Passport and visa formalities. General system of tourist formalities 29 visa formalities in tourism

Passport and visa formalities relate to travel formalities, are enshrined in the Federal Law “On the procedure for entry into the Russian Federation and exit from the Russian Federation” (08/15/1996) and are as follows:

Passport is an official document certifying the identity of a citizen. It contains information about gender, age, place of birth and residence, citizenship, full name.

Types of foreign passports :

1. a passport issued to a citizen on general terms is called a general civil passport (GCP);

2. diplomatic passport; 3. service; 4. seaman's passport

OZP is issued to a citizen of the Russian Federation upon his written application submitted personally or through his legal representative, the internal affairs body, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (for employees of enterprises accredited by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as diplomatic - representative office or consular office of the Russian Federation outside the Russian Federation.

In order to register an OPP, a citizen must indicate in an application of the established form: full name, date of birth, place of residence, work, birth, main document, photo and receipt of payment of state taxes. fees for issuing a passport and for a passport form, as well as the absence of circumstances provided for by the Federal Law that could prevent him from leaving his homeland.

The OPP is issued for 5 years, while it is not allowed to issue a new one without withdrawing the previously issued one, and in case of loss, without declaring the lost document invalid. OZP gives a citizen the right not only to leave the Russian Federation, but also to return back. If a Russian citizen has lost his passport to a territorial or foreign state, he will be issued a certificate to enter the Russian Federation. This certificate must be issued to the citizen upon his written application by the diplomatic mission or consular office of the Russian Federation in the corresponding country. The certificate is issued for a period of 15 days.

The child is next with his parents. entered in the passport of one of them or both parents. If the child is over 6 years old, his photograph must be pasted into the parents’ passport. A child can have his own passport from birth.

OZP d.b. valid. For most countries, this means that the period of validity of the OPP ends no earlier than 3-6 months before the end of the tour.

The right to leave the country may be temporarily limited in the following cases: 1. if a Russian citizen is admitted to information of special importance or top secret information classified as state. secret. 2.concluded employment contract, suggesting a temporary restriction of the right to leave Russia. 3.called to military service. 4.detained on suspicion of committing a crime. 5.convicted of committing a crime. 6. avoids fulfilling the obligations imposed on him by the court. 7.provided knowingly false information about himself when preparing documents for leaving the Russian Federation.

In all cases of temporary restriction of the right to travel, the Department of Internal Affairs issues a notification to the citizen, which indicates the basis and period of the restriction.

As a rule, entry into the host country requires a visa. Visa - this is a special permit from a foreign government for entry/exit, residence or transit passage through its territory of the country. Permission m.b. stamped in the passport or represented as a separate document (for example, a group tour visa). The basis for issuing a tourist visa is the consent of the host tour company to provide the tourist with services along the agreed route and within a confirmed time frame, as well as invitations to visit relatives and friends or travel for business purposes.

Visas There are: disposable and reusable, individual and group; entry; transit; exit, Schengen, etc.

Visiting– this is a visa to visit the country, issued on the basis of visa support, i.e. official invitation to visit a foreign state.

Entry visa– for a trip to Russia you also need visa support, issued personally to the inviting person or travel agency, which sends it to the nearest Russian consulate to obtain a visa. The visa indicates the destination and the organization being accepted. The tourist is required to register with the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Transit visa– gives the right to transit travel through the territory of the country.

A tourist visa is issued for the time specified in the tour package, voucher or other invitation. Such trips are limited to a specific period of stay and therefore multiple-entry tourist visas are not issued. Visas are issued by the consular departments of foreign embassies. Different embassies have different requirements. For example, the documents for obtaining a Schengen visa include: a national passport (Birth Certificate for a child), a health certificate, an application form for obtaining a visa, Photos, Certificate of income from place of work (certificate from educational institution - for students, students), Documents, confirmation of financial travel status (certificate of currency purchase, bank account statement, sponsorship statement ), Insurance, Other documents.

The range of these documents and their content varies depending on the country. Also, the requirements for the composition of documents may change over time.

There are different visa regimes for citizens of the Russian Federation:

    Visa-free entry (Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, with group entry to Urumqi in China)

    Visa-free entry provided you have a document, confirmed reservation and payment for accommodation in the country of temporary stay (Croatia, Montenegro)

    “Visa on arrival” (Egypt, Thailand, Türkiye)

    Simplified procedure for obtaining a visa (Cyprus, Bulgaria)

    Schengen visa

    The procedure for obtaining a visa is complicated, usually with the personal presence of a citizen (USA).

Refusal to issue visas : documents were incorrectly completed, violations during a previous visit to the country, did not pass the interview, lack of consent of one of the parents for the child to leave; if the embassy has doubts or suspicions about the identity of the applicant, etc. The consulate or embassy of a foreign state, according to diplomatic protocol, is not obliged to explain the reason for refusing to issue a visa.

To make it easier to study the material, we divide the article into topics:

Exported cash foreign currency and (or) currency of the Russian Federation in an amount exceeding the equivalent of 3 thousand dollars. USA;

Traveler's checks in an amount exceeding the equivalent of 10 thousand dollars. USA (excluding the amount of other exported valuables);

Imported cash foreign currency and (or) currency of the Russian Federation, as well as traveler's checks, external and (or) internal securities in an amount exceeding the equivalent of 10 thousand dollars. USA.

Bank credit cards, regardless of their number, are not subject to declaration.

