How to recognize an energy vampire: external and behavioral signs. Human energy by date of birth - what is it and how to calculate it? How to understand that you are an energy vampire

Human energy is the reserve of vitality and energy that a particular person possesses. We can increase our energy with in various ways(they are discussed in detail in another article). But there are certain limitations - each person by nature has his own energy potential, which cannot change significantly. In this article we will tell you how energy is determined by date of birth.

When a person is sufficiently filled with vital energy, he feels confident in his abilities. This is a leader who does not worry about the opinions of others about himself. He generates various ideas and actively implements them. Such individuals are distinguished by natural behavior, direct expression of their feelings and emotions.

Extraordinary, creative people who act as sources of fresh ideas and are able to share their energy with others receive great energy potential from nature. These are wonderful storytellers, they always have plenty of fans, they easily establish connections with new people due to their politeness, charm and goodwill.

A strong energy field is also manifested by certain external signs:

  • characterized by thin lips;
  • massive chin;
  • thick eyebrows;
  • wide jaw;
  • in most cases such people are dark-haired;
  • people with dark color eyes have a very strong aura.

How date of birth affects energy

The day, month, year and even time of birth has a huge impact on a person’s entire subsequent life. The concept we are talking about now is also known as “bioenergy”. Today, even such a profession has appeared - bioenergetics. Experts in this field are able to trace the connection between a specific person, numbers, the Universe, and so on.

Bioenergetics (based on numerology) has established that the date of birth can shed light on a person’s energy potential. By resorting to simple mathematical calculations, it is possible to make a forecast of future events for a specific period of life. This data is also used to build a life curve and monitor changes in. The more energy a person has, the correspondingly higher the curve will be.

Bioenergy by date of birth: calculation

How it happens energy calculations

  1. Remember the date of your birth. For example, May 25, 1994.
  2. Write down the first number - the year of birth is 1994.
  3. The second number is formed by the ordinal number of the month of birth and the day - 0525.

Pay attention! If your birthday is formed by a single digit number (for example, nine), then write the second number this way - 809.

  1. Now multiply the first number by the second = 1994*0525=1,046,850.
  2. After this, we calculate the sum of all digits of the resulting number:

The resulting number represents a person’s bioenergetic potential (E) and demonstrates how much vitality (energy) he has.

Now comes the fun part - find out who you are:

  • energy vampire – E less than twenty;
  • a normal person - E values ​​will range from twenty to thirty;
  • energy donor – has an energy potential of thirty or more.

Regardless of our natural energy balance, we all have periods in our lives when we are in a weakened state and need additional energy replenishment. In this case, the person unconsciously begins to “vampire” those around him.

At the same time, normal people and donors begin to feel uncomfortable. But donors whose E exceeds the “thirty-three” mark are able to be recharged with cosmic energy or feed on energy from nature. They generously give vitality to those around them, people strive to be near them in order to be fed with energy.

Where is the energy lost?

Perhaps you are familiar with the state when your strength begins to leave, as if someone is “deflating” you like a balloon. You eat well, sleep enough hours, engage in physical activity, but inside you still feel tired. The symptoms described above describe a state of outflow of vital energy: you seem to be doing everything to replenish it, but it is becoming less and less.

Why is this happening? You need to analyze your behavior and lifestyle, because there is a reason for something, but we will now try to establish what it is.

So, it can cause severe loss of energy:

  1. Feelings of guilt. This is how your conscience speaks to you, representing our strictest judge throughout your life. Conscience causes serious psychological discomfort, due to which energy is wasted.

If you try to drown out the voice of conscience, you will be faced with the exact opposite result and an even greater deterioration of the situation. Outwardly, this will also manifest itself in the form of a deterioration in the financial situation. The most reasonable solution in this case is to find an internal compromise yourself.

  1. Grievances also lead to energy deficiency. The most popular option is grievances against parents, which probably last from childhood. If a person, even as an adult, cannot let go of the past and forgive his parents, this will greatly influence various aspects of his life.

What kind of relationships were in your parental family will have an impact on the model of your own family. And hidden long-term grievances have the most negative impact on people; they contribute to exhaustion, both emotional and energetic.

