Conversation with children of the middle group “Fire is our friend, fire is our enemy. "fire is our friend or foe" node in the educational field "security" Fire is our friend, but it is also the enemy

Class hour “Fire is our friend, Fire is our enemy!”
Target: Read the rules fire safety at home and at school, developing knowledge about the consequences of improper use of fire, heating devices, introducing the rules of behavior in emergency situations- urgently report what happened, the ability to extinguish a fire, the ability not to panic and not get lost.
Preparatory work: excursion to fire department, reading stories, messages from periodicals, becoming familiar with the rules of behavior in situations.
Equipment: illustrations, drawings, posters.
Progress of the event:
Presenter: Information about fire danger in winter. because Stove heating is used, people are heated using electric fireplaces and gas stoves, which contributes to their combustion. Everyone needs to remember this and be especially careful and attentive.
Today we will talk about fire. When do we consider fire our friend? (listen to the students’ answers) That’s right, fire is our friend, but it can also become a formidable enemy if we mishandle it.
Know that in anger he is angry. He will not spare anything. He can destroy a school. A grain field, your house, and everything around the house.
Even people sometimes die in the flames of a fire. Always remember this!
Know the firefighter rules without hesitation Follow the firefighter rules strictly The first rule applies to everyone The rule is the most important On the street, at school and in the room Guys, remember about it!
All: “Matches are not a toy, don’t touch them, in matches - fire"
Four first-graders, Desperate pranksters, Out of boredom, just like that, They climbed into the attic. They lit a fire and sat down in a semicircle.
Someone started a conversation Dispelling boredom And the fire was waiting for it Burning brighter Sparks were thrown to the sides It was getting hotter

And all kinds of rubbish everywhere. An alarming twilight. Cobwebs in the corners. Quietly whispering to the naughty boys, “Be careful...” But the boys had no idea. Suddenly something bad happened! And they had to get away from there as fast as they could..
Friends escaped from the fire And were not confused. They immediately realized: “We can’t wait.” And they quickly rushed to the machine around the corner So that the house remained intact. A few minutes later there was a detachment of firefighters here!

Rule two is easy to remember: “Be careful with electrical appliances!” With an iron and a kettle, with a stove and a soldering iron
Presenter: These devices are not a toy, everyone remember, this is what happened one day:
Scene; He turned on the electric stove to heat up dinner, When suddenly a whistle was heard at the gate. This is Serik’s best friend. They talked about everything and decided to go to the cinema. Closing the gate behind him, Sergei forgot about the stove. He hurried home happy. Sergei ran up and was stupefied, involuntarily sat down on a bench. The house stood all burnt - the tiles had caused trouble
ALL; Handle electricity skillfully - our advice!
Presenter: What should Sergei have done? What mistakes did Sergei make? (The tile must be placed on a fireproof stand when leaving _ turn it off)

Sketch about Gena and Lena
Gene wanted to eat. Mom wasn’t there, she went to the doctor. He asks his sister Lena: “Lena, I want to eat.” There is firewood, there is kindling. The matches are also somewhere here And the kids, as best they could, lit the stove themselves And that’s what the fire needed - he jumped onto the floor to join the kids Lena and Gena realized everything and weren’t confused Even though they were only three and five, they called for help It’s good the neighbors are nearby, the neighbors put out the fire And call the firefighters no need, but the neighbor is 10 years old
Presenter: What mistakes were made, who is guilty, who did the right thing? (Remember, if you have a younger brother and sister, never allow them to approach the stove. It is forbidden to use gasoline when lighting firewood - it ignites Presenter: Rule three Guys! Do not light fires near buildings, in a field, in a forest, near grain fields. This is very dangerous!
If your family allows you to light the stove, you must always be on guard so as not to bring grief. If you light the stove, keep an eye on it! Don’t go anywhere!
Firewood will not ignite - Do not use gasoline. This is prohibited - Gasoline will ignite!
Host: Guys! Do not light fires near buildings, in fields, in forests or near grain fields. This is very dangerous.

