Who writes the technical specifications? How to draw up technical specifications correctly. Basic recommendations. Processing of collected information

Terms of reference “TOR” is a document that is taken as the basis for the development of any project. And no matter how complex or large the task, it should always be accompanied by a clear and understandable technical specification. First of all, the customer needs this in order to get exactly what he wanted to see. But it is advisable for the performer to always demand a clearly stated task in order to understand what they want from him. Many people ignore the fact of writing detailed technical specifications, which subsequently leads to misunderstandings, disputes, conflicts and quarrels.

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I, the author of this article, in my life have managed to be both the customer of several large projects worth tens of thousands of dollars, and the executor of no less expensive orders. Before reaching a serious level, I had to re-read hundreds of “Technical Specifications” and compose several dozen of my own explanations for the performer. Each time the technical specifications became clearer and clearer, which made it possible to obtain the final version of the work as I had imagined. In this article I would like to talk about how to write terms of reference, what to pay attention to first. I will also tell you why it is advisable for the customer and the contractor not to work on a good word, but to document everything.

Why does the customer need technical specifications?

You, as a customer, have an idea of ​​the final version of your order. Only life is such a thing that each person can interpret the same words differently. Because of this, problems often arise, especially among customers and performers. The first one didn’t explain everything, the second one didn’t understand it correctly, and the result is completely different from what everyone thought. A technical specification is a document according to which you will accept the work performed. And if something is done wrong, something is not finalized, something is not completed in full, then you can always point to an item from the technical specifications and substantiate your claim to finalize the submitted project. If there is no technical specification, then it will be practically impossible to prove that you said, wrote, mentioned it. We can say that the technical specification is a kind of prototype of a service agreement. If you are working on a large project, then the terms of reference should be an addition to the main contract. When signing the acceptance certificate for the completed work, you must compare everything with the amount of work that was indicated in the original statement of work.

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Why does the performer need technical specifications?

First of all, this is your guide to what needs to be done. Often customers come up with something during the development process, trying to force you to perform unnecessary tasks. Do you want to work for free? I'm sure not. Please clarify that the amount agreed upon at the very beginning concerned exclusively the scope of work specified in the terms of reference. Anything more is paid separately. Also, upon delivery of the project, you will be able to report on the assigned tasks and their implementation. I have more than once encountered moments when the customer did not want to accept the work, arguing that it was not completed completely. But when the original technical specifications were raised, it turned out that no one had set the tasks in question at all. Once again I emphasize - do not work without technical specifications, because the customer’s opinion can change more often than the weather, and you will have to redo everything dozens of times, wasting your time, and without receiving additional payment for it.

Where to start drawing up a competent technical specification

So let's move on to main topic this article. Next, we will talk about how to draw up technical specifications and what points you should definitely pay attention to. As you understand, each TK is unique, and I will not be able to cover all aspects. Therefore, I will only point out the main points that should be in any task, regardless of the project and the customer’s field of activity.

  • General provisions of the technical specifications

If you have a technically complex project, or a very specific one, then be sure to general provisions There should be a glossary - a dictionary of terms and definitions. Of course, it is very good if the customer and the contractor understand each other and understand specific terminology without any problems. But this is not always the case, therefore, it is better to write down what certain words, phrases, designations mean. It might be worth explaining some of your phrases in the glossary. Let's say you use a certain phrase, interpreting it a little differently. To avoid confusion, immediately put everything in its place.

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I had a case where a lack of understanding of the terms led to a missed deadline for more than a month. As a result, the customer suffered certain losses, but the problem was solely on his side. Therefore, do not allow disagreements. Decide on terminology before starting the project.

  • Project goals

It is imperative that the terms of reference indicate what the goals of your project are, why it is being created, how it will work, and what the final result should be. Even if the contractor works on a small part of the project, he must fully understand its structure, tasks, goals, and technical solutions. For what? It is not always possible for the contractor to receive advice and clarification from the customer, and there is no point in asking for interpretation of some little things if you can turn to the goals, understand what the project is for, and do your job based on this.