  1. Psychological discomfort, which provokes energy losses, can also be caused by other negative emotions: fear, fear of uncertainty, anxiety, disappointment and mental pain.
  2. Envy– causes a lot of controversy among experts regarding its effect on the human body. One part of experts identifies envy as a motivating emotion that can accelerate the achievement of success and set specific goals in life for a person.

We have listed the main internal causes of energy losses. And there are also external ones, which include communication with energy “bloodsuckers”, which are bores, whiners, slackers, losers, victims and patients, maniacs, as well as ideological fighters. By contacting them, you become energetically weaker.

That's why you should surround yourself with positivity. thinking people, try to always be in a good mood, complete what you start on time, not worry about your future (or rather, worry, but within reasonable limits), cleanse yourself of your internal negative emotions (resentment, anger, aggression, etc.) and then your energy field will be getting stronger every day.


There is an old folk medicine method that was used to check energy potential (internal state) a long time ago. To use it, you must believe in the existence of the field.
The healers gave an aspen splinter to a person. If you don't have one, you can replace it with an ordinary match.

You need to light it and wait until it burns completely. In order not to burn your fingers, you can grab the match: grab the burnt end, or burn it in two stages - it doesn’t matter at all. It is only important that this match is held by the person whose value should be checked.
Why? Because it is fire (or rather, the so-called plasma) that comes into contact with the existing energy of a person. And as a result of this interaction, the properties of the wood located in the center of the flame change.

After the match burns completely, you need to throw it into a glass of plain water. If after two or three minutes it sinks, it means that the energy field of the person being tested is disturbed. Everyone can object: the match will naturally sink, because coal is heavier than water. Yes, this is a correct statement, but only from the scientific point of view. The thing is that under certain conditions (when a person with a sufficiently strong energy field is holding a match in his hands), aspen coal does not sink because it stops absorbing water. Therefore, to understand the experiment, it is better to take an aspen splinter.
If she drowned, don't be upset. Maybe it’s just that there are minor disturbances in the energy system (for example, a person has become infected with someone else’s negative emotions). But if this sunken splinter confirms some long-standing fears, then urgent action must be taken.

Everything that exists in the world - people, animals, stones, trees - has its own energy field or, as it is also called, bioenergy. In essence, human interaction with the outside world consists of a constant exchange of energy and information with other objects. A person who is able to do this better than others lives a more harmonious, fulfilling life.


The human energy field is influenced by many factors. Everything is important - what kind of parents conceived him, whether it was done in an unfavorable place, what time, day of the week, month and year this event happened. If a child was conceived during a solar or lunar eclipse, then his energy field will initially be disrupted, because during eclipses the energy field of the Earth itself changes.

Human energy also depends on solar activity. People born during the active Sun have more powerful energy and are more resistant to the influence of the external environment. People born from 10 to 21 have energy that can attract adventure. Therefore, for such people it is important to constantly clean their bodies, walk barefoot, exercise physical labor. Children born have more powerful energy and better health than children born under similar conditions, but in other months.

Energy vampirism is caused by a violation of energy exchange in a certain person, due to which he is fed with the vital forces of others, whether he understands it or not. Moreover, anyone can become a vampire, regardless of their age and gender.

Usually depression, hidden grievances, envy, anger and malice, strong constant dissatisfaction, fear of something are the true cause of energy imbalances. Energy channels cannot cope with such emotions; a kind of traffic jam forms in them. The result of this is that the person with depression cannot fully rest and even sleep due to constant tension. nervous system, work is disrupted internal organs person. The results of vampirism can be general embitterment, unsettled life, melancholy and depression.

External factors of this are capriciousness, irritability, tearfulness, or, on the contrary, aggressiveness and rudeness. It all depends on what type of energy vampire is - “solar” or “lunar”. This is especially true in old age or in cases of serious illness. In old age and when suffering a very serious illness, you have to spend a lot of vitality. It is precisely because of the lack of his own strength that the vampire of energy begins to take it from others. Energy vampires literally drink energy from strong and energetic people, as if they were donors to them.

There are three ways in which energy vampires “work”:

1. The vampire enters into resonance with the energy of the “victim”. The energy stealer complains about his unfair fate, suffers, cries, roars, in a word, evokes sympathy or a feeling of pity from his interlocutor, swearing at his own unsettled life. At this moment, his opponent tunes into his wave, as if entering his emotional state, he also becomes sad, and the energy vampire at this moment is “saturated” with energy. To protect yourself from this type of vampire, you need to communicate with them less often and listen less to their mental suffering. In cases where this is simply impossible, it is better to withdraw into yourself during moments of their complaints and suffering, try to immerse yourself less in the situations they describe and not empathize heartily. Alternatively, you can quickly change the topic of conversation.

