Sample inscriptions on folders with documents. Title page of the case. The principle of stitching together purchased and homemade covers is the same

– this is a set of documents that reflect a person’s activities and indicate his performance. A personal file is often compared to a work record book, but this is a gross mistake. Work book, first of all, differs in that it does not contain any additional information about the employee, except for the place of his current and previous work.

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When applying for a job, the enterprise immediately creates a personal file for the new employee, which consists of a number of necessary papers (the set is standard and regulated by law). Only an authorized employee of the HR department can be responsible for maintaining, creating, or making any changes to a personal file.

The personal file reflects the qualities of the employee, his ability to perform his duties at the place of work. If necessary, these papers can be provided to law enforcement agencies.

As a rule, a personal file contains not only information about the employee, but also all comments and reprimands regarding his work. Information about delays, warnings. If one of the comments is made on a personal file, then you should be wary, because this is very serious.

What documents are included in a personal file?

It is recommended to place documents in your personal file in the following sequence:

  1. An inventory of the composition of the personal file, the sequence of all documents for easy searching.
  2. Job application.
  3. Employee profile with photos.
  4. Employment contract.
  5. A copy of the employment order.
  6. A copy of the certificate and diploma of education.
  7. Documents from the military unit, as well as confirming the absence of a criminal record.
  8. Registration at the place of residence.
  9. Characteristics from previous places of work, letters of recommendation.

An inventory of an employee’s personal file consists of a title, document number and index, inclusion date, sheet number and note. The note usually indicates which document is used - a copy or an original.

How is it carried out?

All personal files of the enterprise are displayed in a special notebook or journal, where they are provided with a special number at the place of work. This journal contains brief information about the case: Full name. employee, date of transfer to the archive, start date of the case, number.

It is a mistaken belief that any HR department employee has access to the personal files of employees. This is not true, all power and ability to make changes is exercised by the authorized person. Changes may be the following: documents from the registry office, name change and others. In this case, copies of documents confirming the facts are entered into the personal file.

Proper storage of personal files is very important, because this is confidential information to which a limited number of people have access.

Storage periods for personal files:

  • personal files of employees are kept for up to 75 days;
  • personal files of senior positions can be stored for an unlimited amount of time;

The retention period begins from the moment the file is transferred to the archive.

Registration procedure

Since in any enterprise, due to the large number of employees, it is impossible to keep track of all documents and their flow, it is very important to follow all the rules of registration in order to avoid the loss of important information that may interfere with the organization of the work process.

Proper storage and registration of personal files of all employees greatly simplifies the task:

  1. For example, if the enterprise is large enough and it employs large number employees, their personal files should be placed alphabetically. This will make it easier to find the desired folder.
  2. The employee’s personal file should not contain more than 250 pages.
  3. Front page should display only basic information about the personal file. This is your full name. employee and case number at the enterprise.

Personal files can be stored in the following ways:

  1. In alphabetical order.
  2. By structural divisions of the company (departments).
  3. Numbering of cases by their numbers or assignment of numbers during registration.


As stated above, only authorized employees have access to make changes to personal files.

The heading for the personal file is your full name. employee. Variations in the spelling of the surname or the woman's maiden name may also be indicated. For example: Bread (Kalinina) Elena Maksimovna.

When registering a personal file, it is allowed to accept documents that are dated earlier than the date the employee was hired. This issue is considered in individual cases, but, as a rule, it is resolved in favor of the employee.

The complete case form includes the following points:

  1. Design and entry of data on the cover of the folder (cover design will be discussed later).
  2. It is important to record the number of sheets in the case (no more than 250 pages).
  3. Preparation of the certification sheet.
  4. Internal inventory of documents in accordance with the apparent quantity collected, data verification.
  5. File filing, case binding.
  6. Application necessary information on the cover of the employee's personal file.

It is very important to know which documents are filed and which are not. The case file includes only the most important and significant documents, which can be stored for up to 75 years. If there are documents about the beginning of vacation, applications for vacation at your own expense, and the like, then these documents are not included in the filing folder. They are added to the total quantity.

Instructions for filling

After establishing an employee’s personal file, he must fill out a form. The questionnaire must provide comprehensive answers to all questions. Laconic and clear answers without unnecessary fluff. After the questionnaire, you should place a photo of the employee.

This should be a new photo, and not one where he is 18, when in fact a man of about 40 is standing in front of you. The autobiography must be compiled correctly and reflect all stages of the employee’s life. Educational institutions, interests, places of work and more.

Copies of documents on education or advanced training in certain areas must be certified first. When compiling a personal file, an employee is obliged to promptly report any changes (last name, first name, etc.).

The external characteristics of the employee are signed by the director of the enterprise, and the internal characteristics - by the head of the division or department of the company. All pages must be numbered.

