Do I need to change my ID? Replacement of a driver's license due to a change of surname. Do I need to take the test again when my driver's license expires?

A change of surname usually occurs in connection with a change in marital status (marriage, divorce) and requires the bearer of the new surname to replace the passport. If he has a driver’s license (DL), then there is an additional need to replace his license when changing his last name in 2020. The article talks about how to produce it, and what will happen if this is not done.

Do I need to change my rights when changing my last name?

To understand whether it is possible not to change rights when changing your last name, you should familiarize yourself with normative act Government of the Russian Federation. Resolution No. 1097 dated October 24, 2014, which regulates access to driving vehicles, established the obligation of citizens to replace driver's license due to a change of surname. In accordance with paragraph 35.b of this normative document driver's license becomes invalid and are canceled if the personal data of its owner contained in the document changes.

Since the surname is included in such data, the replacement of rights in connection with a change in surname after marriage or for other circumstances is mandatory. If this is not done, the owner of the VA risks running into trouble. A new driver's license is issued to replace the previously issued one. simplified procedure, without (clause 29.b of Resolution No. 1097). The new one is issued on the basis of the new national one and also without exams.

Where to go to get your license replaced

To change your rights due to a change of surname, you can contact:

  • in the MFC;
  • to the State Services portal.

Such treatment options are provided for in paragraph 2 of Resolution No. 1097.

Replacement of rights in the traffic police

The traditional way to replace a driver’s license is to contact the traffic police department in person with an application and documents (you can see the list of traffic police departments). The downside of this method is waiting in line.

Changing the VU at the MFC

Replacing a driver's license through the MFC involves visiting the institution in person and submitting an application with the attached documents. The applicant will also have to wait his turn to submit documents.

Application on the State Services portal

This is a modern and convenient way to apply for a replacement ID, but in order to use it, you must have an account on the State Services portal. The advantage of this method is that through the portal you can make an appointment at the traffic police department at a time convenient for the applicant. In addition, you can submit an application at a discount, but you will not be able to avoid a visit to the traffic police department, since you will need to submit documents in paper form.

How to change rights when changing your last name: step-by-step instructions

To change your driver's license when changing your last name, you need to prepare the necessary documents. In addition, it will be required (this can be done when submitting an application, if such an opportunity is provided). When visiting a traffic police office in person, you should:

  1. Submit an application and attach documents to it.
  2. Receive a ready-made UI.

A sample application for a replacement driver's license is available.

Download a sample application for replacement of a driver's license

When applying to the MFC for a replacement ID, you need to prepare documents, take a photo and pay the state fee, and then:

  1. Submit an application, attaching documents and a photograph.
  2. Receive a receipt indicating the date of receipt of the driver's license.
  3. On the appointed day, come to the MFC, present your passport and get your license.

If you want to apply for a replacement device, then there are two options. In the electronic service option you should:

  1. On the portal, fill out an application online, indicating the details of your old driver's license, passport and medical certificate (for the latter such indication is not mandatory).
  2. Select the desired date and time of your appointment at the traffic police department.
  3. Submit your application.
  4. Receive notifications about the possibility of paying state duty and pay it.
  5. Prepare documents (this can be done in advance, before submitting the application).
  6. Come to the traffic police department on the date and time specified in the application with documents and submit an application.
  7. Take a photo (this will be taken by a department specialist).
  8. Receive a ready-made UI.

In the case of a personal visit to the traffic police, you need to:

  1. Through .
  2. Pay the state fee and prepare documents (this can be done before making an appointment).
  3. Come to the traffic police department, submit an application and documents.
  4. Take a photo (this will be taken by a department specialist).
  5. Receive a ready-made UI.

What documents are needed when changing rights

When replacing a driver's license when changing your last name, you include:

  • application for a replacement driver's license when changing your last name;
  • passport (other identity card) with a new last name;
  • old VU;

What documents are needed when changing a driver’s license is partly decided by the applicant himself. For example, it is not necessary to submit a medical certificate, but one important circumstance should be kept in mind.

Clause 32 of Resolution No. 1097 establishes that upon submission of this document, the validity period of the new rights will be 10 years, otherwise it will be the same as for the old license.