Fires are forbidden to be near us. Remember, guys, there is one rule: Morning, evening and day, be careful with fire! And then, as they say, a fire will not happen
Fire should never happen!
Presenter: And now we will play a game. It’s called “Unique Phrase” I call 2 spectators onto the stage. Repeat after me, one after another, three magic phrases: Don't touch the matches - there is fire in the matches! (player repeats)Matches are not a toy! (player repeats)Do you play pranks with matches yourself? (No, I don’t.)
Host: Well, you were wrong!

2nd player – The girl forgot to turn off the iron. (player repeats)This could lead to a fire. .(player repeats) Repeat louder! (repeats louder)So you were wrong.
Eh, what should I do with you? I’m even ready to give a prize to someone who repeats three magic phrases after me. (I pick up the prize)
The boys lit a fire in the yard.And I put out this fire!Well done! get a prize!
Game "Best Fire Truck Driver"
(Showing the children a toy car)
Firefighter carServing good serviceAny fireWhat's up guys? (He'll put it out!)
That's right guysAny fire will be extinguished!And now...I ask for two guys on stageWho wants to become firefighters?
(Players pull toy cars by the cords. The winner is the one who is the first to bring the car closer to him.)
Leading: Guys, how do they call the firefighters? (children answer)That's right, firefighter number 01. Why exactly do they dial this number? (children's answers)
Game "Call 01" The players must go to the phone and dial the correct number 01. After which you must report into the receiver: “There is a fire on Mira Street, house number 5. Reported by a student of such and such class, such and such school.” Whoever does this first is the winner.

Game for attention To the teacher’s questions, the children answer: “This is me, this is me. These are all my friends! »
Who, having heard the smell of burning,Reporting a fire?
Which of you, having noticed the smoke,Fire will scream! We're on fire!
Which one of you is playing with fire?Morning evening and afternoon?
Who, smelling gas in the apartment,Will he call on 04?
Who doesn't light fires?And he doesn’t allow others?
Who is from little sisterAre the children hiding matches at home?
Which one of you is playing with fire?Well, admit it to me?

Lesson summary: “What will you do if:”
1 Have you discovered a fire? (I’ll call 01 and tell you what’s burning, where, how!)
2Has the room started to fill with thick, acrid smoke? (I’ll cover my mouth and nose with a wet handkerchief and move towards the exit, pressing myself to the floor)
3 Has the electrical wiring caught fire? (I’ll turn off the power and then start extinguishing)
4 Did your clothes catch fire? (I’ll stop, fall, sway, knocking out the flames)
5 Did the grease in the frying pan catch fire while cooking? (I'll cover the pan with a wet towel)
6 Did you see that the grass was burning? (I’ll try to extinguish it by throwing earth, knocking out the flames with a tree branch)
7Have you seen that kids throw unfamiliar objects into the fire, paper, aerosol packaging, or play with matches?) I’ll stop and explain that this is very dangerous.
8 During an interesting TV show, did you see smoke coming out of the TV? (I’ll turn off the TV, call the fire department, cover the TV with a wet rag)
9 Why the fire department number 01? (you can quickly and accurately dial the number in any situation and at any time of the day, every second counts)

Summing up: We found out that fire can be a friend when we can handle itHandle it carefully and carefully, and there will be no trouble.

Secondary school-gymnasium named after K.I Satbaev

Class hour on the topic: “Fire is our friend, fire is our enemy! »

Key manager Mamyraimova M.K.

Village Zhansugurova

Scenario class hour.

Objectives: - show the role of fire in human life, both positive and negative;

Introduce children to the profession of a firefighter, teach children the value of courage and

the heroism of the people of this profession;

Test students' knowledge of fire safety rules;

Make a note on how to behave in case of fire.