2. Another option for energy vampires to “get enough” is to induce in a person an emotional outburst, some strong surge of emotions. The fact is that along with emotions we throw out vital energy, and the vampire provokes us into a scandal, quarrel, or insults, sarcastic and finds fault. Contrary to this technique, sometimes an energy vampire showers a person with compliments in every possible way, flatters him, lulls his vigilance, and forces him to tune in to the same wavelength as himself. The opponent begins to trust him and unknowingly removes the protection of energy from the hands of others - the biofield, allowing him to penetrate the source of energy forces. But that was all he needed. In order not to succumb to such methods of “sucking” energy, it is better not to succumb to various squabbles and quarrels. When odes of praise are trying to please you with sweet speeches, it is better to remain calm and neutral, not taking flattery and praise to heart.

3. Those who can protect themselves from “sucking out” energy by emotional means will not be saved by the physical influence of a vampire on a person. These people are very often demanding of others about their personalities. They may ask to be touched, stroked, massaged, or to sit closer to them when they are lying in bed. When this vampire is very dear to you, but is sick, you can tie a red woolen thread on your wrists. Moreover, without wrapping it, but tying it in a knot. Thus, access to your energy will be blocked. Houseplants are able to feed the patient with energy if placed next to his bed. A huge number of energy vampires live in crowded places - in public transport, in government institutions, kindergartens and schools, in shops and shopping centers.

Those who have been “sucked” of energy by the energy vampire can be advised to recover with the help of a walk, a contrast shower, a mug of aromatic hot tea infused with St. John’s wort, nettle or elecampane root with the addition of a spoonful of honey.

The theft of vitality from any person can be determined by the following signs:

Feeling suddenly tired or suddenly sleepy;
- periodic diseases, decreased immunity, general malaise, unrelated to anything, at first glance;
- constant feeling of fatigue, laziness, reluctance to do anything necessary;
- when a vampire is constantly near the victim, she experiences internal and external causeless irritation;
- a person constantly worries about something, without understanding the reason for it;
- The victim’s body is subject to rapid aging.

Rapid aging occurs due to the fact that a vampire can possess special skills and take away the entire vital energy supply of his victim. The victim ages and withers at a very rapid pace, and the vampire becomes stronger right before our eyes. To avoid this, you should:

1. Under no circumstances talk to an energy vampire. He should do his best to cause a negative emotional outburst in you, provoking and trying to speak. It’s better to just remain silent and smile slightly. If you simply don’t listen to your opponent, you can deprive him of possible “access” to your energy, and thus protect yourself. When such a person turns out to be a close friend or relative, it is better to simply explain to him that he is very important to you, but still let him solve the problems in his life on his own.

2. You should not talk to an energy vampire while looking into each other’s eyes. The eyes, as you know, are the mirror of the soul, and energy accumulates in the soul of every person. Energy will pass to him from them. If you need to talk to a vampire, it is better to cross your arms over your chest and place your feet together, thus “closing” your energy.

3. When you have to talk to a vampire every day, at work or at home, there is effective way self-defense, when you can close yourself with an imaginary glass ball or dome from everyone around you. Thus, a person puts up an invisible barrier that does not allow penetration into the source of his energy.

In order to prevent a vampire from taking energy, you should use one very in a good way. To do this, when a person constantly complains to you about life, you need to quickly interrupt his pitiful topic with a phrase like: “Listen, such a thing happened to me here! Let me tell you?..” And after that, don’t let him come to his senses - come up with stories right away, it doesn’t matter whether you made them up or they happened in reality. The fact is that any person can be confused by unexpectedly taking the initiative to talk with him into his own hands, thereby distracting both himself and him from the troubles of life.

Also, not a single energy vampire will listen to other people's problems. It is precisely the creation of problems that is his immediate goal, the result of which will be the “sucking out” of his vital energy. Such a person simply will not listen to his interlocutor if he talks about his life troubles.

