How to cleanse your biofield. How to cleanse the aura of your home from negativity. A cold shower washes away negative energy

Rune formulas and staves using them are the key to achieving any goals. The ability to correctly combine magical signs and understand them is not something that can be learned immediately. The same applies to the ability to read various layouts of runes during fortune telling.

In the article:

Rune formulas and runescripts - what are they?

The runes themselves are full-fledged symbols, fully responsible for any particular aspect of life or process in the universe. However, they would not be a full-fledged magical tool if their capabilities and powers could not be combined and combined. And several runes written in a row or dropped nearby during fortune telling can acquire a much deeper and more precise meaning than each of these signs individually.

Such rune formulas find their main application in creating a variety of amulets. If the runes are written in one row, together, this formula is called a runescript, or a runic script. This is an easier to understand and read option for creating amulets, and at the same time it is also the most ancient and traditional.

However, even despite the apparent simplicity of rune scripts, it is necessary to fully understand both the meaning of each individual sign included in the formula, and the possible effects of their joint work. The correct creation of such amulets cannot be learned in one day. But if you want to start working with this aspect of northern magic, then you can definitely get to the point where you can confidently create and solve various runescripts.

How to correctly compose runescripts and rune formulas

There are several rules in composing such formulas. Most often, such inscriptions contain either a single word of the Old Norse language, or a certain combination of runes that has no meaning in transcription and works directly with the power of the signs themselves. Scandinavian words written in runes can often be found as archaeological finds - many amulets simply contained a runic entry: “protection from evil” or “amulet for the home” in the ancient language. However, it is unlikely that such runic scripts could have real magical power - such finds are found only in late time, already after the baptism of the Scandinavian countries. According to most modern historians and runologists, such use of magical signs is only a consequence of a misunderstanding of their essence.

But runic scripts are, of course, an effective magical tool. Typically such scripts consist of two, three or five characters. This grouping makes it possible to quite accurately indicate the action of the talisman and at the same time is quite simple to read or compose. There are also larger runic formulas, but it is much easier to make an accidental mistake and end up with something completely different from what you might expect.

It should be noted that in the runescripts there is very great value have not only the signs themselves, but also their order. The same runes written in different orders can lead to completely different results. Thus, in scripts of three or five runes, the aspect with which the work will be carried out is usually depicted in the center, the “tools” for such work are in the first positions, and the expected results are in the last positions.

You can begin such work only by understanding exactly what exactly you want to achieve from the talisman or amulet you are creating. Runes provide almost limitless possibilities for solving any issues. But even the ancient sagas warn about the dangers of using runes by people ignorant of them. Therefore, if you have not yet started activating runes, under no circumstances should you engage in your own creation and compilation of rune formulas.

However, you can use time-tested and simple versions of formulas without this. These amulets include a combination of three consecutive Fehu runes, aimed at attracting wealth through the use of the wealth rune. Another example is the equally well-known runic formula ALU - Ansuz, Laguz and Uruz, which is a universal amulet that attracts good luck in all endeavors and improves life in general.

Rune staves - how to use runes knitted together


Subsequently, another school also arose in the runic magical tradition, requiring deeper knowledge of the power of these Scandinavian signs and an understanding of their principles. It consisted of encrypting several runes by creating one image that combines several characters at once. Such formulas, on the one hand, made it much more difficult for outsiders to unravel the program embedded in them, and on the other hand, they made it possible to combine actions at different levels various types influences

Nevertheless, this same type of runic magic also contains great danger. It is necessary to check each runic symbol for all possible additional symbols included in it. Thus, becoming the most famous for family happiness " Family man"At first glance, it consists exclusively of and two. Nevertheless, it also conceals a shape formed from the interweaving of lines. In this situation, of course, it serves only positive purposes. However, illiterate use and composition of complex combinations can lead to a completely different result simply because you did not notice all the signs included in the runic formula.

But the classic varieties of staves, tested many times, are also a simpler instrument. They allow you to immediately achieve the desired result without lengthy preparation and studying all the features of the tradition. An example of such a position could be both the above “Family Man” and the “Funnel” combination, used to protect against any negativity.

Galdrastavs and Agishjalms - powerful complex Viking formulas


Galdrastav translated from Old Norse - witchcraft tablet. Nowadays, the name galdrastavs refers to a separate type of stakes, which are based on the use of one, two or four lines located on the same axis. The most famous historical use is known of them as "helmets of terror" or Agishjalmov. These images were applied by the Vikings to their foreheads in order to immobilize their enemies, instill fear in them and make them lose the battle.

The simplest and most famous version of such a galdrastav is four Algiz runes, extending perpendicular to each other from a common center. Other simple runic staves of this type can be created by placing any other runes on these central axes - preferably four different ones or two in pairs. However, there are much more complex mystical formulas. So, huge amount Galdrastavs from Ancient Iceland have not yet been solved, since in addition to runes they also used other signs, including smooth and winding lines.


