How to cleanse your own aura. The human aura is self-cleansing. Step-by-step plan for cleaning the aura and biofield

Many events happen in life, both positively and negatively affecting a person. Grief and misfortune carry negative energy. As soon as a lot of negativity accumulates in the biofield, a black streak begins, as they say. Therefore, it is important to know ways to cleanse your bioenergy field. This will help bring your condition at the spiritual, physical and energetic levels back to normal. And this will have a positive impact on the quality of life.

Preparing for cleaning

When coming into energetic contact with your astral body, influencing the aura, you must learn to protect it from the attacks of the material world. When preparing to cleanse the aura at home, you will need to follow several rules and adhere to them in the future.

  1. Get your lifestyle in order. It is advisable to completely eradicate bad habits: alcohol, cigarettes. These 2 factors feed the entities around a person that take away light energy and interfere with the process of positive influence.
  2. After waking up in the morning, do energy exercises - yoga.
  3. Wear an amulet, a talisman.
  4. Clothes should be made from natural fabrics, since synthetics have a bad effect on the human aura.
  5. Greet the onset of a new day with a smile and gratitude, fill yourself with positivity, and feel harmony within.
  6. Try to improve yourself.
  7. Analyze yourself more often.

Step-by-step plan for cleaning the aura and biofield

You can cleanse yourself of clots of negative energy yourself at home, using the methods given below.

Cleansing the Aura with Prayer

You can turn to the highest powers not only through church prayers, but also through your personal prayers. The main thing is to be sincere. By appealing to the forces of light, you reject the negative. The aura is filled with the energy of goodness. This method can be compared to a blood transfusion.

Cleaning with salt

Salt crystals are like a sponge. They have the ability to absorb negative energy. The procedure is simple: take a full glass of salt, add a little running water, stir. Wipe your entire body with the resulting solution, starting with your feet and ending with your head.

Cleansing with a chicken egg

A proven ritual helps remove damage and the evil eye. For the procedure, lie on your back and move the egg over your stomach in a clockwise direction. The egg will take away all the negativity. After the ceremony, it must be buried whole in the ground.

Cleansing with a candle

An effective technique that does not require much time. Lay a newspaper on the floor, stand on it, light a candle and make circular movements around your neck, head, stomach, heart. Manipulations should be made until the flame stops crackling and smoking. If the candle does not burn out completely, leave it in the room where the ritual was performed. The newspaper needs to be buried in the ground.

☞ Video story

How to clean the aura and energy channels of another person

I will give an effective technique for cleaning energy channels to another person. With the help of a ritual with a candle flame, you can influence the life of every person, saving him from negative impacts on the biological field, preventing the development of diseases, easing existing ones. For the process you will need a candle. It is advisable to wear white clothes to protect yourself from the negative energy of the patient.

The ritual should be performed in the following order, three times:

  1. Have the person sit on a chair and stand behind him with a lit candle.
  2. Try to relax, disconnect from extraneous thoughts.
  3. Concentrate on the burning candle flame and the sitting person.
  4. Read the prayer “Our Father...”.
  5. Start cleaning from the bottom up, from the tips of your toes to the top of your head. Holding the candle 6 inches from your body, slowly work your way up your upper body, making smooth counterclockwise circles while listening to the fire.
  6. In an area where a person’s biological field has negative clots of energy or an unhealthy organ, the flame will begin to crackle and smoke. To cleanse, you will need to hold the fire in this place until the phenomenon disappears.
  7. When finishing the procedure, raise the candle above your head by 20 cm.

Wash your hands after the ceremony clean water in the direction from the elbow to the hand, then to the fingertips. This helps wash away negative energy.

☞ Video story

  • Develop spiritually. Replenish the feeling of joy in your heart. Nothing is more capable of purifying the biofield than a feeling of constant happiness. Eliminate negative reasons.
  • Meditate often using various practices.
  • Using self-hypnosis, eradicate negativity, filling your soul with positivity.
  • Load your body physical exercise. This will help remove accumulations and stagnation of negative energy.
  • Stick to it healthy eating.
  • Try to find a spiritual healer. He will examine and eliminate all malfunctions and darkening of the aura.

