Mathematics classes with blocks dyenesha lesson plan on the topic. We develop cognitive interest. lesson notes on femp using dienesha blocks Classes in kindergarten with dienesha blocks

Makushina Galina Sergeevna

Teacher of the first qualification category

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 37"

Theme: “Journey to Fairyland”

Target: Develop cognitive and creative abilities


1. To develop children’s skills to encode and decode (read) information about blocks using symbol cards.

2. Reinforce the idea of ​​properties geometric shapes: color, shape, size, thickness.

3. Learn to correlate the standard with the standard form (use a substitute object (block)).

4. Develop logical thinking.

5.Develop visual perception and hand-eye coordination.

6. Maintain interest in mathematical activities.

7. Develop cooperation skills and help each other.

Form: subgroup

Methods: verbal (questions, conversation), gaming (imaginary situation, didactic game), research method

Means: Dienesh blocks, Cuisinaire sticks.

Hoops (blue, red, yellow), trays (blue, red, yellow), symbol cards (codes), pictures with a stencil of mugs (half of an A4 sheet), pictures with images of objects, animals for making pictures that decorate the cafe.

Time: 20 minutes

Progress of the lesson:

Stage name. Form.

Stage tasks

Activities of a teacher

Children's activities


  1. 1. Greeting ritual

Creating a positive emotional

mood for the lesson. Forming a sense of self-confidence and group unity

We kick out “I don’t want”, “I can’t” and “I don’t know how”!

We invite “I can do everything”, “I will learn” and “I can do everything”.

We will become wizards if we want,

Let's imagine and create miracles ourselves.

Children enter the group, greet the teacher, stand in a circle and in chorus pronounce the words of the reflective training “The Impossible is Possible”, accompanying the speech with movements


2.Message about the topic of the lesson. Game situation "Train".

Get kids interested and attention

There is a knock on the door: Who came to us? Pinocchio. Guys, Pinocchio invites us to a fairyland. Shall we go with Buratino? How can you travel to fairyland? I propose to go to a fairyland on a magic train.

They stand in a circle, say hello, listen, answer questions.

Let's build a magic train, get into the carriages and go to a fairyland.

We've arrived. All. We found ourselves in a fairyland.

Children line up one after another, pretending to be a train with carriages. They ride to the music.

Who lives in a fairyland?

I suggest turning into wizards. If you want.

Children's answers

Let's try it then! 1.2.3 turn around and turn into a wizard.

That's it, now you are wizards. Look, in fairyland there is a magical material - blocks. But they lie somehow incomprehensibly, they are all mixed up. I suggest you put things in order. How?

Children's answers

3. Statement of the problem of sorting the blocks according to three characteristics.

D\i “Separate the blocks into three hoops”

Develop logical thinking

Look, there are three hoops. What do you think is the best way to sort the blocks? After the children’s answers, he makes a conclusion: by color.

(in a blue hoop - blue, in a red - red, in a yellow - yellow),

and how can you sort? Sorted by shape. Look here at all the squares (triangles, circles, rectangles. Children do how else they can be sorted (by size). By thickness.

We've put things in order! Get up, let's see what we got. It's a completely different matter. How we laid out the blocks.

Children make conclusions and arrange blocks by color

(by shape, size, thickness).

4. Statement of the task of decoding blocks.

D\i “Bake cookies”

Develop logical thinking, the ability to find blocks based on given characteristics drawn on symbol cards.

Order has been restored. What are they doing in the cafe? (eat). Fine. What can you eat in a cafe? Where can we get all these sweets?

We are wizards. Don't forget. You named a lot of sweets that can be ordered in a cafe. I suggest baking cookies. We agree! But so that everyone’s cookies turn out differently, Pinocchio prepared these symbol cards. Go ahead, review your clues and choose your cookie block.

(second option: decorate the cakes with berries. Each cake has different shapes: circle, square, triangle and symbol cards, according to which children find berries for their cake).

Answers to questions.

(Cookies, candy, ice cream, cakes)

Children look at their symbol cards (color, thickness, shape) and make a conclusion. From the hoops, children take the necessary shapes (cookie blocks, or berry blocks for decorating a cake) and put them in trays.

5. Statement of the problem.

Creative task.

Well done. The cookies were baked. What are we going to drink? From what? Where can I get them? So we don’t have time to go to the store, we’ve already arrived at the cafe. What can you make tea mugs from?

Children's answers (tea). Children's answers (in circles)

Children's answers (buy in the store). Children's answers (make) Children's answers (from sticks).

6.Independent productive activity children

D\i “Make a mug from Cuisenaire’s colored sticks”

Implementation of the plan in productive activities

Development of the ability to correlate sticks with a picture on a schematic representation of a mug. (ability to select sticks according to size in the picture)

From colored sticks - that's right.

The teacher helps as needed.

Children work to the accompaniment of soft music (they lay out circles from sticks printed on an A4 sheet of paper).

7.Children’s independent activities

Develop the ability to select blocks according to a given pattern.

Well. They put things in order, baked cookies, made mugs. But something is missing in our cafe, it’s somehow not cozy. How can we decorate our cafe?

How can you decorate? Pinocchio has prepared pictures for you. Now you will choose any picture you like and make an equally beautiful picture from our magic blocks.

Children's answers.

Children, if desired, choose a sample picture (caterpillar, ship, flower, etc.) and blocks, lay out a picture from the blocks (on the sample or next to it).

Let's now admire it from the outside. Guys, when you admire the paintings, you can see it very well from afar, you can’t see small details up close, everyone come here. (holds Pinocchio). Why do you think everything worked out for you? Because you all tried very hard!

We have a good cafe. Do you like

Children's answers

Children do the task


analysis, reflection, farewell.

Develop children's ability to tell stories, consolidate the ability to put their fantasies into words, a coherent story. Practice word formation.

Express your mood in words, feel a sense of satisfaction from the work done

You liked being wizards. What magical things have you done? What did you like most today? Do you remember? What caused the difficulty?

Children's answers.

MADOU"Kindergarten No. 418"

Abstract of GCD

in mathematics with Dienesh logic blocks in the middle group

"Journey to the city of geometric shapes"

Prepared and conducted by S.K. Sazykina

Perm 2014

Program content.

  1. Learn to name geometric shapes and describe their properties.
  2. To develop in children the ability to classify and generalize figures according to three properties (color, shape and size), to develop perception and attention.
  3. Practice recognizing numbers from 1 to 5.
  4. Develop attention, imagination, logic.

Progress of the lesson:

Children play on the carpet. The teacher's assistant brings in the parcel.

  • Package

Educator: Guys, he sent us a parcel, and there is a letter in it! Let's read it: “Guys, the geometric shapes are lost. Help them get back to the land of geometric shapes. Your magic carpet will help you travel.”

What should guys do? (Help the figures)

“You need to sit on the magic carpet, grab it, say the spell:

Our magic carpet! Take flight!" (Music sounds - let's fly.)

We fly over the city, we fly over the fields. We hold the carpet tightly. We might fall if we let him go.

Here we are in a magical land. Let's look around, what do we see?

  • Lock

Oh! There is a lock on the door. Magic. Probably, to open it you also need to say a spell. But the letter says nothing about him.

Let's think about how to open it?

*children's suggestions.

Let's try to open it by typing some code. (The teacher names the code, the children show the named number on their cards.)

Let's take a closer look at the lock. What is drawn here? Can you name it in one word? (Shapes)

Let's think, perhaps you need to click on some figure to open the lock? Which one?

How are these figures different? What figure is missing here? Not like everyone else? (An extra small figure! All the figures are large, but this figure is small.)

How else is it different? (All figures have angles, but she doesn’t.)

Press, Katya, quickly!

Now the door has opened!

  • Map

Enter a magical land! And here is a map of the country of geometric shapes!

Square: Hello guys! What a great fellow you are for being able to open the door to a magical land! You guessed it! You will probably be wizards.

Square: Here is a plan of a city of geometric shapes. Look at our city. Why do you think this city is called that? (Geometric shapes live here.)

