Ego. What is it? What is the human ego and its influence on our lives? What is a person's ego in simple words

The question of what the Ego is may arise before every person who has come across the word “egoism.” It is because of this association that this concept is often perceived in a narrow and negative way. In fact, the concept of Ego has a deeper and more important meaning.

What is the human ego?

To understand what the Ego means, one should turn to different psychological schools. But even in this case, we will only get an approximate idea of ​​this complex component of our personality. The most reflections on one’s own Ego can be found in psychoanalysis. Most often, this concept refers to the inner essence of a person, which is responsible for perception, memorization, assessment of the surrounding world and contacts with society.

The male and female Ego helps people to separate themselves from their surroundings, to recognize themselves as an individual and an independent being. At the same time, the Self tries to keep a person in relationship with the world around him, helps to understand what is happening around him and make decisions for the necessary actions. Throughout life, this part of the personality is capable of changing and expanding if a person makes efforts for spiritual growth.

What is the Big Ego?

The concept of a large or high Ego belongs to the realm of esotericism. High Ego is the spirituality of the individual, divine qualities acquired in the process of cognition of higher spiritual matters. Every inhabitant of our planet is born a being aimed at satisfying his personal desires and needs. The lower essence pushes the individual to be a consumer, to live at the expense of others, supporting his own body. The lower ego is the source of all problems: envy, lies, aggression, greed.

In contrast to the lower inner self, the high Ego strives to transcend the personality and body and connect with the universe. Prayers, mantras, auto-trainings and other spiritual practices help the Ego gain new meaning, become wider and more voluminous. At this stage, a person acquires higher aspirations and begins to perceive others as close people. At the same time, the character changes, the soul becomes lighter, more spiritual and holistic.

Is ego good or bad?

The human ego is an important component. Without it, the existence of man as such is impossible. It does not matter whether the Ego is male or female, it helps to perceive the external world and analyze it from the point of view of importance for a person. Thanks to the inner “I”, each individual adapts to the world, finds his place and calling, and comes into contact with the people around him.

Whether it is good or bad to have your own Ego can only be discussed from the perspective of the level of development of this substance and the dominant functions it has assumed. If the world around us is perceived only as a platform for satisfying our own needs, then we can say that the Ego is developed at a weak level. A highly developed “I” strives to be part of the world, therefore it takes into account not only personal interests, but also the interests of others.

What is Ego Identity?

Ego identity is an important component of psychoanalyst Erik Erikson's theory. In his works, the psychoanalyst highlights ego identity as an important part of the formation and successful existence of an individual. The concept affects feelings more than the mind, which is why it is often used in women's psychotherapy. Ego identity is an integrity in which various social and personal roles can be united.

Self-identity achieves its best development when a person is confident in his life path and self-determination in three areas: politics, profession, religion. Human uncertainty leads to the development of a personal crisis. The deepest among the crises is the teenage one, the task of which is to bring the growing person to a new level of consciousness and self-perception.

Ego - psychology

The Inner Ego has always been the focus of attention of representatives of psychoanalysis. This part of the human psyche was considered in conjunction with the It (Id) and the Super-I (Super-Ego). The founder of this concept is Sigmund Freud, who considered drives and instincts to be the driving force of personality. His followers - A. Freud, E. Erikson and E. Hartmann - believed that the Ego is a more independent substance than Freud assumed and more important.

What is Ego according to Freud?

According to Freud, the ego is a highly organized structure in the psyche, responsible for its integrity, organization and memory. According to Freud, the “I” seeks to protect the psyche from unpleasant situations and memories. To do this, it uses defense mechanisms. The ego is the mediator between the id and the superego. The Self takes into account messages from the Id, processes them and acts on the basis of the information received. We can say that the Ego is the representative of the Id and its transmitter to the outside world.

Ego - Erikson's concept

Erikson's ego psychology, although it was built on the basis of Freud's developments, still had significant differences. The main emphasis of the concept was placed on age periods. The task of the Ego, according to Erikson, is normal personal development. I am able to develop, improve myself throughout my life, correct abnormal development of the psyche and help fight internal conflicts. Although Erickson identifies the Ego as a separate substance, he considers it inextricably linked with the social and somatic components of the personality.

In his theory of development, E. Erikson devotes a large place to the period of childhood. This long period of time allows a person to develop mentally and get a good basis for further self-improvement. The disadvantage of childhood, according to the scientist, is the baggage of irrational experiences, anxieties, and fears that affect the quality of further development.