Class hour script for 2nd grade

“Is fire a friend or an enemy of man?”

Goals: - show the role of fire in human life, both positive and negative;

Introduce children to the profession of a firefighter, teach children to value courage and

Roism of people of this profession;

Test students' knowledge of fire safety rules;

Make a note on how to behave in case of fire.

Equipment : ICT (presentation), posters with rules fire safety,

Illustrations for the legend of Prometheus, notes for students.

Class progress

Teacher's opening speech.

Guess what we will talk about during class.

Hisses and gets angry

He is afraid of water.

With tongue, not barking.

No teeth, but bites. (fire)

If our hands are waxed,

If there are blots on your nose,

Who is our first friend then?

Will it remove dirt from your face and hands?

What mom can't live without

No cooking, no washing,

Without what, we will say frankly,

Should a person die?

For the rain to fall from the sky,

So that the ears of bread grow,

For ships to sail -

We can't live without...

Answer (water) (Slide 1)

Yes, fire is afraid of water. What different elements. How people need them. But they can also bring great danger and misfortune into the lives of each of us. Let's figure it out - what does fire mean to us? (Slide 2)

Teacher's story

In ancient times, when Zeus ruled the whole world, people who had just settled on earth were weak, powerless, and timid. They could neither think nor understand what they saw around them. They looked in horror at the storm clouds, the scorching sun, the endless sea and high mountains. From everything that frightened them, people hid in caves. At that time they had neither housing nor a family home: people did not cook food or warm themselves near the fire. And such a life was a miserable existence. The titan Prometheus took pity on people with his big heart and boldly violated the prohibition of Zeus: not to give people fire. Having made his way into the palace, the titan took a small spark of fire and, hiding it in an empty reed stalk, brought it to the people on earth. Since then, the bright lights of the fires have shone on the ground. Whole families of people gathered around them, fried meat, warmed themselves, and danced. Now people lived more cheerfully and friendly, and the titan Prometheus sincerely rejoiced at this. He taught people how to tame fire, smelt copper, and forge weapons. Thanks to Prometheus, people learned to think and, probably, felt like humans for the first time. Fire has become a reliable comrade and helper for people. (Slide 3)

Why does a person need fire in the modern world? List the areas of its application (cooking, firing ceramic tiles, smelting metals, thermal power plants, manufacturing glass and building materials)… (Slide 4)

We could go on and on about how fire helps us all, both in everyday life and at work, but we must remember that careless handling of fire can lead to disaster.

Every year there are about 5 million fires in the world. Every hour one person dies in a fire, two are injured or burned. Every third person killed is a child. Out of 10 fires, 9 occur due to human fault, every 5th fire is due to a child’s prank with fire. Our firefighters are constantly fighting the fire dragon. (Slide 5)

A big fire or fire is a huge monster that devours everything around with its fiery tongue. This tongue eats up your favorite toys, dresses, houses, and even entire streets.

As a rule, children are afraid of fire. What do you think, is it possible to make fire not so scary? Of course you can! To do this, you need to learn to manage your fear.

To begin with, let everyone say to themselves: “I am strong. I'm not afraid of fire. I can control fire. I can prevent a fire!”

And in order to prevent a fire, you need to know well the rules for using objects from which it can occur.

Game "Remember!"

Near the house and barn

Don't you dare light a fire!

Maybe there's a big problem

For buildings and people. (Slide 6)

And in the forest a fire is dangerous -

For trees, birds, animals.

The forest will always be beautiful

No fires or embers. (Slide 7)

So that the fire does not escape,

So that he knows his place,

You create a barrier for him:

A fence made of stones and earth.

When leaving, cover it with earth

Or fill everything with water. (Slide 8)

For the wheat to grow

You have to work hard.

Don't light a fire

Where the harvest ripens. (Slide 9)

If you want to save your property,

Don't leave when the stove is on. (Slide 10)

Turn off the gas in the apartment!