The considered standards for the export of cash currency apply only to citizens traveling abroad from the territory of Russia and Belarus. Other countries have different rules. For example, when entering Ukraine, it is necessary to declare in writing cash currency if its amount exceeds 400 dollars. USA, and when crossing the border of Uzbekistan - present to customs officers all the foreign currency you have on you.

Children under 16 years of age present currency without filling out a declaration.

Export from Russia and import into Russia of the currency of the Russian Federation is permitted in an amount not exceeding 500 minimum sizes wages. This restriction applies to both Russian citizens and foreigners.

If the customs service reveals a violation related to non-declaration of currency or unreliable information provided in the customs declaration, then administrative protocol. Based on this protocol, the entire amount of cash currency is confiscated, and the culprit is punished in accordance with current legislation.

Procedure for import and export of various goods. In accordance with this, individuals can move goods for personal use across the customs border of Russia under a simplified preferential procedure.

This procedure includes the following points:

Complete exemption from customs duties and taxes, application of uniform rates of customs duties and taxes or collection in the form of an aggregate customs payment (CTP);

Non-application to goods of prohibitions and restrictions of an economic nature established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on state regulation of foreign trade activities (licensing, quotas, etc.);

Non-application of mandatory confirmation of conformity of goods (optionality of a certificate of conformity).

The purpose of goods for personal use is determined by the customs authority based on the individual’s statement about the goods moved across the border, the nature of the goods and their quantity, as well as the frequency of movement of goods across the border, taking into account generally accepted international norms and practices, as well as all the circumstances of the trip of these persons. A customs official has the right to independently determine the purpose of goods imported by individuals.

For goods imported by individuals not for personal use, the general procedure for taxation and customs clearance provided for organizations is applied.

Goods prohibited for import and export are subject to immediate return, unless confiscation is provided for. The return of goods is made by the person moving the goods or by the carrier at his own expense.

If goods are subject to control by various government bodies (veterinary, phytosanitary, environmental, etc.), customs clearance can be completed only after such control has been carried out.

Customs payments are calculated and collected using customs receipt order(TPO).

There are three possible methods of import and export:

1) accompanied baggage;

2) unaccompanied baggage;

3) forwarding to an individual.

Customs clearance of goods transported in accompanied luggage is carried out at border checkpoints in specially designated areas marked with signs reading “Customs”. These can be airports, seaports, automobile checkpoints, vehicles, including wagons, cars, buses, sea, river and aircraft, warehouses of transport organizations, etc. When crossing the border by rail, road or by water transport Customs clearance is carried out, as a rule, in premises used for the transportation of passengers (compartment, cabin, carriage, passenger compartment of a vehicle).

Individuals crossing the border are required to stop at registration points and resume movement only with permission officials customs authorities, present upon request goods, documents and information necessary for customs purposes.

Customs clearance of goods imported by individuals in unaccompanied luggage is carried out at the customs authority at the place of residence or registration of the individual.

Goods are considered as intended for personal, family, household and other needs not related to the implementation of goods if they are imported (exported) for use or consumption by an individual and members of his family, and the use of goods is not related to the generation of income.

The purpose of the goods is established by a customs official taking into account:

The nature of the goods (consumer properties, application and use). The import and export of goods not usually used in everyday life gives reason to assume that such goods are being moved for commercial purposes, unless the person proves otherwise;

Quantities of goods. Products of the same name, size, style, color, etc. in quantities exceeding the need of this person and members of his family are usually imported or exported for commercial purposes;

Frequency of movement of goods. Periodic importation or exportation by the same person of the same goods, albeit in small quantities, may be considered as movement for commercial purposes, unless the person proves otherwise;

Circumstances of the trip (purpose, duration, country, amount of currency earned, etc.).

Customs control is carried out upon import, from the moment of crossing the border until the moment of release of goods, and upon export, from the moment of acceptance of the customs declaration until the moment of crossing the border.

During customs control, customs officials carry out the following actions:

Check documents;

They inspect the goods, and in exceptional cases conduct a personal search;

Take into account goods and vehicles;

Conduct an oral survey.

Any goods transported across the customs border of the Russian Federation by individuals are subject to declaration. Goods can be declared by an individual himself, as well as by a person acting on the basis of a power of attorney (carrier, customs broker).

If the goods are transported by a citizen under the age of 16, one of the parents, adoptive parents, guardians or trustees accompanying him can declare the goods, and in the event of an organized departure or entry of a group of minors, the leader of the group.

Passenger customs declaration. Goods transported in accompanied luggage are declared at the checkpoint. When declaring in writing, a passenger customs declaration TD6 is submitted. The declaration contains accurate information about the goods transported. The declaration is filled out in Russian or English, and with the permission of the customs authority - in other languages ​​spoken by customs officials. Entries made in the declaration must not be erased or corrected without leaving traces. Any changes and additions to the declaration must be certified by the signature of the person who submitted the declaration and the imprint of the personal numbered seal of the official of the customs authority who accepted the declaration.

The declaration is completed in two copies and submitted to the customs authority at the checkpoint. The authorized official of the customs authority makes a record of the release of goods in the column “For official marks” on both copies of TD6, certifies the record with a personal numbered seal and stamps one copy on the individual. The second copy is kept in the files of the customs authority. A copy of TD6 returned to an individual may be useful to confirm the identity of the goods when re-importing or exporting temporarily exported or imported goods, to confirm the export of previously imported currency, when moving unaccompanied baggage, etc.

