Medical labor expert commission VTEK. Vtek: transcript. medical labor expert commission. What documents are needed for VTEK to register disability?

A medical and social examination of disability (MSE) is carried out to examine a citizen and assign him the status of a disabled person. It has its own specifics and is somewhat different from the medical labor expert commission (VTEK), which existed before 1995.

ITU on disability - what is it?

The state provides various benefits and allowances to citizens with disabilities. To count on support, these people must properly register their disability status. They need to go through the ITU - medical and social examination. The study is carried out by a special commission consisting of different members. It is represented by doctors of various specialties and other experts - psychologists, social workers, etc.

ITU is a study of the physical, mental and social health status of a citizen in order to determine the presence of disability. If the examination is primary, depending on the degree of pathology, one or another group is assigned. Experts look at how able-bodied and independent a person is, and determine the amount of pensions and benefits.

Tasks of the MSEC (medical and social expert commission):

  • determine the causes of disability and its timing;
  • identify the need of citizens for social assistance and facilitate its receipt;
  • develop projects related to the rehabilitation of people with physical disabilities;
  • establish the degree of inability to work.

A repeated examination may indicate an improvement or deterioration in the citizen’s condition. Accordingly, the disability group is confirmed or changed. With a significant improvement in health, the status of a disabled person can be removed altogether.

The criteria for determining disability can be clinical, psychological, labor and social. This means that this is not only a medical examination, but also conversations with psychologists, social workers, etc. That is, both medical and social prerequisites for assigning disabled status are examined.

The procedure takes place in local and regional bureaus involved in expert assessment of people with disabilities. Their activities are coordinated by federal agencies.

“All structures are led by the Federal Bureau of ITU. It is the main bureau belonging to the Ministry of Labor and social protection. The organization is located in Moscow.”

List of documentation

Necessary documents for those who want to obtain disability registration:

  1. Referral from a therapist to the ITU commission.
  2. Application for examination - form 088/у-06.
  3. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, including its copy.
  4. Photocopy work book, approved by the personnel department at the place of work.
  5. SNILS.
  6. Medical (outpatient) card.
  7. Papers with the results of the analyzes obtained.
  8. Originals and copies of extracts from medical records, as well as other documents at the place of treatment of the citizen.
  9. Papers containing characteristics of the patient's working conditions.
  10. Report of Occupational Injury or Illness - Form H-1.
  11. Letters of recommendation for employment (if required).
  12. A copy of the disability certificate (when the MSEC is taken again).

If a child undergoes an expert commission, the following series of documents are submitted:

  1. Birth certificate.
  2. Parental passports.
  3. Referral from a children's clinic.
  4. Documentation from an educational or educational institution (characteristics, certificate, etc.).

“The above is a standard list. Depending on the disease or social factors, the list may vary. You should check this with your doctor."

Passage order

Passing a commission to approve a disability is a labor-intensive task that requires effort and time. This is particularly difficult for those individuals whose physical or mental condition is not easy. People who undergo a commission that initially grants disability may find themselves in a stressful situation.

Stages of registration of disability:

  • Pass a medical examination.

To receive a referral to ITU, you will have to undergo an examination by doctors. In this case, you need to visit medical institution, which is located at the place of residence (it is also possible at the place of temporary residence). The therapist makes an entry in the medical record and sends you to specialists. It’s better to tell them everything about your health – injuries, illnesses, symptoms, well-being, etc.

  • Pick up a referral for an examination from a therapist.

Without first passing a medical examination, it will be difficult to obtain a referral to ITU. In addition to the attending physician, the document is also issued by the Pension Fund of Russia and the social protection authorities (SZN). Evasion from issuing a referral must be reasoned and documented in writing, indicating the reason.

  • How to act in case of refusal.

If the listed authorities refused to issue a document, the citizen has the right to receive it directly from the local ITU office. They refused here too - you need to contact the regional, and after another refusal, the federal bureau. If unsuccessful, referral can be sought through the court.

  • Collect and submit the necessary documentation.

After this, you need to collect all the necessary documentation (the list is given above). The application, along with all the papers, is submitted to the local office. Then, no later than 30 days after registration, the applicant receives an invitation, and a time is set for passing the commission.

  • Get examined by specialists.

