Walking through the last part of kalavdyuti. Call of Duty Game Guide and Walkthrough

Walkthrough of the game Call of Duty. Part 1

Mission 1: Pathfinder - Pathfinder

You are thrown out at night somewhere in Normandy, you and, as soon as it turns out, Sergeant Heath. At night you find yourself completely unfamiliar place, you are seized with fear, but an M1 Garand, an M1 Thompson, 4 grenades and a lot of ammunition pushes this fear far away.
After landing, sneak into the nearest estate, it is guarded by a pair of damp uniforms, make sure that their bodies are soon grounded. Move on, you will soon find Heath. His parachute got stuck in the tree branches and he appears to have died. What a ridiculous death. Pick up the radio beacon and quietly move on. Just a few meters away you will see a bunker. Two fascists pass the time playing checkers. Well, throw them a queen in sight of grenade 39. Coming out of the bunker, you will find yourself in a huge field - the ideal time and place for radio broadcasting. “One, one, go.” Install a radio beacon (the place is marked with a marker). Soon the sound of approaching planes will reach your ear - the first wave. And a few seconds later - a German buzzer. The anti-aircraft guns began to fire, some planes began to burn, they fell somewhere in the distance, behind the village. But the troops have already landed. Go to the nearest three houses, hide behind cover, as the Germans will open hurricane fire from the MG40 and other weapons. Storm the house on the right. The second floor is already on fire. Kill those who remained and move to the back entrance, further through the courtyard where you can engage in hand-to-hand combat with Wehrmacht soldiers, prove to them the superiority of the guys from Texas. Go to the next house. The doorways will soon be filled with corpses. Go out into the yard and move towards the 3rd house. Put it in order, and then go out into the courtyard. Find an opening in the brick fence, further into the trench. Liberate France...

Walkthrough of the game Call of Duty. Part 2

Tuesday. 20:00 hours. Intelligence works poorly as always. You have entered a minefield. But there is no need to despair; experienced fighters will take the shortcut. Drive straight down the center of the field. The mortar shelling has begun, hide in the craters from the approaching mines. Soon you yourself will understand when it will be possible to start killing Germans in the nearest houses. But they themselves will not hesitate - you will soon appreciate the power of German weapons on your own skin. Go behind the house and kill the machine gunners. I don't recommend hiding behind a fence. After you have removed the Krauts, quickly begin storming the buildings, otherwise your entire squad will be under attack. When the buildings adjacent to the railway line are cleared of Germans, it will be possible to begin to capture the station. After destroying all the Fritzes, go to the window and, taking accurate aim, shoot the Fritz sitting behind the machine gun of the armored vehicle. Then another assault and another battle with the fascists. Running from one fortification to another, it is not difficult to guess where the Nazis are hiding. Some houses are fortified, therefore, this is not without reason. After a short shootout, go inside the outermost house. Find a way out of it into the courtyard. From there, head to the local cemetery. The Germans have settled there again, and they will suffer, they will suffer punishment. Kill everyone, fortunately it’s not difficult, and move on to the first self-propelled anti-aircraft gun. Plant the explosives and don’t hesitate - hands to feet, feet to hands and run back at least 20 meters. Get out of cover and, together with the rest of the soldiers, start approaching the square. There is another anti-aircraft gun in the center, do the same with it. Its parts should scatter throughout the area. Then go into the narrow passage between the hotel and some dilapidated building. At the exit, turn right and run to the entrance to another building. From it you will go out onto another street, where in the middle of the road there is a damaged car. At the intersection there is the last anti-aircraft gun, with right side a machine gunner covers her. Run across the road and, pressing against the wall of the neighboring house, move towards the machine gun. This way, you will be able to go to the rear of the machine-gun nest, and not just go straight ahead, losing your already small number of heals. After 2910 (two hundred and tenth) kills, top up your account with the help of the self-propelled gun crew. Then approach the anti-aircraft gun and install another explosive on its body. There was an explosion...

Walkthrough of the game Call of Duty. Part 3

So the sun has risen, but it has risen not only for you. The area is full of Germans who are clearly ready to take revenge for their defeat at night. The shelling of your positions will begin soon. Together with the rest of the fighters, run across the road and go inside a small room that once served as a bank. Here you can sensibly explain the beauty of your situation. Leaving the room, you will see a group of Fritz appear on the left side, and a German T-VI tank will roll right into the center of the intersection. While some soldiers are panicking, the rest immediately took over the Krauts, but you must take upon yourself the destruction of the tank. Run to the ruined church, before reaching the brick fence, turn left. Inside the church, take the Faustpatron. Immediately upon exiting, send the charge into the tank. If you don’t succeed the first time, then take another one and come closer. Then return to the church. There are two MG40 machine guns near one of the walls. One of the fighters will ask you to help him. Above the front sight you can see some kind of cemetery, soon the Krauts will crawl. Do everything in your power, but the Germans must not leave this cemetery. Leave the church and head inside the building opposite. Once you enter the square, head towards its northern part. Once behind the building, be prepared to fight with another group of Krauts. In a couple of minutes a German tank will appear on the square again. Your task: return to the church, take the faust and turn the German tank into a pile of iron. During your runs, the other fighters should cover you, but you shouldn’t rely too much on their help. Head to the crossroads where the last tank has occupied the road leading to the left. Another shot and again the car was engulfed in flames. Move along a deserted city street until you come across anti-tank hedgehogs placed along the road.
Someone carefully made several holes in the fence. And right behind the fence the Germans dug in, and dug in quite well. Take the Springfield sniper rifle standing near the fence and shoot all the machine gunners. After the area is more or less cleared of Nazis, go downstairs. Jump over the trench, behind which there is a building with miraculously preserved walls. Go around it and, lo and behold, live Krauts are playing with a mortar. Once all the enemies are destroyed, your fellow soldiers will roll the car out of the garage. Sit in the front seat next to the driver. The fun has begun...

Walkthrough of the game Call of Duty. Part 4

Mission 4: Normandy Route No. 13 - Wikiwand Normandy Route No. 13

The main part of this mission involves having fun driving a car and consistently destroying the fascists you encounter. Urine rushed over the corpses. The front line runs through this area, so everything here is literally crammed with enemy equipment and manpower, and bombs are constantly being dropped from the air by fighter planes flying over your heads.
During the trip, you sometimes need to lean out of the car window (F key) and shoot the “Soldaten”. You can, of course, through the rear window, but your fellow soldier’s head will always loom there. Somewhere in the middle of the path you will reach a village. Your car will turn into junk, you will have to look for another vehicle. There is a house behind you, but the house has no wall. Get inside the house. A few Germans will not put up serious resistance. After passing through the corridor, you will exit onto another street. Run along the road, shooting the Krauts. A few tens of meters away from you, at a bend, there is a house with an open garage, in which there is a working car - an army jeep. Kill everyone who bothers you, and run as fast as you can to the jeep. While your comrades are trying to start it, cover them with fire from the MG40. As soon as the car starts, jump into the car, which will immediately take off. And again fun...

Walkthrough of the game Call of Duty. Part 5

Mission 5: Brecourt Manor

I remember those days in Normandy when my best friend was an M1 Thompson automatic, there was fire all around. We burst into the enemy’s trenches and the Germans looked at us like we were gods...
The main tasks of the mission will be to search for anti-aircraft guns and documents. Moreover, the first one needs to be blown up, and the second one needs to be saved. Following Captain Moody, you and your group will reach a large boulder, behind which a view of the enemy positions opens up. It will be possible to go head-on, or you can go around to the left, skillfully going to the rear. Kill. Then go out to the anti-aircraft battery. After this, the sergeant will use explosives to blow up the anti-aircraft gun. Jump into the trench and, bending your head, crawl along it to the next battery, simultaneously showing the Germans who is who. After destroying the anti-aircraft gun, crawl along the trench to the headquarters dugout. After going through honey. room, in the next room take the bag with documents from the table. After leaving the room, move to the next anti-aircraft gun. Take the explosives as ordered. Find a sergeant who will give you the explosives. Now the main burden lies on you - detonating the anti-aircraft guns. Place explosives at each anti-aircraft gun. After this part of the operation, get out of the trench and run to the village buildings. Through the open gate, go inside the hangar, which is fenced on all sides. After passing through it, killing the Germans, run along the wall to a two-story house. In the back room of the second floor, take the package with documents from the table next to the bed. There is an MG40 on the window, use it to repel the attack of the attack aircraft. Go downstairs and exit through the open door opposite the stairs. After exiting the gate, head towards the nearest arch, through which you will enter the square. Another and this time the last anti-aircraft gun was installed on the square. After its destruction, this part of the operation will be completed.