Look, this is the main road in this country. (Points with a pointer) And to the right and left are districts. What kind of figures do you think this area (on the right) is in?

Small or big? (shows a symbol: on the right - small, on the left - large)

We are now in the area of ​​small figures. Like any city there are streets.

The streets have names. There are even signs here:

What street is this? Color? (Blue, yellow and red.)

Let's now go to the area of ​​large figures. Where is the red street? Blue? Yellow?

There are houses on every street and each house has an address. What figure is this? All houses for different geometric shapes. If they stand in the area of ​​large figures, what size are they all? (large)

What figures live on Red Street? (red). And on yellow? Blue? (pointing with a pointer)

Square: Guys, you took the figures with you that got lost. Help them find their houses. (Children arrange the figures into houses.)

Square: Well done, you helped the figures return home. For this I will show you our trains and a magical clearing. We went to the station by car. We start the car: brrrrrr; take the steering wheel and let's go.

Invites children to the tables; on the tables there are Dienesh blocks and trains for each child.

  • Train

Square: Each of you will now build a train, but be careful, I will name and describe each car.

Place the train on the left. The first car is blue and round, the second is red and triangular, the third is yellow and square, the fourth is blue and rectangular, the fifth is yellow and round. (The teacher lays out the trailers on the board.)

Count how many cars you have on the train. (Five)

Well done! You can work as train drivers. Since you have completed such a difficult task. I'll show you another magical clearing.

  • Magic Glade(Voskobovich squares lie on the carpet)

Magic squares live here and can turn into anything. Now you will all become wizards and turn them into delicious candies. (teacher demonstration, children repeat, bending two opposite corners of the square.)

Candies turn into beautiful boats. (Children turn candy into a boat by bending the candy in half.)

Well, goodbye guys, they're waiting for me in another group. Did you like the city of geometric shapes? I will give you magic squares. They will help you return back to the group. Goodbye guys. (The square leaves.)

Let's go back on the boats.

The soundtrack of the river flows.

Fast river, strong current. Rocks our boat.

Leaned right, left!

Here we are.

Did you enjoy the trip? What do you remember most? (Listen to the children's answers.)

Zoltan Gyenes

Zoltán Gyönes is a world-famous Hungarian professor, mathematician, psychology specialist, and creator of the progressive author’s method of teaching children “New Mathematics”, which is based on teaching mathematics through exciting logic games, songs and dance movements.

Dienesh was of the opinion that for children best way to learn is not to sit sedately at a desk, listening carefully to teachers, but to develop freely through play. At the same time, Zoltan Dienes emphasized that the content of the game could be a completely serious and complex scientific topic. It is through play that children will be able to master complex logical and mathematical concepts and systems. Based on these principles, Dienesh came up with logical blocks and his theory of “new mathematics”.

Meaning of "Dienesh Logic Blocks"

for the comprehensive development of preschool children

The opinion that mathematical thinking is not at all necessary in life, that it can only be useful to children in mathematics lessons, is very wrong! The ability to correctly grasp cause-and-effect relationships, to find parameters that connect events and objects that seem different at first glance, and the ability to think systematically are the most important conditions for success in the professional and personal spheres, which means that the development of logical mathematical thinking is the key to the future success of our children in life. Dienesh blocks are ideally suited for solving this problem.

The use of Dienesh's logical blocks in the joint activities of a teacher and preschoolers has great value for the comprehensive development of children:

1. Dienesh blocks introduce children to basic geometric shapes, teach them to distinguish them by color, shape, and size.

2. Dienesh blocks contribute to the development of logical thinking, combinatorics, analytical abilities in children, and form the initial skills that children need in the future to be able to solve logical problems.

3. Dienesh blocks help to develop in preschoolers the ability to identify various properties in objects, name them, adequately indicate their absence in words, abstract and retain in memory two or three properties of an object at the same time, and generalize the objects under consideration according to one or more properties.

4. Dienesh blocks give children the first idea of ​​such complex computer science concepts as algorithms, information coding, and logical operations.

5. Dienesh blocks contribute to the development of speech: kids build phrases with conjunctions “and”, “or”, the particle “not”, etc.

6. Dienesh blocks help develop the mental processes of preschoolers: perception, attention, memory, imagination and intelligence.

7. Dienesh blocks develop creative imagination and teach children to think creatively.

Set "Logic blocks of Dienesh"

The classic version of Dienesh's logic blocks is a set of 48 geometric shapes:

1. Four shapes (round, triangular, square, rectangular)

2. Three colors (red, blue, yellow)

3. Two different types sizes (large and small, thick and thin)

There is not a single identical figure in the set. Each geometric figure is characterized by four properties - color, shape, size and thickness.

For preschoolers who are just beginning to get acquainted with Dienesh blocks, it is advisable to simplify the set to 24 geometric shapes, eliminating the option of thick shapes. Only thin or only thick figures remain in the game. Thus, all figures differ only in three characteristics: color, shape and size.

Currently available in stores various options games with Dienesh blocks. For games with preschoolers, it is advisable to buy sets that, in addition to figures (Dyenesha blocks), include sets of cards with symbols of properties (color, shape, size, thickness) and symbols of the negations of these properties. The set may also include a set of logical cubes, on the faces of which symbols of the properties of Dienesh blocks are depicted (thickness, size, shape, color) and symbols of the negation of these same properties. Logic cubes are used in conjunction with Dienesh blocks and symbol cards. The peculiarity of logic cubes is the possibility of “random” selection of properties (by tossing a cube), and children always like this.

Initial system of gaming activities

with Dienesha blocks for younger children preschool age.

Dear adults! You must remember that each of the presented activities requires a lot of mental effort for kids, even if it seems to you that everything is very easy and simple. That is why, in addition to games with Dienesh blocks, each lesson includes elements of various types of health-saving technologies: finger exercises, relaxation exercises, exercises for the development of speech breathing, eye gymnastics, various types physical minutes, etc. Please do not exclude them from activities, children need them!

In game activities we use:

1. Dienesh blocks only thin or only thick (set of 24 figures).

2. A set of cards with property symbols (color, shape, size).

It is advisable to conduct these play sessions once a week, and the knowledge and skills acquired during the classes can be consolidated during the week in joint games between adults and children, and in children’s independent play activities.

Game activity 1.

"Color, classification based on one characteristic."


2. A set of cards with color symbols.

3. Small toys: bear, bunny and pig.

Progress of the lesson:

- A bear, a bunny and a pig came to visit us. They brought us their toys.

The toys are called figures . We take out one figure at a time from the basket.

- What color is the figure?

- Blue! etc. until we have laid out all the figures on the table.

- How many pieces did the bear, the bunny and the pig bring?

- A lot!

- What color are they?

- Red, blue and yellow!(set color symbols)

The toys invite you to play with the figures and build a train out of them. Each figure is a trailer; only trailers of different colors can lie next to it. The toys begin to build, naming colors. They begin to make mistakes, first in names, then in construction. Children correct mistakes. Invite the children to build a train themselves. Children take turns taking one piece at a time and building a train (classified by color).

- The train has been built, let's ride it!

And the round wheels

(knock fist on fist)

- The bear, the bunny and the pig really liked the game. They love to play, but each one plays with pieces of only one color (a color symbol is placed next to each toy). Let's give them figures!

Children take turns giving figures to toys until the basket is empty.

- The toys say goodbye to us, let’s help them put the figures in the basket.

- What color are the figures?

Game activity 2.

"Color and shape, classification according to one characteristic."


1. A set of Dienesh blocks in a plastic basket.

Progress of the lesson:

- A bear, a bunny and a pig came to visit us again. They brought their toys - figures.

- What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!(set color symbols)

The toys praise children and remind them that everyone likes to play with pieces of only one color (a color symbol is displayed next to each toy). Children take turns giving figures to toys until the basket is empty.

- What color is Mishka’s figure?

