Hieromonk Vasily Novikov: biography. See what “Novikov, Vasily” is in other dictionaries A good word about Nadezhda Vasilyevna Novikova

Father Vasily, in the world Vasily Nikolaevich Novikov, was born from pious parents Nikolai Evgenievich and Nadezhda Vasilievna Novikov on January 14, 1949. After him, three children were born into the family - Lydia, Ivan and Sergei. The Novikov family lived in the village of Rakitino, Novomoskovsky district, Tula region. We lived in a small house. The family was very religious. Father Vasily’s grandmother, Elder Pelageya Rakitinskaya, went to Jerusalem on foot twice in her life, from where she brought many shrines. The Lord endowed her with the gift of insight and healing of mental and physical ailments. Many people came to her for help and simply asking for prayers. At the birth of Vasily, the old woman predicted that a “shepherd to the cross” would be born in this family and began to cry. “Shepherd” means a shepherd of the verbal sheep, a priest - in tribulation, “on the cross.” Elder Pelageya had two children: Nikolai, Vasily’s father, and Nina, his aunt, to whom, after the death of her mother, people also turned for prayer and help and received it.

Vasily's childhood was spent in village labors and worries. He herded cows, rode horses, helped his parents, helped his parents cultivate their gardens and fields, and did housekeeping and carpentry work. Mother (later nun Nadezhda) was a nurse by profession. After the death of her husband, in addition to household chores, she worked at the Epiphanian Church of St. John the Baptist, located eight kilometers from their village. She lit lamps there, stoked the stoves, cooked food and helped as best she could to her spiritual father, Father Archpriest Mikhail (Chudakov). Mother Nadezhda herself was an ascetic of piety: she prayed a lot, worked, and fasted. From the age of forty I gave up meat: on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, the first and last weeks of Lent, I ate nothing except prosphora and holy water. About twenty years before her death, she completely excluded fast food and fish and bowed to the ground until her last days. Mother was familiar with Matrona Sebenskaya (now famous as Moscow). The blessed one once slept on the stove in the house of Elder Pelagia. Mother Nadezhda, worried about her children, went to Matronushka for advice, to which the old woman told her: “If you want Vasily to turn out to be a good boy, pay two hundred bows for him every day.” She fulfilled this covenant strictly.

From early childhood, Mother began to teach her children to work in prayer and visit the temple of God. They did not join either the Pioneers or the Komsomol, they always wore crosses. Vasily often visited the Epiphanian Church, as well as the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra. The Lavra singing especially sank into the boy’s heart and remained to live in him until his last breath. Vasily had an excellent musical memory, so during Divine services he often stood next to the choir and sang along with it. How strictly Mother Nadezhda raised her son Vasily can be seen from the stories of the priest himself. He often said that as a child, his mother followed him with a stick to prevent him from picking up bad habits. When Vasily was three years old, the spiritual father of the family, a perspicacious elder, Archpriest Mikhail, came to visit them at home. The father put his skufa on the boy’s head and said: “If only, Vasily, your head would be like mine!” This prophecy has come true.

After graduating from eight classes at the Epifansky secondary school, Vasily was drafted into the army, into the Northern Sea Fleet. Served for three years on a submarine. He was respected by everyone for his conscientious service. When the cook on the ship got sick, they put Vasily in charge. So the priest learned to cook well. Upon returning from service, he entered the Junction Railway School as an assistant driver. From ship to railway. Having passed the exams with flying colors, Vasily began working in this profession. Soon he goes on assignment to the Saratov region, Ershov, where he meets his future wife, Valentina. Marries in 1973. The Novikov family lived in the town of Uzlovaya, Tula region. They had three children - Natalia, Mikhail and Alexander. Vasily was placed in a leadership position, but Vasily was offered the highest service - the priesthood - serving God at the Holy See. The choice was Vasily's. The wife was against it, saying that she was marrying a driver, not a priest. Having prayed to God for admonition, Vasily lay down to rest. That night, in a dream, his wife saw in her dream a terrible huge monster heading towards her. She jumped up in horror and after this vision softened a little.

Vasily went for prayerful help to the relics of the Great Russian saint - St. Sergius of Radonezh, whom he loved from early virginity. Standing at the shrine and fervently praying, Vasily receives admonition: “How can I exchange serving God for temporary service to the world.” The choice has been made. Doubts disappeared.

