Refinery hydrocracking unit. Project for the manufacture and supply of hydrocracking reactors to the RN-Tuapse Oil Refinery (JSC NK Rosneft). The low quality of produced petroleum products is due to the backward structure of oil refining at most Russian refineries,

Oil. A new complex for deep oil refining using hydrocracking technology has appeared in Russia. But it is too early to say that oil companies are moving from primary to deep refining.

In Perm, a deep oil refining complex was put into operation at the Lukoil oil refinery. As stated in the company's statement, the increase in the production of light petroleum products due to it is comparable to the additional refining of 2.3 million tons of oil per year. But it’s difficult to say how big a role the complex will play. “It’s good for Russia that Lukoil is increasing the level of refining at one of its key facilities,” says Marina Lukashova, an analyst at FC Uralsib. “But it has not gained any special advantages over other oil companies and there are too many factories left that need upgrade".

The new complex includes a hydrocracking unit, which is a fairly modern, but expensive technology. "F" told us more about it. Alexander Yakovlev, director of the EPN-Consulting company: “Previously, in Russia, a hydrocracking unit operated only in Ufa at Ufaneftekhim. But it worked poorly - it was constantly reconstructed. Now a second unit has begun operating in Perm using a new, more modern technology, which allows you to increase the production of light petroleum products. However, this process is very expensive, so now catalytic cracking is mainly used. The construction of a plant for processing 2 million tons of oil per year costs about $1.5-2 billion, the same as the cost of an oil refinery for 5-6 million tons. “The decision about what to build depends on the company’s starting capabilities. If it has little refining capacity, then it builds a new refinery, but if it has enough, it can afford modernization.”

Dmitry Lukashov, an analyst at Aton Investment Group, told F. that hydrocracking is not considered a super technology abroad, but for Russia it is quite progressive. When using it, the yield of light petroleum products increases, but on the scale of Lukoil the changes will not be serious. And the complex is expensive. With this money it was possible to build a new processing plant. However, Lukoil is not the only company that has decided to use hydrocracking. Rosneft plans to use this technology at the Komsomolsk Refinery since 2005, and Surgutneftegaz plans to install it at the Kirishi Refinery by 2008.

According to Lukoil's calculations, the new complex will increase the production of motor fuel by more than 1 million tons per year, while the quality of petroleum products will meet European standards. “However, low-processed products are in great demand abroad,” Anastasia Andronova, an analyst at CenterInvest Securities, told F. short term it would be more profitable to build a primary oil processing plant. In this case, Lukoil is focusing on the future, but in 3-4 years this technology will be cheaper. It is unlikely that hydrocracking will begin to become very popular now, since there is a lack of refining capacity in Russia."

According to Lukoil, investments in the complex amounted to 10.8 billion rubles. “According to our calculations, additional revenues from the project will amount to more than 4 billion rubles per year,” Dmitry Mangilev, an analyst at Prospekt Investment Company, told F. “Thus, we can talk about a fairly quick payback for the project for the company. On the other hand, the construction of a new refinery, designed to process 2 million tons of oil per year, could cost Lukoil about $300-350 million, which is approximately the same level as a new installation. Therefore, it is doubtful whether other domestic companies will invest in it. similar projects or will prefer the construction of new capacities, especially since large companies besides Lukoil are more focused on the export of crude oil.”

Thus, new oil refining technologies are taking hold in Russia, but now it is difficult to say how widely oil companies will use them. Large companies for now they prefer to export primary oil. Moreover, for some, the problem of lack of refining capacity is acute and, first of all, they will try to solve it by building refineries. And only then will they think about modernizing and improving product quality. l

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Federal state budget educational institution higher professional education

"Penza State Technological Academy" (PGTA)

Vocational school

Course project

Discipline: “Chemistry and technology of oil and gas”

Topic: “Hydrocracking of petroleum feedstock”

Completed by the student:

Emeldyaev V.A.

Checked by the teacher:

Pavlova E.A

Penza 2013

  • Introduction
    • 1. Hydrocracking of petroleum feedstocks
    • 1.1 Features of the chemistry and mechanism of hydrocracking reactions
    • 1.2 Hydrocracking catalysts
    • 1.3 Main parameters of hydrocracking processes
    • 1.4 Hydrocracking of gasoline fractions
    • 1.5 Selective hydrocracking processes
    • 1.6 Hydrogenation of kerosene fractions
    • 1.7 Hydrocracking of vacuum distillate at 15 MPa
      • 1.7.1 Single-stage hydrocracking process for vacuum distillates
      • 1.7.2 Technological scheme of single-stage hydrocracking with the production of predominantly diesel fuel from vacuum gas oil in a stationary catalyst bed
  • Conclusion
  • List of sources used


The oil refining industry in Russia lags significantly behind the industrialized countries of the world in its development. The main problems of the industry are the low depth of oil refining and the low quality of produced petroleum products.

Russian oil refineries are different low level conversion of petroleum feedstock into more valuable refined products. On average Russian Federation The yield of main motor fuels (motor gasoline, diesel fuel) is inferior to that of oil refining in the industrialized countries of the world, and the share of fuel oil production is the highest.

The low quality of produced petroleum products is due to the backward structure of oil refining at most Russian refineries, in which the share of destructive deepening processes is low,

Recently, there has been a tendency towards improving the state of the Russian oil refining industry. Signs of improvement are a significant increase in investment by Russian oil companies in oil refining, an increase in oil refining volumes, a gradual improvement in the quality of produced motor fuels due to the abandonment of the production of leaded motor gasoline, an increase in the share of production of high-octane gasoline and environmentally friendly ones. At a number of Russian refineries in recent years The construction of new deep oil refining complexes (DOC) is actively underway. In 2004, a vacuum gas oil hydrocracking complex was launched at the Perm Oil Refinery (LUKOIL OJSC); in 2005, a gas-gas oil hydrocracking complex was launched at the Slavneft Yaroslavl Oil Refinery and a vacuum gas oil hydrotreating complex at the Ryazan Oil Refinery, owned by TNK-BP. The catalytic cracking complex was launched at the Nizhnekamsk Refinery of the TAIF company. Construction of a vacuum gas oil hydrocracking complex is underway at the Surgutneftegaz plant in Kirishi.

The reconstructed refineries began to produce petroleum products of European quality, and the environmental situation in the areas where the enterprises were located was improved.

1. Hydrocracking of petroleum feedstocks

The hydrocracking process is designed primarily to produce low-sulfur fuel distillates from various feedstocks. Typically, vacuum and atmospheric gas oils, thermal and catalytic cracking gas oils, deasphalted oils and, less frequently, fuel oils and tars are subjected to hydrocracking in order to produce motor gasoline, jet and diesel fuels, raw materials for petrochemical synthesis, and sometimes liquefied hydrocarbon gases (from gasoline fractions). Hydrocracking consumes significantly more hydrogen than hydrotreating the same types of raw materials.

