Cashier at the Russian railway station. Train station cashiers are writing resignation letters because they cannot stand the rudeness of passengers. How much do we lose due to free riders?

The situation at the capital's railway station cannot be called calm. We have written more than once about queues, hassle, and difficulties with purchasing tickets. The Belarusian Railways took a number of measures to correct the situation, but they did not fully work. As a result, writes Minsk Courier, not only passengers suffer, but also ticket office workers.

“For me, such a massive desire to leave the position of cashier is new,- says the head of the capital’s railway station, Vladimir Grigorovich. - Just 10 years ago this would have been out of the question. At that time, resignations were submitted extremely rarely. Now the situation at the cash registers cannot be called complacent. Recently, passenger traffic on long-distance and local routes has increased by about a quarter. The result is long queues. Moreover, if in the morning the ticket offices are mostly not busy, then in the afternoon the tail of the queue at each window sometimes consists of 20 passengers. I notice more and more often: our girls run out for a break, wipe away their tears, fix their makeup - and get back to work. You can't be late for a second. Otherwise, another upset is guaranteed. Besides, who likes to look at a tear-stained face? A cashier, in any state of mind, should look as expected.”

What are Minsk residents complaining about? Almost everything.

“For example, the cashier himself is blamed for the same length of the queue, they say, you don’t work well. And at the same time, they stubbornly do not believe in the sincerity of the offer to buy a ticket at the ticket offices located in the old station building, where even during rush hour ticket prices for the coveted windows are maximum five people, - says administrator Svetlana Kozel. - And one more thing. Passengers do not even suspect that their eternal demand to issue a ticket exclusively for the bottom bunk in the compartment is forcing the cashier to violate the instructions. After all, it clearly states that travel documents must be issued in strict order - one top, one bottom. True, the bottom shelf is provided only to certain categories of the population. For example, disabled people or elderly people. In short, such cases could be listed for a long time.”

“Our workers know the rules well, but, alas, disgruntled passengers do not always want to listen to their explanations,- says Vladimir Grigorovich. - If clients knew not only their rights, but also their responsibilities, there would be half as many reasons for conflicts. And under no circumstances should both parties forget about the basic rules of politeness.”

One of the cashiers recently finally dared to stand up for herself - she wrote a complaint against a passenger who allowed himself to make humiliating statements about the staff and the railway as a whole. The complaint was being considered by the Ministry of Information (since the client turned out to be the editor of one of printed publications). Recently, the cashier received a disappointing answer: the magazine whose editor insulted the ticket office employee turned out to be private, so the Ministry of Information has no right to influence the situation.


Once upon a time, the first cashier put all the proceeds in a drawer. The point of his manipulations was to preserve the treasury. Today the cashier has a cash register through which cash flows.

Cashier is different from cashier. If one makes statements on electronic accounts, then another specialist serves customers in supermarkets, the third simply sells tickets - hence the name “ticket specialist”. We are interested in the latest type of cashier service.

What does a ticket cashier do?

But the professional skills of a ticket cashier are the same as anyone else’s, because he also has access to cash receipts, which means he must be attentive. After all, every error in calculations leads to a decrease in the size of the specialist’s wallet.

How to start a work history as a ticket cashier?

The cashier is appointed to the position by the director of the enterprise, who signs the order. The countdown begins from the moment the order is signed length of service specialist

What does a ticket office cashier do?

  • A professional person at his workplace must fill out tickets and sell them to the client.
  • This is the main responsibility of a ticket office cashier, but not the only one.
  • The cashier issues receipts for baggage and travel documents. Before issuing a ticket, the cashier checks the passenger’s documents, as well as permission to purchase a ticket to a special zone.
  • The cashier must give relevant information to the customer about the train departure time.
  • If the train ticket is returned, the cashier will return the cash in accordance with the established procedure.
  • The specialist not only sells tickets, he records the availability of available seats and passes the information on to the next ticket office.
  • Like any cashier, the ticket office cashier hands over cash.
  • He also orders forms for reports.

What should a railway cashier know?

