Visa to Israel documents. Without a visa, but with documents: everything about the documents required for a tourist trip to Israel. Visa support from Biblio-Globus

A visa to Israel is not required (for 90 days). The same rule applies to citizens of Ukraine.

Documents for a visa to Israel

To enter Israel you will need

  • international passport with a validity period of at least 6 months on the date of entry
  • air tickets or ticket reservations indicating the departure date
  • medical insurance valid in Israel for the entire duration of the trip
  • confirmation of hotel reservation or voucher from a travel agency

If the purpose of the trip is treatment in Israel, then an additional letter from medical institution. To visit relatives and friends in Israel, you will need an invitation, or a copy thereof. The invitation must indicate the personal information of the inviter and his guest, the timing and purpose of the visit, as well as the address where the tourist will live.

In rare cases, immigration officers may clarify the financial capabilities of a tourist for the duration of his trip. In this case, you will need to show cash or a credit card. It is advisable to have money with you at the rate of at least $50 (from 200 shekels) per day of stay.

If a tourist does not want to have a stamp in his passport about crossing the Israeli border, he will have to inform the employee in advance border service. After this, you will need to fill out Form 17L and ask for a stamp there. The form with the stamp must be kept throughout the trip, because it confirms the legality of staying in Israel.

There is no visa fee for Russians in Israel.

Visas to Israel for CIS citizens

Citizens of Armenia, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan will require a visa to holiday in Israel.

List of documents for a visa to Israel for CIS citizens

  • International passport valid for at least 6 months by the date of entry
  • 2 photographs 3x4 cm (color or black and white, without corner and oval)
  • Application form filled out in 1 copy
  • A copy of all (including blank) pages of the internal passport
  • Original and copy of registration in Moscow
  • Certificate of employment (on the organization’s letterhead with a stamp, indicating position, salary and length of service)
  • Copy of work permit
  • For pensioners - a copy of the pension certificate
  • For students - a certificate from the educational institution and a letter of sponsorship
  • Copies of birth certificate and copy of marriage certificate

Attention! Citizens of Uzbekistan will also need a stamp from the Ministry of Internal Affairs authorizing travel abroad.

Insurance policies

To travel to Israel, a tourist must have an insurance policy for the entire duration of the trip. You can get a medical policy from most Russian insurance companies. Most tour operators offering ready-made tours to Israel already have insurance included. The cost for Israel depends on what services are included. The average price for an insurance policy for Israel is about $1-2 per day.

Visa to Israel for a child

If a child travels to Israel with only one of the parents, then a power of attorney from the second is not required. If a child travels with an accompanying person, then a power of attorney from one of the parents certified with an “apostille” stamp will be required. In addition, photocopies of the first pages of passports and the original birth certificate will be required.

Travel to Palestine

Travel to Palestine is only possible from Israel and Jordan. The border of the Palestinian Authority is controlled by the Israeli army, so entry is subject to all the rules and regulations of the Israeli passport and visa regime.

Often on the roads in Palestine you can find permanent or temporary Israeli posts. When passing through such checkpoints, you must be prepared for a thorough check of documents.

Countries prohibiting entry with an Israeli visa

There are a certain number of countries that prohibit the entry of tourists whose passports contain notes about visiting Israel. These include Syria, Lebanon, Yemen and Sudan. In Saudi Arabia and Iran, despite the official lifting of the ban on entry with Israeli stamps, problems may arise at border control.

Embassies and consulates of Israel in Russia

Embassy of Israel in Moscow

Address: 119017, Moscow, st. Bolshaya Ordynka, 56
Phone: +(7 495) 660 27 00

Consulate General of Israel in St. Petersburg

Address: 191180, St. Petersburg, Bolshoy Kazachiy lane, 1/61
Phone: +(7 812) 406 05 00

To ensure safety, it is prohibited to bring food,
medicines and liquids to the embassy.

This article discusses the following questions: Do Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians need a visa to Israel? What are the conditions for entering the country? What questions does the security service ask when traveling to Israel? Do they put an Israeli stamp on a passport? Data is current for 2019.

Visa relations between Israel and citizens of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus are discussed in this article only if they visit the country for the purpose of tourism, treatment And guest visit. Workers and study visas our travel blog is not affected.

Do Russians, Belarusians, and Ukrainians need a visa to Israel?

From September 20, 2008, visa to Israel not needed for Russians. However, holders of diplomatic passports require a visa.

Extract from Timatik for Russians

Since 02/09/2011, Ukraine has joined the ranks of countries with visa-free entry into the Israeli state. So Ukrainians tourist visa to Israel also not needed.

