Diesel boilers for a private house. We are considering a diesel boiler as a heating option for a private home. Determination of fuel consumption

Creating an effective heating system is one of the most difficult tasks when building a private house, industrial or administrative premises. The PRO Comfort company offers to buy a diesel liquid fuel boiler at favorable price. In our catalog you can select high-quality heating equipment from world famous manufacturers.

Features of diesel liquid fuel boilers

A diesel boiler will be the best choice in cases where the building in which the heating system needs to be installed is not connected to a centralized gas supply. The equipment of modern models includes a burner, pump, fuel filter, control panel, as well as sensors for monitoring and maintaining temperature. Almost all diesel heating boilers can be converted to operate on gas by replacing the mounted burner. This is very beneficial, as it makes it possible to vary costs by using a more economical and affordable energy source.

Among the advantages of heating boilers using liquid diesel fuel It should be noted:

  1. Low cost of equipment and its maintenance.
  2. Possibility of automatically maintaining the required temperature.
  3. High efficiency, not inferior to gas boilers.
  4. Possibility to choose a model for rooms of any size.
  5. Economical consumption of electrical energy.

Diesel fuel has a lower explosion and fire hazard than mains or liquefied gas. That is why special permission is not required for the installation of equipment, and the requirements for the arrangement of a boiler room are minimal.

How to choose a diesel boiler?

Before purchasing a diesel boiler for heating a private home, you should calculate the power and fuel consumption taking into account the area of ​​the room. Then you need to decide on the material from which the heat exchanger is made. Steel boilers are more economical and lightweight, but quickly fail if the heating circuit is incorrectly designed. Cast iron heat exchangers have an increased service life, but are heavier. They are also unstable to mechanical damage.

In addition, you must select the type of diesel heating boiler. There are single-circuit and double-circuit modifications: the first are used to heat the room, the second are able to maintain the required temperature in the building, as well as provide residents with hot water. The advantage of buying a liquid diesel fuel boiler is the fact that it can be used as both the main and backup heat source.

How to solve the problem of heating and hot water supply to a country house if there is no gas on the site and there are no plans to provide it?

When building a house, one of the priority tasks of any developer is the question: “How to heat the home?” It is well known that heating with main gas is convenient and cheap. But what if there is no pipe with “blue fuel”, but you don’t want to switch to solid fuel? How else can you heat your house? The topic of our material is diesel heating.

Based on the experience of the participants, we will tell you about the advantages, disadvantages, and also about the features of diesel heating of a country house.

Advantages of diesel heating

    Low equipment installation costs. Installation of others is more expensive than installing heating using diesel fuel;

    Unlike a gas boiler room, the installation of a diesel boiler does not require obtaining permits;

    There is no need to install a complex chimney system. A hole is made in the wall, and a chimney is led out of it;

    Possibility to fully automate the operation of a diesel boiler. The boiler automatically maintains the desired water temperature in the heating system. If the water has cooled, the burner turns on itself and turns off when the water has reached the required temperature;

    Availability of fuel.

Disadvantages of diesel heating

    High heating costs. Due to the constant increase in the cost of diesel fuel, heating with diesel fuel is more expensive than gas, coal, firewood and pellets;

    Energy dependence. The boiler requires a constant power supply to operate;

    Since diesel fuel may contain various impurities, it is necessary to use high-quality fuel to power the boiler;

    Smell of fuel and noise during burner operation. The solution is to additionally soundproof the room where the boiler is installed.

Diesel heating system, where to start?

Today on the market there is a huge list of companies offering diesel boilers. The efficiency of a diesel boiler, depending on the manufacturer and design features of the model, ranges from 75% to 85%.

Double-circuit boiler models not only heat the home, but also provide the house with hot water supply.

The question that most homeowners first ask is: “What will be the fuel consumption when operating a diesel heating system?”

Konstantin FORUMHOUSE user

Diesel fuel consumption during constant operation is 0.9 liters per hour. On average, 0.5-0.7 l/hour. But such consumption is achieved only in a very well insulated one. The average consumption of diesel fuel is 1 l/hour per 100 m2.

But before you go and buy a boiler, you first need to decide on the place where it will be installed - the boiler room.