Duration and cost of replacing a certificate

The period for replacing a driver's license when changing a surname is determined by administrative regulations. It cannot exceed 5-30 working days depending on, when submitting documents through the MFC - 15 working days. In practice, you can get a new driving license to replace the old one at the traffic police department on the day you submit the documents.

The amount of the state duty when replacing a driver’s license in 2020 is established by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (Article 333.33):

  • for the standard version of the national VU 2,000 rubles;
  • for a new generation national university 3,000 rubles;
  • for an international university 1,600 rub.

When submitting an application online and paying through the State Services portal, replacing rights when changing your last name costs 30% less.

Penalty for late replacement

Clause 35.b of Resolution No. 1097 classifies a driver’s license that does not reflect the owner’s changed personal data as invalid. Therefore, driving a car with such a document means committing administrative offense(clause 2 of article 12.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). Punishment for this is a warning or a fine of 500 rubles.

Reading time: 5 minutes

A driver's license is the main document without which driving a car is prohibited. By definition, the certificate must contain the owner’s passport data. Until recently, replacing a driver's license when changing your last name was optional; only a notarized confirmation was required. New rules for the issuance and exchange of temporary residence permits have changed this situation.

When replacement of rights is required

Usually it is necessary to replace a document when it expires, the holder is damaged, lost or stolen. Moreover, according to Government Decree No. 326 dated March 23, 2017, this is possible at the driver’s request. Moreover, everything happens without passing any exams.

Do we change our driver's license if we change our last name?

In paragraph 35 of Ch. 3 of Government Resolution No. 1097 of October 24, 2014, which entered into force on September 1, 2016, directly states whether it is necessary to change a driver’s license in connection with a change of name. In particular, the VU is canceled when:

  • Expired.
  • Personal information has changed.
  • The document is in complete disrepair.
  • A statement about the theft or loss of the ID was registered.
  • A deterioration in health status or the appearance of restrictions for medical reasons has been confirmed.
  • The certificate was issued on the basis of forged documents or in violation of the established procedure.

This leads to the answer to the question of whether it is necessary to change your driver’s license after marriage if you have changed your last name. According to the law, yes. And in the event that the name has changed. Definitely, when changing personal data, the driver’s license must be brought into full compliance with the civil passport.

Next, we should explain where you can change your driver’s license. In the same place where they were issued, that is, at the MREO. In addition, today this can be done through the MFC. According to latest changes in Government Decree N 797 of September 27, 2011 “On the interaction between MFCs for the provision of state and municipal services and federal authorities executive branch", You can change your ID at any center. And thanks to Government Decree No. 861 of October 24. 11 this is also available through the State Services portal.

Now about what is needed to replace a driver’s license. The procedure includes collecting documents and submitting an application. Passing a medical commission and passing exams is not required, but a fee will have to be paid. A new license is issued on the basis of the old one. This will require:

  • a valid civil passport (with a new surname, first name, etc.) and its copy;
  • existing VU;
  • fee payment receipt;
  • certificate of non-deprivation of rights. By the way, whether a certificate is needed depends on the inspector’s requirements, because there is not a word about this in the Rules;
  • marriage certificate (or divorce), if the latter caused the change in data, and its copy.

No insurance or photos are needed.

Now let’s figure out how to replace a driver’s license using each of the possible options.

At the MREO department

The law has not changed recently, which means the procedure remains the same - as simplified as possible.

There is no connection to the place of registration, and you can contact any branch of the MREO.

Just remember to pay the fines in advance.

Replacing a driver's license with the traffic police in 2020 has not become more difficult. Upon arrival at the department, you should hand over the necessary documents to the inspector (see above). You can save time if you ask in advance about the conditions when replacing a document. A written application must be submitted indicating the reason for the exchange - “due to a change of surname.” The form will be issued at the department. On site you can find a sample of filling out the application, and if you have a bank terminal, you can pay the state fee.

The employee will accept the package of documents, and after checking, he will take a photograph of you and give you the papers for registration of a new driver's license. Rights are issued on the day of application (no later than 4 working days).