Walkthrough of the game Call of Duty. Part 6

Mission 6: Castle in the Alps - Alps Chateau

The main goal of this mission is to save our soldiers, in particular Captain Price. He is kept in a secret room somewhere in the basement of one of the Alpine castles. The first people to try you are several Germans from the security post. Fire from your weapon will clearly calm their ardor. You can blow up a truck by firing a couple of bursts at its gas tank. An explosion will occur, which will take the lives of several more Krauts and clear the way to the castle. The Germans will obviously run out to the noise and shooting. Since you can’t get inside the castle from the front entrance, you need to find another entrance. Run along the alley to the garage and blow something up there. Then sneak into another alley, along which you can reach the door that you forgot to lock. There are a lot of corridors inside the castle, but choosing the right one won't be too difficult. Run along the corridor, it will lead you to the stairs, along which you can climb to the second floor. Kill Germans using the option of peeking around corners. In one of the rooms, find a package with documents and plans. Return to the first floor; as you move along the corridor, one of the locked doors will open, and an armed Nazi will appear in the opening. Your machine will fill it with lead. Afterwards, enter the richly furnished hall. After killing all the Germans on the ground, go out into another corridor leading to the next room. After clearing the room of fascists, go up the spiral staircase, then into the corridor to the left. From it you will get to the terrace, run along it to the other wing of the castle. After a short run along the corridor, go down to the dining room. Approach the fireplace, where there are figurines of Aryan eagles on both sides. When you click on the right eagle (it is clearly different from its brother), a secret door will open in the fireplace leading to a secret room. Inside, destroy the radio communication equipment. Then return to the hall and go to the left door, which will immediately open. After dealing with the Wehrmacht representatives, go down to the wine cellar, and from there even lower until you reach a locked door. Your comrades will plant explosives, thereby making a hole in the wall. When everything calms down, go into the room that serves as a prison. Captain Price will be in the last cell, then return to the street with him, taking the lives of several more Germans along the way, where you get into one of the trucks. You go in search of Ingram...

Walkthrough of the game Call of Duty. Part 7

Mission 7: Dulag IIIA - Dulag IIIA

Captain Foley, sitting in the cab of the truck, will briefly explain the essence of the situation. Go to the forest, grabbing a sniper rifle. Using the optical sight, find the shooter looking at the surroundings through the sights of his machine gun, then take care of the rest of the guards. After clearing the first checkpoint adjacent to the prison, the truck with other fighters will set off and, having accelerated considerably, ram the gates of the concentration camp. Together with the rest of the fighters, look for the location of Major Ingram. You have a little time for the whole operation. Your comrades will tell you where to go. On your way you will meet a lot of guards. When you reach the small pool, go under the observation tower and then turn left. After leaving the kitchen, go to the open barracks, where you will free Major Ingram inside. Together with the major, you must return to the truck. But the surviving Germans will try to organize a defense and repel your escape. Naive...

Walkthrough of the game Call of Duty. Part 8

Mission 8: Pegasus Bridge

At night you successfully land behind enemy lines somewhere in the south of France, Benouville.
The main goal of the mission will be to capture and hold the Pegasus Bridge across the canal (river) from enemy attacks until the main allied forces approach, which, by a strange coincidence, is located nearby. The entrance to the bridge is patrolled by a small number of Germans, although a German bunker with the barrels of MG40 machine guns and the heads of curious Germans peeking out of the loopholes can cause some trouble. At first glance, it is an impregnable bastion, but medieval fortresses were also taken. Go right, duck down and start running towards the bunker. After passing the ravine, go forward a little, then jump into the trench. Be careful, you may be noticed. From the trench, go up the steps to the bunker, where machine gunners are already at work. After going down, head towards the bridge. On the right side there is an anti-aircraft battery, in at the moment not working. Fight your way to the other side of the bridge. After taking the bridge, a tank will appear from behind the house ahead - the last chance of the Germans. Find Captain Price, he will give you the order to destroy the tank using the coastal battery installed on the other side of the bridge. To repair the anti-aircraft gun you will need army engineer Mills, he is shooting near the fence across the road. Together with him, get close to the anti-aircraft gun, firing back at the Germans. In a couple of minutes the anti-aircraft gun behind your gun will start working. Point the gun sight at the standing tank and... “FIRE.” Then return to your comrades and help them finish off the retreating Germans...

Walkthrough of the game Call of Duty. Part 9

Mission 9: Pegasus Bridge. Day - Pegasus Bridge Day.

At dawn, the command will give a brief briefing about the day. Some weapons and medicines are stored on the left bank. But soon the silence will be broken by machine gun fire - the beginning of a counterattack by German forces. You will fight until you understand the deplorability of the situation. Captain Price will order a retreat and you will run in the front ranks in order to cover the retreating fellow soldiers with machine-gun fire. MG40 is located in a booth on the left side of the bridge, on the opposite bank. A German tank will appear from the southwest approaching the river. He will begin to fire at your positions. You will again have to save the lives of your comrades - in the trench near the bunker there are Faust cartridges, and several more in the bunker itself. After the bunker is engulfed in flames, return to the bunker and stand behind the MG40 to repel the attack of the German "Soldaten". But then the tanks will crawl in again and again, the Germans will attack from everywhere - it’s just some kind of holiday!!! During the battle you will destroy about half a dozen tanks. At the end of the battle, go to Captain Price, he will congratulate all the fighters on a job well done. The hellish battle has come to an end...

Walkthrough of the game Call of Duty. Part 10

Mission 10: The Eder Dam

And again you are behind German lines. This time your goal will be the Eder Dam. The sky is brightly lit by the wandering beams of searchlights, searching for the silhouettes of enemy aircraft in order to prevent the dam from being blown up. But the Germans are clearly not ready for an attack from the ground. Arm yourself with a sniper rifle and start shooting at patrols. Get to the first anti-aircraft gun and plant explosives.

Follow the dam to the other end. Along the way, plant explosives on anti-aircraft batteries. When approaching one of the last anti-aircraft guns, the Germans created a machine-gun nest. After destroying the last anti-aircraft gun, go back to the entrance to office premises. A single staircase will lead you to an elevator, which will take you down to the floor below. Don't be surprised if you are greeted by Germans. Run along the corridor to the room with electrical equipment. From there, go into the corridor to the right. The first goal is to reach the elevator cabin, where you can go down to the foot of the dam. This is not difficult to do, although the annoying Germans will try to stop you, but they are unlikely to succeed. Once at the bottom, run along the corridor, then down the stairs. Take a few steps to the right and then go into a long tunnel. After leaving it, go up the steps and, passing a room filled with various boxes, go out into the street. Run diagonally to the entrance to another building. After passing through a small room, you will find yourself in a room with generators. After destroying all the guards in this room, install four explosive packages on both generators. An anti-aircraft gun was installed not far from the exit from this room. Approach it and plant the timed explosives. Run west to another anti-aircraft gun, where you will also plant explosives. Then head across the small bridge to the last anti-aircraft gun. Once the last of the dam's air defenses are destroyed, your part of the task will be completed. Now we need to go back. The route is exactly the same. Only there will be more German soldiers. SS units will arrive. A truck with Captain Price is waiting for you at the top. Jump into the back of the truck, crouch down and draw your weapon to shoot back at the Germans pursuing you. Soon the truck will disappear into the tunnel...

Walkthrough of the game Call of Duty. Part 11

Mission 11: Escape from the Eder Dam - Eder Dam Get a way

Your nightly pampering, of course, will not go unpunished. The Germans could not help but start chasing the arrogant saboteurs. The truck is driven by Captain Price, and in the back between the boxes of fausts and first aid kits are you and Sergeant Waters. The road to the airport from which you must fly will be littered with enemy soldiers. As soon as you leave the tunnel, German trucks with Wehrmacht soldiers in the backs will follow you. If you use fausts sparingly, then soon there will be nothing left of the machines. It’s not that there aren’t enough shells, it’s just that while you take them, it takes some time, enough for them to make a cutlet out of you. And a couple more shots will have to be fired at other targets. A bridge will soon appear on the horizon. After driving over the bridge and driving onto a hill, the truck will stop. Sergeant Waters will go to plant explosives under the bridge, and at this time you will use a sniper rifle to shoot all the Germans trying to cross the bridge. After a few tedious minutes, the sergeant will return back to the truck. Destroying the bridge will allow you to delay the death of not only yours and those Germans who were chasing you. And then another couple of winded kilometers along the mountain serpentine in constant pursuit of your truck by the Germans. When it seems that you will never get to the damned airfield, you will hear the noise of planes taking off...

Walkthrough of the game Call of Duty. Part 12

Mission 12: Airfield Escape

When you show up at the airport, you will take the Germans by surprise. But soon they will come to their senses and begin to resist you. Having entered the territory of the airfield, the truck will begin to weave between hangars with aircraft. You will stop for a minute so that several soldiers will go to the ground to search for the plane.

You will move on, taking the fire upon yourself. Having found enough convenient place for defense, the truck will stop near an area with an anti-aircraft gun installed. Sit in the gunner's seat of the anti-aircraft battery. True, before these, destroy the Germans on the left, on the balcony. Get ready to destroy the attack aircraft taking off from the right runway. Then a group of attack aircraft will appear in the air, flying up to your positions. After the air area is cleared of German planes, a transport plane under the control of our fighters will appear from behind the hangar. Jump into the truck and drive it to the runway to the captured transport plane, simultaneously destroying the remnants of the German airport personnel.

