If the passenger doesn't wear a seat belt, who pays? Fine for not wearing a seat belt. When not using the device in the back seat

Good afternoon, dear reader.

This article will discuss the rules for using seat belts in modern vehicles and fines for not wearing a seat belt for the driver and passengers.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the fines for driving without seat belts in 2020 are not the greatest. However, you should wear a seat belt for your own safety, and not because of a possible fine.

Good luck on the roads!

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The traffic rules read like this:

Transportation of children under 12 years of age in vehicles equipped with seat belts must be carried out using child restraints appropriate for the weight and height of the child, or other means that allow the child to be fastened using seat belts provided by the design vehicle, and in the front seat passenger car- only using child restraints.

Must be carried out using child restraints appropriate for the weight and height of the child...

Doesn't work in your case. The child's height and weight do not correspond to the devices.

Or other means that allow you to fasten your child using seat belts...

But here it is enough for the child to place a pillow, a blanket, a magazine... under the child’s “butt” to fasten the child with a seat belt.

Dispute. Moreover, a protocol was drawn up (you disagreed), and not a resolution. You will be able to say that the child had a different remedy, the inspector simply either did not notice it or ignored it.

During the debriefing, it’s better to talk about the pillow... That is, height adjustment for the belt. This is just an example, since I don’t know the exact circumstances of your dialogue with the inspector.


but other devices do not comply with GOST, which means they are not safe! GOST GOST R 41.44-2005 is based on UNECE Rules No. 44, Europe understands that weights of more than 36 kg can only be supported by standard belts, adding something reduces the point of contact with the seat, thereby increasing the sliding of the body, and this is much more dangerous! where is the logic! Tomorrow I want to go to court to appeal!

GOST currently has no force. There are technical regulations customs union. But he doesn’t change the traffic rules in any way. Follow the traffic rules. The same technical regulations oblige you to change summer tires to winter ones in winter. There is no punishment for this! So in your case, a pillow is a “different means”!

Contact a car lawyer, many such cases have already been won and there is a precedent.

A very simple example for modern cars. Maybe you have noticed that the seat belts, on the post that secures them, have an “up” and “down” adjustment. The AUDI A8 Lux also has such an adjustment, in the rear middle seat. This is made specifically for transporting children. The child can be fastened with a regular belt without any problems.

The question is, what does GOST 2005 say in this case? Or did they simply not know in 2005 that VAG would start producing cars in 2015 without taking into account GOST?

And also, do the famous certified triangles on the belt change anything? They simply lower the top of the belt without adding any weight to the child, but are considered “another means”!


about technical regulations, I quote: PREFACE (The requirements of these technical regulations are harmonized with

requirements of the Organization's Economic Commission for Europe Regulations

United Nations (UNECE Regulations))


Appendices No. 4 to the Technical Regulations of the Vehicle (clause 3.2) and No. 6 (clause 1.16) establish the requirements for seat belts, seats and child restraints, and Appendix No. 10 defines the requirements for restraints for children (item 35) with a form and diagram confirmation of conformity, including the requirements of UNECE Regulation No. 44-04 “Uniform provisions concerning the approval of restraints for children in motor vehicles”.

Everything is clear about restraint devices, but where can you look in the technical regulations about “other means” that allow you to fasten a child using seat belts? It’s in the traffic rules, but not in the technical regulations!


other devices must be safe, which is regulated by GOSTs and Technical Regulations, and there is no such term in them, and if not, then they are not legal, and accordingly cannot be used! Before introducing this term, it is necessary to tie it to a certain standard, and in this situation, as usual, they said A and did not say B! This is what I'm trying to dispute! I'll let you know if it works out! By the way, our traffic police came to a dead end during the analysis, recognizing the imperfection of the clause, they themselves offered to sue, warning that I would be the first in this matter if I proved it!


Hello. Question about the entire resource. Why do you selectively indicate articles from the Code of Administrative Offenses for offenses?

For example, this section.

A fine for not having a child seat is the most serious violation in this section.

The article of the Code of Administrative Offenses is not indicated... I am not interested out of curiosity or harmfulness. It’s inconvenient, but such a small thing...


Can't reply to every message articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses and traffic rules. Sometimes it’s a shame that they ask the same type of questions through a message. And I’m too lazy to read a little higher.

This is not about comments on the topic, but about the topic itself. I’m not saying that everyone should respond to articles from the Code of Administrative Offences. This would not have to be done if they were indicated in the topic itself. This is what I'm talking about.

Here's the title of the topic. The search engine sends exactly this topic:

There is nothing higher there. Unless you need to leave the section and follow the links - it’s not convenient, as I already said.

Fine for not having a child seat. Article 12.23 part 3

Previously, a fine for a child seat, or rather for the absence of one, was equivalent to a fine for not wearing a seat belt.

