Ways to register with the traffic police to register a purchased car. Electronic registration in the traffic police Gibdd registration registration

In the modern world, many services are provided remotely. People don’t have to waste time on long trips or standing in queues. This also applies to drivers, since online registration with the MREO is now possible. Such departments allow you to perform many operations: receiving registration numbers, re-registration to another owner.

If a person visits the State Services portal for the first time, registering and making an appointment may seem laborious. To quickly understand logging into the site, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with our tips.

What to do first

To get into electronic queue in MREO, you first need to log into your account, because most services cannot be obtained without registration. To create a personal account, user data is entered. The portal supports the ESIA system. This means that a person can independently identify his identity and determine his status as a citizen. However, some services will be unavailable to individual. To fill out personal information, you will need the following documents:

  • Russian passport
  • Certificate of pension insurance

Information! Attention! Be careful: check the names of organizations and abbreviations, otherwise creating an account will take some time. indefinite period. Additionally, you need to enter your phone number and e-mail. Traffic police officers will send the results of completing the procedures by email.

After entering the information, you will receive a code with which you need to confirm your registration. This is followed by creating a password to log into the site. When all fields are completed, processing of the application will begin. The system must check your data with the databases of the Pension Fund and the Migration Service, which takes no more than 5 days.

Reading time: 7 min

Citizens who are motorists have to contact the traffic police from time to time. This is necessary for scheduled replacement driver's license, registering or deregistering a car, etc. In 2020, the internet portal gosuslugi.ru provides the opportunity to pre-submit an application for a service or simply make an appointment with an inspector.

How to make an appointment with the traffic police through the State Services portal

To complete the procedure, you will need a verified account. If you do not own one, then use ours or find out everything. Let's look at the recording process step by step using the example of receiving driver's license. When you need another service, you look for it in the search, otherwise there will be no differences.

Go to your personal account gosuslugi.ru, enter “Registration with the traffic police” in the search, click on the magnifying glass on the right.

On the page that opens, in the “Driver’s license” category, select “Applying for exams.”

We check the box “Personal visit to the State Traffic Inspectorate”, then click the “Make an appointment” button.

After this, a tab with the form will open. The first part of the application will be filled in automatically. The information will be taken from your personal account.

The second part suggests choosing a division of the MREO to which we will submit documents. Then we move on to choosing a date.

After this, a confirmation window will appear. Click “Yes, I confirm” if the choice is correct or “No” when the click was accidental or there is a desire to think about your decision.

Ready! We managed to take the traffic police line. In the “Notifications” section you can find out all the important information about the appointment, as well as see the secret PIN code required to receive an electronic queue coupon.

The portal will not help you obtain your license after deprivation. This type of service is not available on State Services.

Do I need to take a ticket after electronic registration?

Yes. There is no need to print anything in advance. The PIN code specified in the notification in the account will be useful in the department. Write it down and enter it in the terminal when you visit the inspectorate. He will issue a ticket with the time you chose to join the electronic queue. If the terminal is not available, then this pin code must be provided to the traffic police officer to confirm your reservation.

Is it possible to reschedule the registration time at the traffic police?

Unfortunately, you cannot change the recording time. You will have to cancel and repeat the procedure again. So think carefully about when you can visit the branch.

Is it possible to register another person with the traffic police?

It is forbidden. You can pass the PIN code and the person will receive a coupon, but when checking personal data, they will be sent to the general queue. The department official will refer to Article 5 Federal Law dated July 27, 2010 No. 210-FZ “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services.” Priority service is only available upon self-booking.

Pre-registration is a convenient tool available on the State Services website. Even if you prefer to contact agencies on a first-come, first-served basis, this information may help. Today, many departments work only with electronic recording or devote only 1-2 days to other options.

To avoid painful queues, as well as save money on paying state fees when car registration residents of Russia can use the portal State services, having previously registered there. Although this seems quite tedious, it is worth it - you will pay 30% less than the cost of the state duty when registering a vehicle, and you will also stand in a separate, privileged, short queue (short for now, because many car owners neglect, or simply do not know about this possibility)

Registration of a car through State Services and the amount of state fees

So, let’s skip the process of registering for government services as a user, and we will assume that you are already registered there. Next you need to proceed according to the following algorithm:

12. In this paragraph, you must indicate a document confirming the ownership of your car (this could be a purchase and sale agreement, a gift agreement, etc.). Filling out this information is optional.