Walkthrough of the game Call of Duty. Part 13

Mission 13: Battleship Tirpitz - Battleship Tirpitz

This night you will have to carry out sabotage on the destroyer "Tirritz". The cold Barents Sea is not very hospitable. Your team of 3 people is sailing on a captured boat to the German destroyer Tirritz. You are wearing the uniform of German sailors, Captain Price is wearing the uniform of a German admiral. Having approached the battleship at some distance, the destroyer will give a prearranged signal with a searchlight. By honking back at them, you can approach the destroyer. Follow "Admiral" Price up to the deck of the ship. After checking the documents, you will be able to calmly move around the ship, peering with hatred at the enemy’s positions. Follow the captain to the open hangar, inside there is a staircase leading down. Going downstairs, you will finally find the room where the ship's arsenal is stored. During the document check, Price will have to shoot two guards. Most likely, someone heard the sound of shots and an alarm was sounded on the ship. Grab some explosives from the warehouse and a machine gun with several magazines leaning against the wall. Leave the warehouse and run into the corridor opposite. Price will remain to cover the corridor through which you can come from the deck of the ship. We'll have to face the Germans. Run along the corridor and plant explosives on the ship's boilers, then turn left and run along another corridor in the opposite direction. When you install the last explosive, go into the weapons room. The body of Captain Price lies near the entrance to the room; now you alone will have to complete the operation. Go up to the deck again, from the hangar run left to the wheelhouse. Go through the open door and go up to the communications floor, firing back from the Germans. In the first room, destroy the first communication cabinet, then in the next room near the stairs there is another one. Climb the stairs to the captain's bridge, where you kill the captain and several sailors. Destroy the last communication cabinet and take the list of ships from the table. After this, return to the deck and start making your way to the boat, where Sergeant Waters is waiting for you. The fate of the German sailors is sealed...

Walkthrough of the game Call of Duty. Part 14

Mission 14: Stalingrad – Stalingrad

In this mission you will fight for your homeland. At the very beginning, the political instructor blatantly lies about the position of the Germans in Stalingrad, the counter-argument is the attack of diving Junkers, who are butchering your crossing. Constantly, now from the left, now from the right, ferries fly up into the air. But there is a crossing across the Volga to the shore of besieged Stalingrad. The Germans built a fortress on the top of the hill. Having climbed ashore, you understand that if this had happened a couple of seconds later, you would have drowned along with the ferry and your fellow soldiers, since the next bomb dropped from the plane hit the ferry, and it sank like a stone. Get in line for weapons and ammunition. But no matter how you get up, your first weapon will be 5 rounds in a Mosin rifle. Run after the rest of the fighters climbing the hill. Use the remains of the walls as cover, and during a short lull, run further. The bodies of your friends will fall nearby. Get to the car, behind it, pressed against a piece of the wall, Sergeant Borodin is squatting. Wait for his command as you move along the hill. Immediately run to the truck and hide behind it, the sergeant will follow you. Then, after the command, run to the car and wait for the sergeant. Bullets will fly overhead. The only chance to escape is to go down a little lower to a dilapidated building, behind whose walls you can hide from shelling. But the NKVD commissar is on duty there, with a PPSh at the ready, who shoots all the retreating fighters. Go downstairs, and at this time the sergeant will shoot the commissar with an accurate shot. Behind one of the walls of the building there is a signalman, unsuccessfully trying to contact the other side. There is no way out and he calls fire on himself. After some time, the earth will begin to shake from the explosions of numerous shells. After the shelling, run after the rest of the soldiers climbing the hill towards a dilapidated building with a large hole in the wall through which you can get into the city...

Walkthrough of the game Call of Duty. Part 15

Mission 15: Red Square

A new wave of suicide bombers is awaiting an order, an order that will take the lives of about a hundred fighters. The commander visually destroys Soviet soldiers fleeing from German machine guns with his PPSh. Cheap and cheerful. In front of you is Red Square with a statue of Lenin in the center. After the command "Forward!" wait a little, and then run to the monument, picking up some weapons behind which you can hide from German bullets. Not far from the monument, the Germans erected powerful barricades. Attacking them from the center is stupid, to say the least. After talking with the sergeant, you decide to go in from the flank, and it would be better if the position you occupy is located on top of one of the houses surrounded by the square. Come out from behind the wall and crawl to the right to a nearby standing house. Go inside the house through the gap in the wall. Hand-to-hand combat with the Germans will begin. Run to the end of the corridor, then take the stairs to the top floor. Pay attention to the house opposite you. They will shoot at you from some windows. Run to the back room, where you will find a window that will offer the most convenient view of the barricade. Pick up a Mosin rifle with a sniper scope. Try to shoot officers first, and then ordinary soldiers. After the death of three Unterbanführers, no reinforcements will arrive in the area. This is how you saved the lives of ten compatriots. Having cleared the area of ​​enemy personnel, go down and take cover again behind the pedestal. The aviation that arrived in time would destroy several German tanks dug in in the square. Now the area is under your complete control. Come out from behind the monument and head towards the barricade. After jumping into the trench, run through the underground tunnel. Coming out of the tunnel, turn right and run towards the intersection. After going through the gap in the wall, you will come across a machine gun nest. After destroying it, move along the destroyed streets of Stalingrad to the square in front of the railway station. After running past the damaged armored vehicle, go inside the station. Actively use a sniper rifle to destroy enemy personnel...

Walkthrough of the game Call of Duty. Part 16

Mission 16: Train Station

Quickly climb the stairs to the second floor. Then run along the corridor littered with various garbage. The corridor will lead you to a room where a gap in the wall offers a view of the railway crossings. Approach the MG40 machine gun installed near the window, or use a sniper rifle to destroy all the fascists scurrying along the passage and on the roof of the opposite building. An enemy sniper was holed up in the upper window, discouraging anyone from leaning out of the room. After clearing the surrounding area of ​​the Nazis, you can try to get to the building opposite. Run along the railway crossing, which will end with a descent onto the roof of the car. Kill all enemies who try to attack from behind an ambush. Then jump onto the platform and, destroying the enemies, run across the rails to the opposite building. Go up the stairs again to the second floor, then run along the passage in the opposite direction and the Germans will appear on the left. Going around the corner of the building, go down along the concrete slabs. Head into the room illuminated by the light of a burning lamp. From the room you will find yourself on a street riddled with trenches. Stand behind a machine gun and be ready to shoot back at the crowds of Krauts trying to destroy your group. After everything becomes calm, go down into the trench and, bending your head, crawl to the southwest. On the next street there is a fierce firefight between the Germans and Sergeant Zubov's detachment. Help them fight off the annoying Germans, and then run to the end multi-story building. At the entrance you will meet a soldier, he will take you directly to Sergeant Zubov. It was a great street fight...

Walkthrough of the game Call of Duty. Part 17

Mission 17: Stalingrad Sewers - Stalingrad Sewers

Now you are a sniper and your life is more valuable than ever. For the next foray you will have to use the sewer system of the city of the hero of Stalingrad. But the perspicacious Germans are already ahead of you here. The sewers are infested with them like rats. Go down the stairs and go forward. Around the left turn, the first Germans on this level will be waiting for you. Go forward under the destroyed roof and enter the passage on the right. Follow the corridor to a small open area where snipers will shoot at you. Quickly run through this dangerous place and go into another part of the corridor. Go down to the lower level of the sewer. Run across the water until you notice a passage on the left. Make your way through it to a higher level of the sewer and move along the water to the destroyed wall, behind which you will meet friendly soldiers. Together with them, make your way through enemy fortifications, walking along vast corridors. Use grenades more actively. When you get to another group of your own who are shooting back from enemies, take out your sniper rifle and kill all the soldiers from the building opposite. Then go into this building and jump down through the hole in the floor.

Walkthrough of the game Call of Duty. Part 18

Mission 18: Pavlov's House

Follow the sergeant into the trench, where you can only move crouched. Near him in the trench, pick up a first aid kit and a sniper rifle if you threw it away in the last mission. Your task at this stage is to kill all the snipers in the building ahead, while Private Kovalenko takes their fire. When all seven snipers are destroyed, quickly run across the field to the building before the artillery fire hits you. Having reached the brick wall, suppress the enemy entrenched in the building. The best way to do this is with a sniper rifle. But you won’t last long, the cartridges will soon run out and help will not come soon. It is best to take an assault from the left, entering the building from behind, shoot the Germans who are keen on shooting from the side. The remnants of the above group will arrive soon. In the house, clear exactly four floors and another basement. After completing this task, go up to the fourth floor, where you will meet with Sergeant Pavlov. After talking with him and receiving the task from him - to destroy the approaching enemy tanks, go down to the second floor. Use the anti-tank rifle there, installed near the window from which you can see the tank, and, in fact, your target. Then go up to the third floor, where you also use the anti-tank gun to destroy the second tank. Don't forget the route, you will need it. Plus, the Germans will launch a counterattack. You and your team will have to hold the building for more than three minutes until reinforcements arrive. It is best to take a position in front of the landing on the third floor. This will be the healthiest fight. Hand-to-hand combat and nothing more. After waiting for reinforcements, clear the building of any remaining enemy forces, and then meet the group of soldiers in the courtyard to complete this mission...

Walkthrough of the game Call of Duty. Part 19

Mission 19: Warsaw Factory - Warsaw Factory

1944... The offensive operation of the Soviet troops is at the very beginning, and nothing should interfere with this beginning. Your goal is to destroy ready-made repaired Wehrmacht tanks. You have been promoted to rank and are now the commander of a small sabotage detachment. Run after the other soldiers through the territory of the tank repair plant. The approach to the main gate is heavily guarded by German detachments. After destroying all the guards, approach the main gate. The Germans have locked them from the inside and are probably holding the entrance to the premises at gunpoint. Wait while the soldiers plant explosives on the door. After the explosion, break into the room where you shoot all the Krauts who did not have time to recover after the powerful explosion. Run to the end of the corridor, then go down the stairs to the basement. Through the basement you can reach a hangar with ready-made tanks. Move to the opposite end of the hangar, to the exit to another corridor. After going up the stairs, turn right. Walk along the corridor to the entrance to the crane tracks of the hangar. Run along the wall to the exit from the crane tracks. In the center of the small room, the Krauts hid behind overturned tables. Without sticking your head out too much, try to neutralize all the Krauts by slightly peeking out from behind the doorway. Move along the corridor to the hangar with tanks, from it through the door in the opposite wall go out into the street. After taking a few steps along the frosty street, go into another room. Exit from it into the corridor and run to the doors leading to the courtyard of the plant...