Along with the customs declaration, other documents confirming the declared information may be required:

Identification document (passport, international passport, birth certificate for minors, etc.);

A document confirming the adoption, guardianship, trusteeship of a minor (if the goods are declared by this person on behalf of the minor);

Documents confirming the purchase and value of the declared goods (invoices, checks, etc.);

Transport (shipping) documents (waybills, baggage receipts, etc.);

Documents confirming the right to benefits (for example, for temporary import);

Other documents, including those confirming their purpose for personal use.

Declaration of goods transported in unaccompanied baggage is made by submitting a simplified form to the customs office at the place of residence. The application form and the procedure for filling it out are established by order of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation No. 687 “On approval of the application form for an individual and the procedure for filling out an application for an individual.” In this case, information about the presence of unaccompanied baggage is indicated in the passenger customs declaration TD6, issued at the checkpoint when crossing the border.

Along with the application, the same set of documents is submitted as when registering accompanied baggage. In addition, a copy of the passenger customs declaration TD6 with a stamp from the customs authority on release must be presented for imported goods.

Forms for declaring goods. There are two forms of declaration of goods: oral and written.

The following goods are subject to declaration in writing:

Transported in unaccompanied baggage or sent to individuals;

Movement of which is limited in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation or their value (quantity) exceeds the restrictions established for exemption from customs duties and taxes;

Subject to mandatory written declaration;


Goods imported in accompanied luggage may be declared orally, with the exception of those that are subject to mandatory written declaration. When making an oral declaration, an individual declares that there are no goods in his accompanied baggage that are subject to mandatory written declaration. One of the forms of oral declaration of goods is the conclusive form of declaration. Conclusive declaration is the performance of actions indicating that there are no goods in the hand luggage and accompanying luggage of an individual that are subject to declaration in writing. For the purposes of such declaration, customs offices are equipped with red and green channel systems.

The red and green channels are indicated by the inscription “Customs” (Сi81; ot8) in Russian and English and are located outside the baggage claim areas so that individuals have accompanied baggage.

The green channel is intended for declaring goods transported in accompanied baggage and in the absence of unaccompanied baggage. The entry and exit points into the green channel are indicated by green lines up to 50 cm wide.

The movement of goods across the green line is considered as a statement that the goods being moved are not subject to mandatory declaration in writing. In this case, the customs declaration is not completed and submitted. Customs control is carried out selectively. The movement of goods by an individual beyond the line upon exit means the completion of customs clearance of goods.

The red channel is intended for declaring goods in accompanied baggage, subject to mandatory written declaration, as well as for declaring unaccompanied baggage. When declaring goods transported in accompanied luggage in writing, a passenger customs declaration is filled out in form TD6.

There are checkpoints across the State Border of the Russian Federation at the international airports of Moscow (Vnukovo-1, Sheremetyevo-2), as well as Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, St. Petersburg, Sochi and other cities.

Baggage subject to mandatory written declaration.

The following goods and equipment transported in hand luggage, accompanied and unaccompanied luggage are subject to mandatory written declaration:

Imported goods, the total value of which exceeds 65 thousand rubles. and (or) whose total weight exceeds 35 kg;

Precious metals (gold, silver, platinum and platinum group metals - palladium, iridium, rhodium, ruthenium and osmium) in any condition and form;

Precious stones: temporarily imported, exported emeralds, rubies, sapphires and alexandrites, natural pearls in natural and processed form, unique amber formations, diamonds, imported natural diamonds;

Cultural values;

Exported state awards of the Russian Federation;

Endangered animals and plants, their parts, as well as products obtained from them;

Weapons and main parts of firearms, cartridges and their components;

Imported alcoholic beverages in quantities exceeding 2 liters;

Imported tobacco products in quantities exceeding 50 cigars, 200 cigarettes, 0.25 kg of tobacco (in the case of importing tobacco products of only one type in quantities exceeding 100 cigars, 400 cigarettes, 0.5 kg of tobacco);

Narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances; into potent and toxic substances;

High-frequency devices and radio-electronic equipment, with the exception of terminal equipment;

Special technical means designed to secretly obtain information;

Exported material objects containing information constituting a state secret;

Nuclear materials, equipment, special non-nuclear materials and related technologies;

Radioactive isotopes, radioactive substances and products based on them;

Exported raw materials, materials, equipment, scientific and technical information, results intellectual activity, which can be used in the creation of weapons of mass destruction, their delivery vehicles, other types of weapons and military equipment;

Imported chemicals that can be used to create chemical weapons;

Military products;


Goods transported in unaccompanied baggage;

Goods sent to individuals for personal use, with the exception of goods sent by international mail.

Customs fees and duties. During customs clearance of goods transported across the customs border of the Russian Federation by individuals for personal use, with the exception of passenger cars, a customs fee of 250 rubles is charged.

In some cases, individuals may not pay customs duties and taxes on imported goods intended for personal use.

Such cases include:

1) simultaneous compliance with the following conditions:

Goods are imported in accompanied or unaccompanied baggage,

The total cost of goods does not exceed 65 thousand rubles, and the total weight does not exceed 35 kg,

Quantitative restrictions must be observed when importing alcoholic beverages, cigars, cigarettes and tobacco;

2) written declaration of cultural property, as well as their special registration;

3) permanent residence in Russia and import of goods, the total value of which does not exceed 65 thousand rubles.

In other cases, when importing goods by individuals, customs duties must be paid.