Through the portal "State Services"

The regulation on the single portal “State Services” (Federal Law of July 27, 2010 N 210-FZ “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services”) simplified the exchange process. Application and scans necessary documents You can now apply online, but to do this you must first register on the website. By typing “driver’s license” into the search bar in your personal account, you should select the “Driver’s license exchange” option offered by the system.

After entering your passport data into a special form, you need to make copies of other documents, as well as your personal signature and photograph. All this is sent to the system in the form of an application, but before that you can sign up for a queue at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. Before sending the application, you must pay the state fee - when using the State Services website, a 30% discount is available.

The receipt will be sent by email and can be printed. An invitation to receive a driver's license will be sent to the phone number specified in the application. When replacing a driver's license due to a change of surname, pick up new document is possible only at the traffic police department on the agreed day and time.

Through MFC

In general, the procedure is the same as in the traffic police. You need to prepare the appropriate papers and appear at the MFC. The required documents for replacing a driver's license are standard, the only difference is in the processing time.

It is important to understand that the center acts as an intermediary between the client and the traffic police. Here they will take your photo, check and send the papers to the MREO, and then determine the date of issue of the new driver's license. As a rule, the MFC has its own website, where you can find up-to-date information on any issue, including contact numbers of departments.

Service cost

A medical certificate and training are not required, which significantly reduces the cost of the license. There remains a state fee for replacing a driver’s license, which, according to Art. 333.33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation is the same in all regions of the country - 2000 rubles. And if you use the State Services portal, the amount will decrease to 1,400 rubles. The 30% discount is enshrined in the specified article of the Tax Code.

Validity period of the new license

Clause 32 of the Rules states that in the event of a new license being issued due to a change in personal data, the previously established period of validity of the document does not change. Thus, the time frame for replacing a driver’s license after changing your last name remains the same.

Another thing is how quickly you need to change your username after changing, say, your last name. The legislation does not regulate this, unless you drive. However, it is important to note that old licenses are not considered legal, so driving with them will definitely result in a fine.

Penalty for late exchange of driving license

According to Art. 35 of the Rules, changing the last name on a driver’s license requires cancellation of the driver’s license. That is, the document is no longer valid, which means driving with it is prohibited. Violation is punishable as for driving without permitting documents. Clause 1 of Article 12.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses provides for a fine of 5-15 thousand rubles. In practice, the driver will be removed from driving the vehicle, and the car will be impounded with all the ensuing financial and procedural consequences.

Changes to the MTPL policy

An MTPL policy is required by law. It is not necessary to carry it in the car, but it must be in the insurance company’s database. Inconsistency between the information in the database and driving documents will cause problems. Therefore, if a female driver has changed her last name or a male driver has changed his personal data, immediately after receiving a new driver’s license, you must go to insurance company.

The policy is not reissued; a written note about the new certificate is made in it.

Drawing conclusions

So, everything is clear. If you change your passport details, you need to immediately start exchanging your driver’s license and make a note in your insurance policy. The validity period of the document does not change. By the way, a note to your better half - when returning to your maiden name, the procedure for changing your ID is the same. Failure to do this will result in a fine.

Replacing a driver's license: video

Having gotten married and changed her last name, every girl is faced with the problem of changing documents. Questions arise: what needs to be changed and what not? What is the procedure for completing the document? How much money will be required for registration and payment of fees?

The list of documents to be replaced after a last name change includes:

  1. passport;
  2. international passport;
  3. driver license;
  4. identification number;
  5. pension certificate;
  6. medical insurance;
  7. credit cards.

Read more about replacing documents after marriage in this article.

Many people have long been familiar with the fact that most of the documents on this list are subject to replacement. However, replacing a driver's license is relatively recent innovation, because before this was not at all necessary.

Since November 5, 2014, re-issuance of a driver’s license (after changing the last name) has become a mandatory procedure. This procedure is regulated by Federal Law No. 196 “On Safety traffic».

