Photocopies of children's birth certificates. Duplicate birth certificate: how to get the necessary document? If the applicant is in another city, he can

Documents are assigned a number by which you can easily find the original record. Books are listed by year in accordance with archiving rules and stored in archives. A person always has the opportunity to obtain a duplicate confirming the registration act.

This document indicates the registration number of the act, the date of birth, the date of issue, the surname, first name, and patronymic of the child. The names of the father and mother are indicated. It records the place of birth, which affects his citizenship.

The certificate is issued after submitting an application in an approved form. If the parents are not married, but the father agrees to acknowledge paternity, then he writes a statement confirming this fact.

If paternity has not been established, the woman can enter the name of any man in the application, and when drawing up the act, the employees will make a note that paternity is written from the words of the mother and has not been confirmed by anyone.

Why do you need a copy?

The birth certificate must be kept for life. Both children and their parents need them. Wherever services are provided by the state, a birth certificate is required for a child under 14 years of age. The main cases when you need to provide a copy of the child’s birth certificate:

  1. Carrying out outpatient treatment in a clinic or in a hospital.
  2. Admission to preschool educational institutions.
  3. Admission to general education institutions.
  4. Obtaining a foreign passport.
  5. Obtaining a citizen's passport, which is issued on the basis of entries made in the registry office.
  6. Registration of a child at permanent place of residence.
  7. Registration of all kinds of subsidies and benefit payments.
  8. At the place of work of both parents in the accounting department to reduce taxes.
  9. When applying to the Pension Fund to issue a SNILS in the name of the child.
  10. Recovering lost documents. It begins with obtaining a duplicate birth certificate.
  11. Registration of a pension for the loss of a breadwinner, for old age in Pension Fund. Women present certificates for all children born to them, regardless of whether they are alive or not.

After the child receives a passport, the urgent need for this document disappears, but this there's no reason to throw it away.

Since certificates often become unusable during their life due to poor-quality paper or are lost, they are allowed to be restored. They may force you to receive a correctly executed duplicate public services, If:

  • the letters are difficult to read due to crumbling paint;
  • instead of the letter е the letter e is used;
  • the document is laminated.

The legislation obliges civil registry office employees to issue a duplicate on the day of application. Find out how to restore your birth certificate.

How to get a second certificate?

It's easy to get a duplicate. To do this, you need to personally contact the registry office department where the record of the issuance of the certificate is kept in the archives. And you can always have it certified by a notary.

Employees will definitely check your passport to determine family ties. The following persons have the right to receive a duplicate of the birth certificate:

  1. A citizen who has reached 18 years of age.
  2. Relatives of a deceased person.
  3. Parents or guardians of the child.
  4. Authorized representatives of government bodies.
  5. Guardians of a citizen declared incompetent.

If the required registry office is located in the city of permanent residence of the citizen who needs a duplicate, then you need to go there in person. Employees of the institution will issue a receipt for payment of the mandatory tax and will require you to write an application on a special form. If the birth certificate has become unusable, it will be taken away. If it is lost irretrievably, you will be required to indicate the reasons for its loss in the application.

And if you don’t understand how to fill out a UTII declaration, then go. There you will find simple instructions.

You can contact the registry office of your city with a statement about the need to issue a duplicate, and perhaps the employees will agree to make the request themselves. Then you will need to pay the state fee and wait until the ordered duplicate arrives upon request. Employees do not always agree to such requests from citizens, leaving them to resolve such issues on their own, because the law does not allow them to forward citizens’ applications from one institution to another.

Obtaining a duplicate from another country is done through the local registry office. They apply there, provide high-quality copies of their passport, fill out documents, and pay the state fee. Staff will make the necessary inquiries.

If you have relatives in another country, you can ask them to get a duplicate. Documents filled out using a foreign alphabet require an application with a translation into Russian. The translation made must be certified by a notary.

Don’t forget that you can issue a child’s birth certificate on the State Services portal by clicking on.

