Juniper: application in life and in magic. Juniper and its incredible magical properties

Juniper Since ancient times it has been used for both medical and magical purposes. Juniper is a coniferous plant that is considered unusual in its properties. Thus, juniper, like spruce branches, were used in funeral rituals, as well as for protection from evil spirits.

For these purposes, it was burned in bonfires, on an open fire, or branches were hung inside the house (on the walls, under the bed, in visible places) and outside. In addition, it is believed that juniper, due to its magical abilities, can protect people and livestock from spirits of disease, from damage, the evil eye, death of livestock and various ailments. For this reason, it was hung not only in dwellings where people themselves lived, but also in barns where domestic animals and livestock lived.

It is used in rituals of all peoples of the world who live in the territories where it grows. Amulets and amulets are made from juniper. In some countries, juniper branches (like our Christmas tree branches) are used to cover the path for the deceased, and the plant is burned at funerals. In addition, juniper is used against snakes. For example, in the myth of the Argonauts, Medea and Jason used juniper to euthanize the snake monster that was guarding the Golden Fleece.

It is worth mentioning the famous “magic wand”. There is an assumption that this stick was made from a juniper twig. Such a wand can enhance a person’s magical abilities and help make his words and actions stronger. It is believed that the juniper branch itself is an amulet, a talisman against evil forces and people with bad thoughts or intentions. A branch attached to the front door can scare away evil spirits or an unclean person, and also attract good luck. For the same purposes, juniper was grown right in front of the porch (mainly on the north side).

A live bush can deter thieves. They also smoked the juniper, that is, they set fire to a branch and walked with it throughout the house, building or place of celebration, place of ritual, treatment, etc., so that the smoke penetrated into all places and drove away bad entities. It is believed that those people from Navi, who are inherently hostile to humans, cannot stand the smoke of this plant. In order to drive away the disease, a person was fumigated with juniper smoke and allowed to inhale it. It is worth saying that when burning branches, a small part of special “narcotic” substances is released, which can affect a person if he inhales an excessive amount of smoke.

During normal fumigation of premises, these substances do not affect humans. Shamans, sorcerers, and sorcerers claim that this is not a drug in its true form, but a special enzyme that can open secret vision - magical, extrasensory, in order to see the world of spirits, and communicate directly with people from Navi.

Fumigation of patients ordinary people, houses, animals, juniper smoke is especially common in Southern Siberia. It is possible that earlier this had the same distribution in other regions of Russia and in the territory of settlement of the Slavs, but now this tradition has remained in full force only in Tuva and some other regions. Without fumigation with juniper smoke, not a single ritual, not a single rite, treatment of the sick, holiday or funeral ritual activity can be performed. For a Tuvan shaman, a special incense lamp with juniper branches is one of the most integral attributes.

The Slavs fumigated their homes in case of illness, epidemics, misfortunes, suspicions of the evil eye, damage, love spells and other negative magical effects. Fumigation was also performed for preventive purposes and on special holidays, when it was believed that evil spirits penetrated from Navi to Yav and could greatly harm people. For the same purposes - to ward off magic, evil spirits and diseases - animals were fumigated.

If you believe the dream books, then a dreamed juniper promises good luck in business, happy changes in life, love, recovery for the sick, and so on.

Juniper is so wide in its application that it has been used in almost all areas related to magic. For example, juniper berries were strung on a thread, and the resulting beads were constantly carried with them to attract good luck in love affairs, to increase attractiveness and even potency. A juniper branch, which is always with a person, can protect against accidents. A juniper bath broom can strengthen the spirit and drive away all illnesses.

Pharmacological properties and methods of using juniper for medical purposes:

Juniper is used both in folk medicine and in modern (official) medicine. The scope of its application is quite diverse. Having good diuretic and biliary properties, the plant is used for rheumatism, gout, cystitis, kidney diseases, and liver diseases. In addition, preparations from juniper help cleanse the blood, as well as cleanse the body of toxins.

The fruits of the plant, which are most often used in treatment, contain substances such as essential oil, sugar, resin, organic acids, and vitamins. The fruit infusion has a beneficial effect on many functions and areas of the body. It stimulates appetite, normalizes impaired digestion, and is a disinfectant for internal organs.

