When does the 3rd trimester begin? When does the third trimester of pregnancy begin? Real facts about dangerous weeks of pregnancy

The 3rd trimester is a difficult and very important period for both the expectant mother and the child. The feeling of calm anticipation gives way to impatience: I wish I could. At this time, the development of the fetus and its growth is gaining ever higher momentum, the baby begins to actively grow and gain weight, filling more and more space inside the uterus. In the 3rd trimester they develop and improve internal organs, reflexes (sucking, swallowing, grasping, etc.), the baby begins to hear, see and touch. Periods of sleep and wakefulness appear in his life, his brain rapidly grows and develops. The child pushes and kicks more and more, he is already quite viable, although he is very small. If premature birth occurs, there is a very high probability that the baby will survive. However, nursing him will require a lot of effort, and the baby’s health will most likely be weaker than that of children born at term.

A growing belly in the third trimester causes the expectant mother more and more discomfort. Due to the pressure that the pregnant uterus exerts on all internal organs, heartburn, nausea, constipation, hemorrhoids appear, sleep is disturbed, lower back pain and swollen legs. A pregnant woman develops fear of childbirth and a feeling of constant fatigue. During this period, it is recommended to closely monitor your condition, eat right, walk in the fresh air, and remain as active as possible, if there are no contraindications or risk of giving birth prematurely. Yoga for pregnant women, special gymnastics or swimming may be suitable for you.

To reduce anxiety and brighten up the anticipation, most pregnant women attend courses for expectant mothers, actively prepare for childbirth (for example, choose a maternity hospital and a doctor), buy clothes for the newborn and in every possible way equip the house, turning it into a cozy nest.

Pregnancy is an important period in the life of every woman. What happens at this stage? What week does the 3rd trimester begin? How to develop a menu correctly? We will answer all these questions in our article.

Pregnancy and its course

Becoming a mother is a big responsibility. It is for this reason that the birth of the first child causes huge amount questions. How to protect yourself? What can you eat to help your child develop normally?

It is worth noting that such issues do not arise with a second pregnancy. An experienced woman already knows what and how to do so that the baby is born healthy.

There are several main stages of pregnancy:

  • 1st trimester;
  • 2nd trimester;
  • 3rd trimester.

Thus, the entire period of bearing a child is clearly divided into trimesters. Before determining which week the 3rd trimester begins, let’s discuss the first two.

First trimester of pregnancy

As a rule, not every expectant mother knows the exact time and day of conception. It is for this reason that doctors consider the first trimester of every woman with special care. This will allow you not to miss important events in the development of the fetus.

The first trimester begins in the 1st week and lasts until the 13th. It is considered the shortest, although for some women it lasts quite a long time. This fact is due to subjective sensations and mental changes. During this period, the body of the expectant mother adapts to the new state.

Note. In the early stages of pregnancy, a woman is extremely attentive to her body.

And this is correct, because not only emotional outbursts appear, but also other mental states. Unusual ones are also observed. They can be painful, because the egg is already beginning to grow, and the fetus in it is beginning to develop. There may be tingling in the lower abdomen. All this is considered normal to a certain degree of pain, especially on early stage pregnancy.

Important. If you experience pain in the abdominal area, doctors recommend a medical examination.

This will help identify various pregnancy pathologies and eliminate them. During the first trimester, a woman must register with the clinic. As a rule, production begins in the 4th week.

Features of the first trimester

During this period, the birth and initial development of the baby occurs. The fertilized egg moves through the fallopian tubes. It appears in the uterus 7-8 days after conception. Then the active formation of the embryo begins. By the end of the third week, the size of the unborn child is 2 mm. On the fourth, the embryo's heartbeat is heard.

In the sixth week, the rudiments of the nervous and digestive systems are formed. Also during this period, the initial elements of the brain begin to develop. At the eighth week, the baby already has limbs, a head and a face.

Note. At this stage of child development, doctors recommend taking general tests and do an ultrasound. This will allow us to identify various abnormalities in the development of the fetus and eliminate them in a timely manner.

Ninth week - kidney development. Already at 12-13 weeks the baby is actively bending and unbending his limbs.