However, starting from September 1, 2013, the fine for transporting a child without a seat or child restraint system was included in a separate article of the Code of Administrative Offenses and amounted to 3,000 rubles:

3. Violation of the requirements for the transportation of children established by the Rules traffic, -

entails imposition administrative fine in the amount of three thousand rubles.

It should be understood that the traffic police fine for the absence of a child seat is imposed not on the child, but on the driver of the car. I would like to note that a fine cannot be imposed on the child who was traveling without a child seat, because Children under 12 years of age are transported in special seats, and administrative fines are imposed only from 16 years of age.

Well, since currently the fine for a child seat is comparable to the cost of the child seat itself, I recommend not risking the life and health of the baby and buying him a special device for transportation.

This is the little detail I'm talking about. In the topic itself, articles 12.29 and 12.5 are indicated, which are very different from 12.23 part 1

And I’m not indignant at all, but just a remark, in the sense of a suggestion for improvement.

Nikolay, thanks for your offer. This article has been updated.

In new articles I indicate points regulatory documents, which are used. When I re-read existing articles, I also add to them. However, there are a lot of articles, so the points of the documents are not included everywhere. So if you don’t understand where a quote in one of the articles came from, write. The article will be updated.

Good luck on the roads!

If a mother and father are driving behind a passenger car with two children, holding them in their arms, a fine of 3,000 rubles is also paid for the violation.

Yes, this fine is for the driver, plus they can also fine each violating passenger a fine of 500 rubles. In the case of young children, fines are issued to their guardians, that is, parents.

13 years old intercity, the seat on which he was supposed to sit was not fastened, was broken, he moved. Who pays the fine? (driver or me)

For what, for a broken seat or for moving over? And who was given 13 years?

Matvey The person to whom the decree is issued pays for it.

In general, there should be 2 fines at the same time for not wearing a seat belt. For both driver and passenger.

Good luck on the roads!

Today I called a friend of the traffic police and asked him a question

My (Moskvich 1980 model) does not have rear seat belts provided by the manufacturer, how can I transport a child in the back seat?

So he couldn’t answer my question. Can I carry my child in the back seat without child seats or devices?

He said just call back later, I say I’ll clarify the nuances)))

So gentlemen, not every inspector knows what and how. Be careful!

Thank you for the information. Let us know that not all IDPS have been fired for non-compliance.

Yesterday I called back the inspector mentioned above,

He said this: If there is a front seat equipped with a belt, then it is better to transport the child in the front, naturally, using some kind of child restraint devices!

So I want to ask if I ignore this advice and carry my child in the back, can inspectors issue a fine citing the presence of front seat belts?

They can't.

Please advise the IDPS to familiarize yourself with the traffic rules:

22.9. Transportation of children is permitted provided that their safety is ensured, taking into account the design features of the vehicle.

Transportation of children under 12 years of age in vehicles equipped with seat belts must be carried out using child restraints appropriate for the weight and height of the child, or other means that allow the child to be fastened using seat belts provided for by the design of the vehicle, and in the front seat passenger car - only with the use of child restraints.

It is prohibited to transport children under 12 years of age on the back seat of a motorcycle.

If the back seat of the vehicle is not equipped with seat belts, then there is nothing to fasten it with! Therefore, transporting a child in the back seat is not prohibited by traffic regulations. If you carry a child in the front, then of course you will only have to use a child restraint; other means will not work.

From the point of view of safety for my child, but not from the point of view of traffic rules, I would transport him in the front seat.


I was stopped by traffic police on August 2. There was a 6-year-old child fastened with a central standard belt and sitting on a pillow. I was told that right now, supposedly in March or April 2016, a decree was issued on the abolition of boosters and other restraint devices. Only chairs with built-in belts or booster seats with backrests are suitable (also with belts included). He took a photo of the child on his phone. Fined 3k. Question 1: Is there such a resolution or not? Question 2: I wrote in the resolution that I do not dispute it. Can I challenge it in court in this case if they deceived me. Or is it already useless... Question 3: How long does it take to challenge it? And where to go.

2: I wrote in the resolution that I do not dispute it.

You agreed to the violation. And it will be difficult to dispute. And so you were simply “divorced”


Good afternoon Near the Kolomna children's fair, an inspector stopped a car: in the back seat, a 6-year-old child was sitting in a seat, but had unfastened his seat belt. The inspector imposed a fine of 3,000 rubles for the absence of a restraint device. How legal is this decision?

The inspector is wrong. A passenger, including a child, can unfasten after the vehicle has come to a complete stop. Transport of people, children, etc. is prohibited. When the car stopped, the transportation ended.

Good afternoon They say that from January 1, 2017, transporting children under 7 years old without a car seat will be subject to a fine... that is, the restraint device for the seat belt and booster is not suitable... is this true???

So far there have been no changes in this regard.