Bank details The registry office documents required to pay the state fee are issued by employees of this institution. Do not rush to pay the money yourself so as not to make mistakes in the details. The state fee that is required to be paid is 350 rubles (in accordance with paragraph 6, paragraph 1, Article 333.26 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) for each repeated new birth certificate. To obtain a duplicate from the registry office of another country it will cost 350 rubles per document.


All documents issued by the Civil Registry Office must be stored very carefully. A birth certificate is the first and most important document in a person’s life, confirming the fact of his birth.

People who are careless with their documents lose them and then find it difficult to restore them without the support of relatives. This has been going on for years. A person without documents slides to the bottom of life.

If necessary, make a document, contact the authority that issues them without false hesitation. Employees should listen to you and tell you all the possible actions to get the document you need. The law indicates that civil registry office employees must provide all possible assistance to citizens in collecting the documents they need. They can refuse only if the application does not relate to their field of activity.

Never destroy a document just because it has become unusable. Even if there are fragments left of it, present them to the registry office employees. This will help you quickly get a copy of the required document.

The birth certificate confirms that in a certain registry office in the book of records of acts civil status a record appeared under a certain number. It indicates that a person with a given last name, first name, patronymic and certain parents was born on such and such a date.

For the law, it does not matter whether the duplicate confirms this fact or the original. The main thing is that it is there, readable, and you can leave the necessary marks on it. Therefore, a duplicate can be presented upon request to any authorities.

Surely in the life of every person there have been troubles that are associated with the loss of any documents.

One such document may be a birth certificate. But what to do in such a situation? How can it be restored and what is needed for this?

Let's look at these questions in more detail.

Grounds for restoring a document according to the law

First of all, you need to understand that a birth certificate is a document that is issued to every citizen of our country immediately after birth.

In the event that this document was for some reason damaged (lost or damaged), the grounds for issuing its duplicate are clearly stated 2, paragraph 9 of article of the Federal Law “On Civil Status Acts”.

According to this law have the right to receive a duplicate:

  • persons of legal age;
  • close relatives of a deceased person whose birth certificate was damaged;
  • directly by the parents themselves or (in case of loss of a document belonging to the child).

Reasons for issuing a duplicate is considered:

  • presence of an application;
  • provision of a list of required documents determined by Federal Law.

At the same time, it is necessary to remember that parents deprived parental rights, do not have any legal grounds for issuing a duplicate for the child. If you try to conceal the fact of deprivation of parental rights, administrative or criminal liability arises.

Article 9 of the Federal Law “On Civil Status Acts” provides for the possibility of issuing a duplicate of this document by third parties if one of the parents cannot do this on their own. To do this, it is enough to issue a notarized power of attorney.

In this case, the basis for issuing a duplicate is a written application from an authorized person to the registry office.

Methods for obtaining a duplicate

Restore birth certificate possible in these ways:

  • through the portal “State Services”;
  • at the registry office;
  • using the MFC (multifunctional center).

Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

Public services

To the main benefits of this portal include:

Thanks to these advantages, the process of restoring a birth document takes no more than 15 minutes.

But there is also a drawback. It appears only for those categories of citizens who do not yet have a personal account on the portal. Despite the fact that registration takes no more than 5 minutes, verification of a new user’s personal data takes up to 2 weeks (while the site indicates verification of no more than 5 days).

Contacting the Civil Registry Office

If we talk about the advantages of the registry office in this regard, then, of course, they exist.

In particular, we are talking about such benefits:

  • the possibility of receiving a duplicate on the day of application (provided that the application was made to the registry office where the document was originally issued);
  • drawing up an application for a duplicate in front of an employee, which completely eliminates the possibility of making a mistake in this document;
  • if the documentation is incomplete, you can correct the situation as soon as possible (while the registry office employee is making a duplicate, you can go home and take the missing document).

If we talk about shortcomings, then they can manifest themselves in the following:

  • availability of a queue to the required registry office employee;
  • the absence of the employee responsible for issuing duplicates may not be at the workplace and then it is necessary to apply again;
  • To submit an application, you must take time off from work.


