Forms, methods and methods of monitoring the execution of orders. Control of operational orders of the manager. How to visually highlight important and urgent orders and documents

To begin with, let us recall the rules for monitoring the execution of orders, which we will later begin to automate using standard MS Excel capabilities.

There is control over the essence of resolving issues and control over the deadlines for completing tasks.

Substantive control

Essential control is an assessment of how correctly, successfully, and completely the issue has been resolved. Such control is exercised by the head (of an institution or department) or a specially authorized person. Responsibility for the correct and timely resolution of issues reflected in the documents lies with the heads of structural divisions and employees entrusted with the execution of the document. The performer usually:

  • indicated in the manager’s resolution on a document (for example, on an incoming letter, on an employee’s application) or
  • is written directly in the text of the order (usually in the order/protocol, individual instructions are drawn up as independent points of the text and formulated in such a way that it is immediately clear what, to whom and when needs to be done; accordingly, each item - task / order is put under control separately) ,
  • when the performer is not directly specified, he is determined in accordance with the distribution of responsibilities in the organization.

If several executors are indicated in the resolution/instruction of the manager, the person first indicated in the resolution is responsible for the execution of the document/instruction and, accordingly, organizing its execution.

Instructions can follow from the text of the document, or they can be “independent”, i.e. undocumented and nevertheless subject to control of their execution. If the order is created on the basis of a document, it contains a link to the basis document (see filling out the first four columns in the table in Figure 1). Instructions are issued by managers at all levels. However, each organization decides for itself which documents/instructions to put under control. Usually these are all instructions from the head of the organization and his deputies. The greater the number of documents in an organization, the more important it is to streamline the work of monitoring the execution of documents and the more selectively the organization approaches the solution to the question “what will we control” - the golden mean is important here. So, control is usually placed on the execution of instructions from the first person; this is done by the preschool educational institution service or the secretary.

Instructions must be clearly and unambiguously formulated:

  • the order itself;
  • deadline;
  • executor (it is possible for several persons to carry out an order, then one is appointed as the responsible executor, and the rest are considered co-executors).

When forming instructions, it is advisable to adhere to simple rules: formulations should be brief, succinct, eliminating ambiguity of interpretation, and have a clearly defined and measurable result.

While the order is being executed, the following actions are possible:

  • the author can change the deadline for completing the order;
  • the author can change the responsible executor of the assignment;
  • performers create reports on the results of execution;
  • the author has the opportunity to return the order for revision or approve the result of execution.

If the task was divided between co-executors, then their performance reports are received by the responsible executor. It is he who generates the final single report on behalf of and sends it to the author.

Control over deadlines

Control over the deadlines for the execution of documents/orders is carried out by the management documentation support service (DOU), and in a small organization - by the secretary.

The technology for monitoring deadlines can be divided into the following procedures:

  • recording of all documents, instructions, instructions, and management assignments put under control;
  • checking the timely delivery of the document to the executor;
  • adjustment of data on controlled documents when deadlines for execution change, documents are transferred from executor to executor, from division to division (we record this in the “Execution Status” field, see Figure 1);
  • reminder to performers and heads of departments about the presence of unfulfilled documents and instructions;
  • informing managers (divisions and organizations) about the status and progress of execution of documents;
  • entering data on the execution of documents;
  • analysis of the state of affairs and the level of performance discipline for the organization as a whole, by structural divisions, specialists, types of documents and other aspects.

Deadlines documents can be defined:

As you can see, the deadline for executing an order is usually set by its author. It is accepted that orders containing instructions "urgently", are subject to execution within 3 days. The instruction “promptly” provides for a 1-day period for execution of the order. If the execution date is not specified in the order, it is subject to execution within 1 month from the date of its signing (until the corresponding date of the next month, and if there is no such date in the next month, then until the last day of the month). If the last day of the order execution period falls on a non-working day, it is subject to execution on the previous working day.

For documents containing a complex task, long deadlines can be set (several months, six months, a year). In this case it is necessary divide the assignment into stages and monitor the completion of the task step by step.

Term control includes:

  • current control,
  • helpful and
  • final control.

The main types of control are current and preventive.

Under current control understand the daily preparation of information about documents that expire today. Current control is carried out by daily checking the progress of the document and reminding the contractor about the expiration of the execution period and the need to complete work on the document. Those responsible for execution control (in a small company - a secretary) daily, usually at the beginning of the working day, identify and compile a list of documents whose deadlines expire today.

Current control helps to create a work plan for the day. It immediately shows what tasks must be completed today (resolving an issue at a meeting, signing a document, sending a fax, etc.). Therefore, control over the deadlines for the execution of documents is a function that is necessarily provided for in job description manager's secretary. Every day, identifying documents whose deadlines are about to expire, the secretary finds out the possibility of resolving the issue in a timely manner, and if the deadlines are missed, reports this to the manager.

During preventative control reports are compiled and executors are notified regarding documents whose deadlines expire in 2-3 days (in our organization we do this 4 calendar days in advance). And then the employee still has time to resolve the issue in a timely manner.

The control position is very important. Only the orientation of control towards helping employees, and not at identifying shortcomings, the desire to help, remind, and not incriminate, can ensure the greatest efficiency of the control service.

A systematic check of execution, skillfully and correctly carried out by an employee who tactfully reminds that the document is needed on time, that the prosperity of the company depends on the timely resolution of the issue, etc., emphasizes the need for this employee and his efforts. In addition, the “time card index” helps in planning the manager’s working day, since it reflects the events and tasks for a given date.

If upon receipt of a document or during its execution by the contractor it becomes clear that it is impossible to execute it in a timely manner, this is reported to the manager (the author of such an order), who has the right to postpone the deadline for execution of the document. If the manager extends the deadline, the secretary, in accordance with his instructions, enters into the registration form new term execution.

The question of postponing the deadline for the execution of a document must be raised no later than 1 day before the expiration of the target date. Postponing the deadline retroactively is not allowed and, as a rule, is impossible in principle in automated systems.

For documents with a long (several months) execution period, intermediate stages of execution can be monitored by recording information about the progress of execution (we do this in the “Execution Status” field of the document registration card).

Often, resolving an issue requires sequential work on a document by several executors or coordination of the document with several departments. In these cases, the length of time the document is held by each executor must be controlled. When transferring a document, the fact of transfer must be recorded. Registration is usually carried out by the secretary of the unit transmitting the document. We reflect the movement of the document and the date of its transfer in the “Execution Status” field.

When documents with expired deadlines appear their list is printed out on the same day and reported to the manager.

If the right to register documents can be granted to a wide range of employees, then changes reflecting the progress of its execution, as a rule, are carried out by only one responsible employee: the secretary-assistant or a preschool educational institution specialist.

