Marketing strategies. Marketing strategy of the enterprise. Types and analysis

The concept of "strategy" implies a method of action or plan, presented in a general form over a significant period of time. It can be developed in any direction. The main thing is that pre-thought-out actions contribute to the most efficient use of available resources and lead to the set goal.

As for the marketing strategy, it is one of the components of the company's overall strategy. At the same time, it contains a description of the methods that should be used by the company to increase sales profits in the long term. It is worth noting that the marketing strategy does not offer users any specific actions. She only describes them.

The Importance of Marketing

Any economic plan allows you to get an idea of ​​the company’s development prospects in the market, as well as the theoretical and practical aspects of its activities. And this can be done by marketing, which is the science of setting tasks and goals, achieving and solving them, as well as ways to overcome existing problems in an organization across the entire range of products over a certain time period. Why does a company need such a strategy? It allows you to achieve the maximum possible correspondence between available resources and the current economic situation. This is what will help the company conduct successful financial and production activities.

What are the features of a marketing strategy and what needs to be taken into account when choosing the most suitable one?

The essence of pre-planning

What is the main point of a marketing strategy? If we consider a specific market environment, then creating the right direction in it allows the company to develop as efficiently as possible. When forming such a strategy, an executive plan is drawn up that allows the organization to carry out its activities taking into account the chosen policy.

There is a very important element in marketing work. It is called marketing planning, thanks to which the company is able to constantly analyze the market, as well as learn about the needs of customers.

The business strategy developed by marketing makes it possible to offer products that would fully satisfy the demand of a certain group of consumers. In this regard, the main task that such a document sets for itself becomes clear. The action plans developed by the company are designed to identify both existing and potential markets for products.

When developing long-term plans in any economically successful state, it is always worth remembering that marketing products most often causes certain difficulties. Given the fierce competition in the market, the majority of enterprises prefer to produce and sell their goods themselves. They consider this method the most reliable for maintaining their leading positions.

Marketing tactics and strategies for successful businesses involve outperforming competitors, as well as strengthening their position in the future. You can only change initially created plans in situations where:

For several years, the company did not achieve good results in terms of sales of goods and revenue generation;

There has been a change in the strategies of competing companies;

Some external conditions affecting the operation of the enterprise have been transformed;

A chance has arisen to implement new reforms that would be able to increase benefits and bring profit to the organization;

The company has achieved the goals outlined by the current sales strategy.

Marketing plans can also be adjusted due to changes in the market, which has begun to focus on other indicators. This may be the emergence of fundamentally new products, as well as the use modern methods bypassing competitors. An example of a company's marketing strategy can make it clear that the company, in its desire to sell a product, actively uses various directions at the same time.

Marketing Strategy Goals

Why are long-term sales plans created? From the example of a company’s marketing strategy, it becomes clear that they are intended to implement external program or market goals, namely for:

Increasing the organization's market share;

Growth in the number of clients;

Increasing the level of sales, taking into account their natural and cost indicators.

The marketing strategy also presupposes the achievement of certain internal program (production) goals. They serve as a continuation of the market ones. These plans reflect everything that the enterprise needs to achieve program goals. At the same time, the strategy does not take into account organizational resources, but takes into account the issue of ensuring the required production volumes. It's worth keeping in mind that this indicator consists of the number of sales from which existing inventories are subtracted, summing the result with planned inventories. This also includes issues of creating new workshops, introducing the latest production technologies, etc.

Marketing planning also sets organizational goals for the enterprise. It looks at the structure of the firm, as well as its management and staff. If we consider the example of a specific company, a marketing strategy may, for example, plan to increase staff salaries to the level available in the organization that occupies a leading position in the market, and also provide for the hiring of several specialists with knowledge in a particular industry. In addition, long-term plans sometimes include the introduction of a system that allows for project management, etc.

An example of an enterprise's marketing strategy allows one to judge the company's financial goals. This section of the plans indicates all expected indicators in their cost terms. They include in their list: the amount of costs, gross and net profit, volume and profitability of sales, etc.

