Receive payment from maternity capital. Who has the right to receive capital for the mother. Procedure for making monthly payments

As for 2019, innovations have also appeared here. They are related to the form of their issuance. If previously it was impossible to cash a certificate or take part of it, now things are different. Will they give 50 thousand from maternity capital in 2019? We will help you understand this and other issues.

Maternity capital: what is it

In Russia, a special program has been in place for the past ten years. It can only be used by families with a second and subsequent children. It is called “maternity capital” and provides for the payment of a certain amount of money.

Such assistance is actively used by many families. It can significantly improve various aspects of their lives. But even here there are limitations. Maternity capital can only be used to purchase housing, for a child’s education or for a pension. It is quite small, which does not suit many people, since there are a number of problems that also require solutions.

In addition, it is worth noting that the certificate can be cashed only when the child reaches three years of age. And it is obtained immediately after his birth and is stored until the specified period. Of course, the state also had good reasons for creating such restrictions. They are connected with the fact that this money should actually be spent on creating favorable living conditions for the child. And also with budget options. Since more than a million certificates are paid out annually.

50 thousand from maternity capital: what does it mean?

Like any government program, this one has its drawbacks. The main one is due to the fact that you cannot use the money provided for your own needs. It was discussed by deputies for a long time, and in 2019 a proposal was finally made to change it. Now parents can receive 50 thousand from maternity capital. Moreover, the payment will be made until it is completely exhausted. Today its amount is approximately 453 thousand rubles. If you take 50 thousand of them annually, then they will be enough for nine years.

In this way, it will be possible to spend the money provided more rationally, since the list of possible expenses is not convenient or beneficial for all families. In addition, legislators are considering another possibility.

It is connected with the fact that it is possible to take not only 50 thousand rubles from maternity capital, but also more. The main thing is to confirm that the money was spent for a good cause.

50 thousand from maternity capital: was the law adopted in 2019

Making these payments for the state is not easy. Since the country's budget is limited and may not cope with the task. Of course, there is no doubt that people will appreciate such an opportunity. After all, many young families pay mortgages or other types of loans. But it happens that a really unpleasant situation arises in life, for example, the dismissal of the head of the family from work. In this case, this is an excellent help that will help solve the difficulties that have arisen.

But this provision is currently under consideration. No final decision has been made, as it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons. So we just have to wait until legislators can this idea implement. According to experts, the likelihood of such an outcome is quite high.

How will they give and when can you receive it?

The process of receiving 50 thousand from maternity capital is still under development. But there are already speculative versions. So, this will be much easier to do than cashing out the entire certificate. Firstly, you no longer have to wait three years. This restriction previously existed for everyone, which caused a lot of inconvenience. Secondly, you can receive them every year. But it is worth considering that the total amount of maternity capital will be reduced, accordingly, by this amount. As a result, it will end in nine years. Thirdly, you can spend this money at your own discretion. Thus, they will be able to help many people solve a number of important problems that have arisen in the family at present.

This article is outdated!

One-time payments from maternity capital are no longer considered or offered by the Government. Instead, from January 1, 2018, the Pension Fund will be able to issue monthly cash payments upon the birth of a second child in the amount living wage until reaching 1.5 years. Read more:

June 1, 2017, head of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection Maxim Topilin told reporters from the RNS news agency about the Government's final decision: “In 2017, cash payments [from maternity capital] there won't be» . This information is confirmed at the online reception of the Russian Pension Fund (PFR).

On June 29, 2017, it became known that the possibility of issuing part of the maternity capital funds in person was being studied in the Federation Council. The speaker of the Federation Council reported this in an interview with TASS. Valentina Matvienko. She noted that senators receive many requests about the possibility of providing payments from maternity capital in 2017 in cash. All these proposals are being carefully studied, but we must not forget that mat capital itself is not just another social payment. It was introduced to solve big life problems associated with motherhood and childhood. According to Matvienko, these funds should not be used for any other purposes. Therefore, the question remains open: how to ensure the intended use of the certificate if families are given part of the maternity capital funds in cash “in hand” (* our personal opinion - obviously the same as it was done in previous years).

Let us recall that on January 19, 2017, the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev instructed the relevant ministries to work out the issue of the feasibility of providing in 2017 lump sum payment from maternity capital.

Based on the results of the first quarter of this year, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development were supposed to submit agreed proposals on this issue, taking into account the real situation in the economic and social spheres of the country.