Sample title page design

GOST 17914-72 dated July 17, 1972 regulates the rules for registering personal files, they are as follows:

  1. At the top of the title page there may be information that is allowed to be filled out only by the municipal or state archive, these are codes, dates of submission of documents to the archive, and more.
  2. In the center of the title page, slightly indented from the top, you must indicate the name of the organization. As a rule, the abbreviated name of the company is written in this place.
  3. Below the name of the company, the department in which the new employee works is indicated.
  4. Then the case number is indicated, which is taken in brackets. It must be preceded by an index, also in parentheses.
  5. Then the title of the personal file is written. The last name, first name, and patronymic of the employee are used as the heading.
  6. The lower right corner of the title page is intended for such information as the date of hiring the employee, the day of dismissal, the storage period of documentation, the date of filing in the archive, and more.

In the activities of each organization there is formed special category affairs - affairs permanent storage. In this article we will tell you how to formalize such cases for transfer to the archive.


The storage periods for documents are established by standard lists:

  • List of standard management archival documents generated in the process of activity government agencies, organs local government and organizations, indicating storage periods (approved by order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated August 25, 2010 No. 558, as amended on February 16, 2016; hereinafter referred to as the 2010 List);
  • A list of standard archival documents generated in the scientific, technical and production activities of organizations, indicating storage periods (approved by Order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated July 31, 2007 No. 1182, as amended on April 28, 2011; hereinafter referred to as the 2007 List).

The document storage period can also be established in industry regulations. regulatory documents. In this case, the word “permanently” can be replaced by a synonym, for example, “indefinitely”.

  • If the organization is not the source of acquisition of the state archive.

Column 3 “Document storage period” of the 2010 List contains a footnote<*>, which states that the period of storage “permanently” (Post.) of documents in organizations that are not sources of acquisition of state and municipal archives cannot be less than ten years. We are talking only about those documents whose storage periods are indicated in the 2010 List.

Thus, if an organization is not the source of acquisition of the state (municipal) archive, it must store documents with a “permanent” period of at least 10 years, and then is free to destroy them as usual, along with files that have expired by that time. At the same time, in the instructions for office work or in another local normative act When dealing with the storage of documents, it is advisable to establish a minimum retention period for these documents. For example:

Since the Company is not an organization that is the source of acquisition of state (municipal) archives, the “permanent” storage period for management documents is 10 years.

Please note

The 2007 List does not contain any such footnotes or instructions issued in any other way. Therefore, if a document according to the 2007 List has a “permanent” shelf life, this means storage for the entire existence of the organization.

  • If the organization is the source of acquisition of the state archive, then the shelf life “permanently” means “for the entire existence of the organization.” If the liquidated organization has a successor, then “permanently” will last as long as the successor organization exists. If an organization is liquidated without successors, the state archive to which it belongs conducts an examination of the value of documents with a permanent shelf life and takes into its storage those that it considers useful. Documents that are not of interest to the archive may be destroyed.


Features of case formation

Preparing a file for storage begins long before the document is completed in office work. All DOE processes are performed sequentially and are interconnected.

Please note

Already at the stage of receiving an incoming document or creating an outgoing one, you need to understand in which file the document will be placed and what are the features of the formation of this file.

For example, orders for core activities must be taken into account and formed strictly separately from orders for personnel. The opposite is often the case with small organizations, where the secretary combines the functions of a clerk and a personnel officer. Before sending such a composite file for storage, you will have to disband it, and this is extra work.

As for correspondence, it should be formed according to the “request-response” principle, when each letter received or sent is filed according to its question, and not by type (incoming or outgoing). This must be done immediately, otherwise, when it’s time to send the files for storage, the secretary will spend huge amount time to create a correspondence history.

Ways to organize documents

Documents in the file can be systematized:

  • Chronologically, that is, according to the time of creation. As a rule, in such cases documents are arranged strictly according to registration numbers, For example:

Case sheet number (volume)

Order dated January 12, 2015 No. 1

Order dated January 13, 2015 No. 2

Order dated January 13, 2015 No. 3

Order dated January 16, 2015 No. 4

Order dated January 19, 2015 No. 5

  • Alphabetically- for example, names or names of projects:
  • Combined method- first, documents are arranged in alphabetical order, and then also chronologically, for example:

Document and its registration data

Case sheet number (volume)

Correspondence with Astra LLC

Separator sheet

Ref. No. 53 from 01/14/2015

In. No. 243 from 01/16/2015

Ref. No. 105 from 01/23/2015

In. No. 341 from 01/28/2015

Correspondence with Vasilek LLC

Separator sheet

In. No. 14 from 01/12/2015

Ref. No. 18 from 01/13/2015

In. No. 201 from 01/15/2015

Documents divided into alphabetical blocks are separated from each other, for example, by colored separators. This is optional, but it makes working with the volume much easier. When numbering sheets, separators are numbered in the general order.