On the specified date you need to appear at the ITU office. A bedridden person is examined at home or in a hospital. The commission is not only medical. It consists of at least three specialists of different profiles. Members of the expert group study the documents presented by the patient, then conduct an examination and conversation.

  • Provide specialists with the necessary information.

Questions may concern health, standard of living, social skills, working conditions and living conditions. You need to behave as culturally and politely as possible, speak only to the point.

“Give specialists all information that may indicate a difficult physical and social situation.”

  • Wait for the commission members to vote.

The results of the conversation are recorded in a protocol, on the basis of which a decision is made by the total number of votes to establish disability and determine a rehabilitation program. Voting is closed. The applicant learns about the decision directly on the day of the examination. In case of serious disagreements, additional examination may be organized.

  • Familiarize yourself with the commission's decision and pick up the certificate.

Disability is determined based on such important criteria as disorder of body functions, limitation of natural life activities and the need for government assistance. The person is issued a certificate confirming his status and an individual rehabilitation program.

  • Apply to the Pension Fund for a pension.

Within 3 days of receiving the certificate, you need to contact the Pension Fund for a disability pension. You should also visit other social security authorities that provide the necessary assistance for a particular disabled person.

  • Regularly undergo re-examination.

Every year, a procedure called re-examination is carried out for disabled people of groups 2 and 3. The 1st group takes it once every two years. The patient's status can be changed there.

“The procedure for registering disability is always the same, but there are distinctive features of how some people go through it.”

ITU for different categories of citizens

Characteristic features of registration of disabled status by some citizens:

  • Minors. They pass the commission in the presence of parents or guardians. For pupils and students, a certificate with references from the educational institution is required.
  • Pensioners. An examination by a local doctor is mandatory. A referral should only be taken after a medical examination. After receiving a disability certificate, a citizen applies for a pension and benefits at the Pension Fund.
  • Patients with heart attack, oncology. At least four months must pass after the diagnosis has been made. Only then can you pass the ITU.
  • With visual impairment. A referral for an examination is issued only by the ophthalmologist who is treating the patient.

VTEC for disability - what is it?

In addition to ITU, there is another abbreviation - VTEK (also VTK). This is a medical labor expert commission. That's what ITU was called before. She performed disability-related procedures only on the working population. The examination was available only to adults.

Its goal was to determine whether a person can work fully, whether he should switch to a lighter mode of work, or whether he cannot work at all due to circumstances. The commission studied not only the person’s condition, but also understood the working conditions in which he worked.

Since 1995 and to this day, a medical and social examination has been in effect. From now on, the commission examines all categories of citizens, regardless of work activity, including children. That is, the procedure has become broader in nature compared to VTEC, in which the disability commission was carried out in the same way as the ITU.

“The acronym VTEC is still used in speech and text, but it is the same examination.”

Legislative framework

In 1995, Russia adopted Federal Law No. 181-FZ, which is called “On the social protection of disabled people in Russian Federation" The entire 2nd chapter there is devoted to medical and social examination. Three articles are given:

  • Article 7 contains the concept of ITU.
  • Article 8 describes the responsibilities and functions of federal agencies under ITU.
  • Art. 8.1 contains information on independent assessment of the quality of services.

The procedure for carrying out the examination is described in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 95 of February 20, 2006. This is the subject of Chapter 4 of the document.

Also, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection issued order No. 1024-n dated December 17, 2015, which defines objective criteria for assessing body functions within the framework of MSA for commission members. This order identifies four measures of violations - from minor to severe. This classification became necessary because previously specialists were guided by a variety of documentation and subjective assessments.

There is one more criterion that is specified there. It makes it possible to determine how limited a citizen’s life activity is. This includes:

  • ability to communicate;
  • training;
  • movement;
  • self-service;
  • labor activity, etc.

In accordance with these medical and socio-indicators, one or another disability group is assigned. There are a number of problems that have arisen regarding this Ministry order. Many citizens, when passing the commission again, were dissatisfied with what the experts said. They complain that they are putting on an easy group.

The document contains many references to specific diseases, although the person may not even have been diagnosed. To be given the 1st group, very difficult conditions for a bedridden patient are needed. Therefore, the subjectivity of the examination remained, despite a number of useful changes.

“Each case is unique and doctors and other experts consider the condition of an individual person, including based on their own vision of the situation.”