Another way to get rid of the influence of an energy vampire may seem simple and funny. This is the so-called “grandmother’s way.” It consists in the fact that when communicating with a vampire, you need to hide an ordinary fig in your pocket or behind your back. Even if this is a ridiculous option, it is always effective. In our hands too huge amount energy channels, and when we fold our fingers in a certain way, a protective layer is formed - a biofield, and the body returns to its normal state. In the east, there is a whole treatment system that is based on “mudras,” which imply various combinations of finger placement. The method of showing the muzzle is very similar to this treatment. In general, many religions describe the resort to symbols associated with specifically located fingers.

When you have already opened all your “protection systems” and there is no longer any strength to escape from him, you should turn to the use of amulets. Charms are energy drains that allow you not to waste energy on a specific person.
After the influence of an energy vampire on you, you should return your energy back as soon as possible. Taking a contrast shower, some hot herbal tea, some spicy dish containing pepper, horseradish or mustard and a short walk in the fresh air in the park will help with this. Fresh air is very useful in any condition. Adding some positivity to yourself is sometimes simply necessary to maintain internal vitality.

Of course, when a person close to you constantly complains to you, you want to help him overcome all the troubles, but an energy vampire does not need help, he does not escape from problems in this way - he needs vitality. And you spend it trying to help, not realizing that it can be called help with great difficulty. That is, you seem to be pushing energy vampires to the idea that they can not solve their own problems at all, when another person can solve it for them. That is, you spend your energy by giving it voluntarily and without demanding anything for it. It is for this reason that you should limit your communication with such people and your family’s communication with them. The family is easily influenced by energy vampires. Sometimes this is cruel, but the only way to encourage the “energy suckers” themselves to move forward and not waste their energy on solving their problems, which is so necessary for them and you don’t need at all.
It should be remembered that anyone can become an energy vampire, regardless of age or life status. Therefore, you should never be guided by negative emotions, getting upset about every occasion or because of some problems in life, because it is they that lead to energy vampirism, or rather, your perception of life’s tasks, giving them too much importance. Try to always be in a joyful mood, not pay attention to little things, ignore rude and uncultured people. To maintain vitality, you need to walk in nature as often as possible, eat natural food, love others, listen to your favorite music. Only with the help of positive thoughts can you cope with any, even the most unsolvable problem. Thus, an impetus is given to further development in life, to the ability to overcome troubles with your head held high on your own, without relying on anyone.

- this is the reason for the “cut-off” of a person from cosmic energy and its source. On at the moment In life, he needs to “steal” energy from others in order to restore his own. It happens that he himself is not aware of his illness. There are often cases when an energy vampire “pumps” strength from some people and at the same time gives it to others, which is why even he himself does not have time to use it.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to determine whether a given person is a vampire or not by any tests. Each person determines an energy vampire himself, without unnecessary help, relying only on his own intuition and knowledge, because you can only defend yourself by knowing who is in front of you.

The main thing in the concept of human life in society is the desire to transform everything that exists on the planet into useful things, that is, to make sure that everything is adapted for him. According to people, every thing should benefit their health and general emotional state.

This principle of energy-informational approach was preached back in the Ancient East. The philosophy of the East considered a person as an open biological energy-information system. This meant the ability to both give and receive energy. When a person becomes cut off from the common universal source of energy, he tries with all his might to restore his own, constantly diminishing source of life, at the expense of other people. And this struggle is most often completely unconscious.

A person begins to feel unprotected and weak on a subconscious level; he needs energy. Any argument with insults benefits only the energy vampire, because, as a rule, he wins. This, in turn, further undermines his health and distances him from the source of energy in the world.

Only by improving spiritually can one not lose this invisible connection with the cosmos. Only the ability to take energy from the original source provides a way out of the system of donors and vampires.
Things are constantly happening in front of us that are beyond our understanding, things that are impossible to notice. There are many such phenomena in the world, and each of them psychologically affects the people around them. It happens that a person does not know how to behave and what to do so as not to be under the power of an energy vampire.

You need to learn forgiveness. If a person is very for a long time unable to cope with any bitter resentment, he inevitably becomes an energy vampire. The only way to deal with this is not to let the resentment penetrate into you, not to allow it to accumulate. That is, learn to forgive. Christians celebrate a wonderful holiday - Forgiveness Resurrection. Its usefulness lies in the fact that if a person sincerely asks everyone for forgiveness, he subconsciously cleanses himself of negative emotions.