You need an eye for gas! (Slide 11)

To avoid any troubles
There is no way for the fire to go to the Christmas tree! (Slide 12)

Pyrotechnics are dangerous

It looks great though. (Slide 13)

Rules safe behavior:

So that all this does not take you by surprise, you need to once again remember the main rules of safe behavior in emergency situations:

On the board:





1 . In a fire, people die not from the flames, but from smoke and hot air. Sometimes a few sips are enough to lose consciousness or stop fighting for life. Therefore, protect yourself from smoke. In a smoky place you can only breathe through wet, dense material, a scarf, or a hat.

2 . When leaving the apartment, close the door to both the burning room and the apartment (the flame will not only decrease without oxygen, but may go out completely). You can only leave the apartment knowing that there is no one left there. Young children especially need to be supervised. From the smoke they hide in closets, under tables, beds, in bathrooms and most often do not respond. Moving through a smoky apartment, you can get lost in your own home - remember this danger. Make your way through smoky corridors on all fours or crawling - there is less smoke below.

3 . If there is smoke in the entrance, try to first find out what is happening. However, this must be done carefully: when leaving the apartment, be sure to close the door behind you, otherwise the apartment will become a huge chimney. If smoke makes it difficult to breathe, do not try to go lower. Return to the apartment and call “01”. If you live in a modern house, close the door, stuff the cracks with wet rags, plug the vents and wait for the firemen. If smoke and heat enter the apartment, despite the measures taken, there is still the opportunity to go out onto the balcony and signal to the rescuers. (Slide 14)

Drawing up fire safety rules (memos)

Let's define fire safety rules

  1. Don't play around with matches and lighters at home.
  2. When leaving a room or home, do not forget to turn off electrical appliances.
  3. Do not dry clothes over the stove.
  4. Never light fireworks, candles, or sparklers at home.

(it’s better to do this with adults).

Summing up. Blitz survey.

What is an emergency? (A danger that threatens many people at once.)

Which the most important rules security do you remember?

What should you do if there is a fire in your apartment?

Why can't you hide under the bed during a fire?

- Never cause a fire: do not play with matches, lighters or other sources of fire; do not throw shells into the fire, do not pour kerosene, gasoline or other flammable liquids, do not leave an unextinguished fire in the forest. (Slide 15)

At the end of the class hour, children are asked to keep a memo with the rules of conduct to prevent a fire and during a fire.

Class hour "Fire - our friend or enemy?"

The purpose of the class hour: show the role of fire in human life; identify the causes leading to a fire; draw up a reminder about behavior in case of fire.

Classroom objectives:

  • know fire safety rules;

  • develop cognitive interests students, creativity; communication and speech qualities; bring up strong-willed qualities, kind attitude towards others and friend

  • friend, a sense of patriotism, professional guidance.
Equipment: A large book with colorful illustrations on this topic, drawings by students, proverbs for group work

Class progress

1. Introduction to the topic.

Educator. Before I tell you the topic of the lesson, guess the riddles:

1) If you feed him, he lives, if you give him something to drink, he dies. (Fire.)

2) I'm shaggy, I'm shaggy,

I'm above every house in winter,

Over the fire and the factory,
Over the fire and the steamboat.
But nowhere, nowhere me
Can't happen without fire. (Smoke.)

3) Mined in Siberia,

Runs in a pipe along the bottom of the seas,
Appears in the apartment
Under your saucepan. (Gas.)

4) This is a cramped, cramped house:

A hundred sisters huddle in it.
And any of the sisters
It might flare up
like a fire. (Matches.)

5) A little blue spark runs along the wires.

Helps sew, wash, vacuum cleaner - swallow dust.
He undertakes to work for us,
But it’s not given into your hands. (Electricity.)

Guys, as you probably guessed, the topic of our lesson will be fire safety.