You can pass the ITU (until 1995 it was VTEK or VTK) to obtain the status of a disabled person only after being examined by a medical board. It will show the extent of impairments and health problems. Then the therapist needs to give a referral for examination by an expert. An application is written, documents are collected, the list of which must be clarified with the attending physician. All papers are submitted to the local ITU office.

The inspection date is set within 30 days after the application. The citizen appears at the allotted number and goes through the commission’s specialists. You should behave as culturally as possible, and under no circumstances swear.

According to the criteria approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, the physical, mental and social condition of the patient is determined. A disability group is given. Both adults and children can take the commission.

However, this article was written at a time when ITU bureaus were still working the old fashioned way - without the use of specialized software.
Currently, most ITU bureaus in the Russian Federation work using a specialized program - EAVIAS (Unified Automated Vertically Integrated Information Analytical System).
In this regard, during the examination at the ITU bureau, patients are asked questions, the answers to which are necessary to fill out the relevant points of this program.

Currently, most ITU bureaus in the Russian Federation work using a specialized program - EAVIAS (Unified Automated Vertically Integrated Information Analytical System).
In this regard, during the examination at the ITU bureau, patients are asked questions, the answers to which are necessary to fill out the relevant points of this program.

Passport data - filled out using an identification document (most often a passport) and there are no special questions for the patient when filling out this section of the program.

  • marital status;
  • number of family members living with a disabled person;
  • presence (and number) of disabled people in the family;
  • presence (and number) of children under 18 years of age in the family;
  • social status of the patient (the program offers a choice of only 2 options: “breadwinner” and “dependent” - this item is usually filled out without asking the corresponding question to the patient and is not always easy to answer unambiguously);
  • living conditions (the program offers several options to choose from: “separate apartment”, your own house (part of the house)”, “dorm room”, “lack of housing”, etc.);
  • availability of standard amenities in the home (electricity, sewerage, heating, bathroom, gas, telephone, balcony, Internet...);
  • the patient has his own separate room;
  • floor of residence.
  • education (what educational institution and when did you graduate, profession according to your diploma);
  • the beginning and end of his work activity, what professions he worked in (usually this data is taken from a photocopy of the work book, which must be submitted to the ITU);
  • what profession does the patient currently work in (if he works);
  • name of the organization (institution) in which the patient works;
  • address of the patient's place of work;
  • telephone number of the place of work (filling out this item often causes difficulties, since patients usually do not remember it from memory, and it is not indicated in the production characteristics);
  • characteristics of the work performed (according to the patient and according to the presented production characteristics);
  • way of moving from place of residence to place of work ( public transport, personal car, company transport, on foot);
  • duration of stay on sick leave (for the last 12 months - theoretically - this data should be in the Referral to ITU in form 088/u-06, but the attending physicians do not always fill it out properly - therefore - it is advisable - or check the completion of this item in form 088/у-06, or - write down everything on a separate sheet sick leave over the past 12 months. indicating the diagnoses and the dates of their issue).

You also need to be able to complain.

Next comes the complaints section.
You also need to be able to complain.
Many patients, unfortunately, cannot even clearly state their complaints.
Phrases like: “I have a head, I have a back, I have legs, etc.”
- will cause nothing but irritation among experts (especially in conditions of time shortage).
Everyone has a head, back and legs.
And what needs to be presented is COMPLAINTS.
That is - WHAT, WHERE and HOW it hurts or otherwise bothers you (headaches - constant or periodic, pain in the heart (behind the sternum) - constant or periodic - how often (once a day, once a week, once a year, etc.) etc.) and when they occur (at rest, while walking, after eating, with excitement, etc.), what their nature is (stabbing, aching, pressing, bursting, dull, etc.), they themselves pass or are relieved with tablets (inhalers) - if they are relieved with medications - then what kind and (approximately) - after what period of time, the same applies to other attacks (choking, dizziness, pain in the abdomen, lower back, joint, spine, etc. .).

Next, the program contains a section on the medical history.
For primary patients (who are examined by the ITU bureau for the first time), the following points are usually clarified:
1. since when do they consider themselves sick;
2. how the disease progressed (very briefly);
when there were inpatient treatments for the main pathology (photocopies of all extracts from the hospital must be attached to the Referral to the ITU in form 088/u-06 - in chronological order (at the top - the most “recent”, below - the “older”), and their originals - be sure to take them with you to the ITU (they may be required to verify them with photocopies, but after such verification they must be returned to you);
3. what treatment the patient is currently receiving (what medications and in what dosage he is taking, what effect he notes from the treatment).