Types of Marketing Strategies

The company's long-term sales plans are classified according to various criteria. But the most commonly used categories are:

  1. Integrated Growth. An example of developing a marketing strategy suggests that the company wants to expand its own structure, using “vertical development”, which involves the release of new services or products. If the integrated growth strategy is successfully implemented, then the company begins to exercise control over the branches of the enterprise's suppliers and dealers, trying to influence the end consumer.
  2. Concentrated growth. An example of an enterprise's marketing strategy in this case indicates that within the framework of these long-term product sales plans, a change in the market is possible. In addition, such a strategy also provides for the modernization of goods. The main objective of the plans describing the concentrated growth of the company is the fight against competitors, as well as the desire to occupy positions in an expanded market share. This process is called “horizontal development”. This strategy allows you to improve the quality of existing products and find new markets for them.
  3. Diversified Growth. An example of a marketing strategy in this area, as a rule, occurs in cases where a company currently does not have the opportunity to develop in a market environment with a certain type of product. The enterprise can make maximum efforts aimed at producing new products using its existing resources. At the same time, the received product sometimes has only slight differences from the old one, and sometimes it is completely different.
  4. Reduction. An example of a marketing policy in this area may clearly indicate that the company is setting itself a goal aimed at increasing the efficiency of its work after a significant period of development. Here, for example, you can plan to reorganize a company by cutting down certain departments. Another option for such a strategy could be the liquidation of the company, which involves gradually reducing its activities to zero, which makes it possible to obtain maximum income.

Main directions of marketing strategy

After determining one direction or another, the company has the opportunity to focus not only on certain elements of the market environment, but also on its entire volume. At the same time, it becomes possible to implement the main strategic directions. Among them:

  1. Mass (undifferentiated) marketing strategy. It is focused on the entire market environment without taking into account the differentiation of consumer demand. As a result of applying this direction, it becomes possible to reduce production costs, which gives the product serious competitive advantages.
  2. Differentiated marketing strategy. Its use allows us to judge that the company is trying to take positions in more market segments. To achieve this goal, it begins to produce products with attractive designs, high quality, etc.
  3. Concentrated marketing strategy. When using it, the company focuses its efforts on only one market segment. The products produced are intended for a certain category of consumers. In this case, the emphasis is on originality. This type of marketing strategy is ideal for those companies that have limited resources.

In addition to all of the above categories, product sales plans can be price and product, branded and advertising. In this case, they are classified according to the means of marketing products that are mainly used by the company.

Let's look at the most modern examples of marketing strategies.

Positional defense

As you know, in order to protect yourself from enemies, a defensive fortress must be built. However, it is always worth remembering that a static defense that does not provide for any forward movement is a sure path to defeat. And if the marketing strategy accepted by the company, provides exclusively defensive actions, then it can be called myopic.

If we consider enterprises such as Coca-Cola or Bayer, then it can be argued that even in their work it is impossible to guarantee a stable income. A successfully developed marketing strategy (using the example of the specific Coca-Cola company) clearly adheres to the line of expanding the range of its products and developing new types of production. And this despite the fact that this company produces its products in a huge number! Coca-Cola's share in the world market soft drinks is almost 50%. But the marketing strategy that the company adheres to leads to the fact that it is actively buying up companies that produce fruit drinks. And this is in addition to expanding the range and introducing the latest technologies.

Flank protection

Companies that occupy leading positions in the market need a special marketing strategy. Its main goal is to create " border service"and the concentration of "combat-ready units" on the most vulnerable borders. But flank protection is considered the most effective, which provides for the conditions for the detailed development of all operations and their phased implementation. And in this case, we can give examples of failures of marketing strategies. For example, the main mistake of General Motors and Ford was the lack of proper training. At the moment when European and Japanese manufacturers began attacking the market, these firms did not take them seriously. As a result, American automobile companies lost part of the domestic market. After all, Japanese manufacturers offered the American consumer vehicles, characterized by compactness. Such products have attracted interest from a wide range of car enthusiasts.

Pre-emptive strikes

How to develop a marketing strategy? An example of the organization of proactive actions can be found in the history of various companies. They come down to the use of several methods.

The first of them is similar to combat reconnaissance. For example, some firms affect one competitor in their market, attack another, and pose a threat to a third. This disrupts their activities.