Modern agishyalms and galdrastavs, like any other types of runes and their combinations, can be used to achieve almost any goal. Their distinctive feature is the ability to create complex combinations, devoid of any possible ambiguity, like regular stakes. However, as part of galdrastavs, you can even use and combine the effects of ready-made individual variants of staves. Thus, this technique is one of the most difficult to master. However, the effect of galdrastavs and agishyalms usually turns out to be much stronger and sharper. With their help you can achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time. Combat agishyalmas, for example, in just a split second - the moment the enemy looks at this sign, can literally discourage him and incapacitate him.

How to correctly compose a runic formula and make runic patterns

First of all, the main rule when composing your own magical talismans using runes will be a clear understanding of the place of each rune in the finished formula, and, of course, its meaning. It is necessary to understand both the general meaning of the rune in its individual form and its place in the finished rune stave. In addition, you must also remember that each talisman, each becoming or script must be activated. Usually, the activation of amulets occurs simultaneously with their coloring. Traditionally, the blood of the person who composed this stave is added to the paint. For all the peoples of the world, blood is a representation and personification of the direct life force, and it is not surprising that it “revitalizes” the runes, forcing them to include the program embedded in these signs.

There is no need to use direct rituals when composing runic formulas. If you want to learn how to make a runic stave or how to correctly compose a runic formula, then you should understand that this is intellectual work. The correct runes and their combinations are derived through lengthy reflection and meditation. After all, this is exactly how Odin worked with the magic of runes - this god was famous for both his intelligence and his ability to listen to his own feelings. Without at least one of these components, it will not be possible to achieve success and correctly compose the necessary signs into an effective magical tool.

As for the subsequent consecration of the finished stave, opinions are divided here. Traditionally, runes are considered a tool not tied to religion. The northern gods can help in their use, suggest the right path and ensure the absence of errors, leveling out minor flaws with their influence. But this happens only due to the close connection of the gods of the ancient Scandinavian peoples with runes. In this case, they act as wise mentors. But their influence is not necessary for the runes to work. Representatives of any religion can use them without any consequences.

However, when directly creating an amulet or implementing a stave in life, it is advisable to clearly understand general program his actions and give him specific goals. This can be either spoken out loud or in thoughts. The most important thing is that you yourself clearly understand what you want to achieve with the help of runes. Ancient symbols do not tolerate careless handling. And in the end they can lead to completely unexpected results. Of course, if you have not paid enough attention to preparing to work with them.

Runic layouts and their meanings

World Tree Yggdrasil and the runes that God Odin saw

Fortune telling also holds a special place in runic magic. It is worth noting that some followers of the traditions of the Scandinavian peoples now consider fortune telling an unworthy way to use runes. However, mythology and ancient sagas directly refute this opinion. Even the supreme god of the Aesir - Odin - did not neglect fortune telling. And just looking into the interweaving of nine sticks ash Yggdrasil, in which he saw runes, he also managed not only to unravel the meaning of these signs, but also to learn about the fate of the entire universe.

Runic layouts in some ways can be similar to Tarot fortune telling. Thus, one of the most popular types involves an alternate layout of runic dies. One talks about the past. The second is about the present. The third one warns about the future. The very essence of such fortune-telling lies in the prophecy of the norns, of whom there were also three, and who knew about everything that was, what is and what will be. There are also separate layouts for love and relationships, for wealth and business, and for any other aspects of human life.

Runes can truly give an accurate and correct answer to any question in life. Moreover, with their help you can find not only answers to questions asked, but also hints regarding their solution. So, in general, runes do not so much predict the future as, in capable hands, they provide precise instructions and warnings about possible problems. For fortune telling you will need

Runes are the name given to the alphabet that arose before our era among the Scandinavian and North Germanic peoples. The word itself can be translated as “secret” or “mystery.” Initially, the alphabet was used only for writing magical formulas, and only then began to be used to transmit messages. Over time, runic symbols were replaced by more convenient Latin ones. But the ancient art of creating magical formulas was not completely lost.

Runic settings: how to change everything at once?

The ancient alphabet is often used for fortune telling. However, much more often formulas and staves are used in order to change one’s life for the better. Despite the fact that the alphabet consists of only twenty-four characters, not everyone can use it. It is not enough to just learn all the symbols, you also need to know their combinations. Improper use of the alphabet can lead to unpleasant consequences.

With the help of magic signs you can resolve a difficult situation, protect yourself from negative impact and deception, attract money and much more.

Exists 2 ways to use:

  • They can be applied to household items: wallets, furniture, dishes. Scandinavian peoples put runes on doors, decorations and weapons.
  • Making talismans with formulas. Such amulets helped achieve goals.