Let me give you an example. We recently developed a large Internet project and ordered a design. The designer was told what the site would be about, what functions it would have, what it should do, and how the site would help people. In general, they chewed everything down to the smallest detail, and not just what concerns design. As a result, we received a layout that required virtually no modifications, as well as a dozen ideas on how to improve the site, what to add, how to make it more attractive.

  • Functional Requirements

All customer requirements can be divided into two types: functional and special. Functional requirements are those implementation options that you want to see in your product. If we take the example of an Internet site, you must provide the contractor with examples of functional solutions from other projects that you like and that you want to see in yours. For example, they saw an element they technically liked, described it, and immediately gave a link so that a person could clearly understand what it was about and could take it as a basis.

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Special requirements are requirements with the help of which the assigned tasks must be fulfilled. If we again take website development as a basis, you can specify the programming language, special layout parameters, encoding, the use of certain styles and everything you want to see. If there are no such requirements, then let the contractor decide independently what and how he will use when performing your technical specifications.

  • Deadlines

The deadlines for completion must be specified in the terms of reference. Always take with a small margin so that the speed of execution does not affect the quality. Not in any case there must be a clear deadline, and sanctions for failure to meet these deadlines are described. The contractor must understand that this is not just a point in the terms of reference, but a real installation, and if not completed, he risks incurring financial or other sanctions.

  • Reporting

If the project is large and requires several months to complete, then break the work into stages and set clear time frames for each. After completing a particular stage, require reporting on the work completed. This will keep the performer in good shape, so that he doesn’t walk around for several months, eating and drinking the advance payment, and then do everything at breakneck speed in a week.

There must also be a report on the actual work performed. What was done, how much time was spent on it, what difficulties the performer encountered, etc.

  • Responsibility

If you draw up a contract, then a clause regarding liability will be in it. If you are only limited to the technical specifications, then it is worth describing there that the contractor is responsible for missing deadlines, not delivering the project, disclosing the nuances of the work to third parties, which entails losses for you. Which one? Firstly, in accordance with the law, but you can also set your own fines and sanctions.

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And at the end of this article, I would like to give some advice based on my own experience in drawing up and receiving technical assignments.

  1. The technical specifications must be detailed. Don't be afraid to describe every element, every item, every button. Write everything, everything, in as much detail as possible. Don't be afraid to seem meticulous. It’s better to repeat something several times and chew it over than to finish it later, pay extra, and modify it. The last technical task I wrote concerned the development of a website. It was a big information project. First we developed a design, and then, based on it, I described a functional task for programmers. So, all the specifications turned out to be 54 pages A4 11 font. The terms of reference came as an addition to the main contract, which was also 7 pages long. But I want to say that even in such a detailed technical specification I could not take everything into account, because during the development process three more were signed additional agreements, with which I made certain adjustments to the original version of the assignment.
  2. The technical specifications must be clear. No water needed. Everything is to the point. If you write about the deadline, then a specific figure, if about functionality, then a list of functional solutions you need, etc.
  3. Your technical specification is not a dogma, but only one of the possible options for completing tasks. To be honest, I'm not a programming expert. Yes, I can think through the structure of the project, its functionality, some technical solutions, but always, when drawing up the final version of the technical specifications, I consult with the performers. They can see something, express their opinion, and suggest the optimal solution for implementation.

That's probably all I wanted to say in this article. Drawing up technical specifications is not so difficult if you clearly understand what you want from the contractor. You can re-read my advice again and apply it to your specific case. Good luck!

Creating a technical specification is one of the first and extremely important stages of most projects. A clear and correctly drawn up technical specification (TOR) allows you to clarify the relationship between the customer and the contractor, formulate requirements for the characteristics of the future object, and also becomes the basis for checking the work performed.