Removing a document from control carried out only after complete execution of the document: execution of the manager’s resolution, preparation of a response document, receipt of a response to an outgoing document or other documented confirmation of the fact of execution. The result of the execution of the document must be recorded in the registration card (for example, “an invitation was sent”, “a letter was sent from... No....", etc.). The registration card also contains information about the date of execution of the document and indicates the case number according to the nomenclature in which the executed document is filed.

TO final control include analytical work to summarize performance discipline and the performance results of employees of a department or organization as a whole. Final control is carried out by employees (service) responsible for monitoring execution, or by the secretary of the organization at a given frequency (weekly, monthly, quarterly). The results of subsequent control are reflected in the final quantitative and list reports of the status of execution of tasks (controlled documents). This allows management to know what a particular employee (division) is doing and how things are going in a specific area of ​​activity (resolving a particular issue).

Final control, in mandatory combination with preventive control, is a stimulating factor in increasing employee discipline.

Example of order control using MS Excel

Now we will show what can be automated using standard MS Excel capabilities. To begin, open a new MS Excel workbook and create a table in it with the fields/columns/graphs shown in Figure 1. This is the main table that displays information on timely control of the execution of orders in our organization.

Next, in a separate cell, enter a formula so that when you open this MS Excel sheet, it will always be above the table. the current date was displayed(indicated by number 1 in Figure 1). Then it will be useful to us in everyday work with the table. You can do this in two ways:

Figure 2

Collapse Show

In this table, you can filter rows (i.e. controlled orders) according to various criteria. But to do this you need to enable the filter:

Figure 3

On-screen button for enabling a filter in MS Excel 2007 and 2010

Collapse Show

Figure 4

Criteria for filtering table rows by column contents in MS Excel 2007 and 2010

Collapse Show

The filtering criteria shown above appeared as a result of clicking on the gray square filter button in the “Artists” column (marked with the number 1). The cells of this column are filled with text, so the program offered us the following choices:

2 - firstly, we can filter one or more performers, leaving “checkmarks” only for them; we can also select only empty lines, leaving a “checkmark” only in the last item in the list; if we leave the checkbox in the “Select all” position, then there will be no filtering by this criterion (this is now shown in the Figure);

3 - secondly, you can filter by the text contained in the column cells, however, this criterion is more suitable when working with the column “ Summary» document, etc. For example, if we don’t exactly remember the title, but we remember the keyword that should be in it, then we need to select the “contains...” item and type this word without its ending, then as a result of the filter, only lines that have in the “Summary” field there is a word we typed with different endings.

You can remove the filter by selecting the command of the same name - indicated by the number 6. If you filtered rows by specifying different selection criteria in several columns, then selecting this command once will remove the filter only in the column where you selected such a command, while the remaining filters are in other columns will remain valid - each of them must be removed individually. In those columns in which the filter is enabled, the filter call button changes its image to the enabled filter button.

If the column by the contents of which we want to filter the table rows is filled with dates, then instead of a text filter the program will offer us another one - special for dates - indicated by the number 4: we can select not only a specific date, but also later or earlier than some date or limited period of time, yesterday, today or tomorrow, etc.

Our table has 3 columns with dates.

The numeric filter (indicated by the number 5) is specially designed to work with columns whose contents are numbers (in our case this is registration number document).

Figure 5

Criteria for filtering table rows by column contents in MS Excel 2003

Collapse Show

In MS Excel 2003, a filter based on the contents of a column is called up by the same on-screen button as in later versions of the program, but as a result of clicking it, one general list opens for selecting a specific cell value or setting a more complex filtering condition, which is already tailored individually to the text, date or number - it is launched in a separate screen window after selecting the “(Condition...)” item in the list.

Figures 4 and 5 clearly show What criteria can we now filter by? table rows in MS Excel of different versions. We will be able to filter orders by executor, their authors, deadlines, controlled document data and any other information entered into a spreadsheet. Moreover, it will be possible to filter simultaneously by several criteria, for example:

  • For which orders does the deadline expire today for a specific contractor:
      in the “Performers” column select the right employee(see number 2 in Figure 4), and in the “Due Date” column we filter the rows whose date meets the “today” criterion (number 4 in the same Figure) or
  • To whom did our chosen leader give instructions this month:
      in the “Author of the order” column we select the manager we are analyzing (number 2 in Figure 4), and in the “Execution Deadline” column we filter the dates that fall under the “This month” criterion (number 4), etc.

Now we’ll teach you how you can configure the program so that when you open a file automatically receive information about which orders must be completed, for example, after 4 days, to notify performers about this in advance. To do this, we provided a special column in the table, which we called “Distribution period”. Now let's configure it:

  • select cell I6 (in the first line of the custom column) and type the “=” sign in it;
  • click the mouse on the adjacent cell J6 (in the same row, but in the “Due Date” column) and you will see that it is included in the formula for calculating the contents of cell I6;
  • then continue bookmarking the formula by typing “-4” from the keyboard;
  • At this point, filling out the formula is completed (its current state can always be seen in the formula bar located above the Excel sheet, see symbol 1 in Figure 7, we got “=j6-4”). Now press on your keyboard Enter- and the result of calculating the embedded formula will appear in the table cell;
  • after this, the formula can be copied to subsequent rows of the table, and then in them in the “Distribution Deadline” column the date will always be 4 days earlier than in the “Due Date” column: point the mouse at the lower right corner of cell I6 (while the pointer "mouse" should take the form of a black bold cross), press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, drag down to the end of the column, then release the button. In Column I you will see the dates of all required warnings (number 2 in Figure 7);
  • Then you can make sure that in the “Distribution period” column the cells with the current ones are automatically highlighted in color, i.e. today's dates (October 1 these will be some cells, and October 2 - different ones, etc.). To do this, you need to use the conditional formatting function. In MS Excel 2007 or 2010 this is done like this:
    • select all table cells in the “Distribution period” column located below the “header”;
    • click the button Conditional Formatting in the group Styles on the tab Home(see Figure 6), select the command Cell selection rules, and in the panel that opens on the left or right, select the command Date. A dialog box of the same name will open, in which there are two lists (Figure 8): on the left you need to select a position Today, and on the right - a way to format cells that satisfy this condition, for example, Light red fill and dark red text. Next click Ok.

Figure 8 shows what the finished table looks like with conditional formatting. By opening this table, for example, on August 13, 2012, a specialist can easily determine which notifications are sent out.

You can provide for the presence of the last “technical” column in the table; in it, in each row you need to place the number 1. Then, when filtering by any one or more criteria, you will always quickly count the number of filtered rows. To do this, select the remaining cells on the screen with the mouse in this column - MS Excel will calculate the sum of their values ​​and write it in the bottom reference line under the Excel sheet.