Walkthrough of the game Call of Duty. Part 20

Mission 20: Warsaw depot - Warsaw Railyards.

Make your way to the north-west of the railway parking lot, killing enemies. Go in the opposite direction from the stationary machine gun to the ruins of the building and from this position fire at the enemy near the tank hangar. After killing the enemy soldiers, return to the stationary machine gun and go left from it. Go to the hangar, along the way grabbing the Faust lying on the box near the wall on the left. Use it to destroy the tanks in the hangar. If one shell is not enough to destroy the tanks, then take another grenade launcher. In addition to the tank, there are also many armed German soldiers in the hangar. Kill them and go to the office, which is located at the end of the hangar on the right. The long-awaited pharmacy will be on the table. Go out through the office and fight your way to the fourth division located near the car...

Walkthrough of the game Call of Duty. Part 21

Mission 21: Oder River Country

And now you are already on the land of the Third Reich. The factories of our homeland worked day and night, providing a numerical advantage in technology. T34-85... The first thing that comes to mind in this mission is: “with such equipment no enemy is afraid.” This is true. All you have to do in this mission is make your way to the outskirts of the next city, you and your tank battalion. Drive along the road forward until several tanks appear on the right across the river. Destroy them, and then drive to the next skirmish that will occur nearby. This time there will be three times more tanks; they will be located on the opposite bank of the river, to your right. In support of the enemy tanks, an SS detachment with Faust cartridges will pass through. The machine gunner will take care of the soldiers, and you will need to deal with enemy tanks. Use an active attack. Move while shooting, go to the rear. Continue along the road. The final tank battle awaits you in a large open area. Drive around to the left and go to the rear, destroy tanks with valuable shots. Victory in the battle will open your way to the city...

Walkthrough of the game Call of Duty. Part 22

Mission 22: Oder River Town

Tank skirmishes continue. Around the turn to the left of the building are the first three tanks. Eliminate it and drive along the road. Beware of soldiers with fausts in this mission, they can cause serious damage. Around the turn to the right, on the square, there are four more tanks, and a little further on there are two more, one of which, by the way, will appear from under the arch. Drive under the arch and destroy the first anti-aircraft gun that appears to you. Wait a bit until three tanks appear from the steppe. Eliminate them from afar, and then drive to the second anti-aircraft gun and destroy it. When a tank bursts into the square, do not shoot at it - it is an allied tank. There is an anti-aircraft self-propelled gun near the second anti-aircraft gun. Eliminate it and go to the steppe...

Walkthrough of the game Call of Duty. Part 23

Mission 23: Festung Recogne

Your team finds itself in the northeast of Belgium. Not far from your landing site there are several bunkers called “Impregnable Fortress”. You will have to refute this laudatory name or confirm it... The first thing you will encounter is a minefield. Move north through the cold winter forest. Once on the road, go through it and go down to the bank of the frozen river. Immediately around the bend you will come across a German ambush. Soon the shooting will stop and you will move on. Climb the hill where the ambush was set up and run along the path to the first bunker. Inside, in the room on the right, take the documents from the table. After leaving the bunker, head west to another bunker. Having taken the documents inside, go up the hill, where in a couple of minutes several tanks will appear on the road. After a few shots from the fausts (get it in the last bunker), the tank will turn into burning metal...

Walkthrough of the game Call of Duty. Part 24

Mission 24: F-2 Rocket Platform - F-2 Rocket Site

Descend into the river bed, escaping machine-gun fire, and run east to the huge boulders blocking the path. Then head north to the German anti-aircraft guns. Destroying all service personnel batteries, place explosives on the body of the anti-aircraft gun and move away to a safe distance. Reinforcements will arrive soon. Move west to another anti-aircraft gun. After the destruction of the air defense system, the first part of the operation will be completed. Together with one allied fighter - a machine gunner - go north. As you approach the road, two trucks with soldiers will come around the bend at high speed. Don't let them get away from your fire. After dealing with the Nazis, fire several bursts at the gas tanks of the trucks. Then continue moving through the forest, now west towards the F-2 missile launch pad. Climb up the hill where there are several barrels. Jump into the ditch and find the entrance to the bunker. Run to the end of the tunnel, then go down the steps even lower. Find a room with containers from which the rockets are refueled. After pressing the switch, the process of refueling the rockets will begin, which should increase the power of the explosion. Return to the launch pad and place explosives on each missile one by one. After the explosions, go down to the northern bunker, where you can leave the launch pad through a tunnel...

Walkthrough of the game Call of Duty. Part 25

Mission 25: The Reichstag

Victory is already at hand. There are only a few days left until Germany surrenders and the Second World War in Europe ends. But the Germans fight fanatically for their land, for every piece of land, for every stone, but they immediately die under the growing power of the Red Army, hardened on the scorched fields of Kursk, in the ruins of Stalingrad, in the ports of Sevastopol. The hour of reckoning has come, of reckoning for all that evil...

Our tanks cannot get close to the city center, since three anti-tank guns and an enemy tank are installed on the approach to it. Your task number 1 is their destruction. Take the Mosin sniper rifle and kill the soldiers in the buildings. Move towards the first gun. Blow it into small pieces with explosives, and then carefully move behind the walls of the building, being wary of the enemy tank. Go west to the second anti-tank gun. Place explosives on it and proceed to the third gun, which is installed under the building near the enemy tank. This fortified area is simply impregnable, show not only perseverance, but also tactical thinking. After destroying this weapon, quietly approach the enemy tank so that you can touch it with your hand. Place explosives on it and... run away! After that, our tank column will move, one of the tanks will drive up to the wall and blow it up. Go through the resulting passage to the square in front of the Reichstag and hide behind some cover. The Reichstag... it's in front of you. Wait until the IS-2 and other tanks destroy the German machine gun nests. Now begin the assault, move forward through the main entrance, destroying the last soldiers of Aryan blood. Use grenades. It will be difficult to fight in the boardroom, but you have to move on. Go through the performance room and climb up to the roof. When you climb onto the roof, one of the soldiers will plant a Soviet flag - this will be a sign of victory. The war in Europe is over.

Space control station "Odin". Brave New World

During the change of crew at the control station "One", the control room is unexpectedly captured by Federation soldiers and many nuclear strikes are launched from the station on many cities in the United States. A certain federation was born in South America, which carried out this blow. 10 years later, the United States, lying in ruins, is struggling to resist the occupation of its country.

Neutral zone. Fallen

The neutral zone is a dangerous and unpredictable place where you can expect anything. The very epicenter of the strike from "Odin". The commander sends his two sons to scout this area. During reconnaissance, it is discovered that Federation soldiers have captured one of the soldiers of the “ghost” detachment, and they, together with the detachment, set off to rescue their own from captivity. But the team does not have time to save him and he dies.

Return. Legends live forever

The guys return back to their father’s headquarters, where a full-scale battle is taking place. In a burning building, they are saved by a squad of “ghosts”. It also turns out that their father has also been a member of this squad for a long time. The "Ghosts" are being hunted by a certain Roarke, a former "Ghost"

Events take us 12 years ago, when Roarke was still in the squad. The ghosts' task was to kill the leader of the Federation, Elmargo. The task was accomplished with difficulty, but their father had to make difficult choices. The turntable on which they killed Elmargo fell, everyone fell and hung, he grabbed Roarke, but he had to let him go in order to save the other team members. And Roarke fell down.

Federation Day

To find Roarke first, they go to Caracas to capture one of his friends, who can give away his location. But the operation turned out to be a trap.

Birds of Prey

From the captured laptop of Ramus, the location of Roarke is revealed and the squad goes after him on turntables. Roark is captured, but again it was a trap. The plane on which he was transported is shot down, Roark is taken onto another plane. And the guys on parachutes land in the jungle.


We find the site of the plane crash and free our guys from captivity, and then we get to the place where the group was evacuated. But having reached the evacuation point, we see a rocket launch and go to investigate. The squad is spotted by enemy helicopters. And they run to the river to escape them.

Clock face

The fired missile did not strike any place in the United States, and now the squad needs to find out where it flew out and hit. They are sent to storm a closed Federation missile complex and collect any information on the missile program.

Atlas fell.

The squad is again sent on a new mission to destroy the Atlas oil rig in order to deprive the Federation of fuel.

"Into the abyss"

The next task is the destruction of the destroyer "Aegis" equipped with supernova equipment and air defense.

Terminus station

Ghosts infiltrate a secret plant to conduct reconnaissance and obtain information about Federation weapons. Having scouted the plant and discovered that they are building missiles there, they destroy it.

Father's death

The Federation reproduced an orbital weapon system from the wreckage of Odin. The main part of the group is captured by Roarke and Logan's father dies. But the guys are freed and are now trying to get out of the encirclement alive.

All or nothing. Broken ties

The Federation cannot be allowed to launch an orbital weapon system. The connected pants go to the very heart of the enemy, gathering all their last strength. Having cleared the way to the launcher, the "Ghosts" get inside and stop the launch of the system, after which they launch a missile attack on it.