True and false ego

The category of true and false Ega does not relate to psychology, but stems from the teachings described in the ancient Indian books - the Vedas. In these manuscripts one can find a different understanding of what the Ego is. According to this teaching, the false ego is a substance that helps a person perceive and live in the physical world. This force evokes in a person those desires and impulses that are necessary for the survival and comfort of himself and those close to him. For this reason, this substance is also called egoism.

The true Ego goes beyond personality and self-interest, helps to pay attention to the world around us, feel its problems, and help people. Life, which is based on actions and thoughts emanating from the true Self, becomes bright and pure. It is impossible to overcome selfishness and live following the true “I” on your own. The basis of such a life is the highest love for God.

Ego Defense Mechanisms

The founder of the theory of defense mechanisms is S. Freud. In scientific works, he spoke about defense mechanisms as a means of protecting the psyche from the pressure of the Id and Super-Ego. These mechanisms work at the subconscious level and lead to a distortion of reality. Freud identified the following ego defenses:

  • repression – removal from memory of information that traumatizes the psyche or is unpleasant;
  • projection - transferring thoughts and desires to another person;
  • replacement - transferring a negative reaction from one person who caused the reaction to another;
  • rationalization - explaining unacceptable behavior from a logical point of view in such a way that the behavior begins to seem acceptable or the only possible one;
  • regression - a return to behavior characteristic of a younger age;
  • sublimation – redirection of impulses that cause discomfort into socially approved activities;
  • reactive formation is a manifestation of behavior that is directly opposite to the desires that a person has;
  • Denial – refusal to acknowledge unpleasant events or thoughts.

How to acquire an Ego?

The human ego is born along with the appearance of the individual in this world. During life, it can change direction, degenerating from the selfish Self into the higher one. The male and female Ego demands the attention of the whole world, as it considers itself the center of the Universe. Religions of different nations agree that it is almost impossible to overcome the innate selfish Ego on your own. It can only be dealt with with the help of supernatural divine power. You can acquire a higher self through constant spiritual practices, reading spiritual literature and self-improvement.

How to pacify your Ego?

The fight against one’s own self is one of the most difficult tasks of every individual. If a person has an Ego that is inflated with passions, anger, envy, and material desires, then he will have to fight long and hard with this part of his personality. The first thing you need to pacify your Ego is the awareness that it is selfish, inferior. You should understand where it leads, recognize all your aspirations, desires, motives and motivations. After this, you need to choose a way in which you can work on your Ego. To do this, you can use spiritual practices or psychological programs to work on yourself.

Books about Ego

A huge amount of information about the inner self is collected in the following books:

  1. Z. Freud “I and It”. The book examines the power of the Ego, its meaning and connection with the unconscious and conscious side of the psyche.
  2. A. Freud “Psychology of the Self and Defense Mechanisms”. In addition to reflections on the components of the psyche, the book contains a detailed description of defense mechanisms.
  3. E. Erikson “Identity and the life cycle”. The book describes in detail the central concept of Erikson's psychology - identity.
  4. E. Hartmann “Philosophy of the Unconscious”. In his work, the author tried to combine different ideas about the unconscious and his own Ego.

Of course, the Ego is a natural psychological phenomenon in the life and destiny of a person.

Egocentrism implies a person’s need to direct internal attention to himself for the purpose of self-knowledge, satisfaction of his true needs and creative self-expression. In this sense, the stronger the Ego, the better a person is aware of his interests and intentions. A person with a strong ego develops as an individual and strives to realize and express his innate unique properties. A strong Ego allows a person to obey, first of all, his own interests and aspirations. An egocentric person, at his core, is a pronounced individualist.

A person with a “strong ego” has the following characteristics:

He is objective in his assessments of the world around him and himself; its activities are organized over a longer period of time, so that planning and routine are possible;

He is able to carry out decisions made and, without hesitation, choose from available alternatives;

He does not blindly obey his aspirations and can direct them in a socially useful direction;

He is able to withstand immediate pressure from the physical and social environment, reflecting and choosing his own course.

On the other hand, an individual with a “weak ego” is more child-like:

His behavior is impulsive and determined by the moment;

The perception of reality and oneself is distorted;
- he achieves less success in productive work because his energy is spent defending distorted and unrealistic ideas about himself;

He may suffer from neurotic symptoms.