Until President Vladimir Putin personally spoke on this matter, the government answered this question in the negative. However, on April 21, 2017 reported that this issue has not been finally resolved and the relevant ministries in deadline could not agree on a single solution because:

  • The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection has traditionally stands for the need to provide another lump sum payment from financial capital in 2017, the amount of which, due to low inflation, is proposed to be left at last year’s level - in the amount of 25 thousand rubles;
  • in turn, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development expressed the opposite position, since statistical data show an increase in the incomes of Russians, and therefore the financial block is in urgent need of taking additional measures to support families with children and increasing the budget deficit.

However, despite these disagreements with the economic and financial bloc, the Ministry of Labor still prepared new law about withdrawing 25 thousand from maternity capital and submitted it to the Government for consideration. After this, the final decision on the possibility of providing another anti-crisis measure depended on the resolution of these disagreements in the Government, including taking into account the opinion of the Prime Minister.

It should be noted that similar disagreements have existed before. In particular, back at the end of 2016 reported, that as part of the preparation of a new anti-crisis plan of the Government aimed at ensuring the socio-economic development of the country, the Ministry of Labor has already made a proposal to grant families with children the right withdraw cash payment from maternity capital in 2017 as a measure that would stimulate domestic demand in the country. However, then this proposal was also blocked by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development, which compiled the final version of the draft plan and submitted it to the Government for consideration.

In general, the question of the possibility of withdrawing money from maternity capital in 2017 is addressed to the government and employees of the Pension Fund (PFR) from the moment the payment of 25,000 rubles is completed. Acceptance of applications for its receipt ended on November 30, 2016, and the last payments arrived in the bank accounts of the owners of the maternal certificate until December 31 of the past year.

The payment turned out to be very popular among Russian families with two or more children. In total, according to official statistics from the Pension Fund, about 2 million applicants eligible for maternity capital applied for it.

Let us recall that last year the Government finally decided on the issue of providing a one-time payment in the amount of 25,000 rubles, also with great delay - only

As of the first half of 2019, the government continued the program of payments from maternity capital. At the beginning of 2018, they were already paid cash in the amount of 20,000 rubles, re-issuance began on July 1 and will last until October 30. Moreover, this time the amount of cash benefits from maternity capital will already be 25,000 rubles.

But not all parents have the right to take advantage of the benefit; this applies only to those who have had a second and subsequent child. The same amendment applies to adoptive parents. Those who have fully used the money from the maternity capital specified in the personal certificate cannot apply for payment.

Repeated payment is issued in accordance with the rules:

  1. The parent must come to the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and leave an application as an applicant to receive cash. If there are just 25,000 rubles left on the certificate account, by law the account is reset to zero in record time.
  2. Repeated payment is provided to Russian citizens who are registered and live in the territory Russian Federation. This government decision is explained by the targeted nature of the financial assistance.

Repeated payment from maternity capital solves the following important problems:

  1. By improving the financial condition of the family, it ensures stability and protects those citizens who have become parents of 2 or more children, despite the sharp fluctuations in the Russian economy.
  2. The aid is designed as a lever to regulate the number of poor families living on the edge of poverty, helps cope with the depreciation of the national currency and reduces unemployment rates at the state level.

Latest news on payments from maternity capital

It was not so easy for officials to decide to support the population in conditions of the economic crisis and pressure from Europe by introducing new sanctions. However, the Russian government is trying not to forget about vulnerable categories and those in need, for whom it has become even more difficult to get out of the situation and continue to live at a decent level.

Repeated payment from maternity capital was very difficult for legislators in 2018; disputes over the implementation of the program are still raging:

  1. On March 1, 2019, an anti-crisis plan was signed, valid throughout 2016. In its first sections, recommendations are given as to who will be the first to receive cash from maternity capital - officials came to a compromise and gave priority to low-income families, who in 2016 are barely making ends meet.
  2. At the end of March 2019, it was announced that a repeat payment to families was expected, and its size would be increased compared to the previous tranche. Preliminary meetings regarding a one-time payment in the amount of 20,000 rubles and 5,000 rubles issued monthly for 1 year, previously offered for those who provide strong evidence for receiving assistance, were put aside.
  3. By April 19, it was precisely determined what format maternity capital benefits would take in 2019. 25,000 rubles will be given to all families eligible under the law, regardless of the income of each family member.
  4. In April, the bill went through numerous review sessions and was eventually submitted to the Duma for a vote. On May 3, this fact was published on the official website.
  5. At the beginning of June, the law was approved by State Duma deputies, making 2 amendments; later it was agreed upon with the upper house of parliament and went to the president for signing. According to the amendments, the bill begins to take effect after official publication, as soon as the decisive signature of the President of Russia appears. The exact time frame for which the Pension Fund will finish preparatory work before implementing the program in real life, have not yet been named.