The ways to cleanse your biofield provided in the article are not the most full list technician. There are many of them, but everyone can develop their own cleansing method. There are no strict laws in bioenergy. The most important thing is to sincerely believe in what you are doing.

Just as no one has ever seen a person’s soul, no one knows what his aura really looks like. In the world, of course, there are masters who are able to look beyond the boundaries of the material, but meetings with them are quite rare. How to determine that a person’s aura is pierced by negative influences?

In this article

Signs of breakdown

The first sign A breakdown of a person’s subtle body can be considered increased fatigue. If you get enough sleep, eat right and lead an active life, but you still don’t have enough energy, then perhaps your biofield has holes and breakdowns through which precious energy leaks.

The second sign can be attributed to troubles that suddenly befall a person. If you are fatally unlucky in literally everything, and life looks like an obstacle course, then you should think about the integrity of your energy. This also includes the minimum result for large quantities the effort expended. It happens that a person does a lot to achieve a goal, but cannot get what he wants.

To the third sign include more severe conditions. For example, obsessive thoughts that may arise in the head, causeless aggression, inappropriate behavior, fluctuations in body temperature, diseases that medicine cannot explain. Here we are not talking about a simple hole in the energy sector, but about the presence of an energy essence being subdivided.

Demon, spirit, larva

Such an entity can be a spirit sent with corruption, a demon, or a larva created by human thought forms. All these entities are invisible to the human eye, but they cope with their task of pumping out energy masterfully. Sometimes such settlers can incline their victim to suicide or to illegal actions.

Did you find one sign or several at once? Then it’s worth thinking about how to correct the situation.

Strengthening the biofield and aura

In mild conditions, a person can cope with holes in the aura on his own. But if we are talking about settling, then it is necessary to carry out certain rituals to expel the entity.

Important! In case of severe physical conditions, do not try to deal with the resident on your own; contact a trusted specialist.


You can increase the energy level of the physical body through breathing exercises. Beginners can use the following training scheme:

  1. Stand up, relax, take a deep breath and exhale. Repeat the exercise several times.
  2. Inhale into your belly, then forcefully push the air out by squeezing your pectoral muscles.
  3. Breathe frequently and intermittently, gradually calming your breathing to a normal frequency.

Try also using the technique from this video:

These simple techniques help normalize the flow of energy around the body. With small breakdowns, the aura recovers on its own in 2–3 days. Increased energy circulation helps the recovery process.


One more in an efficient way recovery is meditation. It is better to meditate in silence and complete solitude. If it is difficult to get into the lotus position on the floor, you can simply sit on a chair, close your eyes and relax.

After listening to the silence for a while, you need to imagine a pillar of light coming out of space and flowing straight into the top of your head. Then you need to distribute the radiance throughout your body, wrapping yourself in it like a veil. People with powers can see black holes around them. They also need to be patched with light.

And the practice from this video will give you energy for the whole day:

If during meditation an entity appears on the inner screen, try to throw it away from you, mentally strengthen the glow so that it cannot get close again.

Working with crystals

Ordinary crystals also help in the fight against negativity. Stones with a crystalline structure perfectly accumulate and also conduct energy. You can patch the aura with their help in several ways:

  • using real stones;
  • visualizing the crystal.

Through a real crystal, a person is recharged by simply carrying it with him. You should choose a stone in accordance with your zodiac sign and personal preferences.

Gems according to zodiac signs

By visualizing the crystal, you can use it as a source of power. To receive a personal energy stone, simply imagine its shape and color. Then you can imagine that rays shoot out from its faces, patching holes in the biofield.

Closing the holes

The aura can suffer not only from everyday negativity. It is the natural shell of a person, therefore it is the first to be damaged when the evil eye and damage are cast.

From the evil eye

A person can survive a simple evil eye without major consequences. Since the body has the ability to recover.