Extract from Timatik for Ukrainians

From November 25, 2015 and for citizens of the Republic of Belarus visa to Israel canceled. A month later we tested it ourselves visa-free entry to this camp.

Extract from Timatik for Belarusians

As of 2019 Russians, Belarusians And Ukrainians you can stay without a visa in Israel 90 days V half a year.

Rules and conditions for entry into Israel

Status of passports for entry into Israel:

  • The passport must not be valid until the expiration date at the time of entry. less than 6 months.
  • The presence of marks in the passport about visiting other states (including Arab and other Muslim countries) do not influence for approval or disapproval of entry into Israel. It's official. However, in fact, if you have stamps from Iran, Lebanon, Syria and some other countries, the security service can arrange a multi-hour interrogation both at the entry and exit from the country.

If, after all, an Israeli stamp is included in the passport, and there is a need this situation correct - change this ID. But Russians can have more than one foreigner, so one of them can be allocated for if you often visit the country.

If you are denied entry into Israel

If a Russian, Belarusian or Ukrainian was previously denied entry into Israel, a visa, and also if the tourist has previously violated the laws of the country or was deported from there, then before the new visit you need to contact the Israeli consulate/embassy to clarify your status. To obtain an entry permit, review a decision to refuse entry, or cancel deportation, a citizen can submit a corresponding request to the Israeli Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Our experience passing the Israeli border

Details for help:

Tinkoff map 4377 7237 4260 2448 Samorosenko Konstantin Igorevich (Elisha’s dad)

Yandex.Money 410012258423394 Samorosenko Konstantin Igorevich (Elisha’s dad)


The search for a decent job with good pay leads to the idea of ​​traveling abroad for this purpose. One of the popular destinations where Russians want to go is Israel. But not every visa permit allows you to legally find a job, so in such a case a work visa to Israel is required.

A visa permit is issued for two reasons: the first is employment, and the second is marriage with a citizen of the country.

Going to this country to work is not an easy task; high-class craftsmen, IT specialists, and sometimes builders are in demand on the labor market. This requires that the employee speak English, unless the employer states that knowledge of another language is required.

Sample work visa

Specialists of this level receive visas valid for a year. Extension of its validity period depends on the decision of the country's Ministry of Internal Affairs. The maximum validity period is 5 years.

To perform short-term work for up to 30 days, a B1 visa permit is also issued, but it has a shorter validity period. Each type of work has its own rules for staying in the country and the verification procedure carried out.

Receipt procedure

Sample employment contract in Hebrew

They start by looking for a future place of work. Russians turn to employment agencies that offer various options. If the conditions suit both parties, then the first step towards obtaining a visa is taken by the employer. He applies for a job offer foreign worker to Misrad Apnim (Ministry of Interior).

At this stage, the Employment Agency is also checked to determine whether it has a license to import foreign labor.

The employer is checked for permission to hire foreign workers. Attached employment contract and a copy of the invited person’s passport.

The procedure for reviewing the package of papers is paid by the receiving party, therefore, when the applicant submits documents in the future to the Embassy, ​​the consular fee is not charged.

Once a work permit has been received, the applicant applies to the Embassy to obtain a visa permit.

Restrictions on hiring

  • If the applicant has relatives living in Israel - spouses, parents or children (except brothers and sisters).
  • It is prohibited for two or more family members to work in the country at the same time.
  • The worker's age is up to 23 years and over 55.

A visa ceases to be valid if there is a change of employer, since the decision to issue it is made on the basis of an application from a specific legal entity.

Package of papers

Application form sample

Misrad Apnim's positive decision alone is not enough to obtain a visa. To do this, they additionally submit a package of papers to the Embassy and undergo a short interview with an employee of the consular department.

  • Apostilled certificate of no criminal record.
  • Certificates of passing a medical examination, which takes place in clinics recognized by the representative office. They indicate the results of blood tests for AIDS, hepatitis and tuberculosis.
  • Declaration of fingerprinting.
  • Completed application. .
  • 2 photos size 50x50mm.

The form to fill out is printed on 1 sheet on both sides, the photo is not pasted. The consul reserves the right to request other documents in order to make a decision.


  • Before applying for a visa permit, they check the validity of the passport - it must have a reserve of six months from the date of application.
  • A visa-free regime, as well as a guest visa, do not provide the right to work in the country. Violation of this rule entails deportation and a ban on entry into the country for several subsequent years.
  • The employer pays the fee, but it does not guarantee a positive decision. This money is not returned to the party in case of refusal.
  • After receiving a visa, you can enter the country within the next 3 months.
  • When crossing the border, border services have the right to demand the same papers that were submitted at the Embassy. Therefore, it is advisable to have them with you.