Hydrocracking is a catalytic process for processing petroleum distillates and residues at moderate temperatures and elevated hydrogen pressures on multifunctional catalysts with hydrogenating and acidic properties (and in selective hydrocracking processes, a sieve effect).

Hydrocracking makes it possible to obtain a wide range of high-quality petroleum products (liquefied gases C 3 - C 4, gasoline, jet and diesel fuels, oil components) with high yields from almost any petroleum feedstock by selecting appropriate catalysts and technological conditions; it is one of the cost-effective, flexible and processes that deepen oil refining.

The following types of industrial hydrocracking processes are implemented in modern oil refining:

1) hydrocracking of gasoline fractions in order to obtain light isoparaffin hydrocarbons, which are valuable raw materials for the production of synthetic rubber and high-octane additives for motor gasoline;

2) selective hydrocracking of gasoline in order to increase the octane number, jet and diesel fuels in order to lower their pour point;

3) hydrodearomatization of straight-run kerosene fractions and catalytic cracking gas oils in order to reduce the content of aromatic hydrocarbons in them;

4) light hydrocracking of vacuum gas oils for the purpose of upgrading catalytic cracking raw materials with the simultaneous production of diesel fractions;

5) hydrocracking of vacuum distillates to obtain motor fuels and high-index oil bases;

6) hydrocracking of petroleum residues to obtain motor fuels, lubricating oils, low-sulfur boiler fuels and raw materials for catalytic cracking.

1.1 Features of the chemistry and mechanism of hydrocracking reactions

Hydrocracking can be considered as a combined process in which the reactions of both hydrogenolysis (that is, the cleavage of the C -S, C -N and C -O bonds) and dehydrogenation, and cracking (that is, the cleavage of the C -C bond) are simultaneously carried out, but without coke formation, producing products of lower molecular weight compared to the feedstock, purified from heteroatoms, not containing olefins, but less aromatized than with catalytic cracking.

The results of hydrocracking (material balance and quality of products) of petroleum feedstock are largely determined by the properties of the catalyst: its hydrogenating and acidic activities and their ratio. Depending on the intended purpose, catalysts with a predominance of either hydrogenating or cracking activity can be used. The result will be products of light or deep hydrocracking, respectively.

The catalytic processes of hydrocracking of petroleum feedstock are based on the following reactions:

1) hydrogenolysis of heteroorganic compounds of sulfur, nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogenation of aromatic hydrocarbons and unsaturated compounds (that is, all those reactions that occur during hydrofining);

2) cracking of paraffin and naphthenic hydrocarbons, dealkylation of cyclic structures and isomerization of the resulting low molecular weight paraffins.

The reactions of aromatization and polycondensation to coke that occur during catalytic cracking, in hydrocracking processes carried out at high hydrogen pressure and low temperatures, are greatly inhibited due to thermodynamic limitations and hydrogenation of coke gases via hydrogen.

Hydrogenolysis sulfur-, nitrogen- and oxygen-containing compounds proceeds through the same mechanism as in hydrotreating processes and ends with the formation of hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, water and the corresponding hydrocarbon. hydrocracking catalyst vacuum distiller

Hydrogenation of aromatic hydrocarbons is carried out by sequential saturation of aromatic rings with possible concomitant rupture of the resulting naphthenic rings and dealkylation.

Hydrocracking of high molecular weight paraffins on catalysts with high acid activity, it is carried out according to the carbenium ion mechanism, predominantly with a gap in the middle part with the lowest energy S-S connections. As with catalytic cracking, paraffins are first dehydrogenated at the metal centers of the catalyst to form alkenes. Alkenes at acid sites are then easily converted into carbocations and initiate a chain carbenium ion process. The rate of hydrocracking also increases with increasing molecular weight of alkanes. Isoparaffins with tertiary carbon atoms undergo cracking at a much higher rate than normal alkanes. Since the decomposition of carbenium ions with the elimination of fragments containing less than three carbon atoms is highly endothermic, during hydrocracking almost no methane and ethane are formed and the yield of isobutane and isopentanes is high (more than equilibrium). On catalysts with high hydrogenating and moderate acidic activities, intense saturation of carbenium ions occurs, resulting in the formation of paraffins with a large number of carbon atoms in the molecule, but less isomerized than on catalysts with high acidity.

The main differences between hydrocracking and catalytic cracking are that the overall conversion of paraffins is higher in the first process than in the second. This is due to the ease of formation of alkenes at the hydrodehydrogenating sites of hydrocracking catalysts. As a result, the slowest and most energy-intensive stage of the chain mechanism—chain initiation—proceeds faster during hydrocracking than during catalytic cracking without hydrogen. Hydrocracking catalysts practically do not coke, since alkenes undergo rapid hydrogenation and do not have time to undergo further transformations with the formation of polymerization and compaction products.

Naphthenes with long alkyl chains during hydrocracking on catalysts with high acid activity, they undergo isomerization and chain decomposition, like paraffinic hydrocarbons. Ring splitting occurs to a small extent. Isomerization reactions of six-membered naphthenes into five-membered naphthenes proceed intensively. Bicyclic naphthenes are converted predominantly into monocyclic naphthenes, with a high yield of cyclopentane derivatives. On catalysts with low acid activity, hydrogenolysis occurs mainly - ring cleavage with subsequent saturation of the resulting hydrocarbon.

1.2 Hydrocracking catalysts

The range of modern hydrocracking catalysts is quite extensive, which is explained by the variety of purposes of the process. They usually consist of the following three components: acidic, dehydrogenating and a binder, which provides mechanical strength and porous structure.

Solid acids included in cracking catalysts: zeolites, aluminosilicates and aluminum oxide are used as an acid component that performs cracking and isomerizing functions. To increase acidity, halogen is sometimes introduced into the catalyst.

The hydrogenating component is usually those metals that are part of hydrotreating catalysts: metals of group VIII (Ni, Co, sometimes Pt or Pd) and group VI (Mo or W). To activate hydrocracking catalysts, various promoters are also used: rhenium, rhodium, iridium, rare earth elements, etc. The functions of a binder are often performed by an acidic component (aluminum oxide, aluminosilicates), as well as oxides of silicon, titanium, zirconium, magnesium and zirconium silicates.