It also has a number of other properties: increases the elasticity of blood vessels, lowers blood pressure, reduces pain during menstruation, it is used for obesity and cellulite, for inflammation of the skin (acne, eczema, scabies, dermatitis, fungal diseases), promotes rapid regeneration of the skin (for burns, abrasions, wounds).

Used for hemorrhoids, varicose veins, cracked skin, gum inflammation, gout. Can be used as a relaxant, for fatigue, or as a sleeping pill. It is a good product for normal to oily skin as it cleanses pores and has drying properties. Can be used for baldness, dandruff and hair problems.

Interesting recipe: method of use for sanitation or purification, disinfection of indoor air. 10-20 grams of finely ground juniper needles or wood are poured into 100-200 ml of water and boiled for 10-15 minutes. In this case, there is no need to cover the dishes with a lid, since during boiling the essential oil and other beneficial substances evaporate along with the water, disinfecting the air in the room and even aromatizing it. In addition, the evaporating moisture coupled with juniper can act as an inhalation for people who are in close proximity.
In folk medicine, a decoction of cone berries, as well as juice, is used. The juice is diluted one to one with honey and taken 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. A decoction is also made from berries, which are poured with boiled, cooled water and infused for 10-15 hours, or boiled for 10-15 minutes in a sealed container, after which the decoction is decanted and drunk 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

If before juniper used in the bathhouse as a broom, now that each apartment has its own bathtub, a new recipe for use has been invented for this. A handful of juniper berries are poured with three liters of water and boiled for half an hour. After this, it is poured into the water that fills the bathtub. 15-20 minutes in such a bath will bring relaxation, calm the nervous system and have a beneficial effect on the entire body.

There is also a decoction recipe from this miraculous plant that helps with hair loss. If you have such a problem, then to do this you need to take juniper branches and birch leaves in approximately equal proportions. Branches and leaves are boiled in 3 liters of water for 5 minutes. After boiling, the broth is allowed to brew for 1 hour. The finished decoction can be used to wash your hair, but rinsing is necessary after this.
Essential oil is also made from juniper.

Due to the fact that it contains many useful components (pinene, camphene, cadinene, terpineol, borneol, juniper camphor), this oil is used to cleanse the body, to remove waste, toxins, salts, and excess fluid from the body. In addition, essential oil is used to treat gout, rheumatism of the joints, spinal osteochondrosis, bronchitis, pneumonia, ARVI, influenza, adenovirus infection. Juniper oil, removes harmful substances, reduces temperature, increases immunity, fights infections, reduces the risk of complications. This characteristic of this miraculous plant speaks for itself.

Directions for use for kidney disease, decreased appetite, flatulence: During the first day, chew and swallow 4 berries (spit out the seeds). Each subsequent day add 1 berry. Continue this way for 15 days, then reduce the dose by 1 berry every day until the same 4 berries remain. After this, the treatment must be completed. This method of eating berries will also have a choleretic, diuretic and disinfectant effect on your body, helping to normalize the digestive tract and cleanse it of toxins.

Juniper is an excellent assistant in the treatment of diseases respiratory tract. This could be tuberculosis or some chronic diseases. For these purposes, inhalation with essential oil is used. In this case, inhalation can be hot or cold. For hot inhalation, it is necessary to pour boiling water into a bowl and add a few drops of essential oil, after which the patient should inhale the steam from the boiling water for 3-10 minutes. With cold inhalation, the essential oil, or rather its vapor, can be inhaled directly from the bottle or other vessel in which it is located for the same period of time.

Juniper essential oil has its own dosages, which are better not to increase. Below you can read the recommended dosages, which can also be regarded as recipes:
1. 1-2 drops per tablespoon of oil for internal use.
2. 4-5 drops per 10 ml of vegetable oil for therapeutic massage.
3. 5-6 drops for baths.
4. 6 drops for applications
5. 6-7 drops for compresses

Contraindications for use!

Juniper (berries, preparations, tinctures, decoctions, etc.) should not be used for kidney inflammation, nephritis, nephrosis, stomach ulcers. Contraindicated in acute glomerulonephritis. Cannot be used during pregnancy. The dosage must be observed. In case of poisoning or overdose of juniper, it is necessary to perform a gastric lavage and consult a doctor. Juniper preparations should not be used for a long time, as this will lead to irritation of the renal parenchyma.