Figure 6

Conditional Formatting

Collapse Show

Deadlines for the execution of documents can be interpreted differently. For example, at what point should the term begin to be calculated (from the day the order was issued or the day after it)? Should it be counted in calendar or working days? What to do with documents whose deadline falls on the weekend? What if the deadline is not specified at all? All these questions are answered in detail, and much is explained with examples (16 in total) in the article “How to determine deadlines? "on page 12 of magazine No. 8" 2011
It is unrealistic to control the execution of all documents of the organization. Therefore, recommendations for determining the list of documents subject to execution control will help you. You will learn what deadlines are usually set and how this is done, as well as how you can control verbal orders. See the article “What will we control? "on page 30 of magazine No. 7" 2011

As you know, the functionality of an assistant or personal assistant (no matter what this position is called in work book) in different companies varies depending on the specifics and size of the organization, the corporate culture adopted in the company, and the personality of the leader. However, there are responsibilities that any personal assistant simply cannot do without, regardless of his place of work. Among these is control over the execution of orders.

In many organizations, failure to fulfill orders and lack of control over their timely execution is a problem, the so-called. "bottleneck" (from English. bottleneck- bottleneck), i.e. a serious obstacle that greatly slows down the company’s business processes. A lot really depends on the assistant here! However, not everything is as obvious as it seems at first glance. We often encounter situations where an irreplaceable assistant suddenly gets sick or goes on vacation or for once goes on a business trip, and during his absence... work has stopped, orders are not recorded, deadlines are missed, and those responsible are unknown. As a rule, this speaks not so much about the indispensability of the employee, but about the absence of a system. So, the assistant’s task is to build a system for monitoring the execution of orders. And the system, as we know, is largely capable of maintaining its performance on its own. And you can’t handle this alone! But let's deal with everything in order.

Control and its types

An elephant, as they say, should be eaten in parts. And it’s worth starting with terminology.

Control- this is a comparison of the plan with the actual state of affairs. Control reveals even small deviations from the planned results and actions of people and makes it possible to change the situation.

The following types of control are distinguished:

1. Preliminary. Carried out by the manager before the actual start of work on the assignment. Preliminary control is used taking into account human, material and financial resources, i.e., before giving an order to work, the manager must make sure that the performer has the resources to carry it out.

2. Conceptual (incoming). Used to clarify:

Does the performer know that he has an assignment;

How did the person who will solve it understand the problem?

How exactly will he do this?

This type of control is carried out by the assistant manager, and immediately after setting the order. The goal is to check the executor’s understanding of the essence of the order and the timeliness of its implementation. At this stage, the assistant’s task is to draw the executor’s attention to the availability of the assignment, the timing and priority of the task, and to make sure that the assignment has been accepted for work. In this case, the assistant needs to “highlight” urgent and important assignments (remember the Eisenhower matrix), for example, as follows: “Please note that this assignment is important and urgent!” This magic phrase, pronounced at the right time, will help to avoid many misunderstandings and unforgivable loss of time - it is unacceptable to let the process of ranking tasks by priority take their course, because the opinion of the performers does not always coincide with the opinion of the manager. Don't forget that what is obvious to you may not be so to other people.

3. Current (intermediate, process control). The goal is to evaluate the current process of activity: how the work is being done, what has already been done, what difficulties have arisen. This type of control is carried out by an assistant when the work is already underway, but the deadline for completing the order has not yet arrived. The task of control is to promptly identify deviations that arise during work and inform the manager about them for possible adjustment of the specified parameters. Current control is based on feedback.

4. Final (final, control of the result). It is used to assess whether a goal is being achieved by a given date.

The actual results obtained are compared with those previously established. Despite the fact that it is too late to interfere with the work at this stage, this control is necessary. It shows what results the performers have achieved and reveals omissions and shortcomings in their work. Helps to learn lessons for the future. As a rule, at this stage the manager and assistant work together, because The assistant’s qualifications may not be sufficient to determine the completeness and correctness of the assignment.

What and how to control

The distribution of responsibility for ensuring control in key areas depends on the size of the organization:

To control

Company size

Responsiblefor ensuring control

Legal norms and requirements

Up to 100 people

Up to 500 people

More than 500 people

Head of the organization

Lawyer, accountant

Legal service, accounting

Legal service and heads of areas

Leader's orders

Up to 100 people

Up to 500 people

More than 500 people

Head of the organization

Secretary of the head

Assistant Manager

Assistant and heads of areas

Requirements of local regulatory documents

Up to 100 people

Up to 500 people

More than 500 people

Head of the organization

Secretary of the head

Assistant Manager

Heads of activities

Individual orders of the manager

Up to 500 people

More than 500 people

Head of the organization

Secretary of the head

Assistant Manager

Instructions received from the corporate center

Up to 1500 people

Up to 2500 people

More than 2500 people

Assistant Manager

Assistant Manager and Secretariat

Case Management

“Control” and “monitoring” are different things!

To finally understand what’s what, it’s worth paying attention to another term that is often found in modern management - “monitoring”. Often in the literature, the concepts of “control” and “monitoring” are used as identical, but these are fundamentally different things! To apply a systematic approach to managing the execution of orders, this difference must be understood. If monitoring- this is monitoring the parameters of an object with recording and saving data, then control- this is an obligatory observation impact on the object in case of parameter values ​​exceeding acceptable limits. In relation to assignments, this means that the assistant must have a monitoring tool, i.e. maintain a certain database where he records instructions, deadlines, responsible persons and execution status (completed/not completed). However, to build an effective control system, simply keeping statistics is not enough - control implies active management of the situation, adjustment and influence, i.e. purposeful conscious influence in order to achieve positive dynamics in the performing discipline.

How to ensure that orders are carried out?

In order for orders to be carried out, it is necessary integrated approach to solving this problem. The order execution control system will operate subject to the following principles:

1) High priority from management. The manager must demonstrate that strict compliance with his instructions is important to him and the company.

2) Joint discussion of approaches to solving the problem. In order to take into account all the risks and consider the issue comprehensively, it is necessary to involve all participants in the process in the discussion - both the manager giving instructions and the assistant supervising them, as well as managers who will be directly responsible for execution. Agreements should primarily concern methods of obtaining information about instructions and deadlines, the format of the execution report, the procedure for rescheduling, approaches to rewards or punishment in case of non-fulfillment of instructions. The manager should also inform his subordinates about the powers of the assistant in terms of monitoring the execution of orders (if you new person in a team and have not yet earned authority, ask your manager about this).

3) Informing all company employees about the implementation of a system for monitoring the execution of orders. It is necessary to ensure transparency of approaches, i.e. the rules must be formalized in the company’s local regulatory document.