Formulas for all occasions

For good luck and happiness

You can attract good luck with a talisman with a formula called “Help of the Gods.”

The following sequence of signs must be applied to the amulet: Ansuz-Mannaz-Uruz. A combination called ALUGOD (“Luck Attracted by Magic”) is no less effective: Ansuz-Laguz-Uruz-Gebo-Otala-Dagaz. One of the most famous formulas that fill a person’s life with luck consists of symbols Ansuz, Uruz, Yera, Ansuz.

For love

With the help of runes, you can attract a partner into your life, or you can make a love spell if your loved one does not reciprocate. A strong combination of Ansuz-Laguz-Gebo will help you meet your “soul mate”, an ideal partner. Girls who want to get not just an ardent admirer, but to create a strong family, should create a talisman with a combination of the Gebo-Berkana-Otala runes applied to it.

To create a sexual love spell that will bind your partner, you should use a combination Kenaz-Perthro-Knightiz. There are purely female combinations that are not intended for use by men. Such combinations include Berkana-Ingvaz. This formula is called the “Seal of Freya” (in honor of the Scandinavian patron goddess of women, family and marriage). Runes will protect from black.

The Gebo-Tuisaz-Isa combination will help avoid unwanted effects. There is a formula, the use of which becomes an analogue of a Christian wedding - Ansuz-Gebo-Otala. A man and woman who use this combination become one in the eyes of higher powers. The runes must be written on two pieces of paper. One should be kept by the husband, the second by the wife.

For money

To attract money, the combination of Raido-Fehu-Otala is used. Owners own business It is necessary not only to attract profit, but also to survive in conditions of fierce competition. To beat your opponents, the Tivaz-Sovilo-Otal formula is used.

The Algiz-Fehu-Algiz combination will help protect business from crises and unscrupulous officials. You can increase the number of clients using the combination Fehu-Kano-Gebo-Sovilo.

To your health

When using runes for treatment or rejuvenation, you need to remember that not only the combination used plays a big role in obtaining the desired result, but also the positive attitude of the one who decided to use ancient knowledge.

Postoperative patients need strength to restore a weakened body. The Pertro-Ingvaz-Berkana formula will help them. The combination must be drawn with a ballpoint pen or felt-tip pen so that others cannot see. The same formula is suitable for pregnant women, particularly those in the later stages of pregnancy.

If doctors cannot make any specific diagnosis, and a person feels unwell and loses strength, a combination will help him Kenaz-Uruz-Ingvaz.

Nautiz-Berkana-Nautiz - becoming, helping to cope with any disease. However, it is necessary to act early stages until the disease has gained strength. It is not just physical health that needs healing, but mental health as well. The Wunjo-Sowilo-Jera formula gives joy.

With its help, they get rid of depression and suicidal tendencies. The combination helped cope with longing for a deceased person. Talisman with runes applied to it Hyera-Pertro protects the body from premature aging and rejuvenates an already aged body.

For protection from enemies

In order to protect your family from ill-wishers, several formulas are used. Uruz-Nautiz-Berkana - a combination of runes that puts up a shield against the witchcraft of enemies. The formula must be applied to the amulet and always carried with you. Raido-Eyvaz-Laguz - becoming, protecting from ill-wishers while traveling.

If a person is not sure that he has enemies, but suspects that someone is influencing him black magic, the combination “Solar Shield” is used. It consists of the runes Eyvaz and Sovilo. The combination “mirrors” the spells, returning them to its sender.

When visiting a dangerous place, you need to make yourself a talisman with the Teyvaz rune. To avoid the appearance of enemies, to extinguish the beginning conflict, the Teyvaz rune is also used, only inverted. It must be entered between two Nautiz symbols.

To win the lottery

When making a talisman that will help you win the lottery, you can use almost any natural material. Preferably it should be a stone. One of the formulas is applied on the front side. On the reverse side you need to write your last name, first name, patronymic and date of birth, and also formulate your desire. A prerequisite is that the mascot must be liked.

The more positive emotions it evokes, the greater the chances that the plan will be fulfilled. The combination could be like this: Kano-Dagaz-Sovilo.

Kano facilitates winning and arranges events in such a way that the owner of the talisman achieves what he wants. Dagaz eliminates the loss, making it impossible. Sowilo will help you do it right choice(for example, if you need to choose from several tickets, a person will take the one that later turns out to be lucky).

People who are calm and gentle in nature need extra energy to make themselves more attractive to win. In such cases, a combination is used Feu-Dagaz-Sovilo. The Fehu rune is aimed at creating prosperity in financial sector. It should be written in yellow or green.

For weight loss

The use of runes for weight loss is recommended to be combined with proper nutrition and physical activity. Symbols must be written in black or red. Paper is good for drawing symbols. Wood and glass are highly undesirable. You can wear a runic talisman on yourself or draw symbols directly on the body, in places of fat deposits.