You will find yourself in a bar and the cops will immediately attack you. Take out your weapon and start shooting at them. Be sure to shoot the cop who will be opposite you. Then you will have an M16 with a grenade launcher in your hands. Rejoice, because this gun is very good. Get out, shooting at the cops along the way, and move forward. There will be cars on your way that can be blown up with a grenade launcher. When moving along the street, do not forget to hide in shelters so that enemy bullets fly past you. When you see Woods, run after him. Thus, you will find yourself in the alley where the car is parked. In the further passage of the game Call of Duty: Black Ops, you need to get into this transport and leave here on it.

Your main task now is to kill Castro, who is now in his mansion. Continue following Woods without him noticing you. When you find yourself in a small booth, try to shoot the guard without unnecessary noise and move on. When you get out on the road, be careful, because soon there will be trucks that you need to let through and continue moving. When you see a parked truck, go towards it, just be careful, because there are enemies hanging around it that need to be finished off. After killing your opponents, go into the buildings and clear them. As soon as you find yourself in the room where Castro is hiding, go to the door and knock it down. Go inside the room and kill the villain with a pistol. Then you can continue completing this task in Call of Duty: Black Ops and get out of here onto the street. Once on the field, start running towards the hangar. Climb into it and find a working plane. After you climb into it, immediately stand behind the machine gun and shoot the enemies. But then you also need to cover your comrades. Therefore, get out of the plane and hurry to help them. Get to the large-caliber weapons and shoot the trucks. After the enemies are destroyed, your allies will fly away. And you will be captured.


You will go to serve your sentence in a camp located in Vorkuta. But right away it all starts with the fact that you will have to fight with Reznov, who will turn out to be the only friend here. Suddenly a guard bursts into the cell and starts beating Reznov. Don't miss the moment and grab the stone lying nearby to use it to kill the guard. Then grab the knife and follow Reznov very quickly. So, start escaping from this prison. On your way you will meet several more guards, whom you need to kill and take the gun from one of them. After this, continue to run after Reznov, shooting opponents along the way.

Then, in the passage of Call of Duty: Black Ops, you will meet Sergei, who will also be on your side. Move further with him until you come to the doors of the weapons room. Go through it and climb up the stairs. Once on the roof, pick up a large slingshot and start firing at the three towers with it. After that, you can go down and pick up the necessary ammunition in the weapons room. Then go further behind Reznov. It turns out that he needs to find welding. Once you find it, immediately move to the huge armored door. Now you need to try to cover your comrade from opponents while he opens the door using welding. I advise you to take out your weapon and aim at the exit from the stairs and the turn leading into the corridor. As soon as Reznov opens the door, you will need to arm yourself with a minigun, which you will see when you exit. Now it will be hot, many opponents will attack you and your friend. Try to finish everyone off with the minigun you find. Then go further and deal with everyone who wants to attack you. Having cleared the area, move on, looking around. Ultimately, in the passage of Call of Duty: Black Ops, you will find yourself in a garage containing motorcycles. Quickly get behind the wheel and drive away. Remember that you are armed with a shotgun, and use it on fighters who resist you. Having eliminated all the mercenaries who were chasing you on trucks and motorcycles, you will be free. Having reached the train, your comrade Reznov will not enter the carriage and will rush into enemy bullets to save you. Then you will watch a short cutscene called "Pentagon".

Special task

Now you will meet Woods, whom you need to follow quickly. There are two opponents ahead, who need to be silently eliminated, and then hide their bodies and move on. Soon you will meet accomplices Bowman and Brooks, who are also busy shooting Russian mercenaries. As soon as the soldiers stop breathing, you can all go into the building together. There, too, you will have to clear the floors of soldiers and climb onto the roof. Be careful, because there are also mercenaries walking on it who will resist you.

Having dealt with the enemies, go to Woods and take his crossbow, to which explosives are attached, and start using it to blow up enemy vehicles and mercenaries. As soon as all the infidels stop breathing, continue playing Call of Duty: Black Ops. Now you will need to aim at the window of the house, because that is where Weaver is being held captive. As soon as you shoot there, the rope will immediately lower, go to it and go down into the room with the prisoner. Eliminate the mercenary holding Weaver at gunpoint. Then you can find Woods and move further with him, simultaneously shooting enemies and hiding from them.

I advise you to place C4 on the missiles and blow them up. Also, when you see a Valkyrie rocket, don't forget to take them with you, because it can be used to blow up all the other rockets. You need to take the flour from the bottom of the weapon, not the side, because it will be more effective. Now it will be very hot, so you quickly need to run your feet into a dungeon crowded with mercenaries. Get ready for a serious fight and the fact that you will probably die here more than once. It is worth noting that there will be a checkpoint in the middle of this underground tunnel, so stock up on grenades and AK47 to easily destroy the soldiers. Also at the very end you will see another checkpoint, after passing which new enemies will not bother you. Then continue through the Call of Duty: Black Ops game and move further along the tunnel until you see enemies wearing gas masks. They will come out of the room where the steam is pouring out. Shoot them and go into that room.


It must be said right away that this mission is not very interesting, it can be called boring. From the very beginning, enjoy the song that accompanies Woods' disembarkation from the turntable. Get ready for the jeep to suddenly overturn and opponents to immediately attack the base. Quickly destroy them and climb up the steps to the mountain, which is captured by soldiers. Now in the walkthrough of Call of Duty: Black Ops, the Marines, along with Woods, will begin to attack the enemy, but you do not need to run with them, because this is risky for your life. It’s better to go behind the wooden partition and shoot the mercenaries from there. Then quickly move to Woods and Hudson, with whom you need to go down the mountain, eliminating the soldiers along the way. You will also see a bunker, which you should definitely go into and clear it of evil spirits. After the enemies are destroyed, pick up the ammo and start running until you see a trench. When you get close to it, jump in and destroy the enemies from there. You may not be able to jump into the trench the first time, but don’t despair, just try to jump there without diving in the air. When there is no resistance around, get out of the trench and go to the transport. Having climbed into the car, drive around the location and use a grenade launcher to blow up tanks and soldiers who are still breathing.


Now you will be given a shotgun loaded with explosive bullets. In the further passage of the game Call of Duty: Black Ops, your main goal will be to find the defector. It is worth noting that now the soldiers are also armed with shotguns, so you need to be extremely careful. I advise you to shoot them from a distance. Then it turns out that the defector is Reznov himself. Hurry to the evacuation zone. Go outside and move around it. Your allies will cover you, but you must not forget that now you should blow up the anti-aircraft gun, and then try to hold the position until reinforcements from the air arrive. Get to the machine gun and use it to send enemies to the next world. As soon as a tank appears on the horizon, immediately run to the barricades and wait there for the boat to arrive.


Now you will be in the role of Hudson. The main task when completing this mission in the game Call of Duty: Black Ops will be to find and torture Clark. You can torture him with the help of fragments, and then start beating him. As soon as the soldiers appear, immediately hide behind the table to shoot them from there. Then you can climb to the very top along the steps. I only advise you to do this very quickly, because you risk gas poisoning. Once on the roof, run to another and so on until you see a tent below. Jump onto it. It is worth noting that it will not hold you and you will fall into it. Look around and grab the ownerless pistol lying nearby. Use it to shoot your opponents and run to the van. As soon as you find yourself near it, you can climb inside.

Project "Nova"

Now you will play the role of Reznov. So you should follow Dragovich. Now you will need to deal with the enemies who captured the German base, and then find a certain Steiner. Once in the house, eliminate the opponents and inspect everything. But it turns out that Steiner is not here, so move towards the ship. It is worth noting that after Steiner is captured by you, you need to infiltrate the ship together with Dragovich to find Nova-6. Once on board, the British will soon appear, who also sailed here to get these weapons. Defeat them and run forward. Along the way, you should plant a charge and then find a glowing pipe to shoot at. Thus, a hole will appear through which you can get out. In the further passage of Call of Duty: Black Ops, you need to try to get your feet off the ship as quickly as possible, because it will soon go down.

Victor Charlie

You will open your eyes on a helicopter that crashed. Quickly get away from it and shoot two opponents, and then dive. Now Reznov will help you. Then there will be a meeting with the Whiskey group, after which you need to go to the village and plant explosives there. After doing this, try to quietly move outside of it and undermine everything. Then run to cover and take out the grenade launchers from the roofs, because they can finish you off. Having dealt with them, jump off and make your way into the tunnels. As you move through them, take out your weapon and keep it cocked to immediately finish off opponents who may appear at the most inopportune moment

Crash site

Now you will see a boat, go to it and sit at the helm. You will continue the passage of Call of Duty: Black Ops by swimming across the river, shooting soldiers along the way. Once on the shore, try to get to the mouth of the river safely. I advise you to watch for snipers, who can be detected by their glow. As soon as you kill them, go to the place where the plane crashed and wait for your allies there. After waiting for them, move on together. It is worth noting that at the very end the plane will be shot by opponents and you will become Dragovich's prisoner.


At the very beginning, you will have to be in the shoes of Moseley, who flies the plane. Try to follow the instructions and keep a small squad under control from the air. There is nothing complicated about this, just follow everything that is written.

Then you will play the role of Hudson. So wait a little while the patrol soldiers pass you by. And then join your allies and move forward with them, copying all their movements. As soon as you hear the sound of an approaching avalanche, quickly move away from the radar station. Then, in the passage of the game Call of Duty: Black Ops, you will need to climb into the mountains and find a parachute there. Approach it and try to open it to land near the base, which is under enemy control. Once you have destroyed all the enemies walking around it, make your way further to blow up freight transport, in which reinforcements arrive. Be careful, because when you leave this base, you will be attacked by opponents armed to the teeth. I advise you to deal with them as soon as possible and move on.