Individuals may import goods for non-commercial purposes, paying customs duties at uniform rates, while simultaneously meeting the following conditions:

Goods are imported in accompanied or unaccompanied baggage;

The total cost of goods is from 65 thousand to 650 thousand rubles. inclusive and (or) total weight from 35 to 200 kg inclusive.

Flat rates apply in the amount of 30%, but not less than 4 euros per 1 kg.

Regarding vehicles(except for passenger cars) a single rate of customs duties and taxes is applied in the amount of 30% of their customs value.

The following goods can be temporarily exported or imported without paying customs duties and taxes:



Personal jewelry;

Photo and film cameras with a reasonable amount of film and accessories;

Portable slide and film projectors and accessories with a reasonable number of slides and films;

Video cameras and portable video recorders with a reasonable amount of film;

Portable musical instruments;

Portable record players;

Portable sound recording and playback equipment (including voice recorders) with films;

Portable radios and televisions;

Portable typewriters;

Portable calculators;

Portable personal computers;


Baby strollers and strollers for disabled people;

Sports equipment (tents, fishing equipment, climbing equipment, diving equipment, sports weapons with accessories, bicycles, kayaks, canoes or kayaks up to 5.5 m in length, skis, tennis rackets, surfboards and windsurfing boards, golf equipment, gliders, hang gliders, etc.);

Portable dialyzers and similar medical devices, as well as consumables for them;

Other goods that are clearly intended for personal use.

Prohibition on the movement of certain goods.

The following goods are prohibited for import, export and transit:

Weapons and weapons of all kinds, military samples and ammunition;

Explosives, potent poisons;

Narcotic and psychotropic substances, as well as devices for their use;

Works of art and antiquities, antiques and objects of significant artistic, historical or cultural value;

Printed works and media that undermine the morality of the population;

Other items, the import and export of which are prohibited in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

For violation customs rules, individuals are liable in accordance with the legislation on administrative violations.

The permissible quantity of imported goods per person is as follows:

Alcoholic drinks - 2 l;

Tobacco products - 50 cigars, 200 cigarettes, 0.25 kg of tobacco;

Sturgeon caviar - 250 g (in original packaging).

Persons under 17 years of age are allowed into Russian Federation Alcoholic drinks and cigarettes are prohibited.

In addition to customs restrictions common to all countries, there are national bans due to religious, political, environmental or other, sometimes difficult to explain, reasons. Thus, it is prohibited to import foreign lottery tickets into Bolivia, and live birds and bird eggs into the UK; in Ghana - beads and beads made from plastic materials; to Greece - plants in the ground; to Indonesia - printed publications on Chinese; to Cyprus - fresh flowers; V North Korea— binoculars with more than sixfold magnification, as well as pigeons.

It is forbidden to export without special permission: from Vietnam - tortoiseshells, from India - tiger and leopard skins, products made from peacock feathers, from Iceland - bird eggs; from Cameroon - elephant tusks; from Tanzania - rhinoceros horns; from Finland - peasant household items.

Procedure for import and export of animals. The question of the possibility of exporting animals is decided by the veterinary service.

To export cats and dogs, you need a veterinary certificate (passport), which must be obtained from a state veterinary hospital. The certificate contains information about the owner and dog, all vaccinations and names of vaccines. In addition, to export dogs you must have a license, which can be obtained from the Russian Canine Federation. Central Club of Service Dog Breeding or Ros. Hunting Fisherman Union.

Upon departure, all documents for animals are presented to customs officials. The Border Veterinary Service reviews the submitted documents and issues an international veterinary certificate for the animal. If there are any doubts about the animal's health, a veterinary expert may be called.

When importing animals, their health status for quarantine reasons must also be confirmed by documents, and an appropriate specialist may be called for examination.

The movement of exotic animals across borders is regulated by the Convention on international trade endangered wild species of flora and fauna" (CITES). The import of all animals listed in the CITES appendices is permitted with a CITES certificate from the exporting country. If the appropriate documents are not available, a protocol on violation of customs rules is drawn up, and the animal can be transferred to zoos or other institutions.

Personal search of citizens. In exceptional cases, customs officials have the right to personally search citizens crossing the border. A personal search can be carried out only by decision of the head of the customs authority or his deputy. To do this, there must be sufficient grounds to assume that an individual traveling across the customs border of Russia or located in the zone customs control or the transit zone of an international airport, hides goods or currency that are objects of violation of Russian legislation.

Legal features of conducting personal searches of individuals are provided. Any individual, regardless of citizenship, can be subjected to personal search. However, there are exceptions to this rule. Persons enjoying diplomatic immunity, deputies of the Federation Council and State Duma, as well as judges of the Constitutional Court, except in cases where personal search is provided for by federal law to ensure the safety of other people.

The searched citizen has the following rights:

To challenge the customs official appointed to conduct a personal search;

Give explanations;

Familiarize yourself with the personal search protocol;

Use the services of a translator;

Appeal against the actions of officials if, in the opinion of the person being searched, his rights and legitimate interests were violated during the personal search.

Personal search includes three stages:

1. Preparatory. The citizen is informed of the decision to conduct a personal search, his rights and obligations are explained, and he is invited to voluntarily hand over goods hidden from customs control. If at this stage there is a voluntary release of items hidden from customs control, a direct personal search may not follow.

2. Inspector. A personal search of an individual's belongings, clothing and body is carried out. The search procedure must take place in a specially equipped room and be carried out by an employee of the same gender as the citizen being searched.