Thus, by the time the files are filed for storage, the documents will already be correctly formed into files, and within the files will be systematized.


  • We remove unnecessary things. Most likely, until now the documents were kept in folders-registrars. It is too early to remove documents from them. To begin, let's look through each folder and remove from it drafts, doublet (repeated) copies of documents, sheets of notes, and from the documents themselves - paper clips and staplers.
  • We divide things into volumes. At this stage, we determine how many volumes of the case will end up and how best to divide the documents into volumes: by month, by number of sheets, by counterparties, by last names, etc. In accordance with clause 4.20 of the Rules for organizing the storage, acquisition, recording and use of documents Archive fund Russian Federation and other documents in the authorities state power, local government bodies and organizations (approved by order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated March 31, 2015 No. 526; hereinafter referred to as the 2015 Rules) each file should contain no more than 250 sheets.

It is not at all necessary to come up with some kind of system for dividing documents into volumes; it is enough to follow this rule. The uniform distribution of sheets, firstly, allows you to create volumes that are approximately equal in thickness, and secondly, it facilitates the search for documents in the file. Thus, if the file contains approximately 300 sheets, then it is better to make two volumes of 150 sheets each, rather than 250 and 50.

Then we carefully remove the documents from the folders, distribute them into volumes and begin processing them for storage.


Depending on the storage period, cases can be processed partially or completely. All files opened in the organization and having a storage period of more than 5 years are partially documented, with the exception of personnel files. The following cases are subject to full registration for storage, in accordance with the 2015 Rules:

  • permanent shelf life;
  • temporary (over 10 years) storage period;
  • personnel documents ( All, including those that have a five-year shelf life).

Stages of design of each volume. Complete registration of each volume of the case for storage occurs in the following order:

1) numbering of case sheets;

2) drawing up an internal inventory of the case;

3) drawing up a sheet of evidence for the case;

4) filing or binding of case documents;

5) design of the cover (title page).

Stage one: numbering the volume sheets

If the documents were previously numbered by someone in the same upper right corner and the new numbering does not coincide with the old one, then cross out the old number and write a new one next to it. Numbers placed in other parts of the sheet do not need to be corrected. If the volume includes a brochure with its own page numbering, then each sheet, including the cover, receives its own number in the general order.

Each numbered volume can have a sticker with the following information:

  • total number of sheets;
  • missing numbers;
  • letter numbers.

This information will be useful to us a little later when drawing up a document certifying the case.

If there are several missing and lettered numbers in the volume, then they must be taken into account when calculating the number of sheets. For example, if there are 100 sheets of numbers in a volume, but there are three missing numbers and two letter numbers, then the total number of sheets in the volume will be 99 (100 - 3 +2).

The 2015 rules say nothing about the number of corrections in volume numbering. Obviously, if there are too many errors, then it is better to renumber the sheets. However, what meaning this “too much” begins with is unknown. In this case, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with clause 75 of the Rules of Notarial Office Work (approved by the decision of the FNP Board of December 17, 2012, by order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated April 16, 2014 No. 78):


from the Rules of notarial office work

75. […] If more than 5 errors are made when numbering the sheets in a case (volume), the sheets of the case (volume) are numbered again.

This rule is not necessary for general office work, but at least it gives an idea of ​​the number of errors when it is better to renumber the volume.

Stage two: compiling an internal inventory of the volume

It is not always necessary to create an internal inventory of the volume's documents. Let's quote the 2015 Rules:


from the Rules for organizing storage, acquisition, recording and use of documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation

and other documents in government bodies, local governments and organizations

4.30. To record documents of certain categories of cases on paper (personal, court files, materials of criminal cases, cases on awarding academic degrees and conferring academic titles, cases related to the issuance of copyright certificates and patent inventions), an internal inventory of case documents is compiled.

The internal inventory is a kind of table of contents for the volume.

The secretary, if necessary, can create an internal inventory for other categories of cases. Here is what they say about this: Basic rules for the work of archives of organizations (approved by the decision of the Board of Rosarkhiv dated 02/06/2002):


from the Basic Rules for the Operation of Organizational Archives

3.6.17. An internal inventory of case documents is compiled to record documents of permanent and temporary (over 10 years) storage, the recording of which is caused by the specifics of this documentation (especially valuable, personal, judicial, investigative cases, etc.), as well as to record cases of permanent and temporary ( over 10 years) storage, formed according to types of documents, the headings of which do not reveal the specific content of the document.

Thus, it is possible to draw up an internal inventory both with orders for the main activity (especially if, due to incorrect systematization, the numbering in it was violated), and also with correspondence, if this will facilitate the use of volumes.

