Exercises for diseases of the hip joint. Exercises for pain in the hip joint. Severe form of the disease

The hip joint takes on the main load when the body is in an upright position, both while stationary and during walking and running. He is the largest, and his injuries require long-term treatment and recovery. Age-related changes inevitably begin to appear by the age of 30: pain occurs after exercise, and mobility may deteriorate. This is explained cartilage dystrophy hip joint. The tissues wear out, receive less nutrients and, accordingly, perform their functions worse.

Weak pelvic muscles do not provide sufficient blood flow, and therefore nutrition of the cartilage. Production decreases synovial fluid(a kind of lubrication) and friction increases, leading to coxarthrosis - inflammation of the joint itself.

In addition to severe pain and limited mobility, this disease is fraught with dislocations, fractures and even replacement of the joint with an artificial one.

Regular exercise keeps the thigh muscles toned, providing the joint with nutrition and protection.

Daily performance of the set of exercises given below is not only reliable prevention, but also one of the methods of treating coxarthrosis. However, there are a number contraindications for classes:

  • chronic diseases and thigh muscles in the acute phase;
  • infectious diseases accompanied by fever and intoxication;
  • previously transferred strokes, heart attacks, as well as diagnosed vascular pathologies (thrombosis);
  • menstruation period.

If hip exercises are part of complex treatment coxarthrosis, then it is recommended to perform them under the supervision of a specialist. The doctor prescribes a complex taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient, monitors the progress of training and makes adjustments in the process. This approach helps avoid worsening the condition and injury. If training is carried out as a preventive measure, you can practice on your own at home, but a preliminary consultation with a doctor is still advisable.

A set of exercises to perform at home

Physical activity in the form of regular walking is not enough to maintain the tone of the pelvic muscles. To maintain mobility and health for a long time hip joints, everything is enough half an hour of training a day. You will also need comfortable clothes, a gymnastics mat and self-discipline.

Start lesson need from small self-massage hip joint area, light squats and leg swings. This will improve blood circulation and prepare the muscles for further intense exercise (mainly in lying and sitting positions).

On your back

Sitting and lying positions are optimal for the hip joint as there is no static tension and therefore the likelihood of injury is reduced. This group of exercises is performed on the floor, lying down, legs straightened in the starting position, arms located along the body:

  • Bent at the knees legs are pulled alternately to the chest, knees are clasped with your hands and this position is fixed for 5 seconds. In the reverse order, the process returns to its original position.
  • With your legs bent and your feet on the floor, slowly spread your knees apart. We need to try to do this as widely as possible.
  • Raise your legs up one at a time 30 centimeters above the floor, without bending your knees. Do at least 15 times for each limb.
  • With your knees bent, spread your legs wide apart. Tilt them one by one inward, without lifting your feet from the floor. The number of repetitions is the same as in the previous exercise.
  • From the starting position, make several smooth lifts of the head and shoulder girdle. At the top point you need to stay for 5 seconds.

As a variant of the first exercise, you can raise your legs bent at the knees, but at the same time.

Bend your knee. In this hip flexor stretch position, you look like you're about to pop the question with your lover. Stretching - lengthening the muscles - relaxes the muscles and makes them more flexible.

Get on your left knee. Your right knee is bent and your right foot is flat on the floor in front of you. Place your hands on your hips, or let your right hand rest on your right knee and your left hand hang freely. Tighten your abdominal muscles and lean forward slightly without bending your back. You should feel a stretch in the front of your left thigh. Hold this pose for 20 seconds. Repeat three more times and switch legs.

Exercise No. 2 for hip pain

Imaginary football. To strengthen the flexor muscles on the front of your thigh, as well as the rest of the muscles in that area, including your glutes, try this exercise.

Stand next to a desk or stable railing and hold onto it with your left hand. Lean on your left leg, without bending it or lifting your heel off the floor, lift your right leg in front of you as high as you can. Hold this pose for no more than a second before allowing your leg to drop freely and slowly swing back as far as possible without force. Hold the position for no more than a second, then return your leg to the starting position, as if you were kicking a soccer ball in slow motion. Perform 10 swings and switch to your left leg.

Exercise No. 3 for hip pain

Squat down. This exercise, which can be done anywhere, helps strengthen the muscles in the front of your thighs and buttocks. Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Cross your arms over your chest and look straight ahead, then slowly squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Try to keep your body straight with your knees pointing forward and over your toes. Stay on your haunches for a couple of seconds, then stand up. Try doing 10 squats twice a day.

