Flight safety in civil aviation. The state of civil aviation safety is a matter of concern. NATO will carefully study Russia's proposal for flight safety over the Baltic

2015, for Russian civil aviation set a record for increased flight safety.

Despite all the skeptical forecasts and sanctions against Russia, in 2015 the level of flight safety increased to a record level.

Last October, a conference of the Russian Association of Aviation and Space Insurers RAAKS took place. Vladimir Kofman gave a report on flight safety. Vladimir Kofman, head of the working group for the investigation of aviation accidents in air transport of the Intergovernmental Aviation Committee of the IAC.

From the diagrams presented in the report it is clear that the level of flight safety in Russian Federation is steadily decreasing, which cannot but please. In addition, unusual safety records were set. The period covered in the report covers the period from 1957.

The five-year period was taken as the main time unit. In other words, five-year periods are considered. 1957-1961, 1962-1966 and without that then until Russian times. One of the charts clearly shows that the rate of aviation accidents and accidents is always decreasing.

Most low level the accident rate was still in the USSR in the period before the collapse, in other words, from 1987-1991, at a time when aviation was still at its best, despite the fact that aircraft equipment was quickly becoming outdated by those years. Perhaps this was due to the proven maintenance and repair schemes. In addition, there were highly qualified personnel, both flight and technical, who went through the Soviet school of multi-stage career growth and training.

Over the next decade, the rate of accidents and disasters quickly nearly doubled. There were also a lot of circumstances for this, and it is unnecessary to cite them here.

But what is very interesting and significant is that starting from 2001, the indicators began to decrease, at first slightly, but by the five-year period from 2012 the indicators reached the level of 1987-1991. And for aviation accidents, the national indicators are also significantly lower than the last five-year period of the USSR. After the collapse of the Alliance, the statistics of the CIS countries were also included in the statistics of the Russian Federation.

Aviation accidents were considered those that occurred with heavy passenger aircraft with gas turbine engines.

But, good indicators apply only to aircraft from 1st to 3rd class. For those who do not remember the standard classification of aircraft adopted in the Russian Federation, let me remind you: airplanes

  • 1st class from 75 thousand kilograms and more
  • 2nd class from 30 to 75 thousand kilograms
  • 3rd class from 10 to 30 thousand kilograms
  • 4th class up to 10 thousand kilograms
  • Light aircraft
  • Ultralight SLAs up to 495 kg.

So, good and optimistic statistics concern aircraft of 1-3 classes, but then the indicators begin to decline.

For class 4 aircraft, the downward trend in accident rates remains, but accident rates are already significantly worse.

I believe that the reader can draw his own conclusions. 4th class aircraft are aircraft, mostly international, such as An-2, L-410, An-38 and others.

The statistics for helicopters are not overly impressive. There is no downward trend in the safety level. In other words, helicopters these days are the most emergency type of aircraft.

And they will remain so as long as they remain so.

Indicators for disasters and accidents in GA are quite stable. If the level of tragedies in 2015 (10 months) is much lower than the level of the worst accident in 2012, then in comparison with the level of 2013 it has also increased.

Despite the fact that these are just statistics. And for such a complex industry as flight safety and aviation, this is very relative information. There are too many factors that affect flight safety.

For example, for GA statistics do not take into account the large increase in the fleet of aircraft of all types, the large increase in flight time, and other factors.

At the end of the article, I would like to find in my memory a statement that Mark Twain made immortal: “There are three types of lies: lies, statistics and blatant lies.”

And for those who believe in horoscopes:

2016 promises to be accident-free for aviation,

according to the statements of astronomers.

Happy holidays to everyone and all soft landings.

Especially for the portal Valery Smirnov

NATO will carefully study Russia's proposal for flight safety over the Baltic

Rosaviation noted an increase in 2016 - 2017 in the number of cases of violation of the rules of use airspace unmanned aerial vehicles (hereinafter referred to as UAV): in 2016 - 41 cases, for five months of 2017 - 28 cases (for the same period in 2016 - 12).

Some of the incidents that occurred in 2016-2017 posed a threat not only to the safety of manned aircraft, but also to the safety of people on the ground. For example:

On 03/08/2016 and 11/03/2016 at Sheremetyevo airport, an unidentified UAV made an unauthorized flight, crossing two runways and then flying around the airport’s industrial buildings. On May 19, 2017, at Sheremetyevo Airport, a UAV flight was recorded over the parking area of ​​aircraft No. 84;

On 05/04/2016 in the Yekaterinburg region, while training the air part of the parade in honor of the Victory Day celebration, the crew of the helicopter leading the group discovered a dangerous approach to the right side of the quadcopter, and therefore was forced to perform a maneuver to avoid a collision (the UAV flew lower at a distance of about 12 m from the helicopter);

