Basic Internet terms - web programmer's blog. Network jargon Explanatory dictionary of Internet terms

The Internet, a huge information base, is a complex structure of physical and logical objects. The Internet, by definition, is a network of networks that communicate with each other through the exchange of data packets. Below are the basic terms and key concepts of the Internet.

List of Internet terminologies

Internet design and structure terms

Here is a list of terms related to the structure and design of the Internet.

Stands for Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. The Internet prototype developed by the United States Department of Defense in 1969, which became the world's first network. The Internet is the successor to the ARPANET.

Internet provider

A company that provides users with access to the Internet, as an Internet service provider or Internet access provider. An Internet service provider that offers email and other services such as remote file storage to its customers.

OSI model

interaction of open systems. The model is used to describe layered communication and design of network protocols from the network. It consists of seven layers, each of which performs specific functions and provides layers above it with certain services.

Internet Protocol Suite

It is a set of communication protocols that are used for the Internet. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP) were two pioneer protocols that were introduced in the Internet Protocol standard. The Internet protocol suite consists of many layers, with; each layer provides services to the layers in the top set. The upper layers deal with abstract data, and the lower protocols translate the data into physically transferable forms.

A point-to-point protocol (PPP) is a data transfer protocol that facilitates the establishment of direct communication between two nodes in a network.

IP address

This is a way to identify a person on a computer network. The original addressing system, known as IPv4, uses 32-bit addresses. With the growth of the Internet, IPv6 began to use addresses consisting of 128 bits.

MAC address

media access control (MAC) address, a hexadecimal physical address assigned to each device on a network.

Domain Name System

DNS, as it is also called, refers to the hierarchical naming system used for computers, resources, and services on the Internet. It translates computer hostnames into IP addresses..31.196.33. With the help of DNS, domain names can be assigned to Internet users.


This term, coined by William Gibson, is used to refer to computer networks that are interconnected. It is often used to refer to the Internet.

It is a collection of interrelated documents that are accessible via the Internet. It consists of millions of web pages containing text, images, voices and videos.

This is the acronym used for the World Wide Web Consortium, which develops standards for web communities.


A website is a collection of web pages consisting of text, audio and video.

Determines the location of a resource on the Internet.

Web page

Web pages are information resources. They are usually created in HTML format and provide Internet users with navigational capabilities through hyperlinks to other web pages on the Internet.


The term home page is used to refer to the main page of a website.

Proxy server

A client is a machine that connects over a network to a server, which routes client requests to other servers and returns responses for clients.

Web Server

A web server is a computer program that accepts HTTP requests from web clients and provides them with HTTP responses.

Web browser

A web browser is a software application that facilitates user interaction with text, audio, video and other information found on the Internet.

Web browsers maintain a cache of recently visited web pages. Some of them use an external web cache proxy, which is a server program through which web requests pass. This allows browsers to cache frequently visited pages. Search engines also have a cache of already indexed web pages.

Hypertext Transfer Protocol is a communication protocol for transmitting information over the Internet. The client makes an HTTP request using a web browser, which sends an HTTP response from the server.

Web Cookie

Also known as a cookie, it is a piece of text exchanged between web clients and a web server. Mainly used for user identification.


This is the exchange of information between a computer and its user. Set, for a certain period of time, after which it ends.

It is used to describe changes in WWW technology and web design. The term deals with the idea of ​​developing interactivity and coherence in web content.

Internet Security

This is one of the main issues of concern today. Since the Internet acts as a communication platform that can be accessed by millions of users around the world, it becomes necessary to take proper security measures.

Internet as a communication platform

The Internet acts as one of the most effective means of communication. Computers from different parts of the world can be connected to each other to exchange information, thanks to the Internet. Emails and chats are a great way to communicate over the Internet. Blogs and online forums give Internet users a platform to reach the masses. Here is a list of basic Internet terms related to the Internet as a communication platform.


It is a platform for writing, sending and receiving written messages. Electronic mail is an Internet-based email system that uses network protocols to exchange messages between network subsystems.

Email address

It identifies a network resource to which the message can be delivered. An email address is a combination of a user's mail login and the mail system hostname. It has the form, "username@domainname". The email alias is the forwarding address. It simply forwards emails to specific email addresses.


These are fraudulent acts of obtaining confidential information through the use of false identities during electronic communications. It is implemented through emails and instant messages in which the user is lured to a fraudulent site so that he enters his details there.


Hacking is the act of gaining programmatically unauthorized access to a computer that is otherwise inaccessible. Hacking of passwords leading to violation of email confidentiality is a threat to communication over the Internet. Internet crimes refer to criminal activities that are carried out over the Internet.

With the increasing use of the email system, its security needs have also increased. Fraudsters have begun manipulating email systems to compromise security.

Email virus

This is computer code that is sent via email as an attachment. An email attachment may corrupt some files on your computer's hard drive or contacts in the recipient's address book.

Mail client

It is also known as mail user agent (MUA). An email client is a computer program or agent that acts as a client for a mail server.

Mail server

Also called the Mail Transfer Agent (MTA), it is responsible for accepting incoming email messages from local users and forwarding outgoing mail for delivery. The mail server is at the center of the messaging system, which performs all the functions to send mail over the network.

rotocol SMTP

A short, simple email transfer protocol, SMTP is the standard protocol for transmitting emails. Email server software uses the SMTP protocol to send and receive email messages. The ESMTP protocol, which is called Extended or Extended SMTP Protocol, refers to the SMTP Extension Protocol and is widely used today.

POP3 protocol

The POP3 protocol is a standard Internet application protocol. It is used to receive mail from a remote server.

IMAP protocol

Internet Message Access Protocol is another Internet protocol standard used for searching emails.

Internet chat

This is real-time chat or synchronous conferencing, which is used for group communication, as well as one-to-one communication over the Internet. Jarkko Oikarinen, from the University of Oulu, is the developer of the first Internet chat network. He developed client and server programs for relayed Internet chat in August 1988.

Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line, abbreviated as ADSL, is used to transmit digital information using high bandwidth on existing telephone lines. ADSL technology is characterized by high download speed and low level loads.

This means connecting to the Internet using copper telephone lines and a modem. Dial-up connections are capable of transmitting information from the client at a very slow speed of about 56 Kbps.


It is a device that modulates analog carrier signals to encode digital information and demodulates carrier signals to decode information. A cable modem provides access to data, signals are transmitted through the cable of the television infrastructure. Modems are commonly used to facilitate Internet access.

Communication channel capacity

This is the data that can be transferred between two points in a given period of time. It is expressed in the number of bits per second. And popularly known as Bitrate.


Blogs are an expression of the general public about social or political issues, or just anything. Blogs can be in the form of creative works by writers from different parts of the world.

Internet forum

This is a bulletin board that serves as a platform for group discussion. Registered users can freely contribute to issues raised in the forums, thereby making them open discussion forums.

Usenet (user network)

Usenet can be thought of as the World's Bulletin Board. Usenet newsgroups serve as a repository for messages from users around the world.

Internet as a search platform

The Internet, which contains a sea of ​​information, has also become an excellent platform for searching for information. The Internet operates search engines that crawl and index web pages, organize information, and link to it. Here is a list of Internet terms related to the Internet as a search platform.

Internet search engine

It is an information retrieval system that is designed to help you find information on the Internet. Search engines use algorithms to crawl the vast information base from the Internet and sort it, making it retrievable for web users.

Search robots (Web Crawler)

Popularly known as spiders, web crawlers scan the World Wide Web in an automated manner. Search engines use these technologies to index pages on the Internet.

Search Engine Optimization

It is the process of organizing website content to increase its relevance to keywords and search engines. The optimization process involves editing website content and HTML layout to support search engine ranking and indexing strategies.