If the egocentric principle in a person is overly inflated and the person, to one degree or another, loses interest in the reality around him and the interests of other people, then such a person is usually called an egoist. The egoist believes that only he should be interesting to himself, and everything else is secondary and deserves attention in relatively rare cases. Creativity (creative self-expression) and a person’s search for his destiny are based on the activity of the Ego. Most religious and philosophical teachings and schools form egregors that control the consciousness of the masses and call for obedience and strict submission to certain practices and traditions. I wonder why enlightened masters do not study the term “ego” more deeply, but repeat, following their predecessors, such nonsense that we need to get rid of it. That a person’s ego is just a figment of his imagination... It’s funny... A person loses initiative, self-love, responsibility for his life and significance in society. He becomes a puppet of these controlling forces, a weak-willed slave and lives like an animal... After all, he doesn’t need anything except the awareness that everything is an illusion and then he sees a sweet dream about the “sleep” of this reality, and is even proud of this knowledge... Isn't this the Ego?

A strong Ego will outgrow the dominant influence of egregors. Perhaps many followers and adepts of religious and philosophical teachings and schools put a different meaning into the concept of “Ego,” implying the concept of “human personality.” But personality cannot be Ego! Personality is a person’s way of self-expression in society and determines his lifestyle and role in relation to society. Personality is one of the means (instruments) of the existence of the Ego. So what is Ego? We hear a lot about it, but almost no one can understand - what is its concept? Its concept is very confused in our society. Some say that the ego must be killed and destroyed, some say that it simply does not exist, some write that the ego is a concept of “I” that must be recognized and freed from it. And many people hide from their ego and consider it a source of suffering. So where is the truth? A person can be so well-informed that even looking straight ahead, he may not see some things. This is me about myself).

Wikipedia clearly states what ego is. Ego (Latin ego - “I”) - according to psychoanalytic theory, that part of the human personality that is recognized as “I” and is in contact with the outside world through perception... I reread this definition many times until the blinders of my mind collapsed... It turns out that everything is written correctly in Wikipedia, but you just need to understand it directly and simply. The ego is the true Self of a person, the real Self. This Self HAS NO DEFINITION or indication, but is perceived as the essence of a person. And you don't need to get rid of it. Ego – I am I, without any definition or idea. The ego is not an illusion or a self-concept. This is life itself, God himself in man. It is you yourself, man. There is no other entity above your Ego. There is only life as your ego and personality in the human body..

Many people write that the Ego is a concept and an illusion that needs to be gotten rid of. But that's not true. Read what self-image is on Wikipedia and see the difference. Self-concept (or self-image) is a relatively stable, conscious and verbally recorded idea of ​​a person about himself. This is not the human Self, but only a hologram of the “I” in consciousness, and this is the source of your suffering, and not the Ego. Even if you delve into the etymology of the word “ego,” you can see that the letter “e” means “going out,” and “go” is the Lord, master, Divine energy. It turns out that the meaning of the word Ego is “the energy of God coming out from within.” How can you get rid of yourself? After all, this is your nature. Your life energy. It's you yourself.

Concepts such as inflated ego, monstrous ego, strong or weak ego, false or true ego, small or large ego, superego, etc. are not entirely correct and refer to manifestations of a personality that has qualities such as greed , greed, pride, envy, resentment, etc. This already applies to morality and education in society. That's not what I'm talking about. I am talking about the Ego, which is inside every person, as his true Self and his life. It is neither good nor bad, it is neither useful nor harmful, it simply is.

Life itself is selfish in nature. Look around, all living things are selfish! So where did this egoism in you come from and what is its reason?.. But this is it. There is one God, the Absolute, who exists in the singular. One single Consciousness, one single Life in the universe. And there are no two Lives, there are no two Consciousnesses. God realizes Himself as “I exist alone and there is no one else but Me.” And this is the truth. The Unified Consciousness is selfish in its total loneliness. God plays with Himself. This is the Essence of egoism in man, as in the Unit of consciousness of life, expressed in the desire to Be.