2. Conversation. How the fire got to people.


First, we will talk about the meaning of fire and remember how fire got to people. (The children say that the ancients people made fire by friction, struck sparks from stone.)

Do you know who Prometheus is?

This is the legendary ancient Greek hero who gave fire to people.

In ancient times, when Zeus ruled the whole world, people who had just settled on earth were weak, powerless, and timid. They could neither think nor understand what they saw around them. They looked in horror at the storm clouds, the scorching sun, the endless sea and high mountains. From everything that frightened them, people hid in caves. At that time they had neither housing nor a family hearth - people did not cook food, did not warm themselves near the fire. And such a life was a miserable existence. The titan Prometheus took pity on people with his big heart, and boldly violated the prohibition of Zeus: not to give people fire. Having made his way into the palace, the titan took a small spark of fire and, hiding it in an empty reed stalk, brought it to the people on earth. Since then, the bright lights of the fires have shone on the earth. Whole families of people gathered around them, fried meat, warmed themselves, and danced. Now people lived more cheerfully and friendly, and the titan Prometheus sincerely rejoiced at this. He taught people how to tame fire, smelt copper, and forge weapons. Thanks to Prometheus, people learned to think and, probably, felt like humans for the first time. Fire became a reliable comrade and helper for people. It is difficult to imagine a branch of human activity where fire is not used. Name the areas of application of fire.

(Cooking, internal combustion engines (machines), smelting metals, making glass and bricks, firing ceramics, home heating, thermal power plants, etc.)

We could go on and on about how fire helps us all, both in everyday life and at work, but we must always remember that careless handling of fire and pranks with fire can lead to disaster. Listen to the poem

Matches are the best toy
For bored children.
Dad's tie, mom's passport -
Here's a small fire.
If you throw the slippers,
Or put a broom,
You can fry a whole chair
Cook the fish soup in the nightstand.
If adults are somewhere
The matches were hidden from you,
Explain to them that matches
For the fire you need. G. Oster

Of course, this is a humorous poem, but is it possible to joke with fire? What can playing with fire lead to? (To the fire.)

Fire uncontrolled combustion causing material damage, harm to the life and health of citizens, and the interests of society and the state.

The houses we live in are provided with gas and electrical appliances. Almost every family uses a variety of household chemicals. IN residential buildings fires occur much more often than in public or industrial buildings. The causes of fires are the same in all cases.

Causes of fires

– Careless handling of fire (90%).

– Careless use of household heating appliances.

– Violation of fire safety rules during the operation of the network and electrical wiring.

– Inability to properly operate gas appliances.

– Fire of televisions and radio equipment.

– Incorrect design and malfunction of stoves and chimneys.

- Children's pranks with fire.

Statistics show that usually from 15 to 20% of the total number of fires occurs from children playing pranks with fire or heating devices. Every year there are about 5 million fires in the world. Every third person killed in a fire is a child 9.

Mobile competitions
1. Dial phone number fire service"01" blindfolded.
2. “Two boots are a pair.” The players' legs are tied (the left leg of one player to the right leg of the other). Holding hands, they must jump to the finish line.
During a fire, the ability to work quickly, amicably and together is very important. Let me... warn him"

Let's look at a book about fire safety.

A conversation is held based on these illustrations, the children express their opinions about what pranks with fire lead to.

What other recommendations have you prepared?

Do not dry your pants over gas after washing,

Otherwise there will be holes in the pants.
Without turning off the electrical appliance,
You may be left without brand new curtains.
The curtains will smoke first, and then
The whole house will go up in flames along with the curtains.

Adults also need to remember:

Most people die from smoke in fires! (Together).

5. A report on a brief history of fire fighting and the consequences of fires.


– In the Code of Laws of Ivan III, introduced in 1498, it is said about the Kurts (those who smoke): “Do not give the lighter the belly (life), execute him death penalty" This is the severe punishment that awaited the perpetrators of the fire. Why do you think?