For repeat patients, information on the course of the disease (and its treatment) is clarified for the period that has elapsed since the last examination at the ITU bureau (that is, usually for 1 year - if we are talking about the 2nd and 3rd disability groups or for 2 year - if we are talking about disabled people of the 1st group).

Next, the program contains sections that are filled out based on the results of an objective examination of the patient and on the basis of documents submitted to the ITU (without any questions to the patient).
The final section of the program is the development of IPR (PRP).
When filling out this section, the patient may have questions.
Repeated patients (previously recognized as disabled) - must submit to the ITU the old (developed during the previous examination) IPR - with the appropriate marks of completion (on receipt (or non-receipt) of TSR in the FSS, marks from the Central Employment Center (if recommendations were given for employment in the center employment), etc.
For primary patients, they can clarify the need for provision of TSR (technical means of rehabilitation).
For example, there are crutches: axillary and with armrest support, walkers - walking or on wheels, etc. - the patient can be asked which ones he prefers.

After completing the survey of complaints and examining the patient (it is advisable to take a sheet with you), he is asked to wait outside the office while the experts process the data received, enter them into the program, consult and make a specific expert decision on his case.

The waiting period may vary - depending on many factors (the complexity of a particular expert case, the number of experts working in the bureau remaining after the reductions in the ITU Service taking place throughout the country, their experience in the EAVIIA program (mainly on how quickly they know how to type) and even about the stability of computer equipment (the phrase: “the computer is frozen” is probably known to many and has been heard in a variety of institutions and organizations - the ITU bureau is no exception in this regard), from the stability of the power supply in the ITU bureau (if there is a power outage, there can be big problems and temporary delays).
The number of patients (load per meeting) also plays a big role.
It is clear that the larger the volume of work and the fewer workers, the more time it will take to complete this work.

When the workload for 1 meeting is up to 18 people and when working with 4 medical experts (one of whom is the head of the ITU bureau), when working in the EAVIIAS program - the estimated time for completing documents after the patient leaves the office (after questioning his complaints and examination) - is approximately 1.5 hours (but this is ONLY provided that ALL ITU experts have EXCELLENT skills in working in the program, disability certificates are not written by hand, but printed on a printer, and computer equipment works stably).
In other cases, this time can increase significantly.
In general - at BEST - 1.5 hours.
If certificates of disability are written by hand, then (subject to the above conditions) - 2 hours.

The decision is announced to the patient orally, and the following are issued: a certificate of disability, IPR (PRP).
If a patient is not recognized as a disabled person, he - at his request (only if the patient expressed such a desire orally) - is issued a free-form certificate stating that he is not recognized as a disabled person and the procedure for appealing the decision of the ITU bureau is explained (as a rule, most primary ITU bureaus already have standard forms statements of disagreement, which the patient can fill out to appeal the decision to the ITU Main Bureau)

Medical and social examination (MSE) arose in November 1995 on the basis of the adopted Federal Law No. 181-FZ, which in Art. 7 gives its direct definition within the framework of general trends in activities to protect disabled people in the Russian Federation.

Until this point, the functions of examining the disabled were carried out by the Medical Labor Commission (VTEK). The principles of its activities were practically no different. Respectively, ITU expediently replaced it in the system social relations.

Such a replacement was logical, since in this case the question is not only about persons who have lost their ability to work, but also about young disabled people who have not reached the age of legal capacity. This also applies to those who are disabled due to congenital or acquired disorders at an early age, falling into the category of “disabled since childhood.”

Significant differences between these institutions are expressed only in the development of the technical and social capabilities of the state. This is natural, since progressive development medical science and the Institute of Social Relations expands the range of state and legal support for people with disabilities and provides more advanced ways of their rehabilitation.

Now let's talk more specifically about how to pass the examination.

Algorithm for preparation and completion

The initial stage of preparation depends on the state of the citizen. In any case, the procedure begins with collecting available medical information:

  • certificates;
  • acts;
  • extracts from the medical history.