One of the most effective formulas includes the runes Yera, Sovilo, Hagalaz, Berkana and Dagaz. Yera cannot get rid of excess weight by itself. However, with its help you can redirect energy to the desired area of ​​the body. Sovilo balances fats in the body.

Hagalase helps break down fats. Berkana significantly speeds up weight loss. At the same time, the rune makes the process safer for the human body, since sudden weight loss causes harm. Dagaz is the personification of changes in the human body.

Disclaimers for runes and their use

A stipulation is the formulation of intention, the result that needs to be obtained through the use of runes.

Disclaimers for runic formulas:

  • Porunnye. Each symbol of the formula should be specified separately from all the others. You need to say out loud why this or that sign is written.
  • General. The whole point, the general goal of the work, is discussed. At the same time, the magician must clearly understand why he applies each rune.
  • Complex. They consist of a combination of the two previous methods. First you need to talk about the purpose of each rune, then name the overall goal of the work.

The reservation is usually carried out after writing the runes. A magician who is just learning to work with the alphabet should take into account that In addition to the intent, his improvised spell must state:

  • Activation method. The magician states how he intends to “turn on” the work of the runes (for example, with fire, blood, etc.).
  • Decontamination method. You need to specify a way to stop the formula.
  • Stat validity period.

In addition, the magician must say that by his actions he does not intend to harm himself or other people. The disclaimer begins with the introductory part. Example: “By the power of this runic formula I command..." Next comes the main part, which indicates what exactly the runes should do for the magician. Then the formal part is announced, in which all are mentioned prerequisites(activation, deactivation, timing, etc.).

At the end, some magicians stipulate safety. Example: “This formula will act without harm to me and my family and friends.” Last part the reservation is not considered mandatory. However, it is necessary to include it in the spell in order to protect yourself and your relatives from possible consequences applications .

With the help of runes you can improve your financial situation, find true love and protect yourself from negativity. It is also possible to cause harm, to cause serious damage, to ruin. Do not use ancient knowledge to harm another person. This should be remembered not only by beginners, but also by experienced magicians.

There are several effective ways to cleanse the aura. You will find 2 of them in this article!

The state of the aura is closely related to a person’s physical health and well-being. It also influences spiritual growth and the ability to develop superpowers. The aura is constantly exposed to external energy influence.

Over time, without proper strengthening, the aura becomes deformed and can no longer withstand negative flows. This leads to the accumulation of negative energies in the subtle body, and the appearance of various diseases on the physical level.

How to cleanse the aura?"Cutting the Ethereal Wire"

To cut the ethereal wires, you need to say out loud or to yourself:

“Archangel Michael, I appeal to you! Please cut the cord of fear that is draining my energy and life force. Thank you."

Then you need to remain silent for several minutes. During the entire process, you should breathe deeply - breathing opens the door to the angels rushing to help.

After some time, a person, as a rule, begins to feel lightness and greater inner freedom. Particularly sensitive people may experience fluctuations in air pressure or other changes.

These words, spoken with full dedication, help break the energy channel with people who are negative. At the moment of “cutting the wire,” the one with whom the negative connection was maintained may remember you and even call you.

Cleaning with a vacuum cleaner

Below is a method on how to cleanse your aura with the help of angels.

To do this, you should say: “Archangel Michael, I call on you to cleanse myself and get rid of the influence of fear.”

Now you need to imagine or feel the presence of a huge figure of an angel. This is Archangel Michael. He will come accompanied by lesser angels known as the “Troop of Mercy.”

Archangel Michael will be holding a hose in his hand that looks like a vacuum cleaner hose.

You need to imagine how he will pass this hose through the parietal chakra¹ (). You can choose different cleaning speeds and depths. You should mentally direct the vacuum cleaner hose towards your head, body and to the side internal organs. “Vacuum clean” every part, the whole body - from the top of the head to the tips of the fingers and toes.

During such work, you can feel how lumps of energetic dirt pass through the vacuum cleaner pipe, as happens when cleaning an old carpet. Internal cleaning should be continued until a feeling of cleanliness is achieved.

After cleaning, you need to imagine that the check valve turns on and the body is filled with a thick light, similar in consistency to toothpaste. This kind of “putty” will fill the empty space formed where there was previously energetic dirt.

How to cleanse others?

These powerful cleansing techniques can be applied to other people, either in person or at a distance. The main thing is a firm intention to benefit others.

After performing the technique, most people immediately feel better and their anger goes away. Regular cleansing helps restore and improve health.

From the book “Messages from Angels” by Doreen Virtue

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Chakra in the spiritual practices of Hinduism is a psychoenergetic center in the subtle human body, which is the intersection of the nadi channels through which prana (vital energy) flows (