According to excerpts from the law, rights expire in certain cases:

  • upon expiration of their validity period;
  • when personal information about their owner changes;
  • damage to rights;
  • when issuing a certificate based on false data;
  • in case of loss/theft of a document;
  • when registering a new one;
  • in case of medical contraindications from a doctor.

It is clear from the law that a change of surname is a good reason for the mandatory replacement of such a document, since it entails a change in personal information.

Previously, driver's licenses had to be renewed after 10 years of use. The woman was not required to replace her ID. When changing your surname, it was enough to carry and present a marriage document.

Is there a validity period for rights that have become invalid?

There is no such deadline. When changing your last name, your driver's license must be immediately re-registered.

From 05.11.2014, a person who has not changed his license due to a change of surname, being stopped by traffic police officers, will be fined a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 15 thousand rubles. The car will go to the impound lot. You can return the car only after re-registration of your license.

The imposition of punishment is regulated by Article 12.7 of the Administrative Code. This applies to any driver who has not changed his driver’s license due to a change of surname.

However, the process of replacing them after the end of their term does not constitute an offense. You can do the design at a convenient time, but You cannot drive with an invalid license where your maiden name is indicated..

When re-registering rights due to a change of surname, you need to know what documents you will need and what is the procedure so that the document is replaced as soon as possible.

  1. obtain a medical certificate (if at the time of changing your rights you have a valid certificate, you will not have to re-do it, this will significantly reduce the cost and speed up the replacement process);
  2. replace driver's license;
  3. make the necessary notes in the car insurance policy.

Obtaining a medical certificate is required passing certain specialists at the medical center, namely:

To speed up the process, you can contact a paid center, where you can see the main doctors in a short time. Then all you have to do is visit a drug treatment and psychoneurological clinic. And a document indicating the state of your health will be ready.

So, how to change permissions? Having the necessary papers in hand, you must go to the traffic police department(regardless of place of residence). Replacement of rights for any reason is carried out in the traffic police department where the person applies.

Currently, to change your driver's document, you can contact any branch throughout the country.

In this case, it does not matter whether you have registration where you apply to the traffic police or not. It also doesn’t matter where exactly you changed your license before, since the driver base is common throughout the country.

You will need the following documents:

  1. passport or document confirming identity and citizenship / special status;
  2. driver license;
  3. color photographs 3.5 x 4.5 cm (3 pcs.);
  4. a special medical certificate confirming permission to drive certain categories of vehicles and a copy thereof;
  5. a document confirming payment for the form and services of the traffic police (from 01/01/2015 the state duty is equal to 2000 rubles);
  6. originals and copies of documents confirming changes in personal information (in this case, a marriage certificate);
  7. a completed application form (can be obtained on site at the traffic police department);

The application is a two-page form in which you indicate your personal, including passport, data, as well as the reason for replacing the document. The traffic police officer will put down the service marks.

New licenses issued after 05/11/2014 have the same expiration date as your old license. That is, if your old license expired in September 2016, then your new driver’s license will have to be replaced at the same time.

If you were able to re-register your license before the specified date, then the new document issued will have a service life of 10 years (like any driver’s license).

To make notes on the insurance policy you will need:

  1. insurance policy;
  2. new driver's license;
  3. marriage document.

Updated information is entered into the insurance policy, as well as into the insurance company’s system.

At this point, the process of re-issuing a driver’s license is considered complete.

Is it necessary to pass the examination part when re-issuing a driver's license?

When replacing a license, there is no exam part of the registration - there is no need to take the exam.

Regardless of how expired your license is, be it a day or six months, and regardless of your driving experience, you you will not need to pass either the ticket exam or its practical part.

However, if you really haven’t been driving for a long time, it is recommended to study the rules and changes in legislation.

Where and how can a foreigner change his driver’s license?

If you are temporarily in the country, then you have the right to reissue a driver’s license only in the subject Russian Federation, in which you are registered and permanently reside or stay.

In addition to this, you need to know that replacement of a driver's license is available only to foreign citizens with a residence permit in Russia.

For foreign citizen residing in Russia on a permanent basis, You will need the following documents:

  1. passport or other identity document + its copy;
  2. document confirming registration at the place of stay or residence;
  3. a foreign ID or a copy with a notary stamp;
  4. matte photo cards size 4 x 6 (2 pcs.);
  5. receipt of paid state duty;
  6. medical certificate of the established form.