When collecting juniper, do not confuse common juniper, which is suitable for consumption, with Cossack juniper, since this type of juniper is poisonous to humans. You can check which juniper you have in front of you in this way: the fruits of an ordinary juniper have 3 seeds inside the berry-fruit, while the Cossack (poisonous) one has 2 seeds. Cossack differs from the ordinary one in that it is a creeping plant and grows mostly in width, which is why it has become widespread for decorative purposes.


Legends of Juniper

Some Russian-speaking peoples have a legend about juniper. Like many other plants, it is associated with the night of Ivan Kupala. The legend mentions a certain creature called Heather, from one of the names of juniper. This heather is represented in legend as a beautiful girl. It is believed that her house is located under Veres (juniper) and on the night of Ivan Kupala she leaves her house in the form of a beautiful, stately girl in a white shirt and lured young guys with her beauty. Who, after passionate hugs, went crazy and disappeared.

Belongs to the element of fire

Occult meaning: purification

Magical uses

Juniper is a shrub with strong cleansing properties. Its power is mainly directed not at people, but at the objects around them. If you burn its needles in your apartment, you can get rid of the adverse effects.

For a person, juniper can help remove the evil eye or damage, and get rid of the effects of a love spell. The spinning wheel of Mokosha, the Slavic Goddess of Fate, is made from juniper.

It is used little in magic, but is abundantly represented in all kinds of witchcraft rites and rituals. They use juniper to expel the undead and get rid of diseases whispered by the undead.

Juniper root is used to make good luck charms. In order for the hunt to be successful, hunting bows are made of wood, or even entire bows are made of juniper.

Also the abode of small forest spirits. Witches like to plant junipers near their homes so that little helpers are always at hand. Corresponds with Mars. Used in cleansing rituals.

Juniper helps restore vitality. All this happens because juniper has a strong cleansing effect. But his power is still mostly directed not at people, but at surrounding objects and phenomena, especially the other world.

Juniper tincture has a very good effect on various “bad” things, including “dubious” jewelry. If you have suspicions about any thing, just leave it in the tincture overnight - all the negativity will go away.

If you feel that something dark and evil is hovering in your apartment, if there is a need to cleanse unfavorable energy, then best way- burn juniper needles and fumigate rooms with smoke. The smoke of burning juniper wood perfectly helps to cope with “aliens” from the other world and their manifestations.

A live bush can deter thieves. They also smoked the juniper, that is, they set fire to a branch and walked with it throughout the house, building or place of celebration, place of ritual, treatment, etc., so that the smoke penetrated into all places and drove away bad entities. It is believed that those people from Navi, who are inherently hostile to humans, cannot stand the smoke of this plant. In order to drive away the disease, a person was fumigated with juniper smoke and allowed to inhale it. It is worth saying that when burning branches, a small part of special “narcotic” substances is released, which can affect a person if he inhales an excessive amount of smoke.

During normal fumigation of premises, these substances do not affect humans. Shamans, sorcerers, and sorcerers claim that this is not a drug in its true form, but a special enzyme that can open secret vision - magical, extrasensory, in order to see the world of spirits, and communicate directly with people from Navi.

Fumigation of sick people, ordinary people, homes, and animals with juniper smoke is especially common in Southern Siberia. It is possible that earlier this had the same distribution in other regions of Russia and in the territory of settlement of the Slavs, but now this tradition has remained in full force only in Tuva and some other regions. Without fumigation with juniper smoke, not a single ritual, not a single rite, treatment of the sick, holiday or funeral ritual activity can be performed. For a Tuvan shaman, a special incense lamp with juniper branches is one of the most integral attributes.

The Slavs fumigated their homes in case of illness, epidemics, misfortunes, suspicions of the evil eye, damage, love spells and other negative magical effects. Fumigation was also performed for preventive purposes and on special holidays, when it was believed that evil spirits penetrated from Navi to Yav and could greatly harm people. For the same purposes - to ward off magic, evil spirits and diseases - animals were fumigated.

If you believe the dream books, then a dreamed juniper promises good luck in business, happy changes in life, love, recovery for the sick, and so on.

Juniper is so wide in its application that it has been used in almost all areas related to magic. For example, juniper berries were strung on a thread, and the resulting beads were constantly carried with them to attract good luck in love affairs, to increase attractiveness and even potency. A juniper branch, which is always with a person, can protect against accidents. A juniper bath broom can strengthen the spirit and drive away all illnesses.