The next method is to attack on all fronts. An example of a project's marketing strategy using such actions is the decisive step of Seiko, which offered 2,300 models of its watches to distributors from all over the world. Texas Instruments can also be mentioned here. She successfully used price attack tactics. One of the most basic objectives of such a marketing strategy is to maintain a high competitive level of the company's products.

International Marketing Strategy

Marketing strategy in banking

When developing long-term plans for the implementation of services by financial and credit institutions, their inextricable connection with IT areas is primarily taken into account. Thus, the development of a marketing strategy using the example of Cetelem Bank indicates a constant increase in the use of information technologies.

This process will require an increase in the number of sales points, as well as the number of employees. The bank's marketing strategy also assumes a significant increase in costs for equipment, telephony and telecommunications. At the same time, issues of effective use are considered financial investments. Despite the complexity of the task, most of the most key aspects of the bank’s developed strategy are being implemented within the scheduled time frame.

Hello! In this article we will talk about the process of developing a marketing strategy.

Today you will learn:

  • What types of marketing strategies exist;
  • How to develop a marketing strategy for an enterprise.

We have already written a large detailed article about. Below we will briefly recall the types and immediately move on to development and examples.

Types of Marketing Strategies

Depending on what competitive advantage the company has, strategies are divided into:

  • Differentiation strategy– involves distinguishing the company from competitors due to the high quality or special properties of the product;
  • Cost leadership strategy– allows the company to set the minimum price on the market, due to lower costs of production and sales of products compared to competitors. You can minimize costs if you have some objective advantage: economical equipment, profitable geographical location, special production technology and so on;
  • Cost Focus Strategy– this strategy is a cost leadership strategy, but addressed only to one segment of consumers;
  • Strategy to focus on differentiation– this strategy is a differentiation strategy, but addressed only to one customer segment.

Pricing strategies are divided into three types:

  • Price leadership – the minimum price on the market;
  • Strategy of following a competitor - average market price;
  • The skimming strategy is the highest price on the market.

Main types of product strategies:

  • Innovation strategy – creating a completely new product for the company;
  • Modification strategy - creation various options already existing products;
  • Withdrawal strategy is to stop production/sale of the product.

Main types of distribution strategies:

  • Exclusive distribution – distribution of the product only through its own channels;
  • Selective distribution – distribution of a product through highly specialized channels;
  • Intensive distribution – distribution through any channels

The promotion strategy depends on what promotion tools you have chosen for your product or company.

Stages of developing a marketing strategy

The process of developing a marketing strategy for an enterprise consists of three large sections - analytical, practical and control over implementation.

Analytical stage

The development of any strategy involves the sequential implementation of the following actions:

  1. General market analysis. Here you need to determine the boundaries of the market, market capacity, and market potential. This will allow you to correctly set strategic planning goals.
  2. Determining the level and highlighting the main market players. This stage is easy to implement using two tools: M. Porter’s “5 Forces of Competition” model and the “Positioning Map”.

M. Porter’s “5 Forces of Competition” model consists of 5 blocks describing key market players: competitors (number, company names, market shares, competitive advantages, and so on); consumers (quantity, presence of associations, volume of purchases, etc.); companies producing substitute goods (quantity, market shares, cost of switching consumers to them); suppliers (their number, the possibility of replacement, volumes of purchases, and so on); new players (barriers to entry and exit, factors limiting and stimulating their emergence).

Based on the description, each block is given a danger level assessment. Future strategy should aim to minimize this danger.

A positioning map is an excellent tool for finding your niche in the market and determining the company’s place among competitors. It is a coordinate system, the number of axes of which depends on the number of parameters by which we compare ourselves and competitors.

Each axis consists of ten divisions into a positive area and ten divisions into a conditionally negative area (in the case of a positioning map, it will not be negative).

Example. We sell anti-dandruff shampoo. The parameters by which we evaluate our position in the market will be the following: price (X-axis, positive area), density (X-axis, conditionally negative area), convenience of packaging (Y-axis, positive area), efficiency (Y-axis, conditionally negative area ). We evaluate our shampoo for each parameter on a scale from 1 - the lowest indicator, to 10 - the highest indicator and make corresponding marks on the axes, we do the same with competitors' products.