The bunny wonders why all his toys are the same color, but still different, not similar to each other. The rest of the toys explain to him that all the figures are of different shapes. There are round shapes, there are square shapes, there are triangular shapes and there are rectangular shapes (shape symbols are displayed at the same time). The bunny says: “I don’t want to play yellow pieces today, I want to play round pieces!” Place a circle symbol near the bunny. The rest of the toys, with the help of the children, each choose their own shape, but an extra shape symbol remains. What to do? Let's call the kitten, he will play with us!

We collect all the forms in a basket. Children take turns giving figures to toys until the basket is empty.

The toys invite you to play with the figures and build a train out of them. Each figure is a trailer; only trailers of different colors can lie next to it. Children take turns taking one figure at a time and building a train (classified by color). Similarly, it is proposed to build a train, in which each figure is a trailer, but only trailers of different shapes can lie next to it. Children take turns taking one figure at a time and building a train (classification by shape).

- The locomotive is built, let's go for a ride!

The locomotive hummed and the carriages were driven away,

Chu-choo, choo-choo, I'll rock you far.

(move one after another with circular movements with your arms bent at the elbows)

The colored trailers are running, running, running,

(stomp while standing still, hands on belt)

And the round wheels

(draw a large circle in the air with the index finger of your right hand)

Knock-knock, knock-knock, knock-knock.

(knock fist on fist)

- We arrived with our toys to the forest clearing! Let's collect autumn bouquets of leaves!

One, two, three, four, five -
We will collect leaves.
(Clench and unclench your fists)
Birch leaves,(Bend the thumb)
Rowan leaves,(Bend the index finger)
poplar leaves,(Bend the middle finger)
Aspen leaves,(Bend the ring finger)
We will collect oak leaves,(Bend the little finger)
We'll take an autumn bouquet to mom.(Clench and unclench your fists)

- We collected beautiful bouquets, we are returning to kindergarten. The toys say goodbye to us, let's help them put the figures in the basket.

- What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!

- What is the shape of the figure?

Game activity 3.


1. A set of Dienesh blocks in a plastic basket.

2. A set of cards with color and shape symbols.

3. Small toys: bear, bunny, pig and kitten.

Progress of the lesson:

- What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!(set color symbols)

- What is the shape of the figure?

- Round, square, triangular and rectangular!

(set the symbols of the form)

The toys praise children and remind them that everyone likes to play with figures of only one shape (a shape symbol is displayed next to each toy). Children take turns giving figures to toys until the basket is empty.

- What shape does Mishka have?

- Round!

- What shape does the Bunny have?

- Square!

- What shape does the Kitten have?


- What shape does Piglet have?


The toys invite you to play with the figures and build a train out of them. Each figure is a trailer; only trailers of different colors and different shapes can lie nearby. Children take turns taking one figure at a time and building a train (classification based on two criteria: shape and color).

- The locomotive was built, it turned out very beautiful! And now, together with our guests - toys, we can learn funny poems:

We're kicking stomp!

We clap our hands!

We are the eyes of a moment, a moment,

We shrug our shoulders.

One - here, two - there,

Turn around yourself.

Once - they sat down, twice - they stood up.

Everyone raised their hands up.

One-two, one-two,

Here's a fun game!

- Oh, for some reason our toys were scared, who is scaring them? And these, it turns out, are geese!

We walk in single file, spread our arms - wings, hiss: “Sh - sh - sh...” - long exhale, get angry (repeat 2 - 3 times).

- Look, geese, you scared everyone. Don't hiss, smile at us. We are kind, good guys, we want to be friends with you.

The geese smiled, stopped getting angry, flapped their wings and flew away!

- Our toy guests also say goodbye to us, we will help them put the figures in the basket

- What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!

- What is the shape of the figure?

- Round, square, triangular and rectangular!

Game activity 4.

"Color and shape, classification based on two characteristics."


1. A set of Dienesh blocks in a plastic basket.

2. A set of cards with color and shape symbols.

3. Small toys: bear, bunny, pig and kitten.

Progress of the lesson:

- A bear, a bunny, a kitten and a pig came to visit us again. They brought their toys - figures.

- What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!(set color symbols)

- What is the shape of the figure?

- Round, square, triangular and rectangular!(set the symbols of the form)

The toys invite you to play with the figures and build a train out of them. Each figure is a trailer; only trailers of different colors and different shapes can lie nearby. The toys “begin to build” the train themselves, make mistakes, and the children correct them, explaining these mistakes. Then the children take one piece at a time and build a train (classification based on two criteria: shape and color).

We built a train, went for a ride on it (we sat on chairs), we drove, we looked out of the windows.

- Oh, look, a rabbit!(finger play is carried out):

Cheerful bunny rabbit

frolicked in the clearing,

(Index and middle fingers = ears, other fingers = bunny face, twirl with your hand)

As soon as he hears a rustle, he freezes and does not breathe,

(Cuddle the “bunny”) -

And on the top of his head the ears grow like arrows!

(Move the straight “ears”)

And he has a hole under a tree on a hill,

(Make a ring = a hole from the fingers of the other hand)

He runs up to the hole,

(Twist the brush “bunny”, bringing it closer to the “mink”)

Jump - and dives into it!

(“bunny dive” into the hole!)

We're back at kindergarten! We put the figures in the basket, but the toys say that they want to play some more! Children help them choose which toys they play with today (red round ones, blue triangular ones, etc.). Next to each toy we put 2 symbols - shapes and colors. Children give figures to toys one by one until the basket is empty.

- What toys does the bear have?

- Red round ones!

- What toys does the kitten have?

- Yellow square ones! Etc.

(we add one at a time, calling each figure in chorus according to two characteristics - round red, square yellow, etc.).

- What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!

- What is the shape of the figure?

- Round, square, triangular and rectangular!

Game activity 5.

“Color, shape and size, classification according to three characteristics.”


1. A set of Dienesh blocks in a plastic basket.

3. Small toys: bear, bunny, pig and kitten.

Progress of the lesson:

- A bear, a bunny, a kitten and a pig came to visit us again. They brought their toys - figures.

- What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!(set color symbols)

- What is the shape of the figure?

- Round, square, triangular and rectangular(set the symbols of the form)

- Look carefully, it turns out that our figures are also different in size. There are small ones and there are big ones

- Let's give Mishka all the big figures, and all the small ones to the Bunny!

Children take one piece at a time and place it near the toys (classification based on one criterion: size).

- The kitten and the pig also want to play. Let's give the kitten large yellow figures, and the piglet small blue ones.

Children arrange the shapes according to the symbols next to the kitten and pig. After completing the task, the figures are placed in a basket.

- Most of all, our toys love to build trains. Let's play with them! Today, trailers of only different sizes and different shapes can lie side by side.

The toys “begin to build” the train themselves, make mistakes, and the children correct them, explaining these mistakes. Then the children take one piece at a time and build a train (classification based on two criteria: shape and size).

- What a wonderful little train we have! Let's go for a ride on it!

“We’re going” (we’re sitting on chairs), “we’re looking out the windows.”

- Look what wonderful flowers you can see through the windows! They smell so wonderful!(breathing exercise is performed):

Children take a calm breath through their nose, hold their breath and exhale for a long time, saying “A-ah!” (repeat 2 - 3 times).

- Oh, the weather is getting worse, clouds have appeared!(gymnastics for the eyes are performed):

The sun played hide and seek with the clouds.

The sun of the flying cloud counted:

Gray clouds, black clouds.

(look with eyes right - left)

Lungs - two things,heavy ones - three pieces.

(look up and down with your eyes)

The clouds hid, the clouds were gone.

(Close your eyes with your palms)

The sun was shining in full force in the sky.

(Blink your eyes).

- We're back at kindergarten! Toys invite us to play with the figures again. The bunny asks you to find his favorite figure - yellow, rectangular, large!

3 symbols are placed near the Bunny. Children choose the desired figure. Figures for other toys are selected in a similar way (classification according to three criteria: color, shape and size).

The toys say goodbye to us, let's help them put the figures in the basket.

- What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!

- What is the shape of the figure?

- Round, square, triangular and rectangular!

- What size is the figure?

- Big and small!

Game activity 6.