Hello, dear friends! Those who live in the European part of Russia, in the Urals or the Caucasus, while walking or picking mushrooms in the forest, have probably noticed a low green bush. This is a common juniper, also called heather, heather, heather. Did you know that this evergreen shrub with blue cones is very good for health? And what are its beneficial properties and how it is used, today’s story is about it.

The healing properties of juniper have been known since Ancient Rome, Egypt and Greece. During various epidemics, doctors advised fumigating rooms with juniper branches. And the Indians of North America settled in juniper thickets to treat patients with tuberculosis and skin diseases.

Juniper is considered a very powerful plant in terms of energy. Walking through the forest or simply placing a sprig in a vase, juniper will cleanse the room and feed you with positive energy. Moreover, even when cut down, this plant does not lose its positive qualities.

Spoons and smoking pipes are made from juniper. It is recommended to have juniper products in any home; they will protect you from negative impact. Even sorcerers and magicians use juniper tubes or oils in their rituals. It is believed that juniper drives out snakes and protects against their bites.

And if you take a steam bath with a broom made from juniper branches, you will feel healthy and as if reborn.

Juniper - what kind of plant is it?

You can find juniper in dry forests and spruce forests, where the soil is sufficiently moist, and it grows as undergrowth. Easily tolerates temperature changes.

Juniper, which grows in the mountains of Central Asia, is called juniper. The harsh conditions of the mountains can easily be tolerated by juniper, both heat and cold. In addition, it brings invaluable benefits, as it holds soil and stones with its roots, thereby preventing mountain falls and mudflows.

Juniper is an evergreen coniferous shrub 1-2 meters high, belongs to the cypress family. The shrub grows very slowly, about 10-15 cm per year. Lives up to 100-200 years. In the mountains it can grow up to 600 years. By this time, it is no longer a shrub, but a tree with a branched trunk up to 12 meters high. The branches, like those of cypress, are pressed upward. Instead of leaves there are needles up to 2 cm long, hard, elongated into a prickly point. The needles change gradually, approximately once every 4-5 years.

It blooms in May, forming numerous cones, which, after fertilization, form cone berries, which over time, from green and ovoid, become spherical, shiny, blue-black when ripe, with a matte coating up to 1 cm long. Inside the cone berry has 1-3 triangular seeds. The berry tastes juicy, aromatic and sweet with a slight spicy aftertaste of resin.

Composition and beneficial properties

In folk medicine, berries and needles have long been successfully used to treat many diseases. Of course, thanks to its unique composition. Moreover, the composition in berries and pine needles differs somewhat.

Juniper berries contain essential oils (cadinene, camphenine, etc.), invert sugars, resins, organic acids (formic, malic and acetic), and tannins.

Microelements include manganese, copper, aluminum and iron.

The composition of pine needles is not much different from the chemical content of berries. The only thing is that the needles contain a lot of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and aromatic substances.

Medicinal properties

  • Bactericidal, volatile substances - phytoncides kill up to 30% of microorganisms contained in the air.
  • Disinfectant, especially when inflammatory diseases urinary tract. The disinfecting effect is manifested in the treatment of Trichomonas colpitis.
  • Diuretic, which is very good for renal and cardiac edema.
  • Choleretic and improves digestion, for diarrhea and flatulence.
  • Expectorant and anti-inflammatory - for bronchitis, as a sputum thinner.
  • Analgesic and distracting - for gout, rheumatism, metabolic polyarthritis.
  • Wound healing, for gastric ulcers in remission, as well as for weeping lichen, scabies.
  • Calms, relieves nervous stress.
  • insecticidal - repels insects.

How to use juniper

We learned that juniper preparations help with many diseases. Now I’ll explain to you how to prepare dosage forms. Infusions, decoctions, juices and baths are used.

How to prepare an infusion

To prepare the infusion, you need to take 1 dessert spoon of dry berries or pine needles, pour 1 glass of boiling water, cover the container with a napkin, and let it brew until the infusion cools completely. Before use, strain and drink 100 ml 3 times a day on an empty stomach.

The infusion is useful for poor appetite and illnesses gastrointestinal tract, it improves metabolic processes in the body.


Take berries or juniper needles and pour 70% alcohol at a rate of 1:20, place the closed container with the raw materials in a dark place for 2 weeks, then strain. Take 30 drops 3 times a day. You can make a tincture at a ratio of 1.5:10, then you need to take 15-20 drops.