Moreover, re-issuance of a driver’s document is also possible through the government services portal. This is a fairly popular method today, because helps to avoid queues and waste of time.

First, you will need to register on the government services website. To do this, fill in your personal data (first name, last name, phone number) in the registration field.

After registration you need to select an agency "Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation". There you need to select the item containing the words about issuing a driver’s license.

Find a service "Replacing a driver's license"(the cost, procedure, documents required for registration are described there) and click "Get a service". Next, select the region, type of service, and the reason for replacing the document.

Just like in the traffic police department, you have to fill out the application, only already in electronic form . The data you previously specified will be automatically entered into the form.

You will only be required to provide the missing information (date and place of birth, unit code, place of residence, medical certificate information).

After this, you will need two photos (your personal one and a photo of your signature). Upload them to the portal. Once completed, you will be given a date for your visit.

Here you can also print the form and pay the state fee.

When changing your driver's license, you will have to incur certain costs. These include, first of all, state duty. If before 2015 it was only 800 rubles, now its cost has increased to 2000 rubles. You will also be charged an additional fee if you pay the fee through a bank branch.

If you do not have a valid medical certificate, then cost of hospital and dispensary rounds must be included in the list of costs.

If you decide to undergo an examination quickly and go to a paid institution, then the costs will be correspondingly higher. On average, a certificate will cost from 1000 to 2500 rubles.

Completing the application may also include some costs. If, for example, you cannot or do not want to fill out an application yourself, a traffic police officer can help you with this. This service will cost approximately 150 rubles.

When re-issuing a driver’s document, you need to be aware of the problems that may arise during the process.

First, a medical certificate. Many people, due to lack of time and lack of desire to stand in lines, simply buy such a certificate.

Such a document is invalid, and if it is discovered that the information presented in it is not true, the doctor who issued the certificate will be held accountable (criminal, up to 3 years, or administrative - a fine).

Besides, the user of such a service will also be punished. He may be at risk:

  • a fine of 80 thousand rubles;
  • fine for the amount of income for 6 months;
  • community service lasting from 180 to 240 hours;
  • correctional labor for up to 2 years;
  • arrest for up to six months.

Neither option seems attractive, so you should not issue false certificates.

Another pitfall when re-issuing a driver’s license is unpaid fines. When replacing a license, traffic police officers must check the driver against the database, monitoring the presence unpaid fines and other violations.

According to the law, from the moment the fine is issued, the violator has 60 days to pay it. You also have an additional 10 days to appeal the fine and another 10 days to send materials to the court.

To avoid problems with re-registration, fines must be paid on time. If you are not sure whether you have debts, you can always check this information on the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate portal or at the traffic police post.

Thus, when re-registering rights after changing the surname after the wedding, you must remember the following main points:

  1. replacement of rights since November 2014 is mandatory for everyone (including those who changed their last name earlier);
  2. To replace a driver’s license, you do not need to retake the exam, regardless of your driving experience;
  3. for re-registration of this document you must provide a passport, medical certificate, 3 photographs, old license with maiden name, receipt of paid state duty;
  4. issuing a certificate if you have a valid one is not necessary;
  5. by changing your last name, driving with an invalid license is a violation and will result in a fine;
  6. the late exchange of rights itself is not a violation (you can re-register rights after any period);
  7. Before applying for registration, make sure that you have paid all fines for offenses.

If you remember the basic rules and requirements for re-issuing a driver's document, such a document will not be a problem for you and you will be able to replace it yourself before the expiration of one working day.

By contacting the traffic police department or going to the portal Government services, you will definitely find complete information about the registration procedure and a list of documents required for the replacement. This video will also help you:

Due to changes in the rules for issuing car licenses on November 5, 2014, replacing a driver’s license (DL) after changing your last name has become a mandatory procedure. In this case, the validity period of the new rights is similar to that of the rights issued in the “old name”. Next, we will consider in detail why you need to replace a driver’s license when changing your last name, what is the procedure for replacing the rights of car owners and how much personal time this will require.