In the case of applying for a work visa, both parties are checked - the employer and the employee. Therefore, it is difficult to name the total duration of the procedure.

Marriage to an Israeli citizen

After marriage, the spouse from Russia collects a package of papers to obtain the first entry visa category B1.

List of required papers

  • Certificates of no criminal record for each of the previous names.
  • Teudat Zehut spouse (identity card).
  • A copy of the invited person’s international passport, which has an expiration date of more than two years.
  • Birth certificate of the Russian side.
  • Marriage certificate.
  • Attach joint photos, evidence of acquaintance, evidence from people who know the couple personally. Draw up an application for acquaintance.
  • Certificate of marital status before marriage, divorce or death certificate.
  • Statement of income for 3 months of the inviting party.

Sample of Teudat Zeutha

All documents are certified with an apostille or seal of the Israeli Embassy. In addition to the originals, copies are included.

A package of papers is sent to the spouse in Israel, and with these documents he is sent to Misrad Apnim. An application to invite the other half is filled out there. The procedure is paid - 920 shekels. Plus a fee of 90 shekels is paid for the visa.

Review of the application takes approximately 45 days. If a positive decision is made, the spouse from the Russian Federation goes to the consular department and receives work visa for six months. Since the consideration of the package of papers has already been paid, the consular fee will not be charged again.

When obtaining a visa in this way, after the expiration of 6 months, the spouses undergo an interview and, if the result is positive, the foreigner is issued a residence permit for a period of one year.

In reality, it is very difficult to obtain a work visa for a specialty - Misrad Apnim carefully checks to what extent the country really needs a specialist.

Going to work in the care sector is easier, but not everyone is willing to do it. A wedding with a foreigner provides many opportunities, but the state, at the slightest suspicion that the marriage is fictitious, makes a decision on deportation.

Citizens of Russia, Ukraine, Georgia do not require a visa to visit Israel for the purpose of tourism, visiting relatives and friends, treatment, transit, short-term business trips not related to making a profit in the country. In this case, the period of stay cannot exceed 90 days.

To enter you must provide the following documents:

  • a foreign passport, valid for at least six months at the time of entry into the country;
  • air tickets ( electronic tickets, ticket reservation) with a fixed departure date;
  • medical insurance policy for the provision of services abroad for the entire duration of the trip;
  • confirmation of a hotel reservation (a printout from the websites of international booking systems is sufficient) or a travel agency voucher (if the purpose of the trip is tourism);
  • to visit Israeli relatives, friends or organizations - an invitation (original, fax or printout of a letter sent by e-mail). The invitation indicates the personal information of the inviter and the invitee, the purpose and timing of the visit, and the address where the invitee will reside. There is no need to certify the invitation;
  • if the purpose of the visit is treatment, a letter from the medical institution (original, fax or printout from e-mail) is provided.

In some cases, the immigration service may inquire about the availability financial resources for the entire duration of the trip. In this case, it is enough to name the amount of money you have on you or show a bank card (printouts and letters from the bank are not required).

Traveling with children

For children traveling accompanied by one parent, a notarized power of attorney from the remaining parent, certified by an Apostille stamp, a photocopy of the first page of the parent's passport, as well as the original birth certificate are required. If a child travels accompanied by a third party, you will need a power of attorney from both parents, certified by an Apostille stamp, a photocopy of the first page of the parents’ passport, as well as the original birth certificate of the child. Translation of the power of attorney is not required.

Crossing the border

When entering Israel from leaving the country, the electronic system control and accounting system: now entry and exit stamps are not placed in the passport of anyone who crosses the border (no matter whether it is a tourist or an Israeli citizen) (with the exception of the border in Eilat, where stamps are placed at the exit). Instead, a border crossing ticket is issued (at the entrance - blue color, on the road - pink).

The procedure is as follows: an immigration officer scans the entry/exit passport, resulting in a printed coupon with the tourist’s data: photograph, date and time of border crossing, passport number, first and last name. The coupon also contains a barcode in which all this information is encrypted. Having received the passport and ticket back, the traveler, to exit the airside of the airport or, conversely, enter the departure area, passes through a turnstile equipped with a scanner. The system reads the barcode, the gate opens, and the person proceeds to the arrival or departure hall. The introduction of such a procedure significantly speeds up the border crossing process. Tourists are advised to keep their entry pass until they leave the country.