Another FORUMHOUSE user (forum nickname Hortek SPB) advises, when installing diesel boiler houses, to focus on the standards for gas boiler houses, namely:

  • Ceiling height - not lower than 2.2 m;
  • Area - at least 4 square meters. m for each boiler;
  • Doorway - at least 80 cm;
  • Window - for every 10 cubic meters. m of room - 0.3 sq. m windows;
  • Supply ventilation - 8 sq. cm per 1 kW of rated boiler power or 30 sq. cm per 1 kW, if the air flow is from the interior;
  • The cross-sectional area of ​​the chimney should not be less than the boiler outlet cross-sectional area;
  • Natural supply channel at a distance of 30 cm from the ceiling;
  • Power supply located on a separate machine;
  • Ground loop bus;
  • The supply of diesel fuel in the boiler room is no more than 800 liters.


Since the requirements for diesel boiler houses are not as strict as for gas ones, in practice they install containers of 2000 liters each, and make smaller windows or don’t make them at all. The main thing is that there must be an air flow and a place for servicing the boiler.

When installing a diesel boiler room, you should pay attention to such an important fact that the operation of boilers with a turbocharged burner does not require the expensive installation of a special chimney. It will be enough to purchase a coaxial chimney and bring it out through the wall. Such a pipe effectively removes combustion products into the atmosphere and at the same time takes clean air from the street.

Models of diesel boilers are also produced that allow you to dismantle the diesel burner and install a gas burner at any time. Purchasing this type of boiler will save you cash, if in the future it is planned to connect to the gas main.

How to calculate the boiler power?

What power boiler should I choose? To correctly calculate the boiler power, you need to take into account several parameters:

  • House area;
  • Ceiling height;
  • Insulation thickness;
  • Number of windows.

But in order to outline milestones, you can use a table:

For ceiling heights up to 3 meters, the boiler power is calculated from the ratio of 1 kW per 10 m2. If it is planned to install a 2-circuit boiler that will provide the house with heat and hot water supply, then the power should be increased by approximately 20% of that indicated in the table.

When choosing a diesel boiler, you should also take into account such a moment as the material from which the boiler heat exchanger is made. Since diesel fuel contains sulfur, when it burns, it produces corrosive condensate, which can lead to the formation of pockets of corrosion that can destroy the metal over time. Therefore, based on the experience of FORUMHOUSE users, we can recommend the use of boilers with heat exchangers made of stainless steel or cast iron.

Fuel capacity

The choice of a container for storing diesel fuel must be treated as carefully as the choice of a boiler. So what are the requirements for the tank?

Firstly, you need to decide on the storage location of the container. Regardless of whether the tank is located in the boiler room or is located next to the house, one of the main conditions must be met, namely, unimpeded access to the fuel refueling truck. And although the length of the hoses of modern tankers can exceed 30 meters, the user experience is interesting ar_ca.

ar_ca FORUMHOUSE user

Since the fuel tanker hose is quite heavy and dirty, if you drag it into the house you need to put something on the bends and thresholds. The diameter of the nozzle of the filling pistol is 50 mm and 1400 liters of diesel fuel were poured into me in less than 10 minutes. In case of a fuel spill, you can fill the area with sawdust.

Also ar_ca advises you to pay attention to the following point. After refueling, approximately 50 liters of diesel fuel remain in the tanker hose, and if you do not want to “gift” it to the driver, then the fuel must be drained into a previously stored container.

What else should you pay attention to?

An excerpt from SP 41–104–2000 “Design of autonomous heat supply sources” states that the capacity of the supply tank installed in the boiler room should not exceed 0.8 m3. This volume is not enough to create a full-fledged heating system. And although many users of diesel heating often install tanks of 2000 - 4000 liters in the boiler room, the most appropriate way to store fuel is to install a fuel tank outside the living space.

This installation method promises additional benefits:

  • There is no need to run the fuel tanker hose into the house. This means the absence of dirt and odor in the boiler room;
  • Additional safety in case of fuel spill;
  • Due to the absence of bulky tanks, the useful area of ​​the boiler room increases.