When preparing the tincture, you can add honey, which will only improve the effect.

The alcohol tincture can be taken for inhalation as an antitussive for viral infections of the upper respiratory tract, laryngitis, tonsillitis, and bronchitis with poor coughing up of sputum.

The tincture can be used to lubricate sore joints with polyarthritis, rheumatism and gout.

For skin diseases: eczema, scabies, boils, and bruises and ulcers, lotions with alcohol tincture of juniper are used.

For otitis, you can instill warm juniper tincture into your ears, 2-3 drops in half with boiled water, and rub the area near the ears with undiluted tincture.

Can be taken orally as a means of improving metabolic processes in the body and increasing immunity.


1 tbsp. dry juniper berries are poured with 2.5 cups of boiling water. If you are making a decoction of fresh berries, you must mash the berries before using them. The berries are simmered over low heat for 30 minutes. Then remove from the heat, let it brew for another 10-15 minutes, then strain the broth. The decoction is taken 1 tbsp. 3 times a day.

The decoction is taken for almost all the diseases that we described above.

For skin diseases and joint diseases, you can take baths with juniper decoction. Then the decoction is prepared at the rate of 300-400 grams of raw materials per 1 liter of water. After preparation, the broth is filtered and the bath is poured out. You need to take a bath for 30 minutes for several days.

Decoctions are taken for almost all diseases, including bleeding gums.

Berry juice

You can make berry juice using a juicer. The juice can be mixed with honey in equal proportions. You can also eat fresh berries, starting with 1 berry, increasing their quantity to 15, then reducing the quantity in the reverse order. This use of berries is considered more effective than taking a tincture or decoction.

Berry oil

To prepare, take 1 cup of ripe berries per 0.5 liters of vegetable oil, leave in a dark and warm place for two weeks, and filter. Taken externally for joint diseases, wounds, bruises, and skin diseases. For acute respiratory viral infections and sore throats, rub the area of ​​the neck, upper chest and back at night.

For ear pain, insert a cotton wool soaked in juniper oil into the ear canal.

For hemorrhoids, you can boil juniper berries in butter. The tampon is soaked in the cooled oil and inserted into the anus.

Contraindications for use

Medicinal forms of juniper cannot be taken:

  • during pregnancy, because possible miscarriage,
  • with exacerbation of chronic kidney diseases,
  • gastric ulcer, gastritis and colitis in the acute phase.

Juniper should not be taken long time, since this is a poisonous plant, an overdose can lead to poisoning.

Taking more than 50 cones at the same time can lead to pain in the abdomen, throat, loose stools and vomiting with blood, excessive urination, and in pregnant women, bleeding and miscarriages, severe kidney damage may occur. Convulsions and loss of consciousness are possible.

If such symptoms appear, it is necessary to urgently rinse the stomach with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and then drink a saline laxative (magnesium or sodium sulfate). And be sure to call an ambulance.

Use in cooking

Juniper years are used in cooking as a spice in many European cuisines, including Russia.

Sauces and marinades with juniper berries help eliminate the specific “forest” taste of forest game, elk, bear, hare, etc.

And in Russian cuisine, before cucumbers or cucumbers, the tubs are first “boiled” with the help of juniper branches and hot stones. And scalded juniper branches are placed on the bottom.

In such tubs sauerkraut or salted mushrooms do not spoil for a long time.

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With wishes for good health Taisiya Filippova

Juniper has strong cleansing potential. But its power is mainly directed not at people, but at the objects around us.

Juniper needles can cleanse the unfavorable aura in the apartment, if you burn the needles and fumigate the rooms with smoke, juniper tincture in some cases has a great effect on “evil” things, even jewelry. To have an effect, you should leave the item in the tincture for at least overnight.

The smoke of burnt juniper perfectly helps to cope with creatures and influences of the other world. Some of their varieties do not tolerate juniper at all. Sometimes we become victims of the negative influence of beings from the other world.

When this happens, we either fall under their will, or we resist, but this causes us to get sick - in this case, inhaling juniper smoke or ingesting juniper berry tincture helps a lot. For protection, in difficult cases you can also constantly be in direct contact with the plant: come to a living bush, carry fresh branches with you, wash with a decoction.

It is only important to remember that even after the phenomenon affecting you leaves you alone, you should continue protective actions for quite a long time, since the program that this phenomenon could have left in your energy structure can continue to work independently.