Good day. The day before yesterday I called a taxi, I was driving with my child from the nanny, the taxi driver arrived, looked at the child, turned around and drove off, leaving us freezing on the street. It was good that I contacted the dispatcher and another car arrived quite quickly, also not equipped with a seat, the driver just turned out to be bolder. My son and I ride in the back seat, I sit deeper myself and put him on the seat in front of me between my legs. And it’s comfortable to hold, and prevent all sorts of sabotage such as opening windows and doors. By the way, how many times have I ridden in a taxi alone, not once in my entire life has any driver asked me to buckle up, my safety is my business, but the safety of my child, considering that I, the mother’s legal representative, am in the car, it turns out that it’s no longer my business. Today again from the nanny home by taxi, the car that arrived when I saw the baby really didn’t turn around, but all the way I listened to a lecture about how wrong I was for calling the car through the app, and not calling the dispatcher and not stating first of all that I was with the child, because how not all taxi drivers are so brave or unafraid, about how he already paid a fine of 3000 rubles twice. for transporting a child in a taxi without a special seat, and so on. I agree, most likely I’m wrong and I’m setting up the driver, but the whole point is that I have TWO children. My son is 2 and my daughter is 4 years old. And sometimes the three of us need to move around the city. It's quite a long wait for a car equipped with a special seat. But believe me, there is not a single taxi car in our city equipped with two seats. The way out is public transport, although this way out is lousy, especially during rush hour, especially with such kids. Why do the rules for transporting passengers in a regular car not change for a passenger taxi? Do mothers really have to wonder every time whether there will be a brave taxi driver who, at his own peril and risk, will take her and the kids to their destination? Why does it turn out that transporting children on a bus, tram, or minibus is, in the opinion of the traffic police, safer? Although they often won’t even give up their seats, and if such luck happens, then one place is not enough for three. Can you imagine how you have to manage to place two kids in one place, and also have full control so that they don’t fall off it during the often very uncomfortable and harsh driving of drivers, say a minibus or a tram.

Are there any relaxations or additional conditions for transporting children in a taxi? Perhaps the situation is not so sad and prudent taxi drivers do not have to turn around when they see a child among the passengers?

Irina, Hello.

Taxi drivers are right in this case; they are not obliged to break the rules at the whim of their clients. It’s even strange that there are drivers willing to take risks.

If the taxi service does not have cars equipped with two seats, then demand that such cars appear.

On the other hand, if safety is not an issue for you, you can purchase a pair of the cheapest child restraints yourself and take them with you. With their help, you can fasten children in any car; they do not take up much space.

Good luck on the roads!


On 03/07/2017, I was fined 3000 for not wearing a seat belt for a child (9 years old). We always make sure that the seat belt is fastened, but on that day, in search of cheaper gifts, passing a number of shops at the base, we stopped more than once and lost sight... In the morning on the same day, in Moscow women were no longer fined, but given gifts...

It’s a shame that the inspector didn’t make any concessions and I have to tear this amount away from the child and he already feels guilty, despite the fact that there’s a catastrophic lack of money!!!

Hello, yesterday my friend and I were stopped by a traffic police squad. My 2-year-old child and I were sitting in the back, the child was without a seat. The friend driving was wearing a seat belt, and the 1.5-year-old child was also seated in the front seat. The traffic police officer issued a fine for my child because he was not in a seat. Who is to blame for the situation, me or the driver. And who should pay the fine? Thank you.

Lily-6, hello. According to the traffic rules, it is the driver’s responsibility not to transport people who are not wearing a seat belt, and the passenger’s responsibility is to be seat belted.

Who is to blame for the situation, me or the driver?
That is, both are to blame (if you personally were not wearing a seat belt).
The traffic police officer issued a fine for my child
The fine for your child is issued to the driver (owner) of the vehicle (he pays for it); you could only be fined if you personally were not wearing a seat belt.


Sergey, this is not necessary.

To make a decision, the data of the driver who violated the rules is sufficient.

Good luck on the roads!

They stopped me without reason, checked the docks, everything was in order, they decided to check the database, I asked them to let me go quickly, the inspector decided to mock me and came up with a violation (passenger not wearing a seatbelt), should the inspector enter the passenger’s data in the order and protocol?

The car stopped, not in motion, I have the right to be without a belt.

and how to prove that this happened at the moment of stopping? No way, unless there was a camera inside the car facing the child and the window.

Consequently, the child will not survive without sweets in the coming days. And dad should think about how to prevent the child from opening the lock, let’s say, wrap it with tape every time))

You are wrong here. If the inspector SEES that someone is DRIVING in the car without wearing a seatbelt, then he has the right to fine him. And if he finds someone unfastened after stopping, and there is no reason to say that it could not have been fastened, for example, the belts were tucked behind the seat or the locks were tucked under it... Then it may well say that it came unfastened after the stop! And the IDPS has no right to fine for this, because it must only be fastened while driving.

however, dad Denis was fined! Go to court? Then we return to the original question, how to prove?

Rear passengers in a car equipped with seat belts must also be fastened. Those. Do you think that they will never be punished, because they unfastened their seat belt immediately after stopping?