3. Final. Documentation— drawing up a personal search protocol, a copy of which is handed over to the citizen being searched.

If at least one of these stages has not been completed or their sequence is violated, the actions of customs officers can be regarded as an attack on personal integrity. In this case, the citizen being searched has the right to judicial protection.

Free trade. According to the law of the European Union (EU), a foreigner leaving the EU has the right to receive back a portion of the amount equal to the VAT tax for goods purchased in these countries. This law only applies to citizens of non-EU countries who do not have the right to permanent residence in the EU.

Refunds are made in cash or by transfer to a bank account at a bureau at international airports, on ferries, railway stations or automobile border checkpoints, subject to three essential conditions:

1) the goods must be purchased in stores that are part of the single European system;

2) a special receipt must be issued for goods purchased in the store;

3) when leaving the EU, purchased goods must be presented to the customs service to confirm the fact of export of goods.

If a tourist wears the purchased item or tears off the tags from it, the right to a VAT refund is lost.

In addition to airports, there are stores in which you can fully or partially refund VAT included in the price of goods when purchasing from them (in Austria, Great Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Japan and Israel, etc.).

In many countries, duty-free shops operate at international airports, on board airplanes, cruise ships, and at land border crossings. You can get into such a store only if you cross one of two state borders, i.e. while on neutral territory.

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One of the mandatory formalities accompanying almost any trip abroad is a visa, which gives permission to enter a particular state. In principle, no supernatural efforts are required to obtain it. But, nevertheless, it somewhat limits the travel options of tourists.

Visa regimes of different countries vary greatly, and within the framework of this work there is no possibility of any effective classification of them. However, below, as an illustration of the issue being studied, several visa regimes of different countries of the world are considered.

Australia visa regime. The visa is issued within three weeks. To obtain a visa, you must provide a foreign passport, 1 application form with a photo, an invitation - private, tourist or official, employment certificates indicating position, length of service, total monthly income, medical insurance for the entire duration of your stay in the country, evidence of creditworthiness (documents indicating the availability of from the applicant of the property), a declaration for the export of currency and, if children are traveling with you, a notarized consent of the second parent for the export of children. Unlike private and tourist travel, traveling with children on a business invitation is difficult. Typical periods of stay in the country for a tourist invitation are up to two weeks, for a private invitation - up to one month, for a business invitation - up to three months. For a private and tourist invitation, only a one-time visa can be issued; for a business invitation, a multiple visa can be issued for multiple entries into the country within a specified period. The consular fee is 35 US dollars.

Visa regime in Austria. Austria is part of the Schengen zone. When crossing the border, citizens of the Russian Federation must have an entry permit - a Schengen visa - issued at the Consular Section of the Austrian Embassy in Moscow. The visa is issued individually in the traveler's passport.

It is highly undesirable to violate the visa regime while on Austrian territory - any violations are noted in the passport and entered into a common computer database, which will make it difficult or even impossible to re-obtain a visa to the countries of the European Community, as well as the countries of the Schengen Agreement.

Visa regime in Brazil. To obtain a Brazilian tourist visa must be provided following documents: visa application form; a passport that expires in at least six months, one photograph measuring 3x4 cm, a round-trip ticket, confirmation of hotel reservation and payment, medical insurance.

UK visa regime. The United Kingdom has three representative offices providing visa services on the territory of the Russian Federation: in Moscow, St. Petersburg (this consulate also includes: Leningrad region, Novgorod region, Pskov region, Murmansk region, Arkhangelsk region, Republic of Karelia) and Yekaterinburg (Sverdlovsk region, Chelyabinsk region, Perm region, Kurgan region, Republic of Bashkiria and Republic of Udmurtia). Consular visa sections accept applications for visits to the United Kingdom (including the Isle of Man and Channel Islands).

The visa application can be submitted in person, through an agency or through a courier. All applications are accepted on standard official forms. Applications are accepted for consideration only after payment of the consular fee (36 pounds sterling - tourist (multiple), 22 pounds sterling - to Commonwealth countries or Dependent Territories). Payment of the consular fee does not guarantee receipt of a visa. The consular fee is not refundable in case of refusal or if the tourist has withdrawn the documents. Individual applications submitted in person, through a courier or other representative are usually considered within a day, group applications - within a week from the date of receipt. If the application is correctly and completely completed and accepted by the visa department, a decision to issue a visa can be made on the basis of documents without an interview. If the application is incomplete or otherwise unacceptable, additional documents may be required for further consideration. Citizens holding passports from the EU, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand can stay in the country for up to six months without a visa, provided they enter from the territory of these countries.

Visa regime in Germany. There are two types of visas: Schengen visa and national German visa. They differ in terms of validity: a Schengen visa is valid for a stay of a maximum of 90 days within six months and gives the right to either single or multiple entries into Germany; The German national visa has an initial limit of three months, but unlike the Schengen visa, it can be extended by the German Aliens Office in accordance with the purpose of your stay. Another difference is the scope of validity: the Schengen visa is valid for all Schengen states - Germany, Austria, Belgium, Greece, Denmark, Iceland, Spain, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Finland, France and Sweden; The national German visa is valid only for Germany. Visas differ in terms of document processing (a Schengen visa is issued within 1-3 working days), as well as in the fact that you can fill out an application for a Schengen visa in both German and Russian, and an application for a national German visa - only in German.

Visa regime for Greece. To enter Greece you must have a visa, passport, health insurance, and currency (at the rate of $50 per person per day). Visas are issued by the consular department of the Greek Embassy in Moscow.