Very powerful and effective cleaning on a subtle level:

If the blow has passed, but the gaps in the biofield remain, you can imagine an aura around you in the form of a cocoon and mentally close the holes with your palms.

From damage

Real damage often comes with its own resident. Without getting rid of the uninvited guest, negativity cannot be removed from a person’s fields.

Just listen to this mantra:

Believers can expel the essence with prayers and mantras, energets - by increasing the level of energy, which is tasteless for the “guest”, ordinary people ready-made rituals and ceremonies can be used for expulsion.

From the curse

A severe case is considered to be an induced curse. Due to the strong impact, a person may begin to think about suicide or lose the most precious thing in life.

At home, you can perform the following ritual:

First, get the message cleared by a specialist, and then close the holes in the aura using any of the methods listed above.

Protecting your aura from attacks

When the essence is detached from a person, in order not to attract new negativity, you need to cover up the holes in the aura with the help of energy practices, then put protection on your biofield.


Special mantras have always helped people protect themselves from the evil around them. Mantras are certain sounds that are chanted sequentially and with the correct intonation. These sounds create unique vibrations in space that can contain both healing and protective properties. To protect the aura, a person can use the following mantras.

Five-syllable prayer to GodShiva. To achieve a protective effect, it is sung in the morning and evening, imagining the face of God before oneself.


Universal protective mantra, which can be pronounced as needed the desired number of times.


Thought forms

In addition to mantras, a person can protect himself from negative messages with thought forms.

Non-standard interview with Sergei Mader:

It is not uncommon for a person to be attacked in a crowded place. Did grandma yell in line? Did another passenger in the transport look unkindly?

During a negative incident, simply imagine your offender in a comical pose or imagine a pipe that goes from him to you, going around you, and loops around him.

These methods of protection are effective if applied in a timely manner.


Another powerful means of protection is prayer. The power of the prayer word helped people win wars, and will help you receive protection from damage and the evil eye.

Prayer “Cry to the Mother of God”

Prayers to the Mother of God can simply be written down on paper, sewn into a bag and carried with you; other appeals to God can be simply read in the morning and evening.

Material protective items

Symbols of faith are the best items to protect against negativity. Without a deep immersion in religion, they are useless, but for believers they are considered a real support in the fight against evil.

Amulets, talismans and amulets

You can also protect yourself from evil with the help of amulets or talismans. Any natural material on which a protective spell can be recited can act as a talisman. Jewelry made from precious metals that suit a person's zodiac sign is also considered protective.

Mental projections

They are considered as the ability to project one’s subtle body in any other place in the non-material world. Some researchers believe that the souls of people live in the space where the mentality reigns.

During an energy attack, an experienced person can imagine how he leaves his body and redirects the message to the aggressor. But mastering the technique of mental projections takes time.


After receiving a breakdown in the aura, it is necessary not only to patch the energy hole, but also to replenish the previous level of energy. To replenish the energy of the physical body, we have selected 12 techniques and methods.

golden skeleton

The exercise begins by imagining golden energy swirling in space. After a clear mental picture appears, it is worth imagining how this pure energy penetrates the feet and bones.

golden brain

The exercise covers only the human head area. Golden energy is directed into the gray matter and other parts of the brain. The energy enters through the point between the eyebrows, from there it is mentally directed to the pituitary gland and white matter.

Through the endocrine system

The exercise consists of the following steps:

  • golden energy is directed to the thyroid gland and is concentrated there as much as possible;
  • then the energy flow is sent to the thymus gland, located above the heart;
  • after an effort of will, the heart itself is nourished with golden energy;
  • the pancreas and mid-back are an intermediate stage of energy direction;
  • in the final part of the exercise, the energy descends to the genitals, then moves to the feet.

When performing, you need to concentrate as much as possible. But the physical body must be relaxed.

Grounding as a separate practice

The easiest way to physically ground yourself is to simply walk barefoot. The energy exercise of grounding involves directing golden energy into the earth, after this step the person imagines how the returned energy flows through him and out of the crown into space.