Significantly better hydrocracking results are achieved when using catalysts with high acidity and optimal hydrogenation activity, the advantages of which in relation to industrial raw materials are as follows:

the yield of paraffins C, - C 3 and especially methane and ethane is low;

butane fraction contains 60 - 80% isobutane;

pentane and hexane fractions are 90 - 96% composed of isomers. Cycloparaffins C6 contain about 90% methylcyclopentane. As a result, light gasoline (up to 85 ° C), containing 80-90 % paraffins, up to 5% benzene and 10 - 20% naphthenes, has fairly high anti-knock characteristics: TMC is 85-88;

gasolines C 7 and above contain 40-50% naphthenes, 0-20% aromatics and are exclusively high-quality reforming raw materials;

Kerosene fractions, due to their high content of isoparaffins and low bicyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, are high-quality fuel for jet engines;

diesel fractions contain few aromatic hydrocarbons and mainly consist of cyclopentane and cyclohexane derivatives, have high cetane numbers and relatively low pour points;

Much attention is currently paid to zeolite-based catalysts. They have high hydrocracking activity and good selectivity. In addition, they sometimes allow the process to be carried out without preliminary purification of the raw material from nitrogen-containing compounds. The content of up to 0.2% nitrogen in the raw materials has virtually no effect on their activity.

In the case of processing heavy raw materials The greatest danger for the deactivation of hydrocracking catalysts is represented, in addition to nitrogenous bases, by asphaltenes and, above all, by the metals they contain, such as nickel and vanadium. Therefore, hydrocracking of raw materials containing a significant amount of hetero- and organometallic compounds is forced to be carried out in two or more stages. The first stage mainly involves hydrotreating and shallow hydrocracking of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (as well as demetallization). The catalysts at this stage are identical to hydrotreating catalysts. At the second stage, the refined raw materials are processed on a catalyst with high acidic and moderate hydrogenating activity.

During hydrocracking of petroleum residues It is advisable to subject the feedstock to preliminary demetallization and hydrodesulfurization (as in the “Haival” process, etc.) on sulfur- and nitrogen-resistant catalysts with high metal content and sufficiently high hydrogenating, but low cracking activities.

In the process of selective hydrocracking, modified zeolites (mordenite, erionite, etc.) with a specific molecular sieve effect are used as catalysts: the pores of zeolites are accessible only to molecules of normal paraffins. The dehydrogenating functions in such catalysts are performed by the same metals and compounds as in hydrotreating processes.

1.3 Main parameters of hydrocracking processes

Temperature. The optimal temperature range for hydrocracking processes is 360 - 440°C with a gradual increase from the lower limit to the upper limit as the activity of the catalyst decreases. At lower temperatures, cracking reactions occur at a low rate, but are more favorable chemical composition products: higher content of naphthenes and isoparaffin: n-paraffin ratio. An excessive increase in temperature is limited by thermodynamic factors (hydrogenation reactions of polycyclic aromatics) and the increasing role of gas and coke formation reactions.

Thermal hydrocracking is determined by the ratio of hydrogenation and cleavage reactions. Typically, the negative thermal effect of cleavage is offset by the positive thermal effect of hydrogenation. Naturally, the higher the depth of hydrocracking, the greater the exothermic thermal effect of the overall process. Therefore, when designing it, it is usually possible to remove excess heat from the reaction zone in order to prevent overheating of the reaction mixture. When using reactors with stationary catalyst the latter is poured in several layers so that the flow can be cooled between them (usually as part of the cold VSG).

Pressure. It has been established that the limiting stage of the overall hydrocracking process is the hydrogenation of unsaturated compounds of the raw material, especially polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Therefore, deep hydrocracking catalysts must have, in addition to high acid activity, sufficient hydrogenating activity.

The rate of hydrogenation reactions is significantly influenced by the phase state (G + L + S) of the reaction mixture, which is a function of pressure, temperature, hydrogen concentration, conversion depth and fractional composition of the feedstock. In general, on hydrogenation-type catalysts, both the reaction rate and the depth of hydrocracking increase with increasing pressure. The less active the catalyst and the heavier the hydrocracking feedstock, the higher the minimum acceptable pressure.

Most industrial hydrocracking units operate at a pressure of 15--17 MPa. For hydrocracking of petroleum residues using relatively expensive catalysts, a pressure of 20 MPa is used. Hydrocracking of straight-run light gas oils with low nitrogen content can be carried out at relatively low pressures - about 7 MPa.

Volumetric feed rate during hydrocracking, due to the preference for carrying out the process at minimum temperatures, it is usually low (0.2 - 0.5 h -1). When conducting the process in mode

For soft hydrocracking it is higher and reaches up to 1 h -1. To increase the conversion of raw materials, recirculation of fractions that boil away above the target product is used.

Circulation ratio of hydrogen-containing gas in relation to the processed raw materials varies depending on the purpose of the process in the range of 800 - 2000 m 3 /m 3.

Hydrogen consumption depends on the purpose of the process, the raw materials used, the catalyst, the process mode, the depth of hydrocracking and other factors. The lighter the hydrocracking products and the heavier the hydrocracked raw materials, the greater the hydrogen consumption and the higher the hydrogen:raw material ratio should be.

1.4 Hydrocracking of gasoline fractions

The purpose of the hydrocracking process of gasoline fractions is to obtain isoparaffin hydrocarbons C 5 - C 6 - valuable raw materials for the production of synthetic rubbers. In modern world oil refining, this process is not widespread (only about 10 units are in operation), however, it has prospects for industrial development due to the need to process low-octane raffinates from catalytic reforming processes of petrochemical profiles and gasoline fractions of gas condensates. The importance of this process should increase with the adoption of restrictions on the content of aromatic hydrocarbons in motor gasoline.

Of the numerous catalysts proposed for this process, zeolite-containing bimetallic catalysts that are resistant to catalytic poisons have received industrial use.

In the process of hydrocracking of gasoline fractions 85 - 180 °C, carried out at a temperature of 350 °C, a pressure of 4 MPa and a flow rate of raw materials of 0.5-1.5 h with recirculation of the residue, it is possible to obtain 31% isobutane, 16% isopentanes and 10% isohexanes with a slight output of dry gas (C, -C 2).

For the complex processing of low-octane gasoline, a combined process has been developed (at VNIINP) isoriforming, which is a combination of hydrocracking (at the beginning of the process) and catalytic reforming of the hydrocracking product after separation of isocomponents (fraction n.c. -85 ° C). The industrial catalyst for the hydrocracking stage GKB-ZM is prepared by introducing molybdenum compounds into a suspension of aluminum hydroxide, then nickel and P33Y zeolite with a sodium content of less than 0.1%. The material balance of the combined isoriforming process carried out on the reconstructed industrial installation L-35-11/300 is given in Table 1.

Table 1. Material balance of the isoriforming process

The disadvantage of the process is the short cycle (3-4 months) of operation of the hydrocracking section (while the regeneration run of the second stage is about 1 year) and the high gas yield - the ratio of isocomponents: gas is approximately 1:1.

1.5 Selective hydrocracking processes

Designed to improve the performance, primarily low-temperature properties of motor fuels and oils. Reducing their pour point is achieved by selective splitting of normal paraffins contained in the processed raw materials.