Do I need to change my license when changing my last name?

Some car owners may be puzzled by the question “Why do you need to replace a driver’s license when changing your last name?”, since there are other documents that confirm the “old” identity of the owner of the driver’s license. As an example, such documents may be a certificate of change of surname, name or patronymic.

The most common reasons for changing a surname are divorce or marriage; in these cases, confirmation will be a corresponding certificate issued by the registry office.

The legality of the traffic police officers’ requirements to replace a driver’s license when changing their last name is confirmed in paragraph No. 35 of the “Rules for conducting examinations for the right to drive vehicles and issuing driver’s licenses.”

Please note that car licenses become invalid after the personal data of their owners has changed. In other words, the license loses its validity from the moment the driver changed his last name, that is, from the date that is recorded in the certificate of change of personal data of the owner of the driver's license. In most cases, this occurs after marriage or divorce. Therefore, replacing a driver's license after marriage is a mandatory procedure for drivers who want to drive a car. vehicle legally.

Time to exchange ID after changing surname

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, IDs must be changed immediately after the surname of their owner is changed. Therefore, the period for exchanging a driver’s license when changing your last name is the minimum possible, since this must be done immediately.

What is the validity period of the ID when changing your last name?

In addition to the fact that the exchange of a car license when changing personal data has become mandatory, amendments to the rules for issuing driving licenses also affected the validity period of the new rights.

More precisely, paragraph No. 32 of the rules for issuing a driving license says that in cases of exchanging a permit to drive a motor vehicle due to changes in personal data “... the validity period of the driving license does not change...”.

In other words, a car license received under a new surname is valid for the same period as the “old” one. Therefore, replacing a driver’s license after a change of name does not interrupt or extend the 10-year validity period of a permit to drive a vehicle.

The procedure for replacing a car license at the traffic police

The procedure for exchanging rights when changing a surname is a standard procedure, which is almost identical to the actions when restoring the rights of a car owner after their loss or damage, with the exception of the list of necessary documents for exchanging an old license for a new one.

List of documents submitted to the traffic police

To exchange a car license when changing your last name, you need to provide the following list of documents:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  2. Receipt for payment of state duty (from January 1, 2015 - two thousand rubles);
  3. Certificate confirming the change in the driver’s personal data;
  4. Valid car license;
  5. The corresponding application (the form is provided by the traffic police officers, filled out on the spot).

Attention! Since the second half of 2016, a certificate from medical institution not included in the list mandatory documents required to obtain a new car license when changing the driver’s personal data.

Before going to one of the traffic police departments to replace your license, it is advisable to first clarify the list of required documents, since traffic police officers may require additional information or other documents. For example, 3x4 photographs or payment documents indicating the repayment of fines. To avoid some troubles, please clarify in advance that the traffic police database does not contain information about unpaid fines in your name.

Having received your car license in your hands, be sure to make sure that your personal data is written correctly, as well as that you have all the necessary stamps, signatures and seals.

Making changes to insurance

The next procedure that needs to be done to drive a car legally is to enter new data about the received car license into your MTPL policy.

To complete these steps, you will need to go to your insurance company with the following documents:

  1. Valid MTPL insurance policy;
  2. Certificate of changes in the driver’s personal data;
  3. Driver's license with a new name.

Information about the new VU will be written in the “special notes” column. In addition, the driver's actual data will be entered into information system. This is the last thing that needed to be done to replace your license when changing your last name in order to drive a motor vehicle without violating the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Administrative punishment

Based on Article 12.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, drivers who allow themselves to drive a vehicle with a license in their old surname will be fined in the amount of 5,000 rubles. up to 15,000 rub.

In addition to the penalty in the form of a fine, the driver’s car will be confiscated and placed in an impound lot. You can return the car after receiving an updated driver's license.

Changing a citizen’s surname is not a reason for changing or terminating his obligations and rights acquired under the “old name,” as stated in Part 2 of Article 19 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, but changing rights when changing a surname is considered a strictly mandatory legislative action of a citizen of the Russian Federation.