And just as they are fined everywhere for children not wearing seat belts in the back seats, even raids are specifically carried out at kindergartens; or those whose belts are not tucked in and are simply dangling - are not fined, just threatened with a finger?

If there is no tinting on the back and the IDPS can see, then there are no questions. And if the rear is tinted and the rear passenger is visible only when the driver’s window is opened, then they have no options!

Right now 9/10 have tinting. Those. In your opinion, 100% of the rear ones cannot be punished, as long as the belts hang side by side?

And the inspector will only see the rear 1/10 from the side (and that’s not a fact) when the car has already passed; Will he whistle after you or will he go to catch up?

However, here he is an example of how everything is wrong in life, Denis’s punishment (here I’ll add videos of numerous raids in front of kindergartens) - he stopped, opened, saw, punished! So what should he do, how to prove it?

But it is quite difficult to check the presence of a fire extinguisher, since most drivers carry it in the trunk. And for this, the inspector will have to stop the witnesses and draw up a vehicle inspection report, in which he must indicate the reason. And its absence or a fictitious reason is an abuse of authority.

Hello. I was in the Republic of Dagestan. On a suburban minibus, my 3-year-old child was seated in a separate seat (not in his arms) and fastened with a child's seat belt. And they obliged me to pay for his place, because... The traffic police fines children sitting on their arms. What about Article 21 of the Federal Law? what to do in this situation????

Marina, Hello.

2. In cases where the carriage of children in vehicles without providing them with separate seats is prohibited in accordance with the established procedure, the passenger has the right to transport with him two children under the age of twelve years with the provision of separate seats for them for a fee, the amount of which is not may be more than fifty percent of the freight charge.

Anatoly, clause 22.8 of the traffic rules:

in excess of the amount provided technical characteristics vehicle.

Those. You can only carry one passenger (either a child or an adult).

Good luck on the roads!

Comment is being added


Stopped for not wearing a seat belt? Fresh fines for driver and passenger

Invented back in the early 19th century, seat belts are an integral part of any vehicle. According to the traffic rules (traffic rules), the use of seat belts when driving is mandatory.

A driver who violates this rule is subject to an administrative fine for not fastening a seat belt; you will find out its size in 2019 in the article.

Traffic regulations about seat belts

A seat belt is a reliable means of holding a vehicle passenger in case of sudden braking or an accident. The belt significantly reduces the risk of injury or death. It is for this reason that seat belts are mandatory for both the driver and his passengers.

Fines for not wearing a seat belt in 2019

In case of violation of the provisions on the mandatory use of seat belts, Both the driver and passengers of the vehicle are punished. There are fines for three types of violations:

  1. Lack of seat belts for the driver
  2. Lack of seat belts for the passenger
  3. A child in a car without a special device

The fine for not wearing a belt is different for each category. But, of course, in any case, the driver of the car bears the greatest responsibility.

1. Fine for not wearing a seat belt

According to Article 12.6 of the Code of administrative offenses(Administrative Code), the driver for not wearing a seat belt, as well as for unfastened passengers, is punished in the form of the same administrative fine in the amount of 1000 rubles.

This penalty applies regardless of the number of unbelted passengers. Thus, if three passengers in a transport are not wearing seatbelts, the fine will still be 1,000 rubles. However, under this article, a violator can be fined up to several times a day, at several posts, until the violation is corrected.

Please note

According to the Administrative Code, it is necessary to fasten seat belts while the vehicle itself is moving. By the way, for your own safety, you should also buckle up during stops if there is other traffic around.

In order to always keep track of the amount of the fine imposed and, if necessary, have the opportunity to challenge it, it is recommended to always have with you the current one for 2014-2015. table of fines.

2. Fine for missing seat belt on a passenger

According to paragraph 12.29 of the Administrative Code, in addition to the driver, passengers are also punished for missing seat belts. The maximum penalty amount does not exceed 500 rubles. Each passenger is subject to punishment separately. Instead of a fine, the law also provides for the issuance of a written warning.

Unfortunately, in most public transport seat belts have been removed. But if seat belts are still present, it is recommended to use them.

3. Lack of a special device for transporting a child in a vehicle

Previously, the presence of a child in a car without a special device for fastening it was equated to Article 12.6 of the Code of Administrative Offenses regarding the driver’s unfastened seat belt. Now this violation is mentioned in a separate paragraph of the Code of Administrative Offences.

According to the Code, children under 12 years of age, when riding in the front seat, must be in a special child restraint system that ensures their safety.

When traveling in the rear seat, children must either be in a child safety seat or be restrained using another device that ensures their safety.

Violation of these requirements leads to administrative punishment in the form of a fine of 3,000 rubles.

The driver is subject to this administrative punishment, since citizens over 16 years of age are subject to any administrative punishment.

The fines imposed for not wearing seat belts may seem insignificant. But the main thing to remember is:

A seat belt fastened when moving a vehicle protects the driver and passenger from injury or fatal outcome in any emergency situation.