13. As was said earlier, the MTPL policy must be completed before registering the car, and point 13 should be filling out the data from your insurance policy.

14. At this point, you need to select the place of registration of your car through the government services portal. In this case, you can take your actual residential address as a basis, and choose the appropriate one from the proposed options for the State Traffic Inspectorate departments, or choose another arbitrary address and visit the most convenient place for you.

This completes the filling out of the electronic application for car registration through government services. Click familiarize and submit an application, and then it’s just a matter of small things - we’re waiting for an answer.

After a while the time will come the answer that you will see in the notification feed.

There will be the result of your application, receipts for payment of the state duty, as well as an application for vehicle registration (which you will need to print out and come with them to register the vehicle).

Or how to get in line and sign up to register a car or replace a license (driver’s license) at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate (GAI)…?

If one reason or another arises, we need to visit government bodies, namely the traffic police. When purchasing a new car to register it, i.e. registration with the traffic police, or when obtaining or replacing a driver’s license. In fact, there are many reasons to visit the traffic police department, from passing exams to deregistering a car, but we won’t dwell on them.

Let's consider, after all, how to get a ticket to the traffic police?

Method No. 1

The first way is to personally visit the traffic police department itself, directly on the day of application! To be sure to grab yourself a ticket, don’t be too lazy to wake up early and come well before the traffic police office opens, i.e. in standard mode, all major institutions open from 8-00 in the morning, which means you need to be there already at 7-00. Why so early, yes, because already at 7-00 there will probably be a queue near the traffic police department, all for the same coupons!

Why is this and what is a coupon anyway?

A coupon is a kind of receipt issued by a special terminal in a government agency, which indicates a serial number (queue number) by which they will call you to an appointment at a window/office or to an inspector, then it indicates the time and date at which they will receive You.

Attention! If you lose your ticket, or if you are late for the time indicated on your ticket, traffic police (government agency) employees have the right to refuse to accept and perform registration actions!

And yet, it’s not without reason that the queue gathers for coupons, since each institution issues a certain number of coupons, approximately from 50 to 300 coupons per day, and naturally there won’t be enough coupons for someone! Also, the further you are in the queue, the more late time You will receive a ticket. (let’s say you came in the morning and got a ticket for 15-00, it’s not very convenient, either to go twice or spend the whole day waiting.)

Coupons are issued only on the day of the visit; coupons for tomorrow will be available tomorrow!

Method No. 2

The second method is only for citizens who have Russian passport and registration or temporary registration. In this method, you can take a ticket to the traffic police without leaving your home, office, etc. The main thing is the presence of the Internet. On the state portal gosuslugi.ru, having previously registered and confirmed the registration! You need to select the necessary reason for visiting the traffic police department, fill out a preliminary application, the system will give you options for free time, select the appropriate one, and receive a ticket.

Attention! It is advisable to print out the electronic ticket and take it with you when visiting the traffic police.

A coupon (time) on Gosuslugkh.ru can be taken a day or more long time, i.e. You should have taken a ticket for today yesterday or earlier, you can’t do it day after day, the system simply won’t give you free time!

Due to progress, the second method has recently gained great popularity, this is also confirmed by the fact that some types of services are provided to citizens who have taken a coupon only at Gosuslugi.ru, there are also traffic police departments that accept citizens only through Gosuslugi.ru and ordinary coupons are not issued at the branch itself.

Method No. 3

Well, if for some reason you weren’t able to wake up early in the morning and get a ticket to the traffic police, or weren’t able to get through the endless queue, didn’t register or couldn’t get time at the State Services, or maybe you didn’t even think about all this hectic, and the deadline for replacing the license is already approaching or has completely expired, or you need to register a car, motorcycle, etc....

You can use the help of specialists, for example the company Auto-accounting.com, which has been providing assistance for several years now, and has many satisfied clients and positive reviews behind it. As people say, the Russian Auto Services Center, also known as the website, has a great advantage over other companies!

What are these advantages?