What is a technical specification

The general definition of this term is as follows: a technical specification is a special document developed by the customer and approved by the contractor, which sets out the requirements, parameters and main operational characteristics of a project, facility or system.

Among other things, this document may include a list of testing requirements (applicable to development software).

It is used in their work by builders, repairmen, programmers, designers and many other specialists.

A technical specification is a document that is developed by a professional who is well versed in the specifics specific type works The success of the entire event depends on how detailed the customer’s expectations are described. In other words, a technical specification is an instruction for workers that allows you to compare the final result with the planned one.

Features of the terms of reference

Often the process of drawing up instructions itself allows the customer to understand how he would like to see the completed project. This is due to the fact that the need to set specific goals stimulates him to study the possibilities and limitations inherent in this type of activity. Many customers, realizing the lack of information, ignorance of professional terms and lack of special knowledge, prefer to hire a specialist to develop technical specifications.

Paradoxically, this approach allows us to achieve the most coordinated work, because everyone does what they know how to do well: the customer knows what he wants to get in the end, the author of the technical specification translates this information into data understandable to the contractor, and the master has the opportunity to work according to clear instructions .

Purpose of technical specifications

This task performs an important function: it helps resolve possible controversial situations. Once set out in writing, the requirements for the project or scope of work become a guide for both parties. The contractor has the right not to perform work that is not specified in the technical specifications. Additional instructions require new instructions.

At the same time, the customer is protected from incomplete or incorrect completion of the task, since he can check its characteristics and parameters for each individual item of the technical specification.

Typically, the finished product goes through an inspection, testing, or testing phase. If its characteristics differ from those planned, it may be sent for revision or the contractor may be refused payment (this is discussed when the technical specifications for the work are drawn up).

Composition of technical specifications: functionality requirements

All requirements specified in the technical specifications can be classified by type and properties.

Sample requirements various types becomes the majority of GOSTs. They regulate the process of drawing up technical specifications for the construction of large facilities and other important works. They usually list the following requirements:

  • To the functional component.
  • For safety parameters (for automatic systems and software).
  • Towards the qualification level of specialists.
  • Towards appearance.
  • To the materials used.

The list of requirements, grouped by type, is quite long, their diversity due to the different goals of the projects.

Most often, requirements regarding functionality act as the core around which each technical task is developed. The system of other technical conditions and instructions becomes a kind of “camouflage” put on these requirements. If the main task is poorly formulated, even the best “camouflage” will not save the situation, and the project will fail.

Characteristics of requirements

In contrast to the numerous types of requirements, there are much fewer properties to characterize them:

  • Clarity.
  • Specificity.
  • Testability.

The last property cannot be separated from the first two, since clear and specific requirements can be implemented and tested. However, if there is no way to verify the result, then it can be argued that the requirements do not have one of the first two properties.

Terms of reference are not a technical project

There are many opinions about what level of detail should be used when developing a technical specification.

Sometimes it is compiled using specific terms and a large number of nuances that are understandable only to specialists. The disadvantage of this approach is that the customer, when approving this technical specification, does not fully understand what he will receive as a finished product. Therefore, the process of testing, checking and accepting work can be delayed, and the project is repeatedly sent for revision and improvement.

Proponents of another method insist that the draft technical specifications should be as simple and understandable as possible. This document may include industry terminology that is understandable to the customer, but should not indicate technical aspects related to the implementation of the project. In the field of software development, the adaptation of customer requirements into terms of reference is carried out by a business analyst, but not by a programmer (of course, if he does not perform the duties of both).

A technical project is documentation that describes in detail the procedure for implementing the points of the technical specifications. This is where terms, abbreviations and professional concepts are simply necessary. The customer does not see them (these words may not mean anything to him), the text is read by the master who will be involved in the project, and he needs accurate and specific data: dimensions, parameters, qualities, characteristics. is the system architect.

Structure of technical specifications

To facilitate the preparation and implementation of technical specifications, it is developed according to a specific system.