Repeated payment: how and in what format you can receive it

In 2019, whoever quickly realized the possibility of receiving money from maternity capital will take their 25,000 rubles. The deadline for submitting an application in 2019 has been reduced to the maximum:

  • Pension Fund employees began accepting applications to receive money from the state on July 1;
  • repeated payment may be scheduled until November 30 of the current year.

Employees of the Ministry of Labor and social protection population was calculated, what number Russian citizens in 2019, no less than 3 million families may receive repeated payments from maternity capital. However, despite the simple conditions for processing documents, according to official statistics, only 70% applied for cash last year, which is 2 million families, which is equal to the total number of applications accepted in 2019.

Procedure for issuing re-payments in 2019

In 2019, it is planned to simultaneously submit an application for a maternity capital certificate and draw up an application for a lump sum payment.

  1. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation determines how justified the application for obtaining a certificate from the state is.
  2. In record time, a decision is made whether to pay 25,000 rubles or not.

If the certificate has already been issued to the family, discussion and re-payment in 2019 are carried out within 1 month after submitting all necessary documents:

  1. Parents of 2 children submit a written application to the Pension Fund branch at their place of residence or to the MFC.
  2. If you are not satisfied with the application submission format, you can use the remote option. For example, send a letter by mail, just be sure to pay for a registered letter to be sure that the courier will deliver the envelope to the right employee, who will sign in the journal that the application has been received. You can also send an application to the Pension Fund’s email account or the State Services online service, but in this case you will need to supplement the application with an electronic signature.

How it was in 2018

The anti-crisis program initially saw the world in 2015. As in 2018, the goal pursued by the government was to improve the well-being of families raising two or more children. You could also receive 20,000 rubles in cash or withdrawn from a bank card.

Families in respect of which several important conditions are met can apply for payment from maternity capital:

  1. Parents are raising 2 small, minor children at once.
  2. It was allowed to apply for and receive state aid until January 1, 2018.
  3. Adults, like children, must be registered in the country and be citizens of Russia.
  4. If before this time the family has chosen the entire amount indicated in the maternity capital certificate, it can no longer apply for additional benefits.

Reviewing the program, officials made some clarifications:

  • in accordance with the order of the Russian government, in order to receive money, it is not necessary to wait until the second child turns 3 years old;
  • if in 2018 there is an amount on the certificate balance that is less than 20,000 rubles, it can be transferred to a bank account as a balance;
  • money is not issued if all maternity capital has already been spent.

How did you receive payment at the beginning of 2019?

The procedure for drawing up and submitting an application for the allocation of money from state budget has not changed significantly. Parents were asked to come to the territorial office of the Pension Fund and write a statement by hand; a sample was provided by government employees. Of course, one application is not enough; the right to money had to be supported by the appropriate package of documents:

  • passport confirming the identity of the applicant;
  • SNILS;
  • a certificate giving the right to receive maternity capital if there are 2 or more children in the family;
  • a certificate indicating the details and information about a bank account previously opened an individual in one of the banking institutions.

Please pay attention to filling out a certificate with account details; in some financial institutions this service costs money by default. But still, in most cases, it costs nothing, but the form that bank employees offer is very different from the format for drawing up paper for the Pension Fund.

To avoid having to turn to bank employees for help again, discuss in advance what details must be indicated on the reporting form:

  • full name of the bank where the bank account is opened;
  • legal address, location of the organization;
  • finally, the personal account itself.

Ever use open account is not permitted, an account for the transfer of maternity capital in 2019 is opened separately and serves only for this purpose. After transferring funds to your account, you can use the money as you wish - leave it on the card for a while or withdraw it completely. There is also the option of cashing directly at a bank branch.

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The birth of a child is an important moment for every parent. He brings joy and happiness to the family. But in addition to the pleasant moments, there is also a great responsibility for the content.

In the Russian Federation, work is underway to support families who have had a second and subsequent children. For this purpose, a maternity capital certificate was introduced at the state level.