4) Consistency and regularity. Executive discipline will increase if employees are confident that every assignment is recorded, that every assignment must be accounted for, that none of them will be missed or forgotten, and that failure to carry out instructions from management will inevitably be punished. (It is immediately worthwhile to provide for the procedure for informing, because instructions may be impracticable a priori or have compelling reasons for failure to comply on time. Each such case must be considered individually.)

Looks like a task for, you say. This is partly true. What is the role of the assistant? An assistant is exactly the same employee of the company who must inform the manager that a problem exists, that it carries specific risks, that you are trying to keep your finger on the pulse (and so far it is succeeding largely thanks to your personal qualities), but the absence the system will sooner or later make itself known and it worries you.

The main thing is not to forget to say that you have a specific proposal on how to organize a control system (i.e. it should not just be a problem served on a silver platter, but a problem and options for solving it).

Even if you new employee company, you should not be afraid to contact your manager with such a proposal. If so far nothing fatal has happened in your company due to an unfulfilled/overdue/unaccounted for order, your manager will still not turn a deaf ear to your proposal. There is probably no person in the entire company more interested in solving this problem.

The importance of effective communication

Let's say your proposal is accepted: the manager outlined the importance of the task, announced your role in this process, approved the local normative document regulating the process, all company employees are informed. What's next? The published document risks remaining a soulless piece of paper if you give up at this stage. How to make all this work?

The answer lies primarily in the assistant's effective communication skills. Yes, this is the same phrase that we so often see in resumes for administrative positions. Having such skills is vital for an assistant. In a narrow sense, in relation to monitoring the execution of orders, effective communication is a way of quickly transmitting information without distortion and receiving feedback on the correct understanding of the “message”.

Effective communication is built:

Effective or ineffective?

    Ineffective communication is arguing with others, aimed at protecting your goals and plans. It implies the presence of winners and losers. This style of “communication” is categorical: there is “right” and “wrong”, “victory” and “defeat”, “good” and “bad”, without taking into account intermediate states. There is only one correct opinion, so we can neglect the views and experiences of people who can enrich our knowledge of the world and form a holistic picture. Instead, we constantly defend our narrow views. A pause in the conflict is considered a success when the defender temporarily retreats. Eventually, disagreement results in resistance, loss of team effectiveness, and even sabotage until a balance of power and respect prevails.

    Effective communication, in turn, aims to understand the views, feelings and opinions of others. When two sides listen to each other, both benefit. Mutual understanding and respect become the basis of cooperation, interdependence and loyalty. Success will be achieved if each side says: “Yes, that’s exactly what I meant. You understand me."

Effective communication is undoubtedly necessary for the successful implementation of organizational goals. Distorted, misinterpreted messages often cause defeats for large companies, armies and nations.

Effective communication skills allow opposites to coexist - this is the ultimate ability to understand another point of view and find compromise. Why argue about who is right and who is wrong? The goal of effective communication is to establish and maintain mutually beneficial and, therefore, long-lasting working relationships.

In terms of monitoring the execution of orders, the assistant must show effective communication skills at all stages of the “journey” instructions:

1) Interaction with the manager when setting instructions. The assistant’s task is to correctly record the assignment, trying to adhere to a specific goal-setting scheme, for example SMART. This will allow subordinates to understand what is required of them. The wording of the order must be clear, verb form(answer the question: what to do?), the order must have a specified deadline, and for each order a responsible executor must be identified.

After the order is properly recorded, the assistant must make sure there are no inaccuracies, submit the final version of the protocol or register of orders to the manager for approval, or verbally ask: “Did I understand you correctly? Ivanov I.I. must develop and submit for approval a project implementation schedule by May 11, 2015?”

What's happenedSMART?

SMART is a mnemonic acronym used in management and project management to define goals and set objectives.
A goal or task established according to SMART criteria has the following characteristics:
. S- specific (specific) - clear, precise, clearly described;
. M- measurable (measurable) - having established outcome indicators by which one can understand that the goal has been achieved. They can be both quantitative and qualitative. Without these criteria, it is almost impossible to evaluate the completion of the task;
. A- achievable (achievable) - realistic, but requiring some effort, which serves as an additional motivating factor;
. R- relevant (appropriate) - coinciding with the broader goals of the department or organization;
. T- time-bound (limited in time) - deadlines for achieving the goal must be determined.

2) Interaction with performers when transferring orders to work. The key task at this stage is to make sure that the contractor is informed about the assignment and accepted it for work. If the organization is small, then the assistant or secretary contacts directly with the performers via email or telephone. In large organizations, such interaction is difficult to carry out, so the assistant transmits the order and directly interacts with the deputy heads of the organization, and when transferring orders, the cascading principle applies, for example: EEdepartment directorEhead of departmentEdirect executor.

3) Information about the execution of the order is transmitted via the reverse route: CEO/AssistantBDeputy General DirectorBdepartment directorBhead of departmentBdirect executor.

The assistant plays the role of an intermediary in transmitting information about the order. At the same time, to reduce the time of data transfer to the assistant, it is advisable to provide for the use of an information resource that allows you to post summary information about orders in the public domain, for example, on the internal corporate portal of the organization, where any employee can quickly see what orders he has and send comments to the assistant. .

4) When carrying out intermediate control, it is necessary to clarify the forecast from the contractor: whether it meets the deadline or during execution it turned out that the volume of work is greater than previously expected, or the contractor’s resources are insufficient and the involvement of employees from other structural divisions is required, because the task turned out to be cross-functional. The assistant must conduct a continuous constructive dialogue with the responsible manager/performer to obtain prompt and reliable information about the progress of execution, and if serious problems arise, inform the manager about it while something can still be corrected. At the same time, you should not go too far and become intrusive, disturbing the performer and distracting him over trifles. All participants in the process must clearly understand that they have common goals and respect each other's work. To do this, you should agree on an acceptable communication format.

5) Upon receiving information about the execution of an order, the assistant, together with the manager, evaluates the completeness of the data presented and makes a decision on accepting the order or returning it for revision. ABOUT the decision taken the assistant must notify the performer.

6) When generating analytical reporting. Strict accounting implies regular reporting and analytics based on statistical data. At a certain frequency, for example once a month, the assistant must analyze the accumulated statistical data on assignments and generate a report on performance discipline (Fig. 1). Such a report may contain information about the total number of instructions, how many of them were completed on time/late/not completed, which units are leaders and which are anti-leaders in terms of timely execution of the manager’s instructions. The manager can dispose of this information at his own discretion. However, it is desirable that the approach to reward and punishment be predictable and uniform for everyone.

Rice. 1

Handy tools in the assistant's arsenal

There are a great variety of such tools, but it is important to observe the key principle - all instructions of the manager must be materialized and entered into a single repository, where it is possible to regularly monitor the execution of orders in accordance with their priority.