Among containers, vertically oriented tanks from 800 to 2000 liters are in greatest demand. If necessary, a large-capacity fuel storage facility can be created on their basis. To do this, the tanks are connected to each other using fuel piping elements, which allows you to increase the operating time of the boiler room at one gas station.

vlad220 FORUMHOUSE user

There are different containers for tanks - plastic, metal, fiberglass. There is also one for underground fuel storage. For small storage volumes - no more than 2000 liters, it is not necessary to bury the tank. The main thing when storing fuel outdoors is to properly insulate the container. If the fuel line runs in an unheated area, it must be protected from freezing.

When organizing a boiler room with a tank located outside the room, it is necessary to provide an additional pump that will pump fuel into the boiler room. In this case, it will be necessary to place a small tank with a capacity of 100 to 200 liters in the boiler room, into which fuel will be pumped from the main tank.

Features of operating a diesel boiler room in winter

Since the viscosity of diesel fuel increases noticeably in winter, the pump may not have enough power to pump fuel through the fuel line. Therefore, if the container with diesel fuel is installed at a considerable distance from the boiler room, it is necessary to provide additional thermal insulation of the fuel line. Also, when installing a boiler room, it is necessary to remember that the quality of diesel fuel varies and therefore a fuel filter must be included in the boiler power system.

Installing a fuel tank underground is associated with large material costs and requires a large amount of preparatory excavation work and qualified installation of the power supply system.

We can say that diesel in a country house is a complex solution consisting of many factors that require knowledge and experience. You can learn more about the operation of a diesel boiler house from the forum thread, and there is a discussion of liquid fuel boilers and burners.

A diesel boiler operates according to a fairly simple scheme, partly similar to the operating principle of gas heating equipment.

First, the fuel pump starts, followed by a special air pressurization device. Using a pump, fuel is supplied to the burner, heated and thoroughly filtered. Next, the pressure necessary to atomize diesel fuel is generated in the nozzles.

The ignition transformer then supplies the electrodes with ignition voltage. Both fuel and air masses enter the combustion chamber at the same time. The flammable liquid then ignites, resulting in the generation of heat energy that directly heats the walls of the combustion chamber and the heat exchanger. As a result, the coolant is heated in the heat exchanger, which ensures uninterrupted heating of a private home.

During the combustion of diesel fuel, gases are formed - they are discharged through a conventional chimney.

Advantages of diesel boilers

The use of a diesel boiler for heating a house is justified by several advantages of the unit:

  • High performance - during the combustion of liquid fuel, a large amount of heat is released: the boiler efficiency varies between 91-96%. In this indicator, it is not too inferior to gas equipment.
  • Efficiency - a diesel boiler allows you not only to efficiently heat a private house of any size, but also to provide it with hot water.

Diesel boiler is very efficient
  • Minimal fire and explosion hazard - diesel fuel is many times less dangerous than gas. Thanks to this, there is no need to obtain permits for installing the boiler.
  • Possibility of automatic control - due to the presence of a fully functional automation system, the user can control any parameters of the equipment operation.
  • Low power consumption – diesel equipment requires a minimum amount of electricity: it is consumed only to ensure the operation of fuel pumps and automation. This is why boilers are effective even in those regions where there are interruptions in the supply of electricity to the home.
  • There are no restrictions in use - diesel boilers can be used in houses of any size. The main thing is to correctly determine the required power of the unit.

Cons of diesel boilers

Diesel boilers cannot be called absolutely ideal, since along with their advantages they have several serious disadvantages:

  • Increased requirements for installation - for the installation of a diesel unit, you will have to allocate a separate technical room with high-quality ventilation and non-combustible finishing of all surfaces. In this case, the room must be at least 2 m in height.

Important! Liquid fuel should be stored in a special plastic or steel container.

  • Excessive soot formation – when the boiler operates, it forms large number soot, deposits of which increase fuel consumption. This is why equipment needs to be cleaned regularly.
  • Thickening – diesel fuel tends to thicken when the temperature drops below + 5 degrees, which complicates the movement of coolant through the heating system.

Advice. To prevent thickening and its negative consequences, insulate the pipeline and filters or ensure they are heated.

  • High noise level – the operation of diesel equipment is accompanied by strong unpleasant noise.