The selectivity of the catalytic action in selective hydrocracking (SHC) processes is achieved by using special catalysts based on modified high-silica zeolites with molecular sieve properties. SGK catalysts have a tubular porous structure with entrance window sizes of 0.5 - 0.55 nm, accessible for penetration and reaction only by paraffin molecules of normal structure. To hydrogenate the resulting cracking products, conventional hydrogenating components (group VIII and VI metals) are introduced into the zeolite.

Selective hydrocracking, also called hydrodewaxing, is carried out in installations almost similar in equipment and technological regimes to hydrotreating processes.

Table 2. Characteristics of the process of hydrodewaxing of various fractions on the SGK-1 catalyst

VNII NP has also developed a bifunctional catalyst BFK, which provides simultaneous hydrotreating and hydrodewaxing of paraffin and sulfur fuel distillates and the production of jet and diesel fuels with the required pour point and sulfur in one stage. In the process of simultaneous hydrodewaxing and hydrotreating of diesel fractions of West Siberian oils using the BFK catalyst, it is possible to obtain Arctic or winter grades of diesel fuel with a yield of 74...85%.

At the L-24-7 installation of Ufaneftekhim OJSC, a process of catalytic hydrodewaxing of the straight-run diesel fraction of commercial West Siberian oil was introduced using a mixture of catalysts: hydrotreating G9-168Sh (Omsknefteorgsintez OJSC) and hydrodewaxing GKD-5n (Novokuibyshevsk catalyst factory), pre-treated disulfides and aniline. At a temperature of 350...360°C, a pressure of 3.5 MPa, a volumetric velocity of 2.25...2.5 h-1 and a VSG circulation ratio of 800 nm 3 /m 3 from raw materials with a sulfur content of 0.7... 0.9% wt . and a pour point from -17 to -20 °C, a stable hydrogenate with a pour point of -35 °C was obtained.

Hydrodewaxing is also used for the production of low-solidifying oils from oil fractions and their raffinates. The process is carried out at a temperature of 300... 430 °C, pressure 2... 10 MPa, volumetric flow rate of raw materials 0.5... 2 h- 1 The yield of oils is 80... 87%. The quality of hydrodewaxing oil is close to oils obtained by low-temperature dewaxing with solvents. The pour point of oils can be lowered from +6°C to (40...50) °C.

1.6 Hydrogenation of kerosene fractions

Hydrodearomatization is a catalytic process of reverse action in relation to catalytic reforming, which is designed to produce high-quality jet fuels with a limited content of aromatic hydrocarbons (for example, less than 10% for T-6) from kerosene fractions (mainly straight-run).

< 0,2 % и азота < 0,001 %. Технологическое оформление одноступенчатого варианта близко к типовым процессам гидроочистки реактивных топлив (типа Л-24-9РТ и секций ГО РТ комбинированных установок ЛК-6у). В двухступенчатом процессе предусмотрена стадия предварительной гидроочистки с промежуточной очисткой ВСГ от сероводорода и аммиака.

The content of the latter in straight-run kerosene fractions, depending on the origin of the oil, is 14... 35%, and in light catalytic cracking gas oil - up to 70%. Hydrodearomatization of raw materials is achieved by catalytic hydrogenation of aromatic hydrocarbons into the corresponding naphthenes. At the same time, jet fuels improve such indicators as the height of the non-smoking flame, luminometric number, tendency to carbon formation, etc.

High pressure and low temperature are thermodynamically more favorable for hydrogenation reactions. Most industrial processes of hydrodearomatization of jet fuels are carried out under relatively mild conditions: at a temperature of 200...350°C and a pressure of 5...10 MPa. Depending on the content of heteroimpurities in the raw material and the resistance of the catalyst to poisons, the processes are carried out in one or two stages.

In two-stage plants, at the first stage, deep hydrogenolysis of sulfur and nitrogen compounds of the raw material is carried out on typical hydrotreating catalysts, and at the second stage, the hydrogenation of arenes is carried out on active hydrogenation catalysts, for example, platinum-zeolite-containing catalysts. The latter makes it possible to process raw materials containing sulfur without preliminary hydrotreating.< 0,2 % и азота < 0,001 %. Технологическое оформление одноступенчатого варианта близко к типовым процессам гидроочистки реактивных топлив (типа Л-24-9РТ и секций ГО РТ комбинированных установок ЛК-6у). В двухступенчатом процессе предусмотрена стадия предварительной гидроочистки с промежуточной очисткой ВСГ от сероводорода и аммиака.

Table 3 shows the main indicators of domestic processes of hydrodearomatization of jet fuels.

Table 3. Indicators of domestic processes of hydrodearomatization of jet fuels

1.7 Hydrocracking of vacuum distillate at 15 MPa

Hydrocracking is an effective and extremely flexible catalytic process that allows a comprehensive solution to the problem of deep processing of vacuum distillates (GVD) with the production of a wide range of motor fuels in accordance with modern requirements and needs for certain fuels.

Abroad, especially at refineries in the USA, Western Europe and Japan, GKVD processes at a pressure of 15-17 MPa, aimed at producing gasoline, have been widely developed (developed by the following four companies: UOP, FIN, Shell and Union Oil). . An assessment of the economic efficiency of the GKVD process in our country indicates the feasibility of implementing this process to produce predominantly diesel fuels at a pressure of 10-12 MPa and jet fuels at a pressure of 15 MPa. The technology of two domestic modifications: one- and two-stage GKVD processes (processes 68-2k and 68-Zk, respectively) was developed at the All-Russian Research Institute of NP. The single-stage GKVD process has been implemented at several Russian refineries in relation to the processing of vacuum gas oils 350 - 500 °C with a metal content of no more than 2 ppm.

1.7.1 Single-stage hydrocracking process for vacuum distillates

The single-stage hydrocracking process of vacuum distillates is carried out in a multilayer (up to five layers) reactor with several types of catalysts. To ensure that the temperature gradient in each layer does not exceed 25 °C, cooling VSG is introduced between the individual catalyst layers (quenching) and contact distribution devices are installed to ensure heat and mass exchange between the gas and the reacting flow and uniform distribution of the gas-liquid flow over layer of catalyst. The upper part of the reactor is equipped with flow kinetic energy absorbers, mesh boxes and filters to capture corrosion products.

Figure 1 shows a schematic flow diagram of one of two parallel operating sections of the 68-2k vacuum distillate single-stage hydrocracking unit (with a capacity of 1 million tons/year for the diesel version or 0.63 million tons/year for jet fuel production).