Now you need to escape from captivity together with Woods. Once free, try not to let out of sight of the soldier who is trying to escape. It is worth noting that there will be two paths in the tunnels: upper and lower. I advise you to navigate through the lower one. So, having climbed there, find an AK-47 with an under-barrel grenade launcher and take it for yourself. Use it to remove the mercenary and get out. Now continue through Call of Duty: Black Ops and move towards the helipad. As you approach, take out a grenade launcher and use it to shoot enemies who attack you. When the area is cleared, you can climb into the helicopter and fire at attacking enemies from it. I advise you to beware of rockets, because they can cause special harm to you. After killing everyone in this location, start the engine and fly towards the forest. Having reached the place, disembark and proceed further. Once in the enemy's lair, clear the area and find Reznov. As soon as you find him, free him and do not forget about the other prisoners. Then, together with everyone else, go to Kravchenko, simultaneously fighting off the attack of the soldiers.


Now your goal is the laboratory. You need to get into it and find Steiner. So get out of the carriage and finish off the guard, from whose body you can take the tomahawk. Then continue through Call of Duty: Black Ops and follow Reznov. It is worth noting that you can climb into this laboratory through the roof. Once inside, deal with the opponents and go to Steiner. Once you get there, watch the video.
Then you will play as Hudson. It is worth noting that all events will take place twenty minutes before the moment Mason and Reznov get together. Take out your machine gun and deal with the soldiers who attacked you. Then you will be attacked from the air by a helicopter. So put it on protective mask and quickly move to a safe place to shoot the helicopter from there. Then climb inside the laboratory and find Mason and Steiner there. Then you can take a short break and watch a cutscene called “Revelations.”


You will open your eyes in a helicopter, land on board the ship and deal with all the enemies walking there. Then go behind the squad of fighters and destroy them unnoticed. Then wait for the pinwheel to arrive. Be careful and keep a long distance from him, because there is no way you can blow him up yet. Then, in the walkthrough of Call of Duty: Black Ops, you need to land on the helipad and get to the rocket launchers, shooting the soldiers along the way. As soon as you find yourself near them, stand up and start shooting at the helicopters. After you knock down all the turntables, you can move to the lower decks and there find a station with which you can stop the transmission of numbers. Once you disable it, find Dragovich and kill him. This completes the walkthrough of Call of Duty: Black Ops.

After watching the introductory video, you will find yourself in a boat with your comrades. Very soon the first operation will begin, which will unfold on the French coastline. When the boat stops, run out and talk to the lieutenant in the shelter, after which your task is to break through to the indicated marker, to do this, run from one shelter to another, move chaotically so as not to get shot.

Having reached the indicated location, place the explosives on the Bangalore. To do this, move the pointer over the circle and click the button shown. After the explosion, go into the bunker. Run into the trenches on the left side, after killing several enemies you can take first aid kits.

Note: The health bar does not regenerate automatically, like in other modern shooters. To replenish your health, you need to use first aid kits, which you can find or ask from your squad’s medic.

Souvenir- here you can find the first souvenir, to do this, at the end of the trench, turn right to the machine gun pillbox, which is shelling the beach, inside you will find a souvenir. (1 of 3 on this task)

Having dealt with the opponents, go up the road that leads to other bunkers. Here your task is to clear the bunkers from the enemy. Try to shoot enemies from a distance and only then approach and go inside the bunker, otherwise you may get surrounded. There won't be any problems with the first bunker, stick to cover and deal with the guards.

Feat- On the way to the second bunker, you can notice how a German soldier is trying to kill your comrade in hand-to-hand combat. Kill an enemy to get your first feat. (1 of 2 on this mission).

On the approach to the second point, be careful, there are enemy machine guns at the exit. Throw a smoke grenade to get past them. Then make your way to the third bunker, there a flamethrower will attack you, by killing him you can take his weapon.

Souvenir- don’t rush to run to the fourth pillbox, first go left and down (where you came from). The door that was previously closed will be open, and inside you can take a second souvenir. (2 out of 3 on this task).

Feat- on the way to the fourth indoor bunker you need to save your friend from the enemy again. Like last time, just kill the enemy, so you will get a feat (2 out of 2 on this task).

Now you just have to get to the last fifth bunker, where a German soldier will attack you. At this moment, the QTE mode is activated, where you need to press the buttons that are shown on your screen. Once the fight is over, check Zussman, then turn around and kill the enemy with the pistol. After this, your task will be to save Zussman; he must be dragged to the nearest first aid station. Drag your friend through the side hole of the bunker. On the street you will need to shoot back from enemy soldiers, try to shoot in the head. Having reached the specified location, your task will change to another. Now you need uniWhat to do with the enemy artillery that is shelling the beach. Head towards the indicated marker, finding two houses ( majority opponents sit on the right). Clear them of enemies, and then strengthen your position on the first floor (lots of cover) or on the second, where there is a machine gun and you can fire at the advancing soldiers.

Souvenir- pay attention to where the German soldiers appear from (to your right, the machine gun cannot be deployed there), in this direction there will be a souvenir on the table. (3 out of 3 on this task).

All you have to do is hold out until your allies arrive. After destroying the enemy artillery, return to the first aid station to complete the operation.

Operation Cobra

Your goal: take Marigny, France, in order to open a direct route to Paris.

Souvenir- as soon as the task begins, pay attention to two soldiers who are standing near the barrels. There you can find a souvenir (1 of 3 on this task).

After jumping on the tank you will move towards Marigny. German bombers will appear and destroy a couple of tanks. There are several firearms nearby that will need to be destroyed, as well as one anti-aircraft gun that will destroy enemy aircraft. Regroup at the indicated location, and then clear the barn that the Germans captured. To the right of the barn there is a path that you should follow to the next marker, hiding in the covers. There is a window next to the wall, which is an excellent place to destroy enemies. On the road to the left there will be less cover, but the Germans are also in a more vulnerable position. In any case, once you're done with them, go upstairs. Behind the barn there is a field with haystacks. It is from here that the Germans will try to counterattack you - shoot them all, using the hay as cover. Move forward, go through the forest line, where some opponents will try to stop you.

Feat- when you see that the enemy soldier is surrendering, go up to him and take aim, when the scale is full you will accept his task and earn a feat (1 of 3 on this task).

Souvenir- walking along the path that leads to the anti-aircraft gun, nearby you will find a hut with a souvenir inside (2 of 3).

After destroying the bombers, you will have to make your way to the German heavy artillery, which is trying to destroy the Allied tanks. Follow Pearson along the road and go to the viewpoint. Stop to replenish your ammunition, and then jump down and clear all the trenches, where there are two firing positions with anti-tank infantry. Take the sniper rifle at the right point and shoot at the red fuel cans (this will be when you enter the building and go up). Or just shoot at every enemy in the three trenches. When all three positions are cleared, the tanks will begin to move forward. Hide behind one of the tanks and follow, using it as cover from machine gun points. Don't forget that you can throw enemy grenades aside. Once your tanks reach a certain point, they will be able to destroy the Nazi machine gun positions, allowing you to move on to the next area.

Souvenir- after destroying the guns, go to the far right and go down. Here you can find a soldier's gas mask; this will be the last souvenir on this mission.

Feat- after taking the gas mask, look to the left - your ally is in danger there, save him by killing the enemy (2 of 3).

Your tanks will be stopped by the next PAKs, so you will have to clear the nearby barn and find a good position for the sniper (on the second floor). Approach the barn on the right and destroy all the enemies surrounding it - or go to the barn on the left. There is a machine gun emplacement in the second barn, so be careful. To the right of the machine gun point is a red canister - shoot it to kill the machine gunner with an explosion. From the barn, deal with three PAKs by shooting at the canisters or at each enemy separately with a sniper rifle. Don't forget that by holding left Shift you can hold your breath.

Feat- after destroying the PAKs, cross the enemy trenches, there you will meet Pierce. When faced with enemies who are trying to surrender, spare them to get feat (3 of 3).

After regrouping with Pearson, you will find that Charlie Squad is surrounded by the Germans. You will be placed in a jeep - you need to go as quickly as possible in order to save them. The marker at the bottom of the screen with a scale is not a timer. The bar shows the likelihood of you encountering "Charlie" based on how fast you are driving. Crashing into obstacles will slow you down. After a few seconds of driving, Daniels will hand over the steering wheel to Zussman, and you will have to shoot opponents in enemy cars with a machine gun. Once in the village, kill the Nazis until you finally kill them.


Your task is to capture the church, and then climb the bell tower to cover your allies from above. There you will also find a sniper rifle with optics. Move through the Marigny, using smoke grenades frequently to call in mortar fire whenever possible.

Souvenir- having dealt with the enemies, not far from the beginning of the task, on the second floor near the stairs on the right there is a small medallion hanging in front of the picture of the convex wall, take it to get your first souvenir on this task (1 of 3).

Feat- when enemy reinforcements appear, hold out until the all-terrain vehicles appear. At this moment, provide first aid to your squad comrade (1 of 1).

After destroying the Germans on all-terrain vehicles, move to the indicated location and stand behind the machine gun. The fascists who will appear on the left side of the screen will try to counterattack you. The machine gun does a ton of damage, and is well shielded enough to protect you. But if you're having trouble identifying opponents, ask Pearson to identify the targets.