Internet bookmarks

Modern Internet browsers aim to allow users to organize web pages for quick access. Pages once visited can be saved to Favorites or a specific category. Bookmarks are usually integrated into browsers. Social bookmarking is a method used by Internet users to store and manage web pages.

Web directories

Other terms


A router connects two or more logical subnets and performs routing and information forwarding functions.


These are relatively small private networks that use Internet and connection protocols. They are an extension of the Internet and are privately owned by the organizations that use them.


It is a private network that uses Internet technology to share business information and transactions with suppliers and customers. This may be part of a corporate network, providing access to users outside the company.

Virtual private network

This is a private network that allows information to be exchanged between computers over a shared or public network.

Wireless network communication

This is computer networking equipment that operates over a wireless network.

Broadband Internet access

A broadband internet connection provides users with high-speed internet access.

Dial-up Internet

This type of Internet access in which computer users are connected through a modem connected to a telephone line. Dial-up Internet access involves a modem that dials up to your Internet service provider to establish a connection.

Satellite Internet

An Internet service that uses satellite communications is called satellite Internet. They are used in places that are movable.

Some funny and interesting Internet terms

Google it

Google's search engine is the most widely used, and this has made the word "Google" synonymous with Internet searches. Searching the Internet using the Google search engine has become known as “Googling.”


If text is copied from one place and pasted into another, it is called copypasta. In such cases the source is often unknown.

Internet surfer

Web users who search the Internet fall under the class of egosurfers!


This term refers to the principles of politeness and consideration for people over the Internet. He refers to certain basic principles that should be observed when using the Internet.

Users who search the Internet using every possible means, sometimes even risking Internet security, are known as trashers.


Trolls are users who try to provoke other users, write unnecessary, useless messages, imitate other users' posts and profiles, and argue with others.


A person who is addicted to watching videos on the Internet is called a YouTuber.

This was an overview of the main Internet terms and terminologies. I am confident that understanding Internet terminologies will add value to your knowledge.

Every Internet user often encounters unfamiliar terms whose meaning they really want to know. The meaning of new words can be found using queries in search engines, but doing this every time is inconvenient, and if you don’t save it or remember it, you’ll have to turn to the PS again. Wouldn't it be easier to collect the most important terms somewhere in one place and all at once? After some thought, I decided to create a page on the site with a glossary (dictionary) - a brief explanation of terms, thereby giving readers the opportunity to find terms by saving this page of my site in their browser bookmarks or on their computer. Don’t let experienced webmasters and users be confused by some simple terms that the most uninitiated user should know: there are and will always be “green” users on the Internet, for whom deciphering even a very simple term may also be necessary. Over time, as I edit a post, I envision adding new terms, compiling and adding them in alphabetical order. Please come in and use it! So, I grant

Glossary of basic Internet terms

What is an Account?

Account - an account in the system database containing information about users (user account) and system objects. An account can be created both for system users and for visitors - guests; such an account is called a guest account. Sometimes an account is understood as the system user name (login) and its password.

What is a Banner?

What is Banner Advertising?

What is a Web Service?

Web service - services that are provided on the Internet using special programs. Common services include: search engine, web hosting, web mail, storing various information on the Internet, calendar, etc.

What is Web Design?

Web design - design of web pages. Web design often means not only the creation of graphic elements for a website, but also the design of its structure and navigation.

What is a Web Page?

A web page is a logical unit of the Internet, uniquely identified by an address (see URL).

What is GIF?

Gif is the most common graphic format on the Internet. It is most popular for creating banners, as it allows you to create animation, transparent areas, and interline loading. This format has a good compression algorithm and allows you to create fairly compact graphics.

What is a Domain?

Domain - (from the English domain - region, territory) - a code designation for a certain area of ​​Internet participants, allocated by international agreement to each country. Domains come in several levels, starting with the first. There are several first-level domains associated not with geography, but with the focus of the site - for example, .com for commercial, .org for non-profit, .edu for educational organizations. A top level domain is also called a "zone". The owner of a second-level domain has the opportunity to create an unlimited number of addresses of the third and further levels.

What are Default Banners?

Default banners are banners used by the system by default. They cannot be targeted. Default banners are shown by the system in cases where none of the banners in scenarios with customized targeting can be selected.

What is Dynamic Allocation?

Dynamic placement is a placement in which the customer’s advertising media are displayed on advertising spaces on the site in turn with other advertising media.

What is Jpeg (JPG)?

Jpeg (JPG) is the second most popular (after Gif) graphic format on the Internet. Is a good choice for photographic images. Jpg compresses well and allows up to 16 million colors.

What is a Site Zone?

Site zone - (in the BANNER.UA system) a page or group of pages of one site, united according to some logical criterion, most often by topic and/or traffic.

What is Page Zone?

Page zone - (in the BANNER.UA system) the position of the banner on the page, described in the HTML code of the banner. Three zones of the page are defined: top, middle and bottom.

What is a Publisher, Web Publisher?

What is a Banner Click?

Click on the banner - pressing the left mouse button, with the cursor first positioned on the banner.

What is a Picture?

A picture is a graphic element of a web page. The most accepted formats on the Internet are gif and jpeg. There is also the animated gif format, which allows you to use animated pictures on the Internet - simple animations of several frames.

What is Media?

Media - (from the English media) - information space. The media environment includes newspapers, television, radio, information (advertising) billboards on roads, etc., including the Internet.

What is Media Research?

Media research is research aimed at studying the information space, its audience, size and socio-demographic characteristics.

What is Media Planning?

What is Media Buying?

What is Cheat?

Cheating is incorrect actions of site owners (or banner creators) aimed at increasing counter indicators.

What is a Plugin?

Plugin - (from the English Plug-in) - an additionally connected software module. If you do not have the required plugin installed, the program will usually automatically prompt you to install it. In particular, plugins are used by web browsers to demonstrate rich-media components of a web page, sites for functional additions, etc. One of the most popular plugins for browsers is Macromedia Flash Player.

What is a Show?

What is a Provider?

Provider - (from the English Internet Service Provider - ISP) - a company that provides Internet access services and, possibly, other services, such as hosting, e-mail, etc.

What is an Advertising Agency?

What is an Advertiser?

What is an Advertising Campaign?

What is an Advertising Platform?

What is an Advertising Space?

What is an Advertising Network?

What is a Site?

A website is a collection of web pages, united by semantic and informational content, having one domain name.

What is a Counter?

The counter is a service designed to measure website traffic (website traffic).
Typically the counter consists of two parts:
The code that is placed on the pages of participating sites to collect data,
A program that calculates the information received and presents it in the form of statistical reports.
Counters are often used as an audit of their own statistics for advertisers.

What is a Profile?

Profile - a set of targeting settings for one or a group of banners.

What is a Script?

A script is usually a text file containing a list of commands that can be executed in order to achieve a particular task. A classic example of a script is a system file like autoexec.bat.
Scripts in Javascript and Visual Basic Script allow you to add elements of interactivity to web pages and banners.
Scripts can also be used by the server to dynamically create pages.

What is a Server?

Server is a term used in three different meanings:
Same as the website.
The computer that powers the website.
The main program that powers the website.
The main task of the server is to transfer website pages to the browser via the HTTP protocol. If necessary, the server runs scripts to dynamically create site pages. Server actions are usually logged (recorded in a log) and serve as the basis for calculating site statistics.

What is Static Placement?

What is a Banner Exchange Network?

What are Site Statistics?

Site statistics - statistical data on the basis of which the conduct of certain promotions carried out on the site is assessed.

What are Advertising Campaign Statistics?

What is CPM advertising pricing?

What is CPC?

CPC - (from the English Cost Per Click) - cost per click of a banner.

What is a CPA?

CPA - (from the English Cost Per Action) - the price for an action performed by a visitor to an advertising platform, for example, for registering on the advertiser’s website.

What is CPS?

CPS - (from the English Cost Per Sale) - sales price, that is, the percentage of services sold received by the advertising platform through the link from which the advertiser made a sale.