Thus, the previously existing problem of entering a row Arab countries(Lebanon, Syria, Sudan, Yemen or Iran) with Israeli seals, no longer needed. But only on the condition that the tourist flew from Israel and did not travel by land. In the latter case, indirect evidence of a foreigner’s presence in Israel is provided by entry stamps and visas from border checkpoints in Jordan and Egypt. Therefore, the route must be planned in such a way that a visit to Lebanon and other countries mentioned above precedes entry into Israel.

Unlike the Arab states, Israel admits tourists with the seals of the Arab states. At the same time, you should still be prepared for questioning by the Israeli police and border guards regarding the purposes of visiting Arab countries, especially Syria, Lebanon, Iran, and Libya. Sometimes such delays are short, and the tourist is allowed through immediately after the senior officer makes a decision. But there are also situations when a tourist can spend an hour or more at the border, waiting for some kind of “check”. Often, a check means detention without explanation and being in a particular premises without the right to contact the Russian consulate.

To avoid these troubles, it makes sense to replace your passport before visiting Israel if it contains marks from Arab countries.

Border tax

When leaving Israel through land crossings, an exit tax of 103 ILS is charged, and at the Allenby checkpoint with Jordan - 173 ILS. Children under 2 years of age are exempt from paying tax. The tax is paid in shekels in cash or using international bank cards. When leaving the country by plane, border taxes are already included in the ticket price.

Fees are not charged when crossing the border at international airports or seaports.

Trip to the Palestinian Authority

Access to the territory of the Palestinian Authority is possible only through Israel. The border crossings with Jordan across the Jordan River, as well as on the border with Egypt, are controlled by the Israeli army, which means that foreigners entering the territory of the autonomy are subject to the Israeli visa regime.

On at the moment The Rafah checkpoint in the Gaza Strip (border to Egypt) is closed.

Countries that are prohibited from entering with Israeli visas and stamps in your passport

A number of countries prohibit entry into their territory (even if they have visas from these countries) for persons who have visas, seals and other marks of the State of Israel in their passport. These countries include Yemen, Lebanon, Syria, Sudan, and, since the beginning of 2013, Iran. There may be difficulties crossing the Saudi Arabian border, although the ban on entry with Israeli stamps has been officially lifted.

In practice, there have been isolated precedents when individual tourists managed to obtain a visa and enter Sudan if they had Israeli stamps in their passport. However, it is not worth taking risks, and, if a combined trip is necessary, it is necessary to plan the route in such a way that Israel is the last destination of the trip.

Israel has become a fairly common destination among Russian citizens seeking good job. You can hear from many today: “I’m looking for a job in Israel.” The state introduced this long ago for our compatriots, but without a work visa it is impossible to hope to work in Israel or engage in commercial activities. Because the legislation of this state prohibited hiring tourists. Only a work visa to Israel for Russians will allow them to legally find employment. Many people from Russia became labor emigrants in this country.

It's not easy to find yourself working here. The labor market dictates its conditions. If you are a highly qualified specialist in the field of IT technology, construction or another field, you know English language and are looking for a job in your specialty, there should be no problems with a work visa to Israel.

For a specialist of this level, the term is one year. The country's Ministry of Internal Affairs has the right to decide on its extension, up to a maximum of 5 years. Visa permission is also issued for a short period of time - up to a month.

Workers in low-paid professions are also in demand. You can find employment with Israeli families to care for the elderly, the sick, children, or run a household. This is the same official income as any other. Working under a social program, you are provided with free insurance, paid sick leave, vacation and days off, you can also think about.

Attention! Own rules stay in the country, a certain verification procedure - for every type of work.

Anyone who is interested in how to get a work visa to Israel should know that such a document cannot be obtained on the territory of this country. Only embassies handle it and issue it specifically for employment, as well as to cultural figures during tours.

There are some requirements in this case:

  1. The right to employ citizens foreign countries Only available to employers who have an appropriate valid license.
  2. A foreigner is allowed to work only in “permitted areas” - away from conflict regions. The possibility of replacing one region with another is excluded.

About the receipt procedure

To apply for a work visa and get started labor activity in Israel, you will have to go through a difficult path. It all starts with contacting the services of an employment agency to search for and consider the options offered. To engage in the import of foreign labor, the agency must have the appropriate license. Make sure you are contacting a reputable company.

Once the choice is made, it's up to the employer. He takes the first step - an application to invite a foreigner to work in Israel is submitted to the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Misrad Alnim).