By and large, the procedure for obtaining a duplicate birth certificate at the MFC and the registry office is no different. In simple words you have to go here and there.

At the same time, the MFC has some advantages:

  • no queues;
  • lightning-fast acceptance of necessary documents and applications (provided that everything is available);
  • accessibility (as a rule, they are located near bus stops).

If we talk about shortcomings, then they are as follows:

  • You still need to go to the registry office to get a duplicate;
  • The MFC does not operate in all regions of our country, so it is necessary to check the availability of this center in your region.


Let's consider the procedure for obtaining a duplicate through the State Services website and the Civil Registry Office itself separately.

Through the State Services website

Procedure for obtaining a duplicate using the State Services portal is as follows:

  1. You should go to personal account and use the menu to go to the section of services for citizens.
  2. Then go to the regional subsection and select “Family”.
  3. At the third stage, you should click the “Need to submit” button, then select the existing application template to prepare the required duplicate, download it, then fill it out and download it back.
  4. After this, you should select the document issue and click “Next”.
  5. Select the required registry office from the list offered by the system.

Fill in all the necessary information in the appropriate fields and attach the required package of documents.

Once the application is accepted, a notification will be sent to your phone. It can also come in private messages on this portal (in your personal account).

At the specified time, you must go to the registry office and receive a duplicate of the document.

It is worth noting that documents are uploaded to the portal in JPEG format.

On this portal you can immediately pay the state fee. This can be done with:

  • bank card;
  • electronic wallet of international payment systems.

Contacting the Civil Registry Office

If we talk about procedure for obtaining a duplicate with the help of the registry office, it is as follows:

  • drawing up an application for a duplicate (this can be done at home or in the presence of a civil registry office employee);
  • collecting the necessary package of documents;
  • payment state duty;
  • contacting the registry office and submitting an application with documents;
  • receiving a duplicate.

Writing an application

Both when registering a duplicate through the State Services portal, and when applying to the registry office, the application is no different.

This form is clearly written in Federal law and served strictly according to form No. 18.

Mandatory it must contain contains the following information:

  • name of the institution where the duplicate is made;
  • applicant's initials;
  • for what reason should a duplicate be made (example: theft, damage, etc.);
  • date of application and signature of the applicant.

Package of documents

This list is not long and is as follows:

  • the applicant’s passport (if the document belonged to the child, then the parent’s passport);
  • original receipt of payment of the state duty (if the procedure is through the State Services portal - a copy);
  • marriage registration certificate (required if the child’s document is lost);
  • certificate (if the child does not have a father);
  • application for a duplicate.

State duty amount

When registering a duplicate, you must pay a state fee.

According to Article 333 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, its size is 350 rubles.

You can pay in any way:

  • using a payment terminal;
  • at the cash desk of any banking institution;
  • by bank card;
  • electronic wallet.

It is worth noting that the last 2 options are possible when paying through the State Services portal.

As for the payment details, they are different for each registry office branch and therefore need to be clarified for each separately.

It is worth noting that deadline for issuing a duplicate varies from the day of application to 1 month, depending on the region in which the applicant lives and who needs it.

Features of certificate restoration in various situations

Each specific situation has its own characteristics.

Let's look at them separately.

For a child

Obtaining a duplicate of a child’s birth certificate is not difficult.

Issue a duplicate have every right:

  • parents of a minor child;
  • adoptive parents or guardians;
  • teachers of the boarding school where the child himself is located.

For registration you must provide the following list of documents:

  • original receipt of payment of the state fee for the duplicate;
  • original passports of parents or those persons who are involved in the registration process and have every reason to do so;
  • For parents, you must additionally provide the original marriage registration certificate.

The application itself is no different from what is filled out by adult citizens who have lost their birth certificate. The only thing is that one of the parents or a guardian does this for the child.

As a rule, a duplicate is issued for a child on the day of application.


In case of restoration of this document deceased, the procedure remains the same.

You can contact any civil registry office regarding this issue and provide the following list of documents:

  • the applicant's passport (This could be: one of the spouses, mother, father, sister, brother);
  • original death certificate of the person;
  • original receipt of payment of state duty.