Most drivers do not wear seat belts, citing the presence of airbags. However, in the absence of a seat belt, the airbag is not only useless, it can cause even more harm. This is easy to explain. In the event of a collision or sudden braking, the human body is directed forward by inertia with great force.

When seat belts are fastened, the body is held in place, but the head and neck are not secured, which can result in serious injury. It is to avoid such consequences that an airbag is used. It secures the head, minimizing the enormous strain on the neck.

If there are no seat belts, the person’s body is pushed away from the airbag and hits some part of the car with enormous force. This inevitably leads to serious injury.

Therefore, it is worth remembering that airbags do not replace seat belts, but only complement them.

In case they are still violated traffic rules and the inspector issues a fine, you need to know how the protocol is drawn up correctly and how to challenge it in case of disagreement.

If an employee exceeds his authority or disagrees with the fine imposed, you can write a complaint.

A sample complaint looks something like this:

The complaint must be accompanied by copies of all documents proving the rights of the plaintiff, if necessary, a petition and other available data (diagrams, photographs, videos, etc.).

In conclusion, it is worth saying that traffic violation is always unsafe and punishable, as it can create emergency situation and lead to dire consequences.

Despite the relatively small amount of administrative penalties for missing seat belts, you should never neglect them.

Seat belts can not only protect against injury, but also save the life of the driver and all passengers during various types accidents. In addition, repeated violations can lead to the loss of your driver's license.

You will be interested in:

How much is the fine for not wearing a seat belt in 2018-2019?

Perhaps 90% of all motorists received a fine for not wearing a seat belt. Despite the fact that no one will deny the benefits of using a belt, whether to wear it or not is a personal matter for everyone, and therefore in this article we will tell you how much the fine for not wearing a seat belt is in 2019 and whether it is possible to avoid punishment for this offense.

In 2018-2019, the fine for driving with a driver’s seat belt unfastened is one thousand rubles, but if the driver manages to pay for the offense within a certain time frame (20 days from the date of imposition), it will cost him 500 rubles.

Some drivers simply throw on the seat belt. If this is discovered by the traffic police, the driver will also be punished by a fine, since it is not at all a defense in a collision.

During a stop, a person does not have to wear a seat belt, but it is recommended if other vehicles are moving nearby.

Traffic police officers can issue fines for this offense an unlimited number of times.

Passenger fine

If a passenger believes that a fine for not wearing a seat belt will bypass him, then he is deeply mistaken.

The penalty is provided for everyone, for a passenger it is 500 rubles, and if you pay the amount within 20 days, it will be equal to half, that is, 250 rubles.

This law also applies to public transport: taxis, buses, minibuses. If they have belts, the passenger does not have the right to ignore them

But who pays for a passenger who does not wear a seat belt? In case of violation, not only the passenger, but also the driver will be fined: he will have to pay 1,000 rubles regardless of the number of unbelted people. Before starting a car or other vehicle, the driver must check whether those in the car are fastened.

Fine for unbelted rear passengers

The fact that passengers in the back may not wear seat belts is nothing more than a fairy tale. If the vehicle has seat belts installed at the rear and the passenger ignores their presence, a fine is issued, the amount of which is the same as for ignoring seat belts at the front - 500 rubles. The driver also bears punishment for these passengers.

In order to preserve the health of his fellow travelers, it is recommended that the person driving the car install rear seat belts (if the manufacturer does not provide for them). For a passenger, the first such offense can only be met with a written warning.

Fine for a child without a car seat

Ensuring the safety of transporting children is the driver’s primary responsibility.

Therefore, if the child is not in a special device for movement, the fine is issued to the one who is driving.

It will be issued to the child’s parents only if one of them is the driver of the vehicle in which the child is located. The amount here is already more significant, it reaches 3,000 rubles.

There are several ways to keep your child safe in a car. For children under three years old there is huge amount various car seats, for newborns - a car seat. There is a large selection of both expensive and budget options, and it is better to pay the cost of a car seat or cradle once than to constantly pay fines and put the life and health of the child in danger.

Children from 7 to 12 years old are allowed to travel in the car in the back seat, fastened with adult seat belts using special child pads. When sitting in the front, the child should only be in a car seat or infant carrier until he is 12 years old; from 12 to 16 years old, a teenager can already move in the front seat, buckled up in the usual way, like adults.

Fine for broken seat belts

There is also a penalty for broken or damaged belts. If the driver knows about this problem and starts driving the vehicle, ignoring it, he receives a legal punishment. For such an oversight, he will pay a fine of 500 rubles.

Therefore, before driving, it is necessary to check the serviceability and integrity of the belts. A person will not start driving a car if there is any malfunction, but he often ignores a broken or damaged belt, although this is also an important part.

Often, a driver wears a seat belt only out of fear of being caught and fined, and not for his own good, but by relying on “maybe it will pass,” he puts his life in danger.

Question Answer
Yes. All passengers traveling in vehicles with seat belts are required to fasten their seat belts.
* the passenger receives a warning/fine of 500 rubles;

* The driver is punished with a fine of 1000 rubles.