1. A set of Dienesh blocks in a plastic basket.

2. A set of cards with symbols of color, size and shape.

3. Small toys: bear, bunny, pig and kitten.

Progress of the lesson:

- A bear, a bunny, a kitten and a pig came to visit us again. They brought their toys - figures.

- What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!(set color symbols)

- What is the shape of the figure?

- Round, square, triangular and rectangular!(set the symbols of the form)

- What size is the figure?

- Big and small!(we set value symbols).

The toys invite children to play with the figures. The Kitten asks you to find his favorite figure - yellow, rectangular, large (3 symbols are placed next to the Kitten). Children choose the desired figure. Figures for other toys are selected in a similar way (classification according to three criteria).

The toys say that they brought hoops to play with. First they offer to play with one hoop.

- Let's put any symbol in the hoop, for example - “Big”.

- What figures will we put in the hoop?

- Only all the big ones!

- What figures will we place outside the hoop?

- All are not big!

Children arrange the figures in and outside the hoop according to the symbol in the hoop. The game is repeated 3 times, alternately with symbols of color, size and shape. Symbols can be placed not only inside the hoop, but also outside the hoop.

The bunny shows the second hoop and asks what the hoops look like?

On a ball, on a wheel, on a plate, on a balloon, etc.

- Let's all turn into balloons!(breathing exercises are performed).

- The balls deflated(relaxed tilt). We inflate them slowly(children straighten up, raise their hands up), the balloons are inflated, so they became big, very big, they flew high(children slowly swing their arms) . And now the balls have deflated through a small hole(slow, long exhalation through the mouth) . Let's inflate them again! (Repeat 2-3 times).

Bear suggests playing with two hoops (put them in such a way that one hoop partially overlaps the other). We place symbols in the hoops. For example: the blue hoop is “Big”, and the red hoop is “Circle”.

- All are big, but not circles!

- All circles, but not big ones!

- All big circles!

- What figures are outside the hoops?

The toys praise children and offer a fun game to play.

How our guys' feet are merrily knocking!

(stomp your feet)

When our legs get tired, let’s clap our hands!

(clap your hands!)

And then our children dance in squats,

Down - up, one - two - that's how kids dance!


And once they start running, no one can catch them!

(run around!)

We are a remote people, albeit very small!

(sit on the chairs!)

- The toys say goodbye to us, let’s help them put the figures in the basket(we add one at a time, calling each figure in chorus according to three characteristics - large round red, small square yellow, etc.) .

- What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!

- What is the shape of the figure?

- Round, square, triangular and rectangular!

- What size is the figure?

- Big and small!

Game activity 7.

“Color, shape and size, classification according to three characteristics,

denial (game with two hoops).”


1. A set of Dienesh blocks in a plastic basket.

2. A set of cards with symbols of color, size and shape.

3. Small toys: bear, bunny, pig and kitten.

4. 2 hoops (blue and red).

Progress of the lesson:

- A bear, a bunny, a kitten and a pig came to visit us again. They brought their toys - figures.

- What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!(set color symbols)

- What is the shape of the figure?

- Round, square, triangular and rectangular!(set the symbols of the form)

- What size is the figure?

- Big and small!(we set value symbols).

The toys say that they have brought hoops to play again. Let's put 2 hoops according to the symbol (arrange the hoops so that one hoop partially overlaps the other). For example, the blue hoop is “Small”, and the red hoop is “Square”.

- What figures are inside the blue hoop, but outside the red one?

- All are small, but not squares!

- What figures are inside the red hoop, but outside the blue one?

- All squares, but not small ones!

- What figures are inside the blue and red hoop at the same time?

- All small squares!

- What figures are outside the hoops?

- Everything is not small and not squares!

We replace the symbols and repeat the game 2 - 3 times.

- We haven’t been to the fairy meadow for a long time! Let's fly there today by plane!(relaxation exercise)

While reading a poem, children spread their arms, muscles are tense, and their backs are straight. The parachutes dropped, we sat on the chairs and relaxed, arms down, head down.

Hands to the sides, we send the plane into flight.

Right wing forward, left wing forward,

The plane is taking off. The lights came on ahead,

We rose to the clouds.

Here is the forest, we will prepare a parachute here.

The parachutes have all opened,

We landed lightly.

- Oh, who is that in the clearing? It's a bunny!(finger gymnastics)

We form a “bunny” from the fingers of our right hand.

Quickly from finger to finger

The bunny is jumping, the bunny is jumping.

The thumb of the left hand is pressed into the palm, the remaining fingers are spread out. For each syllable, the “bunny nose” “jumps” 2 times on each finger of the left hand, except the thumb.

He went down, turned around,

And he came back again.

The left thumb turns away from the palm. The “bunny nose” goes down the fingers to the left palm, draws a circle and returns to the tip of the index finger of the left hand. The thumb of the left hand is again pressed to the palm.

Again from finger to finger

The bunny is jumping, the bunny is jumping,

For each syllable, “bunny’s nose” “jumps” once on each finger of the left hand except the thumb.

Down again and up again...

The left thumb turns away from the palm. The “bunny nose” quickly descends along the fingers to the left palm and returns to the tip of the index finger of the left hand.

The bunny jumped the highest!

Left hand - fist with thumb extended, fist raised up. The “bunny nose” “jumps” on the tip of the left thumb.

The game with fingers is repeated, the “bunny” is now made up of the fingers of the left hand, it jumps along the fingers of the right hand.

- Let's ask our Bunny what is his favorite toy.

The Bunny asks you to find a red, round, large figure for him (3 symbols are placed next to the Bunny). Children choose the desired figure. Figures for other toys are selected in a similar way (classification according to three criteria).

The toys say goodbye to us, let’s help them put the figures in the basket (we put them one at a time, calling each figure in chorus according to three characteristics - a large round red one, a small square yellow one, etc.) .

- What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!

- What is the shape of the figure?

- Round, square, triangular and rectangular!

- What size is the figure?

- Big and small!

Game activity 8.

“Color, shape and size, classification according to three characteristics,

denial (game with three hoops).”


1. A set of Dienesh blocks in a plastic basket.

2. A set of cards with symbols of color, size and shape.

4. 3 hoops (blue, yellow and red).

Progress of the lesson:

- A bear, a bunny, a kitten and a pig came to visit us again. They brought their toys - figures.

- What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!(set color symbols)

- What is the shape of the figure?

- Round, square, triangular and rectangular!(set the symbols of the form)

- What size is the figure?

- Big and small!(we set value symbols).

The bunny invites the children to play with two hoops (arrange the hoops so that one hoop partially overlaps the other). Let's put symbols in the hoops. For example, the yellow hoop is “Big”, and the red hoop is “Circle”.

- What figures are inside the yellow hoop, but outside the red one?

- All are big, but not circles!

- What figures are inside the red hoop, but outside the yellow one?

- All circles, but not big ones!

- What figures are inside the yellow and red hoop at the same time?

- All big circles!

- What figures are outside the hoops?

- Everything is not big and not circles!

We replace the symbols and repeat the game 2 - 3 times.

The toy bear praises the children and invites them to relax and do fun exercises:

One, two, three, four - we stomp our feet.

One, two, three, four - clap our hands.

Stretch your arms wider - one, two, three, four!

Bend over - three, four. And jump on the spot.

On the toe, then on the heel - we all do exercises!

The kitten says that he has another, third, hoop. He invites the children to play with hoops and shapes again. The hoops must be positioned in such a way that the hoops partially overlap each other. Let's put one symbol in each hoop. For example, a blue hoop is “Red”, a red hoop is “Triangle”, and a yellow hoop is “Big”.

- What figures are inside the yellow hoop, but outside the blue and red ones?

- All are big, but not triangular or red!

- What figures are inside the red hoop, but outside the blue and yellow ones?

- All triangular, but not big and not red!

- What figures are inside the blue hoop, but outside the red and yellow ones?

- All red, but not big and not triangular!

- What figures are inside the yellow and red hoop at the same time, but outside the blue one?

- All are big triangular, but not red!

- What figures are inside the yellow and blue hoop at the same time, but outside the red one?

- All big red shapes, but not triangular ones!