The dangerous periods of this trimester are weeks 8-12. If a woman's placenta does not develop, the fetus may die. To prevent these irreversible consequences, it is necessary to be constantly monitored by a doctor. Nowadays, such a deviation in a woman’s body can be easily treated with medications.

Second trimester

It is considered the most interesting stage of pregnancy. What week does the 3rd trimester begin? If the second trimester begins at week 14 and ends at week 25, then it is from the last starting point that you can prepare for childbirth. At 26 weeks the last trimester begins.

During this period, the woman experiences swelling of the mammary glands. In some cases, pain syndromes in the abdominal area are observed. This is due to the fact that the child is developing steadily and correctly, and the uterus is increasing in size. To make it fit, the internal organs are moved apart a little.

Advice. For any pain syndromes, you should consult a doctor.

In the second trimester, it is already possible to accurately determine the gender of the unborn child. The fetus begins to move, which sometimes causes a lot of trouble. Especially at night.

The baby receives all the necessary vitamins, enzymes and food from the mother. It is now that a woman begins to eat much more food. It is worth considering that normal weight gain during pregnancy is 8-12 kg. Sometimes it can reach up to 14 kg. It all depends on the woman’s physique and her body.

Features of the second trimester

This period can also pass with the development of various pathologies, both the placenta and the baby. Sometimes there is the appearance of discharge, nagging pain in the lower abdomen. To avoid negative consequences, you must immediately consult a doctor.

Third trimester

At this time, the woman’s body effectively prepares for labor. What week does the 3rd trimester begin? From the 25th week you can already count the days until the baby arrives. The end of the 3rd trimester is the 42nd week.

By the 27th week, the baby’s weight is about 1 kg and height is 35 cm. When a woman is already 28-29 weeks pregnant, the baby effectively gains weight and develops subcutaneous fat. You can forget about a restful sleep, because the baby is actively moving.

Dangerous weeks during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester

If fetal development proceeds normally, there is no need to be afraid of anything. Especially under the supervision of an experienced doctor. Despite this, you should be vigilant, since the new dangerous period is 28-29 weeks of pregnancy. It can last up to the 32nd week. It all depends on the characteristics of the female body.

The doctor must assess the condition of the placenta and intrauterine development of the fetus. This can be done using ultrasound. If there are any deviations, drug treatment is prescribed. It will not harm the baby in any way and will help maintain the pregnancy.

It is worth noting that at this stage, in some cases, premature birth is observed. The child can already survive, especially with qualified medical help.

Nutrition during pregnancy

In order to correctly compose the diet of the expectant mother, you need to clearly know when the trimesters of pregnancy begin and end by week (the table is given above).

In the first trimester, a pregnant woman’s diet is no different from her usual diet. It is necessary to follow some recommendations that will help avoid toxicosis.

You should include green salads in your daily diet vegetable oil. It is also necessary to eat fish, which is rich in phosphorus and other minerals. You need to provide your body with iodine, vitamin C and folic acid. They contribute to the proper development of the fetus at an early stage.

It is better to exclude coffee from the diet, as it increases blood pressure. It is better to drink green tea, but also in limited quantities - up to 3 cups per day.

Important. The consumption of citrus fruits, exotic fruits and berries should be kept to a minimum, as they are potential allergens.

Menu - 3rd trimester of pregnancy:

  • vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins;
  • special vitamin complexes based on folic acid;
  • minerals - iodine, calcium;
  • vegetarian dishes;
  • boiled poultry and fish;
  • low-fat meat broths;
  • bakery products in limited quantities.

Don't forget to drink fluids. It is better to limit its quantity to 1-1.5 liters, since the kidneys already serve the body not only of the expectant mother, but also of the baby. We must try to ensure that the child is born healthy.

The third trimester of pregnancy is a very important period for any expectant mother. At this time, important changes occur in the fetus’s body, because very soon the baby will be born and begin to breathe, eat, move and explore the world around him on his own.

And it’s not easy for the expectant mother. It is in the last months of pregnancy that the belly becomes so large that difficulties can arise even when performing the simplest actions, such as putting on shoes or getting out of bed after rest.