This practice helps cleanse the biofield.

Life Center

The aura can also be qualitatively restored through a person’s existing energy centers. The vital center is in his spine. This is where the energy is directed to restore the aura.

Creative-sexual center

Its location is the area between the navel and genitals.

The center color is orange. When restored, the orange color is mentally changed to gold, saturating the center with energy.

Solar plexus area

At the energy level it is designated yellow. She is also upgraded with gold so that everyone internal organs worked harmoniously.

Heart area

The green center is the area of ​​the heart and the thymus gland nearby. There is also a change to a golden color here. Thanks to this, a person becomes calmer and more resilient.

Throat area

Labeled as blue center. For strong speakers, this area is colored blue. But changing colors to gold has a beneficial effect on the ability to persuade others.

Third eye

Located between the eyebrows on the forehead. Its color designation is indigo.

Pumping this area with golden energy helps develop intuition, clairvoyance, and extrasensory abilities. Makes a person perspicacious and wise.

Crown area

It is worth working especially hard on the crown of the head with the help of golden energy. When removing the golden ray from the body, it is necessary to mentally transform it into a halo above the head.

This way your energy will be looped until the next exercise.

Delay and stuffing

The exercise begins with a deep breath through the nose. As you inhale, you need to imagine how the halo above your head swells with energy. As you exhale during the exercise, visualize a fountain of energy that comes out through the mouth. Such energy must certainly envelop the body and restore the aura.

Advice. People who perform such exercises every day eventually become inaccessible to any energetic negativity, as their aura thickens and strengthens, like muscles during sports.

Seemingly simple, these techniques have amazing restorative effects, but only when a person performs them conscientiously and persistently. During meditation and visualization, all attention should be directed to the action that is happening in the head. You should not be distracted by extraneous noises and sounds, so as not to start the exercise again.

Energy vampirism

Not only a negative message or damage can damage a person’s biofield; there are often cases of breakdowns in the aura due to attacks by energy vampires.

Energy Vampire- this is a person who, for some reason, does not know how to take energy from the Universe and from his environment. And in order to replenish life reserves, he brings out the emotions of other people.

Impact on the biofield

Energy vampires often cause scandals, insult others, complain a lot, and lament their fate. And when their victim begins to feel compassion or anger, the vampire gets the opportunity to feed on her energy.

Opinion of clinical psychologist Veronica Stepanova:

Sometimes such pumping can be quite harsh. After an attack, a person may feel like a squeezed lemon. Not all vampires look young and strong; due to lack of energy, older people and small children become vampires.

Methods of protection

The first way is balance. Of course, when a friend has troubles at work, you want to support her, but it is better to provide support through action than to start suffering with her.

The second method closely resembles the above practices. Breaking through a strong and dense biofield for a vampire is not as easy as it might seem. In addition, when involved in a negative situation, it is enough to imagine an invisible wall between yourself and your interlocutor. And it will become several times more difficult for him to connect to you.

It works on the same principle protection "Mirror", when a mirror surface is mentally directed at a screaming person so that he is virtually reflected in it. As a rule, a vampire receives a portion of his own negativity and hastens to retreat to find a new victim for himself. After all, he remained hungry.

In this video, Evgeny Green explains how to properly protect yourself from energy vampires:

Today, common hygiene extends beyond the physical world. People are increasingly concerned about the purity of the energies that surround them. Even atheists use energy exercises to help them stay fit. Try to do the same.

A little about the author:

Evgeniy Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the key to success in the perfect ritual. I will provide you with information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don’t worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

Hi all! Today I propose to consider an exotic topic: “Human aura - independent cleansing”

1. Let's talk about the soul

Let's talk about the soul, about what robots don't know, but humans are always so interested in. There are no two identical souls, just as there are no two identical fingerprints. Each person carries a unique charge of energy that surrounds him in a biofield, which can only be seen by select and special devices, but can be felt by anyone.