What is CPU?

CPU - (from the English Cost Per Click) - the cost per click on a banner by a unique user.

What is Site Traffic?

Website traffic is the number of visitors to a website (or a specific page) per unit of time (day, month, etc.).
A unique user, a unique visitor is an Internet user whose computer can be uniquely identified by the system. It should be taken into account that there are no and cannot be ways to unambiguously measure the number of unique visitors (physically different people) on the Internet.
Typically, IP and/or Cookies are used to estimate the number of "unique visitors".

What is Hit?

Hit - see show.

What is Cache?

Cache is a data buffer used to speed up information exchange. In particular, most modern browsers save pages and their elements downloaded from the Internet for faster re-access to them. The user, as a rule, has the opportunity to increase or decrease the amount of disk memory allocated for caching, as well as clear the cache.

What is CTR?

CTR - (from the English Click/Through Ratio) - the ratio of the number of clicks on a banner to the number of its impressions (in percentage). CTR is an indicator of the effectiveness of an advertising campaign.

What are Cookies?

Cookies are data with which the web server marks the user's browser when visiting a page.

If the User believes that the use of cookie technology is contrary to his interests, he has the opportunity to prevent the storage of cookies on his computer by setting his browser accordingly.

What is Macromedia Flash?

Macromedia Flash is a technology for web animation and interactive content creation. It is used to create animated screensavers, web games, interactive website elements, etc.

What is FTP?

FTP - (from the English File Transfer Protocol) - a protocol designed for transferring files on the Internet.

What is HTML?

HTML - (English abbreviated HyperText Markup Language) - markup language for hypertext documents. All web pages are made in HTML.

What is HTTP?

HTTP - (from the English Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) - a protocol originally intended for transferring data in the form of HTML. Also, can be used to transmit any type of data.

What is IP?

IP is the unique address of a computer connected to the Internet. Based on IP addresses, you can estimate the geography of your audience.

What is Rich media?

Rich media is a technology for producing advertising materials. Literally translated from English as “rich” or “enriched” information medium. Examples of rich media components of the Internet include Macromedia Flash, Real Audio, Real Video, etc.

What is a URL?

URL - (from the English Universal Resource Locator) - the address of a web page (see web page) on the Internet. A URL consists of a domain name (see domain), the path to the page on the site, and the file name of the page.

Copywriter's Dictionary

A paragraph is a method of stylistic design of text that, by indenting a red line to the right, divides the text into logical parts.

Analytical genre is a way of presenting material that contains analysis, final generalizations, historical information, economic and other explanations intended to establish cause-and-effect relationships, conclusions and assessments. In fact, this is the answer to the question “Why?”

Abstract – a brief summary of information in the form of characteristics about the subject of coverage (article, magazine, etc.).

Announcement – ​​1) highlighting at the beginning of the text the main “impact” thought, which is reflected in the material presented; 2) an advertising message about an upcoming event.

Entrefile is a small article or note in the media, which usually has neither a title nor a signature, and acts as a type of commercial propaganda for a particular company, its products and services.

A blog is a personal diary on the Internet in which the author regularly posts information of interest to him, as well as personal experiences, comments and observations.

A blogger is a person who, on a professional or amateur basis, is engaged in maintaining and maintaining a blog.

Brief – 1) a special template containing certain questions, the answers to which allow you to clearly understand the essence of the technical task; 2) a brief and systematized set of various information and data.

A brochure is a printed book publication that has no more than 48 pages of text, connected to each other using sewing with a paper clip or thread.

A booklet is one of the types of image printed advertising, which is initially printed on one sheet, then folded and easily read without the need for cutting.

Background is information that can be used without the need to specify the source.

Information owner is a person who has certain information, as well as the rights to use it.

Proofreading - checking the text for the presence of spelling, stylistic errors, as well as compliance with ethics and norms of speech culture.

A newspaper is a periodical printed publication that covers the latest news events, as well as thematic materials.

Digest is a short version of a printed periodical, literary work, or other detailed information.

A motto is a short phrase that reflects the main advertising idea, corporate mission or political slogan.

Disinformation is the dissemination of deliberately false information and data for specific purposes.

Description - (English - description - description) - tag — contains a short description of the content of the web page. Used by search engines to compile brief description pages when displaying search results. The optimal length is 150-200 characters.

“Yellow Press” is a print media with large circulations that specializes in publishing sensational materials, as well as disseminating conjectures, unverified facts and contradictory rumors.

A magazine is a periodical printed publication in the form of a book.

A journalist is a person involved in the selection, editing and preparation for publication of various materials, who is associated with official labor relations with periodical media.

Journalism is a type of activity that is associated with obtaining, processing, analyzing and disseminating information that is important and useful from a social point of view.

Title – the title of the work and its individual component parts.

Request for information is one of the official methods of obtaining information received from a direct source.

A publisher is a subject who is a kind of intermediary between the author and the final reader. He searches for the author, edits the source material, selects illustrations and directly prints the finished material.

A publishing house is an official legal entity that is engaged in the preparation and release of printed materials.

Isography is the exact reproduction of written characters and handwriting by facsimile.

Illustration – supplying text material with photographs, drawings, symbols, graphs, diagrams and other images.

Intellectual property is the rights that relate to literary works of authorship, scientific developments and achievements, copyright projects, proprietary values ​​and other results of intellectual activity.

Interview is a conversation between a journalist and a person for a specific purpose. printed edition or other information carrier.

Information letter is an informational and advertising message written on company letterhead and addressed to a specific person or organization.

Information law is a set of rules governing the legal relations of the state, individuals and legal entities with the media and other structures that possess certain information.

Information genre is a way of presenting material that highlights specific facts, events, situations, and also answers the questions “Who?”, “What?”, “Where?” and “When?”

Information market is a collection of media and other information in a specific region or state that offer consumers an information product, segmented by various areas knowledge and thematic areas.

Information – information and data about persons, facts, events, objects and other phenomena, regardless of the form of their provision.

Infotainment is the so-called “information entertainment”, when a journalist covers specific events and facts in an entertaining way.

Source of information – individual, who, due to his official position and professional knowledge, has the information of interest. These may also include official statistics, available databases, and sources.

Keywords - (English keywords - keywords) - tag contains a list of keywords that are used on a web page. The optimal length is up to 250 characters.

A cliché is a phrase that was considered original some time ago, but the relevance of its use has been lost with the frequency of its use.

Keywords are words on the basis of which search engine robots search for information according to specified criteria.

Footer – an inscription (heading) that is placed on each page above the main text.

Conversion is the transformation of the target website visitor into a client and buyer.

Content – ​​information content of a website.

Confidential information – information that is provided with the condition of its subsequent non-disclosure.

Copy-paste is a method of creating text by copying and pasting quotes from other sources.

Proofreading is a set of measures aimed at correcting errors.

Creativity is creativity based on a non-standard and original presentation of one’s own talent.

Lemmatization is the process of finding the initial form of a word based on its word form.

A strip is a printed advertisement in a newspaper, which is located in the form of a low basement across the entire width of the strip.

Lead is the first paragraph of an article, which is a short excursion to the main part and reflects the main idea of ​​the entire text.

A logo is a company's trademark that distinguishes it from others.

Mass media is a classic synonym for the expression “mass media”.

A moderator is a specialist who monitors users’ compliance with the rules of work, stay on the site, and the placement of information materials on it.

Moderation is the exercise of control over compliance with the rules of work, presence on the site, as well as the placement of information materials on it.

Typing is a manual operation of arranging printed characters.

Naming is the development of a company or product name.

RSS news feed – information containing a list of updated information on a specific resource.

News is fresh information about certain events that was previously unknown and not covered anywhere.

A newsmaker is a person who, through his activities and persona, attracts increased attention from the media.

A review is a condensed message about phenomena that are united by a common theme.