The internal inventory form is given in the 2015 Rules (Appendix No. 27). The inventory has its own numbering of sheets, which can be entered automatically at the stage of creating a document in MS Word (Example 1).

Stage three: we draw up a document certifying the case

A certification sheet is drawn up for each volume of the case. The form of the sheet is also contained in the 2015 Rules (Appendix No. 8). It’s easy to fill out: we already know how many sheets there are in each volume, as well as how many missing and lettered numbers there are among them. As for the “features of physical condition”, we are talking about:

  • about torn sheets;
  • glued sheets;
  • brochures, bound and sealed documents included in the volume;
  • sheets of a larger format than most in the volume, and other non-standard documents for this volume (Example 2).

Stage four: stitching the volume

  • Choosing a cover. Documents with a permanent shelf life are packaged in cardboard covers specially designed for files with a permanent shelf life (Fig. 1). It’s easier to find them on the websites of online stores, rather than in retail stores - the product is not the most popular, so people often forget to put it on the counter.

The cardboard binder is complemented by a flexible wide spine with an adhesive layer. The top and bottom covers have a crease with a 25 mm indentation from the left edge, which allows you to leaf through the case like a book and copy sheets without difficulty.

A volume decorated with such a cover looks like an ordinary book, only in a large format. Volumes designed in this way can be placed vertically on a shelf without fear that they will bend, crushing the contents.

  • Making the cover. If management considers it too expensive, the secretary will have to pick up scissors, cardboard and create the covers himself. However, you can make decent covers only if you can find high-quality cardboard, cut into sheets equal to or slightly larger than A4. Nothing good will come from the usual “For children's creativity”.

To make your own cover, you will need cardboard, a sheet of vinyl vinyl (a durable, waterproof paper-based binding material) and double-sided tape.

The principle of stitching together purchased and homemade covers is the same:

1. Place the bottom cover, documents and top cover together, drill and sew the binding.

2. Wrap the soft material (if you make it yourself, a strip of vinyl vinyl) down behind the bottom cover and stick the tape tightly at the bottom (Fig. 2).

As a result, the homemade cover will look almost the same as in Fig. 3.

  • We use a hole punch. Since documents are stitched in 4 punctures, it is better to use special hole punchers for 4 punctures, which punch a stack of documents from 150 to 300 sheets at a time (Fig. 4, 5).

You can also use a regular hole punch for 10 sheets with two holes, however, you will have to punch these ten sheets twice. The distance between the four holes should be 8cm (according to
with the recommendations of GOST 17914-72 “Covers of files with long shelf life. Specifications"), so the meter should be set to “888”.

Before punching holes in the volume, you need to arrange the case documents in the following order:

1) internal inventory (if it was created);

2) case documents;

3) certification sheet.

  • We select a needle and thread. The sewing needle is too small, it is better to use a bag needle (the so-called “gypsy”) - long (about 12 cm) and with a wide eye. You will need a strong thread, but you can fold it several times using regular thread. You can also sew with bank twine, but it is not easy to thread it even into a “gypsy” needle.

The length of the thread for a standard tom is approximately 1 meter. It is best to determine the optimal length for yourself experimentally - already on the third volume of stitching it will become clear how much it will be needed. There is no need to tie a knot at the end of the thread, as with normal sewing - the ends will still be cut to the optimal length. If the volume was pierced (punched, drilled) carefully, there will be no problems with threading, since the diameter of the needle is much smaller than the diameter of the hole from the drill or hole punch.

The direction of the needle and thread when sewing a volume is shown in Figure 6.

After both ends of the thread are pulled out from the back of the volume, they are tied (not tightly, so that the volume can not only be opened, but also, if necessary, make a copy of any document, but also not loosely, so that the sheets of the file do not “walk”) and are circumcised.

Please note: in general and personnel records management, it is not necessary to remove the ends of the threads from the inside of the cover and fasten them with a certification sticker. The ends are trimmed and, if possible, hidden under the cover. If there is no cover, they are simply displayed from the inside without any further manipulation.

Stage five: designing the title page (cover) of the volume

The form of the title page of the case is given in the Rules 2015 (Appendix No. 28). Filling it out usually does not cause any difficulties. Just remember that the top line of the cover “Name of the state (municipal) archive” remains blank. If the case ever ends up in the state archives, its employees will fill out this line themselves.

In the lower left corner of the title page the archival code of the case is affixed: fund number, inventory number and the number of this storage unit according to the inventory (Example 3).

We glue the title page onto the cover of the volume. It is best to use PVA glue, but then the case must be immediately placed under a press for several hours, otherwise the title page will stick unevenly and wrinkle in places. The least suitable materials for this are glue sticks (the cover will come off after a couple of hours) and office glue (too liquid and will ruin the title page so that no press can save it). Printing covers on sheets with an adhesive layer is expensive and ineffective: the “adhesive layer” on them is conditional, and the cover can be removed with one movement of the hand.