The cashier has the following information:

  • About passenger tariffs when traveling by train;
  • Layout of seats in the carriage;
  • Opening hours of railway stations;
  • Knows well the procedure for selling and issuing tickets and receipts;
  • On the effect of discounted travel and the rules for the sale of discounted tickets;
  • Knows what documents are required to travel to special zones and checks these documents.
  • After selling a ticket, the railway cashier explains to the passenger so that he remembers the date and time of departure, as well as the train number;
  • The cashier may make changes to the current tariffs by order of the appropriate management.

Occupation railway cashier

Meeting with the cashier at the railway ticket office is the beginning of your journey by rail, because to travel you need a ticket, which will be sold by the railway cashier.

So, a railway cashier is a specialist who is responsible for the sale of tickets with the subsequent execution and registration of documents for discounted travel. An employee who knows his business professionally knows how to serve the client quickly and competently. The ticket office employee who sells train tickets is familiar with the automated sales system. This speeds up the process of issuing a ticket and selecting a travel option.

The cashier at large railway stations is familiar with the train schedules to various points.

A modern person who gets a job as a cashier must complete professional courses for training cashiers at railway ticket offices. His work, although it comes into contact with various options profession of a cashier, but at the same time has its own specifics. A railway cashier must not only be able to sell tickets, but also know the rules for transporting passengers and technical operation railway tracks, that is, to represent the work of the railway infrastructure.

A cashier at his workplace is not just a pleasant interlocutor for passengers. He is a professional in his field.

How can one become a railway cashier?

To become a railway cashier, you must undergo professional training in courses in the specialty “ticket cashier”. The course consists of 160 hours of practical and theoretical classes, during which the student learns how to sell train tickets and issue travel documents on railway transport.

The theoretical issues covered in the courses vary. This includes the tariff fare, the railway map and train schedules, the study of all kinds of instructions necessary in the work of a cashier and the ability to draw up reporting documents. Students learn to work on personal computers and other cash register equipment.

Vocational courses provide the knowledge necessary to work as a railway station cashier.

Russian Railways vacancies Moscow ticket cashier from 35,000 rubles and above. How to get such a job, what is required of the applicant and what are its disadvantages?

Surprisingly, there are always a lot of applicants for the job of a railway cashier in the capital - getting to the station you want is very, very difficult. This, by the way, is the main drawback of this job - you can be put to work in the city, or you can be sent to a lonely station near Moscow, where stove heating is still used and not a single security guard. Moreover, while heating the stove and fending off provincial gopniks with a calculator, you will also have to be content with a small salary - in Moscow, a top-class cashier sometimes receives more than 50,000 rubles a month, and in the Moscow region - 15-25 thousand rubles. Why do people go to this job?

The most important thing is that by providing Russian Railways with vacancies for a Moscow ticket cashier, the company conducts free training. Selling tickets is quite a difficult matter; you need to know well the specifics of trains and directions, be able to work with money, make refunds, and create the optimal route for passengers. A Russian Railways cashier must have a unique mindset, which is developed with experience. After working for Russian Railways, you can safely get a job at a travel agency, private airlines and railway ticket offices, where salaries start at 40,000 rubles, regardless of rank. And getting there after comprehensive training and at least 1 year of work is very easy.

What is required from the applicant?

This specialty is one of those offered, but you must have at least completed secondary education. If you have an education in trade, financial sector, or a specialized railway - so much the better, they can actually take it to the capital after distribution.

In addition to professional requirements, there are purely psychological ones. You have to work with a wide variety of people, including foreigners, guest workers, and even seasoned criminals going home after their release. The transport and passenger flow of Russian Railways is a crossroads where a variety of people meet. Accordingly, you need to have nerves of iron, composure, and restraint. Do not forget about the enormous responsibility when working with money - after all, they can give you a counterfeit bill, you can get shortchanged, and all this will be deducted from your salary. Attention is simply necessary for the work of a cashier in Russian Railways, although over time, even an inattentive person on the railway manifests this property - the specialty in itself is a good trainer.

While looking through Russian Railways vacancies Moscow ticket cashier, you can also try to get another job, which may turn out to be higher paying and closer to home.

Cashiers in the capital often submit letters of resignation. A common reason is rudeness from passengers.