According to traffic regulations, children under 12 years of age are permitted to be transported only in restraint structures (car seats) that correspond to the height, weight and age parameters of the child.
Yes. A child may not be buckled up in cars without seat belts, but only in the back.
For traveling without seat belts for children under 12 years of age, a fine of 1 thousand rubles will be imposed. (as for an adult).

If a child under 12 years of age is traveling in a vehicle and is not wearing seat belts, the amount of fines will depend on the position of the offender:

* 25 thousand rubles. - for people holding high positions;

* 3 thousand rubles. - driver;

* 100 thousand rubles. - for companies.

Amount of punishment: 1 thousand rubles.
Yes. It is given if the violator pays the fine no later than 20 days after the decision on the offense is issued.
* the passenger/driver did not wear a seat belt in a standing/parked car;

* the vehicle does not have seat belts;

* the seat belts broke and the driver was heading to the parking lot or service station.

* ask the traffic police officer to show a photo or video confirming that you have not fastened your seat belt;

* if the fact of the violation is not recorded in the photo/video, you can inform the inspector that you unbuckled after the car stopped;

* demand that the road patrol officer draw up a report (in it, along with your signature, put a mark that you do not agree with the stated guilt);

* appeal the decision in court, using the support of a car lawyer.

The complaint must be filed with the court no later than 10 days from the date of issuance of the decision.
It all depends on the make and model of the car. There are vehicles with an airbag that constantly deploys during an accident, and there are also cars where the airbag falls out only if the passenger is fastened with seat belts.
The purpose of an airbag is to soften the impact of an accident if the person inside is wearing a seat belt. If you do not use the seat belt, the airbag will cause the same serious injury as the dashboard.

That is why manufacturers of some car brands install special sensors in the cabin that prevent the airbag from expanding when seat belts are not fastened.

There is a special seat belt adapter made specifically for pregnant women. They should be used.

All civilized countries in the world consider it mandatory to use seat belts while driving.

Heavy fines are provided for this violation.

Often, a car owner who is not wearing a seat belt does not receive insurance in the event of an accident, and in some countries, wearing a seat belt increases the payout by 25%.

What the Law and Traffic Regulations Say

Clause 2.1.2 of the Russian Federation Traffic Regulations provides for the driver’s obligation to fasten his seat belt while the car is moving and to ensure that passengers also comply with this requirement. Responsibility for such an offense is prescribed in Art. 12.6 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation is a fine of 1000 rubles.

By paying the sanction in the first 20 days after it is issued, you can get a 50% discount. This is a good incentive for drivers to repay their debts on time.

In 2020, some changes to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation regarding sanctions for the incorrect transportation of a child are in effect. The amount of the fine in this part has not changed and remains 3,000 rubles. Additional liability has been introduced for organizations for failure to comply with the rules for transporting children:

  • It will cost officials 25,000 rubles;
  • Legal – 100,000 rubles.

Why is it dangerous to drive without a seat belt fastened?

In the event of a collision, a person is exposed to serious danger. You can only stay behind the wheel at a speed of 5 km/h. If it is higher and amounts to 60 km/h, then in the event of an accident the driver is subjected to a load of 3 tons. As the speed increases, the pressure force also increases significantly. Almost no one can survive in such a situation.

The safety belt is the salvation. The Japanese determined that in 75 out of 100 cases of a collision, such a simple design, not counting the pillow, helps to avoid the irreparable. When a vehicle rolls over, the survival rate increases to 91.

The following information also speaks about the dangers of not wearing a seatbelt. In a frontal impact, a person receives the same injuries as when falling onto a hard surface from a height:

  • At a speed of 40 km/h – 6.3 m;
  • 60 km/h – 14 m;
  • 80 km/h – 25 m.

According to world statistics, every year 26 thousand people die on the road for only one reason - not wearing a seat belt. Their use reduces the risk of death by 65% ​​among front seat passengers and 75% among rear seat passengers. For this reason, children receive 3.5 times more various injuries as a result of accidents. And of the total number who died on the roads, 29% were due to this violation.

How to buckle up correctly

Some drivers, when driving in their vehicle, simply throw the seat belt (top strap) over their head and sit on the lower part. However, simply fastening the lock is not enough. This is a categorically wrong approach, and traffic police officers interpret this method as a violation and issue a fine.

The vehicle's operating manual explains to all road users that the manufacturer equips the vehicle with five seat belts: 2 in the front seats and 3 in the rear. They consist of shoulder and waist straps (except for the central rear seat, which is equipped only with the second part). The technology for their use is three-point, and fixation around the body should be carried out both by the chest part of the belt in front and by the waist.

Any other method of using a special design does not comply with traffic regulations, instructions for using a belt, and also does not ensure safety in the event of a traffic accident.

Modern belts are self-adjusting devices that give a person complete freedom of movement and reliably secure his body at the moment of a collision.