It is this outer shell of the human body that is called the aura. It protects the body from external energetic influences and reflects the internal state of a person, which is very valuable for diagnosing various ailments.

This invisible shell of the human body, its properties, damage and, in fact, getting rid of them - cleansing the aura on your own or with the help of professionals - have been a bone of contention between scientists and psychics for many years.

2. Causes of our problems

Sometimes it happens that in life suddenly everything starts to go awry - the desire for any activity is suddenly lost, depression and depression arise, and the immune system is in trouble - illness after illness comes to visit. The reason is not difficult to establish. Breakdown in the biofield.

Diagnosis of damage to the aura and its energy centers (chakras) is quite simple. If you suddenly have a “streak of bad luck”, rest assured that this is to blame. Don’t be afraid that it was “damage” that was put on you. This is not at all necessary. Holes can be caused by any involuntary negativity (evil eye) directed at you, or, for example, surgery or severe stress.

I don’t really want to turn to psychics: it is unknown whether they will provide help or turn out to be just another charlatan. Yes, and it’s a pity for the money. It is better to clean the shell at home. And although there is no universal method, I will give here the most famous ones.

3. Human aura - self-cleansing

3. 1 Bell ringing

The ringing of bells heals. The method of treatment using bells has been known since ancient times. The fact is that the bell emits high-frequency vibration, which “scares off” low-frequency troubles: viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms, improves blood circulation and simply creates an uplifting mood and enhances energy.

Bell and ringer

It is important to hear the bell ringing live. In addition, it is important not only for whom the bell is tolled, but also who rings it. This must be a person with pure energy without holes or any negativity in his soul.

3.2 Healing prayers

There is also a way of purification through prayers. It is not at all necessary that the prayer be Christian, taken from the prayer book. A simple appeal to God in any form or visiting church is quite suitable - in this way you will not only call on the Almighty for help, but also purify your own thoughts.

We are cured of illnesses by following the teachings of Buddha. Mental balance and harmonization can also be achieved by meditation - an Indian psychophysical practice aimed at self-awareness and self-purification. She is simultaneously a doctor of body and soul.

With the help of meditation, the attunement of subtle bodies is also carried out - layers of vital energy that have their own meaning. To meditate, you need to take the right posture. The spine should be level and perpendicular to the surface on which you are sitting. Close your eyes, relax your body, concentrate on your thoughts through breathing, deep and even.

Imagine an image - a snake crawling upward or an endless tunnel. Once you have achieved proper concentration, you will be able to observe your own thoughts. You need to accept them as they are, realize them, combine all the internal energy around you, and patch up the holes in the protective field. Relaxing background music will also help you achieve your goal.

Lotus position

3.3 Egg rolling

A fairly well-known method for removing spoilage is rolling out an egg. The egg is similar to a person in its own structure, and therefore is capable of absorbing troubles. Before going to bed, it is necessary for the person to “without any problems” begin to roll over the contours of the “victim’s” body, and after the procedure, the used egg must be carefully taken outside and buried in the ground to avoid the spread of the “transferred” negativity to other people.

3.4 Egg compress

A headache after the evil eye can be removed with an egg compress: mix beaten egg yolks with boiling milk, moisten a scarf or bandage and apply to the forehead.

Whipped yolks

3.5 Thursday salt

Salt has been used since ancient times to cleanse curses and magic. “Thursday” salt was of particular value, which was prepared in a special way once a year on Maundy Thursday. There are many ways to treat holes with salt. It all depends on where the breakdown occurred.

For headaches, you need to apply a towel soaked in saline solution to your forehead and hold this compress for 10-15 minutes. In case of general malaise, you should take a bath with salt once a day - this will strengthen the immune system and help the holes heal.

Thursday salt

3.6 Wax casting

Since the beginning of Christianity, the method of “casting” with wax has been known, although it is effective only in case of mild damage or the evil eye. To do this, you can use a church candle: half of it melts in a container, the other is placed in front of the icon of the Holy Mother of God.