When all the points are marked, they must be connected with a line. As a result, we will get a map of our product and competitors' products. It will clearly show in which parameters we are succeeding and in which we are lagging behind. This will allow us to decide on a competitive advantage strategy and positioning strategy.

  1. Consumer Analysis, identifying the target audience and target segments.
  2. Analysis of the internal state of the company, its strengths and weaknesses. For these purposes, we conduct a SWOT analysis, during which we assess the organization’s strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
  3. Analysis of the organization's product portfolio. At this stage, we need to determine the place of each product in the organization’s product portfolio: share in the profit structure, growth rate, sales volume, prospects.
  4. Setting the organization's marketing goals. It is the goal that determines the future marketing strategy of enterprises. Let's analyze two goals and strategies that are used to achieve them.

In this case, it is necessary to set not just one goal, as in the example, but also to work out the tasks that need to be completed to implement it, and for these tasks there are subtasks, and so on.

This process is called building a goal tree. For example, the goal: increasing sales volume; tasks: expanding the range, attracting new consumers, developing a product distribution system; subtasks: development of new product variations; searching for new sales channels, developing a promotion program, and so on.

As you can see, tasks and subtasks already contain a certain focus of marketing strategies.

This completes the analytical section of developing a marketing strategy, and we begin to develop a marketing plan.

Practical stage - development of a marketing plan for an enterprise

Now we have come to developing the heart of the marketing strategy - the marketing plan. At this stage, all efforts are focused on identifying measures to improve the company’s position in the long term.

As part of the enterprise's marketing plan, it is necessary to work out the following elements:

  • "Weapons" of competition. We choose those product or company parameters that set us apart from our competitors. We develop a development plan for each parameter. We determine the competitive strategy;
  • Action plan for each target segment. For the most promising segments, measures can be taken to expand the range, increase the number of retail outlets, and in less promising segments, on the contrary, reduce your influence. We determine the development strategy for each target segment;
  • Elements of the marketing mix. We summarize and determine actions for each element of the marketing mix, draw up a calendar plan, appoint those responsible and determine the budget. We choose a strategy for each element of the marketing mix, taking into account the selected competitive strategies and segment development.

Control and analysis of marketing strategy

An enterprise's marketing strategy must be flexible to respond to changes in the external environment, the actions of competitors and consumer behavior. Therefore, after you have begun implementing a marketing strategy, it is necessary to take measures to monitor its execution.

Marketing audit – systematic analysis of the external and internal environment of the enterprise for compliance of the company’s position with the adopted marketing strategy, followed by taking corrective actions.

In this case, analytical work occurs in the same way as when developing a marketing strategy for an enterprise. Our goal is to identify changes and adjust the marketing strategy.

An example of an enterprise marketing strategy

We will omit the analytical stage of building a marketing strategy for an enterprise so that you can clearly see how a strategy is formed according to the goals of the organization.

For example, we bake cabbage pies and want to sell them. And as you know, sales without marketing today are impossible, so we begin to develop a marketing strategy. A little about the product: homemade pies, only natural ingredients, prepared according to traditional recipe. We have no cost advantage.

Target segment: small cafes.

Our goal: ensuring sales volume at the level of 50 thousand rubles per month.

Tasks: searching and attracting clients; search and selection of distribution channels.

Subtasks: development of a promotion program for each distribution channel and consumer segment.

Competitive strategy: our competitive advantage our product. We place emphasis in positioning on its naturalness and tradition, that is, the quality of the product. In addition, this is not a mass product, so we choose a strategy of focusing on differentiation and developing our product further (for example, adding different spices).

Action plan for each target segment: We are expanding our presence in the small cafe segment, expanding the range with various additives and sizes of pies. You can choose a modification strategy and also offer cabbage pies according to the traditional recipe.

Elements of the marketing mix: we need to attract new consumers, for this we are creating a promotion program using online promotion tools aimed at the target segment; The distribution strategy is exclusive; we will distribute the pies using a page on a social network.

In terms of pricing strategy, we have a choice between a mid-market strategy and a skimming strategy. Everything will depend on the uniqueness of your product in a specific geographic market. For example, in America, pies with cabbage according to a traditional Russian recipe will be a unique product and you can set a high price.