As soon as you enter the church, you will see a box with ammunition that you need to use to replenish it. When you do this, a machine gunner will open fire on you from the second floor, and several other opponents will appear on the first tier. Go to the right side of the church and methodically move towards the visible targets, killing one by one. Open the door to the church courtyard after reloading your weapon.

Souvenir- after dealing with the enemies in the church, go to the right side of the building, here near the explosion pit there is a small niche where there is a souvenir (2 of 3).

Some of your allies will leave the church to destroy the anti-aircraft guns, while you and a couple of other soldiers will have to climb the bell tower and cover those who went outside. Climb up the indicated stairs, and then get to the tower and pick up the sniper rifle. In front of the sandbags, kill four or five Germans. Next, enemies will appear on the left side of the square, and you try to be the first to kill the one with the flamethrower. After that, three snipers in green camouflage will be on the second and first floors of the building opposite. A little later, three all-terrain vehicles will arrive along with artillerymen. Kill the last ones, and then take care of the rest. Zussman will make his way down the street to the anti-aircraft gun. Enemies will appear on the second floor of the building on the right - shoot them all. As soon as the anti-aircraft gun is destroyed, the Germans will fire at your position. Some allies will die, and once you are knocked down, perform simple QTE actions to dodge the falling bell. Going down the stairs, you will be trapped by a beam that has fallen on your foot. This will begin another QTE scene. When you remove the beam from your feet, follow down and leave the church before the bell falls. After a successful escape, you will need to hold your position while killing the Germans counterattacking across the square.

Souvenir- hide in the shelter on the right, there you will find a large object with which you can interact (near the sandbags). This is the last souvenir on this task (3 of 3) and the last souvenir on the location.

The Germans will run along both the left and right flanks. Listen to Pearson and Stiles to find out which side has more enemies. There are weapons and first aid kits scattered around the location. Don't forget that sometimes picking up a new weapon is much faster than reloading the one you have in your hands.

In this mission you will have to fight on a fortified train and chase it, all in order to stop it. One of the features of this task is that it can be completed in two simple ways: secretly and with a frontal attack. Move towards the marked target; if you are detected, a report will begin before the train - you need to hurry to catch it. To act covertly, you must take your time and move slowly from one target to another. After the cutscene, sneak up from behind and kill the sniper by pressing the Q key. A truck with an officer will appear - he will be marked as the main target - shoot him, and your allies will deal with the other two enemies. Follow Crowley through the window into the building, where a German will appear from the corridor on the left. Kill him secretly and don’t even think about shooting at the two fascists outside the window - you don’t need them.

Souvenir- near the window, in the room on the left side there is another German. Don't worry - one of your allies will finish him off. Once you're on the other side of the house, turn left to find three Nazis talking. Kill them quickly so that no one alerts the others. Then look into the basket where the first souvenir lies. (1 of 3)

Go to the area below, where there will be several routes that can take you through the spacious field in front of the house. It is best to move along the left edge. When you are at the camp, you will notice a jeep driving in here. There is no need to rush - wait until all the enemies have passed by, into the courtyard of the house, after which you will only have to kill two enemies - one near the truck, and the other against the wall in front. Wait until the two Germans go their separate ways. You can even use firearms - they are very powerful and quiet (with a silencer). Once you get through the hole in the wall on the left, you will find yourself in the second area with a fire in the center. Kill the German outside, in front of you - those inside will not notice you. Then kill the enemy inside the house. By that time, another enemy may approach and examine the body of his partner lying on the street. Kill him, and then deal with the one standing on the other side of the fire.

Souvenir- upon entering the house, there will be a souvenir right in the room, it lies on the piano in the form of a necklace. (2 of 3).

Go inside, as soon as you find yourself in the next area, you will be automatically detected by enemies, which will interrupt the secret passage of the task and turn it into a real train chase. First, you will need to clear the entire yard of enemies before the countdown ends, signaling that the train has left. There will be a lot of enemies on the street. Throw a grenade, which will destroy some of them. Next, dogs will run and immediately attack you - shoot the animals. You need to go to the building across the street, the post office, from where you can catch the train. Collect ammunition and first aid kits from your allies and try to kill the Germans as quickly as possible.

Feat- moving forward you can find a wounded soldier lying on the road near the passage to the yard. You need to drag him to a safe place to get the feat. (1 of 1)

A star icon with a circular, emptying scale shows whether you have time to catch up with the train. Several Germans will try to attack you from where you came, so be careful. When the opportunity arises, always take ammo from Stiles. After killing the enemies in the courtyard, go inside the post office.

When you clear it too, open the door to see a train shooting at you. The train will leave, and you will have to jump into the jeep and catch up with it. Next, drive along the road you see, trying not to crash into anything. Zussman will take over control, and you will have to kill opponents with a machine gun. The main thing is to pay attention to those Germans who climb onto the roof - most of them will have RPGs.

Souvenir - the last souvenir can be found after the train crash. As you move through the rubble you will encounter an enemy, after defeating him, look at the crates on the right. There you will find a radio - the last souvenir on this mission. (3 out of 3).

When the train wreck stopped,Reunite with your squads to begin a new mission.


Collateral Damage

Here you have to liberate Paris and play as two characters. First you will take on the role of the French spy K amil Denis, Rousey. The task of which is to meet with the general undercover and start sabotage. When you start the task, you will be given the opportunity to study the documents; you need to remember them well. To get into the protected area, approach the guard and show him your documents. When asked why you are here, select " Personal documents" You need a man named Fisher, who is wearing a gray officer's uniform. He works under the name Oberst and is your spy. There are many documents scattered throughout the hotel for you to study. There are quite a few people you can talk to to get more information.

From here you can take different routes. If you want to quickly get directly to the spy, then rewind the information below. Follow through the lobby and you'll see a room on the left - enter it and make your way to the room at the back. You will see an officer studying the map.

Ask him for Fischer to find out that he is in the filing. After leaving the room and returning to the corridor, go left. You will see an officer in a black uniform close the door and begin to walk down the corridor. You can either follow him to his destination, stun him, or pick the lock. Either way, you won't get caught.

Souvenir- around the corner here is a bathroom that you can enter. Search everything here and take the first souvenir. (1 of 3)

Going downstairs, you will see a soldier beating a woman - this happens in a side room. You can go in there and kill this soldier, or leave the girl alone - this is not a feat. Chat with German soldier near the men playing cards - ask if he is a Fischer. He will tell you that Fischer went up to the second floor. Also in the basement you can find a cell with a prisoner and a guard sleeping next to him - pick the lock on the cell. There are two staircases in the basement. Find the far one and go up to the second floor to meet Fischer. Your contact will be at the table. You can ask if he is a Fisher, or you can immediately give the passphrase. He will take you to a side room and explain that you showed up early. You need to meet him later so that he can hand over the explosives. He will send you through Heinrich's office. Follow the existing marker straight to Commandant Heinrich's office, going up to the third floor. Enter the room and try to open the window - this will lead to the appearance of an officer who will immediately begin interrogation. You will speak English to him. When he asks his first question, select the Spiegel option (it was he, judging by the documents, who sent you here). The Commandant will identify Rousey, begin to confuse him, and then pounce - complete simple QTE actions to grab the goblet and finish off the enemy. As soon as you kill him, get out through the window and head to the war room, where Fisher is waiting for you. As soon as you meet him again, pick up the suitcase from the floor - unfortunately, he will be caught. Quickly go downstairs to meet Crowley. You will be stopped by a guard who will ask a question and ask you to show your suitcase so that you do not answer; he will suspect you, but your partner will help you. Next you will go to a courtyard, which is well guarded by soldiers. Here you can secretly place explosives on the gate or, choosing a convenient position, shoot your opponents, the choice is yours, but the first option is still better. And on the right side of the yard, in one of the buildings, you will find Fisher being interrogated, get into the house and save him, in the future he can help you.

After placing explosives on the server gate, you need to mine the opposite gate.

Souvenir- when you place explosives on the northern gate, open the door on the opposite side of the passage. Further there may be opponents if you acted secretly, but if not the path will be clear. Go upstairs, and go to the room at the top of the stairs, there you will find a souvenir on the luggage near the couch. (2 of 3)

By placing explosives on the second gate, you will take control of Daniels, whose task, together with his squad, is to break through the area and enter the fortress. Make your way through enemies without straying far from your squad.

Feat- When you find yourself on the bridge, you will find a wounded man there, save him to get feat (1 of 2).

Souvenir- At the end of the bridge you will come under heavy fire from a machine gun point, hide in cover and look around. There will be a tarp and empty bottles nearby, on the right side you will find the last souvenir for this task. (3 out of 3).

Walk along the bridge, periodically hiding in shelters. At the end of the bridge on the second floor of the corner building, diagonally from you, there will be a machine gun point and several enemies, one of which has a grenade launcher. Use cover, pay attention to tarps and empty bottles. On the right side of the table is the third and final souvenir of the level.

Feat- having dealt with the armored personnel carrier that appeared. Regroup with your comrades and fight your way through the house, armed with a shotgun. After killing everyone on the first floor, go to the second, where some of the enemies will want to surrender - accept their surrender to get the feat.

As a result, you will fortify yourself in one of the buildings, with a machine gun. Your task is to stop the advance of the Germans who are trying to regain their positions. When your position is undermined, run outside and continue the battle. Take a grenade launcher and destroy enemy equipment, so you will end the battle.