Regular disorders

“For me, such a massive desire to leave the position of cashier is new,” says the head of the capital’s railway station, Vladimir Grigorovich. — Just 10 years ago this would have been out of the question. At that time, resignations were submitted extremely rarely. Now the situation at the cash registers cannot be called complacent. Recently, passenger traffic on long-distance and local routes has increased by about a quarter. The result is long queues. Moreover, if in the morning the ticket offices are mostly not busy, then in the afternoon the tail of the queue at each window sometimes consists of 20 passengers. I notice more and more often: our girls will run out for a break, wipe away their tears, fix their makeup - and then get back to work. You can't be late for a second. Otherwise, another upset is guaranteed. Besides, who likes to look at a tear-stained face? A cashier, in any state of mind, should look the part.

What are we complaining about?

If you believe the Book of Comments and Suggestions - for almost everything. A weighty magazine intended for passenger grievances is enough for a maximum of six months.

“Almost every day one or two angry entries appear in the Book of Comments and Suggestions,” says administrator Svetlana Kozel, who is obliged to provide the desired journal upon request. — Moreover, the cashier is not always to blame for the conflict. Most complaints are due to inattention or mistrust of the passengers themselves. For example, the cashier himself is blamed for the same length of the queue, they say, you don’t work well. And at the same time, they stubbornly do not believe in the sincerity of the offer to buy a ticket at the ticket offices located in the old station building, where even during rush hour, a maximum of five people stand at the coveted windows. And one more thing. Passengers do not even suspect that their eternal demand to issue a ticket exclusively for the bottom bunk in the compartment is forcing the cashier to violate the instructions. After all, it clearly states that travel documents must be issued in strict order - one top, one bottom. True, the bottom shelf is provided only to certain categories of the population. For example, disabled people or elderly people. In short, such cases can be listed for a long time.

If at one ticket office you were told that there were no tickets for a particular train, and in the next window a couple of minutes later they still provided you with the desired receipt, this does not mean that the first cashier held the ticket. It’s just that one of your future travel companions canceled the trip during this time, and a corresponding entry appeared in the database of available seats.

By the way, far from being a nice word, there is a warning at the ticket office: “Ticket issuance stops 5 minutes before the train departs.” It is completely useless to swear with the cashier and demand a receipt from her, swearing that she will definitely have time to jump into the carriage. Even if the cashier took pity and wanted to give out what was required, the computer would not allow her. The electronic program has no pity - it follows the instructions exactly, and even the most sensitive entry in the complaint book will not force it to issue a ticket later than the set time.

“Our workers know the rules well, but, alas, not always disgruntled passengers want to listen to their explanations,” says Vladimir Grigorovich. — If clients knew not only their rights, but also their responsibilities, there would be half as many reasons for conflicts. And under no circumstances should both parties forget about the basic rules of politeness. Now cashiers are placed within very strict limits. A simple example. If earlier a ticket office worker could accidentally give you a ticket to Vorkuta instead of St. Petersburg and this mistake was difficult to prove, now the cashier is increasingly responsible with his wallet for the correctness of his actions.

Listening to recordings of conversations now helps to identify ticket cashier errors. The passenger himself, when receiving a ticket, does not always notice in time the incorrect data indicated in the travel document, although he must thoroughly check this information. It has been established that the incorrect departure date indicated on the ticket in 75 percent of cases is the result of an error by the passengers themselves.

The answer is silence?

If passengers express their dissatisfaction in writing almost every day, then cashiers prefer to worry about their grievances on their own.

- What can we do? Shall I go to court? - the ticket office workers shrug their shoulders. - How long will it take! And it is not yet known whether you will win. So we have to silently endure unfair grievances. You won't use foul language in response!

One of the cashiers recently finally dared to stand up for herself - she wrote a complaint against a passenger who allowed himself to make humiliating statements about the staff and the railway as a whole. The complaint was being considered by the Ministry of Information (since the client turned out to be the editor of one of the printed publications). Recently, the cashier received a disappointing answer: the magazine whose editor insulted the ticket office employee turned out to be private, so the Ministry of Information has no right to influence the situation.

Who then can protect cashiers from the rudeness and rudeness of passengers?