Your Ego is the inner strength and energy for the development of you as a holistic being. This is the energy of Life, this is God in you. Ego is Life, it is You Yourself. From the point of view of the human mind, egoism is perceived as a division into Self and not Self, therefore, possessive love, the need for personal happiness, the desire for personal pleasure, protection of personal interests and selfishness arise. And from the point of view of God, the One Consciousness present in everything, egoism is also expressed in love for Oneself as for Everything that exists. This absolute egoism is the same in man, but only distorted by the “I-image” of the individual. If you draw it schematically, you can imagine such a picture. Divine life in man is expressed as the Ego, its energy is refracted by the prism of the image of “I” in the mind and dissipates in the person’s personality.

The war against the Ego benefits the ruling circles that manipulate humanity. It was they who sponsored and promoted religions and spiritual teachings, where a person renounces his Self, closes his eyes to himself and turns away from his Ego. There has been a multi-year campaign to bend people to their will, using the media, religions and spiritual teachings of enlightenment. Everything so that a person renounces his self, his individuality, his strength and becomes a slave, an obedient biorobot in the hands of the owners of the planet. The concept of non-acceptance of the Ego, the idea that selfishness is very bad, and supposedly it is the source of human suffering, has long been introduced into the consciousness of humanity. The desire to suppress the ego was declared the highest virtue. This is how Ego fell into disgrace, becoming almost a curse word. The consequence of this was low self-esteem of the individual and the destruction of human individuality. See what hidden messages are included in the mechanism of social control: “Be like everyone else! Don't stand out from the crowd! Live for society! Love everyone! Don't think about yourself! Don't pay attention to yourself! Don't conflict! Submit to any authority! Listen to authorities! Be patient if you are “strong”! Turn the other cheek when they hit you! Enjoy punishments, they will make you better! Don't be selfish! Sacrifice yourself! The team is more important! You are ordinary, not unique! Sit quietly and keep your head down! Be humble and obedient!”….

Do you see these slogans in the egregor of society? The same idea is supported by religious priests of all stripes and enlightened masters who preach deliverance from the Ego. Although, perhaps, they themselves do not know that they are accomplices of these hidden dictators. The consequences of renouncing one's own Ego manifest themselves in different ways. This can be low self-esteem, oppressed human dignity, inability to stand up for one’s interests, and fear of seeming different from everyone else, self-flagellation and constant feelings of guilt, fear of openly looking into the eyes of your interlocutor, dissatisfaction with life, dislike of one’s own body and neglect your health, alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction, dependence on authorities, hushing up crimes, lack of courage, unwillingness to take responsibility for your life, running away from difficulties and changes, isolation and indecisiveness, resentment and distrust of the world, blaming others for your problems and much more . The downtrodden Ego of a person is beneficial to hidden dictators... We are humiliated, bent over and “beat on the head with a stick” if we dare to raise our heads. And one of the reasons for this is the weak energy of our Ego. Watch the film “Strangers Among Us”, it shows what is happening in our society today...

Now let's look at if our Ego were realized. Such a person shows self-love. He has a certain inner core; he radiates strength and energy, courage and dignity. He has good self-esteem and willpower. It supports a healthy lifestyle. Protects own interests. Achieves set goals. Enjoys respect in society. Realizes his abilities and talents. Engaged in self-education and creativity. Helps others develop. Lives a busy life. He feels responsible for his life and creates his own destiny. He is sincere and real. It makes a statement and is a gift to the world. This is a person’s purpose in life, when the energy of the Ego is enough for the flower of uniqueness to bloom. If a person loves himself, he loves his Ego. All motives that motivate a person to act come from the Ego. To see this, you need to be very sincere and honest with yourself.

I will emphasize once again that you do not need to get rid of your Ego and selfishness, even if spiritual masters and religious adepts tell you this. The proof of this is that after “liberation” the enlightened ones remain with the Ego and the egoism inherent in their individuality. No one has ever been freed from the Ego, and there is no need for this in this world.

The source of your suffering is the image of “I” in your mind. It is a construct of thoughts and beliefs about oneself, a prism, an illusion, a concept of the mind. The image of “I” is not the Ego, it is just an image... Consider it, look for it, find it and realize that you are not this image. Don’t touch your Ego...)

Ego? Even for philosophers this question is one of the most difficult. Many people believe that our ego consists of memories, aspirations and habits. In this article, we may break your ideas about this concept, or summarize all knowledge about it.

Are we not unique?..