So, the algorithm for processing documents for permanent storage is as follows:


The range of special stationery for the archive presented in stores is small, but you can choose something.

  • Machines for archival binding. The volume of the case is fixed in them and drilled. The machine can be manual (to drill you need to turn a special handle, Fig. 7) or electric (the drill is started by pressing a button, Fig. 8). Experts have different opinions about these machines: some consider them convenient, others - exactly the opposite. But a hole punched with a hole punch definitely looks smoother and neater than one drilled by a machine.

  • Storage box. Finished volumes can simply be placed on a shelf, or they can be additionally packaged in boxes. There are many types of boxes. Let us note, for example, a box with drawstrings in which several bound volumes of cases are placed (Fig. 9).

Large boxes with a hinged lid can also be found on sale (Fig. 10). Such a box can fit 10 or more volumes.

From boxes with a hinged lid, it is convenient to get the desired volume or bundle without removing the box from the shelf. Some boxes even have special mounting brackets, which allows you to connect the boxes to form a rack (Fig. 11).

“Archival binding of the case”, i.e. dealing with generated archival documents is the result of work on document registration in the process of preparing them for subsequent storage and use in the organization’s archive (or simply archival storage, if the organization does not have an archive).

Registration of cases represents complex of works according to the description of the case (the composition and content of the documents contained in it) on the cover of the case, i.e. design on the cover of a specific heading, specified in comparison with the nomenclature of cases, numbering of sheets, drawing up an internal inventory of the documents of the case and a sheet certifying the case and, finally, booklet, i.e. filing and binding of the case. This set of works is also called archival and technical processing of documents in the process of preparing them for archival storage (preparation for delivery to the organization’s archive or to the state, municipal archive). Practice shows that organizations currently prefer to order archival and technical document processing services on an outsourcing basis or, as a last resort, invite a trained bookbinder to bind together cases already compiled and described in office work intended for archival storage.

Depending on the storage period of documents, either full or partial registration of cases can be carried out:

  • full registration of cases applies to documents (cases) with a permanent storage period, for personnel and a temporary storage period (over 10 years);
  • partial clearance, in which it is allowed not to number the case sheets, not to draw up an internal inventory and a certification sheet, applies to cases of temporary (up to 10 years inclusive) storage.

The established forms for the internal inventory of case documents (storage units) and the case certification sheet can be found in:

  • Basic rules for the work of departmental archives (approved by the decision of the board of the Main Archive of the USSR on August 28, 1982, approved by order of the Main Archive of the USSR dated September 5, 1985 No. 263; appendices No. 4-5),
  • Basic rules for the work of archives of organizations (approved by the decision of the board of Rosarkhiv dated 02/06/2002; appendices No. 9-10) and
  • Methodological recommendations for the development of instructions for office work in federal bodies executive power (approved by order of the Federal Archive of December 23, 2009 No. 76; appendices No. 26-27; hereinafter referred to as the Guidelines).

The rules for systematizing documents within a case, their numbering and descriptions on the cover of the case are discussed in detail in the same regulatory and methodological documents.

Documents constituting the case hemmed with 4 punctures into a hard cardboard cover or intertwined taking into account the possibility of free reading of the text of all documents, dates, visas and resolutions on them. When preparing files for filing (stitching, binding), all metal fastenings of documents (paper clips, staplers) must be removed.

Requirements for the cover cardboard and the form of case description on the cover (location of description elements) are established by GOST 17914-72 “Case covers for long-term storage. Types, sizes and technical requirements”, the validity of which was extended until 1985 and which, without further revision, in fact remains in force to the present day. See Figure 2.

Thus, the cardboard used for the cover should be from 0.35 to 1.5 mm thick (these requirements are met by archival companies that provide outsourcing services for archival and technical processing of documents), the cover spine should be 40 mm wide (since . the thickness of the case is approximately 250 sheets of documents, which is 4 cm), and the form of the cover of the case according to this GOST is currently recommended in Guidelines(Appendix No. 25).

To complete the binding of the prepared case, i.e. hemming for 4 punctures, use an awl, a drill, a clamp for clamping a pack, large needles, natural linen or cotton threads, but it is best to use special devices for stitching (binding), which are available on the office equipment market.