Illness is essentially a creation of the thoughts of each individual. In Chinese medicine, there is an entire science that studies the influence of a mixture of emotional factors on a person’s overall health. When these factors act for a long enough time, they begin to provoke the occurrence of various diseases. So, for example, constant being in a state of anger has a bad effect on the liver, fear or joy without measure - on the heart, sadness and sadness - on the lungs, fear - on the kidneys. The fact is that an organism in a state of fear, anger, resentment or hatred automatically begins to release harmful and toxic substances that disrupt metabolism.

Emotions of internal disorder and constant “whining” that everything is bad never go away without leaving a trace. Anyone who constantly talks about misfortunes and illnesses will certainly fall into the traps set by their psyche. And this is no coincidence, because mentally we always give rise to the occurrence of one or another illness.

Psychological energy is constantly changing depending on the emotions of each individual. The manifestation of fear, anger, envy or bitterness constantly destroys the general emotional background of a person, affecting his everyday state and behavior. If you look at energy vampirism from the occult side, then this is nothing more than the behavior of absolutely dead people who came out of their grave to satisfy their needs for physical and psychological energy.

The amount of energy lost directly depends on the relationship with the vampire. On how open and trusting they are. Conventionally, each vampire can be classified into one of two groups: “lunar” ones take energy quietly, and “solar” ones are constantly rowdy, provoking quarrels and scandals. It is not difficult to guess that a person has become an energy vampire - he is constantly nagging, complaining about life, and is unable to solve his own everyday problems. A sincere attempt to help such people usually turns out to our detriment, and therefore there is a leakage of our own vitality. In any public place they can “suck” energy - in housing departments, at the post office, at the passport office, in a car service center and similar social places.

When someone else feels good, the energy vampire himself feels very bad. That is, with direct contact with him, he begins to recover, and you get sick, the consequences of which can be feelings of drowsiness, increased excitability, exacerbation of old diseases, and mental instability.

Some of the most effective methods to restore your vital energy are: taking a contrast shower, hot healing tea or any liquid hot dish; A glass of herbal tea sometimes performs an invaluable function as an energy restorer. A glass of boiling water, among other things, can invigorate yourself, improve your mood and appetite, and relieve headaches. Infusions of tea from yarrow, rhubarb, madder, plantain, cyanosis, horsetail, burdock, and blueberries are very useful.

To conserve energy, it is very important to constantly enjoy this world - the sun, birds, trees, flowers. Sometimes five minutes of conversation with an opponent is enough to expend a significant part of your energy. With constant communication and sympathy for such a person, everyone overspends their energy on him, in connection with which feelings of irritation, weakness and hostility come.
If the vampire is “sunny”, he is constantly in a state of excitement, generally hyperactive and always sociable. Such people always provoke quarrels and scandals. That is, they cause anger in a person, he easily succumbs to it, and, without controlling it, gives away his energy. For example, the energy of life can be “sucked out” while on public transport or in crowded places, just by being rude to someone.

“Moon” energy vampires are much more difficult to recognize. They quietly and modestly extract energy. In their arsenal there are a lot of cunning ways to “suck out” other people’s vitality. They can talk to you about something really important and at the same time use you as a “donor” of energy. Such people are more likely to provoke a conflict and step aside to watch its development.

An energy vampire of any type constantly burdens his opponent with his imaginary problems. They do not accept objections and disputes in response, considering your problems to be insignificant. Vampires constantly maintain a closed posture, crossing their arms over their chest or cunningly intertwining their fingers. Vampires also usually wave their arms vigorously, as if putting up an invisible barrier. True, sometimes such signs do not relate to vampirism, but are only a consequence of a bad mood.

In everyday clothing, every vampire usually prefers dark colors, but this is also not necessary. When such a person grows up, he begins to use the energy of the whole family, setting each member only his own conditions. He gets used to this very quickly.

Energy vampirism is always accompanied by envy. People of this mindset are selfish, and they do not care how they get the necessary energy. Moreover, if you allow him his actions, he will enjoy life, and you will feel tired and dissatisfied, sometimes without even knowing the reasons for this.