Most enterprises, in order to achieve colossal heights in development, necessarily create strategies. No well-known company could exist in the modern market space if it did not adhere to them.

What is a marketing strategy?

Marketing strategy is one of the elements of an enterprise's operating plans. It is aimed at developing, manufacturing and bringing to consumers goods and various services that will suit their needs.

Also, a marketing strategy can be described as a large-scale plan for achieving the main goals of the company. Its development is based on studying the target market sector and creating a marketing mix. The time frame for main events and resolution of financial issues must be determined. It is considered the foundation of any advertising strategy. Not a single marketing company ignores studying the situation that is developing in the market.

The primary task of marketing is to develop and implement a marketing strategy by any means. The main strategies are as follows:

  • Attracting buyers.
  • Product promotion plan.

Without these two main components, marketing will not exist.

Also, marketing strategy is characterized as a set of different principles. Thanks to them, the company forms marketing goals and is able to organize their implementation in the market.

Any marketing strategy must accurately outline the sections of the market where the company will concentrate its efforts. They will differ in preference and profitability. For each segment you need to develop your own marketing strategy. This takes into account the following: products, prices, product promotion, and sales. The marketing strategy of any company is always fixed in an individually drawn up document “Marketing Policy”.

Types and analysis

The work of any company is based on certain principles. An analysis of the marketing strategy is required. Its main tasks are:

  • Study effective demand for goods, be sure to pay attention to sales markets.
  • The plan for the production and sale of goods of the appropriate volume and assortment is also justified.
  • To analyze the factors that form the elasticity of demand for a product, the degree of risk of lack of demand for products is also assessed.
  • Assess the ability of a product to compete with other products and find reserves for increasing competitiveness.
  • Develop a plan, tactics, methods and means that create demand and stimulate the sale of goods.
  • Assess the sustainability and efficiency of production and sales of goods.

For a company to reach heights, it must not only develop its own, but also carefully study the best trending marketing strategy. Example: Schulco, Coca-Cola, etc.

To create an effective strategy, you must first study its types. So, the following classification is common:

  • A strategy for conquering part of the market or expanding this share to optimal levels. It involves reaching the necessary data, indicators of the norm and mass of profit. This makes it much easier to achieve greater profitability and production efficiency. The selected segment is conquered through the emergence and introduction of a new product to the market.
  • Innovation strategy. It implies the production of goods that have no analogues.
  • Strategy of innovative imitation. It is based on the combination of all new products from competitors.
  • Product differentiation strategy. Based on improving and changing familiar products.
  • Cost reduction strategy.
  • Waiting strategy.
  • Consumer personalization strategy. The most common at the moment among manufacturers of equipment that has a production purpose.
  • Diversification strategy.
  • Internationalization strategy.
  • Cooperation strategy. Based on the beneficial cooperation of a certain number of enterprises.

How are marketing strategies developed? Conducting research

The development of a marketing strategy takes place in several stages:

- First- market research. At this stage, it is necessary to determine the boundaries of the market and the enterprise’s share in this segment. You also need to assess the size and trends of the market. It is imperative to conduct an initial assessment of the competitive level.

At this stage, the external macroeconomic environment is necessarily analyzed. The following are being studied:

  1. Macroeconomic factors.
  2. Political factors.
  3. Technological factors.
  4. Social factors.
  5. Factors of an international nature.

- Second stage- assessment of the current state of the company. It includes mandatory analysis:

  1. Economic indicators.
  2. Production capacity.
  3. Marketing.
  4. Briefcases.
  5. SWOT analysis.

Another important point is forecasting.

- Third stage- competitors are analyzed and the company’s ability to surpass them is assessed. This stage includes the main actions:

  1. Detection of competitors.
  2. Calculation of opponents' strategies.
  3. Determining their main goals.
  4. Establishing strengths and weaknesses.
  5. Choosing a competitor to attack or ignore.
  6. Assess possible reactions.

-Fourth stage- the goals of the marketing strategy are established. First of all, it is necessary to assess current problems, determine the need to solve them, and consider the proposed tasks in more detail. Only then do they arrange the goals in hierarchical order.