Particular attention should be paid to the “archival stitching” technique, i.e. craft question:

  1. The composition of the case is checked, in which first there are sheets of internal inventory, which are independently numbered (from 1 to N), then numbered sheets of documents of the case (from 1 to approximately 250), and at the end - a sheet certifying the case.
  2. Narrow sheets of paper the width of the margins of the bound documents of the case are placed on top and bottom of the case pack (of course, 35-40 mm is better, but 20-30 mm is also possible).
  3. Provided that the case is partially completed with temporary (up to 10 years inclusive) storage documents, sheets of cardboard (cover) are immediately placed on the bottom and top of the case pack.
    When a case is fully completed with documents of permanent storage, personnel or temporary (over 10 years) storage, the case pack is first sewn together, and then the case is bound using the established “typographical” technology, subject to which it is necessary to use PVA glue, and synthetic glue - only if it is protected from decomposition and mold.
  4. The pack-case is clamped under pressure, or in a clamp, or in a special device.
  5. The packs are punctured:
    • lower and upper - at a distance of 30 mm from the border of the lower and upper fields of the pack;
    • the middle two punctures are at a distance of approximately 80 mm from the lower and upper punctures, the distance between them should also be approximately 80 mm.
  6. Natural thread is passed through the punctures in one of two ways:
    • 1 way(shown in Figure 1). Each end of the thread is threaded into a separate needle (i.e., both ends of the thread are each threaded into its own needle). The thread is inserted with two needles into two middle punctures on the front side. From the back side, the thread is brought out into the upper and lower punctures on the front side. From the front side of the upper and lower punctures, the thread is threaded with needles into the nearest middle puncture. The thread is freed from the needles, straightened, and its ends are stretched and tied on the back of the package;
    • Method 2(also shown in Figure 1). The thread is threaded into one needle. From the back side of the pack, the thread is passed into the second puncture from the bottom (the end of the thread is left for subsequent tying), taken out from the front side and passed into the bottom puncture. Along the back side, the thread is passed again into the second puncture from the bottom on the front side. Along the front side from above, the thread is inserted into the second puncture from the top and along the back side it is passed to the top puncture. Through it, the thread is led into the second puncture from the top along the front side, threaded and brought out to the back side of the pack. On the back side, the thread is released from the needle, and its two ends are tightened and tied.

It is better to immediately prepare the cover of the case, like all other documentation, in accordance with all requirements and rules. This way you will save time in the future when you prepare or when needed. The cover must be designed in accordance with regulatory and methodological documents; it is characterized by a set form, which is shown in the picture.

You probably noticed the elements that are highlighted in red. So, in current office work they are not used when designing the cover.

They need to be filled out only if the organization submits files for subsequent storage in the municipal or state archive. These designations mean the case code, the codification of this organization and the archive where your documents are sent. Sometimes clerks simply leave an empty space when preparing the cover, and only then it is filled in using special stamps when the case is transferred for state storage.

Let's move from theory to practice, it is more understandable and visual. The sample below is used in full when designing the cover of the case; all its elements are required to be filled out.

Case cover - sample format for correspondence


(JSC "Gorka")

On 57 sheets

Store EPK for 75 years

When preparing the cover of the case, be sure to indicate the name of the structural unit. When transferring a case to a new department, its name is indicated below the old one, which is enclosed in brackets.

The procedure for registering the case index, title, article number and its shelf life. The time frame will be two dates - the earliest document and, accordingly, the latest. If we are talking about the personal file of an employee, then the situation is somewhat different, even if there are earlier documents, the upper end date will be the one when the hiring order was registered, and the lower end date will be when the dismissal order was registered.

To make it easier to find the necessary folders, design the spine of their cover. There is no single form for this; the rules of office work only indicate that it is necessary to write digital designations of cases (case index according to the nomenclature).

It all depends on the case itself, its thickness, the size of the spine, as well as the information that will be enough for you to search, etc. Use for decoration approximate form, given below:

Orders for employment

We hope that this amount of information is enough so that in practice you can draw up the cover of the case correctly, in accordance with the existing requirements.

How to hem documents correctly and with what thread.

Thanks to the correct firmware, documents are easier to organize. Many documents are transferred to the archive. It is more convenient to store bound multi-sheet documents and provide documents to inspection authorities. The papers remain completely intact, eliminating the possibility of substitution, forgery or loss.

  • The issue of correct document firmware is of concern not only to employees of government agencies, but also to representatives of small businesses.
  • If the firmware is not installed correctly, the registration process may take an indefinite period of time. Correct firmware is a guarantee of maximum documentation protection.

How to perform firmware according to existing requirements? How to do everything the first time if there is no clear set of rules for filing office papers? The material in this article is dedicated to in various ways firmware documentation.