It is worth noting that submitting applications possible in several ways:

  • via Russian Post;
  • in person at the registry office.

If a duplicate is issued during a personal visit to the registry office, the duplicate will be issued in a maximum of 24 hours. When registering using Russian Post, depending on how long it takes for a registered letter to arrive.

In another city

Even if a person has lost his birth certificate in another city, it can be restored at his actual location. But at the same time, receiving a duplicate may take up to 1 month, since the duplicate will be sent by Russian mail from the registry office where it was originally issued.

The procedure itself is no different from the others. To do this, just contact the nearest registry office and submit an application with the relevant documents.

Procedure for obtaining a duplicate birth certificate

A duplicate of a child’s birth certificate may be required for various reasons, be it loss, damage, or even lamination. In the latter case, the birth certificate is also considered unsuitable for use and must be replaced. The following is step by step instructions upon receipt of a duplicate birth certificate.

1. First of all, it makes sense to check the presence of all the necessary documents. The Law “On Acts of Civil Status” No. 143-FZ of November 15, 1997 provides for the possibility of re-issuing a certificate on the basis of the following documents:

  1. passports of both parents (or one of them in the absence of the other);
  2. marriage certificates of parents (if the marriage was not registered or dissolved - certificates of paternity or divorce, respectively).

In cases where it is necessary to obtain a duplicate birth certificate of a citizen who has reached the age of 14, the applicant’s own passport will be required. If the applicant is already 18 years old, he will be able to request a duplicate on his own, without the help of his parents.

2. Before going to the registry office for a repeat birth certificate, all necessary documents must be copied in such a way that all records, as well as machine-readable information, are clearly visible in the copies. In addition, you will have to pay a state fee, fortunately, its amount is not burdensome for family budget- only 350 rubles.

IMPORTANT! The bank details of the civil registry office for payment of the state fee can be clarified either in the branch itself (the stand should have all necessary information of this kind), or take advantage of the benefits of civilization and visit the corresponding Internet resource (as a rule, this is the site of a regional State Committee for civil registry office matters).

3. The next step is a visit to the civil registry office at the place where the child’s birth was registered, that is, to the same authority that issued the birth certificate for the first time. There you will have to write an application for re-issuance of the certificate, attach pre-prepared copies of documents to it and submit it to an authorized specialist. After this you will have to wait no more than 30 minutes - clause 4 of Art. 9 Federal Law No. 143 provides for obtaining a duplicate birth certificate on the day of application.

Don't know your rights?

IMPORTANT! For those who decide to save time and draw up an application in advance, we must not forget that it must strictly comply with the established form No. 18. The form was approved by the Decree of the Government of Russia “On approval...” of October 31, 1998 No. 1274 back in 1998, and since then has not changed. An application drawn up in free form will, at best, remain without consideration, and most likely, it will simply not be accepted.

4. This step is for those who were unlucky enough to receive a duplicate birth certificate the first time due to the absence of the first copy of the record in the registry office (loss, loss due to force majeure, etc.). The situation is by no means hopeless: all you need to do is contact the registry office archive - it operates in every region. There it will be possible to obtain a duplicate birth certificate based on the second copy of the civil status record. The duplicate will have the same effect as primary document.

How to get a duplicate birth certificate in another region?

To obtain a duplicate birth certificate, it is absolutely not necessary to travel (sometimes very far) to the region where the primary document was issued. It is quite enough to send a written request there or even contact the civil registry office closest to your place of current residence. The procedure for this is absolutely similar to that given above. The only difference is the waiting time - the duplicate birth certificate will have to be sent by mail, so it all depends on the speed of its work.

Who can get a duplicate of a child’s birth certificate?

This question is answered quite comprehensively by clause 2 of Art. 9 of the Law “On Civil Status Acts”. A duplicate of a birth certificate can be obtained by:

  • directly the citizen himself (who has reached the age of 18 or was recognized as an adult on the basis of a court decision on emancipation), in respect of whom the civil registry office entry was made;
  • relatives of an adult citizen in the event of the death of the latter;
  • parents of a minor citizen or persons replacing them (adoptive parents, guardians, trustees, including authorized representatives of relevant bodies);
  • guardians of an incapacitated citizen.