They are completed by submitting them to the bureau at the place of residence, they are assigned to areas of residence. The following is the process:

  • Records with the appointment of the date of examination.
  • Direct examination by the commission.
  • Receipt of assignment of disability or refusal of a request.
  • Within three days he receives an extract and transfers it to pension fund, with a positive decision.
  • Receives assignments for rehabilitation and carries them out, also uses possible benefits to receive free treatment, surgery, etc.
  • In case of refusal: we take everything additional documents(need to be done in a month) and serve. Or we write an application to the head of the district bureau about transferring the papers to the main bureau (you need to have time to transfer them three days in advance).

How to pass VTEK: overcoming difficulties

Problems can arise already at the stage of collecting certificates; this is the longest process in the entire examination procedure. Each situation requires a specific approach. The options may be the following:

  • A seriously ill patient is in the intensive care unit of the hospital or is in a position prohibited for transportation. In this case, all documentation is prepared by hospital doctors. If necessary, relatives bring the required documents, or a request is made to the production where the person worked. These papers are transferred without the participation of the patient, accompanied by a special certificate stating that his personal presence is impossible.
  • A similar process occurs when it comes to a patient in a psychiatric clinic.

In these situations, close relatives or other interested parties act as representatives, acting under a power of attorney certified by a notary.

The notary is called to the department, and he certifies the admissibility of the representation. In critical situations, a certificate from the chief physician is acceptable.

In other cases:

  • A patient receiving treatment in a hospital can receive a referral from the hospital if his case qualifies as eligible for receiving social support.
  • A citizen receives inpatient, outpatient, private clinic, etc. treatment for a certain period of time. Having collected extracts from the medical history and certificates with an established diagnosis, he turns to the therapist at the local clinic. The doctor gives a referral for specialists and prepares an extract. It is certified by the head of the clinic and gives the right to apply to the ITU.
  • After an injury, a person collects all the papers at work, from the hospital where he was treated and sends them for examination.
  • At the clinic, the citizen was refused a referral. He requires form No. 6, independently goes through the specialists, collects the necessary certificates and applies to the ITU with an application.

The referral for examination must be signed by the head of the institution and at least three specialists, with obligatory certification with a seal.

When registering for an examination, you may be required to bring additional certificates from specialists. This is legal, this requirement should be fulfilled. It is often necessary to bring additional certificates or characteristics about working conditions.

Experts should be provided with originals, as well as copies of basic papers.

If you called an ambulance, it is advisable to take the call slips and file them with the documentation.

The main stage of the entire examination procedure is passing the commission. All specialists who are authorized to resolve the issue of your disability will gather here.

For a positive decision, they will need to conclude that the treatment, and upon re-examination, the rehabilitation program, did not bring lasting positive changes in health.

When you find yourself in front of specialists who examine the patient independently of each other. Everyone draws conclusions regarding his state of health.

After examination by all doctors and answers to their questions, the examined citizen is asked to go out the door. The decision is made by voting, which does not allow the personal presence of outsiders. Everything in your power should be done at the time of inspection.

Do you think that an examination by a specialist who is not related to your disease does not play a significant role? This is a misconception.

Every vote in your favor will guarantee the successful completion of the examination. This suggests that each of the commission members should be aware of your problems not only with health, but also with the possibility of self-care.

For example, for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, it is recommended to remove socks. Don't be fooled into thinking that this is being done to examine your feet.

The doctor observes how difficult your movements are and how much pain they cause. Therefore, it is worth showing everything as it is.

For hypertension, you should keep a diary of pressure drops, indicating the name and dose of the medications that were used to reduce them. This will allow doctors to further verify not only the development of the disease, but also your responsible attitude towards maintaining your health.

How to behave at ITU to get a group?

First of all, doctors pay attention to the motives for examining citizens.

If the basis of the application is the desire to receive pension benefits, completing the procedure will be difficult. Psychologically, the patient will not concentrate on demonstrating the true state of affairs, which will reduce his presentation abilities.

When passing, you need to focus exclusively on the health disorder and be able to show yourself as a person who really needs government subsidies. The goal of receiving retirement benefits should be put on the back burner.

Keep in mind that your documents do not play a significant role in establishing the group, although examination without them is in principle unacceptable. The main decision will remain with the commission members. You should behave kindly with them and do not be offended by incorrect questions and requests.