A visa can be obtained through a travel agency or independently (at the invitation of a private individual, at the invitation of a Greek company, as well as on the basis of a letter from a hotel in Greece confirming the reservation of a place there).

An invitation from a private person must be certified by the police at the place of residence of the inviter. If the child is included in the parent's passport, you do not need to pay for his visa. In an invitation from business partner or company number must be indicated foreign passport invitee, date of birth, length of stay in the country and purpose of the trip (negotiations, participation in an exhibition, etc.). A copy of the invitation should be sent by fax by the inviting party to the consular section of the Greek Embassy. The consular fee for any type of Schengen visa to Greece is 1,368 rubles.

Visa regime in Egypt. On March 21, 2002, the Egyptian government decided to include Russia and Ukraine in the list of countries whose citizens do not require prior registration of Egyptian entry visas. From now on, entry permits will be issued to tourists immediately upon arrival in the country. If previously Russians and Ukrainians could travel to Egypt without visas only as part of tourist groups, now this rule also applies to individual tourists. A guest visa to enter Egypt can be purchased at any border crossing point, usually at the airport of arrival, or in advance at the consular departments of the Egyptian Embassy in Moscow and Kyiv. The cost of a visa is $15 if purchased in Egypt. Within seven days of entering the country, you must make a note in your passport at the police department. Hotels perform this formality for their guests. You can also go to the nearest police station yourself.

Visa regime in India. To obtain a visa you need an original invitation, a foreign passport, 2 photographs, 2 copies of the completed English forms, tickets with a fixed date of arrival and return are presented. The visa is issued within 1-2 days. The consular fee is USD 40.

Visa regime in Spain. Spain is part of the Schengen zone. To enter Spain you must have a passport and a Schengen visa. For a standard (flight - hotel - flight) tourist trip of up to 30 days, a one-time Schenge visa “C” is usually issued with the following corridor:

  • - 30 (previously 45) days and a duration of stay of 30 days (if submitted through a travel agency using the VISA-TOUR system).
  • - for the period of booking accommodation and air tickets when submitted independently or by proxy.

To obtain a visa with double entry (except for travel to Andorra), traveling to your destination by train or car, or for a period of more than 30 days, documents must be submitted independently or by proxy.

Canada visa regime. Visas are issued by the consular section of the Canadian Embassy in Moscow. To obtain a visa, you must submit the original invitation (it can be sent to the embassy by fax), 1 application form filled out in English, 2 photographs. You must provide medical insurance and cash sufficient for a trip to the country. The Consulate charges a processing fee of US$65. The visa is issued within 21 days.

Cyprus visa regime. To enter Cyprus, a visa is required for all citizens of Russia and the CIS. The visa is issued free of charge. Individual applications from citizens as well as from intermediary organizations (tour operators, travel agencies) are accepted without prior arrangements from Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 16:30. Visas are issued on the same day or a day later, depending on the workload of the Consular Section. The minimum validity of a tourist visa is 1 month with the opportunity to visit Cyprus twice. The maximum visa validity period is 1 year. Multiple visas are valid for up to one year and are issued to VIPs, officials, businessmen, property owners in Cyprus, holders of temporary or permanent residence permits, spouses of Cypriot citizens and other categories of citizens upon request.

Cuba visa regime. For Russians and citizens of Belarus and Yugoslavia who come to Cuba for tourism purposes for a period of less than 30 days, a visa is not required if they have a tourist voucher. The passport must be valid for at least 6 months from the date of departure. Upon departure, you must pay an airport tax of $20.

Nepal visa regime. To visit the country, Russian citizens need a visa. A visa to Nepal is issued either through the Nepalese Embassy in Moscow or upon arrival at Tribhuvan Airport in Kathmandu. This requires a 3x4 cm photograph. valid passport and 30 US dollars. The minimum processing time is two days. To obtain a visa, the appropriate paperwork must be filled out in English at the airport. While in the country, you can extend your visa at the Immigration Department. When leaving Nepal, you must pay an airport tax of 400 rupees.

Visa regime in the UAE. To travel to the UAE, Russian citizens need a visa. Its original is issued at the border. It must be arranged in advance through a travel agency, or through a “sponsor” (hotel, company or individual who has the right to apply for a visa). Moreover, the sponsor only helps in obtaining a visa, but does not help with money. Hotel accommodation must be paid in advance. Without prepayment, no hotel will send confirmation of your reservation, which serves as the basis for issuing a visa. Documents regarding this must be submitted to passport control at the airport in advance and entry into the country is prohibited without them. For Dubai, a visitor visa is issued for 60 days (with the right to extension), a tourist visa for 30 days and a special entry permit for 14 days. For each day of stay in the country over the period - a fine of $28.

A visa or other markings from the State of Israel in a passport may be grounds for denial of entry.

Japan visa regime. To enter the country you must have a passport and a visa. The standard visa procedure is quite complicated and requires a guarantor residing in Japan. The guarantor can only be a person or organization holding Japanese citizenship or registered in Japan, or a foreigner with the status of “permanent resident,” “long-term resident,” or “special resident.” The same person can act as the inviting party and the guarantor.