On April 18, 1993, on Lazarus Saturday, Vasily was ordained a deacon, and the next day, on the Feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday), he was ordained a priest. So, through the prayers of Rev. Sergius, service to God, Russia and the people began. Sent to serve Fr. Vasily in the village of Spasskoye, Novomoskovsk district, Tula region and the Church of the Exaltation of the Venerable Trees of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. Having put a lot of work into restoring this temple, he is given another temple in a neighboring village, almost destroyed. Father, with God's help, with the help of parishioners and benefactors, is restoring this temple in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

In 1997, during Holy Week of Great Lent, the wife of Fr. Vasily. After which he finally stops living in the village. Spasskoye. Constantly taking care of church splendor and decorum: painting the temple, building a baptismal, almshouse, etc. choir singing, Sunday school for children and adults. The priest did not forget about spiritual feats: night vigils, unceasing prayer, reading spiritual books and patristic writings. Since 2003, night vigils have been held in the Spassky Church: reading akathists and psalms. In addition to all of the above, the priest cared for a huge number of people. Those who came to him received spiritual help and left inspired. For his zealous, pure service, the Lord rewarded Fr. Vasily with various spiritual gifts: fiery and bold prayer, insight, healing of souls and bodies, reasoning, expelling unclean spirits, etc. The blind received their sight, the paralytic stood up, the lame walked without assistance, cancer patients, bleeding patients were healed and many other diseases the Lord healed through his pleaser - oh. Vasily.

On April 4, 2006, with the blessing of the bishop, Father Vasily received secret monastic tonsure from two hieromonks serving in the Russian Orthodox Church MP, while maintaining his name. On the same day, with the blessing of the Bishop, 17 more people were tonsured into monasticism. Thus began the creation of the monastery. By the example of his life, the priest guided many to salvation. He revered St. Martyr Tsar Nicholas as the redeemer of the sins of the Russian people, went to the Rite of Repentance in the village. Taininskoye himself held it several times in his church. The priest also prayed for the restoration of autocratic Tsarist power to save Russia.

In 2008, Fr. Vasily was forced to sign a petition for the staff, and he began to serve at home, applying the 15th rule of the Double Council of Constantinople (Part 2).

Father did not forget about the poor, hungry, wretched, large families, orphanages and invalids, he spiritually cared for the Cossacks and inspired them to fight against the enemies of the Faith, the Tsar and the Fatherland: he loved children, gave gifts, and was present at children's Sunday school events.

Father Vasily was a zealous denouncer of globalism and ecumenism, for which his followers in power accused him of extremism.

In the spring of 2010, the priest became seriously ill. Losing strength, he did not stop serving, saying: “I don’t need anything, as long as the Lord gives me strength to serve the Liturgy.”

November 4, 2010 in the village. Ivankovo ​​was the consecration of the font over the source, in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, built through the efforts of Fr. Vasily and his spiritual children.

Anticipating his imminent death, the priest makes his dying will, leaving behind him the duties of the abbess - mon. Natalia, and as confessor - Hierom. Alexandra (later Hierosch. Theodora)

The day before his departure to the Lord, the priest for the last time received unction and received the Holy Mysteries of Christ, which he received this time from bodily exhaustion while lying down, but in full memory and with a deep feeling of tenderness. On November 11, at about 7 o’clock in the morning, while reading the canon on the separation of the soul from the body, the priest peacefully, with a smile on his face, gave up his righteous soul in the hands of God.

The death of our reverend father Vasily was peaceful and quiet, simple and at the same time majestic, like his whole life, which faded away like the dawn of a bright day, leaving in the hearts of those devoted to him a quiet night of sadness. On this day, the Lord miraculously gathered all the priests of one spirit in one place to honor the death of the righteous man. The sun “played” like on Easter. A rainbow appeared in the cemetery. The burial of Father Vasily took place in front of a huge crowd of people who came from all over Russia to see off the last journey of their beloved father and mentor, and were approaching a bright spiritual celebration. When saying goodbye to the priest, the possessed could not immediately approach the coffin. You can say in the words of Rev. Anthony of Optina: “I don’t know, we, poor from good deeds, will be honored with such great prayerful memory of ourselves as our blessed elder was honored with, whose holy soul will dwell in good things. The words of God are true: For those who glorify Him I will glorify Me (1 Samuel 2:30). And just as this old man loved everyone in his life, so with his death he gathered many for his grave.”