- What figures are inside the blue and red hoop at the same time, but outside the yellow one?

- All red triangular ones, but not big ones!

- Which figure is inside the blue, red and yellow hoop at the same time?

- Big, red, triangular!

We replace the symbols and repeat the game one more time.

- Toyssay goodbye to us, let's help them put the figures in the basket(we add one at a time, calling each figure in chorus according to three characteristics - large round red, small square yellow, etc.) .

- What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!

- What is the shape of the figure?

- Round, square, triangular and rectangular!

- What size is the figure?

- Big and small!

- Oh, what is this?

What kind of strange springs rest on the shoes?

We will press them with our feet, we will press them tighter and tighter!

We press tightly! There are no springs, we rest.

Children sit on chairs, their toes are raised, their heels rest on the floor, their hands press hard on their knees. Then - complete relaxation.

The relaxation exercise is repeated 2 times.

Game activity 9.

“Color, shape and size, classification according to three characteristics,


1. A set of Dienesh blocks in a plastic basket.

2. A set of cards with symbols of color, size and shape.

3. Small toys: bear, bunny, kitten and pig.

4. 4 hoops.

Progress of the lesson:

- A bear, a bunny, a kitten and a pig came to visit us again. They brought their toys - figures.

- What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!(set color symbols)

- What is the shape of the figure?

- Round, square, triangular and rectangular!(set the symbols of the form)

- What size is the figure?

- Big and small!(we set value symbols).

The toys invite children to play with hoops. The game with three hoops is played in the same way as the game played during game session No. 8. Children themselves choose which symbols to place in the hoops. The teacher, on behalf of the toys, tells them that these must be symbols of color, shape and size. You cannot put 2 symbols of the same attribute in hoops.

The game with three hoops is repeated 2 - 3 times with the replacement of symbols.

- How fun we played! Now we'll all go for a walk. But what is it? It's starting to rain! Stretch out your palms, let's catch the droplets!

Rain, rain, drip - drip - drip!

Wet tracks!

Let's go for a walk anyway, put on your boots!(We stomp our feet).

4 hoops are laid out on the floor next to each other along one line.

- These are pebbles! We walk along them so as not to get our feet wet in puddles!(A relaxation exercise is carried out).

- We are taking big steps. We hit bumps. We can’t step off the bumps; we’ll get our feet wet in the puddles. We reached a sunny clearing, lay down, relaxed, and sunbathed. Then we got up and went back(muscle tension again). We came home, were tired, sat down on the chairs and relaxed. Clap! Here we are again, children in a group, sitting beautifully on chairs.

The toys again offer to play. The bunny says that he only likes triangular shapes (put the symbol). The kitten plays only with large pieces (put the symbol). But they really want to play together (put a hoop between them). The little bear also likes to play, but he only plays with red pieces (put the symbol). And it’s boring for him to play alone (put a hoop between the bear and the bunny, between the bear and the kitten.

- What toys can a bunny and a kitten play together?

- In big triangular ones!(Children collect suitable figures into a hoop between the bunny and the kitten).

- What figures can a bunny and a bear play together?

- In red triangular(Children collect suitable figures into a hoop between the bunny and the bear).

- What figures can a kitten and a bear play together?

- Big red ones!(Children collect suitable figures into a hoop between the kitten and the bear).

Piglet says he wants to play too. He invites everyone to his game: a bear, a bunny and a kitten (in the middle between the three hoops there is a fourth one, we put a pig in it).

- What toy can all the toys play together?

- In the big red triangular one!(Children find such a figure and place it in the central hoop along with all the toys).

The toys thank the children and ask them to help assemble the figures. We put the figures in the basket one at a time, naming each figure in chorus according to three characteristics - large round red, small square yellow, etc. .

- What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!

- What is the shape of the figure?

- Round, square, triangular and rectangular!

- What size is the figure?

- Big and small!

The lesson ends with a round dance game. The movement in a round dance starts slowly, then speeds up and slows down again. On the last two lines of the poem, the children stop and clap their hands - clap for each syllable.

Barely, barely, barely, barely the carousel spun,

And then, then, then

Everybody run, run, run!

Hush, hush, don't run,

Stop the carousel!

One, two, one, two,

The game is over!

Game activity 10.

“Color, shape and size, classification according to three characteristics,

denial (game with four hoops).”


1. A set of Dienesh blocks in a plastic basket.

2. A set of cards with symbols of color, size and shape.

3. Small toys: bear, bunny, kitten and pig.

4. 4 hoops.

Progress of the lesson:

- A bear, a bunny, a kitten and a pig came to visit us again. They brought their toys - figures.

- What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!(set color symbols)

- What is the shape of the figure?

- Round, square, triangular and rectangular!

(set the symbols of the form)

- What size is the figure?

- Big and small!(we set value symbols).

The game with four hoops is played in the same way as the game played during game session No. 9. Children themselves choose which symbols to place in the hoops (which figures the toys play with). The teacher, on behalf of the toys, tells them that these must be symbols of color, shape and size. You cannot put 2 symbols of the same attribute in hoops.

The game with four hoops is repeated 2 - 3 times with symbols replaced.

- How cleverly you guys arranged the figures into hoops! How smart and quick-witted you are! And what dexterous fingers you have! Let's now help our fingers rest, they are probably tired, hide them in soft fists!(Finger gymnastics is carried out).

The fingers fell asleep and curled into a fist.

Clench the fingers of your right hand into a fist.

One! Two! Three! Four! Five!

Unclench your fingers one by one.

Wanted to play!

Move all your fingers.

Woke up the neighbors' house,

Raise your left hand, fingers clenched into a fist

Six and seven woke up there,eight, nine, ten -

Bend your fingers one by one to count.

Everyone is having fun!

Twist with both hands.

But it's time for everyone to go back: ten, nine, eight, seven,

Six curled up,

Bend the fingers of your left hand one after the other.

Five yawned and turned away.

Four, three, two, one,

Round fist like an orange.

Bend the fingers of your right hand and twist with two fists.

The toys ask children to help assemble the pieces. We put the figures in the basket one at a time, naming each figure in chorus according to three characteristics - large round red, small square yellow, etc. .

- What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!

- What is the shape of the figure?

- Round, square, triangular and rectangular!

- What size is the figure?

- Big and small!

- Well done, guys! Are you like this today? interesting games played, invented them ourselves! Now it's time to relax!(Children get up and have physical exercise).

One, two, three, four, five,

Let's start relaxing!

Let's stretch.

The back was cheerfully straightened,

Hands up!

One and two - sit down and stand up,

To rest again.

One and two - bend forward,

Once and twice - bend back.

Movements in accordance with words.

We have become smarter in games

Healthier and more fun!

Let's clap our hands!


Dear adults!

I hope that this teaching aid, created to tell you about how to start using Dienesh blocks for the comprehensive development of preschool children, will not only be read by you, but also used in joint play activities with kids. I hope that your games with Dienesha blocks together with your children will not end there, that your imagination will tell you a whole host of interesting and varied games in the future.

I wish you many exciting moments in games with this wonderful didactic material. Let Dienesh's blocks teach your children to think logically and creatively solve the problems they face. Let these games help your children develop harmonious mathematical thinking, cognitive activity, creative imagination, let them teach them to answer various questions in an unconventional way, to think creatively in any life situation. And let all these skills and abilities help your children to go through life successfully in the future!


1. E.A.Nosova, R.L.Nepomnyashchaya “Logic and mathematics for preschoolers”, St. Petersburg, M., Aktsident, 1997

2. A.A. Stolyar “Let's play. Mathematical games for children 5-6 years old,” M., Prosveshcheniye, 1991.

3. A.A. Stolyar “Formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers”, M., Prosveshchenie, 1988.

4. From the collection “Improving the process of forming elementary mathematical concepts in kindergarten": article by Nosova E.A. “Formation of the ability to solve logical problems in older preschool age”, Lenizdat, 1990.