It’s not difficult to fight an energy vampire - the main thing is to detect it in time and realize it. It is best to use his own methods - cross your fingers or arms, that is, take a closing pose, showing that you will not allow the vampire to come to you. The most important thing to always remember is that you shouldn’t go into conflict with an energy thief, because that’s what he needs. Don't get annoyed, be rude to him, cry or talk very emotionally. An excellent technique is if you look at the so-called “third eye” - the distance between the eyebrows and above - while talking to a vampire.

It happens that an energy vampire unknowingly “sucks” energy, and you fall under its influence only by accident, wanting to help him with an open heart. But such help will most likely only benefit him. Usually vampires do not even thank their “donor” of vital energy. The hardest thing is to deal with a vampire when he is one of the family members. Such a person is very dear and it is incredibly difficult to renounce him. To help him, there is only one sure way - do not let him complain and explain that you understand him perfectly, love him, care for him, but let him raise his head and deal with the problem himself. Moreover, most likely, it is insignificant and your relative is simply pressing for pity, being unable to solve a difficult problem on his own. Phrase: “I love and respect you, but let’s solve your problems yourself!” quite suitable for such cases.

It’s a completely different matter when an energy vampire cannot be identified. He can constantly be with you at work, on the street, in a store or restaurant, stealing energy unnoticed or even unconsciously. It is usually not possible to detect such a person. All that remains is to restore your strength on your own.

In order for no one to use your life energy to feed themselves, you should enjoy every day you live, wake up and go to bed with positive thoughts, respect your colleagues, relatives, friends, and greet every acquaintance with an open smile. It should be remembered that each of us can become an energy vampire, sometimes even without really noticing it...

Every day we have to communicate with a lot of people. Each random person we meet has its own energy field, which can affect us in a certain way. And with those people whom we meet every day, interaction at the level of biofields is inevitable. There are effective methods that can help you determine the negative or positive energy of a person nearby.

Why is bad energy dangerous?

People with negative energy a lot, and it is sometimes impossible to notice it with the naked eye. Such individuals are called energy vampires. As a rule, people with bad energy often complain about life, are mired in debts and problems, and the more they gossip and plot behind their backs, the more deplorable their situation becomes. Such people are not used to taking responsibility for their actions, so it is easier for them to take someone else’s advice in order to shift all the blame onto someone else in case of failure. They are the ones who need energy from other people and sometimes unconsciously drain energy from you.

Frequent and close communication with people of this kind can lead to the adjustment of your energy to a negative wave, and soon you may turn out to be the same energy vampire who lives at the expense of the spiritual strength of those around you.

How to spot an energy vampire

There are several ways to understand that you are communicating with a bad person. One of the simplest is diagnosing a person with a pendulum. Take the pendulum in your hands and place your elbow on the table. This way you will reduce tension in your hand and your hand will remain free. Next, ask the pendulum a question and indicate the direction for the answers. For example, if the pendulum swings to the right, this means a positive answer, and if it swings to the left, then the answer is negative. When you have decided. Which trajectory of the pendulum will mean the answer “yes” and “no”, you can start fortune telling. If you intuitively feel that something is wrong with a person, simply: “ What kind of energy does this person have: positive or negative?" This study can be done at home.

Another method is very visual, but at the same time very harmful to humans. If you're pretty long time communicate with an energy vampire, sooner or later you will begin to observe yourself with fatigue that is not typical for you, which was not there before. If you are tormented by insomnia at night, you lose your appetite, fall into a depressive state, begin to treat everything with pessimism and there is a general deterioration not only in your health, but also in your life in general - take a closer look at your surroundings.

In such cases, the simplest option is to completely stop communicating with such a person. If this option is not possible, and you have to interact on duty, protective spells and rituals are of great help.

How to determine a person's positive energy

It is very simple to understand that someone from your environment is filled with vital positive energy, especially since there are very few such people. If you see a positive person to whom you are simply drawn like a magnet, this is the one you need. It’s easy and interesting to see such people; they are always open to communication and ready to help at any moment. Interaction with such a person, even for a short time, improves your mood, and all problems are solved by themselves.

By being close to people whose positive activity is at its maximum, you can even be cured of some diseases.

Why do you need to communicate with such people?

By communicating with a person who radiates positive energy, you automatically improve your life. You are also filled with vital energy and become luckier in all areas of life, increase your protection, and energy vampires will bypass you.