Factory of death

The Allies have turned the tide of the battle and now your rear will capture the German city of Aachen. After the cutscene, hide in cover and shoot back, then gradually move forward. When you approach the marker and take the phone, you will take control of the tank. Your task is to deliver a tank platoon to the square to assist your allies. In this part of the task you will control a tank and fire at enemies from it. This may seem easy at first, but don't forget about the enemies with grenade launchers. Always eliminate dangerous opponents first (they are highlighted and are usually hidden in houses). Sooner or later, you will encounter an enemy tank - the Panzer. First of all, take it back - the enemy has impenetrable armor in front, so you will have to maneuver among the ruins and attack only at the rear of the tank. Having destroyed it, move further until you encounter a “Tiger”, and another “Panzer” will press you from behind. The first one doesn't pose much of a threat (it just has more health than the Panzer), so focus on destroying one tank and then move on to the other. Having dealt with the enemy tanks, you only have to overcome a small obstacle in the form of an enemy platoon. And behind them there will be a square.

Having done this, try to climb the hill, but a German Tiger will burst out of the building on the right. In addition, another Panzer will appear at the location behind you. Turn left and go around the Tiger in the same way as you did with the Panzer. Focus on destroying one of the two tanks, and then deal with the second. You need to shoot exclusively at the side or back. In terms of armor and firepower, these tanks are stronger than yours, but the American one has an advantage in speed.

After finishing the battle in the square, follow to the German fortress - the marker indicates.

Souvenir- after the ambush with the machine gunner, take the document from the piano. (1 of 3).

Feat- After the second machine gun attack, before you enter the building with the squad, help your comrade. (1 of 3)

After packing, you will be transferred to an airliner that is heading to France, namely Normandy. At night, you and Sergeant Heath will find yourself in the small town of Saint-Eglise, where the enemy is holed up. Your main goal now is to do everything possible and give the signal so that your allies can launch an offensive on these lands covered by the Germans. In the further passage of the Call of Duty game, you will find yourself in a large area, which will be enclosed along the perimeter by a high fence. Now look carefully around and find your partner. But you won't be able to see it yet, don't be upset, because it apparently landed a little differently than planned. Now a truck will pass not far from you, wait a little and only when it is out of sight can you head towards the house that you see at the top of the hill. Be careful, because now one of the Germans will meet you. Grab the weapon and eliminate him immediately so that he does not have time to inform others of your presence.

Once inside the room, look around and find the receiver, which should lie on the table and reproduce German motifs. You can also see a first aid kit next to it. Then, in your Call of Duty playthrough, you need to get out of this room, moving to the western part of the location. Once in a small landing, look around and see that the body of one sergeant is hanging from a tree. There is a bag lying nearby, come and take it for yourself. Then you need to listen carefully in order to understand where the Krauts’ conversation is coming from. Go to the bunker and shoot two Germans playing chess. Then exit the bunker into a large field. By the way, this place can be used for landing troops. Run and install a beacon there, with which your accomplices will be able to determine your location. They're about to arrive. As soon as the landing stops, quickly go with everyone else to the buildings that stand nearby. Be especially careful, because they will shoot at you from all the windows. Get to the entrance to the farthest building and go there. After you have dealt with your opponents, go to the second exit to move to the next courtyard. Once in the next building, simply cross it and exit, then turn to the right. After going a little forward, you will need to climb into the trench. And you can get to it through a passage made in a brick fence. At this point, the passage of the first mission will stop, proceed to the second.

Mission 2. Sept. Mer. Eglis

It is with the help of this trench that you can get to the minefield, through which it is still possible to cross. You need to continue passing this minefield in Call of Duty by crawling through the very center of the field. You will see huge holes left after detonated mines. I advise you to lie down in these craters and wait until the Germans stop shooting at you. As soon as the fire subsides, move further until you can see the clear outlines of the houses in front of you. Take out your gun and aim at your opponents, and then shoot everyone. Only after all the buildings located near the railway tracks have been cleared of enemies, can you move forward and capture the station. After crossing the rails, quickly head towards the almost destroyed wall made of brick. Then turn to the right and head very quickly towards the entrance that is on the side. So you'll be inside railway station. Once you have eliminated all the enemies, approach the window and take out your rifle.

Taking aim at the German sitting behind the wheel of an armored personnel carrier, shoot and kill him. Then, in the passage of the Call of Duty game, you need to get out of this building and, once on the street, go to the almost collapsed wall. Stop near it and examine the area. You will see that across the road there are buildings in which the opponents have settled down, setting up an ambush there. Move forward and try to destroy as many Germans as possible, and then run across the road and move to the outer building. Once inside, look for the exit that will lead you to the courtyard. It is through it that you can find the path leading to the cemetery. It is worth noting that the Krauts settled in the chapel. They are waiting for you to appear, so be careful and, together with your squad, destroy them all. Then find a passage broken in the wall and climb through it. Now go to the right side and look around. When you see an anti-aircraft gun, head towards it. In the further passage of this mission in Call of Duty, you need to eliminate the machine gunners and other fighters walking nearby. As soon as all the enemies are destroyed, take out the explosives and head with them to the body of the self-propelled gun. After it is placed in it, take your feet to the maximum distance so that you do not get caught. After the explosion occurs, get out of cover and join your squad. Now we need to move with them to the square.

After walking a little, you will see another anti-aircraft gun in the center, quickly run to it and repeat the same actions as the previous time with the self-propelled gun. After the Germans are killed, move into the narrow hole located between the hotel and the almost collapsed building. After leaving it, you need to turn to the right and run to the next house to move to another street. When you get out there, you will see that there is a car standing almost in the middle of the road, which was slightly caught. Be careful, because it is guarded by a soldier with a machine gun on the right side. Now, in the passage of the game Call of Duty, you should move across the road and lean against the wall of the house. Listen carefully and slowly move in the direction from which you will hear machine gun fire. So, you will find yourself in the rear of a machine gun ambush. As soon as you destroy a fighter, immediately deal with those from the self-propelled gun. Then head to the anti-aircraft gun to plant a bomb on it. Kill at the maximum safe distance and wait for the explosives to explode. That's it, the second mission is now considered completed.

Mission 3. Sep. Mer. Eglis. Day

Before the sun even appears above the horizon, the Krauts will begin to regroup. If you look into the sky, you will see enemy planes flying over the territory of the captured town. Join your squad and move with them across the road, straight to the small building. It was once used as a bank. Once you're inside, examine it carefully after you've held a meeting with your comrades. As soon as you cross the threshold of the room, you can see the approaching Germans on the left. And if you look at the intersection, you will see an approaching enemy tank. While your comrades are fighting the Germans, move towards the almost collapsed church. You can get to it if you turn left without crossing the brick fence. Once inside the building, find and get your hands on a loaded grenade launcher. Then you can move to the tank at such a distance that it can be clearly seen in the grenade launcher sight. Then in the Call of Duty playthrough, shoot him and return to the church. Now you can move to the wall near which one of the machine guns is located. Approach him and look through the scope. So, now an old cemetery comes into your field of vision, through which the Germans are calmly walking. Take your weapon and start shooting at your opponents. Eventually they will start to run away. As soon as you leave the church building, you should go to the opposite building. Once inside, you can go to the exit that will lead you to the square. You now need to move to its northern part.

Be careful because as soon as you get around the corner of the building, enemies will attack you. After you shoot them, get ready to meet an enemy tank. Now you need to try your best to return to the church to pick up the grenade launcher, with which you can disarm the tank. It is worth noting that during these manipulations you will be under the cover of your comrades. Once the tank is destroyed, go out to the intersection and turn left. There is another enemy tank there, do the same with it as with the previous one. Then go out onto an empty street and walk along it until you run into barbed wire blocking the path. Now you need to concentrate and look around. And then come up and look closely at the fence, in which huge holes gape. If you go up to them and look, you will see how the Germans carried out their fortification. Feel free to move forward and tear them to pieces with a sniper rifle. As soon as you clear the area, you can go down. In the further passage of this mission in the game Call of Duty, you will come to a trench, after crossing which you will find yourself near a building with still intact walls. You can go around it to finish off two enemies. After this, you will see your allies driving the car out of the garage. Go to her and sit in the front seat. As soon as you have a conversation with like-minded people, you can set out on the road, the final stop of which is the regimental headquarters. Do everything to keep the road clear.

Mission 4. Normandy route No. 13

I need to warn you right away and say that the entire passage of this task in Call of Duty is that the car ride will be very hot. You and your comrades will drive through a territory that is overcrowded with enemy troops and military equipment. Also, fighter jets will drop bombs on you from the sky. I advise you, while driving in a vehicle, to lean out of the window (F) and fire at your opponents so that they do not manage to shoot out the wheels of the car. Almost in the middle of your road you will come across a small town in which you will find yourself trapped. As soon as the explosion occurs, get out of the vehicle and look for shelter in another car. If you look behind you, you will see a lying slab that used to be on the house. Go to it and climb inside the building. If you walk to the end of the corridor, you can find yourself on another street. Look around and notice a broken car. But you shouldn’t hope that you will be able to drive away with it. Just run past it and then turn the corner. So, not far from you there is a building in which a garage is open. And there is a jeep in it. Just be careful, because in the very top window there is a shooter who must first be killed, and only then move towards the army jeep. In the future passage of Call of Duty, you should quickly stand behind a machine gun and fire at enemies while your allies try to steal the car. As soon as this happens, jump into it with lightning speed and head out on the road. You will drive quite a bit, because you will soon stop near the regimental headquarters, which you needed to get to.