(All the buildings used to be wooden, and the fire could easily spread. It was very difficult to extinguish the fire, there was no fire equipment. The fire brought enormous disasters, destroying people's homes, livestock, various buildings, food, and, finally, people died in the fire. That's why the punishment was so cruel. It is easier to prevent a disaster than to correct the consequences - the ancient people understood this.)

– Since 1689, Peter the Great ordered that fires be extinguished by Moscow archers, sotsky elders and townspeople.

– In 1803, Alexander I signed a decree on organizing a fire department in St. Petersburg.

– The first fire brigade in Kyiv was organized in 1841, it consisted of 25 people.

– On April 17, 1918, the Decree “On State Measures to Fight Fire” would have been signed. This day became the day of the formation of the fire department.

– Any games with fire can lead to injury – burns. Doctors divide burns into four degrees. First - when the skin turns red. Second - when blisters appear on the burned area. Third And fourth - the most severe, which can lead to fatal outcome. But most often people die from suffocation from smoke generated during combustion.

6. Work in groups.

How do you understand proverbs?

  1. Water and fire are good servants, but terrible masters.

  2. From a little spark big fire It happens.

  3. There is no smoke without fire.

  4. Fill the fire with oil - just add fire. Fire is afraid of water.

  5. Spark the carcass before the fire, avert trouble before the impact.
Every citizen knows
This number is 01.
If trouble comes to you -
Call there quickly.
What if you don't have a phone?
Call people from the balcony.

(A false call to the fire brigade is unacceptable, since at the moment Someone may really need the help of firefighters.

Pranksters face a heavy fine for falsely calling the fire department.

Rules of conduct in case of fire"

– Call the fire department by calling “01”.

– If an electrical appliance catches fire, try to turn it off by unplugging the cord from the outlet with dry hands.

– Try to extinguish a small fire by covering it with a blanket and thus cutting off the access of oxygen.

– If possible, leave the premises through the door or along the fire escape.

– You should breathe through a wet rag or towel, move, bending down to the floor, as the acrid smoke rises up.

– If it is not possible to leave the room, do not open windows and vents, as the air flow intensifies combustion.

– Plug the cracks under the door with a wet rag to prevent the entry of acrid smoke.

– Breathe through a wet rag or towel and lie on the floor, wait for firefighters.

First aid for burns.

– Apply a clean gauze bandage.

– Urgently go to the hospital or call “03” and wait for “Ambulance”.

8. Quiz questions.

Now we will check how well you have learned today's lesson. What things are allowed to hang on electrical wires?
2) What nails can be driven between the wires?
3) What kind of fabric can be used to wrap an electric light bulb?
4) What kind of wallpaper is allowed to cover wires?
5) In which hand should a car driver hold a cigarette when driving over a wooden bridge?
6) From which side should you light a fire in windy weather?

(The answer to all questions is negative. This should not be done at all.)

Teacher Verba A.N.

    show the role of fire in human life: both positive and negative;

    teach children rules of behavior that ensure the safety of their lives

in emergency situations, in case of fire at home or school,

Educational tasks:

    cultivate courage, boldness, resourcefulness, modesty, self-confidence;

    careful handling of property.


fire safety posters;

drawings by children on the topic: “Playing with fire is dangerous!”;

Fire and Sparkle costumes;

posters with conclusions (posted during the lesson)

1. Fire is not a toy - you cannot play with it;

2. You cannot play with matches.

A small match can start a big fire.

3.Do not leave switched on electrical appliances unattended.

4. Do not light gas or fire without adult supervision.

5. Do not light fires in windy weather;

6. In case of fire, call 01.

Progress of the lesson:

    Statement of the problem.


Today we will talk about safety rules.

What danger do you think could threaten a person in the house?

To find out about one such danger, let's solve the riddles:

    The father is hot and red, he can be dangerous.

    If you feed him he lives, if you give him something to drink he dies.