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There are several ways to use government support. Among them are the improvement of living conditions, spending on education and pension provision for the mother.

But some families need cash at the moment. Therefore, they are interested in the question of whether it is possible to withdraw a certain amount from the certificate. Not long ago, at the legislative level, it was decided to allocate 25,000 rubles from maternity capital in the form of a one-time payment.

One-time payment upon birth of a child

Since 2007, every family that has a second or subsequent child has the right to receive a certain amount of money. At the same time, the opportunity is given to both born children and adopted children.

Payment of maternity capital is a state program. It allows parents to be confident in the future. Therefore, after the introduction of the certificate, many families decided to have a second child. This made it possible to increase the demographic level in Russia.

The lump sum payment was calculated for 10 years. Thus, maternity capital should have been canceled in 2019. But legislators found it necessary to extend the program for another two years.

An innovation is the ability to issue cash from a dedicated certificate. Now parents have the right to receive 25,000 rubles from maternity capital. This will allow you not to wait until the child is three years old or invest in a mortgage, but to use the funds for their intended purpose at the moment.

New law for 2019

On June 8, 2019, amendments were made to the law on maternity capital. According to the new standards, cash payments in 2019 are given in the amount of not 20,000, but 25,000 rubles. After approval of the amendments, the law was signed by the President of the Russian Federation on June 15. Next, the official document was posted on the legal information portal. Therefore, a new legal act June 23.

Changes during the approval of the new law were also made by the Ministry of Social Protection. On the State Services portal they have posted provisions according to which certificates and funds from maternity capital are issued.

These documents represent:

  • filling out an application and submitting it to the competent authorities;
  • provision of mandatory documents;
  • procedure for issuing funds from the accounts of the Pension Fund.

Sample application for maternity capital:

How can I apply?

Before withdrawing money from maternity capital, a certificate must be issued.

The issuance is subject to the family meeting certain conditions:

  • The basis for transferring the certificate is the birth or adoption of a second or subsequent child. The date of birth or adoption into the family is any time after 2007.
  • Maternity capital is issued in the form of a certificate. Cash withdrawal is not possible.
  • The use of the certificate is subject to certain conditions. You can spend it on mortgage lending, education for your child, or the funded part of your mother’s pension.
  • You can spend the funds after three years from the date of birth or adoption of the child. Select the option to use the certificate earlier. You can invest funds in mortgage lending for up to 3 years.

Necessary documents to receive 25,000 rubles from maternity capital

To receive 25,000 rubles from maternity capital, certain documents are required.

The Ministry of Social Protection has developed rules that include a list of documents provided:

  • The main document is an identity card. A Russian citizen must provide a passport. If the submission is made by a representative, his passport and a notarized power of attorney must be presented. The document is necessary to carry out personal identification and verify the transfer of rights to the application for the issuance of a certificate.
  • The details by which the funds will be transferred are provided. These include the name of the credit institution, INN, correspondent account, BIC, recipient details, current account number. The opening must be made in the name of the recipient of maternity capital. The data is taken from the bank. It is important to check that the certificate indicates full details. It is also possible to provide an agreement for account servicing.
  • Payment can be made on the basis of a certificate for receiving maternity capital. Therefore, it must be provided indicating the number and series, the branch of the Pension Fund that issued it, and the date of registration.
  • You must indicate your SNILS number.

When submitting an application, you need to remember not only the originals, but also copies of papers. They are included as a complete package upon visit Pension Fund or Multifunctional Center.

If the transfer is made via postal item, then the copies are certified by a notary office. If documentation is sent by email, scanned copies are attached.

Cash withdrawal

Cashing out maternity capital is prohibited by law. Therefore, the full amount can only be spent on those specified in legal act goals.

But changes were made to the norm, according to which in the coming year you can withdraw 25,000 rubles from capital. The President of the Russian Federation noted that such support is especially important during times of crisis, when many families need additional funds.

In Russia, there is a decline in the level of income of citizens. In addition, inflation and the number of unemployed people are growing. Therefore, 25,000 rubles will help families socially.

Last year's law was also aimed at supporting those in need. But in 2019 you could only get 20,000 rubles.

Is it possible to repay?

Repeated acceptance of payment of funds from maternity capital is possible. However, it is important to comply with some rules.

The family must visit the regional department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to submit an application. If the account balance is 25,000 rubles, reset occurs as quickly as possible.

Only citizens of the Russian Federation who have permanent registration in the state can receive a second payment. This is necessary to confirm the purposes of using maternity capital.