Feedback is a natural or specially organized reaction of the target audience to the information provided.

An essay is a short literary work that describes facts of life.

Plagiarism is the presentation of someone else’s work as one’s own, as well as the use (even partial) of materials from other authors without citing them.

Keyword density is an indicator that determines the ratio of the keyword to the total number of words in the text (expressed as a percentage).

A page is a page of printed material on which the material is arranged.

Portfolio – samples of work.

Postscript is a postscript to already completed and signed text material.

Press kit – additional text and illustrative materials that are added to the press release.

Press release is an information message for the media, on the basis of which a publication is prepared.

The Pyramid principle is a type of text construction, on the basis of which the main idea is placed at the very top of the text. The rest of the material is placed below it depending on its importance.

A spread is two adjacent pages of a periodical or book that are in the same plane.

Editing is a set of actions that is aimed at preparing text material for printing and includes correcting spelling and stylistic flaws.

Relevance is the degree to which a document matches a specific search query.

Relevant text is text that matches search queries.

Semantics is a field of knowledge aimed at studying the meanings of words.

The semantic core is a set of keywords and phrases that most accurately define the scope of the company’s activities, its products and services.

A slogan is a short phrase that expresses the main advertising idea.

SEO-Copywriting is a text prepared for subsequent posting on the network, which is compiled with the special use of a specific list of keywords.

A speechwriter is a specialist who composes texts for speeches by famous and authoritative personalities.

Aging of information – loss of relevance of information, inconsistency with the current moment in time.

An article is an informational text with a certain thematic focus that reveals a specific specific issue.

Writing style is a set of lexical and stylistic means that are used by the author when writing texts.