Types of diesel boilers

Diesel heat generators are classified according to two main characteristics: burner type and heat exchanger material.

Burners can be of three types:

  1. Single-stage – the cheapest and least efficient models. They operate continuously, therefore, to adjust their power and change the temperature in the heating system, it is necessary to completely turn off the boiler.
  2. Two-stage - can operate in two modes: 100% and 40% of their basic performance. Due to this, they allow you to slightly save fuel consumption for heating your home.
  3. Modulating are the most effective and profitable models, allowing you to adjust your performance from 10% to 100%, focusing on the required heating temperature.

A separate room is required to install a diesel boiler

As for heat exchangers, they come in two types:

  1. Cast iron - they are heavy, at a high price and susceptible to overheating, but resistant to corrosion.
  2. Steel – characterized by low resistance to condensation and corrosion, but affordable and easy to maintain.

Fuel consumption

When calculating the approximate amount of fuel required to heat a house using a diesel boiler, three parameters need to be taken into account:

  • heated area of ​​the house;
  • boiler efficiency;
  • unit power.

If the heated house is well-insulated, the ratio of the consumed volume of combustible fuel to the generated heat energy looks like this:

  1. Combustion of 1 liter of diesel fuel in 1 hour produces about 10 kW of heat energy.
  2. 10 kW of heat energy allows you to heat 100 sq.m. area.
  3. A burner operating at full power consumes 24 liters of diesel fuel in 1 day.

Fuel consumption for a diesel boiler is easy to calculate

Thus, we have a ratio of 1 l/1 hour. Based on this, it is possible to calculate how much liquid is consumed in one heating season to heat a home with an area of, for example, 100 sq.m. We will take a season of 200 days as our starting point. Let’s assume that the boiler operates at 100% for 100 days, and for another 100 days at 50%. We get:

  • 100 x 24 l = 2,400 l for full power operation;
  • 100 x 12 l = 1,200 l for working at half strength;
  • 2400+1200 = 3,600 l for the whole season.

Now you are familiar with the alternative to gas and electric heating - diesel boilers. As you can see, these heat generators have many pros and cons - we advise you to carefully study all the designated type and functional features in order to choose the most suitable heating equipment for your private home.

Diesel boiler: video

Installing an autonomous heating system is not an easy task. It is necessary to consider all possible options for fuel boilers and cut off those that are unacceptable. Then, from the remaining ones, choose the most suitable one, that is, the one that provides your requests and needs to the maximum. Diesel boilers are quite popular in some regions. They are also called diesel or liquid fuel.


One of the options for heating private houses is a diesel boiler. The system is attractive for several reasons:

Modern boilers have automation that monitors the operation of the system. But you can leave such boilers unattended for 8-12 hours. A longer absence is possible with a configured warning system. Modern automation has such an opportunity. In this case, when emergency situations(the boiler has gone out, etc.) an SMS message about the problem is sent to the specified phone number. This equipment costs a lot. In addition, if you plan to use a diesel boiler for your dacha, be prepared that you will have to visit the site several times during the heating season to start up the stopped system. Quite often, burners become clogged, electricity goes out, or other emergency situations occur that cause the boiler to shut down.

Disadvantages of diesel boilers

Boilers using light heating oil (as it is correctly called) have many disadvantages:

Modern liquid fuel heating boilers have a special cylindrical combustion chamber and a heat exchanger made of stainless steel or cast iron. For better heat transfer and increased efficiency, heat exchangers are designed so that the coolant for water boilers or air for air heaters passes through heated chimney pipes several times.

Operating principle

They work in almost the same way as with gas: fuel is supplied under pressure into the nozzle, which sprays and ignites. The nozzle design is different.

Main structural elements:

  • Combustion chamber. Their forms are developed by each company. They strive to achieve higher efficiency, but the vast majority of domestic diesel boilers have a cylindrical firebox.
  • Heat exchanger. Here the forms can be varied. There are heat exchangers made of stainless steel, cast iron, copper, and steel.
  • Diesel burner. Determines the efficiency of the boiler and the completeness of fuel combustion.
  • Automation. Regulates the level of heat transfer, coordinating the operation of all components and monitoring the specified parameters.
  • Fuel pump – supplies fuel to the burner.