The ladle is filled with water and given to the person who needs to be saved from the evil eye. The “healer” slowly pours the melted wax into the water, while reading a prayer. After the casting hardens, it is necessary to bury it in the ground so that it does not give up the negative to the “deliverer.”

Wax in water

3.7 Talismans

In every city you can find a shop of esoteric goods, where you can find a talisman or talisman that will always protect you. But for daily protection, you can perform a ritual with a knife in the morning: imagine how all your energy is concentrated at its tip, draw a pentagram in front of you.


Then the mantra is read: “Om sri kali namah foram”, smoothly and melodiously, placing emphasis on the last syllable. The word "mantra" comes from the 2 syllables "Man and Trayate": "to liberate the mind." This mantra is intended to cleanse from negativity, causes the destruction of all evil and cleanses the body of toxins. The number of repetitions should be a multiple of three, ideally 108 times. I do not provide a translation from Sanskrit on purpose, because... this reduces the force of impact.

3.8 Avoiding foul language

Breakdowns in the aura can also arise from one’s own negativity that accumulates inside. Let him go. Try to accept yourself and others as they are, and bring only positive energy into the world.

Many psychics claim that any swear word spoken by a person already causes a microcrack in his protective shell. Don't slander, try to control your anger. Direct the energy that you spend on hating your environment into loving your family. And then - without a doubt - everything will work out.

Mat is driving. It’s very difficult to restrain yourself, but you have to.

Finally, try moving on to practical exercises. Watch this video. In my opinion, it is a wonderful meditation. Nice voice. Personally, it calms me down very well.

Today we talked about the topic: “Cleansing the aura on your own.” How did you like the article? If yes, then subscribe to the blog and tell your friends at social networks. See you soon in the next article!

4. Postscript with Inspector Warnicke

For those who want to relax and at the same time activate cerebral circulation, which is no less important for our health than cleansing the aura, I suggest trying to solve detective riddle stories together with Inspector Warnicke. Meet me.

But there are also more subtle layers of energy that we can also influence with the help of harmonious thoughts, yoga, and meditation. I’ll tell you about simpler techniques :)…

The aura is a continuation of the physical shell of each of us. It protects us from stress, anxiety and exhaustion, discarding all potentially harmful influences on our psychological health. Many ancient cultures unanimously say that any disease begins with the weakness of our auric field. When the aura is damaged, its protective properties become very fragile and weakened, affecting our emotional and physical health, making us more susceptible to external stimuli and dangers.

General health maintenance is inextricably linked with maintaining the integrity of the aura, so it is important to cleanse, nourish and strengthen it from time to time. Surely everyone has their own secrets to stay securely protected, but you can also try to strengthen your aura in one of the following ways:

Yogic cleansing bath

Take this bath every day for 20 minutes for a week. It will help cleanse your body of toxins and waste and remove negativity from your aura. To make water purifying, add 0.5 kg of baking soda and 1 cup sea salt. If you suddenly feel unwell while taking a bath, stop the procedure for today and return to it tomorrow.

burning sage

The smoke from burning white sage, according to the Indians, is very cleansing. In addition to the amazing smell, it also emits negative ions that have a positive effect on our aura. Exactly the same ones are present in the air after a thunderstorm or near the ocean. That is why this air is so pleasant, light and refreshing.

If you want to get rid of negative vibrations, simply light a sage incense stick and immerse yourself in its smoke, enjoying the pleasant aroma.

Solar energy

If you love spending time outdoors, great! – after all, the sun’s rays nourish and expand our aura. The sun gives us energy, optimism and vitamin D, and being in nature makes us healthier physically, mentally and spiritually, nourishes our emotions and is wonderfully grounding.

Sea salt

If you live far from the ocean and cannot swim in the healing cleansing water, if you cannot take a bath and lie in salt water for a while, getting rid of stress, just make yourself a sea salt scrub before taking a shower. This will cleanse your skin of dead cells, refresh your aura and help remove toxins.