Title - (English title - title, title) - the text component of a web page, which in a condensed form characterizes its content. The title is displayed in the title bar of the browser window, which opens the required web page. In more scientific terms, tag is of great importance: 1) it communicates the topic of the page and attracts the attention of search robots; 2) this is a text title that appears on the search results page as a hyperlink; 3) text used when bookmarking pages when adding the selected page to the list of preferences. The optimal length is 50-80 characters.</p> <p>A text is a collection of sentences that are united into one by a common theme and main idea.</p> <p>A text writer is a specialist in writing texts.</p> <p>A feature article is an article that is dedicated to a specific topic.</p> <p>Text fatigue is a numerical indicator that determines the degree to which a text is spammed with keywords. <br><b>U</b></p> <p>Uniqueness of the text - a text is usually called unique in the case when search engines, in response to a request, do not produce absolutely identical texts posted earlier. <br><b>C</b></p> <p>Target audience is a set of potential consumers who are most likely able to purchase the advertised product or use the service offered.</p> <h2><span>Internet slang</span></h2> <p><b>Slang</b>- this is a set of specific, special words, or already existing words that are used in various human deprivations. According to some scholars, "slang" is just a synonym for the word "jargon." Sometimes, the use of slang is simply necessary, since slang is a “tool” with the help of which the meaning of a phrase becomes more expressive and emotional.</p> <p>Bathhouse – header or header (from the English “banner”)</p> <p>Flea – proofreading in the text</p> <p>Bullets – “shock elements” in the form of a bulleted list (from the English “bullet” - bullet)</p> <p>Sculpt - do something</p> <p>VIZD is the Russian analogue of the AIDA formula abbreviation</p> <p>VM – web master</p> <p>Water – vague (unspecific) information in the text</p> <p>To sell (sell) - to convince of something</p> <p>Exhaust is an effective component of texts</p> <p>Nail - percussion material in the text</p> <p>Shit site (GS) is a website on the pages of which shit texts are posted (see definition below)</p> <p>Shit text - a set of awkward words for putting in the necessary keywords for the purpose of publication on the pages of shit sites</p> <p>Gur - a derisive plural form of the word "guru"</p> <p>Thickness - the main content of the text</p> <p>Deadline – the time by which the finished text must be sent to the customer</p> <p>Designer - designer</p> <p>Jeans - a custom article containing veiled advertising</p> <p>Zhurik – abbreviated as “journalist”</p> <p>Zavlekuha (Zamanukha) – the “shock” moment of the text</p> <p>Zach is a shortened version of the word "customer"</p> <p>Sharpening - adaptation of a website and its component elements to search queries</p> <p>ZY – postscript (Russian “P.S.” layout on the keyboard)</p> <p>Zyu is a trademark</p> <p>IMHO – “in my humble opinion”</p> <p>Source – original text or material</p> <p>Kilosign – 1000 printed characters</p> <p>Brick – a large article</p> <p>Keys (Keywords) – keywords</p> <p>Cop – abbreviated as “copywriter”</p> <p>The breadwinner is the customer who provides the copywriter with a significant portion of his income.</p> <p>KP – commercial offer</p> <p>Treat – explain something to the customer or reader in an accessible and convincing way</p> <p>Leasing – licking envelopes when sending texts by mail</p> <p>Liam - engage in copying other people's materials</p> <p>A blunder is an accidental mistake or typo.</p> <p>Marketing - the process of gluing stamps on envelopes when organizing mailings</p> <p>Moder is a shortened version of the word "moderator"</p> <p>Muzzle – the main page of the site</p> <p>Carrot - the main idea of ​​the text</p> <p>Ants – WebMoney</p> <p>Imperfect – great analytical material</p> <p>Trimming is the process of shortening text.</p> <p>Hilling (Empowerment) – persuasion</p> <p>PR (PR) – write a PR text</p> <p>Pictura - a picture that is attached to the advertising text</p> <p>Basement - the bottom of a newspaper page</p> <p>Gadget - a special effect, some kind of “trick” in the text</p> <p>Salesman – selling text</p> <p>The Ghost is an unknown writer who works for a more established and popular author.</p> <p>Fish (Yba) – ready-made text template, blank</p> <p>SDL – a site for people</p> <p>Solidol is a respectable customer</p> <p>Textodrom - copywriting exchange</p> <p>The body is the main part of the text without a title or subtitle. If the text is advertising, also without a block with a sale price and a call to action.</p> <p>TK – <a href="">terms of reference</a> for the project</p> <p>Unique is a shortened version of the word uniqueness.</p> <p>Fenka – false information</p> <p>Feature (feature) – a coup, USP, main benefit</p> <p>Flashlight - a stressed letter in a word (usually stands out from the rest)</p> <p>Hamster - home page</p> <p>Attic - the top of the newspaper page</p> <p>Shkolneg – a beginner copywriter (mostly a schoolboy)</p> <p>Shriftets is a diminutive version of the word “font”</p> <p>Stamp No. 8 – announcements in the style of “The organization offers...” or “Attention to organizations and individuals”</p> <p>Use (use) – use</p> <p>POISON – Yandex-Money</p> <p><u><b>Everything starts with the letter A</b> </u></p> <p><u><b>Everything starts with the letter B</b> </u></p> <ul><li><b>Bug</b>- error, error in the program. From (from the English bug) beetle, insect. The electronic tubes of large and ancient EBMs often burned out due to beetles and moths flying into the light and warmth, and the machine failed. So they began to blame all the mistakes on the beetles...</li> <li><b>Byte</b>- 8 bits, unit of measurement of the amount of information. Same as “bit”, only 8 times larger. There are also the following units of measurement: kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, terabyte, petabyte, exabyte.</li> <li><b>Ban,</b> send to the bathhouse - deprive of access rights to something, for example, to a forum.</li> <li><b>Banner</b>- an advertising image of a fixed size, usually containing animation, which acts as a hyperlink to one or another Internet resource.</li> <li><b>Bath attendant</b>- a person who makes banners.</li> <li><b>Browser</b>(browser) is a special client program designed to view the content of web sites and display HTML documents.</li> <li><b>loaf</b>- any key on the keyboard (example: trample loaves) (from the English Button).</li> <li><b>Backup</b>- make backup.</li> <li><b>Bebeska,</b> BiBizba, Bibisa, BibisIna, BibiEsina, BorDA, Biba - BBS (bulleten board system), bulletin board from the times of FIDO, the prototype of modern sites.</li> <li><b>Bit</b>- the minimum unit of measurement of information (0 or 1).</li> <li><b>Blank</b>- CD.</li> <li><b>Action</b>- browser or computer game.</li> </ul><p><u><b>Everything starts with the letter B</b> </u></p> <ul><li><b>Varese</b>- free, “pirated” software (from the English Ware - products).</li> <li><b>Winda,</b> Vindovoz is the same as Mazda.</li> <li><b>Screw,</b> broom - hard drive, hard drive.</li> <li><b>Rope</b>- wire, cable, channel of connections to the Network.</li> </ul><p><u><b>Everything starts with the letter G</b> </u></p> <ul><li><b>Gamer</b>- a person who cannot imagine himself without toys. To be nasty is to play.</li> <li><b>Guestbook</b>- guest book (from English Guestbook). Guest book - a section of a website equipped with a special interactive form, with the help of which visitors of a given website can leave their wishes and suggestions to the developer to us or to the owners of the product.</li> <li><b>Glitch</b>- an incomprehensible glitch in the program (if it repeats, then this is already a bug). It's buggy - it works with errors.</li> <li><b>Gig</b>- the same as “meg”, only 1024 times more.</li> <li><b>Gifetz</b>- familiar from GIF.</li> <li><b>Bang</b>- delete something, erase something from the disk.</li> <li><b>Guru</b>- a respected person, an experienced master.</li> </ul><p><u><b>Everything starts with D</b> </u></p> <ul><li><b>Dunload</b>(download) - the process of copying files from a remote network computer (server) to the calling computer (client). In common technical jargon, this procedure is sometimes called “downloading.”</li> <li><b>Tree</b>- directory layout structure.</li> <li><b>Defaults</b>- default values.</li> <li><b>Directory</b>- a folder (and not a colony, as one might think).</li> <li><b>Domain</b>- this is usually what is called an articulate address on the Internet. (Take Here “.ru” is the first-level domain, “.design” is the second, “www” is the third).</li> <li><b>Firewood</b>- drivers.</li> <li><b>Driver</b>- a program that controls any external or internal computer device (scanner, mouse, keyboard, disk drive...). The driver is an intermediate link between the hardware (device) and the operating system. Having changed or added a device, you need to change or install its driver and the operating system and programs can work with this device. There is no need to change the program or operating system.</li> </ul><p><u><b>Everything starting with the letter Z, Z</b> </u></p> <ul><li><b>Iron</b>(hardware) - the filling of a computer (processor, hard drive, memory).</li> <li>Zlob packed - an archive packed first with tar and then with gzip.</li> <li>Upload - upload the file to the server.</li> <li>Release - officially release a finished software product.</li> <li>Save - save (from the English Save).</li> <li>Install - install the program or set the system configuration. (from English setup)</li> <li>Zip - use the zip archiver.</li> <li>PS - post scriptum (afterword). It’s just that on the keyboard the letters Z and Y are located in the same place as P and S. Too lazy to change the layout... (from English P.S. abbreviation for Post Scriptum)</li> </ul><p><u><b>Everything starts with the letter I</b> </u></p> <ul><li>UPS (UPS) is an uninterruptible power supply (protects the computer from power failures and unexpected power outages). It has a rechargeable battery designed to operate from several minutes to several hours when the mains voltage of 220 V is turned off.</li> <li>Ignore is an abbreviation for the word “ignore”, a special program procedure for dealing with individual chatlans or forum members, when applied, messages do not reach the addressee. Ignoring can be private or general (total).</li> <li>IE, IE - Internet Explorer, a browser from Microsoft.</li> <li>IMHO - “in my humble opinion” - (from the English In My Humble Opinion). By expressing this phrase, a person expresses his opinion, trying not to offend anyone, as well as the True Opinion You can’t dispute it (depending on the situation).