If the combustion chamber, heat exchanger and automation are selected at the time of purchase and then either not changed at all (furnace) or very rarely (automation), then the fuel pump and diesel burner can be changed to improve the efficiency of the system. With pumps everything is more or less clear. It must provide the required pressure and be reliable.

Diesel burners are complex devices that ensure the functionality of the entire system. They can be changed and products from different companies can be installed. Let's look at how they work and how they differ.

Operating principle of the burner

The burner is, as a rule, a removable unit and you can install any unit whose parameters correspond to the power of the boiler. It is recommended to take the burner power with a margin of 10-15% relative to the boiler power. This will make it possible to regulate its operation more smoothly.

With the help of this unit, fuel is sprayed into small droplets. The nozzle is responsible for the size of the droplets and their direction. Next, the fuel suspension is mixed with the air supplied by the fan, and then fed into the combustion chamber. It turns out that it is the burner that is responsible for maximum fuel use.

If we consider the combustion process in detail, everything happens as follows:

Burner types

Burners can be of three types: single-stage, two-stage and adjustable. The simplest ones are single-stage. They operate constantly in one mode - at 100% power. Two-stage can operate in two positions: full power and half power.

The most expensive, but also the most effective and economical are adjustable. Under automatic control, they consume the amount of combustible mixture that is necessary to maintain the set temperature. When used, they significantly reduce fuel consumption in a diesel boiler.

To create fine dust, fuel must be supplied to the atomizer under high pressure - this is provided by a pump. On the other hand, a fan operates, forcing air flow and ensuring the required level of saturation of the fuel suspension with oxygen.

Burners are also distinguished by the type of device that provides the required pressure:

  • fan burners use a fan to create pressure;
  • supercharged - powerful turbines are used, due to which the pressure increases, the droplets are smaller and the fuel burns more completely.

Nozzle selection

But that's not all. You need to choose the right nozzle for the burner. For correct and efficient work For a diesel boiler, the correct selection of nozzle is very important. The efficiency of the thermal unit and the completeness of fuel combustion depend on the quality of atomization. After all, the nozzle sprays fuel before feeding it into the combustion chamber.

The passport for the boiler contains a spray angle, which is determined by the shape of the combustion chamber, the power of the unit and several other parameters. It may differ in each boiler design and model. The nozzle is selected for this value. The main thing is that at the outlet the fuel is sprayed in the form of a cone, and its angle corresponds to that specified in the boiler passport.

If the burner does not operate properly, the fuel is burned inefficiently, and some of it settles in the form of soot on the walls of the heat exchanger. Soot is an excellent heat insulator and a small amount of it significantly reduces operating efficiency. So a layer of soot of 1 mm reduces the efficiency by almost half.

If you have soot inside your firebox, blue smoke comes out of the chimney, fuel consumption has increased, and the temperature has dropped, the most likely reason is that the nozzle is clogged. To restore the previous operating efficiency, it is necessary to remove the spray assembly, remove the nozzle filter and wash it with non-abrasive detergents. After drying, put the filter and then the entire burner in place. If the boiler is still not working efficiently enough, the nozzle most likely needs to be replaced (on average, once a year).

Installation of a diesel boiler

Installation of a diesel boiler is simple. It is important to correctly set and enforce fire safety rules

The requirements for the premises where the diesel fuel boiler will be located are quite strict, but not prohibitive. When installing a device with a power of up to 150 kW (on average, 1500 m2 can be heated), the room must have the following dimensions:

  • volume not less than 15 m 3;
  • ceiling height not lower than 2 m.

The room must have ventilation and at least one window. The interior decoration of the boiler room must be non-flammable (both walls and floor). If the room is located in the basement, an equipped fire exit is additionally required.

The fuel container can be located in the same room, or buried outside. The boiler and container are connected by pipes, usually copper.

There are a few more points to consider when using liquid fuel. The boiler room must be heated, since when the temperature drops below +5 o C, diesel fuel begins to thicken. It flows worse, paraffins thicken, which instantly clog the burner, stopping the system. The outputs are:

  • heat the boiler room;
  • install a filter at the burner inlet;
  • use winter fuel or add special additives yourself.