As a rule, at the beginning, in the introductory part, the purpose and purpose of the project are stated. What follows is a list of sections, requirements and their explanation. To understand what the technical specification for an automated system looks like, you can consider the structure recommended by GOST 34.602-89:

  • Indication of general information.
  • Description of the purpose and purpose for which the creation or development of the system is planned.
  • Characteristics of objects subject to automation.
  • Statement of system requirements.
  • The composition and content of activities and work used to create the system.
  • Description of how the creation control and acceptance procedure of the finished system should be carried out.
  • List of requirements for work that will be carried out with the automation object for its preparation.
  • Procedure for maintaining documentation.
  • Indication of development sources.

Such a technical specification (a sample of which contains a detailed description of all points) covers most aspects of the project, but, if necessary, can be supplemented with clarifying points.

Why draw up a technical specification for renovating a room?

Process overhaul interior design is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. This is not only about changing wallpaper and painting radiators, it is about correcting broken geometry, eliminating architectural deficiencies, making adjustments to the layout, equipping and improving rooms.

For this reason, the technical specification for repairs becomes one of the most important stages, as it allows:

  • Think in advance about the content of future work.
  • Prepare a detailed estimate and identify opportunities for savings.
  • Achieve utmost clarity regarding the desired result for all participants in the process (customer, contractor, performers).

As in the example with the terms of reference for system automation, the intermediary between the customer and the master performers draws up the terms of reference. Carrying out activities to implement the planned work is carried out on the basis of a technical project, it is developed according to the points of the technical specifications.

What items does the technical specification for renovating a room include?

For the renovation of each room, a unique technical specification is drawn up. An example of the most common structure of this document is given below.

1. Name and purpose of the room. This is necessary, since the specifics of the room require compliance with certain rules when decorating it (living room, bedroom, office).

2. Characteristics of the floor: the amount of work that needs to be done in this area. Here you can specify in detail what exactly the specialists need to do:

  • Dismantle the covering, baseboards and subfloors that have become unusable (type and square).
  • Apply leveling, dividing screed and thermal insulation (area and height of materials).
  • If necessary, install a “warm floor” system (type and height of structure).
  • Apply screed over the heating cables (approx. 30-50 mm).
  • Prepare the surface for laying tiles, laminate, carpet or other material (the nature of the arrangement of elements).
  • Install the plinth (indicate the number of linear meters, as well as all internal and external corners).

3. Ceiling work:

  • Clear whitewash or wallpaper (area in square meters).
  • Level with putty (area).
  • Apply plaster (square and medium thickness).
  • If you need to install a plasterboard ceiling, you need to indicate its type, square footage and height. For multi-level models, a drawing is required.
  • Putty and paint the ceiling (area, color).

4. What needs to be done with the walls:

  • Clear the previous layer of wallpaper or other covering (area).
  • Remove the plaster.
  • Plaster the walls (with or without reinforcement). Here it is necessary to indicate not only the overall square footage of the walls, but also the thickness of the layer. The length of the slopes used is given in linear meters.
  • Putty the walls.
  • Indicate how many external corners there are in the room so that you can calculate the length of the perforated corner.

5. Window options:

  • Provide manufacturer information.
  • Provide information about the type of profile, fittings, double-glazed windows, window sill. Describe whether there will be a mosquito net and attach a drawing with dimensions. For better quality work, it is better to create a separate technical specification for ordering a window.

6. Door characteristics:

  • Describe the parameters of the door, manufacturer, materials used (including fittings), type of frame, trim and hinges.
  • Separately state the need to change the size of the doorway (increase, decrease, move) with the dimensions and list of works.

7. Work with electrical networks:

  • List of works (installation, replacement,
  • The need to lay telephone or Internet cables.
  • Attach a diagram.

8. Measures for installation of heating systems and air conditioners:

  • Installing, moving, replacing or simply painting a heating device.
  • Dismantling of a traditional device and installation of a “warm floors” system.
  • Mark on the diagram the location of the air conditioner and the route. Clarify how it will be powered from the mains.