Fines for not wearing a seat belt

Let us consider separately who will pay the sanctions and for what. There are several categories of citizens who cannot be fined by officials:

  • Instructor, but only at the time of driving training;
  • The person driving is disabled;
  • All those present in operational vehicles, provided they have identification marks.


In this case, there are a maximum number of sanctions, namely, he will definitely be fined in the following situations:

  • Unfastening on your own – 1000 rubles;
  • Violations of rules by a passenger – 1000 rubles;
  • For transporting a child under 12 years old without a car seat or adapters – 3,000 rubles;
  • Failure to wear a seat belt by a teenager from 12 to 16 years old without a regular belt – 1000 rubles.

The fine for taxi workers is the same as for others. There are a few more important points to know:

  1. The driver pays the fine for the child. Parents are responsible for the violation only if one of them is driving at the moment.
  2. Liability does not depend on the number of passengers who do not wear a seat belt. One violator or all - the fine will be the same - 1000 rubles.
  3. A driver may be stopped several times a day. different situations, so there may be several fines.
  4. Traffic police officers issue orders not only for those who are not wearing a seat belt in the front seat, but also in the back seat. The order of the numbers does not change.
  5. Passengers are most often given a warning, but this benefit does not apply to drivers.


The passenger is also a participant in the road traffic, so liability for the violation rests with him, although to a lesser extent - 500 rubles. Article 12.29 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation directly speaks about this.

A fine for not wearing a seat belt can only be issued to an adult. Until he turns 18, he is considered a child.

Interestingly, the Law does not even exempt passengers of public transport from liability. However, since public vehicles do not require seat belts, traffic police officers pay little attention to this. In addition, people often stand on buses, and this fact is in no way compatible with wearing a seat belt.


The requirements for the need to fasten a seat belt for the younger category of persons are described in clause 22.9 of the traffic rules. Failure to wear a seat belt will result in hefty fines. The rules do not impose strict requirements regarding the methods of securing child seats, but offer several options:

  • Special designs (car seats), used by parents more often for children under 3 years of age;
  • Adapters for adult belts – for older people;
  • Children's belts.

For children under 12 years of age who are not properly restrained, a fine of 3,000 rubles is imposed. Previously, this amount was only 500 rubles. For teenagers the size is limited to 1000 rubles.

The law also provides for harsher punishment. The violator may also face a civil or criminal liability. This will happen if the driver is found guilty of an accident with serious consequences:

  • Damage to health is caused - restriction or imprisonment from 2 to 3 years. This happened due to negligence - arrest for up to 6 months.
  • If the violation led to the death of the victim, forced labor will be imposed for up to 4 years, imprisonment for up to 5 years is also possible;
  • In the case where 2 or more people died as a result of an accident - work for up to 5 years or imprisonment for up to 7 years.

If the car is not equipped with seat belts

The rules require all participants to wear a seat belt in vehicles that have them. However, in the Russian Federation there are still many passenger cars produced before such a device was invented. Therefore, no penalties are applied when driving them.

It should be said that if the car has belts taken into account, but they were simply removed for some reason, then a fine cannot be avoided.

In addition, traffic regulations do not oblige the installation of additional structures in cars in which they were not originally installed by the manufacturer. On the contrary, assembling them independently can cause significant harm, as it weakens the body elements to which they are attached.

Video recording

The law does not provide for liability for not wearing a seat belt in a car that is not moving. This applies to both the driver and passengers. You can take advantage of this moment.

When stopped by a traffic police officer, you must first ask whether there is video recording of this offense. If the fact is not recorded official and he has no confirmation and evidence, one can safely say that the belt was unfastened in a car that had already stopped. And this, in turn, is no longer subject to punishment.

The only option to prove the driver’s innocence is to have a DVR with two cameras that film both outside and inside.

Is it possible to challenge

If, nevertheless, a protocol is drawn up, and the driver still believes that this is unlawful, the entry “I do not agree with the violation” is made on the decision. Then there are 10 days when you need to go to court and try to challenge the punishment. The legislation provides such a right for all dissenters. The procedure for filing a complaint is described in Art. 30.2 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

You can challenge a sanction in the following cases:

  • When the production of the car did not provide for the presence of seat belts;
  • At the time of drawing up the report, the car was parked;
  • While driving, the belts fail and the car heads to a service station or parking lot.

An increasing number of new cars appearing before the start signal about unfastened seat belts. Some won't even start until the operation is completed. However, for the most part this process still remains on the conscience and responsibility of the drivers.

It is difficult to imagine modern cars without seat belts. Although many automakers have come up with more modern means to ensure a safe trip, but it is the belt that remains an essential part of the vehicle. In Russia there is a fine for not wearing a seat belt. In this case, punishment is possible both in the case of an unbelted driver and a passenger in the front or rear seat.