Positively charged people can teach you to be happy and also to radiate positivity and help others.

Our body is a universal indicator that can quickly identify good and bad people. You just need to learn to listen to his signals, and then you will accurately be able to choose only the most happy people for your communication. Love yourself, communicate with positive people and don't forget to press the buttons and

09.10.2015 00:50

Energy vampires are those who feed on the energy of those around them, improving their mood at the expense of others...

Energy vampires are those who take away our energy without our knowledge, make us weaker and live at the expense of others. How not to become an energy donor?

Our energy is an internal source of strength: everything that allows us to be cheerful, mobile, feel emotional uplift and physical activity. When a person is in a balanced state, the processes of spending and replenishing internal energy occur evenly.

If the balance is disturbed, energy is consumed faster than it is restored, and the person gradually begins to feel internal discomfort, fatigue, and a predominance of negative emotions. And we do not always spend our energy of our own free will.

What is energy vampirism?

When we communicate with other people, in addition to exchanging words and emotions, we exchange energy with each other.

If the exchange is uniform, then communication does not cause discomfort, and a feeling of mutual sympathy and affection remains. If the exchange is uneven, one of the interlocutors makes up for the deficit of his energy at the expense of the other.

This process can be conscious, for example, when a family member or close friend is sick, you consciously support him by giving a piece of your energy.

But if you were forced to give up energy against your will, we may be talking about energy vampirism - a kind of theft of your internal energy.

Energy vampires and energy donors: signs and causes of energy vampirism

Energy vampires are people who are unable to restore and maintain internal energy at a sufficient level on their own. They spend energy excessively (unresolved problems, negative emotions, unloved work), and do not have the opportunity to replenish it.

Often energy vampires become deeply complex, emotionally and spiritually deprived people who simply do not have sources of positive emotions.

Energy donors are, accordingly, people who give their energy to vampires. The higher the donor is developed emotionally and mentally, the less he will notice the fact of vampirism.

However, if the donor is ordinary person with an average energy reserve, the consequences of energy pumping can be quite noticeable and even dangerous for him. Especially if communication with an energy vampire occurs constantly, and the energy deficit becomes more and more noticeable each time.

Energy Vampires can be of two types.

The first type is unconscious. Such vampires do not realize that they actually feed on other people's energy. These people become vampires in moments of failure, or steal energy from time to time, but at the same time do not wish harm to the one at whose expense they live. Sometimes such an unconscious vampire can be an elderly relative or a child.

The second type is conscious vampires. Such people pose a much greater danger to the donor, since they purposefully pump out vital forces from those around them and are good at hiding their true intentions. They do not feel compassion for the victims, are not emotionally attached to them, and do not burden themselves with ethical issues. Their main task is to obtain energy at any cost.

Signs of energy vampirism

The main sign of vampirism is your internal state during and after communication with a person. If for no particular reason you feel discomfort, hostility, a desire to end the conversation as quickly as possible, and after the conversation you are overcome by fatigue and a feeling of inner emptiness, you can say that you are communicating with an energy vampire.

When communication with an energy vampire cannot be ruled out for objective reasons, try to make him lose interest in you as a possible donor.

If the vampire's chosen tactics no longer work when communicating with you, most likely he will leave you alone.

  • The best strategy is to use his own weapon on the vampire.
    If you are provoked into quarrels and an outburst of negative emotions, try to piss off the vampire with a non-standard reaction: reduce everything to a joke, do not look him in the eyes, abstract from his threats and accusations.
  • If the vampire is your boss, and the joke would be inappropriate, imagine a mirror wall between you and the vampire so that all the negativity sent to you returns to him through the mirror image, without causing you harm. It is also good to cross your legs and arms, this way you will significantly reduce the outflow of your energy.
  • If a vampire takes up your time with complaints and whining, tell him in response a sad story from the life of your abstract acquaintances. It is important that your story is long enough so that the vampire himself loses interest in talking with you. Or tell the vampire that you are very busy and cannot listen to him.
  • If your energy is siphoned off by discussing your problems and personal life, stop sharing private information and answer questions with vague phrases.

In general, your task is not to allow the vampire to lead you to those emotions through which your energy is usually stolen. If you don't play by his rules, he will stop receiving your energy and communication with you will become uninteresting.