- Fifth stage– dividing the market into segments and selecting the right ones. In addition, consumers and their needs are studied in detail. The methods and period for entering segments are also established.

- Sixth stage- positioning is being developed. Experts give recommendations on managing and moving communications in marketing.

- Seventh stage- an economic assessment of the strategy is carried out, and control tools are also analyzed.

Any plan and development must be based on real facts, for this it is necessary to organize marketing research that will tell exactly what you should focus on. These studies need to be conducted regularly, as the market changes, and so do consumer preferences.

The purpose of marketing research is to create an information and analytical base, with the help of which management decisions are then made. But to study individual components, individual diagrams are created. The marketing strategy also depends on the components of marketing. Example: studying products, prices. Below is a general diagram. It was developed and successfully used by many companies. Currently, it is also very often used in practice.

Marketing research is carried out in several stages:

  1. Problems and research goals are identified.
  2. A plan is being developed.
  3. Is being implemented.
  4. The results obtained are processed and reported to management.

Professional offer

Marketing services are provided by specialists in this field. This is an activity that is associated with the study of the state of the market and the situation on it; trends in various kinds of changes are also determined, which allows the manager to properly build his business. There may also be other reasons for studying the market. Marketing services include research, without which an entrepreneur will not be able to launch his production and begin manufacturing a new product.

It consists in bringing the company's capabilities in line with the situation on the market, i.e., the internal environment with the external environment.

There can be many strategies, the main thing is to choose the appropriate one for each market and each product so that it meets the requirements of achieving marketing goals.

Here are some of these strategies:
  • improving the organizational structure;
  • increase business activity(penetration into a new market; introduction of a new product into an old market; penetration of market novelty into new market segments with a product, etc.);
  • reduction in business activity (cessation of sales of goods that have ceased to provide a given profit in a given market; curtailment of production of unprofitable goods; withdrawal from some markets and concentration of efforts on the most promising ones, etc.);
  • organization of a joint company with a foreign partner abroad;
  • organization of a joint company with a foreign partner in our country;
  • cooperation with a foreign company to enter markets where it has not yet been possible to operate successfully.

Depending on the market, the strategy may be one or another. They don't have to copy each other everywhere. Using mathematical market models and considering the strategy from the point of view of game theory, they choose the strategy “mini-max” (maximum expediency, regardless of risks), “maxi-min” (minimum risk, regardless of expediency) or a combination of them.

In this regard, the following factors must be taken into account:
  • segmentation of the markets in which the company operates (or intends to operate) must be carried out so that segments in different markets are characterized by generally the same response to advertising, product promotion and other marketing activities,
    that is, they had similar sociopsychological characteristics and needs;
  • the choice of the optimal segment should be carried out based on providing the company with the most complete leadership possible (sufficient capacity, favorable prospects, minimal or even zero competition, satisfaction of unmet needs);
  • the method of entering the market with a new product should most fully meet the consumer properties of the product and the capacity of the market (segment), adequately reflect the fame of the company and its reputation, as well as the scale of need for the product;
  • when choosing marketing means of influencing a potential buyer, you should remember that price as a factor in attracting attention to a product is now ranked 3rd-4th in importance among other factors;
  • it is necessary to carefully choose the time to enter the market with a new product (especially if this product is seasonal) and do not forget about advertising preparation: there is no point in entering the market during an unfavorable market situation if the company does not pursue far-reaching goals and does not prepare its customers, anticipating period of demand recovery.

The marketing strategy used by Japanese firms in new markets is of great interest. It consists in gaining a foothold in the markets of those countries that do not have national production of this product, and then, using the accumulated experience, to penetrate the markets of other countries (“laser beam strategy”). Thus, in order to enter the markets of Western European countries with their cars, Japanese automakers initially operated only in Finland, Norway, Denmark and Ireland for several years. And only having won a strong positive reputation there, they began to explore the more complex markets of Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden, and Austria. The third step was entering the markets of Great Britain, Italy, Germany and France - countries with a powerful auto industry.