First of all, you need to decide which week the third trimester begins. If we conditionally divide the entire period of bearing a baby into three equal parts, then the final part falls on 27-40 weeks. This principle of separation is accepted by many specialists.

However, other doctors believe that the third trimester of pregnancy begins at 24, 26 or even 28 weeks. In doing so, they are guided by other considerations, such as the end of the period of major development of the child's organs or the beginning of the time when the fetus is considered viable in the event of a premature birth. You can find out how many weeks each trimester is “allowed” in a particular medical institution at an appointment with a doctor.

Chinese calendar for determining the gender of a child

What happens in the third trimester

In the last 3 months of pregnancy, the uterus increases significantly in size. The stomach becomes bulging. It becomes more difficult for a woman to move and perform usual actions, because her large belly makes it inconvenient for her to bend over, turn, or walk quickly.

The photo shows the burden women have to carry during this period.


Despite some difficulties, in the third trimester of pregnancy a woman feels much better psychologically, because a baby born at this time has every chance of survival.

Nevertheless, saving the life of a newborn, especially one born at the very beginning of the final trimester, up to 32 weeks, is possible only with the use of special equipment. Therefore, the expectant mother is not recommended to make long trips to remote areas during this period.

The woman’s body is gradually preparing for the process of childbirth: they soften and move apart a little pelvic bones, the volume of discharge from the mammary glands increases. The important stage of choosing a maternity hospital and collecting all the necessary things and documents that will be useful in the maternity hospital begins.

Fetal development

The fetus continues to develop and every day becomes more and more prepared for birth. The longer the pregnancy, the better developed the respiratory, digestive and other systems of the baby’s body.

In the seventh calendar month of pregnancy, a number of changes are characteristic of the fetus’s body:

  • Sense organs are actively developing. The fetus is able to taste the amniotic fluid well, sense certain odors, and respond to external lighting and various sounds. He may express his dissatisfaction with the bitter taste of amniotic fluid or too loud music with strong and decisive thrusts.
  • The process of active accumulation of subcutaneous fat continues.
  • The cerebral cortex is being improved.
  • Pain receptors are developed, so the baby can feel pain.
  • The baby's autonomous metabolic regime is formed.

At the eighth month of development, the condition of the fetus can be characterized as follows:

  • The baby becomes less active, because he is already quite cramped in the uterus.
  • As a rule, at 8 months the fetus has already assumed a head-down position in the stomach.
  • The size of the fetal brain during this period is ¼ of the mass of the adult brain.
  • The urinary system is formed, which means that the fetal body can produce urine.
  • The original lanugo fluff disappears on the body.
  • The cornea of ​​the eyes begins to take on a light blue tint.
  • The baby's skin gradually smoothes out, but retains its original lubricant.

In the ninth month of development, new changes occur in the fetal body:

  • The baby's lungs become more mature and are almost ready to work independently.
  • Brain neurons are surrounded by a special protective myelin sheath.
  • The cartilages of the nose and ears become stronger.
  • In boys, the testicles descend into the scrotum.
  • Original feces - meconium - have already formed in the intestines.
  • Nails become long and begin to protrude beyond the edges of the fingers.
  • Many babies start growing hair on their heads in the ninth month.
  • The epithelium has already formed in the intestines.
  • The stomach is able to begin producing enzymes that are necessary for the normal digestion of breast milk.
  • The skin tone becomes light pink.

Changes in the body of the expectant mother

In the third trimester of pregnancy, the female body is subject to the following changes:

  • The size of the uterus, and consequently the abdomen, increases significantly.
  • A woman’s total body weight during the entire 3rd trimester increases by 4 kg or more.
  • Periodically, so-called Braxton-Hicks training contractions are felt.
  • Due to the increased pressure of the uterus on the bladder, a woman often visits the toilet in a small way.
  • Some women experience shortness of breath, which is associated with an enlarged abdomen and increased pressure from the diaphragm on the lungs. Closer to the date of birth, when the fetus gradually descends into the pelvic area, shortness of breath may stop.
  • A large belly can make it difficult for a pregnant woman to fall asleep at night, so insomnia is a common symptom of the last months of pregnancy.
  • Periodically, weakness and a feeling of fatigue may occur.
  • The mammary glands almost constantly produce a small amount of a thick substance called colostrum.
  • Closer to the expected date of birth, symptoms of swelling of the legs or other parts of the body may appear, even in those women who have not previously noticed such symptoms in themselves.