5. M. Fiedler “Mathematics already in kindergarten”, M., “Enlightenment”, 1991.

6. Kasabutsky N.I. and others. “Mathematics “O””, Minsk, “People's Asveta” 1983

7. Stolyar A. A. “ Guidelines To textbook"Mathematics "O"", Minsk, "People's Asveta", 1983

8. Tikhomirova L.F., Basov A.V. “Development of logical thinking in children”, Yaroslavl, “Academy of Development”, 1996.

Goal: to learn to classify and generalize shapes by color, shape, size, thickness. Select one object from many. Develop perception, attention, the ability to analyze and compare objects according to independently identified properties, and generalize. Develop logical thinking, memory, intelligence. Consolidate sound analysis.

Download abstract

Materials and equipment: sets of Dienesh logic blocks, logic figures, logic cubes, hoops, pictures for the fairy tale “Kolobok”, pictures: “bear cubs”, “forest”, “destroyed city”; audio recording “Motor noise”, flannelgraph.
Preliminary work: games with Dienesh blocks.
Progress of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment:
— Guys, today I received a letter from the residents of the country of Logic. We are invited to help restore order in this country. Do you agree?
So we go to a magical land in order to do good deeds and good deeds. There are also cards in the envelope that will help us on our journey.

2. Educator:
-What type of transport should we choose? Card No. 1 will tell us
(read the riddle about the bus:
“What a miracle - a long house!
There are a lot of passengers in it.
Wears rubber shoes
And it feeds on gasoline.") What is this? (Children's answers)
— Our bus is waiting for passengers. (child driver assigned)
The rest of the children take a ticket from the driver:

(cards with four symbols of block properties).
(there is a block attached to the side of each chair; children find their place). Well done guys, we can go. (While the recording “Engine Noise” is playing, the “bus” is driving, stops sounding - the children get off the “bus”)

3. Game “Planting a Flowerbed” (card No. 2, riddle about a flower)
-“From an elegant bright cup
The bugs are helping themselves."
- Guys, we are in the park. What do we need to do? The riddle will tell you (read the riddle about the flower). (Children's answers). That's right, plant flowers (blocks) in 3 flower beds (hoops). To do this, we will divide into 3 teams and roll logic dice 3 times to figure out which flowers to plant in a given flowerbed.
(Children plant flowers according to given properties). Well done! And it's time for us to hit the road again.
4. Game “Treat for the bear cubs” (card No. 3 - image of a forest)

Teacher (shows card):
-Guys, we found ourselves in the forest. Let's tell you who lives in the forest with the help of fingers.
Finger gymnastics:
Tom Thumb,
Where have you been?
I wandered through the forest for a long time!
I met a bear, a wolf,
A bunny, a hedgehog with needles.
I met a squirrel, a titmouse,
Met a moose and a fox.
He gave gifts to everyone,
Everyone thanked me.

— Guys, there is a riddle for you on card No. 3.
"The beast waddles
For raspberries and honey.
He loves sweets very much.
And when autumn comes,
Climbs into a hole until spring,
Where he sleeps and dreams."
(show pictures with bear cubs)

(Pictures are attached to the flannelgraph)
— Have you guessed how to help the cubs? (Children's answers). Yes, they should be treated to cookies. Now we will divide into two teams and see which team will treat the bears faster. They love cookies of different shapes and different colors.
And we turn our blocks into "cookies". (children, one by one, take out cards with property symbols from the pile, they lie face down). We give cookies to the bears in both paws. (cards are also attached to the flannelgraph)
Questions: What cookies are in the left (right) paw? (Children's answers)
(The journey continues, the children board the bus)
5. Game “Kolobok” (card No. 4 - proverb “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for the good fellow”)
- Guys, we need to find the name of the fairy tale, it is hidden under the blocks (syllables are hidden under the blocks, give the “key” - cards with property symbols). Children find the syllables to form the word “Kolobok”.
Let's, guys, remember the fairy tale "Kolobok". (Show pictures)
-So, from whom did the bun roll first? (from grandfather and grandmother)
The bun rolled along the path, and who came towards him first? (hare)
Let's help the hare figure out which animal lives where. (A fox in a hole, a hare in the bushes, a squirrel in a hollow, a bear in a den, a wolf in a den).
— The bun rolled further, and a wolf met it. And he says, I’ll let you go if you tell me what sounds the word “wolf” consists of (Children do a sound analysis of the word “wolf”)
-The bun rolled further, and a bear met it. The bear says, I will let you go if you give me some jam. Tell me which one it will be: strawberry - cherry - currant - orange - plum. (Strawberry, cherry, currant, orange, plum jam).
— The bun rolled further, and a fox came towards it. The fox says: “I won’t eat you, bun, if you tell me how people talk about me” (Children select definitions)
— The fox liked the words about herself, and she let go of the bun. So he rolled further through the forest. (Children get on the bus)

6. Game “Let’s build houses” (card No. 5 - image of a destroyed city)

— Guys, we found ourselves in a destroyed city. Will we help build houses for residents? (For children: house cards, a set of logical figures from the leader (teacher or child). The leader takes the figures out of the bag, names the color, shape and size. Children determine which figure, in which place in the “house” to put.

7. “Surprise” (card No. 6)
- Guys, let's remember what good deeds we have done? (children talk). But there was another card left in the envelope and on it a box tied with a ribbon, what does it look like? (Children's answers). And all children receive this gift. The inhabitants of the magical land of Logic are very grateful to you. Well done! (Children get a treat).

Materials used:
"Logic and mathematics for preschoolers." E. A. Nosova, R. L. Nepomnyashchaya. St. Petersburg “Childhood-press” 2000.

"Let's play together." Methodological tips for using didactic games with Dienesh blocks and logical figures.
LelyavinvN. O., Finkelshtein B.B.
Game “Kolobok”, author Tikhonova E. S.

Abstract methodological development NOD “Game journey through the fairy tale “Turnip” (with Dienesh blocks), senior group

All educational activities of the NOD “Game journey through the fairy tale “Turnip”” are built on the use of developmental education technology by Z. Dienesh and are intended to organize regulated activities with older preschoolers to form elementary mathematical concepts.
Dienesh blocks are 48 geometric shapes of 3 primary colors: red, blue and yellow, 4 shapes: circle, square, rectangle and triangle, two sizes: large and small, two thickness properties: thick and thin. You can start using blocks from early preschool age.
This lesson systematizes the author's experience as a teacher: when conducting the lesson, the author's games with Dienesh blocks, the author's method of introducing the composition of a number from two smaller ones with the help of Dienesh blocks, and the author's physical education exercise with animation are used.
Direct educational activities are structured in the form have a fascinating trip according to a fairy tale. When implementing fairytale tasks, preschoolers perform game exercises with Dienesh blocks of a fairly high level of complexity.
The classes use methods that activate the cognitive activity of preschoolers: problem situations, educational games. Teaching methods and techniques are individualized in accordance with the level of development, pace of perception, and thinking characteristics of each child; situations of choice are provided for preschoolers. The use of health-saving technologies makes it possible to prevent physical fatigue in children, which is possible with high mental activity of preschool children. In the process of cognitive activity, conditions have been created for the creative activity of children, the child’s sensory spheres and the emotional and volitional sphere are involved.
This educational activity has a certain structure; there are three main parts, which are inextricably linked by general content and methodology. The beginning of the lesson involves directly organizing the children, creating an emotionally positive background, introducing them to a game situation and modeling a problem situation, arousing the interest of preschoolers in the upcoming activity.
During the lesson, in the process of educational games, a high saturation of children’s employment with mental activity of a sufficiently high level of complexity, an active change in types of activities and methods of teaching and upbringing are observed.
In conclusion educational activities The teacher provides reflection, summing up the results of cognitive-game activities and tasks for the subsequent employment of parents and children at home in order to consolidate the material covered, which contributes to the integrity and effectiveness of the educational process.
All of the proposed games, as well as the method of familiarization with the composition of numbers, can be used as fragments of other classes, as joint activities with the teacher, and later as independent activities of children for the development of logical thinking, mental functions of attention, memory, perception, speech, as well as the formation of thinking skills and abilities of older preschoolers.