For a person, juniper can also be a great help in removing the evil eye or damage, and helps get rid of the effects of a love spell.


Common names: candle tree, wax myrtle, wax myrtle

Aura: cold

Planet: Sun

Element: fire

Deities: Ephaestus, Artemis, Vulcan, Horus, Agni

Used: branches, needles, fruits (pine cones and berries)

Magical properties: protection from evil forces, from illness, love, eternal life, removal of the evil eye, damage

Magical use: juniper in some countries is used as a funeral, ritual plant - it is burned, the path is washed with branches, etc. In Rus', spruce or pine branches were used for these purposes. And juniper branches were used to protect both people and spirits from evil forces. To do this, branches were illuminated in the church and hung on the walls, placed behind icons and under the bed.

It is believed that juniper branches protect both people and livestock from disease and misfortune. Branches of this plant were placed in barns and stables to protect against evil, damage, the evil eye, snakes, illness and death of livestock.

Juniper is used in rituals to remove the evil eye, damage, and love spells.

Amulet for home protection: attaching a juniper branch or wreath to the front door will protect the house from evil forces and black people. At the same time, a juniper wreath will attract good luck to your home and open the door to friendliness and happiness.

Talisman for love: string ripe juniper cones on a thread, say the name of your loved one, wear beads to attract his love.

Ward against accidents: Carry a small branch of juniper on yourself to protect against accidents.

Protecting your home from thieves: if possible, grow juniper in the yard in front of the porch or add pieces of juniper to a bag of protective herbs. Light incense containing juniper at home - this will protect your home not only from thieves, but also save you from adverse influences on it from the outside.

Amulet for male attractiveness: Carry an odd number of juniper berries with you to attract love and strengthen potency. And a bath with a juniper broom will strengthen both spirit and flesh.

Juniper has strong phytoncidal properties. At all times, juniper was used during epidemics to protect against the spread of disease and improve the health of the air.

Juniper is a shrub or tree that reaches three meters in height.

In folk medicine, the fruits of this plant are used - pine cones. They contain essential oil, sugar, resin, organic acids, and vitamins.

An infusion of juniper fruits is an excellent disinfectant, diuretic, and expectorant; a remedy that improves digestion and stimulates appetite.

Both a decoction of pine cones and their juice are used as a diuretic. Add honey to the juice (1:1), take 1 table. spoon 3 times a day.

A juniper bath has a calming effect on the nervous system. For such a bath, you need to take a handful of juniper fruits, pour three liters of water over them, and boil for 30 minutes.

Pour the resulting infusion into a bath whose water temperature should be 37 degrees. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes.

Wonderful for hair loss folk remedy there will be a decoction of juniper branches and birch leaves, taken in equal proportions.

After boiling a handful of the mixture in 3 liters of water for 5 minutes, let the mixture brew for 1 hour. After this, you can wash your hair with a decoction followed by rinsing.

Juniper is also used in the treatment of warts. The crushed fruits of the plant are mixed with vegetable oil(1:1). Then place the mixture in a closed vessel and keep it in a water bath for 1 hour.

Strain through 2 layers of gauze. It is recommended to lubricate warts at night, covering them with adhesive tape. Juniper fruits are also used to improve blood composition.

You need to start with one cone-berry. Add one more fruit every day. Having brought the intake of fruits to 15 pieces, it is necessary to reduce the intake of pine cones in the same way.

Of all the types of juniper, only one cannot be used - Cossack: its berries are poisonous. When using other types of juniper, you need to be aware of contraindications.

The use of juniper is contraindicated in acute inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, urinary tract, exacerbation of peptic ulcers, acute gastritis, and also during pregnancy.

As medicine Juniper was used by the Egyptians, ancient Greeks, and Romans. In the 1st century, Virgil advised fumigating rooms with the smoke of juniper branches during cholera epidemics.

In Central Asia, fresh and festering wounds were treated with bandages soaked in juniper juice. North American Indians believed that pulmonary tuberculosis could be cured if the patient spent a long time in juniper thickets.

Our ancestors believed that juniper was salvation from evil spirits. Therefore, its branches were hung from the ceiling of the hut. They hung them in the stable. It was a talisman for livestock.

Healing and magical properties of juniper

According to esotericists, juniper is protection against damage. It is good to plant it under the windows of the house on the north side. In addition, juniper is considered a magical plant.