Repeated payment helps in solving some problems. First of all, the funds improve the financial situation of the family, maintaining its stability. The state decided to provide assistance to those families who, despite the crisis, decided to become parents for the second time.

In addition, the payment is a kind of lever for control over poor families. As a result of such activities, the ruble exchange rate can be increased and the unemployment rate can be reduced.

How to get money through government services?

An application for payment of funds from maternity capital is also submitted through the State Services portal. To do this, you must have an account that has been previously verified.

There is no need to download the application on the Pension Fund website. After logging into the portal, the system will automatically prompt you to enter data in the required fields.

Among the information entered are:

  • registration address and place of residence;
  • personal data of the applicant;
  • number, series and date of issue of the maternity capital certificate;
  • bank account details;
  • basis for obtaining maternity capital (children’s birth certificate).

Once completed, the application is saved and sent to the Pension Fund. The user receives a number according to which the progress of the review can be tracked.

It is worth remembering several conditions that must be met in order to receive a payment:

  • submission is carried out by certificate holders residing in the country;
  • a one-time payment is available to families who have a certificate or will receive it before September 30, 2019;
  • The application must be submitted before November 30, 2016;
  • if a family has already received a payment of 20,000 rubles, it can receive an additional 25,000 rubles;
  • in the absence of a certificate and the right to it, it is possible to simultaneously submit both applications to the Pension Fund.

To receive payment you will need:

  • passport;
  • details of a bank account opened in the name of the mother;
  • application indicating the series and number of the certificate, SNILS;
  • certificate;
  • SNILS.

If a positive decision is made, the funds will be transferred within 2 months from the date of submission of documents.

Sample state certificate for maternity capital:

Latest news 2019

For a long time, officials could not decide to provide such social support to needy families. But at the state level it was decided to introduce a law on the payment of maternity capital.

There was talk about re-payment large number. At the same time, fresh news about the consideration of the issue constantly appears.

  • In March 2019, an anti-crisis plan was signed. According to the document, receiving funds from maternity capital is available to low-income families as a matter of priority.
  • By the end of March 2019, a proposal was made to repay funds from the capital. At the same time, the estimated amount increased by 5,000 rubles. The deputies abandoned the previously expressed proposal for a one-time payment of 20,000 rubles and subsequent 5,000 rubles per month throughout the year.
  • In mid-April, it was decided to issue 25,000 rubles to all families with maternity capital. In this case, it was proposed not to take into account the income of parents.
  • The bill was considered in the following days of April. After voting, the Duma adopted it. On May 3, the document was published on the official portal.
  • In June, the bill was approved with two amendments. After its approval by Parliament, the law was sent to the President of the Russian Federation for signature.

In 2019, applications must be submitted by November 30th. The order of payments depends on the timing of applications.

There are no special changes in receiving payments in the new year. Pension Fund employees remind those interested that it is important to open a new account for transferring funds. It must be created specifically for such payments.

Indexing order

After the introduction of the program, the amount given to families is constantly indexed. Initially it was 250,000 rubles. At the time of 2019, the amount of maternity capital was determined at exactly 453,000 rubles.

The increase is due to:

  • economic situation in Russia;
  • increasing the cost of living;
  • rising prices for food, goods, educational and other services.

Thus, the size of maternity capital has almost doubled. However, at the moment indexing is temporarily suspended. This is due to the unstable economic situation in the country.

Maternity capital is a social program adopted by the state to support families who have decided to have (or, alternatively, adopt) a second child. The birth of children can make a hole even in a very stable family budget, because the family incurs expenses not only in the first days of the baby’s life - pregnancy, childbirth and the maintenance of a newborn result in large financial losses. The lack of necessary funds has become a stumbling block to increasing the birth rate. In order to overcome this obstacle and level out the expenses of young families, a program with the simple name “Maternity Capital” was adopted.

Like many social benefits, maternity capital suffers all the hardships of inflation and economic instability. In 2016-2017 The Federation budget does not provide for indexation or any other options for increasing the amount of maternity capital. However, as an anti-crisis measure, the Government decided to make a one-time payment from maternity capital.

On March 6, 2017, Dmitry Medvedev announced that the period for transferring maternity capital would be 10 days.

Latest news about payments from maternity capital

At a press conference on June 1, 2017, Maxim Topilin, a representative from the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, told reporters that cash payments from maternity capital would not be expected in 2017. The Pension Fund provided similar information.