The lamp of God, enlightening the souls of people with the light of Christ's faith and love in difficult and difficult times, has gone out.

Since the beginning of 2012, in photographs of Fr. Vasily began to experience redness, which intensified over time. On November 26, 2012, for the first time, the image of the priest abundantly poured myrrh. Myrrh-streaming continues to this day.

We believe that our father Vasily will stand before the Throne of the Holy Trinity in the ranks of the Russian saints, not abandoning the monastery and us sinners with his auspicious prayers.

Reverend Father Vasily, pray to God for us!

P.S. Cemetery address - village. Ivankovo, Kimovsky district, Tula region. You can drive from Novomoskovsk, from the city of Sokolniki (now the Sokolniki microdistrict), to the turn to Ivankovo ​​and then walk about three kilometers. In the village itself, from the store (there is only one) you should go towards the temple, and as the asphalt is laid - to the cemetery, and in the cemetery there is the highest cross above his grave, to the right of the road, about two hundred meters away.

On the day of death Fr. Vasily on the portal “Moscow - Third Rome” the following message was published:


Hieromonk Vasily (Novikov), better known as Father Vasily, whose sermons were recognized by the court as extremist, died today in the Tula region after a serious illness.

“Father Vasily died the day before from cancer in the village of Ivankovo, Kimovsky district, where he organized his services,” Tula media reported.

On July 26, the Novomoskovsk City Court, at the request of the regional prosecutor, recognized the speech of Father Vasily, posted as information material on a disk, and six videos as extremist materials. By court decision, the disks were confiscated.

According to materials from the regional prosecutor's office, Father Vasily's speeches were placed on a disk called “Orthodoxy or Death.” In addition, the priest was the author of six video films, the titles of which include “Chipping,” “American Show,” and “Coffins for Americans.”

As a true priest, Father Vasily was banned from serving in the priesthood after his sermons denouncing the hierarchy.

Father Vasily “Tulsky” about ecumenism in the Russian Orthodox Church MP (part 1)

Father Vasily “Tulsky” about ecumenism in the Russian Orthodox Church MP (part 2)
(prayers with Catholics of His Beatitude Vladimir, monks of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra
at Notre Dame, etc.)

Meeting Fr. Vasily (Novikov) and Hierodeacon Abel (Semyonov) with the elder Fr. Nikolai.

The full version of that sermon by Fr. Vasily, excerpts of which are given in the 3rd and 4th stories:

  • Novikov, Vasily Grigorievich :
  • Novikov, Vasily Zakharovich (1911-1985) - Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • Novikov, Vasily Ivanovich (1921-1945) - Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • Novikov, Vasily Korneevich (1907-1981) - Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • Novikov, Vasily Loginovich (1915-1941) - Hero of the Russian Federation (07/06/1995).
  • Novikov, Vasily Mikhailovich (1910-1979) - Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • Novikov, Vasily Nikolaevich (born 1946) - Secretary of the Central Committee of the PKB, Doctor of Philosophy, candidate for President of the Republic of Belarus in the 1994 elections.
  • Novikov, Vasily Petrovich (1924-1998) - Colonel General.
  • Hieromonk Vasily (Novikov) (1949-2010) - rural priest, author of a sermon included in the Federal List of Extremist Materials.
  • Novikov, Vasily Semenovich :
    • Novikov, Vasily Sergeevich (1914-1945) - Hero of the Soviet Union.

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    Excerpt characterizing Novikov, Vasily

    From the hall of the nobility the sovereign went into the hall of the merchants. He stayed there for about ten minutes. Pierre, among others, saw the sovereign leaving the merchants' hall with tears of tenderness in his eyes. As they later learned, the sovereign had just begun his speech to the merchants when tears flowed from his eyes, and he finished it in a trembling voice. When Pierre saw the sovereign, he went out, accompanied by two merchants. One was familiar to Pierre, a fat tax farmer, the other was a head, with a thin, narrow beard, yellow face. They both cried. The thin man had tears in his eyes, but the fat farmer wept like a child and kept repeating:
    - Take life and property, Your Majesty!
    Pierre no longer felt anything at that moment except the desire to show that he didn’t care about anything and that he was ready to sacrifice everything. His speech with a constitutional direction appeared to him as a reproach; he was looking for an opportunity to make amends for it. Having learned that Count Mamonov was donating the regiment, Bezukhov immediately announced to Count Rostopchin that he was giving up a thousand people and their contents.
    Old man Rostov could not tell his wife what had happened without tears, and he immediately agreed to Petya’s request and went to record it himself.
    The next day the sovereign left. All the assembled nobles took off their uniforms, again settled in their houses and clubs and, grunting, gave orders to the managers about the militia, and were surprised at what they had done.