It is no coincidence that all kinds of objects are made from it (stands, rosaries, bracelets). It is believed that this tree neutralizes negative energy and transforms it into positive energy.

Well, and finally, a ritual to cleanse the house. Pick an odd number of juniper branches in the forest. The size of the branch is 7-9 cm. When plucking a branch, ask the tree for forgiveness, explain why you are plucking the branches.

At home, place the twigs in water for 30 seconds. After that, place them throughout the apartment in energy-polluted places. Don't forget about the toilet, bathroom, space under the sink.

When laying out each branch, say 3 times: “Zardi task.” These are the words of the Babylonian priests. Now the juniper will absorb negative energy and remove damage.

The best time to perform the ritual is Friday, after 11 pm. In the morning, the twigs should be collected without touching them with your hands, using white paper. You can take the branches outside and leave them there.

Healing and magical properties of juniper

But it’s better to take them into the forest - to where you picked them. Juniper will continue its work - it will protect you from the influence of dark forces.

It is still believed that, in suitable conditions, juniper grows from 100 to 3000 years.

Magical and healing properties of juniper

Indications for use go back to ancient times. The Greeks, and subsequently the Romans, considered it a sure remedy against the effects of toxins from a bite. poisonous snake. The Romans used it as a diuretic, adding juniper berries to wine drinks.

In Rus', juniper dishes, which began to be made from the bark of the plant, were valued at all times. Dairy products were stored in such dishes for a very long time; it was believed that such dishes had magical properties (protection from evil spirits); branches were often blessed in churches and attached to the ceiling in houses. They tried to protect livestock with the help of juniper.

Most likely, in ancient times, unaware of the antiseptic properties of juniper oil vapors, they used juniper in folk and household sanitation, attributing magical laurels to it. In particular, the following applications were common:

  1. The smoke of dry fruits was used to fumigate residential premises and the clothing of patients;
  2. In the houses of the sick, juniper needles were used to wipe floors and objects;
  3. We went to the bathhouse with juniper brooms and decoctions;
  4. They steamed jars and tubs with juniper for pickles and dairy products.

Subsequently, the antibacterial properties (phytoncidal properties) of juniper were discovered, in particular juniper essential oil began to be used in aromatherapy and not only in medicine. But, despite this, today there are many who believe in the magic of this tree.

Juniper can be found in the folklore ensemble of many nations, which is considered a symbol of longevity and eternity, a symbol of overcoming death.

More beneficial properties of juniper and its fruits

Fruits - cones and berries contain:

  • Carbohydrates;
  • Wax;
  • Resins and sugars;
  • Tannins and dyes;
  • Organic acids;
  • Vitamins, macro and microelements (copper, manganese, iron, aluminum).

Essential oil is a diuretic and expectorant (inhalation), antimicrobial and choleretic. Infusion and decoction are used for kidney stones, swelling and inflammation of the bladder, and are useful in the treatment of diseases of the urinary system. Disinfecting properties are combined with a diuretic effect.

Contraindication is kidney problems (a number of kidney diseases), in particular nephritis. Juniper also increases appetite, improves digestion, improves bile secretion, and enhances intestinal motility.

The essential resin imparts a characteristic odor to the berries, a particularly pronounced aroma when crushed.

It is common to take a decoction of juniper cones orally to thin mucus and treat respiratory tract diseases.

For rheumatism and gout, it is useful to take baths with juniper decoction; compresses are useful for joint diseases. It is believed that when used externally, essential oils that are extracted from the green shoots of plants or cones are more effective. They rub joints and muscles for rheumatism, treat poorly healing wounds and ulcers (skin tuberculosis), and treat asthma. The berries are used in the infusion of many alcoholic beverages, including gin. Juniper affects the nervous system, calming it and relieving stress. Essential oil with a tart resinous and smoky aroma.

Some experts believe that juniper is a leader in its bactericidal properties, has an analgesic effect for toothache, invigorates (improves heart function, normalizes blood pressure, normalizes blood circulation), warms, strengthens and invigorates. An effective remedy for constipation and colic, the therapeutic range of effects is quite wide.

Contraindications – dangerous properties of juniper

Contraindications for use during pregnancy, severe form hypertension, acute kidney inflammation, individual intolerance (may cause allergic reactions), used with caution in children. It is worth first making a small contact of the child with the juniper remedy, then, having determined the reaction, make a further decision on its use.