Is it necessary to inspect the premises before drawing up technical specifications for repairs?

All experts agree that examining a room is a mandatory step when drawing up technical specifications for its renovation. In this case, the procedure should be carried out not only before the development of the technical specifications, but also during the preparation process.

The main objective of this event is to obtain information about the condition of the premises and a more accurate description of the upcoming repair work.

When examining a room, pay attention to the main parameters and perform the following actions:

  • Check the correctness of the geometry.
  • They study the horizontality of the ceiling (are there any slopes, differences). This helps determine the type of finish and gives an idea of ​​the future height of the room.
  • Check the verticality of the walls and the correct angles. If you need to level them, craftsmen should know what materials to use and in what quantity they need to be purchased.
  • Checking the level of the floor. Often, floors have to be completely replaced (especially if a heating system is installed underneath them), so the scope of work should be determined in advance.

To avoid uncertainty and provide for all possible nuances, during the examination the floor is disassembled in several places and conclusions are drawn from what is seen.

The data obtained as a result of the survey is compared with the project, the type of finishing materials and preparatory work, which are necessary for their installation.

This information allows you to assess the level of labor and financial costs. The terms of reference must contain drawings of future work.

The room renovation work outlined is not typical. Depending on the scope of work, it may look completely different, be shorter, or include more detailed data.

Pavel Molyanov

Remember Murphy's law? If you can be misunderstood, you will certainly be misunderstood. This is true not only in communication between people, but also in creating websites. The client wanted a second Facebook, but got a forum for young dog breeders. The developer did not guess what the customer wanted - he wasted his time.

In this guide I will tell you what and why you need to write in the terms of reference. At the same time, I’ll show you how not to write so that the creation of technical specifications does not turn into wasted time.

The article will be useful:

  • For everyone involved in website creation: developers, designers, layout designers.
  • Project managers.
  • Heads of digital studios.
  • Entrepreneurs who are planning to order website development.

To make the material useful, I collected comments from several developers, designers, project managers and owners of digital studios. I added the most valuable ones to the end of the article. Let's go find out.

What is a technical specification and why is it needed?

A technical specification is a document that sets out the requirements for the site. The clearer and more detailed these requirements are, the better all participants in the process understand what it should be like. This means that the chance that everyone will be satisfied with the result increases.

The main goal of the technical specification is to make sure that the client and the contractor understand each other correctly.

There are many benefits from technical specifications. It is different for each side.

Benefits for the client:

  • Understand what he pays money for and what the site will be like. You can immediately see the structure, understand what will work and how. Figure out if everything suits you. If not, it’s no problem to change it before development begins.
  • See the competence of the performer. If the terms of reference are clear and precise, confidence in the developer increases. If it says porridge, perhaps you should run and not look back.
  • Insure against the performer's dishonesty. When the site is ready, it can be checked according to the technical specifications. Are there any inconsistencies? The developer is obliged to fix them. If you are collaborating officially and have entered into an agreement, you can even force it through the courts.
  • Simplify the replacement of performers. If the client and the developer quarreled and ran away, the creation of the site can take a lot of time. When there is a detailed technical specification, it can be transferred to the new team - they will get involved in the work many times faster.
  • Find out the cost of developing a complex product. It is impossible to immediately estimate the exact timing and cost of developing a complex web service. First you need to understand how the service will work and what functions it will have. For this you need to prepare technical specifications.

Benefits for the performer:

  • Understand what the customer wants. The client is asked dozens of questions, shown examples, and offered solutions. Then everything is written down in a single document and agreed upon. If everything is ok - hurray, you understood correctly.
  • Insure yourself against the client’s sudden wishes. Sometimes you come across customers who want to change the task halfway through. If you have agreed and signed the terms of reference, you are not afraid of this. If something happens, even the court will be on your side.
  • Show your competence. A well-prepared technical specification will show the client the expertise of the developers. If the company doubted whether to trust you with website development, doubts will most likely be dispelled.
  • Make money. Some studios and developers offer the preparation of technical specifications as a separate service.
  • Facilitate and speed up the development process. A good technical specification indicates the structure of the site, the necessary functions and elements on each page. When all the requirements are already before your eyes, all that remains is to design and write the code.