For example, patients with hyperthyroidism, while maintaining intelligence, often feel offended when they are asked to show their tongue.

Doctors check for characteristic bite marks if the tongue involuntarily falls out.

There is nothing offensive in this, it is a common diagnosis. But resistance on the part of the patient speaks volumes. In particular, that he is extremely adaptive and tries to lead. Keep this in mind. Such characteristics will lead to a refusal to establish disability.

Basic things you need– is to show low level survival without assistance. These are the characteristics of a person claiming to be limited in life processes. Feel free to share the most unpleasant details that confirm this.

If you have severe lameness, come to the commission with a badik, even if in ordinary life you can do without it. Well-groomed women who are accustomed to taking care of themselves, regardless of pain, should not:

  • apply makeup;
  • dress up beautifully or brightly;
  • come in shoes with heels.

You need to show doctors your weakness and helplessness (but not go too far). ITU – the only place, where such behavior is appropriate and even useful.

In addition to the above, try to prepare for answers to the most unexpected questions of a medical and social examination.

Set yourself a task: if you cannot answer a question, it is better to react with embarrassment than with aggression. At the same time, try to give a precise answer rather than vague reasoning. Questions asked may include the following:

In addition to the above, they ask questions related to the immediate characteristic manifestations of the underlying disease.


People often assume that doctors should get answers to all their questions from medical papers and certificates. In this case, doctors are interested not only in the opinion of their colleagues, but also in the subjective idea of ​​the situation of the person being examined.

– he will send the patient to specialized specialists and make an appropriate entry in his medical record. The procedure for passing the commission itself is somewhat reminiscent of a medical examination - doctors are interested not only in the patient’s health, but also in the reasons that caused damage to his health, for example, working conditions at work. Therefore, in order to, it is necessary to tell specialists in as much detail as possible about what were the circumstances of the injury or development. If disability is proven, the patient will receive a resulting certificate, which will indicate the group of his disability, and the terms of this condition will also be entered. Since disability certificates are a long process, sometimes taking several months, the patient needs to be as aware as possible about the rules for obtaining disability and how to behave when communicating with the medical board.

  1. You should know that disability can be indefinite, or it can be assigned for a certain period. After the disability period expires, it is necessary to re-pass a medical examination, according to which the disability can be extended - or, conversely, cancelled. If changes are observed in the patient’s health status, the medical commission may assign him a different disability group.

  2. The very first step in order to register a disability, in any case, will be to contact the attending physician at your place of residence. Only he can give you a referral for a medical and social examination (MSE). If the doctor refuses to issue a referral, you can try contacting the social welfare department (also at your place of residence). If the patient has not been referred to ITU by any of the authorities, you can request a certificate of refusal to register disability and contact the ITU office with it yourself.

  3. After the patient is recognized as disabled, he is given a certificate confirming this fact and an individual rehabilitation program. With these documents, the patient must contact the social security department to apply for a disability pension and other benefits or allowances due to him.

  4. If a patient is denied registration for disability, he has the right to appeal this decision to the main ITU bureau - to do this, he should write a corresponding application, and after a month a repeat medical and social examination will be scheduled. As a last resort, any person has the right to insist on holding independent examination, independently choosing an expert institution.

In order for a person to have the opportunity to register a disability, he must undergo an examination, during which doctors confirm the existence of a disability.

The examination, or, as it is called, medical and social examination (MSE), is carried out in a manner strictly defined by law and has a number of nuances. It is for this reason that every interested person should know how the VTEC commission (medical labor expert commission) proceeds.

Why is expertise needed?

The examination is carried out to perform several tasks:

  1. Determining the presence of disability.
  2. Belonging to a specific group with a disability.
  3. Study of connections, factors preceding disability.

The examination is regulated by Russian legislation.

Determination of disability

Within Russian legislation the procedure and conditions under which a person is granted a disability group are clearly regulated. Those individuals who are encountering this procedure for the first time have to deal with many unpleasant nuances.

You can count on getting a group only based on the following facts:

  1. Impaired health status due to persistent impairment of the functionality of his body. For example, the reason for receiving a group may be injuries or illnesses.
  2. Obtaining disability is necessary in order to obtain social income for a citizen who is unable to carry out labor activity.
  3. Limited life activity. For example, partial or complete loss of the ability to care for oneself independently, to exercise control over one’s actions, behavior, and communication.
Attention! Obtaining disability is possible only if a citizen has at least two of the above characteristics. Recognition of a person as disabled is possible only within the framework of the ITU. Download for viewing and printing:

(on establishing disability)

Do you need information on this issue? and our lawyers will contact you shortly.