The same provision prohibits the issuance of a duplicate of a child’s birth certificate to his parents who have been deprived of parental rights in relation to him. An attempt to hide this fact without providing the relevant court decision to the civil registry office has no prospects - the receipt of such documents is always preceded by an inspection by the authorized bodies.

How to get a duplicate birth certificate if you don’t have an identity document?

Perhaps the most difficult case of all possible. Especially if the passport is not just missing, but was not issued at all. It turns out to be a vicious circle: without a birth certificate it is impossible to get a passport, and vice versa. Therefore, it will not be possible to do without a judicial procedure: it is necessary to apply to the court with a claim for identification (officially this will be called certification of a fact of legal significance).

If you have a court decision confirming your identity, obtaining a passport will not be difficult. And only after that it will be possible to apply for a duplicate birth certificate. The reverse procedure is possible, but in practice it has little prospects: civil registry office employees may refuse to issue a duplicate due to the lack of a passport.

We usually encounter the question of how to restore a birth certificate in 3 cases: in case of its loss, damage, and also after lamination (officially prohibited since February 2013 - see Federal Law No. 183 of November 12, 2012).

Despite the fact that the main document identifying an adult citizen and required for processing most papers is a passport, in some cases a birth certificate may also be required. As for children under 14 years of age, the main document proving their identity is their birth certificate.

Therefore, it is better not to delay its restoration, especially since this procedure is inexpensive and carried out in the shortest possible time.

Purposes of use

In what situations is this document required?

  1. when replacing a passport;
  2. when registering an inheritance, as well as in other cases when confirmation of a family relationship is required;
  3. if necessary, present documents indicating the previous surname (before marriage or before changing it at your own request);
  4. when applying for a pension (to clarify information);

    Pay attention!

    Paragraphs 5) and 6) require a birth certificate for children, not an adult.

  5. when returning personal income tax for children;

    For reference:

  6. when applying for any benefits and benefits related to the presence of children.

    For reference:

    More detailed information about what benefits exist in connection with the birth and care of a child, what benefits are provided for large families, as well as about the amounts and conditions for receiving maternity capital, contained in the section "The Birth of a Child" main menu of our website.

So, you have lost your birth certificate - how to restore it? Let's consider a detailed algorithm of actions.

Recovery procedure

The first thing you need to figure out is where to restore your birth certificate? Those. We will begin by explaining the possible options for applying for services. This may be electronic, i.e. sending an application via the Internet, or traditional methods involving personal application by the applicant. We’ll tell you more about them, but we’ll leave the choice of the proposed options up to you.

    First way– restoration of birth certificate through Public services– is the most convenient. Indeed, in this case, you can save the time that you would spend on a visit to the relevant department of the registry office, as well as on waiting for your turn. In addition, filing an application is available regardless of the day of the week or time of day.

    If you have not used the services of this portal before, you must register. How to do this is described in detail in the article. “How to register for State Services for an individual: step-by-step instructions.”

    After sending the files, you will receive a notification about the date and time of the service. Within the specified period, you must contact the civil registry office at the place where the first copy with your passport is stored to obtain a duplicate.

    Second way– contact the Civil Registry Office directly for restoration. You need to contact the Civil Registry Office department where the first copy of the birth record is stored. In this case, a duplicate birth certificate must be issued on the day of filing the application, the form of which can be obtained either from a civil registry office employee, or, as in the previous method, downloaded from the Internet.

    Third option–receipt re-certification through the multifunctional center (MFC). When choosing this method You must present the required documents along with your application to the MFC at your place of residence. After this, the center employee serving you is obliged to give you a receipt, which will indicate the date of the return visit to receive a duplicate (or a reasoned refusal - if it is impossible to provide the service).

List of documents

The list of papers required to submit an application differs slightly depending on the age of the person who lost the document.