</li> <li>Installation - installing the program on the computer. Programs are distributed in a distribution - a kind of packaging. Most programs require installation before starting work. At the same time, they copy the necessary files to the computer’s hard drive and register in the operating system.</li> <li>Iskalka is a search engine (eg Yandex).</li> </ul><p><u><b>Everything starting with the letter K</b> </u></p> <ul><li>Stone is a processor.</li> <li>Quoting - quoting (from the English quote).</li> <li>Kilo, Kb, Kb - kilobyte. KiO" - the same as "byte", only 1024 times larger.</li> <li>Klava - keyboard. Trample the keyboard (loaves, i.e. keys) - work with the keyboard.</li> <li>Client - a computer (or program) that is served by a server.</li> <li>The command line is an interface in which interaction with the system is carried out by entering commands and parameters to them, and in response, some action is performed. It has less clarity for perception, unlike icons of programs similar to Windows. In the case of the command line, there is a line on the monitor against the background of a black screen that is incomprehensible to the average user.</li> <li>Computer (wheelbarrow, apparatus, number-eater) - computer, PC.</li> <li>Root is the first directory in the tree (root directory).</li> <li>A cracker is a person who hacks a system for criminal purposes: information theft, compromise, ransom. Not to be confused with a hacker.</li> <li>Crack, crack - (from the English crack), which means to break. Usually this is a Key-generator or a small program that allows you to use a licensed program without paying for registration.</li> <li>Crack, break, hack, pick - open any software and change the data in it at your discretion.</li> <li>Connect - connection to the Internet or connection to a server.</li> <li>Cookies - from the English “cookies” - cookies. This is confidential information regarding your IP, your settings on this or that site. On the one hand, this is very convenient, because, for example, you don’t have to constantly enter your password on your provider’s website. However, these cookies can be used for minor purposes.</li> <li>Cooler - from the word “cooler” - fan. There are coolers that cool the processor, power supply and other devices: graphics accelerator, etc. That is, a computer can have several coolers (usually at least two).</li> <li>Caching Internet pages is the process of saving HTML documents and graphic files downloaded from the Internet into a special folder on the hard drive of the user’s computer. When you access the site again, browsers open this web page from the hard drive, which allows you to significantly reduce the time it takes to read it.</li> </ul><p><u><b>Everything starts with the letter L</b> </u></p> <ul><li>LOL - (from the English Laughing Out Loud) which means laughing loudly, laughing out loud, etc. There is a corresponding emoticon.</li> <li>Lamer is a complete idiot, a fool, a dumbass, a dumbass. Not to be confused with a novice user. Lamer is dangerous to himself and to others.</li> <li>List - mailing list, used to notify the general public with one simple letter (from the English Mailing List).</li> <li>Leech (lich, leecher) - indicate a direct link to an object on someone else’s server (from the English leech - leech). Cheerfulness is considered bad form when working on the Internet. For example, someone posted a file for download on their website. The leecher does not upload it to his server, does not indicate the address of the site where this file can be found, but gives the specific address of the file, thereby using someone else’s traffic and labor. The same applies to pictures. In the case of Warez, this creates additional problems, since the authors of programs, in the event of fraudulent screenshots from an offsite site, can track where and on what resources they were used and at the same time find unlicensed copies of their programs.</li> </ul><p>Holders of serious resources are fighting leechism, checking the referrer, installing anti-leach (from the English antileech) - a system for protecting files from direct downloading. To download files from a leecher-protected website, the user must first visit that site.</p> <ul><li>Login - an identifier used to log into a system (for example, a website or forum).</li> <li>Localka is a local network that does not necessarily have access to the Internet.</li> </ul> <p>The meaning, meaning and interpretation of words of modern Internet technologies. What does a word or term mean? Definitions and concepts.</p><p><i>In any field of knowledge, including on the Internet, there is a whole set of terms, concepts and definitions. Beginner users are recommended to familiarize themselves with this dictionary so as not to use search or Wikipedia every time. Experienced and seasoned users can easily be recognized by the comments that complement this dictionary of Internet terms.</i></p><p><b>Avatar</b> (<i>avatar, avatar, userpic</i>) is a small image in the form of a photograph or drawing located next to the user's nickname. The avatar is used in various social networks and forums on the Internet. An avatar can reflect the user's personality and personal qualities.</p><p><b>Anchor</b> (<i>from English anchor - anchor</i>) is the link text that is located between the opening and closing tags. Anchor example: Content exchange. In this case, the anchor text is “Content Exchange”. Link text is very important in SEO, as it is one of the decisive factors that influence the ranking of a site for keywords (in anchor). <span>Anchors should be “diluted” with text inside the link so that they are not repeated in link traffic and have a better impact on the site’s position. Link texts can be surrounded by near-link text.</p><p><b>Account</b> (<i>account</i>) - registration or account. Sometimes an account means a user’s personal login (login) in various Internet systems, which includes a user name and password. Ban is a temporary or permanent, partial or complete restriction of a user’s access to a specific resource on the Internet. A ban is received from the project administration for actions that violate the rules of use of the site.</p><p><b>Banner</b> (<i>English banner, flag, banner</i>) is a static or animated picture placed on web pages for advertising purposes. This picture is a link to a website or page with advertising information about services or products. Banners based on flash technology are gaining popularity. The term “banner” is also used to refer to various advertising on the Internet in general. The most common banner sizes are 468x60 and 100x100 pixels. Banners are one of the main tools of advertising networks.</p><p><b>Blog</b> is a public notebook where the author shares information that is of interest to him. You can leave your additions and comments to the author’s articles.</p><p><b>Bot</b>- a software robot that receives messages and analyzes the received information on the basis of which a decision is made to execute the command.</p><p><b>Browser</b>- a computer program for displaying sites with a number of additional features. The most common browsers are google chrome, opera, mozilla firefox, internet explorer.</p><p><b>Webmaster</b>- a person who creates, edits or optimizes a website or websites.</p><p><b>Hypertext</b> (<i>hyperlink</i>) is text containing links to third-party online resources or pages with the ability to navigate to them.</p><p><b>Home page</b> (<i>initial, starting</i>) - the first page loaded when the Internet browser is launched. The starting page can be any Internet page.</p><p><b>Domain</b> (<i>domain name</i>) is a unique site name, consisting of letters and (or) numbers and linked to the site’s IP address using a DNS server.</p><p><b>Bookmarks</b>- a browser extension that allows you to create a registry of interesting websites. You can call it by left-clicking on the bookmark of interest.</p><p><b>Internet</b> (<i>Internet</i>) - an international computer network consisting of millions of computers of many organizations and individuals, from <a href="">different countries</a> from all over the world, built on the use of the IP protocol and information routing. The Internet forms the global information space, the basis of the World Wide Web and many other information transmission networks. Physically, the Internet is made up of a large number of networks. Synonyms: “World Wide Web”, “Global Network”, “Internet”.</p><p><b>Captcha</b>- protection from automatic actions on the site, a picture with letters or numbers in a hard-to-read form. To determine the user type, it is often suggested to enter the characters shown in the figure.</p><p><b>Contextual advertising</b>- These are systems for advertising on partner sites. The system places on the site several advertising links, announcements or a banner with thematic content. An effective and profitable advertising tool on the Internet. Sometimes ads move as you scroll the page. The most common: Google Adsense, Yandex Direct, Begun, etc.</p><p><b>Copyright</b>- This is a unique copyrighted material without borrowing, protected by copyright.</p><p><b>Copy-paste</b> (<i>copy-paste</i>) - copied text, article and published without permission of the author.</p><p><b>Crowd marketing</b>- or guerrilla marketing, a type of website promotion on the Internet, which consists in the formation of a link mass. Forums, blogs and various ask platforms are used. One user asks a question, and another, in response to it, gives a kind of recommendatory nature of the site or resource being promoted.</p><p><b>Cookies</b> (<i>English cookie</i>) - a small amount of data created by a web page and stored on the user's computer in the form of temporary files that the web browser sends to the web server in an HTTP request when an attempt is made to open the page of the corresponding site. Used to store data on the user side, in practice it is used for:</p><ul><li>authentication;</li><li>storing personal settings;</li><li>session status tracking; <br>maintaining statistics.</li> </ul><p><b>Login</b> (<i>log in</i>) - name (name) of the user account.</p><p><b>Moneymaker</b>- a beginner freelancer who does not have special knowledge, an Internet user who earns money without <a href="">financial investment</a>. Most often it performs simple inexpensive tasks in large quantities, such as clicks, registrations, surfing.</p><p><b>Meme</b>- these are popular pictures (usually faces), with the help of which emotions and more are expressed on the Internet. The most frequently used (popular) are: Trollface, Facepalm, Pokerface. Usually distributed on resources such as 4chan and pikabu.</p><p><b>Moderator</b> (<i>moderator</i>) - site editor, checks information sent for posting on the site for compliance with the site rules. The review process is called moderation. With post-moderation, user messages are published on the site immediately, and the moderator controls this information later. With pre-moderation, each message is first approved by a moderator, and only after that is published on the site.