Also worthy of attention is the sequence designed for a very long period, characteristic of the activities of Japanese industrialists: starting with the export of the most widespread, inexpensive cars (and, accordingly, satisfying the needs of not too picky buyers), creating the image “Japanese means excellent quality,” these automobiles firms are gradually moving to work in the markets for more expensive cars (but not the most prestigious ones), trucks and special vehicles, and are also building car assembly plants in countries where they previously sent their cars assembled.

When developing a marketing strategy in the markets of capitalist countries, one should keep in mind, first of all, the serious aggravation of the sales problem. Competition has intensified, and, as a result, attention to new products has sharply increased, in the production and sale of which firms sometimes see the only way to survive. States impose protective duties. In general, there is (and in many industries has already occurred) a reorientation of the production policy of engineering companies towards a sharp increase in the share of high-tech (knowledge-intensive) products in their product range and a corresponding growth in the service sector (sale of licenses; carrying out research, design and other engineering work; rental (leasing) of complex equipment; consultations, etc.).

The basis of the marketing strategy of companies achieving the greatest success in the modern market is a focus on superiority in the scientific and technical field over their competitors and increasing this gap.

Here is a list of some strategies that ensure rapid growth in sales:

  • rapid entry into new markets;
  • specialization, i.e. concentration of efforts on solving problems of selected groups of customers;
  • putting forward the concept of a new product;
  • application of the latest, especially flexible, technologies;
  • decisive removal of “sick” goods;
  • expansion of activities throughout the world;
  • intensification of R&D;
  • high rates of restructuring.
Scheme of cyclic (ring) management of a company (according to Murdus and Ross)

Except offensive strategy firms also use defensive strategies. If a company is satisfied with the size of its market share or is unable to increase it for one reason or another, it resorts to a defensive strategy. Its goal is a thoughtful defense of its positions from the onslaught of competitors. Of course, a defensive strategy in some markets can be combined with an offensive strategy in others.

An example of a defensive strategy is the “exit market” strategy. It consists of leaving certain markets and switching to other markets or types economic activity. This strategy is usually used for products with poor market positions that generate losses or reduced profits.

Marins Park Hotel Sochi

In the current difficult financial and economic situation, for Russian Federation, the activities of many tourism and service enterprises are associated with economic risks. Many tourism enterprises have problems that are associated with financial instability. In this regard, the development of an enterprise’s own marketing strategy is becoming increasingly important. Management of the activities of enterprises in the tourism and service sector, such as, for example, the Marins Park Hotel Sochi enterprise, should pay special attention to marketing, which helps to meet the needs of the guest, stimulates the expansion of sales markets, increases the competitiveness of the services provided, improves the level of competence of the enterprise management when accepting marketing solutions, establishes relationships with regular partners, promotes the introduction of new technologies and, in general, improves the financial condition of the enterprise. When solving these problems, there is a need to analyze the complexities that determine the described solutions. These include the lack of guarantees of the ultimate effectiveness of managing the activities of an enterprise based on marketing orientation. High responsibility of enterprise managers to end consumers for the supply and sale of products, high-quality feasibility studies of management decisions, and, accordingly, specific solutions to management problems.

An analysis of the criteria on the basis of which marketing decisions are made has shown that they are multidimensional in nature.

A strategy is a program of action that identifies the priority of problems and resources to achieve the main goal. The strategy forms the main goals and the main ways to achieve them in such a way that the enterprise receives a single direction of action. A marketing strategy is a system of enterprise actions in which the internal environment is correlated with the external one.

The development of a marketing strategy is preceded by marketing research, which represents concrete solutions By the following questions:

Determining the influence of external and internal factors on the activities of the enterprise;

Analysis of the current market situation;

Comprehensive assessment by the enterprise of its production potential;

Increasing the competitiveness of services;

Pricing policy planning;

Management and promotion of product sales;

Formation of demand and determination of market capacity;

Planning the optimal volume of production that maximizes profits and minimizes losses of the enterprise, taking into account its marketing orientation;

Managing the product range based on the capabilities of the enterprise and market requirements;

Strategic management the production process of products in terms of production and sales costs.

Having conducted appropriate marketing research, the Marins Park Hotel Sochi enterprise can proceed to the direct development of a marketing strategy, determining how it is necessary to apply the marketing structure in order to interest and satisfy target markets and achieve the enterprise's goals.