Rice. 1 Schematic flow diagram of a single-stage vacuum gas oil hydrocracking installation; I - raw materials; II - WASH; III - diesel fuel; IV - light gasoline; V - heavy gasoline; VI - heavy gas oil; VII - hydrocarbon gases at HFCs; VIII - exhaust gases; IX - regenerated MEA solution; X - MEA solution for regeneration; XI - water vapor

Raw materials (350 - 500 °C) and recycled hydrocracking residue are mixed with VSG, heated first in heat exchangers, then in furnace P-1 to the reaction temperature and enter reactors R-1 (R-2, etc.). The reaction mixture is cooled in raw material heat exchangers, then in air coolers and at a temperature of 45 - 55 ° C it enters the high-pressure separator S-1, where separation into VSG and unstable hydrogenate occurs. After cleaning from H 2 S in the K-4 absorber, the VSG is sent to circulation by a compressor. The unstable hydrogenation product enters the low-pressure separator C-2 through a pressure reducing valve, where part of the hydrocarbon gases is released, and the liquid stream is fed through heat exchangers to the stabilization column K-1 for the distillation of hydrocarbon gases and light gasoline. The stable hydrogenate is further divided in the atmospheric column K-2 into heavy gasoline, diesel fuel (through the stripping column K-3) and a fraction >360 °C, part of which can serve as recycle, and the balance amount can be used as raw material for pyrolysis, the basis of lubricating oils etc.

Table 5 presents the material balance of one- and two-stage HCVD with recirculation of hydrocracking residue (process mode: pressure 15 MPa, temperature 405--410 ° C, volumetric flow rate of raw materials 0.7 h-1, circulation rate of VSG 1500 m3/m3 ).

Comparative indicators for product yield at domestic and foreign GKVD installations are given in Table 4

Table 4. Indicators of vacuum gas oil hydrocracking processes at domestic and foreign installations.

Table 5 Characteristics of processes for obtaining middle distillates with one- and two-stage variants of the GKVD process

1.7.2 Technological scheme of single-stage hydrocracking with the production of predominantly diesel fuel from vacuum gas oil in a stationary catalyst bed

The hydrocracking process is exothermic, and to equalize the temperature of the raw material mixture along the height of the reactor, cold hydrogen-containing gas is introduced into the zones between the catalyst layers. The movement of the raw material mixture in the reactors is downward.

Technological hydrocracking units usually consist of two main blocks: a reaction block, which includes one or two reactors, and a fractionation block, which has a different number of distillation columns (stabilization, fractionation of liquid products, vacuum column, fractionating absorber, etc.). In addition, there is often a unit for purifying gases from hydrogen sulfide. The capacity of the installations can reach 13,000 m3/day.

The raw material supplied by pump 1 is mixed with fresh hydrogen-containing gas and circulation gas, which are pumped by compressor 8. The raw gas mixture, having passed through the heat exchanger 4 and the furnace coils 2, is heated to the reaction temperature and introduced into the reactor 3 from above. Considering the large heat release during the hydrocracking process, cold hydrogen-containing (circulation) gas is introduced into the reactor into the zones between the catalyst layers in order to equalize the temperatures along the height of the reactor.

The mixture of reaction products and circulating gas leaving the reactor is cooled in heat exchanger 4, refrigerator 5 and enters high-pressure separator 6. Here, hydrogen-containing gas is separated from the liquid, which from the bottom of the separator through pressure reducing valve 9, then enters low-pressure separator 10. In the separator 10, part of the hydrocarbon gases is released, and the liquid stream is sent to heat exchanger 11, located in front of the intermediate distillation column 15. In the column, at a slight excess pressure, hydrocarbon gases and light gasoline are released.

Gasoline is partially returned to column 15 in the form of acute irrigation, and its balance amount is pumped out of the installation through an “alkalinization” system. The remainder of the column /5 is separated in the atmospheric column 20 into heavy gasoline, diesel fuel and a fraction >360°C.

Gasoline from the atmospheric column is mixed with gasoline from the intermediate column and removed from the installation. Diesel fuel after stripping column 24 is cooled, “alkalinized” and pumped out of the installation. The >360°C fraction is used as a hot stream at the bottom of column 20, and the rest (residue) is removed from the installation. In the case of the production of oil fractions, the fractionation unit also has a vacuum column.

The hydrogen-containing gas is purified with an aqueous solution of monoethanolamine and returned to the system. The required hydrogen concentration in the circulation gas is ensured by the supply of fresh hydrogen (for example, from a catalytic reforming unit).

Regeneration of the catalyst is carried out with a mixture of air and inert gas; Catalyst service life is 4-7 months.

Table 6. Hydrocracking process mode:

Table 7. Material balance of a single-stage hydrocracking process of sulfur and high-sulfur raw materials (under the following conditions: total pressure 5 MPa, temperature 425°C, volumetric feed rate of raw materials 1.0 h -1, circulation rate of hydrogen-containing gas 600 m 3 /m 3 of raw materials) is given below.


Vacuum distillate

sulfur oils (350-500 o C)

Vacuum distillate of Arlan oil

Distillate of coking tar of sulfur oils (200-450 o C)

Fraction 200-450 o C II

Fraction 350-450 o C III

Taken, % (mass.)

Hydrogen (100% H2)

Received, % (wt.)

Gasoline (n.k. - 180 o C)

Diesel fuel

(180--360 o C)

Residue > 360°C

Hydrogen sulfide

Hydrocarbon gases

Table 8. Characteristics of the main cracking products obtained from this type of raw material (sulfur and high-sulfur).


diesel fuel

diesel fuel

diesel fuel

diesel fuel

Density at 20 o C, kg/m 3

Fractional composition, o C

Iodine number, g I/100 g

Pour point, o C

sulfur,% (mass.)

actual resins, mg/100 ml

Kinematic viscosity, mm 2 /s

Octane number (mm) or cetane number

Heavy hydrocracking gas oil is considered as a good pyrolysis raw material for the production of ethylene, and the C5 fractions - 85 ° C and 85-193 ° C, rich in naphthenic hydrocarbons - as an excellent raw material for catalytic reforming aimed at the production of aromatic hydrocarbons. Light gas oil is commonly used as a component of diesel fuel.


The general trend in the oil industry is a decrease in reserves of light oil; almost the entire increase in reserves is due to heavy viscous sulfur oil. The potential of high-quality raw materials has been realized by almost 80%, retaining only the prospects for small discoveries. Heavy oil reserves predominate in Russia, Kazakhstan, China, Venezuela, Mexico, Canada, and the USA.

During a period when oil prices hit one record after another, Russian oil companies preferred extensive expansion of the resource base to an active transition to the path of innovative development. Most of the world's largest oil and gas companies have allocated significant funds to research work, the results of which determine the effectiveness of their further functioning.

It should be taken into account that in the Russian Federation, after the seventies, not a single large, highly productive field was discovered, and the newly added reserves are sharply deteriorating in their conditions.

Highly productive reserves of large fields have been depleted by more than half, and large deposits are experiencing an intensive decline in oil production volumes. Massive development of small, low-productivity deposits began.

The further development of the Russian oil and gas industry largely depends on the creation of new innovative technologies.