Priority educational field: “Cognitive development. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts.”
OO integration:“Cognitive development. Formation of a holistic picture of the world", " Speech development», « Physical development, “Social and communicative development.”
Program content:
Development of logical thinking and mental functions of attention, memory, perception, speech; formation of thinking skills and abilities.
Educational objectives:

1) Fix the composition of the number 6 from two smaller ones.
2) Exercise the ability to classify sets according to several properties (color, shape, size, thickness), compare, generalize, decode information (including with a negative sign); relate the size of an object to the size of geometric shapes.
3) Practice arithmetic operations of addition within 6.
4) Systematize children’s ideas about pedigree and family tree.
5) Introduce the profession of a clothing designer.
6) Contribute to the formation of the ability to apply mathematical knowledge in non-standard practical problems.
Developmental tasks:
1) Develop logical thinking and creative imagination, the ability to model and design in games with Dienesh blocks.
2) Develop mental operations: analogy, systematization, generalization, observation, planning.
3) Develop the ability to set goals and plan your work.
4) Develop attention, memory, imagination, speech, creativity, observation, cognitive interest.
5) Continue to develop the ability to identify and compare the properties of objects according to 4 characteristics: color, shape, size and thickness, find general property totality.
6) Improve the desire to express your thoughts, prove your judgments with the help of precise and clear speech; replenishment of the dictionary: pedigree, family tree, sketch, designer.
Educational tasks:
1) Help maintain interest in mathematics and educational games with Dienesh blocks.
2) Cultivate an interest in studying your ancestry, the desire to create a family tree of your family.
3) Foster curiosity and interest in the design profession
4) Cultivate empathy, compassion, respect for each other, and a desire to help.
5) Develop the ability to act together in a team, cultivate initiative, perseverance in achieving goals, and independence.
Equipment: Video and audio accompaniment: audio recording of E. Grieg’s music “Morning”, multimedia presentation “Game journey through the fairy tale “Turnip”; author's physical education lesson with animation effects "Turnip".
Material: Demo: magnetic board, Dienesh blocks, poster “Composition of the number 6”, planar images of Dienesh blocks, numbers 1-6, letter, diagram for the game “Find the right figure”, thick large blue square, thin large blue rectangle, pictures “Dress”, “ Pant suit”, “Skirt suit”, camera, pictures “Family tree” and “Mathematical family tree”.
Dispensing: Dienesha blocks, clothing silhouettes featuring Dienesha block symbols on the collar, sleeves and bottom; silhouettes of buckets and fish, “Catch a Fish” diagrams, family tree templates.
Previous work: didactic games with Dienesh blocks, individual work with children with a slow pace of development, conversations about ancestry and family trees, viewing a reproduction of Z. Serebryakova’s painting “On the terrace in Kharkov,” reading the encyclopedia “I Want to Know Everything” (section on the family tree)
Form: joint activity1 Organizational moment. Creating an emotionally positive background for the lesson. Introduction to the game situation. Report the topic of the lesson.
Educator: All the children gathered in a circle.
I am your friend and you are my friend.
Let's hold hands tightly and smile at each other.
Invented by someone simply and wisely
When meeting, greet: “Good morning!”
- Good morning! - the sun and the birds,
- Good morning! - smiling faces.
And everyone becomes kind, trusting,
May good morning last until evening.
Educator: Children, this morning the postman delivered me a letter for kindergarten. Let's read it: “Dear children! Please help me create a family tree. I'm really confused because I don't even know what it is. There is only one hope for you. Help me out, please. Thank you in advance, Your Mouse” What will we do?
Educator: Of course, we need to help. But how can we do this, because we don’t know what fairy tale the Mouse is from? Tell me, children, in which fairy tales does the mouse appear? Indeed, there are quite a few fairy tales in which the heroine is a mouse, no matter how mistaken it is. Let's use a hint.

Educator: (shows the children a diagram for the game “Find the right figure”) We need to find a figure that corresponds to what number? Yes, the number is 6. Let's count which row has six figures. How many figures are there in the first top row? How many figures are there in the second one? How many in the third? That's right, 6 figures in the third row. What thickness will our figure be? Yes, fat. What about size? Absolutely right, big. In color it should not be... Yes, not yellow or red, which means blue. And in shape it will not be round or triangular... That's right, square or rectangular. So what kind of figure are we looking for? Yes, of course, a thick big blue square or rectangle. And it is located... That's right, on the windowsill. And on the windowsill there are 2 figures (children choose the desired figure).
Educator: Children, there is a riddle on the square:
We lived in a fairy tale and did not grieve:
Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, Bug,
Also a cat, also a mouse.
Together together
The turnip was pulled out slowly.
Of course, this is the fairy tale “Turnip”. So. We begin our journey into the fairy tale “Turnip”.
Educator: Let's remember the beginning of the fairy tale.
Children:“Grandfather planted a turnip. The turnip grew very, very big. The grandfather began to pull a turnip from the ground: he pulls, he pulls, but he cannot pull it out. Grandfather called grandmother for help.” Educator: And the grandmother says: “Grandfather, I will definitely help you, but only after the guys count how many heroes there are in our fairy tale?”

3. The author's method of familiarizing yourself with the composition of the number 6 from two smaller ones using Dienesh blocks.
Children, how many heroes are there in the fairy tale “Turnip”? Absolutely, that's right, 6. Let's denote the number with a number (I put the number 6 on the magnetic board).
Separation of figures by size. How else can you divide the heroes of a fairy tale by size? How many little heroes do we have? Yes, one mouse. What size figure will we use to show the mouse? That's right, a small triangle. Let's denote the number with a number (I put a small figure in the second row from the left; below, in the third row - the number 1). How many heroes are there that are not small? Of course, 5, let's mark them with what size figures? Of course, big figures. Let's denote the number with a number (I put large figures in the second row on the right, the number in the third row). So 6 is how many and what? Yes, 1 and 5.

Separation of shapes by color. How else can you divide the heroes of a fairy tale into groups? Yes, by age. How many middle-aged heroes do we have? That's right, two: grandmother and grandfather. I suggest marking them in blue. How many blue pieces will we take? How many young heroes are there in the fairy tale? Of course, 4. We will mark them... Yes, in red. Who wants to lay out the pieces on the board? (the child lays out blocks and numbers with the help of an adult). So 6 is 2 and 4.

Separation of figures by shape. On what basis can the heroes of the fairy tale “Turnip” be divided? Yes, for people and animals.. What form will we mark people with? How many circles will we need in total? What form do we use to denote animals? How many triangles will we take? (child laying out figures and numbers at the board). So 6 is 3 and 3.

Let's repeat, 6 is 1 and 5, 2 and 4, 3 and 3. (according to the “Composition of numbers” scheme)
Educator: Well done, let's continue our journey. Who wants to continue the fairy tale?
Children:“Grandma for grandfather, grandfather for turnip, they pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out. The grandmother called her granddaughter"
Educator: And the granddaughter says: “I’ll be happy to help, but only after you help me decorate my outfit for the holiday.”

4. Author’s game with Dienesh’s blocks “Designer’s Workshop” (work with handouts) Educator: Now we are going to the clothing designer's workshop. Do you know who a fashion designer is? A clothing designer is a person who comes up with new clothing models and helps us become more beautiful. Agree, it would be very boring if everyone wore the same clothes. Now we will please our granddaughter and make her new samples of clothes. You can help your granddaughter decorate her choice of dress, blouse with skirt, and jacket with trousers. Let's take a closer look at your clothing sketches. A sketch is a drawing of clothing, according to which new beautiful outfits will be made in the workshop. So, we need to decorate the collar of the garment, the sleeves, and finally the hem of the dress, skirt or trousers. Is everything clear?

Educator: Now you have to choose which design studio you will go to. I suggest you become designers of a dress, trouser set and suit with a skirt. The choice is yours.
(Children choose a design direction and decorate clothes according to the scheme)
Educator: Well done guys, how many clothes you decorated. Granddaughter thanks you. And this means that the fairy tale continues, help, guys.
Children:“Granddaughter for grandmother, grandmother for grandfather, grandfather for turnip. They pull and pull, but they cannot pull. The granddaughter shouted to Bug.”
Educator: The bug willingly came running to help, but before she started working, she invited everyone to dance with her.

