per family member, no more than 3 percent of these should be spent on housing and communal services common funds. If the income per tenant is 2-2.5 thousand rubles, expenses should not exceed 6 percent. If the income is above 2,500 rubles per family member, then the expense should not exceed 10 percent.

What income is taken into account?

When calculating, any regular income coming to the family is taken into account. This is not only a salary, but also a pension, as well as student benefits, child benefits and other benefits. When collecting documents for the provision of government assistance, it is necessary to indicate all these sources of family financing.

Share of expenses for housing and communal services

The family budget is made up of the income of each family member. No more than 10-22 percent should be allocated from it to pay off utility bills, depending on regional requirements. You can check the current indicator for your region by contacting the social security or subsidy department.

Maximum family budget for applying for a subsidy

A common question is how much do you need to receive, or what income should you have to receive a subsidy? The maximum income indicator varies by region, and in Moscow for a single resident it is 36.9 thousand rubles.

At the same time, it is worth remembering the percentage ratio - for a communal apartment no more than 10 percent of this person’s budget should be required, and he should live in an area of ​​no more than 33 square meters. meters - all this is in accordance with the standards.

For an ordinary apartment building in the capital, the maximum total family budget is for two people - 57.3 thousand rubles, for three - 79.9, for four - 106.6.

However, these decisions are relevant for Moscow, and only for those people who are owners and residents of apartments in apartment building with an obligation to pay for major repair services. Depending on the region and living conditions, indicators can vary significantly, and therefore it is advisable to clarify what indicators are needed for each individual case.

Possible subsidy amount

S x N x K

And in it WITH represents the cost of communal services in the region, when calculating the cost per 1 sq. meter, N– norm for footage per tenant, TO– the number of residents who are members of the same family and registered in the same residential premises.

There are other, more complex calculations that apply depending on the circumstances.

But it is worth knowing that the amount of the subsidy is never greater than the amount of the utility payment itself for the current month.

And the indicator of 100 percent of its payment can be achieved extremely rarely - this mainly concerns people with special awards, as well as disabled pensioners living alone.

On average throughout the country, the amount of such assistance is 2-3 thousand rubles, which allows partially covering utility costs.

Why can they refuse?

There is a certain list of situations when an applicant is denied assistance. Refusals arise for a number of reasons - due to incorrect completion of the application or provision of not all documents, submission of false information.

It also happens that they are denied because of utility debts, as well as because the family cannot be considered low-income, and it is not included in the regional indicators according to which benefits can be provided. Such assistance will not be given to those who are not citizens of the Russian Federation, who do not meet the requirements that are put forward to applicants for subsidies.

You need to know that the social support authority is obliged to indicate the reason why it refuses to provide funds. And if this reason turns out to be biased, you may well appeal it in court.


Thus, not all people can count on receiving subsidies for housing and communal services - there is a certain list of criteria that allows us to identify applicants who really need help from people who are provided with these funds. Among the criteria important role plays the family's wealth, the income that ensures its existence, remaining a regular source of cash.

On the one hand, the calculation is based on the earnings of a person or family living alone, but on the other hand, there is a certain percentage that should include all amounts for utility bills, and if it is not possible to fit all payments into this percentage of the family budget, you can apply for help from the state.

The percentages and maximums for each region are not the same, they vary widely. And therefore, for each case, it is necessary to consider regional indicators, which can be clarified in the local subsidy or social security department. Having received necessary information, you will be able to understand whether your family is included in the preferential category, and whether it makes sense to apply for subsidies in general for your situation.