Let us first find out what is meant by “ego”. The meaning of the word seems to be simple: from Latin it is translated as “I” and, according to the theory of a number of psychoanalysts, is one of the components. Simply put, this is a set of our thoughts, beliefs, our daily habits. We always turn to our own “collection” of thoughts in order to make this or that decision, evaluate something, make a choice, thereby turning life in a certain direction. We often claim, and we ourselves firmly believe in it, that all thoughts are our own, when in fact most of them came to us from friends, family members, colleagues, acquaintances and even strangers. In order for a truly original idea to arise in your head, you need to engage in deep introspection for a very long time. But in everyday life it is difficult for us to do this, so we simply accept what is given to us. Agree, we are forced to keep up with fashion, religion, and ideals that are popular today. Those who seem to stand out from the general mass are looked upon as outcasts or eccentrics. We usually support our positions with statements such as: “But everyone else thinks...” or “What will people think...”. Essentially, this brings us back to what in psychology is called “herd mentality.”

Herd mentality and ego

Psychology understands the herd feeling as the desire of people to accept certain types of behavior under the influence of others, to follow trends. This is clearly reflected in what goods we buy, what films we watch, what clothes we wear. It is through the examples of fashion in accessories, clothing, cars, music, home decor, and even superstition and religion that we can say that people, in fact, lack exclusivity in terms of ego. A striking example of modernity is the widespread distribution of all kinds of advertising. And now people no longer think about what exactly they want: the choice has long been made for us, all that remains is to go and buy, express someone else’s opinion, agree with the crowd... Sociologists and psychologists study the relevant sections of group intelligence, the wisdom of the crowd and the decentralization of decision making.

Have your own opinion

In fact, having a so-called ego is very difficult. It is quite normal to trust people - those whom we know well. But, as we have already found out, not all our thoughts are our own. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't trust them. Don't ignore them. As the samurai say: “Hug your enemy. Then he won’t be able to reach his sword.” This simple principle also applies to our thoughts: “embrace” any thought that comes to your mind. Ideas come and go. Remember the first rule of fitness? After your workout, wait one hour before eating, no matter how much you want to. This is how the thought should be processed. Wait and see what happens in the first few moments before you say a word, tell off a colleague, or express a harsh opinion about anything.

How to deal with fast thoughts

What is the ego in terms of “speed of thought”? In a stressful situation, it is sometimes very difficult to gather yourself and react correctly to the situation. Probably, each of us has noticed what a series of thoughts come into our heads during critical periods. Someone says something, we are forced to respond quickly, merging phrases into a stream, although we could answer more calmly, thinking about every word. It is at such moments that it is important that you express those thoughts that are close to you, and not imposed by someone. Remember the famous phrase: everything you say can be used against you? Often we become hostages of other people's ideas, someone else's ego, and ours simply turns into a false ego.


So, what can you do to prevent someone else’s quick thought from becoming fixed in your head and influencing the formation of your point of view on this or that fact? After all, the next time you look at a person with whom you had a conflict or an unpleasant conversation, the first thing that will pop up in your brain is that first, crazy thought and the phrases that follow it. In such a situation, in order not to make a mistake, you just need to stop for a moment, take a deep breath three times and... look for other options for an answer. You will notice that this is not as difficult as it seems, and the dialogue will become structured, calm and productive. Calmness and focus are what can make you stand out from the crowd and take your ego up a notch. So what is the ego in terms of our thoughts? These are inseparable concepts, but among all the mass of thoughts that visit our heads every second, you should isolate the main ones that are close in spirit only to you.


It is obvious that most of us would like to have original ideas and views, thus creating our own reality. In this case, it is recommended to follow several tips:

If you follow these three rules every day, then after a while you will notice that new and original ideas are born in your head. They appear randomly in your brain. Yes, some of them may seem strange, crazy and even a little crazy, but often they are exactly what you need. And then the answer to the question “what is the ego” will become obvious to you: the ego is my personal feeling of the world, it is I.

Egocentrism implies a person’s need to direct internal attention to himself for the purpose of self-knowledge, satisfaction of his true needs and creative self-expression. In this sense, the stronger the Ego, the better a person is aware of his interests and intentions. A person with a strong ego develops as an individual and strives to realize and express his innate unique properties. A strong Ego allows a person to obey, first of all, his own interests and aspirations. An egocentric person, at his core, is a pronounced individualist.