</p><p><b>Modulator demodulator</b> (<i>abbr. modem</i>) is a device that converts analog signals into digital signals for sending and receiving information.</p><p><b>Near-link text</b>- this is the text that appears before and after the link. The adjacent text is needed to increase the weight of the link. The adjacent text should contain words related to the topic. For example:</p><ol><li>Content Exchange</li><li>Simple rewriting tasks on a content exchange helped me earn a small but stable income.</li> </ol><p>In both the first and second cases, the link and anchor link are the same. But the difference is that in the second case there is near-reference text. It is known that search engines actively strive to resist selling links, and those links that are placed on pages without near-link text are primarily suspect - these are the links that most often turn out to be purchased. Hence the conclusion: an important reason for writing near-link text is to remove the suspicion that this link has been bought or sold.</p><p><b>Password</b>- a combination of symbols to enter a closed or personal area of ​​the site, required to confirm the user. Most often, the password corresponds to some login.</p><p><b>Affiliate program</b>- this is advertising placed under affiliate agreements and the intermediary who advertises the “affiliate” receives a percentage or payment for attracting new users to the system. “Affiliate” is the advertisement you click on.</p><p><b>Feasts</b>- users who both receive and give data when downloading files via torrent</p><p><b>Forwarding (opening) ports</b>- this is a technology with the help of which traffic of certain ports is redirected from the external address of the router to the address of the selected computer/network device on the local network.</p><p><b>Provider</b>- Internet service provider.</p><p><b>Posting</b>- writing short messages on a specific topic. Resources for posting can be forums, guest books and blogs.</p><p><b>Attendance</b>- a very important indicator of any Web site. This word itself denotes the number of users who visited a Web site over a certain period of time, usually one day. Attendance directly affects the reputation and income from advertising on the site to the owner. It also makes it possible to compile visit statistics, determine which page the user was on, what he looked at and how much time he spent viewing this or that page.</p><p><b>Server location</b> (<i>colocation</i>) - the customer has his own server and switching equipment, which he places at a remote site. The company provides the customer with space in its own data centers (colocation) - from several units to entire racks. If necessary, a virtual channel can be organized between the equipment in the data center and the customer’s office.</p><p><b>Editor</b>- a person who edits posts and adds new ones in communities on social networks has the ability to change some community parameters.</p><p><b>Rewrite</b> (<i>re-write</i>) - text copied and processed beyond recognition, article.</p><p><b>Referral</b>- a participant in the affiliate program who registered on the recommendation of another participant.</p><p><b>Refback</b>- this is a partial or full refund of money received from the work you performed or transactions completed, and accrued to the referrer.</p><p><b>Referrer</b> (<i>referee</i>) - a participant in the affiliate program through whose link you are registered.</p><p><b>Router</b> (<i>router</i>) is a device that provides a connection between the Internet and the local network.</p><p><b>Website</b> is a place on the World Wide Web that contains data made available to the public by the owner for a specific purpose. The site contains various types of information.</p><p><b>SAR</b>- an active advertising system that allows advertisers to get inexpensive advertising for a product or project for a fee to money makers.</p><p><b>Switch</b> is a device that allows several computers to be connected into one local network.</p><p><b>Surfing</b>- viewing the advertiser’s website for some time (up to 1 minute).</p><p><b>Network port</b> is a digital code (address) that is used to interact and transmit data in IP packets between various network devices.</p><p><b>Sid</b>- cider ( <i>English seeder - sower</i>) a peer that has all the segments of the file being distributed, that is, either the initial distributor of the file or has already downloaded the entire file.</p><p><b>TIC</b>- thematic citation index, expressed by a numerical value. The popularity of the site, the more links to the site, the higher the TCI.</p><p><b>Teaser</b> (<i>English teaser "tease, lure"</i>) - a short advertising message that contains information about the product, but does not name it in any way. Teasers are created to generate interest in a new product (book or film). Teasers come in different forms. Typically, teasers are short videos consisting of the most spectacular fragments of the film, unrelated to each other, lasting 15-30 seconds. Most often, teasers for films or books appear while the work is still in production.</p><p><b>Troll -</b> an Internet user who jokes in every possible way, pranks other users and provokes disputes and discussions</p><p><b>Chat</b> is a way of exchanging messages on the Internet. In a chat, the correspondence process occurs only with those people who are online. That is, it is an opportunity to communicate with people in real time. In addition to messages, you can also use emoticons that reflect a person’s mood.</p><p><b>Freelancer</b>- a businessman who makes free money using the Internet. Most often he does:</p><ul><li>creation/promotion/programming of various websites, online stores and Internet systems;</li><li>performing expensive tasks (writing articles, rewriting, image development, scanning, etc.);</li><li>participation in various referral and advertising projects;</li><li>investment management (trading on stock exchanges, etc.).</li> </ul><p>The main advantage of a freelancer is independence from the employer, free work schedule, and passive income.</p><p><b>Forum</b>- a platform for communication that brings together users by interests.</p><p><b>Hosting</b> - (<i>English web hosting</i>) is a service for hosting someone else's website on your web server or someone else's web server on your site.</p><p><b>E-mail</b> (<i>English email or soap</i>) - a worldwide system for sending and receiving electronic messages between Internet users with extensive service and protection capabilities to a registered email address.</p><p><b>DNS</b>(English domain name system) - domain name system.</p><p><b>Ethernet</b> (<i>rus. ether</i>) - packet technology for transmitting data primarily over local computer networks.</p><p><b>ID</b>- identification, serial number. Often used as a login.</p><p><b>IP address</b> (<i>IP address, abbreviation for English. Internet Protocol Address</i>) - a unique address of a device (usually a computer) on a local network and (or) the Internet. The IP protocol transfers packets between networks. The IP address is assigned by the administrator during the configuration of computers and routers or automatically.</p><p><b>IP</b>- Internet Protocol ( <i>rus. internetwork protocol</i>) routed network protocol, network layer protocol of the TCP family.</p><p><b>Home page</b>- the main or initial page of the site. On the home page, the visitor gets an idea of ​​the site, what he can see on other pages of the site (sometimes the home page is the only one).</p><p><b>HTML</b> (<i>HyperText Markup Language</i> - <i>hypertext markup language</i>) is a standard language used to create web pages.</p><p><b>HTTP</b> (<i>Hypertext Transfer Protocol</i>) - hypertext file transfer protocol (application layer protocol for distributed <a href="">information systems</a> hypermedia, which allows systems with different architectures to communicate; used when transferring HTML files over the WWW network). Whatever your browser is and whatever site you access from your browser, “http://” will always automatically appear at the beginning of the address bar. In literary language: hypertext transfer protocol.</p><p><b>FAQ</b> (<i>Frequently Asked Question</i>) - Frequently Asked Questions (Russian slang FAQ), a special FAQ section dedicated to the rules or services of the site. Can be read as “fak”, “fay-qiu”, “fek”, “faku”.</p><p><b>FTP</b>- short for File Transfer Protocol. Used to work with files.</p><p><b>LAN</b> (<i>local area network</i>) - a local network that connects several computers.</p><p><b>PageRank</b> (<i>PR, page rank</i>) - link ranking algorithm. Applies to a set of documents (web pages) linked together by hyperlinks, and assigns each a specific numerical value that determines its “importance” or “authority” among other documents (web pages). The algorithm can be applied not only to web pages, but also to any set of objects interconnected by mutual links. "PageRank" is a trademark of Google Inc. The algorithm was patented in the USA on September 4, 2001; The inventor of the algorithm is listed in the patent as Larry Page (Google Inc. also associates the name of the algorithm with his name).</p><p><b>POP3</b>- Post Office Protocol 3 (Post Office Protocol version 3). Protocol for receiving incoming email messages. With its help, received (incoming) email messages are delivered from the incoming mail server (POP3 server) to the user's computer.</p><p><b>PTC</b> (<i>paid to click</i>) - a site that pays for viewing advertising. The term Bux also applies to PTC.</p><p><b>SCAM project</b>- a fraudulent project that involves deceiving its users who work or invest directly in the project. This can be a box, it also applies to HYIPs and to any projects that DO NOT PAY.</p><p><b>SEO</b> (<i>search engine optimization</i>) - optimization for search engines.</p><p><b>Java</b>- programming language of Sun Microsystems. Java code is compiled into special bytecode and can run on any Java virtual machine (JVM), regardless of computer architecture.</p> <p>We have long had an idea to create a dictionary of Internet terms. Today we brought it to life.</p> <p>In the dictionary itself, we tried to talk about complex things in simple words. We hope that our dictionary will be useful to users of our blog and that everyone will find the answer to <a href="">eternal question</a> — <b>What's happened …?</b>🙂 Now let’s move on to the dictionary itself.</p> <p><b>Blog</b> is a website whose content is mainly regularly added news (posts), as well as images, videos, etc. It is believed that the term blog itself was coined by Travis Petler, who formed it from two words: we <b>B</b> And <b>LOG</b>. The term Web means the worldwide network www, and log means a log (for example, a logbook on a ship). Our blog is an online journal of several authors, which consists of entries in reverse chronological order.</p> <p><b>Blogger</b>- a person who runs a blog.</p> <p><b>Blogosphere</b>– the collection of all blogs on the Internet.