Exercise No. 4 for hip pain

Walking in water. To strengthen arthritic hip joints, it is recommended to walk in chest-deep water. First, walk slowly in place, raising your knees high. Then increase your speed. Do this for a minute, then rest for a minute, walk for another minute and rest again. After some time, increase the time of continuous walking to 3 minutes.

Exercise No. 5 for hip pain

Tailor's pose. Yoga also improves flexibility in the hip joint. Sit on the floor and bring the soles of your feet together. Bring your feet as close to your groin as possible, then let gravity pull your knees toward the floor. If this pose seems uncomfortable at first, you can modify it slightly by bending one leg and keeping the other extended. Hold the pose for 15 seconds. Repeat three times.

Acupressure for hip pain

Using the index and middle finger of each hand, apply pressure on either side of your tailbone, approximately where the crease between your buttocks begins. These points will help relieve pain in the hip joint.

According to sad statistics, about 3-16% of the world's population suffers from coxarthrosis. This disease is a severe degenerative-dystrophic pathology of the musculoskeletal system, characterized by a progressive course. A mandatory component of therapy is therapeutic exercises, which is the simplest and most natural method of getting rid of joint diseases. Exercises for arthrosis of the hip joint have healing properties, as muscle nodes and ligaments relax, helping to increase the amplitude of movement. Also increasing blood supply to the joints, that is, blood flows better to them. Thus, therapeutic exercises help improve metabolism and release inter-articular lubrication.

However, such treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist, since if you choose the wrong exercises or perform them incorrectly, you can only aggravate the course of the disease.

Tasks and features of exercise therapy

The entire treatment complex for patients with coxarthrosis is aimed at reducing pain, strengthening ligaments and muscles, and slowing down the destruction of articular cartilage.

Regular classes are the most important condition for exercise therapy. Thanks to proper gymnastic exercises, joint stability increases, as well as stretching and relaxation of the muscles of flexor-extensor functionality.

Treatment involves the use of dynamic and static exercises, in which the muscles begin to tense without moving the body. In this case, the range of motion in the hip joint is within the limits of maintained mobility until pain occurs. As a result of a large number of tests, it has been proven that even if there are gross pathological changes in the joints, patients who have a well-trained muscular system develop a compensatory mechanism. However, for it to form, long and systematic training is required.

The compensatory mechanism is a reflex reaction that is aimed at eliminating or weakening changes in functionality caused by environment, diseases and other changes.

How to do gymnastics correctly

Therapeutic exercises prescribed to the patient should not imply a negative effect on the cartilage of the joint. Therapeutic gymnastics is carried out daily, that is, you need to make it a good habit, which makes it possible to ensure good blood supply and mobility for the hip joint.

Exercise therapy provides for the determination of a starting position that will not increase the load on the joint. During the implementation of the complex, the load should increase due to an increase in the number of repetitions and the total number of exercises.

A large number of patients are recommended dosed weight training. For this, a specialized cuff or rubber band can be used, which is fixed on the ankle. Each exercise is performed slowly, without expanding the range of motion.

It is worth sticking to voluntary breathing. The exercise should be completed by lifting the upper limbs up as you inhale and lowering them down as you exhale. Gymnastics goes well with self-massage of the thigh and gluteal muscles. For this purpose, specialized massagers can be used, which are sold commercially.

Exercise examples

  1. Starting position – you need to lie on the floor on your stomach. Hands should be placed along the body, legs straightened. You need to slowly raise your straight leg 15 degrees from the floor, and then stay in this position for half a minute. Then the legs change. This exercise is performed only once for each leg during the entire workout. All movement occurs thanks to the efforts of the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. This movement can then be performed in a dynamic variation: straight legs slowly and carefully rise up, after which they linger for several seconds at the highest point. During the entire period of exercise therapy, 10-12 lifts are allowed.
  2. Starting position – you need to lie on your stomach, place your arms along your body. Bend your right leg at the knee so that a right angle is formed, and the left leg should be straight. The exercise must be performed in the same way as the previous one. In the static variation it is performed once on each leg, and in the dynamic variation – 10-12 times. Then the legs change.
  3. Starting position - you need to lie on your stomach, legs straight, and arms extended along the body. With a slow amplitude, straight legs rise up 15 degrees from the floor, are held in weight, and then smoothly spread and brought together. Repeat 8-10 times. This exercise should not be performed by patients with increased blood pressure, and also over 40 years of age.
  4. Starting position - you need to lie on your right side, your right leg is bent at the knee, and your left is straightened. For about half a minute, the left leg is held suspended at an angle of 45 degrees, and then, after a short break, you need to roll over onto your right side and perform a similar movement with your right leg.
  5. Starting position – you need to sit up straight, legs straight in front of you. The legs do not bend at the knee when the body is tilted forward, as if grasping the feet and toes with the palms. Pulling your body forward, you need to stay in this position for a couple of minutes. Performed once a day.