New competitive advantages in modern conditions provides the use of innovative technologies, which is one of the sources of increasing the technological level of production of oil companies:

b development of an effective technology for processing heavy oil residues as a transition technology from the processing of petroleum raw materials to the use of alternative raw materials - heavy and bituminous oils, shale;

b increasing the octane numbers of motor gasoline while eliminating the use of lead anti-knock agents;

b increasing selectivity and reducing the energy intensity of oil refining processes through the introduction of the latest achievements in the field of catalysis, improvement of heat and mass transfer schemes, heat recovery from waste streams, improvement of instrumentation and the creation of more efficient energy technology equipment.

The development of the processes under consideration in oil refining schemes necessitates the consumption of hydrogen to increase the H:C ratio in the resulting products compared to the feedstock, removal of sulfur and nitrogen compounds, saturation of olefins, and hydrogenation of aromatic hydrocarbons. Using various combinations of catalytic, hydrogenation and thermal processes, it is possible to achieve one or another degree of fuel oil conversion with a change in the volume and structure of production of motor fuels in accordance with the need for them.

By including light hydrocracking processes with catalytic cracking of the hydrocracking residue and coking of tar in the fuel oil processing scheme, the depth of conversion of fuel oil into motor fuels can be increased to 57%, and taking into account the additional production of high-octane components based on the processing of C3-C4 fractions and up to 60-61% (wt. .) for fuel oil.

List of sources used

1. Chemistry and technology of oil and gas." Verzhinskaya S.V., 2007 (for secondary vocational education)

2. “Technology of deep processing of oil and gas” Akhmetov S. A, 2006. (for higher education)

3. Oil Refiner's Handbook: Directory / Edited by G.A. Lastovkin, E.D. Radchenko and M. Rudin. - L.: Chemistry, 1996.- 648

4. Rudin M.G., Drabkin A.E. A brief reference book for an oil refiner. - L.: Chemistry, 2004.- 328 p.

5. Technological calculations of oil refining installations: Textbook for universities Tanatarov M.A., Akhmetshina M.N., Faskhutdinov R.A. and others - M.: Chemistry, 1997. - 352 p.

6. Album of technological schemes for oil and gas processing processes / Ed. B.I. Bondarenko. - M.: Chemistry, 1998. - 128 p.

7. Lapik V.V. Basic reference data for technological calculations in oil refining and petrochemicals: Textbook. - Tyumen, TSU, 1980. - 124 p.

8. Magazines “Oil and Gas Technologies”

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Hydrocracking is a catalytic process for processing petroleum distillates and residues at moderate temperatures and elevated hydrogen pressures on polyfunctional catalysts with hydrogenating and acidic properties (and in processes of selective hydrocracking and sieve effect).

Hydrocracking makes it possible to obtain a wide range of high-quality petroleum products (liquefied gases C 3 -C 4 , gasoline, jet and diesel fuels, oil components) with high yields from almost any petroleum feedstock by selecting appropriate catalysts and technological conditions and is one of the cost-effective, flexible and processes that deepen oil refining.

      1. Light hydrocracking of vacuum gas oil

Due to the steady trend of accelerated growth in the demand for diesel fuel compared to motor gasoline abroad, since 1980, the industrial implementation of light hydrocracking units (LHC) of vacuum distillates has begun, which makes it possible to produce significant quantities of diesel fuel simultaneously with low-sulfur raw materials for catalytic cracking. The introduction of JIGC processes was first carried out by the reconstruction of previously operated hydrodesulfurization plants for catalytic cracking raw materials, then by the construction of specially designed new plants.

The domestic technology of the LGK process was developed at the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of NP in the early 1970s, but has not yet received industrial implementation.

Advantages of the LHA process over hydrodesulfurization:

High technological flexibility, which allows, depending on the demand for motor fuels, to easily change (adjust) the ratio of diesel fuel: gasoline in the mode of maximum conversion into diesel fuel or deep desulfurization to obtain the maximum amount of catalytic cracking raw materials;

Due to the production of diesel fuel by LGK, the capacity of the catalytic cracking unit is correspondingly unloaded, which makes it possible to involve other sources of raw materials in processing.

The domestic one-stage LGC process of vacuum gas oil 350...500 °C is carried out on an ANMC catalyst at a pressure of 8 MPa, a temperature of 420...450 °C, a volumetric flow rate of the raw material of 1.0...1.5 h -1 and a VSG circulation ratio of about 1200 m 3 /m 3 .

When processing raw materials with a high content of metals, the LGK process is carried out in one or two stages in a multilayer reactor using three types of catalysts: wide-pore for hydrodemetallization (T-13), with high hydrodesulfurization activity (GO-116) and zeolite-containing for hydrocracking (GK-35 ). In the LGC process of vacuum gas oil, it is possible to obtain up to 60% summer diesel fuel with a sulfur content of 0.1% and a pour point of 15 °C (Table 8.20).

The disadvantage of the one-stage LGK process is the short work cycle (3...4 months). The following version of the process developed at the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of NP is a two-stage LGK with an inter-regeneration cycle of 11 months. - recommended for combination with catalytic cracking unit type G-43-107u.

        Hydrocracking of vacuum distillate at 15 MPa

Hydrocracking is an effective and extremely flexible catalytic process that allows a comprehensive solution to the problem of deep processing of vacuum distillates (GVD) with the production of a wide range of motor fuels in accordance with modern requirements and needs for certain fuels.

Single-stage vacuum distillate hydrocracking process carried out in a multilayer (up to five layers) reactor with several types of catalysts. To ensure that the temperature gradient in each layer does not exceed 25 °C, a cooling VSG (quenching) is provided between the individual catalyst layers and contact distribution devices are installed to ensure heat and mass transfer between the gas and the reacting flow and uniform distribution of the gas-liquid flow over the catalyst layer. The upper part of the reactor is equipped with flow kinetic energy absorbers, mesh boxes and filters to capture corrosion products.

In Fig. 8.15 shows a basic technological diagram of one of two parallel operating sections of the installation for single-stage hydrocracking of vacuum distillate 68-2k (with a capacity of 1 million tons/year according to diesel version or 0.63 million tons/year when receiving jet fuel).

Raw materials (350...500 °C) and recycled hydrocracking residue are mixed with VSG, heated first in heat exchangers, then in a furnace P-1 to the reaction temperature and fed into the reactors R-1 (R-2 etc.). The reaction mixture is cooled in raw material heat exchangers, then in air coolers and at a temperature of 45...55°C it is sent to a high-pressure separator S-1, where separation into VSG and unstable hydrogenation occurs. VSG after cleaning from H 2 S in the absorber K-4 the compressor is supplied for circulation.

The unstable hydrogenate is sent through a pressure reducing valve to a low pressure separator S-2, where part of the hydrocarbon gases is separated, and the liquid stream is fed through heat exchangers into the stabilization column K-1 for distilling hydrocarbon gases and light gasoline.