On July 6, 2016, at the State Museum-Reserve "Kulikovo Pole" (Tula Region), a UAV performed an unauthorized flight at low altitude, which threatened the safety of an excursion group of children. The owner of the UAV was detained by the security of the museum-reserve 1 km from the excursion site;

On July 28, 2016, the crew of a Boeing 737 aircraft, while landing, reported observing a BVS at a distance of 3 km from Runway 24 of Vnukovo Airport, which was flying at the level of the descent glide path;

09/02/2016 at Tyumen airport (Roshchino) a quadcopter flight was recorded over runway-12/30, control tower buildings and other airfield facilities;

On November 29, 2016, a collision occurred between a quadcopter performing an unauthorized flight in security zone Power lines, with high-voltage power line wires;

On March 24, 2017, an unauthorized UAV flight was recorded over the Perm Powder Plant at an altitude of 500 m;

On 05/05/2017, an unauthorized flight of a group of UAVs (about 20 quadrocopters) was recorded over the center of Krasnoyarsk at an altitude of 70 m;

On 05/09/2017, a UAV was launched in Khabarovsk, which unauthorizedly approached a group of aircraft performing a demonstration flight as part of ceremonial events dedicated to the celebration of Victory Day.

The greatest threat to flight safety comes from cases of unauthorized launch of UAVs in the area of ​​the airfield (heliport, landing site). According to available data, the majority of UAVs involved in violations of the rules for the use of airspace can be classified as amateur (with a maximum take-off weight of up to 30 kg), that is, used for private purposes.

Taking into account that amateur UAVs, as a rule, can be within the visual range of the external pilot and have a flight radius of 200 to 1000 m (with a flight duration of 15 to 25 minutes), we can count on the ability to timely detect and suppress violations of the use of air space. To do this, it will be necessary to analyze the procedures for monitoring the airfield area (video surveillance, patrolling) and operational interaction with departments and organizations responsible for law enforcement and security. According to information received during 2017, in 10 cases the persons launching the UAV were identified and detained.

Violations committed by private individuals can be attributed to the fact that they do not have all the information about the rules for using airspace and the danger factors associated with the launch of UAVs. The appendix to this information contains a summary of the requirements Russian legislation regarding the use of airspace, as well as ICAO recommendations on UAV flight safety.

In order to inform private UAV owners about hazardous factors related to UAV launches, and the prevention of violations, Rosaviation maintains interaction with aircraft modeling clubs, associations and associations whose activities are related to unmanned aircraft systems. One of the largest Russian public organizations in this area is the Association of Operators and Developers of Unmanned Aircraft Systems. It seems advisable for heads of civil aviation organizations to take into account the wide range of opportunities of this association for propaganda safe operation BVS, including joint work for the purposes of:

  • prompt dissemination among airspace users of rules, norms, requirements and recommendations relating to the scope of use of UAVs and improving the legal culture of UAV operators;
  • accumulation of operating (use) experience and formation of a statistical database of aviation accidents and incidents with UAVs;
  • development and testing of methods for investigating, recording and analyzing the causes of aviation accidents and incidents with UAVs.
Rosaviatsia offers:
1. To the heads (chiefs) of the territorial bodies of the Federal Air Transport Agency:
1.1. Bring this information to civil aviation organizations and aircraft operators general purpose.
1.2. Ensure interaction with the media and associations (associations, clubs), whose activities are related to the use of unmanned aircraft systems, in order to convey to them information about violations detected in the area of ​​​​responsibility of the territorial body and to promote the safety culture of UAV flights.
2. To the heads of civil aviation organizations and aircraft operators:
2.1. Study this information with specialists from the unit responsible for the operation of the SMS (flight safety inspectors), flight crews, ATS personnel and aviation security service specialists.
2.2. If necessary, make changes to the control procedures for the airfield area and the procedure for operational interaction with departments and organizations responsible for law enforcement and security in order to suppress violations related to the unauthorized launch of UAVs.

Brief information on the requirements of Russian legislation regarding the use of airspace, as well as ICAO recommendations regarding the safety of UAV flights

1. Requirements of Russian air legislation.
This section provides only brief information about the requirements of air legislation regarding the flights of unmanned aircraft (hereinafter referred to as UAVs). For complete information on the rules for the use of airspace, flight and training procedures and other flight safety requirements, please refer to the relevant regulatory documents. legal acts Russian Federation.

UAV flights are classified as airspace use activities. Physical or legal entity planning to launch UAVs, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 11 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation, must be granted the right to carry out such activities, as well as know and comply with the rules and procedures established by the air legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of use of airspace.

The procedure for using the airspace of the Russian Federation, including UAVs, has been established Federal rules use of the airspace of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 11, 2010 No. 138 (hereinafter referred to as FP IVP).