The ideal technical implementation is Microsoft Outlook, because it contains flexible settings mechanisms so-called. "user views". In addition to the standard views “By executors”, “By categories”, “By deadlines”, you can configure any others - “By plants”, “By committees”, “Only overdue tasks, the deadline for which expired from 5 to 20 days ago” and etc. Once configured, the view becomes available in the future with one click of the mouse. We will not dwell on this in detail, because... A series of articles have already been devoted to this tool.

Sometimes such a system is configured based on systems electronic document management , for example Lotus Notes, Documentum or Directum, where key information about the order is recorded in the registration and control card (RCC). However, EDMS is an expensive program that not all organizations can afford.

One of the most universal and accessible tools for monitoring the execution of orders is Microsoft Excel. This program can be used in addition to existing ones if you work in large company, and as an independent tool. The beauty of it is that, based on this technical solution, you can create a single database of orders with flexible settings of fields and filters at your discretion. Such a consolidated register of instructions can be made publicly available, and each employee can clarify the wording, deadlines and track the status of their instructions. You must first configure limited rights to edit the file to avoid accidental distortion or deletion of data.

In MS Excel, you can not only enter instructions manually, as in the case of verbal orders from the manager, but also download instructions from the EDMS (if these are instructions from protocols or instructions coming from outside, for example, requests from regulatory authorities or authorities state power or corporate center).

By setting the fields in a certain way, you can set color coding in the “Order execution status” column. For example, an order that has not yet arrived will be automatically indicated in blue; an order completed on time is green (for this, the dates in the “Due to Execution” and “Actual Execution” fields must match); an order for which the execution period has expired and no confirmation of receipt of the execution report has been received will be automatically displayed as unfulfilled and marked in red.

Setting up a register of orders inMS Excel

Fields in the registry are configured by writing a macro. For such fine tuning, it is best to involve an IT specialist.

If there is no IT specialist and you do not have programming skills, you can use another simpler and more accessible method.

You can customize table cells yourself using conditional formatting features.

To configure the cell fill, select the cell in the table for which we will configure the formatting (in our case, this is the cell G10 ), on the tab Home - Conditional Formatting, in the proposed context menu - Create a rule(Fig. 2).

Rice. 3

In the formula bar of the dialog box under the title, you need to set a rule that will be considered true (Fig. 4).

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For our registry, it will be necessary to sequentially configure four rules for the same cell G10 , and then “extend” their action to the entire column G.

  • To indicate an unfulfilled order, set up rule 1. In the dialog box Create a formatting rule using the key Format select the fill color. The first rule will correspond to the color red.

Next, enter the following description of the rule in the formula bar: =IF(F10>0; F10<СЕГОДНЯ();"") (Fig. 5). This means that provided that in the cell F10 the due date is indicated and it has already expired, the cell will automatically turn red.

Rice. 5

Press the keyOTO.

  • To indicate an order that is in progress, set up rule 2. We repeat the sequence of actions described above: select the cell G10 , let's go to Conditional Formatting, select Create a rule And Use a formula to determine which cells to format.

In the already familiar dialog box Create a formatting rule using the key Format choose a different fill color. The second rule will correspond to the color blue.

=IF(F10>0;F10>TODAY();""). This means that if in a cell F10 a deadline is indicated and it has not yet arrived, the cell is automatically colored blue.

Press the key OTO.

  • To indicate an order that was completed on time, we set up rule 3. Again we repeat the sequence of actions described above, only this time in the dialog box Create a formatting rule using the key Format select a green fill color to indicate that the order was completed strictly on time or ahead of schedule.

Enter the description of the rule in the formula bar: =IF(F10>0;IF(F10<СЕГОДНЯ();ЕСЛИ(G10<=F10;G10>0;"");"");""). This means that if in a cell F10 G10 the deadline for actual execution is indicated, which coincides with the deadline F10 or precedes it, cell G10 will automatically turn green.

Press the key OTO.

  • Finally, to indicate an order that was completed later than the specified deadline, we set up rule 4. In the dialog box Create a formatting rule using the key Format select a yellow fill color to indicate that the order was completed late.

Enter the following rule into the formula bar: =IF(F10>0;IF(F10<СЕГОДНЯ();G10>F10;"");""). This means that if in a cell F10 the due date is indicated, and in the cell G10 the date of actual execution is indicated, which is later than the date F10 , then the cell G10 will automatically turn yellow.

Once in the cell G10 all four rules are configured, we “stretch” the given formula down the entire column G and fill it in with the actual dates of execution of orders. The cells will automatically be colored in the specified palette.

The next step is visualization settings, i.e. diagrams for a more visual perception of the picture of the performing discipline.

To construct a diagram, we need quantitative data, i.e. the number of all orders and each type separately. Therefore, intermediate adjustment will be required. We can display quantitative data in a legend, where they will be automatically entered from our table (the legend can be placed on the same sheet, for example, above the table).

To collect statistics, you need to fill in one of the table cells, for example the adjacent cell H10 , as follows:

1. Select a cell H10 , at the top of the formula bar, click the icon fx Insert function, select the category " logical», « IF».

We write the following rule in the top line of formulas: =IF($F10>0,IF($G10>0,IF($G10<=$F10;"Выполнено";"Выполнено не в срок");ЕСЛИ($F10<СЕГОДНЯ();"Просрочено";"В работе"));"") (Fig. 6).

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We extend the rule specified in the cell H10 , down the entire column H(Fig. 7).

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Then column H can be hidden, leaving only the necessary registry information visible.

  • Setting up a legend. In order for data from a column H got into the legend and were displayed in it in quantitative form, you need to configure the legend cells as follows:

1. Set a rule for a cell G3 : select this cell, click the icon in the formula bar fx Insert function, select the type of functions " statistical», « COUNTIF».

2. Then write the following in the formula bar: =COUNTIF(H$10:H$19,F3)(Fig. 8).

Rice. 8

3. “Stretch” the formula from the cell G3 to G6 respectively.

You can also customize visualization and upload data on orders for a given period of time in the form of a chart.

  • WITHcreating a diagram. To do this, go to the tab Insert and select a chart, for example a pie chart, having previously selected the range it cells from G3 to G6 (Fig. 9).

Rice. 9

We insert the diagram and color its segments in the fill colors we have chosen by selecting the segment and calling the corresponding context menu with the right mouse button (everything is intuitive there). Our register is ready (Fig. 10).

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And finally

Creating an effective system for monitoring the execution of orders is quite difficult - it is necessary to take into account many different aspects and features that may be unique to different organizations. It's not easy, but remember that every riddle has a solution. When I am faced with a difficult problem that, at first glance, has no solution, I always remember the riddle of B. Verber:

“How to connect these nine dots with four lines without lifting the pen from the paper?