To obtain a visa, you must submit to the Embassy or Consulate General of Japan the original and one copy of the documents of the inviting party and the guarantor, as well as a passport and 1 copy of the first page, passport size photographs (2 pcs.) and 2 questionnaires (each document must be submitted within 3 months from the moment of its compilation). The documents must be accompanied by an air ticket or a reservation issued by a travel company, as well as a certificate from the travel company stating that the applicant purchased a tour from this travel company and a certificate from the place of work, study or pension certificate. In some cases, you will be required to provide proof of your ability to pay your expenses, as well as a round-trip ticket and a document explaining what the applicant will do in Japan. Documents must be prepared for each individual applicant. Submitted applications are reviewed by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, after which the Japanese Embassy receives an instruction to issue a visa or refuse (by the way, if a visa application is rejected once, then further applications are meaningless). The visa itself is free, only a fee of 5-10 USD is charged for processing and sending documents to the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Having examined the visa regimes of some countries, we can also pay some attention to countries and territories with visa-free regime entry

As a rule, countries that do not require visas or issue them at the border insist that the tourist have sufficient funds and a ticket back home or to a third country (if that third country requires citizens to have a visa, there must be a visa). In addition, the tourist’s passport must be valid for some time after the intended departure from the country (in the case of Malaysia and many island countries - from 6 months).

Visa concept

Note 1

A visa is permission from the government of another state to enter/exit, reside and travel through its territory.

The permit can be presented in a separate document (for example, a group tourist visa) or affixed to the passport (stamp, sticker, stamp, etc.).

Grounds for issuing a tourist visa:

  • consent of the host travel company to provide services within the confirmed time frame and along the agreed route;
  • invitations to visit friends and relatives;
  • invitations to travel for business purposes.

Types of visas:

  • individual and group,
  • disposable and reusable,
  • entry,
  • visiting,
  • transit,
  • Schengen,
  • student, etc.

Obtaining a visa

To obtain a visa, visa forms are filled out, consular fees are paid, and an invitation to an interview is possible (when traveling to the USA, England).

The minimum period for applying for a visa depends on:

  • established practice;
  • interstate agreements;
  • the purpose of the trip and its duration;
  • type of passport.

Some travel companies have permission - reference– for consular services for tourists.

In addition to having a visa, some states (Sweden, USA, etc.) require that tourists from other countries have financial resources in sufficient quantity to stay for the specified period in a given country, and also had a return ticket.

Example 1

On average, a day's stay in Europe requires from 30 to 70 US dollars.

The tourist's solvency can be confirmed by a tourist voucher, marked by the host party and providing full board, a credit card or traveler's checks.

When applying for a visa, recent requirements include:

  • original internal passport;
  • copies of internal and foreign passports;
  • a certificate from the place of employment indicating the position, scope of responsibilities, salary, job characteristics), explanations about the profile of the enterprise;
  • for non-working persons - providing a certificate from the labor exchange or a certificate for the breadwinner.

The final decision on entry into a particular country is made by the relevant immigration authorities (border guards, police, etc.) at the state border.

Note 2

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, control over the availability of visas for entry into another state is assigned to carrier companies. Therefore, the Federal Border Guard Service does not check the availability of visas, invitations and vouchers.

In different countries, the amount of consular fees ranges from 10 to 150 US dollars, can change quite often and in some cases amount to up to 10% of the cost of the trip abroad itself.

World Tourism Organization visa recommendations

Regarding tourist visas, the WTO makes the following recommendations:

  • visa-free entry is possible for up to three days;
  • the possibility of issuing a visa or permission to enter for up to three days, in exceptional cases, at the entry checkpoint;
  • a visa (for one or more entries) is valid for one year on all routes, in all points open for movement, by any transport;
  • mutual recognition of visas by states.

Difficulties in obtaining visas

When issuing visas for clients, travel companies face three groups of problems:

  • organizing the work of foreign consulates and their employees;
  • requirements for issuing visas, which are established by the ministries of foreign and internal affairs of the relevant states and acting as normative for consulates (list of documents, procedure for acceptance and consideration, visa processing time, types of visas issued, accreditation of travel agencies, etc.);
  • state regulation of issues directly related to obtaining exit visas from the Russian side.

A passport is an official document identifying a citizen. It contains information about gender, age, place of birth and residence, and citizenship. A foreign passport is issued in a number of countries, including Russia. In addition to foreign passports, in some cases the following may be used: diplomatic, service, consular passports; passport (identity card) of a foreigner or stateless person issued to a foreign citizen permanently residing in the state; family passports for husband and wife (with or without children); child’s passport (identity card), sailor’s passport and a number of others.

In many countries, when going through passport control, you are required to fill out a special arrival card. This is done in order to control the entry and exit of citizens, as well as collect statistical data.

As a rule, entry into the host country requires a visa. A visa (Latin visa, plural from visum - viewed) is a special permit from a foreign government to enter/exit, reside or transit through its territory. The permit may be stamped on your passport or may be a separate document, such as a group tourist visa. The basis for issuing a tourist visa is the consent of the host travel company to provide the tourist with services along the agreed route and within a confirmed time frame, as well as invitations to visit relatives and friends or travel for business purposes. There are visas: single and multiple-entry, individual and group: student, entry; transit; exit, Schengen, etc. To obtain a visa, as a rule, visa forms (with a photo) are filled out and consular fees are paid. In some cases (for example, when traveling to England or the USA), the applicant may be invited to the consulate for an interview.