The first part describes the size, structure and behavior of the target market, the expected stability of the product, and also produces forward planning indicators such as sales volume, market share and profit margin.

In the current economic conditions in the country, when considering a marketing strategy, the most important tasks for Marins Park Hotel Sochi are the following:

1) Increasing sales volume and managing the sales of services;

2) Achieving the best price level, therefore, reducing production costs mainly by reducing internal costs;

3) Overcoming competition and developing and implementing a marketing strategy at the enterprise will make it possible to withstand the onslaught of foreign companies and win back your customer segment in the market;

4) Integration of all management functions based on marketing with the unifying and coordinating functions of management in the market sphere;

5) A clearly reflected system of marketing services. The marketing service at the enterprise provides reliable information; conducts marketing research; develops a marketing strategy for the enterprise; forms a marketing plan; implements the action program and determines the marketing budget. Only if all links of this mechanism are well-functioning can one count on good results that will lead to the achievement of the main goal of the enterprise.

The marketing policy of an enterprise is mainly interconnected with its financial capabilities. Today, manufacturers are in a difficult financial situation and do not have the opportunity to increase the cost of production without compromising its competitiveness, therefore marketing costs are very insignificant, which is reflected in the implementation of the marketing strategy. When developing and implementing a marketing strategy at an enterprise, it is possible to increase competitiveness, increase product sales and improve pricing policies in the unstable market conditions prevailing in the country.

The marketing strategy at the enterprise I am considering involves:

Development (improvement) of the hotel mission;

Development of a tree of general corporate goals for the hotel;

Selecting a new corporate strategy for the hotel.

Let's look at each stage in more detail.

The development stage of the Marins Park Hotel Sochi mission includes:

1. Basis of enterprise competitiveness:

Large range of products and services;

Constant demand for products and services;

High quality products and services, quality control;

Average production costs;

Formed sales market;

Natural materials;

High social protection of workers;

Stable financial condition;

New MTB;

Reserves for growth and increasing the efficiency of economic activity.

2. Market conditions:

Market scale – population of Sochi and the Krasnodar Territory, consumers from other regions, opportunity to reach Russian market;

The presence of fully effective demand is balanced by supply from both Marins Park Hotel Sochi and other industry enterprises;

Market type – competitive;

Market dynamics: demand for enterprise services remains virtually unchanged (only seasonal fluctuations and activity in holidays), but customer preferences are changing, which are greatly influenced by fashion trends;

The degree of business activity of Marins Park Hotel Sochi is lower than that of its main competitors; the company is focused on clients, mainly with high and medium incomes;

Strength and scope of competition: in production terms, the main competitors of the Marins Park Hotel Sochi provide services of a different type;

Restaurants are focused primarily on providing food services;

The degree of government regulation of hotel activities.

Currently, the hotel's activities are regulated by a number of federal laws: Federal Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, regarding the fulfillment of economic obligations - the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

3. Contributing factors on the part of the state - the social orientation of state economic policy. Counteracting factors are enough low level income of the population.

4. Subjective values ​​and principles from the outside:

The owner of Marins Park Hotel Sochi (founders) – making a profit, expanding the scope of activities, stable growth and development of the enterprise;

Managers - development, organization of production and sales of products, provision of services that allow high-quality use of personnel labor, making profit in the interests of the founders for the purpose of development and strengthening material base hotels, providing consumers with a wide range of services and goods produced by the company, with priority for regular customers.

Personnel – high level of income, labor safety, social guarantees, increasing the prestige of work.

5. Having analyzed the information obtained during this study, it can be argued that the mission of the Marins Park Hotel Sochi can be developed and acceptable to all participants of the enterprise (owner, management, employees).

Expanded mission form:

The consumer can receive high-quality, cheap products and services that meet modern requirements;

Relations with competitors – focusing on the quality and price of own products and services;

The owner will receive an increase in the profitability of the enterprise, an increase in revenue and profit;

Managers will receive expansion of sales markets, development of the enterprise, the opportunity for their own professional growth, and when replacing equipment with new equipment, increased production safety and increased production output, reduced production costs;

Staff will receive higher wages, safe conditions labor and increasing the prestige of the profession.