    Hisses and gets angry, afraid of water.

    With a tongue, but not barking, without teeth, but biting. What is this?

    He barely touches it and turns the house into firewood.

This is all FIRE.


What rules of safe behavior do you think we will talk about?

(about fire safety).

In ancient times, as soon as people learned to make fire, it became their faithful assistant.

We have guests today, let's welcome them.

A boy in a fire costume and a sparkle girl come out.

The fire boy is reading.

Adults know, children know:

To the farthest ends of the earth:

How long have people lived in the world?

They protected the fire more than their eyes.

the girl is a sparkle.

After all, fire in the cold, in bad weather

I always warmed them up by the fire,

And to the great human race

Never let it freeze.

They preserved it as best they could,

Almighty hot fire

And even though thousands of years have flown by,

People still need him.

After all, from ancient times until our century

He is man's helper and friend.


Now it is difficult to imagine our life without fire.

Let's remember where fire can be used?

(cooking, metal smelting, manufacturing of building materials, glass, dishes,

thermal power plants, etc.)

We could go on and on about how fire helps us in everyday life and at work, but we must always remember that careless handling of fire can lead to disaster.

Fire can be both a friend and an enemy to a person.

Let's remember an excerpt from S. Ya. Marshak's poem “Fire”:

Pre-prepared children read

Mother went to the market,

She told her daughter Lena:

“Don’t touch the stove, Lenochka,

It’s burning, Lenochka, fire!”

Only the mother left the porch,

Lena sat down in front of the stove.

He looks into the red firebox,

And in the stove the fire is humming:

the boy is reading - fire

“Nowadays there is not enough space in the stove,

There was nowhere to go for a walk,

Mom, Lenochka, don’t believe it,

Open the door a little wider."

Lena opened the door slightly,

The fire jumped from the log,

I burned the floor in front of the stove.

Climbed the tablecloth onto the table,

Ran over the chairs with a crash,

Crawled up the curtains

The walls were covered in smoke.

Licking the floor and ceiling...


What rule do you think Lena broke? What did she forget?

Fire is not a toy; you cannot play with it.

Pre-prepared children read.

This is a cramped, cramped house:

A hundred sisters huddle in it.

And any of the sisters

It might break out like a fire.


And the foxes took the matches,

Let's go to the blue sea,

The blue sea was lit.

The sea is on fire...


This is what K. Chukovsky said. What do you think he warned us about?

You can't play with matches. A small match can start a big fire.

The girl is a sparkle.

For fun, for play

Don't pick up matches

Don't joke, my friend, with fire,

So as not to regret later.

(Repeat all together in chorus)

People felt strength and power

Since fire was tamed.

But there are other fires too -

It will not warm your palms,

Turns everything into ash and smoke.

And he is cruel, and menacing, and terrible.

Fire Boy

Don’t light the fire yourself and don’t let others do it.

Even a tiny flame is not far from a fire.

Girl - sparkle

And now we will find out which of you is the most attentive, the most competent in matters of fire safety.

To do this, we will conduct a short quiz.

1. What things are allowed to hang on electrical wires?

2. How high should a fire be if it is lit without adult supervision?

3. From which side should you light a fire in windy weather?

4. In which hand should you hold a match if you light a gas stove without the presence of adults?

5. What should you check before leaving home?

6. What phone number should you call if you see a fire?

7. How many times can you joke and just call number 01?

Boy is fire

Well done guys, you did a good job.

We really liked your drawings. They indicate that you know fire safety rules well.

Sparkle girl.

But we will be very pleased if you repeat the fire safety rules again and follow them.

Lesson summary:

Children repeat the rules in chorus, see off guests, look at posters and drawings

Sources used in preparing the event:

    magazine "Pedagogical Council" No. 12 2004,

    magazine "Pedagogical Council" No. 1 2007

    magazine "Pedagogical Council" No. 4 2007,

    Lessons on the topic: “Fire is our friend, fire is our enemy”

    Goals: Introduceproperties of fire for children; Introduce the various uses of fire by humans;Equipment : containers with water, a candle, matches, illustrations to familiarize children with fire safety rules, balloon.