The minimum period for applying for a visa depends on interstate agreements, established practice, type of passport, purpose of the trip and its duration. A number of travel companies have permission (reference) to provide consular services to tourists. However, having a visa does not guarantee a trip. A number of states (USA, Sweden, etc.) require foreign tourists have with you a return ticket and funds sufficient to stay in the country for the specified period. According to Russian legislation control over the availability of visas to enter a foreign country is entrusted to transport companies(carrier companies).

In seven European countries, the Schengen Agreement came into force on March 26, 1995, abolishing border controls at the internal borders of Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany, France, Spain and Portugal. Subsequently, Greece and a number of other countries joined the Schengen Agreement. Two types of visas have been introduced:

  • - a single Schengen visa, issued for a period of up to three months and gives the right to freely move throughout the territory of countries that have entered into the Schengen agreement;
  • - a national entry visa for a period of more than three months, the issuance of which remains the prerogative of a state that is part of the Schengen agreement.

There are no group Schengen visas. For tourists from countries outside the European Union, including Russia, the entry visa procedure has been preserved. Preferential entry procedures are extended to citizens of Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.

Requirements of consular services foreign countries to obtain exit/entry visas and the list of countries to which entry is carried out without visas is constantly changing.

When issuing visas for their clients, travel agencies face a wide range of problems that can be divided into three groups. The first is related to the organization of the work of foreign consulates and their employees, the second is related to the requirements for the visa processing procedure established by the ministries of foreign and internal affairs of the relevant countries and which are standards for consulates. These primarily include the list necessary documents, the procedure for their acceptance and consideration, the timing of visas, the procedure for accreditation of travel agencies, types of visas issued, etc. The third group of problems is state regulation of issues related to obtaining exit visas from the Russian side. In general, tourism formalities are generally understood as procedures related to compliance by tourists, persons crossing the state border, with certain conditions, rules and requirements established government agencies countries of entry and stay.

As such, there is no legal concept of tourist formalities in regulations, because These formalities are regulated by various regulations and apply not only to tourists, but also to other categories of citizens. Therefore, it is advisable to cite the concept of tourist formalities from reference literature:

“Tourist formalities are a check of compliance by tourists and subjects of tourism activities with the order and rules established by government authorities when entering and leaving the country.”

Tourist formalities are divided into several large sections and include: interaction with consulates, tourist unions and administrations of foreign countries, national tourist offices, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, passport and visa service, customs authorities, border guards, carriers and some other procedures.

Customs formalities. Individuals crossing the customs border must fill out a customs declaration in the prescribed form. The declaration must be completed by every person over 16 years of age. Declaration is a statement in the prescribed form (written, oral, etc.) to the customs authority of accurate information about goods and vehicles moved across the customs border, their quantity, name and other information necessary for customs purposes.

The completed customs declaration, as well as goods moved by an individual across the customs border, are presented to customs officials for customs clearance and customs control. Customs clearance is carried out in places established for the exit and entry of individuals across the customs border. This could be a hall at an international airport, a territory or premises on the territory of a vehicle checkpoint, etc.

During customs clearance, customs officers carry out customs control.

Customs control in the Russian Federation is a set of measures carried out by the customs authorities of the Russian Federation in order to ensure compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on customs and other Russian and international legislative acts. Customs control is carried out by officials of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation.

The list of forms of customs control includes verification of documents and information necessary for customs purposes, customs inspection of goods and vehicles, registration of goods and vehicles, oral questioning of individuals and officials, and, as an exceptional measure, personal inspection.

Insurance formalities represent relations to protect the property interests of individuals and legal entities upon the occurrence of various types of unfavorable events (insurance events) at the expense of monetary funds formed from the insurance contributions (insurance premiums) they pay. In this case, compensation to the insured victim for related losses (damage) is carried out within the limits of the insured amount determined by the insurance agreement (insurance policy) between the insured and the insurer, which is the insurance company.

Interaction with consulates is a formality related to protecting the interests of citizens on the territory of other states.

Interaction with travel agencies and offices are formalities related to the direct provision of the tour. As noted above, by concluding an agreement with a tour operator, the client does not acquire the services of the tour operator directly, but only the right to receive these services from the tour operator’s partners - travel agencies, carriers, etc.

Hague Declaration on Tourism 1989 determined that states and tourism industry Effective measures should be taken to simplify tourism formalities and customs procedures regarding passports, visas, medical and exchange controls for travel, journeys and stays (Principle VI). Tourist formalities should be aimed at eliminating obstacles when traveling and facilitating conditions for tourists visiting other countries and regions. Passport and visa formalities are formalities related to compliance with the rules of crossing state borders and staying on their territory.

A passport is an official document identifying a citizen. It contains information about gender, age, place of birth and residence, and citizenship. A foreign passport is issued in a number of countries, including Russia. In addition to foreign passports, in some cases the following can be used:

  • 1) diplomatic, service, consular passports;
  • 2) passport (identity card) of a foreigner or stateless person, issued to a foreign citizen permanently residing in the state;
  • 3) family passports for husband and wife (with or without children);
  • 4) passport (identity card) of the child, sailor’s passport and a number of others.

By Federal law“On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entering the Russian Federation”, if a tourist loses his passport abroad, he is issued a temporary identity document and gives the tourist the right to return to his homeland. This document is issued by the Russian consulate in the host country.

To enter another state with a valid foreign passport, if there is no agreement on visa-free travel with this state, an appropriate permit from the country of entry is required - a visa. To obtain a visa Russian citizens apply to the embassies of the relevant states in Moscow or to the consular office of the country of entry, provided that the place of residence of the person leaving is included in the consular district of this consulate.