FP IVP for UAV flights establishes a permitting procedure for the use of airspace, regardless of the class of airspace in which the UAV flight is carried out.

The permitting procedure for the use of airspace implies sending the submitted aircraft flight plan to the operational bodies (centers) of the Unified Air Traffic Management System of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the AU ATM), as well as obtaining permission from the UE ATM center to use the airspace.

The use of UAV airspace is carried out through the establishment of temporary and local regimes, as well as short-term restrictions in the interests of airspace users organizing flights with unmanned aerial vehicles.

The forwarding of the submitted flight plan of the aircraft to the EU ATM centers is carried out by the airspace user in accordance with the Message Sheet on the movement of aircraft in the Russian Federation, approved by Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated January 24, 2013 No. 13 (hereinafter referred to as the Message Sheet). Paragraph 9 of the Report Card provides for the possibility of submitting flight plans to EU ATM centers by telephone (fax).

According to paragraph 49 of the FP IVP, UAV flights over settlements are carried out if airspace users have permission from the relevant authority local government, and in cities federal significance Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sevastopol - permits from the relevant authorities executive branch the specified cities.

Below is summary information on standards and recommended practices of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in connection with the new task of ensuring the safety of the use of UAVs.

The Global Aviation Safety Plan (ICAO Document No. 10004) notes that UA standards are a work in progress. Currently, ICAO activities are aimed at developing standards and recommended practices related to airworthiness, flight operations, operator certification, pilot licensing, air traffic management, flight safety, aviation security And environment. The release of regulations for the issuance of certificates is expected in 2018, and the remaining regulations starting in 2020.

On the official ICAO website on the Internet, a special section has been created dedicated to UAVs, in which you should pay attention to the following flight safety recommendations:

  1. It is necessary to always keep the UAV within its visual visibility.
  2. Make sure the UAV launch area is clear for flights.
  3. Check the serviceability of your UAV before each flight. Plan your flight in advance and learn from others.
  4. Carefully study the requirements and instructions of the UAV manufacturer.
  5. It is necessary to always keep a long distance (exclude flights) in the areas of airfields, heliports, and landing sites.
  6. Once you launch the UAV, you become a remote pilot. Therefore, you are responsible for preventing dangerous encounters and ensuring flight safety.
  7. To carry out commercial transportation or work, special permission from the aviation authorities is required.
  8. Prohibited:
    • carry out flights, including any type of maneuvering, which may create a danger to others;
    • fly over people, structures or vehicles;
    • approach closer than 50 meters to people, structures or vehicles;
    • fly at altitudes above 150 meters above ground level;
    • approach flying airplanes and helicopters.

2015 became a record year for Russian civil aviation in terms of growth in flight safety.

Despite all the skeptical forecasts and sanctions against Russia, in 2015 there was a record increase inlevel of flight safety.

Last October, a conference of the Russian Association of Aviation and Space Insurers RAAKS took place. Vladimir Kofman gave a report on flight safety. Vladimir Kofman, Chairman of the Commission for the Investigation of Aviation Accidents in Air Transport of the Interstate Aviation Committee of the IAC.

From the diagrams presented in the report it is clear that the level of flight safety in Russia is steadily increasing, which is good news. Some kind of safety records were even set. The period covered in the report covers the period from 1957. The five-year period is taken as the basic time unit. That is, five-year periods are considered. 1957-1961, 1962-1966 and so on until our time. One of the charts clearly shows that the level of aviation accidents and disasters is constantly decreasing. The lowest accident rate was in the USSR before the collapse, that is, from 1987-1991, when aviation was still at its best, although aircraft equipment was rapidly becoming outdated by those years. This was probably due to proven maintenance and repair schemes. There were also highly qualified personnel, both flight and technical, who went through the Soviet school of multi-stage training and career growth.

In the next decade, the level of disasters and incidents sharply almost doubled. There were also a lot of reasons for this, and there is no point in citing them here.

But what is interesting and significant is that starting from 2001, the indicators began to decline, at first slightly, but by the five-year period from 2012 the indicators reached the level of 1987-1991. And in terms of aviation accidents, the indicators of our time are even significantly lower than the last five-year period of the USSR. The statistics of our time, after the collapse of the Union, also included the statistics of the CIS countries. Aviation accidents that occurred with heavy passenger aircraft with gas turbine engines were considered.

But, good indicators only apply to aircraft from 1st to 3rd class. For those who do not remember the standard classification of aircraft adopted in Russia, let me remind you: airplanes

  • 1st class from 75 tons and more
  • 2nd class from 30 to 75 tons
  • 3rd class from 10 to 30 tons
  • 4th class up to 10 tons
  • Light aircraft
  • Ultralight SLAs up to 495 kg.

So, positive and optimistic statistics concern aircraft of 1-3 classes, but then the indicators begin to decline.