How to restore an adult's birth certificate

This requires:

  • the applicant’s passport;
  • application requesting reinstatement;

How to restore a child's birth certificate

In this case, there are a little more documents:

  • passports of the minor’s parents (or guardians);
  • an application for reinstatement signed by one of the parents;
  • parents' marriage certificate (if there is an official marriage relationship);
  • receipt for payment of state duty.

Service cost

An important question is how much it costs to restore a birth certificate.

We answer: this service is paid, but quite affordable - you will only have to bear the cost of paying the state fee. Its size in 2019 is 350 rubles. Regardless of the chosen method of providing the service, there are no additional costs for this.

Duplicate after death

Quite often when registering inheritance rights a problem arises related to the need to present a birth certificate of a person who is no longer alive. But what if it is missing? How to restore the birth certificate of a deceased person?

If you are faced with such a problem, we hasten to reassure you - it is possible, and such a procedure is a common practice. In this case, the document is issued to a relative of the deceased or other interested person.

To the above list of documents (see paragraph “How to restore an adult’s birth certificate”) the following documents are also added:

  • about death: certificate or certificate (or photocopies certified by a notary);
  • confirming relationship with the deceased (or notarized copies).

    They can be:

    • birth certificate or certificate;
    • court decision establishing the fact of relationship;
    • marriage certificate;
    • certificate of change of name of the applicant and/or deceased;
    • documents confirming the establishment of paternity;
    • adoption documents.
  • confirming the applicant’s inheritance or other property rights:
    • a will on behalf of the deceased;
    • a certificate from a notary confirming that he has opened an inheritance case;
    • agreement for lifelong maintenance with dependents (annuity);
    • documents indicating the fact of cohabitation with the deceased;
    • a document confirming the relevant authority of the applicant;
    • request from the relevant state or municipal body (in case the property of the deceased is in the ownership of the state or municipality, as well as inheritance of escheated property).

Restoration by power of attorney

Also quite a common question is whether it is possible to restore a birth certificate not personally, but through a representative?

Yes, this method is legally permitted. To do this, it is necessary, in addition to the standard package of documents, to present a notarized power of attorney with the obligatory indication of the relevant powers in it.

So, we have looked at the most standard situations related to the topic of the article. We hope that after reading it, you have received comprehensive information on how to restore a lost birth certificate of a child or adult, what documents are needed for this, and what nuances should be taken into account.

It is impossible to provide in one article all possible scenarios for the recovery of this important paper. If you still have unresolved questions, you can ask our lawyer by entering information in the pop-up window at the bottom right of the screen, or leaving a comment on the article.

We will be happy to provide qualified and timely assistance!

If you do not know how to obtain a duplicate birth certificate, contact the GosPerevod translation agency. Agency employees will provide detailed advice and undertake to prepare a copy of the metrics. Professional help will allow you to receive a document without wasting time going through authorities and waiting for answers.

In what cases can I get a duplicate birth certificate?

The grounds for drawing up the second document are specified in the article “On acts of civil status” of the legislation of the Russian Federation. A copy of the birth certificate is issued if:

  • the document is stolen, lost or damaged;
  • the letters are hard to read, the metrics pages were laminated;
  • other reasons (dilapidation, etc.).

Who has the right to have a birth certificate restored?

Parents or guardians of the child can receive a duplicate. If they do not have such an opportunity, they have the right to issue a power of attorney (with certification by a notary) to a third party, for example, to an employee of our office. Since you can only obtain a copy of a birth certificate if you have documents, duplicates must be attached to the power of attorney.

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How and where do you get duplicate birth certificates?

You can get a copy of the metric at the registry office in Moscow or another locality, in which the primary document was drawn up. By law, a duplicate must be issued on the same day, since all information is stored in the books of deeds and registrations.

If you have moved to another city, region or country and do not know where to obtain copies of birth certificates in such situations, you have the simplest and least burdensome option - use the services of the GosTranslation bureau. Also contact us in any other case, especially if you value your time.

Ways to receive transfers

On our website, clients can choose the nearest translation agency office and indicate
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