Tests and examinations in the third trimester of pregnancy

Along with visiting a doctor to monitor the progress of the pregnancy, the expectant mother will need to undergo some examinations and tests in the 3rd trimester.

The list of mandatory types of examinations in the third trimester includes:

  • general blood test;
  • urine test;
  • ultrasound examination of the fetus;
  • examination of the cervix to assess its condition;
  • determination of blood glucose levels;
  • vaginal smear to detect bacterial and other infections;
  • Cardiotocography is a study of the activity of the heart in the fetus.

It should be noted that ultrasound in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy is usually performed at 32-34 weeks, since it is at this time that signs of possible placental insufficiency can be most reliably detected. Also, during the examination, the doctor will tell you how much the baby weighs, how it is developing, and, if necessary, specify the sex of the fetus.



Main hazards and risks

In the third trimester of pregnancy, the expectant mother may face the following dangers and risks:

  • Bleeding. The sudden appearance of blood may be due to abnormal placenta previa, placental abruption, excessive abdominal tension due to physical activity, intimacy, or even a severe coughing attack. In this case, you must urgently contact medical institution. Depending on the specific situation, the doctor may decide to continue the pregnancy or to carry out childbirth. Bleeding can be not only external, but also internal, which more often occurs with placental abruption, so if you experience pain in the abdominal area, even in the absence of visible bleeding, you should go to the doctor.
  • Lack of fetal movement is also a fairly serious symptom. If fetal movements are not felt at all for several hours or become less frequent and weak, you should immediately go to the hospital. The main reasons for the cessation of movements are entanglement of the umbilical cord around the fetal neck, leakage of amniotic fluid, and dysfunction of the placenta. If measures are taken in time, the child can be saved by inducing premature labor or performing a cesarean section followed by resuscitation measures for the baby.
  • Premature birth. The onset of contractions may indicate that the mother’s body, for some reason, cannot bear the fetus before the due date. Therefore, when the first signs of a possible onset of labor appear, it is necessary to urgently arrive at the maternity ward, where specialists can assess the situation and make a decision on early delivery.

Harbingers of childbirth

In the third trimester of pregnancy, any woman should already have an idea of ​​what symptoms indicate the approach of labor and the onset of labor. The so-called precursors of labor include a whole group of symptoms. When one or more of them appear, you need to prepare for the fact that in the next day or two or even within a few hours you can expect the baby to be born.

A few days before birth, the baby is located closer to the cervix, i.e. in the lower abdomen. At the same time, the stomach changes shape - it goes down. This is one of the most distant harbingers of childbirth.

One of the characteristic signs of approaching labor is also the release of the mucus plug. At this moment, a woman may detect a relatively large amount of mucus, at least 2-3 ml, on her underwear. This indicates that the cervix is ​​preparing for the upcoming expulsion of the fetus from the uterus.

Urination and frequent trips to the toilet may also become more frequent. This occurs due to compression by the fetus, which has moved to the lower abdomen, bladder and intestines. In addition, in this way the body cleanses the intestines of excess feces, so that there is nothing unnecessary left in the digestive tract at the time of childbirth.

Lower back pain that appears or intensifies suddenly may also indicate impending labor.

Very often, pregnant women cannot figure out when a pregnant woman begins the third trimester of pregnancy and how many weeks it lasts.

How to count?

The fact is that it is impossible to clearly understand when this trimester begins and how long it lasts, since in each classification the beginning of the 3rd trimester falls on different weeks. And all because 40 weeks are not divided into segments according to the principle of a pie - everyone equally. The division of the entire pregnancy into trimesters is based on the same principle. The first trimester is the time when the baby’s main systems and organs are formed, in the second trimester the baby begins to grow in length and improve, and in the 3rd trimester it gains weight. That is, each period has its own characteristics.