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    Novikov, Vasily- author and translator of technical books and fiction, ed. 1784 91 in Moscow. (Polovtsov) ... Large biographical encyclopedia

    Novikov, Vasily Vasilievich (military leader)- Vasily Vasilyevich Novikov Lieutenant General V.V. Novikov Date of birth July 8 (28) ... Wikipedia

    Novikov, Vasily Mikhailovich- Vasily Mikhailovich Novikov Nickname Santiago Date of birth April 12, 1910 (1910 04 12) Place of birth now Poshekhonsky district, Yaroslavl region Date of death ... Wikipedia

    Novikov, Vasily Petrovich- Novikov Vasily Petrovich Date of birth February 5, 1924 (1924 02 05) Place of birth, village of Dmitrievo, Skopinsky district, Ryazan region Date of death December 9, 1998 (1998 12 09) (... Wikipedia

    Novikov, Vasily Vasilievich- Novikov, Vasily Vasilyevich famous full namesakes: Novikov, Vasily Vasilyevich (military leader) (1898 1965) Soviet military leader, lieutenant general of tank forces, Hero of the Soviet Union Novikov, Vasily Vasilyevich (literary scholar) ... ... Wikipedia

    Novikov Vasily Vasilievich- . Translator from French language, compiler of a collection of judicial essays and author of some of them. Descended from the nobles of Kozelsky district. Kaluga province. Apparently, he studied at the Univ. for a short time. gymnasium: on its lists there is a certain... ... Dictionary of the Russian language of the 18th century

    NOVIKOV Vasily Petrovich- (1924 1998) Colonel General (1981), participant in the Great Patriotic War. Graduated from the 1st Moscow Machine Gun School (1943), Military-Political Academy named after. V.I.Lenin (1957). He served in the military in the following positions: commander of a machine gun platoon... ... Dictionary of emergency situations

    Novikov, Vasily Semenovich (actor)- Wikipedia has articles about other people with the same surname, see Novikov. Wikipedia has articles about other people named Novikov, Vasily. Vasily Semyonovich Novikov Date of birth: 1891 (1891) Date of death ... Wikipedia

    Novikov, Vasily Semenovich- Wikipedia has articles about other people named Novikov, Vasily. Novikov, Vasily Semyonovich (actor) Soviet actor. Novikov, Vasily Semenovich (scientist) (born 1949) Russian scientist, vice president of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, deputy head of the Military ... ... Wikipedia


    • N. I. Novikov, Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky. Teachers are given the floor not to lull their own thoughts, but to awaken someone else’s. This aphorism of the outstanding Russian historian Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky expressed his own... Buy for 2523 UAH (Ukraine only)
    • N. I. Novikov, Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky. “The word is given to teachers not to lull their own thoughts, but to awaken someone else’s” - this aphorism of the outstanding Russian historian Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky expressed his...

    Novikov Vasily Vasilyevich - commander of the 7th Guards Tank Corps (3rd Guards Tank Army, 1st Ukrainian Front), guard major general.

    Born on June 26 (July 8), 1898 in the village of Shchelkovo, Novsky volost, Bezhetsky district, Tver province (now does not exist, the territory of the Borkovsky rural settlement, Bezhetsky district, Tver region). He spent his childhood and youth in the village of Selo Novoe (Bezhetsky district). He graduated from the Bezhetsk Theological School, in 1916 – 4 classes of the Tver Theological Seminary.

    In the Russian Imperial Army since October 1916. In August 1917 he graduated from the Tver Cavalry School; senior cadet.

    In the Red Army since May 1918. In May-October 1918 - assistant to the military commissar in the village of Filippkovo (Bezhetsky district). In 1919 he graduated from the Tver cavalry command courses.