The company’s specialists will listen to you, select any Moscow traffic police department that is convenient for you, book time for you at the traffic police department, meet you and literally lead you by the hand through all the offices, bypassing queues and all kinds of congestion.

This method is more relevant if you value your time and approach the matter correctly.

Let's summarize...

All methods are good in their own way, and everyone will choose their own, of course, whoever has enough time, then it’s better to try to take time at the State Services, go to the morning porridge)), waiting in line is not for everybody, probably for those who like to make trouble or are bored alone..... Well, asking for help from a company website to book time and support at the traffic police is the most practical thing, for some it’s even the most optimal solution, but here we’re looking at finances.

Follow the rules on the roads and in queues!

To submit documents to register a car or sign up for a driver's license, you have to stand in line for 2-3 hours, but during this time you can do a lot of useful things. Do you agree? But the old habit for a long time near the offices makes itself felt. Many motorists still hesitate to use the new service, which speeds up the procedure and allows you to register necessary documents, spending a minimum amount of personal time.

How to register with the traffic police through the public service portal - registration

  • Before making an appointment at electronic form, you must complete full registration on the Unified State Services Portal by clicking on the link https://www.gosuslugi.ru. The time spent on setting up your personal account will be approximately 10-15 minutes, after which you will be able to fully use the services of the online resource. After following the link provided, go to the personal registration section of your future account:
  • At the initial stage, you should enter your Last Name and First Name, indicate a valid cell phone number and email address to which the system will send a confirmation letter. Please note that upon completion of registration, the specified phone number or email will be used to log in to all e-government services. After entering the data, click the “Register” button.

  • The next step, the system will prompt you to create a strong password, then save the information. After completing this short procedure, you will be able to use only reference information on the portal.

How to register with the traffic police through the public service portal - subsequent registration

In order for the system to allow you to make electronic entries and pay fines, you must fill out general information and enter personal data. Log in to your personal account, after which the system will automatically transfer you to the “Basic Information” section. For further registration in the service you will need:

  • A document confirming your identity – a passport.
  • To enter the insurance number of a personal personal account - SNILS.

  • In total you need to fill in 12 fields. Enter the data in full without abbreviations. Save the information on the portal by clicking the “Save” button. After saving, the portal will automatically send personal information for verification to Migration Service And Pension fund. Waiting times will range from a few minutes to 2 hours from the moment you submit your application. A notification about the final results will be sent by SMS message to the specified phone number or email. You can also track the process and status in your account.

How to register with the traffic police through the public service portal - confirmation

To successfully complete the formation of a personal account, you need to confirm your identity in front of the information portal and receive an activation code. There are 3 confirmation methods, in different forms:

  • Custom postal item– you will receive a notification to the address of your actual residence. Indicating the post office address for verification of personal data in reality. This method may delay the desired registration up to 14 days.
  • Contacting a special center - from the drop-down list on the website, select the service center closest to your location. Then go there with your passport at any time for you, within 2 days.
  • Electronic digital signature – if you have an e-tocen (electronic medium), confirm your signature in front of the portal, just like on a passport.

Registration in the traffic police

  • After being assigned a confirmed status, you receive maximum access to the services, services and information existing on the government services portal. For example, consider the procedure for registering for obtaining or replacing a driver’s license. The first step is to log in to the system by logging in. Go to the section “ Government services" The second step is to click in the “Obtaining and replacing a driver’s license” field.

  • In the tab that opens, click the “Get service” button.

  • Study the procedure for submitting an application, click the checkbox next to “I have read it” and click on the “Next” button.

  • The service will open a tab in which you need to indicate in which area you want to obtain rights and select the type of service provided. If you are obtaining a license for the first time, select “Initial issue” if you want to open an additional category “Open new category” etc. After filling out the form, click “Next”.

  • Further filling out the application will require entering personal data. Some fields will already be filled in based on the information stored in your personal account. All you have to do is fill in the name of the driving school where you were trained, enter the number of the issued medical certificate (indicated at the top on the front side) and the date of the medical examination. After filling out all the fields, click on the “Next” button.
  • The final stage - indicate the appointment time, indicate the exact date and enter the full name of the place where the exam will be taken. Check the box for additional notifications and click “Submit Application”.