  • If you need to staple office papers on several sheets, then first of all you need to familiarize yourself with the regulations. Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is glue or a stapler. Multi-page documents cannot be pasted. But how do you sew them together? After all, incorrect firmware can result, at a minimum, in a refusal to register the authority requiring you to provide a package of documents.
  • What to do if there is no set of rules and samples, and it is impossible to stitch papers as it turns out, and not as it should be. Despite the fact that there are no clear instructions regarding the binding of documentation, it is necessary to focus on the specific requirements of the authority that requests information in the form of a bound package of documents.
  • It will also be useful to familiarize yourself with general recommendations for flashing documents that consist of more than one sheet. They are collected in a brochure or methodological recommendations for 2009. There is also a brochure for 2004. It is more suitable for registering LLC documentation.
Rules for stitching GOST documents
  • The methods of stitching sheets described in the brochures refer to documentation that must be stored for more than 10 years.
  • The stitching of multi-page documents is performed using a regular needle and thick thread. But how to learn how to properly flash enterprise documentation? After all, this skill will come in handy more than once throughout your bureaucratic or entrepreneurial career.

What documents are stitched?

  • Personnel documentation based on the results of the current year
  • Accounting documentation
  • Clerk's incoming and outgoing documentation
  • Documents for the tax office
  • documents for submitting reports to the Pension Fund of Russia
  • documents to various departments of the bank
  • tender documents
  • copies of statutory documents
  • documents for concluding particularly important agreements
  • profit books
  • notarized copies and translations
  • when preparing documentation for archiving

  • It is customary to stitch a package of documents with a needle and thread. This allows you to maintain their integrity: in this type of paper it will be difficult to replace, which is very important today.
  • Sometimes it is allowed to use a stapler to staple documents. The ideal option is to use special equipment.
  • Accountants of many organizations are switching to working with accounting programs. They do not need to be duplicated on paper. There is online accounting for this. Documents in electronic form digitally signed documents have the same legal significance as paper ones (for example, invoices).
  • But, despite the ease of working with documentation in digital format, we will have to deal with the usual paper documentation for a long time, and the preparation of some documents is required now.

Office documentation has different meanings. Documents differ in the thickness of the file and the shape of the sheets. That is why there are several ways to flash documentation.

What kind of external differences for stitching objects:

  • a document that consists of 2 or more A4 sheets
  • accounting documents, including cash documents, consisting of varying numbers of documents, are stored in cardboard boxes

What thread should I use to stitch documents?

  • If you don’t take the filing of documentation seriously, then the papers prepared for delivery may simply be returned to you with the requirement to completely redo the firmware. Therefore, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the rules of stitching and the basic requirements before serious errors are made in the firmware of documents.
  • Another option to solve the problem is to turn to professionals. If you don’t have time to study the issue of firmware documentation, then you can entrust this to the specialists of a printing company. It will take 10-30 minutes to stitch documents with a plastic or metal spring with a cover.
  • But there is a certain risk in entrusting your documents to a third party: the papers may contain trade secrets.
  • Therefore, you should carefully read the instructions once on how to stitch documentation of various formats using ordinary threads or a stapler.

  • The documentation is sewn together with bank twine, thin Mylar tape or stitching threads. But if there are no such threads, then ordinary harsh threads will do.
  • 2-3 sheets are sewn together with regular thread. It needs to be folded in half for strength. The stitching process begins with holes being made in the sheets. The stitching is done from the back side of the sheets assembled together.
  • The needle is first inserted into the middle hole. It is better to use dual firmware. When the stitching is completed, the needle and thread are inserted into the central hole and brought out to the back of the assembled documents. The remaining end of the thread must be tied in a knot.

The documentation is sewn together with bank twine, thin Mylar tape or stitching threads

How to stitch documentation with thread

Preparing accessories:

  • needles and thread of suitable thickness
  • documents that need to be flashed
  • an awl or other tool for making holes in paper
  • organization seal
  • stationery glue

We stitch the document in 3 stages:

  • We are preparing papers for stitching. To do this, you need to arrange them into groups
  • Checking whether the numbering is correct
  • Stitching
  • We draw up an accompanying inscription.
  • We are preparing an internal inventory.
  • We certify the finished work

For a bound package of documents, the following is allowed:

  • miss the stage of document systematization
  • distribute documents without numbering
  • It is possible to submit documents without a certification

Stage 1:

  • We lay out the papers as they should be located in the document. We number each page with numbers in the upper right corner. For this we use a simple pencil.
  • We make punctures. If our document is made up of several sheets, then a puncture can be easily made with a needle and thread. We pierce a multi-page document with an awl or use a sharp nail. To facilitate the process of piercing the paper, take a hammer.
  • How many holes should I make? This depends on the requirements of the organization that is requesting the documents. The punctures should be evenly spaced along the left margin. The holes are made in the middle of the sheet, the distance between them is 3 cm.

A sheet of paper is glued onto the bound documents. It is stamped, signed and dated
  • For special important documents five holes are made. This is the most reliable way to protect papers from substitution.
  • We certify the document: prepare a piece of paper measuring 4 by 5-6 cm. We indicate on it the number of sheets stitched in numbers and in words. We add here the position, surname, first name and patronymic of the person who certifies the documents.