Energy vampirism at a distance

It's rare to feel like a vampire is draining your energy, even from a distance. For example, you are not physically in contact with a person, but you feel some kind of connection with him, a depressing feeling and negative memories do not leave you.

Perhaps something reminds you of this person - some, even trifling, gift from him, or, on the contrary, you left something that belonged to you with the vampire.

In this case, you need to try to get rid of the gifts and return the items that belong to you, or mentally say goodbye to them, and thus cease to be their owner.

It is also possible to steal your energy through non-verbal communication: letters, messages on social networks and forums. You can be provoked into a burst of energy not only through personal contact, but also in the virtual space.

Do not enter into correspondence with trolls, add people who irritate you to the “black list” of contacts, this will prevent further donation.

Energy vampire in the family: how to help an energy vampire?

The most common vampires in the family are children and elderly relatives - that is, the one with whom we cannot divorce, interrupt communication, or go to different corners. Both of them often experience energy hunger: children have not yet learned to replenish their resources on their own; older people have energy weakened by age, and are also not always able to make up for the deficiency without outside help.

A vampire can also be a seriously ill person or someone who is under stress. In this case, you can help them replenish their energy without harming themselves by sharing love and showing care, since love is a very energetically powerful emotion. As a rule, several manifestations a day are enough for your loved ones to make up for the deficiency.

If your pet vampire requires too much of your energy, try replacing yourself with another donor. For example, put a large flower or an aquarium with fish in your relative’s room, take him out into nature more often, and organize socializing for him based on his interests.

How to recognize an energy vampire by date of birth?

The level of energy reserves is a relative value and individual for each of us. It depends on many factors, including the date of birth. If, according to numerology, your energy level is low, you may be an unconscious vampire.

Test to determine energy vampirism.

You will need: pen, paper, calculator.

Write down your date of birth in dd-mm-yyyy format, for example: 09/14/1972.
Let's sum up all the digits of the record until we get a number less than 10: 1+4+0+9+1+9+7+2 = 33=3+3=6.
If the final number is less than 5, the person has low energy and constantly needs recharge.
If the final number is in the range from 5 to 7, the person’s energy is normal, he does not need additional sources, but he needs to avoid energy donation.
If the final number is greater than 7, the person has excess energy and can share it without harming himself.

How to restore energy after an energy vampire? How to get rid of energy vampirism?

If you are an energy vampire or have become a victim of one, it is extremely important for you to replenish your internal energy through other sources.

  • Nature fills you with energy very well: walk barefoot on the grass, lean against a tree trunk, expose your face to the sun’s rays and feel how the power of nature fills every cell of yours.
  • Communicate with the animals or houseplants you care for
  • Turn on your favorite music; headphones will allow you to mentally isolate yourself from the source of irritation or obsessive thoughts.
  • If possible, take a shower. Water washes away negative energy very well.
  • Give yourself any joyful emotions that are now available. The main thing is to get a powerful positive charge and stop the flow of negative experiences.

Amulets and amulets, stones that protect against energy vampirism

To protect against negative impact vampires will be helped by a stone or talisman that suits your zodiac sign. You can also carry the “eye of Fatima” (a popular Turkish souvenir amulet) in your pocket, or pin it on the wrong side of your clothes with a pin. You can wear your Zodiac sign as a pendant on your chest. You can make a talisman with your own hands, for example, weave a bracelet, during weaving of which you mentally charge it with your energy and endow it with protective properties.

In general, any thing charged with your energy (that is, has been in long-term contact with you) can act as a talisman-amulet, and the amulet object should evoke only pleasant emotions and associations in you.
From time to time it is necessary to wash the amulet under running water, clean it with salt or soap in order to wash away the negativity that has accumulated on it.

Believers who do not practice esotericism and pagan symbols can read prayers as protection. To eliminate energy vampirism, the universal prayer “ Our Father"or prayer to your guardian angel.

To avoid the situation of energy vampirism or energy donation, it is important to remember the golden rule of communication: the exchange of energies during communication must be mutual, voluntary and comfortable.

If you are a donor, learn to firmly protect your borders from external attacks. If you are a vampire, find people to communicate with who have excess energy and give it away without harming themselves.

Video: Energy vampires. How to recognize and protect yourself?