5. Author’s physical education lesson with the “Turnip” animation effect.
6. Author’s game with Dienesh blocks “Underwater Kingdom”
Who wants to continue the tale further?
Children:“The bug for the granddaughter, the granddaughter for the grandmother, the grandmother for the grandfather, the grandfather for the turnip, they pull, they pull, they cannot pull. Bug called the cat.”
Educator: But the cat cannot come running because she is very hungry. I offer to help the cat catch fish in the river for lunch. Here are buckets in which you must catch fish in accordance with the symbols.

(Children independently find fish in accordance with the symbols; tasks are offered of varying degrees of difficulty depending on the level of development of the children)
Educator: Well done, it was a good catch. The cat is full and ready to pull the turnip. And we continue our journey through the fairy tale.
Children:“The cat for the Bug, the Bug for the granddaughter, the granddaughter for the grandmother, the grandmother for the grandfather, the grandfather for the turnip, they pull, they pull, they cannot pull. The cat called the mouse.”
Educator: The mouse came running and invites you to help her create a family tree. Who can tell what a family tree is? That's right, this is the family pedigree. Since ancient times, people have had the custom of tracing their ancestry. What does the pedigree tell us? That's right, a pedigree tells about your family, relatives and family history - ancestors. Guys, do you think children should know their family history? Why do you need to know your family history?
Educator: Look at the picture. Here the ancestry is shown in the form of a family tree.

7. Author’s game with Dienesh blocks “Let’s make a family tree”
Let's try to make Mouse's family tree using magic blocks.
Educator: Who do you think you should start with to create your family tree? The tree has strong, deep roots. These are our grandparents, great-grandparents. Why do people begin to compile a pedigree with grandparents? (because they are the oldest in the family). It is thanks to them that we have friendly and strong families. What figure do we use to represent grandfather? (big thick blue rectangle). What about grandma? (big red thick circle). Why?
Educator: Next. The tree has a strong, tall trunk, branches extend from it to the right and left: our loved ones are located on them... Quite right, mothers and fathers, uncles and aunts. Which figure will we choose for Daddy Mouse? (large blue thin rectangle or square) And for her mother? (large thin triangle of red or yellow flowers). Why did we choose these particular figures?
And finally, at the top of the tree, on its youngest branches, there are... Of course, children. What figure will we take to represent Mouse’s daughter? (small thin triangle in red or yellow). And for her brother Mouse? (small blue thin rectangle or square). Why did we make this choice?

Educator:(takes a photo of the family tree and shows the picture of the family tree to the children) Well done. We have compiled a mathematical family tree of the Mouse family. And most importantly, we have fulfilled our Mouse’s request and will send her a photo of our family tree.
Educator: Thus, each tier of the family tree points to one generation: generation of whom? (grandparents, parents, children) This tradition must be followed, try to learn as much as possible about your ancestors, and preserve their memory.
Educator: And our fairy tale is close to completion. They all took hold of the turnip together and pulled it out of the ground. Why do you think they were able to pull out the turnip? (They all pulled together, amicably, they lived as a large and friendly family). And now we will be a friendly family.
8. Finger game “Friendly Family”
One, two, three, four -
Who lives in our apartment?
Dad, mom, brother, sister,
Murka the cat, two kittens,
My puppy, cricket and me -
That's my whole family!

10. Summary of the lesson. Recommendations for activities between parents and children. Formation of self-esteem skills. Formation of communication skills.
Did you like our journey through the fairy tale “Turnip”? What did we do during our trip? What new did you learn? What is a family tree? Who is a fashion designer? Why does a designer need a sketch? What have you learned? What did you like and remember most? What difficulties did you encounter?
Educator: So we fulfilled our Mouse’s request. As a keepsake of our journey, she gives you family tree templates so that you and your parents at home can compile your family tree and introduce us to it. Find out more about your ancestors, draw them, stick photos, sign them with the help of your parents. We will definitely arrange an exhibition of your family trees and you will introduce us to your ancestors. Until new travels.

1. B.B. Finkelstein. Let's play together. - St. Petersburg: Corvette, 2001.
2. E.A. Nosova, R.L. Nepomnyashchaya. Logic and mathematics for preschoolers - St. Petersburg: Detstvo-Press, 2000.

Appendix 1

A technique for familiarizing yourself with the composition of a number from two smaller ones using Dienesh blocks

Material: Dienesh blocks, differing in 3-4 characteristics (the quantity corresponds to the number whose composition is being familiarized), numbers, the “Composition of a Number” scheme.
Content: 1. Separation of figures by size.
2. Separation of figures by color.
3. Separation of figures by shape.
4. Separation of figures by thickness.
Familiarization with the composition of the number 9 from two smaller ones. Material: Dienesha blocks: 2 large red thick circles, 2 small thin red circles, 2 small thick blue circles, small blue thin circle, small red thin square; numbers 1 - 8, diagram “Composition of the number 8”.
Content: Children, how many blocks are there in total? Let's denote the number with a number (I'm laying out the number). How are the figures different? How can you divide blocks into groups? (by color, shape and size)
Separation of figures by shape. On what basis can blocks be divided? Yes, in form. How many squares? Let's denote the number with the number 1 (I put the square in the second row; below, in the third row - the number 1). How many circles are there in total? Let's denote the number with the number 7 (I put the circles in the second row, the number in the third row). So 8 is 1 and 7.
Separation of figures by size. How else can you divide blocks? How many big figures are there in total? Let's denote the number with a number (I put a large figure in the second row; below, in the third row - a number). How many small figures are there in total? Let's denote the number with a number (I put small figures in the second row, a number in the third row)
Separation of shapes by color. How else can you divide shapes into groups? Yes, by color. How many red pieces? How many blue ones? (the child lays out blocks and numbers with the help of an adult). So 6 is 2 and 4.
Separating shapes by shape. On what other basis can blocks be divided? Yes, in form. How many laps? How many squares? (posted by the child, the children correct the mistakes). So 6 is 3 and 3.
Dividing shapes by thickness. Is there another way to divide the figures? That's right, in terms of thickness. How many thin figures? What about fat people? (posted by child, self-test). So 6 is 4 and 2.
Let's repeat, 6 is 1 and 5, 2 and 4, 3 and 3 (according to the “Number Composition” scheme) Game "Designer's Workshop"
Age category: senior preschool age.
Target: Learn to decorate clothes according to given rules and algorithms, exercise the ability to classify sets according to several properties (color, shape, size, thickness), compare, generalize, decode information; develop logical and combinatorial thinking and creative imagination, attention, ability to decode information and model.
Material: Dienesha blocks, silhouettes of clothes with symbols of Dienesha blocks on the collar, sleeves and bottom, cards with symbols of properties (color, shape, size, thickness) and symbols of the negation of these properties.
Game rule: Decorate the collar, the bottom of the sleeves and the bottom of clothes according to the specified properties.
Game options: Independently set the properties of clothing decoration.
Decorate clothes in a different design (belt, centered from top to bottom, across the entire surface of the clothing, in the same color (shape, size), etc.
After decorating the clothes, transform them by changing 1-4 specified properties.

Game "Underwater Kingdom"
Age category: senior preschool age.
Target: Exercise in systematization and classification of fish according to 4 properties (color, shape, size, thickness), develop logical thinking, creative imagination, the ability to model and design, the ability to reason, prove.
Material: 48 fish (each element, like Dienesh's logical blocks, is characterized by four properties: color, shape, size, thickness), buckets of red, blue and yellow colors, a model of a reservoir, cards with property symbols (color, shape, size, thickness) and symbols denial of these properties.
Game rule: Place the caught fish in buckets in accordance with the symbol cards.
Game options:“Transform” fish by replacing the cards on the bucket with other symbols.
Consistently change the fish using a diagram with an arrow of varying degrees of complexity.
Transforms fish when they hit another bucket, changing 1-4 given properties, using Dienesha blocks or block symbols.