    Participant in the Civil War: in March-May 1919 - platoon commander and commander of a separate cavalry squadron in the 11th Army. Participated in the defense of Astrakhan. In May 1919, he was seriously wounded in the right arm in battle and sent to the hospital. From December 1919 - military investigator of the 4th Cavalry Division, in March-July 1920 - head of the operational department of the headquarters of the 4th Cavalry Division. In July 1920, he was wounded in the left arm and spent a month recovering. In August 1920 - July 1921 - assistant chief of staff of the 4th Cavalry Division for operational units, in July 1921 - August 1922 - assistant commander of the 20th Cavalry Regiment for combat units. He fought on the Southern and Southwestern fronts. As part of the 1st Cavalry Army, he participated in battles with the troops of A.I. Denikin in the North Caucasus, the Soviet-Polish war, battles with the troops of P.N. Wrangel in the Crimea and the detachments of N.I. Makhno in Ukraine, in the liquidation of rebel groups in the North Caucasus.

    From August 1922 he served as an assistant to the commanders of cavalry regiments (in the North Caucasus and Leningrad military districts). In 1926 he graduated from Novocherkassk advanced training courses for command personnel. He served as assistant commander of a cavalry regiment and commander of a reserve squadron (in the Leningrad Military District). In 1930 he graduated from advanced training courses for command personnel in Moscow. In 1930-1932 - commander of a cavalry regiment (in the Leningrad Military District).

    In 1932 he graduated from the Leningrad Armored Command Improvement Courses. In 1932-1935 he commanded a mechanized regiment (in the Belarusian Military District). In 1935-1939 - commander of a mechanized (then transformed into a light tank) brigade (in the Belarusian and Kiev military districts). In 1936 he completed academic courses at the Military Academy of Mechanization and Motorization.

    In May-September 1939 - head of the command department of the Military Academy of Mechanization and Motorization, from September 1939 - head of the armored forces of the 10th Army Group (in the Moscow Military District).

    Participant in the Soviet-Finnish War of 1939-1940 as deputy commander of an army group.

    In May-June 1940 - commander of the 126th Infantry Division (in the Belarusian and Baltic military districts). In 1940-1941 - commander of the 6th Tank Division, from May 1941 - commander of the 28th Mechanized Corps (in the Transcaucasian Military District).

    In July-September 1941 - commander of the 47th Army (Transcaucasian Front). Participated in the entry of Soviet troops into Iran in August-September 1941. Since September 1941, he commanded all Soviet troops located in Iran. In December 1941 - January 1942 - commander of the 45th Army (Transcaucasian Front), which covered the border with Turkey.

    Participant of the Great Patriotic War: in January-February 1942 - commander of the 44th Army (Crimean Front). Participated in the defense of the Kerch Peninsula. Since February 1942, due to illness, he was treated in a Moscow hospital.

    In May-November 1942 - Deputy Chief of the Main Directorate of Motor Transport and Road Service of the Red Army, in November 1942 - October 1943 - Deputy Chief and Chief of Staff of the Main Automobile Directorate of the Red Army. He supervised the operational transportation of troops and cargo by road on the North-Western, Kalinin, Western and Stalingrad fronts.

    In January-April 1944 - representative of the Supreme High Command Headquarters in the 5th and 3rd Guards Tank Armies, in April 1944 - April 1945 - commander of the 6th Guards Tank Corps, from April 1945 - commander of the 7th Guards Tank Corps. He fought on the 2nd (January-April 1944) and 1st (April 1944 - May 1945) Ukrainian fronts. Participated in the Kirovograd, Korsun-Shevchenko, Proskurov-Chernivtsi, Lviv-Sandomierz, Sandomierz-Silesian, Lower Silesian, Berlin and Prague operations. In March 1945 he was wounded.

    He particularly distinguished himself during the Berlin operation. The tank crews of the corps he led during the period from April 16 to May 2, 1945, fought over 400 kilometers. On the evening of April 22, 1945, having covered 35 kilometers in a day with battles, parts of the corps broke into Berlin and reached the Teltow Canal.

    For skillful command of the corps and courage and heroism shown in battles with the Nazi invaders, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 29, 1945, to the Guards Major General Novikov Vasily Vasilievich awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal.