</p> <p><b>Website (web site, site, web-site, website, Internet site, World Wide Web site, www site)</b>- this is a place on the Internet that has its own address (URL), consists of web pages and, of course, has its owner, which are perceived as a single whole. There is no strict definition of a site - for example, some sections of large websites may be perceived and even defined by their owners as separate sites. Our blog is also a website:ad:</p> <p><b>Web browser</b>– a special program for viewing web resources (websites). Examples of browsers are Internet Explorer, Opera, Mozilla Firefox.</p> <p><b>Domain (domain, domain name, domain name)</b>– a unique name that identifies (defines) a site on the Internet. Domain names always consist of two or more parts, separated by dots, for example, The domain is associated with the server's IP address. Any server can have multiple domain names, but a domain name can only point to one server.</p> <p><b>Internet</b>– a worldwide system of voluntarily interconnected computer networks.</p> <p><b>Internet wallet (electronic wallet)</b>– a place on the Internet where your money (savings, earnings and savings) will be stored. With the help of an electronic wallet, you will not only be able to perform the above actions, but also issue electronic invoices, pay bills from stores or other places where electronic money is accepted.</p> <p><b>Click</b>– Clicking on a text link or advertising banner (mouse click).</p> <p><b>Contextual advertising</b>– display of advertising (banners, text advertising blocks, etc.) on various sites on the Internet (search engines, catalogs, portals). Typically, advertising materials are tied to certain keywords and phrases.</p> <p><b>Content</b>— information content of web pages: texts, photographs, seen, etc.</p> <p><b>Protocol</b>- a set of rules that all companies adhere to to ensure the compatibility of the hardware they produce and <a href="">software</a>. For example, these rules must ensure that a Microsoft machine running TCP/IP can communicate with an Apple machine also running TCP/IP.</p> <p><b>Referral</b>(from English <b>referral - reference</b>) - a person who registers in the sponsor’s service (affiliate program) using your link (called a “referral link”). When you attract another user to your sponsor, your sponsor pays you a certain percentage of that user’s income. <br><b>This will not affect the earnings of the attracted person in any way.</b> This person becomes a new participant in the affiliate program, attracted by you.</p> <p><b>Server</b>- a special computer (or equipment) on which server software runs.</p> <p><b>Surfing</b>- just traveling across the Internet from site to site.</p> <p><b>TIC</b>— thematic citation index (citations come from the word quotation, i.e. they quote the content itself and/or the site address).</p> <p><b>File sharing</b>– a service that provides the user with a place to store his files, as well as round-the-clock access to them via the Internet.</p> <p><b>Photomontage</b>— making a photograph from two or more photographs. Widely used in the production of posters, advertisements, political cartoons, etc.</p> <p><b>Photobank</b>– a photo repository that acts as an intermediary between the authors of images and their buyers. Takes on the task of finding buyers and accepting payments, which makes life very easy for photographers and illustrators.</p> <p><b>Hosting</b>- the place on the server where your website will be physically located, in other words, this is a computer that is available to Internet users 24 hours a day.</p> <p><b>User</b>- computer user.</p> <p><b>Email</b>— your email address. E-mail differs from the name of the site in that it does not contain the letters www, but there is an @ icon.</p> <p><b>DNS</b>- abbreviation, stands for - <b>Domain Name System</b> or " <b>Domain Name System</b>" DNS links domain names (for example:, etc.) with digital addresses (IP addresses). Users use these domain names to work and search on the Internet. DNS is used to organize data on the network.</p> <p><b>Flash (Flash Player, Flash technologies)</b>— technologies for creating interactive web animation. It acts as an additional and free module for the browser (plugin), developed by Macromedia, which makes it possible to view pages and their elements in Flash format. This format allows you to display vector graphics (which are easily scaled to any size), play sound, etc. Websites made using Flash graphics look very beautiful, but they are poorly indexed by search engines.</p> <p><b>FTP</b>- stands for <b>File Transfer Protocol</b> translated from English - <b>file transfer protocol</b>. Using this protocol, it is possible to connect to FTP servers, view the contents of directories and download files from or to the server.</p> <p><b>HTML</b>- abbreviation, stands for <b>HyperText Markup Language</b> - “<b>hypertext markup language</b>” is a standard document markup language on the World Wide Web. All web pages are created using HTML. The HTML language is “recognized” by the browser and displayed as a document in a human-readable form. <a href="">In simple words</a>- this is a language with commands you “make it clear” to the browser in what form it is necessary to display text or certain objects on the screen of your monitor.</p> <p><b>HTTP</b>- abbreviation, stands for <b>HyperText Transfer Protocol</b> - “<b>hypertext transfer protocol hypertext transfer protocol</b>" It allows your web browser to communicate with web servers. Communication involves sending requests and receiving responses. The responses contain the requested data - pictures, documents, executable files, etc. It is with the help of this protocol that you can view web pages.</p> <p><b>IP (IP, ip</b> or <b>IP address)</b>– abbreviation for <b>Internet Protocol Address</b>, that is, a unique identifier (number) that determines the location of a computer connected to the Internet. An IP address is a 32-bit binary number, but for convenience it is represented by four decimal numbers. The form of an IP address is written in the form of four decimal numbers, from 0 to 255. This is what the approximate IP address of your computer on the Internet looks like. As a rule, the average user receives a dynamic IP address, although it is possible to obtain a static one, but this is very rare and usually requires an additional fee.</p> <p><b>ICQ</b>– in common people it’s just ICQ. A popular Internet program for quick messaging on the Internet. The abbreviation ICQ is based on the auditory sound of the program name “ <b>I seek you</b>” - translated “ <b>I'm looking for you</b>”. </p> <p><b>PR (PageRank)</b>— two letters PR are deciphered as follows: <b>Page Rank</b>(translated from English - <b>page rank</b>) and only applies to Google.</p> <p><b>TCP/IP</b> protocol is an abbreviation of the term <b>Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol</b> (<b>Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol</b>) is a pre-agreed standard used for data exchange between two computer nodes on a network), and it does not matter what platform these computers are on and what the network is between them. The protocol itself was developed by order of the US Department of Defense for communication and network integration. Currently, it is a standard data transfer protocol on the global Internet.</p> <p><b>WMR, WMZ</b>— types of electronic money in the Webmoney system ( <b></b>) . WMZ is an analogue of the American dollar, WMR is an analogue of the ruble. <i>Over time, our dictionary will be replenished with new Internet terms.</i></p> <p>p.s. If any other term causes difficulties for you, write it in the comments, we will try to explain it :), and perhaps we will devote an entire article to this.</p> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var _acic={dataProvider:10};(function(){var e=document.createElement("script");e.type="text/javascript";e.async=true;e.src="";var t=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];t.parentNode.insertBefore(e,t)})() //--> </script><br> <br> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//;artfast_after?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> </article> <div class='yarpp-related'> <div class="title">Related publications</div> <ul class="related"> <li class="related__item"> <div class="related__item-img"> <img src="/uploads/477a330142ad66026710455f6bcfe353.jpg" width="150" height="95" alt="Emotionally unstable personality disorder: types, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment Emotionally unstable personality disorder impulsive type treatment" / loading=lazy loading=lazy></div> <a href="">Emotionally unstable personality disorder: types, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment Emotionally unstable personality disorder impulsive type treatment</a></li> <li class="related__item"> <div class="related__item-img"> <img src="/uploads/7eda92b7e6f1ce892d185462d85886b8.jpg" width="150" height="95" alt="Water in the river interpretation of the dream book" / loading=lazy loading=lazy></div> <a href="">Water in the river interpretation of the dream book</a></li> <li class="related__item"> <div class="related__item-img"> <img src="/uploads/1306c6421953a41a3639d2c55e474cf8.jpg" width="150" height="95" alt="Why do you dream of black earth: the nuances of a dream" / loading=lazy loading=lazy></div> <a href="">Why do you dream of black earth: the nuances of a dream</a></li> <li class="related__item"> <div class="related__item-img"> <img src="/uploads/fa56ef90b4443a972f21bd445f34f04a.jpg" width="150" height="95" alt="Types of sensations and their mechanisms The feeling of balance refers to sensations" / loading=lazy loading=lazy></div> <a href="">Types of sensations and their mechanisms The feeling of balance refers to sensations</a></li> </ul> </div> </main> <aside class="sidebar"> <div class="section section_widget lambda_1"></div> <div class="section section_widget widget_text"> <div class="textwidget"></div> </div> <div class="sidebar-menu"> <div class="title">Categories</div> <ul> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">Trips</a></li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">Registration</a></li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">Russia</a></li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">Emigration</a></li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">Russian citizenship</a></li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">Work abroad</a></li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">Schengen visa</a></li> <li id="menu-item-" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-category menu-item-"><a href="">CIS countries</a></li> </ul> </div> </aside> </div> </div> <footer class="footer"> <div class="mygrid footer-grid"> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-5"> <div class="about-site"> <img src="/logo/logo.png" loading=lazy loading=lazy><br>Asian countries. 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