Often we cannot find a solution because our mind is limited to the area of ​​the drawing. But nowhere does it say that you cannot go beyond its limits.

There is a solution:

Moral: in order to understand the system, you must... get out of it.”

There are many ways to organize an effective system for monitoring the execution of orders. The main thing is to find exactly the one that will most organically fit into the work of your company and yours, to feel moderation in everything and not to cross the line beyond which comes manic hypercontrol.

M.A. Suchkova, Assistant General Director of Ryazan Oil Refining Company CJSC (subsidiary of NK-Rosneft OJSC)

The rhythm of modern life dictates that we need to constantly look for new ways to solve problems, forcing us to be flexible, adapting to the frantic pace. That is why a new ideology of work organization, based on the effective use of modern online tools, is becoming increasingly popular. When employees are less and less at work, on business trips, at meetings with clients, and can occasionally use the opportunity to work from home, mastering such tools becomes necessary. A complete or partial transition to online methods of work places high demands on the company’s management and information infrastructure. Transparency of the time and tasks of employees who spend a significant part of their time outside the office is necessary.

The first step in establishing an effective “remote” management structure is the introduction of control over the manager’s instructions. If we cannot monitor the effectiveness of an employee by his physical presence in the office, we must learn to do this based on the results of completing assigned tasks.

Let's make a reservation right away. In large and medium-sized corporations, “order control” usually means a fairly heavy-duty document management system that works with orders, board decisions, etc. As a rule, this system allows you to control only the largest, most ambitious orders of the organization's top officials, completely leaving behind the scenes the current work, which consists of many small but important tasks.

Here and further we are talking about control of operational, everyday tasks and assignments, of which any top manager has from several dozen to several hundred, and many of them are far from being so large as to overload the bureaucratic document flow system with them, and some of them, in principle, are not there falls - for example, monitoring the necessary daily actions of suppliers, journalists, clients and other external contractors of the company.

An incident from life. The author, at a diagnostic meeting with a member of the board of one of the largest Russian energy corporations, asks the question: “How do you control your orders”? (the company naturally has a powerful document management system). “Do you see the leaves on the wall - printouts from Word? These are minutes of board meetings. The yellow marker highlights what concerns my departments, i.e. in fact, the board’s instructions are to me.” “Okay, how do you control your instructions that you do based on the lines highlighted in marker?” “Here I have a pack of stickers on the table. True, it grows faster than I can control it, so the bottom of the pack regularly has to be sent to the shredder...”

Three weeks later, the top manager was set up with a system for monitoring operational orders on Outlook (Fig. 1), which at any time provided him with information on the selected aspect: projects, meetings, subordinates, etc. Moreover, the main routine work of entering and updating instructions was carried out by the secretary, and the manager used the results.

Figure 1

General Director's instructions, sample by department

Evaluate the effectiveness. Have you ever woken up on Sunday at your dacha with the thought “did Petrov forget to send... agree... sign”? Or, seeing Petrov in the corridor, remember that he should have done something yesterday? One of the most serious causes of stress, burnout at work, and chronic fatigue syndrome is the manager’s excessive workload with many issues, a feeling of constant anxiety that some of the work may not be completed on time or not at all. The elimination of this constant stress, which is achieved through control of orders, is very difficult to measure in money. Health and pleasure from every moment of life are priceless.

Principles of the control system

The principles of the order control system are very simple.

  • Materialization of all the manager’s instructions in a single repository. In most cases, the simplest and most convenient storage location to use is Outlook. Its advantages are the de facto world standard; familiarization with it (at least as an email program) for the vast majority of current and future employees of the organization; unity of control of orders with e-mail, calendars and contacts; absolute interconnectedness with the outside world (more and more often I see how meetings and tasks “travel” through Outlook between companies, and not just within the company). Sometimes a convenient repository for assignments is SharePoint, which will be discussed below.
  • “Thematic samples” in various management situations. When communicating with a subordinate, a manager can click a mouse to get a selection of tasks for the subordinate; conducting a project planning meeting - a selection of tasks for the project; during a telephone conversation (or Skype session) with a branch - by branch, etc. In Outlook, this capability is provided by setting up so-called “custom views”.
  • Regular preventive monitoring. Subordinates must be reminded of the task in advance, and repeatedly, to ensure its completion on time. Gradually, the control system will increase executive discipline and reduce the need for such reminders. It is also useful for the manager to understand in advance, as the task progresses, its current status, possible problems, etc.

If the manager has a secretary, a significant amount of technical work can be delegated to him. How exactly orders from the manager get to the secretary (via Outlook, using a voice recorder, an order control form, etc.) is a separate issue that requires clarification when setting up order control.

A presentation is underway for a client - a construction company operating in one of the Siberian cities of Russia. Our consultant asks: “Please remember the case when the lack of a system for monitoring orders led to losses for the company.” General Director: “Easy! A month ago, due to the fact that several tasks within the company were not completed on time, we rented out the parking lot later and were forced to give clients discounts on the cost of parking spaces. Total losses are about 600 thousand rubles, for our small company this is a very serious amount.”

Another example. At one telecommunications company, the service responsible for operating the data center cooling system forgot to order spare sets for air conditioners, which, according to technology, must be changed every three months. One employee forgot to do it, the other forgot to check. As a result, due to the lack of a kit costing several hundred dollars, an air conditioner costing tens of thousands of dollars failed. It’s good that the data center was initially designed with redundancy and the failure of one air conditioner did not affect the performance of the entire system. Otherwise, the losses would have increased: the servers would have failed because of the air conditioning, the programs running on them would have stopped working, etc. In general, the horse went lame, the commander was killed, the battle was lost “because there was no nail in the forge.”

Simplify reporting and increase motivation

A very useful feature is the automatic generation of formal corporate reporting from Outlook - plans, reports on completed tasks, minutes of meetings, etc. Unfortunately, this is not a standard Outlook function, but a macro add-on developed in our company. Its installation is included in the general list of work when setting up order control.

An example from clients' practice. One of the reserves of efficiency, named during the diagnosis by members of the board of the Baikal Bank of Sberbank of Russia, was the long formation of protocols after meetings, which could take several days (clarification of wording, deadlines, etc.), which slowed down the completion of tasks.

In the course of setting up the control of orders, the following model of actions was adopted and included in the regulations: orders are created during a meeting directly in Outlook by the secretary of the board, and the Outlook window is displayed on a large screen, everyone sees the wording, deadlines, those responsible, and can make their own clarifications. At the end of the meeting, the minutes of the official format adopted by the bank (Fig. 2) on Word form are created automatically from Outlook, signed and acquire the “force of law”.