And with it a copy of the contract, information:

  • about the employee - his position and salary, a copy of a foreign passport with a six-month validity period;
  • about the employer himself - availability of a license to hire foreigners;

and the employer's obligation to provide health insurance to the employee.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs, as the main licensing authority, will make inquiries about the applicant for work in Israel: whether he was previously issued a work visa and how many times, whether he was deported, or whether he was found to have violated the laws of the country. It will determine the validity period of the visa certificate and the possibility of extension.

Upon receipt of this document and the Ministry issuing the corresponding order to the consulate, it is possible to obtain a work visa to Israel category B1.

The applicant has 30 days to begin the permitting process.

For this purpose, he provides the embassy with the following documents:

  • certificate of no criminal record. In accordance with the regulations of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, it is issued within 30 days. Another three working days are allocated to certify it with an apostille - the cost of the service is 1,500 rubles (you can find out more on the government services portal);
  • receipt for payment of $47 (commission fee);
  • results medical research in Russian clinics, including negative tests for AIDS, tuberculosis and hepatitis. The list of medical institutions is specifically determined by the Israeli Mission;
  • information about the fingerprinting procedure. Lately this has become a requirement;
  • 5x5 photographs taking into account the requirements of the Israeli side for passport size photographs: white background, resolution of 300 pixels, color depth of 24 bits, etc. – 2 pcs.

All that remains is to pass the interview. If the consul has no questions, you can apply for a work visa to Israel within 1 day.

But for the final decision he may need additionally:

  • characteristics from the last place of work;
  • birth certificate;
  • pension certificate;
  • mental health certificate;
  • assessment of property value.

It is for such cases that a one-month validity period is provided for the permission of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Pay attention! When entering the country, the border control has the right to request the papers that you submitted to the Embassy. Keep them with you.

By obtaining a work permit, the problem of employment for you in this country is solved.

Important! If foreign citizen changes employer, the visa is terminated. Your new employer must take care of the permit for you.

Today for opening one work visa Russian citizens will pay $48. But it's better to find out how much this one costs permit document on the embassy website. Rates are subject to change.

Restrictions on obtaining a work visa

Employment in Israel comes with some caveats.

  1. If spouses, parents or children live in the Promised Land (this does not apply to brothers and sisters).
  2. If one family member is already working.
  3. If the applicant is under 23 and over 55 years old.

Important! It is difficult to obtain a visa to work in Israel in your own specialty. A thorough check is carried out by Misrad Apnim to ensure that the state really needs such a specialist.

If your visa has expired

If a note about this does not appear in the passport, then the violation will be recorded in the database. This threatens problems in the future.

For non-compliance with laws, including immigration, punitive measures are applied - deportation, and entry into Israel will be denied to you for 10 years.

Visa to Israel as a residence permit or refugee status

You can go to work in Israel with an A5 visa. How to apply?

This is done by a migration lawyer, and the reasons for this are:

  1. Marriage of Israeli citizens with foreigners.
  2. Refugee status.

Marriage to an Israeli

Officially registered marital relations entitle a Russian citizen to obtain a visa permit.

  1. You will have to collect a set of many documents:
  • certificate of no criminal record. If the surname has changed - for each;
  • ID card (Teudat Zehut) of the spouse from Israel;
  • international passport with a two-year reserve (copy);
  • birth certificate of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • marriage certificate;
  • statement of acquaintance with the attachment of joint photographs and testimonies of persons who know the couple personally;
  • information about pre-wedding marital status (death or divorce certificate);
  • documentary proof of the inviting party's income for three months.

Copies must be attached to the originals. Each document requires certification (apostille or embassy seal).

  1. All this is sent to the Israeli side to be presented by the spouse to Misrad Alnim with an application to invite the husband (wife) from the Russian side. The cost of the procedure is 920 shekels plus the cost of the visa fee in the amount of 90 shekels. The application is considered within 45 days.
  2. The spouse, after making a positive decision, goes to the consulate to obtain a six-month work visa to Israel. There is no need to pay a consular fee.

If a visa is obtained this way, then after six months the spouses will have an interview, after which the foreigner will be issued a residence permit for a year.

By refugee status

Application – current status of 6 months, will be under consideration. During this period, no benefits or humanitarian aid will be issued from the state. But they are given the right to legally find a job in order to self-suffice with the necessary food products.

Important! A5 allows you to have a job, and in this sense, getting one is almost the same as getting a work visa. An indispensable condition is that you are dealt with by your “own” migration lawyer.

This country positions itself as a corner of stability and prosperity. There are friendly people, a pleasant climate, and countless historical treasures. Do you want to work in this Holy Land? Get a work visa and start looking for work. And if not, think about .