Fine for not wearing a seat belt in 2018

The seat belt is considered a reliable component of the car's interior that keeps the driver and passenger pinned to the seat in the event of sudden braking or an accident. Practice shows that it actually improves safety and reduces the risk of injury. In Russia, they focus on points from the traffic rules numbered 2.1.2 and 5.1. They clearly state that drivers must buckle up themselves and ensure that passengers buckle up. The only restriction applies to driving instructors when teaching driving and employees of certain operational services.

The law requires wearing a seatbelt when driving vehicles. In Russia there are different sizes fines depending on the specific violation:

  • lack of RB in the driver;
  • absence of RB on the passenger.

Those violators whose children under 12 years of age were in the front seat without a special device are also punished. If the child was in the back seat, but without a special seat and turned out to be unbelted, then the driver is also waiting administrative punishment.

Amount of fine for unfastened driver's seat belt

Many drivers have a question: how much is the fine for not wearing a seat belt? The answer should be sought in the Code of Administrative Offences, or more precisely in Article 12.6. from the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. The administrative fine currently amounts to one thousand rubles. Moreover, this punishment in relation to drivers is relevant regardless of how many passengers were unbelted at the time the violation was recorded. Interestingly, a person can be fined for this violation an unlimited number of times a day - until it is eliminated. At 12.29 p.m. The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation states that the maximum penalty for unbelted passengers is 500 rubles.

Who pays the fine for a passenger not wearing a seat belt?

A separate fine for seat belt 2018 is provided for the passenger and a separate one for passengers. For people driving, the fine is prescribed in Article 12.6 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, and it is equal to one thousand rubles. People in the passenger seat of a vehicle may be warned or also fined 500 rubles.

Fine for not fastening a seat belt in the back seat in Russia 2018

People who think that you don't need to wear a seat belt in the back seat are mistaken. In Russia, the same administrative punishment is imposed in all cases:

  • the person driving is not wearing a seat belt;
  • the person in the front passenger seat is not wearing a seat belt;
  • the person in the rear passenger seat is not fastened (if this model of car has a rear passenger seat).

It can be difficult for a car driver to get his passengers to fasten their seat belts. A large group is always capricious, sitting on the back sofa. Friends often do not react to comments, or even get offended, so drivers often set off on a journey with unbelted passengers, that is, at their own peril and risk. That is why traffic police inspectors try to track cars with a full load and often stop them, rightly believing that in such a car there is always someone to issue a fine.

Responsibilities of the driver and passengers

The Traffic Rules (TRAF) and the Code of Administrative Offenses (CAO RF) have several articles regulating the general responsibilities of the driver and passengers while moving inside vehicles. Article 2 of the Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation directly states that “the driver is obliged, when driving a vehicle equipped with seat belts, to be fastened and not to carry passengers who are not wearing seat belts.” The same requirement for passengers is repeated in Article 5 of the Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation.

It spells out the responsibilities of passengers and states that “when traveling in a vehicle equipped with seat belts, passengers must have their seat belts fastened, and when riding a motorcycle, they must wear a fastened motorcycle helmet.”

These requirements apply to both passenger vehicles and minibuses. The same applies to taxi cars. If a car is standardly equipped with seat belts, then all people are required to use them. The exception is older vehicles that were not structurally equipped with such safety devices. If there are no belts, then there is simply nothing to fasten yourself with. However, the production of such retro cars was discontinued back in the 1960s, and they are not used for taxi work.

Who's to blame?

If traffic police officers notice at least one passenger without a seatbelt, they have the right to issue a fine, both for the driver and the passenger.

In accordance with Article 12.6. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, “driving a vehicle by a driver who is not wearing a seat belt, transporting passengers not wearing seat belts if the design of the vehicle provides for seat belts, as well as driving a motorcycle or moped or transporting passengers on a motorcycle without motorcycle helmets or wearing unfastened motorcycle helmets - entails imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one thousand rubles.”

In accordance with the Administrative Code, the driver is responsible for his passengers. Thus, regardless of whether he told his friends or family about the need to buckle up, the driver will receive a ticket only for starting to drive without making sure that all safety requirements are met.

But that's not all. An administrative fine is also mandatory for unbelted passengers. In accordance with Article 12.29 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, “violation of the Traffic Rules by a pedestrian or a passenger of a vehicle entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.”

If a whole group of friends turned out to be unbelted, then traffic police officers have the right to draw up a resolution in relation to each violator.

Lots of problems

Such fines not only protect the lives and health of people, but also help the driver himself avoid problems.

The fact is that any passenger of a vehicle has the right to file lawsuit to the driver if an accident occurred due to his fault and people inside the car were injured. Transporting passengers who are not wearing standard seat belts is considered a serious violation, and, therefore, the car owner is subject to financial liability. Damage caused by a car as a source of increased danger is compensated by its owner, regardless of fault. Partially, health damage is covered by compulsory motor liability insurance within the established insured amount of 500 thousand rubles. However, the cost of treating multiple people can be much higher. They are collected from the driver. Moral damage is compensated by court decision.