The stable hydrogenate is further separated in an atmospheric column K-2 for heavy gasoline, diesel fuel (through a stripper column K-3) and a fraction >360 °C, part of which can serve as recycle, and the balance amount can serve as raw material for pyrolysis, the basis of lubricating oils, etc.

In table 8.21 shows the material balance of one- and two-stage HCVD with recirculation of hydrocracking residue (process mode: pressure 15 MPa, temperature 405...410 ° C, volumetric flow rate of raw materials 0.7 h -1, circulation rate of VSG 1500 m 3 /m 3 ).

The disadvantages of hydrocracking processes are their high metal consumption, high capital and operating costs, and the high cost of the hydrogen installation and the hydrogen itself.

Hydrocracking is intended for the production of low-sulfur fuel distillates from various raw materials.

Hydrocracking is a later generation process than catalytic cracking and catalytic reforming, so it more efficiently accomplishes the same tasks as these 2 processes.

The raw materials used in hydrocracking plants are vacuum and atmospheric gas oils, thermal and catalytic cracking gas oils, deasphalted oils, fuel oils, and tars.

A hydrocracking technological unit usually consists of 2 blocks:

Reaction unit, including 1 or 2 reactors,

A fractionation unit consisting of a different number of distillation columns.

Hydrocracking products are motor gasoline, jet and diesel fuel, raw materials for petrochemical synthesis and LPG (from gasoline fractions).

Hydrocracking can increase the yield of gasoline components, usually by converting feedstocks such as gas oil.

The quality of gasoline components that is achieved in this way is unattainable by re-passing gas oil through the cracking process in which it was obtained.

Hydrocracking also allows the conversion of heavy gas oil into light distillates (jet and diesel fuel). During hydrocracking, no heavy non-distillable residue (coke, pitch or bottom residue) is formed, but only lightly boiling fractions.

Advantages of Hydrocracking

The presence of a hydrocracking unit allows the refinery to switch its capacity from producing large quantities of gasoline (when the hydrocracking unit is running) to producing large quantities of diesel fuel (when it is switched off).

Hydrocracking improves the quality of gasoline and distillate components.

The hydrocracking process uses the worst components of the distillate and produces an above-average quality gasoline component.

The hydrocracking process produces significant amounts of isobutane, which is useful for controlling the amount of feedstock in the alkylation process.

The use of hydrocracking units increases the volume of products by 25%.

There are currently about 10 widely used various types hydrocracker units, but they are all very similar to a typical design.

Hydrocracking catalysts are less expensive than catalytic cracking catalysts.


The word hydrocracking is explained very simply. This is catalytic cracking in the presence of hydrogen.

The introduction of cold hydrogen-containing gas into the zones between the layers of the catalyst makes it possible to equalize the temperature of the raw material mixture along the height of the reactor.

The movement of the raw material mixture in the reactors is downward.

The combination of hydrogen, catalyst and appropriate process conditions allows cracking of low-quality light gas oil, which is formed in other cracking plants and is sometimes used as a component of diesel fuel.
The hydrocracker produces high-quality gasoline.

Hydrocracking catalysts are usually sulfur compounds with cobalt, molybdenum or nickel (CoS, MoS 2, NiS) and aluminum oxide.
Unlike catalytic cracking, but similar to catalytic reforming, the catalyst is located in a fixed bed. Like catalytic reforming, hydrocracking is most often carried out in 2 reactors.

The raw material supplied by the pump is mixed with fresh hydrogen-containing gas and circulating gas, which are pumped by the compressor.

The gas mixture, having passed through the heat exchanger and furnace coils, is heated to a reaction temperature of 290-400°C (550-750°F) and, under a pressure of 1200-2000 psi (84-140 atm), is introduced into the reactor from above. Taking into account the large heat release during the hydrocracking process, cold hydrogen-containing (circulation) gas is introduced into the reactor into the zones between the catalyst layers in order to equalize the temperatures along the height of the reactor. During passage through the catalyst bed, approximately 40-50% of the feedstock is cracked to form products with boiling points similar to gasoline (boiling point up to 200°C (400°F).

The catalyst and hydrogen complement each other in several ways. Firstly, cracking occurs on the catalyst. In order for cracking to continue, a heat supply is required, that is, it is an endothermic process. At the same time, hydrogen reacts with the molecules that are formed during cracking, saturating them, and heat is released. In other words, this reaction, called hydrogenation, is exothermic. Thus, hydrogen provides the heat necessary for cracking to occur.

Secondly, this is the formation of isoparaffins. Cracking produces olefins that can combine with each other, leading to normal paraffins. Due to hydrogenation, the double bonds are quickly saturated, often creating isoparaffins, and thus preventing the re-production of unwanted molecules (the octane numbers of isoparaffins are higher than in the case of normal paraffins).

The mixture of reaction products and circulating gas leaving the reactor is cooled in a heat exchanger, refrigerator and enters the high-pressure separator. Here, the hydrogen-containing gas, for return to the process and mixing with the raw material, is separated from the liquid, which from the bottom of the separator, through a pressure reducing valve, then enters the low-pressure separator. A portion of the hydrocarbon gases is released in the separator, and the liquid stream is sent to a heat exchanger located in front of the intermediate distillation column for further distillation. In the column, at slight excess pressure, hydrocarbon gases and light gasoline are released. The kerosene fraction can be separated as a side stream or left together with gas oil as a distillation residue.

Gasoline is partially returned to the intermediate distillation column in the form of acute irrigation, and its balance amount is pumped out of the installation through the “alkalinization” system. The residue from the intermediate distillation column is separated in an atmospheric column into heavy gasoline, diesel fuel and the >360°C fraction. Since the raw materials in this operation have already been subjected to hydrogenation, cracking and reforming in the 1st reactor, the process in the 2nd reactor proceeds in a more severe mode (higher temperatures and pressures). Like the products of the 1st stage, the mixture leaving the 2nd reactor is separated from hydrogen and sent for fractionation.

The thickness of the walls of the steel reactor for the process taking place at 2000 psi (140 atm) and 400 ° C sometimes reaches 1 cm.

The main task is to prevent cracking from getting out of control. Since the overall process is endothermic, a rapid rise in temperature and a dangerous increase in the cracking rate are possible. To avoid this, most hydrocrackers contain built-in devices to quickly stop the reaction.

Gasoline from the atmospheric column is mixed with gasoline from the intermediate column and removed from the installation. Diesel fuel after the stripping column is cooled, “alkalinized” and pumped out of the installation. The >360°C fraction is used as a hot stream at the bottom of the atmospheric column, and the rest (residue) is removed from the installation. In the case of the production of oil fractions, the fractionation unit also has a vacuum column.

Regeneration of the catalyst is carried out with a mixture of air and inert gas; catalyst service life is 4-7 months.

Products and outputs.

The combination of cracking and hydrogenation produces products whose relative density is significantly lower than the density of the raw material.