Figure 2

An example of exporting instructions from Outlook to a document in an official format

The ability to create formal documents from Outlook tasks saves tens and hundreds of man-hours of time, while making reporting more relevant and adequate. This also allows you to link the order control system with KPI (key performance indicators) of employees and departments, a motivation system, and a planning system.

For the chairman of the board of one of the Russian banks, a system for monitoring orders was developed, which made it possible to build a monthly employee performance rating using the export of orders to Excel and automated management analysis (taking into account the “weight” of the order, delays in execution, etc.). The system turned out to be so simple and transparent that after some time elements of monetary motivation were tied to this rating - part of the employee’s quarterly bonus began to depend on the rate of execution of orders.

Employee calendars and time tracking

Any “online” and “remoteness” in the company’s work requires a very careful attitude to accounting for time and results. If we cannot physically see each other during the workday, we must learn to accurately set tasks and correctly estimate labor costs.

This control is very important, and not at all because people are villains who are looking for ways to avoid work. We are all imperfect, we need “props” to help us force ourselves to work effectively and overcome our own laziness.

The issue of transparent and controlled task setting is solved with the help of control of orders, which we have already discussed. The issue of time transparency and manageability is resolved with the help of a corporate standard for scheduling in calendars.

The principles of this standard are quite simple:

  • All managers and employees plan their time (meetings and large “budgeted” tasks) exclusively in Outlook calendars, no “papers”, stickers, etc. not acceptable; meeting invitations are made through Outlook only, no phone calls or emails.
  • Calendars, with the exception of meetings marked “private,” are shared with co-workers according to corporate policies governing who and whose calendars can see, edit, schedule appointments directly on them, and so on.
  • When maintaining calendars, a single standard for entering information is used: color marking of meetings, keywords in titles, use of attachments (meeting agenda, directions to an external meeting, etc.).

Such a system provides a significant increase in controllability for managers and ease of use for everyone. You can always see who plans to do what and where they are. When you call a meeting, you can easily turn on the calendars of the people you need and choose the most convenient time (Outlook even has a feature that makes it easier to find the right time; Figure 3).

Figure 3

Collaborative work with calendars

At the same time, we are not talking about total control: in accordance with the principles of time management, up to 30–40% of the working day (this figure may vary for different positions) is left for working with unexpectedly arising tasks.

If necessary, a corporate time planning standard may include the following useful options:

  • Linking scheduling in calendars with mobile devices– smartphones, communicators, etc. While at an offsite meeting, you enter this meeting into your smartphone - and after a couple of minutes it is already in your server calendar, all employees see the most recent and relevant version of your schedule. Conversely, if someone from the office sent you an invitation to a meeting, within a minute you will already see it on your smartphone.
  • Linking planning with reporting. Thanks to exporting calendar appointments to Word or Excel, you can generate weekly or monthly reports, project reports literally with the click of one button (Fig. 4). The beauty is that creating reports does not require writing, time and effort of employees. In a number of companies, for example, monthly reports from project consultants are created in one or two minutes, and these are completely official documents on which wages depend.

Figure 4

Report on orders

A year after the completion of the project, we asked the manager, development director of a Siberian production and trading company: “Now, a year later, when the acceptance certificates and letters of gratitude have long been signed, what is the real “bottom line”?”

In this company, when introducing time management, the emphasis was placed on calendars. The manager’s response was: “You know, I remember the times when we lived without mobile phones. It was necessary to realize that Kolya is now visiting Fedya, and since Fedya does not have a landline phone, he needs to call his neighbor and ask him to call Kolya... Our life without common calendars, transparent and understandable, I remember how life without a mobile phone . All these diaries, papers, endless calls to make an appointment, even more calls to reschedule a meeting, overlaps and inconsistencies in meetings... In general, life without a corporate planning standard is like life without a mobile phone. Theoretically it is possible, in practice it is extremely inconvenient and ineffective.”

Evaluate the effectiveness. Implementing a corporate standard for planning and budgeting time helps free up about three to six hours a week in the schedule of each manager, depending on his position, spent on non-productive expenses when planning and organizing meetings, which is equivalent to approximately 10% of the payroll. At the same time, the increase in management efficiency due to transparency of time and labor costs ranges from 10 to 25%.

Manage a company It’s hard: you need to look for approaches, build a structure of rewards and penalties, and systems for monitoring employees. But the most difficult thing is to sensibly evaluate the work of subordinates, based on their performance in tasks. The problem of controlling orders is no longer a problem, we vouch for it!

How does the LeaderTask order control system work?

Let's figure it out step by step; I’ll say right away - the order system will work exactly the way YOU want it. Thanks to unique flexibility built-in tools:

  1. Directly in LeaderTask create an order to one of your employees from the left menu or simply by dragging the task to the employee's name.
  2. Assign due date and number of hours/minutes to solve the problem.
  3. You will know for sure whether the employee has read your instructions: his avatar will be colored to normal color, getting rid of translucency(in case unread).
  4. For each task, you can communicate with the performer in a separately created chat, and in the task body - store all files and documents.
  1. The employee sets the status of the task. That could be “ In progress”, “On pause”, “Rejected” etc.
  2. As soon as the performer sets “In progress”, the countdown in a built-in function Timing. This way, you will always be aware of how much time an employee spent on a particular task. And you will be able to structure the organization’s work depending on the competencies and speed of your subordinates.
  3. When work on the task is completed, the employee will set the appropriate status. It will instantly appear at the customer’s disposal in the “ Ready for delivery”, and he will be able to accept the task or send it for revision.

The most interesting thing is that not a single task will be lost unless you delete it yourself. Those. even after a year or 2 you can find it among the completed tasks.

Thus, organizing order control is as easy as shelling pears in LeaderTask. Well, what about from the subordinate’s point of view?

How not to miss an order from your manager?

Of course, the heavy workload of employees can affect their attention and control of the manager’s instructions. But LeaderTask will not allow this to happen: thanks to synchronization!

As soon as the manager submits a new task, it will be displayed on the lock screen of the executor, be it iPhone or device based Android. Even on a watch running Android Wear And Apple Watch- for connoisseurs of these.

Even being extremely busy people, we still maintain the habit of looking at our smartphone screen once an hour, so it’s definitely not possible to miss an assignment. Watch a short video on how to control your tasks in LeaderTask:

How to organize control over the execution of orders with LeaderTask

For the system to work, you need to think about organizing control over the execution of orders. We have a couple of ideas (from our own experience) on how to implement this:

  1. Add to company rules requirement to set statuses for tasks.
  2. Send the mandatory condition there installing LeaderTask on smartphones.
  3. Your employees' smartphones must have permission to notifications from the service.

This is how easy it is to organize control over orders in your company. The manager will always know at what stage his task is, and the executor will not miss an assignment or lose a single file. And all - thanks to LeaderTask!