If these exercises are performed regularly over several months, the muscles of the back and hips will be stretched, and the angle of inclination will be increased. In addition, the blood supply to the legs will improve, and muscle spasms in the lower back and hips will disappear.

In physiotherapy for coxarthrosis, sufficient large number similar exercise therapy exercises, however, they are all selected individually by the instructor. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the stage of the pathology and the individual characteristics of the patient.

What exercises are prohibited

The patient is strictly prohibited from doing any exercises that cause severe pain. It is worth noting that pain can also occur when the exercises are performed incorrectly.

In case of coxarthrosis it is prohibited:

  1. Squats.
  2. Bicycle spin.
  3. Lots of walking.
  4. Performing active flexion and extension.
  5. Applying force to the sore joint or pulling with a jerk.


Exercise therapy should not be used in the following cases:


To return movements to their former lightness, you need perseverance and willpower. However, before performing a set of exercises, you should consult with a specialist who will determine the necessary exercises. Remember, the important point is to follow and follow all the rules of the gymnastics complex.

These videos present a set of exercises for treating hip joints.
Indications for therapeutic exercises

The exercises from our video are useful for diseases of the hip joints:

  • at coxarthrosis- arthrosis of the hip joints;
  • in case of infarction of the hip joint - aseptic necrosis of the femoral head (also known as avascular necrosis);
  • with ankylosing spondylitis, which occurs with inflammation of the hip joints;

for faster recovery of the hip joint after injuries - joint dislocations and hip fractures.

VIDEO: Therapeutic gymnastics for hip joints, part 1

Basic set of exercises

I would like to clarify that part 1 is a basic set of exercises with which you need to start treating hip joints. And it is advisable to gradually increase the load. This is especially true for the first 2 exercises: over time, when performing them, you will need to do 12-15 lifts with each leg (and not 5-6, as in the video).

When you have mastered this set of exercises (part 1), then about a week from the start of classes, proceed to mastering an enhanced set of exercises (part 2) - see below.

In the future, it is best to practice alternating both complexes. Let's say on Monday, Wednesday and Friday you do hip exercises, part 1.
And on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday (or Sunday) - gymnastics for the treatment of hip joints, part 2. And one day a week, Saturday or Sunday, is a day off.

VIDEO: Gymnastics for the treatment of hip joints, part 2

Strengthened set of exercises

The exercises from the second complex of therapeutic gymnastics are very effective - in many patients, a decrease in pain in the hip joints occurs immediately after the first session.
This complex of therapeutic exercises was improved by us quite recently - in 2016. And it quickly proved its effectiveness - almost immediately there were positive reviews from our patients and our viewers on YouTube.


Gymnastics for knee and hip joints, part 3

"Office option"

Gymnastics for the knee and hip joints, part 3 - these are exercises that can be done in any conditions - at home, at work, in the office or in the country. All you need for classes is a chair and just a little free space!
You can do exercises from the third complex daily or every other day - as an addition to gymnastics for the hip joints, part 1 or part 2.

More information about this complex is described here: Video - Gymnastics for the knee and hip joints, office version.

Contraindications to therapeutic exercises

Therapeutic gymnastics for the hip joints is a fairly serious treatment method that has its own contraindications.

Despite their usefulness, these exercises cannot be performed:

  • on menstruation days in women;
  • with significantly increased arterial and intracranial pressure; at elevated body temperature (above 37.5 ºС); for influenza, ARVI and sore throat - you need to wait for recovery and wait another 3-4 days;
  • in the first month after operations on the abdominal and chest organs;
  • for inguinal hernias and abdominal hernias;
  • for acute diseases internal organs, for example, with appendicitis, exacerbation of cholelithiasis or exacerbation of cholecystitis, etc.;
  • with severe heart damage and severe blood diseases.