A person with a “strong ego” has the following characteristics:

  • he is objective in his assessments of the world around him and himself; its activities are organized over a longer period of time, so that planning and routine are possible;
  • he is able to carry out decisions made and, without hesitation, choose from available alternatives;
  • he does not blindly obey his aspirations and can direct them in a socially useful direction;
  • he is able to withstand immediate pressures from the physical and social environment, reflecting and choosing his own course.

On the other hand, an individual with a “weak ego” is more child-like:

  • his behavior is impulsive and determined by the moment;
  • perception of reality and oneself is distorted;
  • he achieves less success in productive work because his energy is spent defending distorted and unrealistic ideas about himself;
  • he may suffer from neurotic symptoms.

If the egocentric principle in a person is overly inflated and the person, to one degree or another, loses interest in the reality around him and the interests of other people, then such a person is usually called an egoist. Egoist believes that only he should be interesting to himself, and everything else is secondary and deserves attention in relatively rare cases. Creativity (creative self-expression) and a person’s search for his destiny are based on the activity of the Ego. Most religious and philosophical teachings and schools form egregors that control the consciousness of the masses and call for obedience and strict submission to certain practices and traditions. I wonder why enlightened masters do not study the term “ego” more deeply, but repeat, following their predecessors, such nonsense that we need to get rid of it. That a person’s ego is just a figment of his imagination... It’s funny... A person loses initiative, self-love, responsibility for his life and significance in society. He becomes a puppet of these controlling forces, a weak-willed slave and lives like an animal... After all, he doesn’t need anything except the awareness that everything is an illusion and then he sees a sweet dream about the “sleep” of this reality, and is even proud of this knowledge... Isn't this the Ego?

A strong Ego will outgrow the dominant influence of egregors. Perhaps many followers and adepts of religious and philosophical teachings and schools put a different meaning into the concept of “Ego,” implying the concept of “human personality.” But personality cannot be Ego! Personality is a person’s way of self-expression in society and determines his lifestyle and role in relation to society. Personality - this is one of the means (instruments) of the existence of the Ego. So what is Ego? We hear a lot about it, but almost no one can understand - what is its concept? Its concept is very confused in our society. Some say that the ego must be killed and destroyed, some say that it simply does not exist, some write that the ego is a concept of “I” that must be recognized and freed from it. And many people hide from their ego and consider it a source of suffering. So where is the truth? A person can be so well-informed that even looking straight ahead, he may not see some things. This is me about myself).

Wikipedia clearly states what ego is. Ego (Latin ego - “I”) - according to psychoanalytic theory, that part of the human personality that is recognized as “I” and is in contact with the outside world through perception... I reread this definition many times until the blinders of my mind collapsed... It turns out that everything is written correctly in Wikipedia, but you just need to understand it directly and simply. The ego is the true Self of a person, the real Self. This Self HAS NO DEFINITION or indication, but is perceived as the essence of a person. And you don't need to get rid of it. Ego - I am I, without any definition or idea. The ego is not an illusion or a concept of "I". This is life itself, God himself in man. It is you yourself, man. There is no other entity above your Ego. There is only life as your ego and personality in the human body..

Many people write that the Ego is a concept and an illusion that needs to be gotten rid of. But that's not true. Read what self-image is on Wikipedia and see the difference. Self-concept (or self-image) is a relatively stable, conscious and verbally recorded idea of ​​a person about himself. This is not the human Self, but only a hologram of the “I” in consciousness, and this is the source of your suffering, and not the Ego. Even if you delve into the etymology of the word “ego,” you can see that the letter “e” means “going out,” and “go” is the Lord, master, Divine energy. It turns out that the meaning of the word Ego is “the energy of God coming out from within.” How can you get rid of yourself? After all, this is your nature. Your life energy. It's you yourself.

Concepts such as inflated ego, monstrous ego, strong or weak ego, false or true ego, small or large ego, superego, etc. are not entirely true and refer to manifestations of a personality that has qualities such as greed , greed, pride, envy, resentment, etc. This already applies to morality and education in society. That's not what I'm talking about. I am talking about the Ego, which is inside every person, as his true Self and his life. It is neither good nor bad, it is neither useful nor harmful, it simply is.

Life itself is selfish in nature. Look around, all living things are selfish! So where did this egoism in you come from and what is its reason?.. But this is it. There is one God, the Absolute, who exists in the singular. One single Consciousness, one single Life in the universe. And there are no two Lives, there are no two Consciousnesses. God realizes Himself as “I exist alone and there is no one else but Me.” And this is the truth. The Unified Consciousness is selfish in its total loneliness. God plays with Himself. This is the Essence of egoism in man, as in the Unit of consciousness of life, expressed in the desire to Be.