Most of the ways of organizing a business are built on the principles of subordination. And this implies the possibility of issuing orders and instructions from one employee to another. But setting a task is not enough - you need to monitor its implementation. And this is a whole system for monitoring the execution of orders.

From the article you will learn:

Whatever the responsible employee, if there is a regular lack of attention to his work on the part of the manager, he in any case “gives up slack.” And it’s not just a matter of laziness, or workload, or carelessness. Any motivation presupposes that the employee must feel interested in his work on the part of management. Otherwise, why make the effort, try to complete the task and benefit the company, if no one needs it anyway. Such reasoning kills sooner or later motivation even the most responsible workaholic. And lack of motivation leads to decreased efficiency and effectiveness of work.

Therefore, monitoring the work of subordinates is important not only for tracking the completion of tasks or reporting, but also for maintaining the general atmosphere in the team. And this directly affects the results of the business as a whole. Therefore, it is difficult to overestimate such a moment as control over the execution of orders. The question is how to set it up and implement it.

Monitoring the execution of instructions from the manager

Of course, you can only control specifically defined tasks where a measurable result is expected. The management system in place at most enterprises involves several levels of management (the larger the enterprise, the more levels there can be). Higher supervisor(sole executive body), as a rule, issues instructions or assigns tasks to middle management, then, depending on the number of levels, the task “floats” to the immediate executor. Or the executor is indicated in the administrative act itself, which formalizes the order. For example, such an act could be an order.

Thus, the assigned tasks should have the following characteristics:

  • have a description of the essence of the work that needs to be performed;
  • have a deadline for its completion;
  • have a specific performer or team of performers, which is clearly defined with names.

It is a fair saying that a correctly defined task is already half of what needs to be done to complete it. Therefore, you should not ignore the stage of setting tasks, issuing instructions and formulating a description of a specific job. This is important not only for ordinary employees who carry out company policy (they must clearly understand what exactly the company wants to see from them supervisor and in what time frame), but also for the manager himself, in order to have the right to control and ask about implementation.

You can set a task in different ways and, accordingly, document it too. For example, as we already mentioned, you can issue an order. It indicates all the characteristics of the task, the employee indicated in it by the executor gets acquainted with the order and from that moment it is considered that he has obligations to implement the order.

You can formalize the setting of tasks in the minutes of meetings, where employees sign that the “front of work” is clear to them, and they are familiar with the deadlines and essence. There are also written orders, resolutions and other ways of recording the issuance of instructions. Commercial organizations operate here either according to business customs, or somehow establishing the procedure for issuing orders and controlling them in local regulations. Of course, all company employees must be familiar with local regulations.

Once everything is clear with the setting of tasks, you can develop and think through control over the execution of documents and instructions.

Organization of control over the execution of orders

Some organizations do not develop a separate control system. It is carried out chaotically, as the need arises to check the completion of a particular task, when its result becomes necessary. Some instructions remain uncontrolled, and the manager himself determines which tasks to control and how, and in which issues to trust the employee and rely on his decency and conscience.

But large enterprises, where productivity and profit depend on the mistakes of each individual employee, sooner or later come to understand the importance of an integrated approach to control. And the question arises, which organization of control over the execution of orders will be optimal.

Of course, few people now build a system manually, using order registration cards. Even the simplest office equipment allows you to somehow optimize these processes. Even built-in familiar programs make it possible to simplify control over the execution of orders - Excel, for example. All issued orders and assigned tasks are entered into the table, deadlines, performers are indicated, and notes are made on completion or non-fulfillment.

Read also:

  • Organization of control over the execution of documents (instructions)

With the help of in-house programmers, a special program can be developed at the enterprise, and control of the execution of orders is then carried out with its help. This method is good when there are appropriate resources for software development and it is necessary to take into account the specific aspects of this particular organization.

Certain elements of control (for example, tracking the implementation of orders issued by orders) can be built into the organization's electronic document management system. Where, at a certain stage of the document’s movement, it will be clearly visible what the deadline for its execution is and the fact of its execution.

Control over the execution of documents and orders can also be monitored using reporting.

Those. when the fact of completing a task is reported to the manager by the performers themselves. How to build such reporting is a question for the organization’s management. These can be regular or periodic reports; they can be compiled at the level of a department or a larger structural unit (management, department, for example). It all depends on the number of tasks and assignments, on how many employees are constantly involved in the process execution of orders, how important the instructions themselves are.

Control over the execution of orders can be built using specialized computer programs. They were created with the ability to adapt to the tasks of a specific legal entity and can be adapted according to it. The advantages of using software are obvious - automation of processes, full coverage of all completed tasks, elimination of the “human factor”, etc. But there are also disadvantages. In addition to the financial costs of purchasing, optimizing and installing such software, it is necessary to train employees to use it and include the maximum number of performers and managers in this process. This is due to the fact that such programs still need to be mastered. This means spending time on training, developing manuals, issuing local regulations on the process of working with such software, and money on maintaining a support service and maintaining such software. Often, separate instructions are developed for the execution and control of orders. Here, each organization chooses its own acceptable price-quality combination.

Types of control

Tracking the completion of orders can go in different ways. There are two types:

The first type of control is carried out by someone who can fully assess how correctly, correctly, and to the maximum extent the task has been completed. This is, as a rule, the performer’s immediate supervisor who understands the issues.

The second type of control is rather formal, where only the fact of completing an order on time or in violation of the deadline is monitored. This work can be entrusted to employees who do not have in-depth knowledge of the essence of the task.

Instructions for execution and control of orders

A system for monitoring the execution of orders, if it is developed in an organization, must be recorded somewhere. As a rule, this is a local regulatory act that describes the processes of setting tasks in the company, recording these tasks and procedures for monitoring the results of their implementation. It may specify various intermediate stages of completing the order, reporting responsibilities of employees, etc. Of course, there are no ready-made forms for such documents, because Each legal entity is unique, and all systems and processes are adjusted to its specifics.

Some enterprises allocate a special staff unit to perform functions of tracking the tasks set by management. She is often called “inspector”; a job description for the inspector for the execution and control of orders is developed for her.

But it is quite possible to perform such functionality when combined with other work (if, of course, the actual volume of assignments and tasks allows).

It is important to recall one more aspect of control. According to labor legislation, it is possible to hold an employee accountable for improper performance of his duties only if these facts are recorded. A well-built system for monitoring the execution of orders will make it possible to clearly identify all the facts of proper and improper execution of tasks by a specific employee. Therefore, if there is a need to punish, the evidence base will actually be collected. This also applies to the reverse situation, when evidence will exist to reward an employee. Therefore, it would be wrong to neglect and leave to chance such a large layer of work to monitor the results of issued instructions.