Thus, the baby mainly accumulates fat during the 3rd trimester. In addition to the usual fat, he also accumulates brown fat, which he will need in the first weeks after birth. It is this reserve that will “burn out” first when the baby is born, and thanks to this, the baby will receive the nutrients and warmth he needs. Brown fat accumulates in the area of ​​the shoulder blades. At this time, existing organs are also improved; some systems acquire a number of properties that allow them to work outside the mother’s abdomen in a normal manner.

For example, the respiratory system is improved, which is “ready” to work in the conditions of our reality by the 36th week of pregnancy. If the baby is born before this point, he will be given a substance called surfactant to prevent his lungs from sticking together. This also applies to the immune system - even at 40 weeks of pregnancy it is far from perfect, and by 35 the baby is still very susceptible to various types of infections. He will not be able to control heat exchange processes if he rushes to be born.

Similarities and differences

If we calculate approximately, then the first trimester in most classifications includes the first 3 months of pregnancy, the second already combines 4, 5 and 6, and the “composition” of 3 includes the remaining 7, 8 and 9 months. The calculation by week in different versions will be slightly different, but the variations will not extend beyond one month.

So, at what week does a woman begin her third trimester of pregnancy? In a number of classifications, we are talking about the 24th week - in this case, the trimester lasts 16 weeks, which makes it the longest trimester of all three. In some cases, the start is the 26th week, sometimes they even talk about 28 or 25. In fact, the starting point for this period does not affect the development of pregnancy in any way - it is purely symbolic and is needed for a greater understanding of what is happening during pregnancy. Doctors, as a rule, calculate terms using only the concept of “week”; they less often talk about such categories as trimester and month.

One thing is common to all - it is this trimester that ends with childbirth. Also, if the baby appears after the beginning of the 3rd trimester, he has a chance to survive, although he will have to be nursed for a long time in special conditions. This cannot be said about the second and first periods of pregnancy - if the baby is born at the end of the 2nd trimester, it will simply not be viable. And its “birth” during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy is called a miscarriage.

What's happening this trimester?

It is important to divide pregnancy into trimesters to understand the difference in approaches to certain aspects, as well as for convenience when monitoring a pregnant woman. For example, if a mother gets sick in the first trimester, she should under no circumstances take medications, and in the 3rd trimester the situation is already simplified by the fact that the placenta is functioning at full strength, therefore it is partly able to protect the baby from a number of external influences, as well as from the microbes themselves that enter into the mother's body.

Dividing pregnancy into trimesters is also important for carrying out official procedures of various kinds. During this period, as a rule, the woman goes into maternity leave- no surprise: after all, by the 3rd trimester at this point she gains weight up to 7-10 kg, her belly grows, ease of movement is lost, it becomes more difficult to find a comfortable position for sitting or standing. That is, all the signs indicate that at this stage of pregnancy it is time for a woman to devote more time to rest and less time to work.

The third trimester of pregnancy is the time when a woman is especially active in gaining weight. It is during this period that if she overeats, all the excess will go into fat tissue reserves. Moreover, not only she, but also the baby himself will recover. Therefore, it is in the 3rd trimester that you need to be especially careful with foods that are rich in carbohydrates and fats. If the baby gains too much, the birth may be complicated, and in some cases the fetus is too large and may cause a caesarean section. Excess weight gained by the mother during the 3rd trimester can also affect labor and provoke the development of varicose veins or hypertension.

Duration of trimester

How long will the 3rd trimester of pregnancy last? Each woman has her own due date, because childbirth occurs individually. Some people give birth a little earlier than expected, and some people postpone their pregnancy by 2-3 weeks - all these cases are considered normal. One should not forget about the fact that one must always make allowances for the fact that the moment of conception is always determined approximately. The length of the period when pregnancy lasts for 40 weeks can range from 16 to 12 weeks. Moreover, in the latter case, the trimester will be the shortest of the three.

To prevent the 3rd trimester from ending prematurely, it is important to follow a number of rules - it depends on them how long it will last. First of all, you don’t need to burden yourself emotionally and physically. It is important to follow a routine, eat right, and see a doctor regularly. If complications develop, it is the doctor who will notice your problem and help you get rid of it. The third trimester of pregnancy is the time when a doctor can prescribe to a woman, in case of a number of diseases that appear in her, such a measure as inducing premature labor.