Cold shower

Cold water can cleanse our aura of negativity, it flushes out toxins and relieves tension, and also improves blood circulation. The shower does not have to be freezing cold, first make it cool and pleasant for the body, later you can gradually lower the temperature of the water as much as you feel comfortable. After some time, you will feel clarity in your thoughts and lightness in your body, you will be full of energy and will become less susceptible to all sorts of negativity.

Sound healing

Many ancient cultures believe that sounds have a special healing ability. Often meditation is accompanied by a drawn-out “Ommm,” and this is not without reason. In this way, you can quickly and effectively get rid of the negative energy accumulated in the body and aura.


Crystals are a very effective means for cleansing and strengthening the aura; labradorite, which is called a “healing stone,” deserves special attention. He is a frequent companion of teachers, nannies, health workers and looks great in jewelry. After holding it in your hands for just 20 minutes, you will feel its influence and benefits for another 12 hours.

Less electronics

Radiation from electrical appliances negatively affects overall well-being, and the frequencies they create accumulate in our aura and disable it. Try to at least protect your bedroom from gadgets and keep them away from your head. In addition, pay attention to the miraculous crystal lepidolite, which serves as a kind of energy protection between you and electrical appliances, absorbing radiation. Place a small stone near your bed and gadgets in your room, and you will notice how the stone becomes thinner as it absorbs radiation.

Vetiver essential oil

Vetiver is a tropical plant of the cereal family, the essential oil of which is excellently soothing and grounding, helping to bring balance after a busy day. Try applying a few drops of this woody-smelling oil to your belly before bed to help you counter negativity from other people the next day.

Black tourmaline

This beautiful stone is able to protect against harmful radiation and remove negative energy from the aura, protect you and set you up for positive thinking.

In general, crystals have long been used for healing and protection. For example, smoky quartz helps to resist stress and negativity from others, amber strengthens the aura, kunzite copes with bad thoughts, and the amethyst and citrine duet heal holes in the auric field that arise, for example, after surgery, childbirth or severe stress.

Flower essences

Violet and angel flower essences help restore damaged auric fields. They can be taken orally in approximately 7 drops, or a little essence can be applied to the solar plexus before bed.

Choose places and people

Pay attention to what places, events and people cause damage to your aura and keep you in tension. Try to visit such places less often, avoid stressful situations and limit communication with unpleasant people. For additional protection, carry some kind of crystal with you, you can start with labradorite.

Beauty and Radiance to everyone!

When events in life are constantly not going well and regular health problems arise, it’s time to cleanse the aura. The energetic shell of a person, which makes up his biofield, is the aura. It is impossible to see the biofield with a simple human gaze. Only people with superpowers can understand the state of the biofield.


A powerful method for self-cleansing the aura is salt. The material belongs to the earth element, which is why it is able to effectively absorb negative energy. The biofield cleansing ritual involves taking a shower with table salt. It is important to rub the salt into the body with small massaging movements, and then rinse the skin under running water. Cleaning the aura is also performed while taking a bath with sea salt.


It will be possible to cleanse the aura, which has energy holes, by using an egg. It is the egg that is considered a complete living cell. In order to clean the biofield, you need to move the egg clockwise along the contour of the body. With its help, it will be possible to cleanse each chakra; the component will absorb negative energy. When the procedure is completed, you should take the egg outside and bury it in the ground without breaking the shell.


You can cleanse the biofield with the help of prayer. It helps to strengthen the connection with the cosmos and cope with the negative emotions with which a person is overwhelmed. The prayer ritual can be anything. Prayer to the saints must be said from the heart and with sincere emotions. During such a daily ritual, you will be able to restore your energy field and feel better.

An appeal to Archangel Michael is considered quite effective. When a person feels a loss of strength and inner devastation, he should turn to the saint with a prayer for help.