Re-examination of disability

According to Russian legislation, disability can be granted for a limited period or on an indefinite basis. Then the citizen needs to undergo regular examination.

Attention! In April 2018, the procedure for passing the ITU was changed in order to confirm permanent disability. Now it can be installed after the 1st examination without the need for a second application. Moreover, this can be done even in absentia and in relation to persons under 18 years of age.

If we consider the procedure for undergoing a medical examination in order to confirm the disability group, then there will be no differences in it from a regular examination, with the exception of time.

Frequency of re-inspection of VTEK:

  1. Disability group 2-3 - once a year.
  2. Group 1 - every six months.

In addition, the package of documents must be accompanied by new tests, the results of repeated examinations, and a conclusion issued as a result of the previous VTEC examination.

Determination of disability group

During the medical examination, members of the commission determine the possibility of establishing one of the disability groups:

  1. . This means that the person actually has health problems, which means that it is difficult for him to perform his basic functional duties and meet the qualification requirements.
    The presence of this disability group indicates that a person cannot continue to perform his work duties due to the intensity, volume and severity of such activities.
  2. means that a person has health problems that do not affect his ability to work, but taking into account the use of auxiliary aids.
  3. can be assigned only to those citizens who have been confirmed to have a complete loss of ability to work, which means they cannot work.
Attention! Obtaining one of these groups is possible only during an examination in strict accordance with legal norms.

Instructions for passing the ITU

To receive disability, interested person must go through a number of mandatory steps.

Getting directions

To receive a referral for medical examination, a citizen must contact his/her attending physician. At the appointment, you must inform about your desire to register a disability.

The attending physician records all the data in the patient’s medical record and issues a referral for an examination. After this, the person is sent for an inpatient examination, during which he must tell about all his illnesses and injuries.

All information is recorded in a card, which also includes data obtained as a result of inpatient treatment. In turn, a citizen can be sent to a hospital only after long-term outpatient treatment. In the absence of one, a person may be denied even a referral for an examination.

Drawing up an application for an examination

The application is drawn up by the applicant personally and entrusted to a representative. This document states:

  1. Name of the medical institution.
  2. Information about the applicant.
  3. Request for examination, purposes.
  4. Date of application.

The recipient of the document must affix his signature, which is proof of acceptance of the application.

Documents for conducting a medical and social examination are drawn up at the clinic at the applicant’s place of residence. Responsibility for drawing up documents rests with the chairman of the medical commission.

Receiving an invitation from the ITU Bureau

After receiving an application to undergo a medical and social examination, a citizen must wait to receive an invitation.

Notification of this may be made either in writing or in electronic form, in the latter case, the invitation is published on a special Internet portal.

Required documents

Get everyone ready necessary documents it is better before receiving an invitation to undergo the examination. Only in this case can a citizen be sure that he has collected all the necessary papers:

  1. Passport of the subject.
  2. Referral for a medical and social examination.
  3. Medical documents that reflect the patient’s health status.
Important! If, when submitting documents, the applicant does not have any paper left, it will need to be submitted within 10 days.

Conducting an assessment of the body's condition

The examination of the patient's health status is carried out at his place of residence, or, if there is a corresponding application, at home. In addition, the commission has the right to conduct an examination in a hospital setting in absentia.

During the MSA, the main task of the specialists present is to conduct an examination of the patient, study all the documents provided and make a decision on the need to grant him the status of a disabled person, a disability group.

Since May 2019, medical and social expert research has also been carried out in a medical organization at the place of treatment of a citizen, in a correctional institution and in absentia - subject to the decision of the relevant ITU bureau.

Issuance of the ITU act

Within 30 days from the date of registration of the examination, the patient is given a decision by the VTEK commission.

All documents issued as a result of the examination must be entered in the person’s personal file. He can receive copies of these papers upon submission of the appropriate application.

Since May 2019, electronic document management has been introduced.

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Actions in case of refusal to conduct an examination

Cases when a person is denied registration for disability occur quite often. The VTEK expert commission can make such a decision for many different reasons.