    Progress of the lesson :

    Educator: We have a box on our table. What's in it? Let's open it. (There is a matchbox in the box.) The teacher reads a poem: There is a box in front of us, It looks like a mansion, An evil wizard lives in it, Hiding his dissatisfied gaze, Waiting for the naughty children. How will he begin to ask them: “Can I be friends with you? I am a cheerful light, The boxes have become too small for me! Is it difficult to take a match and let me go for a walk? I’ll run around and play pranks, I can make everyone laugh!” Very cunning light! But the guys don’t know that you can’t be friends with someone like that, It’s not in vain that matches are hidden! Educator: What a fire. That's right, fire is bright red or orange, it's very hot. Children's answers: fire gave people warmth, light, and protected them from wild animals. Educator: Fire cannot live without smoke. Try to guess the riddle. The red bull lies on the ground, the blue bull reaches for the sky. Children: The red bull is fire, and the blue bull is smoke.

    Educator: Look carefully at this poster. (Image of a house fire.) What is shown here? Children's answers. Educator: Children, tell me, what caused the fire? Children give various options answers: (from careless handling of matches, from improper use of electrical appliances and heating stoves, inattention, carelessness in handling burning objects and flammable materials).

    Educator: How does fire happen? What is it for us, does it benefit us? Children: Children's answers.

    Educator: That's right, fire is our friend: factories need it for smelting metal, factories for operating machines, schools, kindergartens for lighting and cooking.

    What harm does fire cause? Children: things, apartment, house, forest can burn; fires happen from playing with matches, lighters, from leaving electrical appliances on, or gas stoves on. The teacher organizes a game if there is a fire. Children stand in a circle. The teacher has a red balloon in his hands. The player must quickly guess the riddle and pass the ball to another. Hisses and gets angry, Afraid of water With a tongue, but not barking, Without teeth, but bites? (Fire) The red cat gnaws the tree, gnaws the tree,

    Lives happily. And he drinks water, hisses, and dies. Don't touch him with your hand. This red cat... (fire) The scarlet rooster in the water has gone out. (Fire) A cheerful little naughty boy, an orange boy, As soon as the evening comes, he gives a concert in the oven. The boy ran away, the firewood crackled loudly. Orange strands I really want to stroke... Don't touch the prankster His name is... (fire) Gray cloth Stretches out the window, Curls, soars, Rushes into the sky. (Smoke) Father is hot and red, He can be dangerous. And the son will become a bird and will not return to his father. (Fire and smoke) It may melt, but not the ice. It's not a lantern, but it gives light. (Candle) Dwarfs live in a wooden house. Such good-natured people distribute lights to everyone. (Matches) This is a cramped, cramped house: A hundred sisters are huddled in it. And any of the sisters

    It can break out like a fire! It is bright, beautiful, and attracts attention. Do you think it's possible to touch it? (No)

    Explain why? You might get burned. If you accidentally drop a candle on the carpet or floor, a fire may occur. Yes, indeed, fire is a bright, attractive element, but at the same time very dangerous. If fire becomes dangerous, how can a person cope with it? (It needs to be put out) What is fire afraid of? (Water, snow, sand, earth).

    Let's check the correctness of your statements. We store material in a container that is used to extinguish the fire. Do you recognize him? (Yes).

    Let's conduct an experiment: pour some water on a burning candle. (The child follows the teacher’s instructions.)

    What's happening and why? (The fire went out because he is afraid of water). Educator: Tell me, guys: when we can’t put out the fire on our own, what should we do?

    Children's answers. Educator: That's right, we're calling the fire brigade.

    Educator: Let's repeat everything we learned about fire.