Your Ego is the inner strength and energy for the development of you as a holistic being. This is the energy of Life, this is God in you. Ego is Life, it is You Yourself. From the point of view of the human mind, egoism is perceived as a division into Self and not Self, therefore, possessive love, the need for personal happiness, the desire for personal pleasure, protection of personal interests and selfishness arise. And from the point of view of God, the One Consciousness present in everything, egoism is also expressed in love for Oneself as for Everything that exists. This absolute egoism is the same in man, but only distorted by the “I-image” of the individual. If you draw it schematically, you can imagine such a picture. Divine life in man is expressed as the Ego, its energy is refracted by the prism of the image of “I” in the mind and dissipates in the person’s personality.

The war against the Ego benefits the ruling circles that manipulate humanity. It was they who sponsored and promoted religions and spiritual teachings, where a person renounces his Self, closes his eyes to himself and turns away from his Ego. There has been a multi-year campaign to bend people to their will, using the media, religions and spiritual teachings of enlightenment. Everything so that a person renounces his self, his individuality, his strength and becomes a slave, an obedient biorobot in the hands of the owners of the planet. The concept of non-acceptance of the Ego, the idea that egoism is very bad, and supposedly it is the source of human suffering, has long been introduced into the consciousness of humanity. The desire to suppress the ego was declared the highest virtue. This is how Ego fell into disgrace, becoming almost a curse word. The consequence of this was low self-esteem of the individual and the destruction of human individuality. See what hidden messages are included in the social control mechanism: “Be like everyone else! Don't stand out from the crowd! Live for society! Love everyone! Don't think about yourself! Don't pay attention to yourself! Don't conflict! Submit to any authority! Listen to authorities! Be patient if you are “strong”! Turn the other cheek when they hit you! Enjoy punishments, they will make you better! Don't be selfish! Sacrifice yourself! The team is more important! You are ordinary, not unique! Sit quietly and keep your head down! Be humble and obedient!”….

Do you see these slogans in the egregor of society? The same idea is supported by religious priests of all stripes and enlightened masters who preach deliverance from the Ego. Although, perhaps, they themselves do not know that they are accomplices of these hidden dictators. The consequences of renouncing one's own Ego manifest themselves in different ways. This can be low self-esteem, oppressed human dignity, inability to stand up for one’s interests, and fear of seeming different from everyone else, self-flagellation and constant feelings of guilt, fear of openly looking into the eyes of your interlocutor, dissatisfaction with life, dislike of one’s own body and neglect your health, alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction, dependence on authorities, hushing up crimes, lack of courage, unwillingness to take responsibility for your life, running away from difficulties and changes, isolation and indecisiveness, resentment and distrust of the world, blaming others for your problems and much more . The downtrodden Ego of a person is beneficial to hidden dictators... We are humiliated, bent over and “beat on the head with a stick” if we dare to raise our heads. And one of the reasons for this is the weak energy of our Ego. Watch the movie " Strangers among us", it shows what is happening in our society today...

Now let's look at if our Ego were realized. Such a person shows self-love. He has a certain inner core; he radiates strength and energy, courage and dignity. He has good self-esteem and willpower. It supports a healthy lifestyle. Protects own interests. Achieves set goals. Enjoys respect in society. Realizes his abilities and talents. Engaged in self-education and creativity. Helps others develop. Lives a busy life. He feels responsible for his life and creates his own destiny. He is sincere and real. It makes a statement and is a gift to the world. This is a person’s purpose in life, when the energy of the Ego is enough for the flower of uniqueness to bloom. If a person loves himself, he loves his Ego. All motives that motivate a person to act come from the Ego. To see this, you need to be very sincere and honest with yourself.

I will emphasize once again that you do not need to get rid of your Ego and selfishness, even if spiritual masters and religious adepts tell you this. The proof of this is that after “liberation” the enlightened ones remain with the Ego and the egoism inherent in their individuality. No one has ever been freed from the Ego, and there is no need for this in this world.

The source of your suffering is the image of “I” in your mind. It is a construct of thoughts and beliefs about oneself, a prism, an illusion, a concept of the mind. The image of “I” is not the Ego, it is just an image... Consider it, look for it, find it and realize that you are not this image. Don’t touch your Ego...)