Correctly bound document: back side

  • Apply glue and place this sheet on the place where the knot is located and the threads meet. We take the short ends of the threads beyond the leaf so that they hang freely. The document certifier signs. If there is a stamp or it is necessary on the document, then we put a stamp. Here you should not just sign or put a seal, but do it in such a way that part of the signature and seal extends beyond the border of the pasted sheet.

  • Using an awl we make three holes. There should be a distance of 3-5 cm between them.
    We insert the needle through the middle puncture on the back side of the sheets gathered together, leaving a piece of thread more than 7 cm.
  • We bring the needle to the front side through the hole located at the top. We pull the needle and thread through the bottom hole on the back side.
  • Through the front side we pass the needle into the middle puncture. Now the thread can be cut, leaving a length of at least 7 cm.
  • We have two remaining threads: in the upper hole and in the middle. Let's connect them together.
    Prepare a rectangular leaf and glue it onto the resulting knot.

Manually stitching documents into 3 holes: diagram

Video: How to sew a diploma with three holes?

  • A more reliable way to stitch documents is with four punctures. We make 4 holes. We sew from the hole located second from the top. We insert the needle into the upper puncture, return to the second hole in the upper part, and then to the third. Through the fourth puncture we send the needle to the back of the document.
  • It remains to insert the needle into the third hole from the front side. The picture below will tell you how to stitch documents using four punctures.

How to flash a folder with 4 holes: diagram

What you should pay attention to:

  • We carry out the firmware strictly vertically and observing symmetry
  • holes in documents should be located along the left margin
  • the border from the edge of the sheet is 1.5-2 cm
  • the needle is inserted for the first time from the back of the document

We lead the thread into the outer puncture from the back side

Video: How to flash documents?

How to sew documents on a corner: diagram

Sometimes it is necessary to stitch a document by the corner. How to do this correctly, watch the video.

Video: How to stitch documents?

Stapling documents with a stapler

How to staple documents using a stapler - watch the video.

Video: How to stitch documents correctly?

How to correctly number document pages when filing?

  • We put Arabic numbers on the sheets
  • We use a simple pencil for this
  • We put the numbers in ascending order
  • We number sheets, not pages (documents may have their own numbering)
  • We put the page number in the upper right corner, without touching the text of the document.
  • Applications are numbered in general order
  • We number letters as follows: put a number on the envelope, and only after that we number the sheets contained in the letter
  • Multiple document volumes are numbered individually
  • Applications allocated to a separate volume are also numbered separately
  • If the documents are drawn up on a large format sheet, then put the numbering in the upper right corner, bend it and file it under one edge
  • For the individual fragments indicated in the document (for example, checks), we draw up an inventory, and this document numbered in general order.

How to staple documents for the tax office: rules, sample

  • number of sheets in one firmware - no more than 150
  • documents are stitched in such a way that dates and visas remain legible
  • The tax inspector may need a copy of the document, so it is necessary to staple the papers in such a way that scanning or other copying does not require breaking the firmware
  • all sheets in the document are numbered (numbering starts from one: 1, 2, 3)
  • Documents are stitched using the 2-4 puncture method. The thread is brought out to the back side and tied.
  • A piece of paper (its size is 3x5 cm) with a certification inscription and seal is glued to the knot.

How to staple documents for the tax office

  • The logbook is bound using hardcover. This is necessary to maintain the proper appearance of the document for a long period of storage.
  • Documents are numbered.
  • The log book is stitched with regular coarse thread without complying with any regulatory requirements.

For firmware you can use the following materials:

  • bank twine
  • regular thread No. 10 (stitched with a large number of stitches)
  • thin long cord
  • raw or stitching thread
  • the bound document is sealed to protect records from unauthorized intervention

Logbook firmware process:

  • prepare three holes with a hole punch or awl (make holes on the left in the margins of the magazine)
  • insert the thread from the back of the magazine binding into the outer hole
  • bring the thread to the front side and pull out the edges, aligning them
  • insert the ends of the threads (the segment should be 6-8 cm) into the hole that is located in the center and pull it to the back side
  • if you use a thread that is not strong enough, repeat the procedure
  • We tie the ends of the threads with a knot on the back side, grabbing the central thread that passes through the outer holes
  • glue the ends of the threads to the magazine, and glue a small square piece of paper on top, on which the responsible person signs and signs
  • indicate the firmware date

How to flash an accounting notebook: sample

Video: How can an individual entrepreneur flash documents?

Firmware of documents for archive

You will learn about the features of firmware documents for the archive from the video.

Video: I file an ARCHIVE FOLDER on the camera - detailed description

How to flash a folder with documents?

The process of flashing a folder with documents is shown in the video.

Video: Case file

How to sew a case?

Watch the video to see how to properly file a case.

Video: Case filing (1st option).

Video: Case filing (2nd option)