Thanks to meditation, strength and energy are restored. In order to get rid of negativity, you need to carefully prepare for the procedure. Meditation to restore the aura is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • It is necessary to dim the lights and turn on relaxing, calm music;
  • Take a comfortable position, the spine should remain straight. The shoulders are down and the hands are on the knees, palms up;
  • Turn your brain off from problems. The correct position of the fingers will help to achieve harmonization of feelings and emotions. By touching your thumb and index finger in the ring, you will be able to calm down. By connecting your thumb and middle finger, it will be easier to attract positive energy;
  • Close your eyes and begin to breathe calmly and deeply. The muscles from top to bottom (from the facial muscles to the toes) should gradually relax. A person must stop thinking negatively and focus on this moment, feel how the energy moves throughout the body.

In order to strengthen your aura, it is enough to meditate for about 20 minutes a day and gradually increase this time. Connoisseurs of Indian practices can recite Krishna or Gayatri mantras during meditation.


With the help of a candle and another person, you can cleanse your aura. A church candle is considered especially effective. Thanks to the ritual, it will be possible not only to restore strength, but also to get rid of damage, as well as binary phenomena.

They place the person on the paper, use a match to light the candle and begin to move it in the neck, above the head, near the navel and tailbone. The candle itself will tell you when to stop actions. It will stop crackling and smoking. After this, you need to let it burn to the end. Then the paper on which the person stood, along with the frozen wax, should be buried in the ground.

Being in nature

Nature's resources are limitless, which is why it can charge a person with energy and positivity. A powerful strengthening of the aura will occur while walking through the forest, staying by the fire or lake. If you hug a tree tightly and stand in this position for 5-10 minutes, the restoration of the aura will be achieved.


Listening to calm music will help you cleanse your home of unpleasant energy and calm yourself down. A frequency of 432 hertz is considered healing, which should be taken into account when selecting compositions. This method of purifying energy after the end of a quarrel is especially relevant. If there is a conflict in the room, then listening to calm melodies for 10-15 minutes will help you calm down.

Another option for effectively restoring the aura is listening to the right songs. The compositions of the white magician Vitaly Vedun and Lucien Shamballani will allow you to carry out energy cleansing. Their album consists of two compositions: “Cleansing session with prayers and spells, backing” and “Cleansing with prayers.”

Essential oils

Essential oils will help you “repair your DNA” and feel better. You can attract positive energy into your life by using bergamot, orange and cedar oils. It will be easier to protect yourself from negativity if you apply a moisturizer to your body morning and evening with the addition of a few drops of similar oils.

Luck and positive energy will come to the house where this technique will be used. Before you start protecting your abode from evil, you need to buy sacred herbs (like Kushi or Darbha) in a specialized store. You can cleanse the room with the smoke of sacred herbs.

Bell ringing

Another method that has received positive feedback is listening to bells ringing. It is important to listen to the bells ringing live. Thanks to this method, it will be possible to improve health and increase energy.

"Combing the Aura"

You will be able to attune your subtle bodies yourself. In order to cleanse your own aura, you need to thoroughly wash your hands and dry them. After this, you should spread your fingers wide and begin to comb the air from top to bottom around your body. At the end of the procedure, you should wash your hands again so that they are clean and free of stuck energy.

Additional Methods

To ensure that the energy channels are not clogged with excess “garbage” and negativity, it is important to pay attention to other cleaning options:

  • Games with the wind. It is important to relax and run towards the wind, while spreading your arms wide. The wind will begin to cleanse the chakras of the body, getting rid of everything unnecessary;
  • Feathers. Using a large feather, you can sweep away energy debris. It is important to ask someone in your household for a favor. It is necessary to perform throwing movements around the body, starting from the legs and ending with the head area. Don't forget about your back. The feather will allow you to destroy bad energy and release positive energy;
  • Refusal of foul language. By uttering swear words out loud, a person independently violates the integrity of his biofield, creating holes. It is important to eliminate swearing from your life and thereby improve your well-being.

By choosing one of the above methods, it will not be difficult to achieve full results. By learning how to cleanse a person’s aura of negativity, you can help your loved one restore strength and peace of mind.