    In August 1945 - May 1946 - commander of the 6th Guards Tank Division (in the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany). In September 1946 - March 1947 - deputy commander of the 9th Mechanized Army (in the Central Group of Forces). From March 1947 - deputy commander of the 7th personnel tank division (in the Northern Group of Forces; Poland), in 1948-1950 - assistant commander of the 7th Mechanized Army (in the Belarusian Military District; the city of Borisov, Minsk Region, Belarus).

    Since June 1950, he studied at the Higher Academic Courses at the Higher Military Academy (Military Academy of the General Staff). Since March 1951, Lieutenant General of Tank Forces V.V. Novikov has been retired.

    Lieutenant General of Tank Forces (1945). Awarded 2 Orders of Lenin (21.02.1945; 29.05.1945), 5 Orders of the Red Banner (22.02.1930; 14.06.1940; 18.09.1943; 3.11.1944; 24.06.1948), 2 Orders of Suvorov 2nd degree (29.05 . 1944; 08/25/1944), Order of Kutuzov 2nd degree (04/06/1945), medals, foreign awards.

    Novikov Vasily Mikhailovich (March 30 (April 12), 1910, Grigorovo village, now Poshekhonsky district, Yaroslavl region - May 16, 1979, Moscow) - tank driver, Hero of the Soviet Union (1937).

    Born into a peasant family. Russian. In 1923 he graduated from the 6th grade of school. In 1928-1930 he worked on the collective farm “New Life”. In 1931 he graduated from regional courses for party workers. In June-December 1931 - secretary of the Ermakovsky Komsomol Committee and head of the hut-reading room.

    In the army since December 1931. Until May 1935, he served in the artillery as a squad commander and assistant platoon commander in the Moscow Military District. In 1936 he completed an accelerated course at the Oryol Tank School. From August 1936 he served as a tank commander.

    Participant in the war in Spain: in October 1936 - March 1937 - commander of the BT-5 and T-26 tanks in the Republican tank brigade. In March 1937, in a battle southeast of Madrid, his tank was hit and stuck in no man's land. The enemy rolled out a gun to hit the tank, but the crew destroyed it with a well-aimed shot. With the onset of darkness, V. M. Novikov sent the driver for help. Soon the stationary tank came under heavy artillery fire. As a result of shell hits, the tank gunner was killed, and V. M. Novikov was seriously wounded in the head, legs and arms, and was also shell-shocked. Despite this, he continued to defend the tank until help arrived, firing from a machine gun. Until October 1937 he was in a Madrid hospital, after which he continued treatment in Moscow.

    For courage and heroism shown in battles, by the Decree of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR dated July 4, 1937, to junior commander Novikov Vasily Mikhailovich awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin.

    Since April 1938, he served as a company commander and assistant chief of the operational unit of the headquarters of a mechanized brigade (in the Moscow and Trans-Baikal military districts). In 1939 he graduated from the Leningrad Armored Command Improvement Courses, and from September 1939 he studied at the Military Academy of Mechanization and Motorization.

    In August-September 1941 - head of the operational department of the headquarters of the 1st defensive sector of Moscow. In September 1941 - September 1943 - commander of the training battalion of the Chkalov Tank School (Orenburg). From January 1944 he studied at the Military Academy of Armored and Mechanized Forces, from which he graduated in 1946.

    In 1946-1947 - battalion commander at the Kazan Tank School, in 1947-1948 - head of the command department of the Military Academy of Armored and Mechanized Forces. In 1948-1949 - deputy commander of a tank regiment (in the Carpathian Military District), in 1949-1950 - head of the courses for training lieutenants at the Proskurov Tank School (Khmelnitsky, Ukraine). From 1950 - deputy commander of tank regiments (in the Carpathian Military District and the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany), in 1954-1956 - military commandant of the region (in the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany).

    Since February 1957, Colonel V. M. Novikov has been retired. Lived in Moscow. Died May 16, 1979. He was buried at the Kuntsevo cemetery.

    Awarded the Order of Lenin (07/04/1937), the Red Banner (11/3/1953), two Orders of the Red Star (01/2/1937; 04/30/1947), medals.

    In his homeland in the city of Poshekhonye, ​​on the Walk of Military Glory, there was a stele with a bas-relief of the Hero.