Attention! If a particular exercise causes sharp pain, it means that it is contraindicated for you or you are doing it incorrectly.
In this case, it is better not to do it, or at least postpone it until you consult with your doctor.

Rules for performing therapeutic exercises

The main rule is that when doing gymnastics, do not rush. If you want to recover, you will somehow have to train yourself to do the exercises slowly and smoothly, without jerking. Snatching will only tear muscles and damage joints, and will do you absolutely no good.

Quite a lot of articles are devoted to diseases of the hip joint, telling about the causes of their occurrence and how these diseases can be treated. Today we intend to talk about one important component that can help people already diagnosed, as well as for preventive purposes, thereby avoiding such a disease in the future, joints predisposed to such disease.

Gymnastics for arthrosis of the hip joint is an effective approach in the treatment of arthrosis changes.

The essence of gymnastics lies in the distribution of the load. Gentle exercises precisely prescribed by a physiotherapist affect the restoration of cartilage tissue and eliminate pain in the joints.

Author's methods of exercises for arthrosis of the hip joint

Gymnastic exercises in the treatment of coxarthrosis are one of the accessible, simple and low-cost methods in the fight against dystrophy of the hip joints caused by osteoarthritis. Currently there are a lot of copyright complexes.

Adaptive gymnastics for coxarthrosis of the hip joints by Dr. S.M. Bubnovsky has proven to be the most effective.

Let's briefly describe it. Dr. S.M. Bubnovsky, observing patients, developed a number of exercises; they have a healing effect on the musculoskeletal system. Such therapeutic training allowed the muscles of the hip joint to maintain their own flexibility for a long period. Initially, the body is prepared (adaptive exercises are performed) in order to then freely move on to the main training sessions, while increasing the load.

Adaptive exercises for the hip joint according to Bubnovsky S.M.

Do every exercise breathing exercises you need to do it at least 20 times.

  • Sit on your heels, relax, prepare to perform breathing exercises. The execution is as follows: start moving your arms in a circle and inhale. Immediately with a sigh, you need to get up from your heels to your knees, straightening your body. Exhaling, we return to the original position;
  • Place your palms on your stomach. Close your lips tightly, starting to exhale through them and emit the sound “PF”;
  • Lying on your back, put your hands behind your head, bend your limbs at the knees. When you exhale, lift your body off the floor with a sigh and come back;
  • Lie on your back, put your hands behind your head, bend your knees. As you exhale, lift your pelvis as high as possible, trying to move your knees at the same time;
  • Take a horizontal position on your back, exhaling, try to simultaneously close your elbows and knees at one point above the navel;
  • Lie on your side with your hand on the floor. Try to group yourself by pulling your knees towards your chest.

Having carried out such preliminary gymnastics, it is necessary to begin the main therapeutic training.

Basic therapeutic training

The first five gymnastic tasks presented below are performed while lying on your back.

  1. Stretch your lower limbs, slowly, begin to bend your leg at the knee, trying not to lift it off the floor. As soon as you bend your leg at the knee as much as possible, slowly straighten it and take the original pose. Do similar movements with the opposite leg;
  2. Raise the part of the body from the buttocks to the head above the floor and lower it after a while;
  3. Bend your legs at the knees, and use your hands one at a time to begin pulling them towards your body. Hold briefly, then return to the starting position;
  4. Start making small swings with your legs one by one, you cannot bend your knees, the lifting height is 20-30 cm;
  5. Straighten your legs, then raise one of the lower limbs to a height of 20-30 cm, briefly holding it above the floor in a hanging position, then slowly lower it. Do a similar movement with the opposite leg;
  6. Sit on a chair, stretch your legs, bend forward, trying to touch your feet with your fingers;
  7. Stand up and start swinging first with one leg, then with the other. Swings are made to the sides, back and forth;
  8. Sit on the floor, clasp your soles with your hands and lean forward forcefully.

The gymnastic exercises developed by Dr. S.M. Bubnovsky are applicable at any age, from infants to the elderly.

By choosing the right set of exercises and load, and mastering the rules of breathing, the result will not be long in coming. We can assume that if you really want to, you can easily dance salsa. Good luck to you.