Below is a typical distribution of yields of hydrocracking products when gas oil from a coking unit and light fractions from a catalytic cracking unit are used as feedstock.

Hydrocracking products are 2 main fractions that are used as gasoline components.

Volume fractions

Coking gasoil 0.60

Light fractions from catalytic cracking unit 0.40


Isobutane 0.02

N-Butane 0.08

Light hydrocracking product 0.21

Heavy hydrocracking product 0.73

Kerosene fractions 0.17

Let us remember that from 1 unit of raw materials about 1.25 units of products are obtained.

It does not indicate the required amount of hydrogen, which is measured in standard ft 3 /bbl of feed.

The usual consumption is 2500 st.

The heavy product of hydrocracking is naphtha, which contains many aromatic precursors (that is, compounds that are easily converted into aromatics).

This product is often sent to a reformer for upgrading.

Kerosene fractions are a good jet fuel or feedstock for distillate (diesel) fuel because they contain little aromatics (as a result of saturation of double bonds with hydrogen).

Hydrocracking of the residue.

There are several models of hydrocrackers that have been designed specifically to process residue or vacuum distillation residue.

The output is more than 90% residual (boiler) fuel.

The objective of this process is to remove sulfur as a result of the catalytic reaction of sulfur-containing compounds with hydrogen to form hydrogen sulfide.

Thus, a residue containing no more than 4% sulfur can be converted into heavy fuel oil containing less than 0.3% sulfur.
The use of hydrocracking units is necessary in the overall oil refining scheme.

On the one hand, the hydrocracker is the central point as it helps to establish a balance between the amount of gasoline, diesel fuel and jet fuel.
On the other hand, feed rates and operating modes of catalytic cracking and coking units are no less important.
In addition, alkylation and reforming should also be considered when planning the distribution of hydrocracking products.

In 2012, under the contract concluded by Izhora Plants OJSC with RN-Tuapse Oil Refinery LLC (part of Rosneft Oil Company) in 2010, the OMZ Group completed the manufacture and delivered six heavy-duty tank units intended for deep oil refining and obtaining high-quality fuel of Euro-5 standard. The total weight of the equipment was more than 5 thousand tons, while two vessels have unique weight and dimensional characteristics: height - more than 40 meters, diameter - more than 5 meters, weight - about 1,400 tons. Such petrochemical reactors were produced in the Russian Federation for the first time.

The vessels were manufactured in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code and Russian regulatory documents for petrochemical production equipment. The licensor of the project was Chevron Lummus Global (USA), one of the world's largest development companies latest technologies deep processing of hydrocarbons.

The shipment of hydrocracking reactors to the Tuapse Refinery became a unique transport operation, since for the first time in the history of the Izhora Plants, products were shipped to the customer in batches of three petrochemical vessels with a total weight of more than 2,600 tons. All vessels were shipped to the customer by water from the cargo pier of Izhora Plants on the Neva River in the village of Ust-Slavyanka.”


Rosneft is the leader of the Russian oil industry and one of the largest public oil and gas companies in the world. The main activities of Rosneft are exploration and production of oil and gas, production of petroleum products and petrochemical products, as well as marketing of manufactured products. The company is included in the list of strategic enterprises in Russia.

The geography of Rosneft's activities in the exploration and production sector covers all the main oil and gas provinces of Russia: Western Siberia, Southern and Central Russia, Timan-Pechora, Eastern Siberia, Far East, shelf of the Arctic seas. The company also implements projects in Kazakhstan, Algeria, Venezuela and the UAE.

Rosneft's main competitive advantage is the size and quality of its resource base. The company has 22.8 billion barrels. n. e. proven reserves, which is one of the best indicators among public oil and gas companies in the world.

The total volume of oil refining at the Company's refineries amounted to a record 50.5 million tons (369 million barrels) at the end of 2010 for the Russian refining sector. Rosneft plants have an advantageous geographical location, which allows them to significantly increase the efficiency of supplies of produced petroleum products. Rosneft is currently implementing projects to expand and modernize its refineries in order to improve the balance between production and refining, as well as to increase the output of high-quality products with high added value that meet the most modern environmental standards.

A special place in the development program of the Company’s refining sector is occupied by the project to expand the capacity of the Tuapse Refinery from 5 to 12 million tons (from 37 to 88 million barrels) per year. In fact, we are talking about the construction of a new modern plant on the territory of an existing refinery with a Nelson complexity index of about 8 and a yield of light oil products of 90%. At the same time, automobile fuel produced at the refinery will correspond to classes 4 and 5 (equivalent to Euro-4 and Euro-5). The Tuapse plant has the most advantageous geographical location among Rosneft's refining assets, which determines the high economic efficiency of the project to expand its capacity.

The project is being implemented in two stages. The first stage, which is planned to be completed in 2012, includes the construction of an ELOU-AVT-12 primary oil refining unit with a naphtha hydrotreating section, as well as general plant facilities. The second stage, which is planned to be completed in 2014, includes the construction of a vacuum gas oil hydrocracking and diesel fuel hydrotreating unit, a hydrogen production unit, naphtha isomerization and hydrotreating unit, a catalytic reforming unit, sulfur production unit, and a flexicocking unit.

For more than ten years, JSC Izhora Plants has been the largest machine-building enterprise in Russia producing unique reactor equipment for installations: hydrocracking, hydrotreating, catalytic cracking, etc. In recent years, more than 150 vessels have been designed and manufactured, including those with unique weight and dimensional characteristics.

Technological capabilities

At the Izhora industrial site, a comprehensive (end-to-end) technology for the production of heavy petrochemical reactors from large-sized forged shells made of chromiolybdenum vanadium steel has been developed and implemented - the main material for the manufacture of similar equipment by world leaders.

Izhora plants have the technological capabilities to manufacture petrochemical equipment in accordance with ASME codes and Russian standards with the following parameters:

  • Outer diameter, mm: from 500 to 9000
  • Length, mm: from 300 to 80000
  • Wall thickness, mm: from 4 to 450
  • Weight, t: from 0.05 to 1450
  • Working pressure, MPa: up to 250
  • Operating temperature, 0C: from minus 70 to plus 600

An important competitive advantage of Izhora Plants is the presence of its own high-quality metallurgy at one production site (OMZ-Spetsstal LLC); research center (enterprise TK "OMZ-Izhora"), providing metallurgical support at all stages of production; and a design bureau capable of designing equipment using modern software systems in accordance with the requirements of global licensors.

To ensure high strength of reactors for oil refining, Izhora plants have developed and are successfully using large number unique welding and surfacing technologies. Only a few enterprises in the world have the technology for welding chrome-molybdenum-vanadium steels of large thickness (more than 200 mm); in Russia, only the Izhora plants. Another unique technology that was developed and implemented in the production of reactors for oil refining is homogeneous single-layer corrosion-resistant surfacing with a 90 mm wide tape, performed using the electroslag method.