Self-importance and vanity are the most striking signs of ego. They always push people away.

If a person has a highly developed ego and emotionality, it is impossible to communicate with him for a long time.

In the words, energy and non-verbalism of such people one can feel false arrogance, social conditioning, vanity and ambition.

Concept and interpretation of ChSV

Ego is attachment to self-importance.

SFE stands for Sense of Self-Importance.

A person with an inflated sense of self-importance is very receptive and reactive to the actions and words of others. Often experiences feelings of inferiority and inferiority.

Clear signs of increased heart rate in humans:

Ego– this is your false self, your personality, your cowardice.

Maharaj said: " To find out who you are, you need to know who you are not.".

Clear signs of a large EGO

  1. The ego keeps you in your comfort zone.
  2. It doesn't want you to meet new people. Ego is against everything new.
  3. The ego is always small, it constantly craves other people's approval, recognition, fame.
  4. It's chasing numbers. More money, more recognition, more honor.
  5. The ego wants other people's respect.
  6. It prevents you from realizing that you are already self-sufficient without external stimulation.
  7. If you don’t trust anyone, easily give in to your emotions, have a bad mood, are angry with everyone - this means that the ego is dictating your behavior. You are under his influence.
  8. The ego prevents you from being in the moment, from focusing on one thing. Disordered thoughts, confusion in the head - this is his doing. If there is no identification with thoughts, it will not happen.

Whether you identify with the ego or not is always your choice. You decide for yourself.

You can love yourself on the most natural level, without ego. You shouldn't be arrogant.

What people need to know and why they don’t change

Your ego is an attachment to the body, its limitations, fears. These are your thoughts that haunt you, your emotions, your body, your internal dialogue.

It is a human mistake to believe everything that his thoughts tell him. He believes his thoughts, which tell him what, how and when to do.

Everything that comes and goes is not you. Your thoughts, emotions, body are not you.

Ego is your personality, your sense of self-importance and pride.

Personality is something that is imposed on you from the outside by society., your masks, social layers, projections of not your real self. Ego is the invisible fence around you that doesn’t let anyone get close.

Be an individual - this is your truth, this is how God made you when you were born, this is your reality.

When you hate, your ego is satisfied.

In hatred you feel superior.
In hatred you set yourself apart from others.
In hatred you become defined. Feels identified with someone or something.

To define yourself means to limit yourself.

Love is dissolution in others. Love requires the sacrifice of the ego.

Only those who are ready to become nobody are able to love.

Video “How people are dependent on other people’s approval and recognition”

Watch the following video. It talks about what the human ego and spirituality are.

How to get rid of unnecessary things and become more conscious

What should you do to get rid of HF?:

If you act arrogantly and look down on others, everyone will turn away.

Nobody needs your boasting.

No one is interested in listening to your words - what a navel of the earth you are, how cool you are and how you can comb your hair beautifully.

If you want to increase your level of awareness and better notice the signs of ego in yourself, then the following books are useful:

  • Osho "Courage" The joy of living at risk".
  • Nisargadatta Maharaj "I Am That".

About boastful and arrogant people

I don't know why, it happens automatically, I feel disgusted by guys who measure themselves on how tough they are, compare themselves to me, or tell me: Did you see what I did? Have you seen how great I am?

I absolutely don’t care who you are or what you did there. You can tell your mom, maybe she will appreciate it and pat you on the head. I don't need to talk about it.

All this reminds me of a kindergarten. Just put it away.

Throw away everything unnecessary: ​​self-awareness, enlightenment, self-exploration - get out of the endless wheel of suffering and understand who you are.

: how to meditate correctly – posture, technique, practice + 2 videos.

: a wonderful article about love, happiness, inner balance and harmony.

Bragging is a sign of an inferiority complex

When communicating, as soon as a person begins to brag to you, he begins to wait for your reaction.

A person brags and expects to be admired and respected because he does not love and respect himself.

He treats himself poorly, and demands a lot from others. It’s easier for me to get away from such people and not waste my time.

The seeker will find what he is looking for. You should not wake up a sleeping person. He will be offended by you for telling the truth.

Just because you learned something new or read a couple of books, you won't change. It's not enough to just read.

You have to work hard on yourself! We need to introduce awareness, observe ourselves and change ourselves with great passion.