An experienced specialist can issue one travel document per minute in a calm environment. Concentrated gaze, restrained movements, endless faces on the other side of the glass. There is no place for emotions in clear work. Dear passengers, why add buckets of negativity to an established system? Isn’t it better to support the workers with a little gratitude?

A cashier at a railway station ticket office issues up to 600 travel documents per 12-hour shift, while the norm is no more than 300.

Hello! The former ticket cashier Galina Anatolyevna Aksenova, who worked at JSC CENTRAL PPK - Tula region-station Plavsk Mosk.zh.d., is writing to you. Worked because I was fired - given the choice to quit at will. When they told me this, I was in such a state that I didn’t know what to do. Before this day, a day in advance, the head of the Tula center gave instructions to reprimand me and deprive me of the bonus, which I agreed to. I am writing to you about this because I do not agree with his decision and ask you to sort it out and help me return to work. I quit, or rather was asked to quit, on July 12, 2013. I understand that a month and a half has already passed. I wrote a petition to the trade union committee of the Tula region to return my resignation letter, which remained unheeded. And the reason for this was one ridiculous incident for which our management fired me in just two days. I worked at Plavsk station as a stationary ticket cashier. But in order to fulfill the plan for suburban transportation, I and other cashiers from other stations worked on electric trains by order of the local management of the PKTK machine. On June 23, I served my passengers at the station (it was Sunday) and ran to the electric train that was heading to Tula. At the request of the passenger. On the way back, I sold two tickets, one discounted and the other full from Tula to Skuratov at 8 hours 44 minutes. It turned out that we needed tickets from Kosaya Gora to Skuratov. I canceled the discount ticket, but I couldn’t get a full one, something didn’t work out, I was probably in a hurry - there were a lot of passengers in this carriage. The ticket that was not cancelled, remained in the work bag. In the evening I again went on a journey on an electric train. It was Sunday, everyone was returning from the weekend. One passenger needed a ticket from Skuratov to Tula. I reached into my bag to put the money that the passenger gave and give her change, and here I saw the same ticket that I had not sold in the morning and mechanically gave it to her, since the cost was the same - 135 rubles. 00 kopecks. The route was the same, only on the contrary, I didn’t think about it and it was my mistake, but the days were the same. In the morning I had to pay my own money for this ticket. But in order to get my money back, I sold this ticket in the evening because it caught my eye - it was still my shift. At the end of the shift, my cash register report was drawn up correctly. It was for this ticket that Abrosimov P.G. fired me. I care preferential pension There are 1.5 years left, and Abrosimov believes that I go from one carriage to another, collecting abandoned tickets and selling them again. Yes, I would never have thought of such a thing. But will I really be doing such things before retirement? I worked on the railroad for 28 years/24 years as a commodity cashier after being cut for 4 years as a ticket cashier./For 28 years I have not received more than one penalty. I have received monetary rewards and thanks for my work more than once. And according to the instructions of Abrosimov P.G., I lost half of the additional pension of the Welfare Fund to which I contributed interest from my salary for nine years and 6 salaries - according to the collective agreement - for retirement. Now I am on the labor exchange with a salary of 4900 rubles .This amount is only enough for me to pay utilities. I decided to write about this because this dismissal was unfair - my soul always ached for work, not only I, but also other cashiers never asked for days off for overtime hours. After all, the working day began at 5-00 and ended at 23-00 with short breaks, we always tried to fulfill the plan, but our box office was still working to sell long-distance tickets. It was necessary to have time to do everything - board the electric trains, sell tickets for long-distance travel, and go on trips on electric trains and board passengers there. In December 2012. I was sent to study to work on Express 2 in Moscow, since a terminal was installed at the ticket office; before that, tickets were cut up. I received a certificate of completion, but didn’t have to work. After working on the railroad for so many years, I received gratitude and quit for this ticket. But as far as I know, after. In my case, there were more serious violations in the Tula Region. My case is completely ridiculous. A Abrosimov P.G. believes that this is a very serious financial violation. I agree that I am to some extent to blame, but not to such an extent as to warrant dismissal. I made this mistake for the first time in all my work. Former cashier Aksenova G A /Tula Region/ 09/02/13.