On June 15, another “Direct Line with the President” took place. V.V. Putin, responding to one of questions asked, expressed the opinion that it is necessary to think about allocating part of the maternity capital for direct support of families, which in the current economically unfavorable time is an extremely necessary measure for many.

Already on June 29, the issue of payments from maternity capital was taken up in the Federation Council, as reported by Speaker V. Matvienko herself. However, she pointed out that the very purpose of maternity capital is more than simple social payments. Therefore, payment of parts will inevitably call into question the achievement of the objectives of the certificate.

One-time payment from maternity capital in 2017: the realities of today

The amount of a one-time payment from maternity capital today is 25,000 rubles. This is exactly the amount specified in Law No. 181-FZ, adopted on June 23, 2016. It is noteworthy that this legislative act entered immediately on the day of its publication, that is, in the shortest possible time.

According to this document, each family entitled to payments under the state program can apply for a one-time lump sum payment. The amount of this compensation benefit is 25,000 rubles. This payment is the second in a row, since last year the parents of their second child had the opportunity to receive 20,000 rubles. from the same maternity capital. And even if parents took advantage of the method provided by the state to compensate for their expenses for children, no one takes away the right to re-payment from them.

Families who received a certificate before September 30, 2016 and did not use maternity capital for targeted needs are eligible for payment. The payment will be made from the principal amount of the capital. According to the Federal Law, in 2016 and 2017 the amount of maternity capital is equal to 453 026 rub. From this amount it will be possible to “take away” 25,000 rubles. The remainder will go to four main areas provided for by law and possible anti-crisis payments next year.

How to receive a lump sum payment from maternity capital

In order to receive a one-time payment in 2017, you must submit an application to the Pension Fund authorities, attaching the social benefit certificate itself.

The website of the Ministry of Labor contains the Rules for submitting the corresponding application for this payment, the procedure for filing, a list and samples of necessary documents. It is important that these Rules imply the simultaneous submission of an application for the issuance of the certificate itself and an application for the announced amount from it.

The time to submit an application for a one-time payment in 2016 was limited - documents were accepted until November 30. Payments will be made until December 31, 2016.

One-time payment from maternity capital in 2017

One-time payments from maternity capital in the amount of 25,000 rubles, as is known, will not be paid in 2017 - at least in Federal Law the dates “until December 31, 2016 inclusive” are clearly stated. Will there be any progress in this area next year, 2017?

Deputies from the Liberal Democratic Party introduced a bill that provided for compensation payments for 2017, similar to those already existing. The amount of a one-time payment from maternity capital in 2017 should, according to deputies, be 50,000 rubles. However, this proposal did not find support in the government, and the bill was returned to the developers with a formal statement about incorrect execution and filing. No further action has been taken to increase the one-off payments at this time.

There is currently no law providing for one-time payments in 2017 in the amount of 50,000 rubles.

However, rumors about possible future payments are constantly circulating. And it is not surprising - there is a basis for such assumptions. Thus, speaking about the one-time payment in 2016, representatives of the Ministry of Labor argued that the remaining amount of maternity capital would be used not only for targeted expenses, but also for upcoming anti-crisis and compensation payments next year.

Maternity capital in 2017

However, there is also positive news regarding the program for social benefits and maternity capital in 2017. And first of all, this is the news that the program social support families who have decided to have or adopt a second child will continue next year.

As is known, initially the validity period of the state program for the payment of maternity capital was ten years - from 01/01/2007 to 01/01/2017. But, given the enormous popularity of the program and its obvious need in today’s difficult conditions, the President instructed the Government to find the possibility of extending the payment system. Despite the difficulties with financing and the severe economic crisis that affected the formation of the budget, the most discussed social program was extended - two more years were added to its validity period. Now its end date is December 31, 2018. This is stated in Federal Law No. 433.

When will it be possible to withdraw money from maternity capital?

Since the relevant ministries and committees were unable to agree on everything necessary, it is impossible to withdraw money from maternity capital in 2017.

There can only be one positive scenario for the development of events - direct intervention in the process of V.V. Putin, who can quickly resolve the situation, especially since the 2018 presidential elections are coming up soon. Indirect confirmation is that he mentioned maternity capital and payments from it on his annual live line on TV.

As you can see, the new terms are actually included in the existing legislative document, that is, all the rules for payments for maternity capital that exist today will be in force in 2017.

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