From the experience of using diesel boilers, we can recommend the following improvements that improve the quality of system operation:

  • If your boiler does not have a function for heating the fuel before feeding it to the burner, you should carefully insulate the fuel tank and ensure its heating. There is no need to heat to high temperatures. All that is required is to maintain the temperature at +5 o C. With normal insulation, this requires about 100 W per hour. Just a little.
  • If you buy an imported boiler, either install an additional filter at the inlet, or change the “native” one. Those that come with the kit are designed for European fuel, not domestic. They just get clogged very quickly and the system stops.

Review of manufacturers

There are many manufacturers of diesel boilers. There are domestic ones, from near and far abroad. There are so many offers that it is difficult to choose. In this case, it is customary to focus on the most popular ones.

Convenient for heating cottages and houses with irregular residence. They operate autonomously and use a tubrocyclone burner - one of the latest developments that saves fuel. It is possible to control both the room temperature and the coolant temperature; a self-diagnosis system is built-in.

The power of boilers using Kiturami diesel fuel is from 10.5 to 34 kW, fuel consumption is from 1.13 liters/hour to 4.3 liters/hour. There are dual-circuit models, with a possible supply of hot water from 3.8 liters/min to 20 liters/min.

Buderus boilers

The Buderus company produces diesel boilers made of steel and cast iron. Cast iron boilers of the Logano G model (Logan) are popular. There are powers from 25 kW to 95 kW. In another line there are more powerful ones up to 1200 kW.

They run on standard diesel fuel or low-sulfur fuel. They are interesting because in the Unit modification, the burners optimize the fuel mixture, achieving almost complete combustion of gas, which reduces soot formation and emissions. These units have simple controls and easy installation of the required operating parameters. It may be interesting to expand the functionality of the automation by installing additional modules (you do not need to change the automation unit as a whole, but just purchase an additional unit that provides the functions you are interested in).

Steel boilers Buderus Logano S are produced only in industrial capacities - from 450 kW of power. These industrial units can operate on two types of fuel - gas and liquid fuel.


Korean diesel boilers Navien (Navien), made in the form of a rectangle. Their design is more similar to European ones. A distinctive feature is its small dimensions.

Boilers marked Navien KG have fuel preheated before being supplied to the nozzle. The pressurized fan supplies fuel at a sufficiently high pressure, which also ensures the effective removal of combustion products into the chimney. A stainless steel heat exchanger and a filter adapted for Russian fuel, which has replaceable cartridges for easy and quick cleaning or replacement. The control panel is Russified, the automation is protected by a special microcircuit at the input, which allows the boiler to operate without failures with network parameters of 230 V ±30%.

That’s why Navien liquid fuel boilers are quite popular: manufacturers have taken into account many of the features of our country’s networks. Power from 13 kW to 40 kW, fuel consumption from 1.46 liters/hour to 4.65 liters/hour, hot water capacity – up to 22.9 liters/min


Saturn boilers are units from another Korean company. They run on diesel fuel and kerosene; manufacturers do not recommend using spent fuel. They are distinguished by the presence of a copper heat exchanger (pipe 20 meters long and 15 mm in diameter). Owners are pleased with quiet work, minimum sizes. They can be placed in a living space. The power of Saturn diesel boilers is from 13.5 kW to 35 kW, fuel consumption is from 2.01 liters/hour to 4.54 liters/hour.

When compared with Navien boilers, there is greater fuel consumption for heating with almost the same equipment power.

Ferroli produces dual-fuel boilers. They run on gas and/or liquid fuel. The body and heat exchanger are cast iron. The body is insulated with a layer of temperature-resistant material. The GN2 N model is available with power from 106 kW to 252 kW, weight from 360 kg to 780 kg.

Cast iron boilers of the GF N model operate on solid and liquid fuels. The power of boilers in this line ranges from 12.7 kW to 27.5 kW. Equipped with an overheating protection system and a safety valve, you can burn both large and small pieces of wood in the firebox and switch it to “liquid fuel” mode. These models are single-circuit only (they do not heat water).

In principle, from these brands you can choose equipment for any conditions and needs, and there are still more than a dozen of them on the market, and maybe more than one hundred. So arm yourself with patience and choose. Good luck!