For class 4 aircraft, the downward trend in accident rates remains, but accident rates are already significantly worse.

I think that the reader can draw his own conclusions. 4th class aircraft are aircraft, mainly international ones, such as An-2, L-410, An-38 and others.

The statistics for helicopters are not very impressive either. There is no trend towards a decrease in the level of safety. That is, helicopters in our time are the most emergency type of aircraft. And they will remain so for now.

Indicators for accidents and disasters in GA are quite stable. If the level of disasters in 2015 (10 months) is much lower than the level of the most emergency year of 2012, then in comparison with the level of 2013 it even increased.

Although these are just statistics. And for such a complex industry as aviation and flight safety, this is very relative information. There are too many factors that affect flight safety. For example, for GA statistics do not take into account the significant increase in the fleet of all types of aircraft, a significant increase in flight time, and other factors.

At the end of the article, I would like to recall the statement that Mark Twain made immortal: “There are three types of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics.”

And for those who believe in horoscopes:

2016 promises to be accident-free for aviation,

according to astrologers.

Happy holidays to everyone and all soft landings.

A meeting of the Public Council under the Federal Air Transport Agency was held with the agenda: “On the state of flight safety in civil aviation of the Russian Federation in 2017 and January - February 2018.”

The meeting was attended by the head of the Federal Air Transport Agency Alexander Neradko, Chairman of the Public Council Nikolai Ivanovsky, members of the Public Council, representatives of the central office and territorial departments of the Federal Air Transport Agency, airlines, civil aviation research institutes and others.

The head of the Flight Safety Inspectorate of the Federal Air Transport Agency made a report on the state of affairs, preventive measures and ongoing work to ensure flight safety. Sergey Masterov. In his speech, he noted that the preventive measures taken by the Federal Air Transport Agency, as well as targeted work to ensure flight safety, made it possible to reduce the severity of aviation accidents.

Thus, in the period from 2014 to 2017, there were no aviation accidents that led to the death of people during passenger transportation on aircraft with a passenger capacity of more than 30 people. The total number of aircraft accidents during air transportation in 2017 did not exceed the average for the previous period from 2001 to 2016.

Sergei Masterov said that the state of flight safety in general aviation (GA) is of serious concern to the Federal Air Transport Agency. The number of aviation accidents with GA aircraft annually averages about 70% of the total number of aviation accidents with civil aviation aircraft. In 2017, 24 aviation accidents occurred with GA aircraft, including 13 accidents with the death of 26 people and 11 accidents. In 2016 - 36 (17 disasters with the death of 30 people and 19 accidents).

Continuous analysis of the causes and factors of aviation events that have occurred allows the Federal Air Transport Agency to quickly carry out work to prevent aviation events. Thus, during 2017, the Federal Air Transport Agency issued 24 orders on the implementation of flight safety measures based on the results of investigations of 34 aviation accidents, and also issued 20 information on flight safety, taking into account operational information on hazard factors during the operation and maintenance of aircraft flights.

Rosaviatsia sends proposals to the Russian Ministry of Transport regarding a set of measures to improve the regulatory legal regulation activities of civil aviation in order to ensure an acceptable level of flight safety. The Federal Air Transport Agency develops proposals for amendments (additions) to the air legislation on the basis of a systematic analysis of proposals received from airlines and civil aviation organizations, territorial bodies and divisions of the central apparatus of the Federal Air Transport Agency, as well as recommendations of commissions investigating aviation events. These proposals apply to absolutely all areas of civil aviation.

During the meeting of the Public Council, it was noted that the crash of the AN-148 of Saratov Airlines JSC in February of this year. is associated with a number of factors, including human and technical, including the lack of support for the operation of the aircraft by the developer of the aircraft. Also, at the initial stage of testing the An-148, the standard equipment included automatic activation of the PPD heating system when it was not turned on by the crew. The automatic system did not go into production; why is still unknown.

Investigation of the serious aviation accident continues. Its results, as well as a set of necessary preventive measures, are under the special control of the Public Council.

The Public Council noted that in order to increase the level of flight safety, systemic issues require solutions at the level of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. This is the development and adoption of the State program to ensure flight safety in civil aviation, the determination of the acceptable level of flight safety in the state for a fixed period and the purpose official in the Russian Federation, responsible for the state of flight safety in the Russian Federation, which is the requirements of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

Members of the Public Council expressed concern about the state of the regulatory legal field in the field of civil aviation, which has a great impact on flight safety, and recommend transferring part of the law-making powers on the formation and adoption of by-laws in the field of aviation activities to the Federal Air Transport Agency.

Members of the Public Council intend to make a request to consider the issue of adopting laws in the field of civil aviation in the presence of a mandatory package with draft by-laws, according to which the specific activities of all participants in the air transport process are carried out.