Now let's figure out how to create a good technical specification that performs all these functions.

The terms of reference are drawn up by the performer

In general, anyone can draw up technical specifications. “We need a business card website for a dental clinic” - this is already a technical task. But will it fulfill its functions? Hardly.

A good technical specification is always prepared by the executor: a project manager or a developer. Obviously, a web developer understands more about creating websites than the owner of a cafe or dental clinic. Therefore, he will have to describe the project.

This does not mean that the client disappears and appears at the very end to write: “Zbs, I approve.” He should also participate in the process:

Of course, the customer can sketch out his own version of the technical specifications. Perhaps this will speed up the process of creating the final technical specifications. Or perhaps the result will be garbage that will be secretly thrown into the trash.

Write clearly and accurately

This advice follows from the main goal of the terms of reference - “Make sure that the client and the contractor understand each other correctly.”

The terms of reference should not contain quality adjectives: beautiful, reliable, modern. They cannot be clearly understood. Everyone has their own concepts of beauty and modernity.

Look. Someone thought this design was beautiful and allowed it to be used on their website:

The same thing happens with vague formulations that don’t mean anything in themselves:

  • The customer must like the site. What if he is in a bad mood?
  • The site should be convenient. What does it mean? Convenient for what?
  • The site must withstand heavy loads. 10 thousand visitors? Or 10 million?
  • High-quality expert content. Well, you get the idea.

Check for ambiguities in the text. If there is, rewrite it. Your wording should be clear and precise:

  • The site must load quickly → Any page on the site must have more than 80 points in Google PageSpeed ​​Insights.
  • Heavy loads → 50 thousand visitors at the same time.
  • The main page displays a list of articles The main page displays a list of the last 6 published articles.
  • Minimalistic user-friendly subscription interface → “Leave your e-mail” field and “Subscribe” button → *drawn sketch*.

We've sorted out the wording, let's go over the structure.

Please provide general information

All team members must correctly understand what the company does and who its target audience is. So that no one gets confused, it is better to write this down at the very beginning of the terms of reference.

It’s also worth indicating the purpose of the site and describing its functionality in a nutshell - so as not to end up with an online store instead of a blog.

Explain difficult terms

The first rule of the terms of reference is that it must be understandable to everyone for whom it is intended. If you are going to use terms that your client, the owner of a children's toy store, may not understand, be sure to explain them. In clear language, not copy-paste from Wikipedia.

Describe tools and hosting requirements

Imagine that you spent 2 months creating a cool website. Each stage was coordinated with the client - he was delighted. And now it's time to hand in the work. You show the admin panel, and the client shouts: “What is this? Modex?! I thought you would do it on WordPress!”

To avoid such problems, describe the tools, engines and libraries used. At the same time, indicate your hosting requirements. You never know, you will do it in PHP - and the client has a server in .NET.

List the requirements for the operation of the site

The site must work in all current browsers and on all types of devices. Yes, this is obvious to any developer and any customer. But it’s better to write to protect the client from work done in bad faith.

Write here the requirements for site loading speed, load resistance, protection against hacker attacks and similar things.

Specify the site structure

Before you start drawing the design and layout, you need to agree on the structure of the site with the client.

Talk to the customer and find out what he needs. Gather developers, SEO specialists, marketers, editor-in-chief - and decide which pages are needed on the site. Think about how they will be connected to each other, from which one you can switch to.

You can show the structure with a list, you can draw a block diagram. Whichever is more convenient for you.

This is one of the most important stages of working on the site. Structure is the foundation. If it is unsuccessful, the site will turn out to be crooked.

Explain what will be on each page

The client must understand why each page is needed and what elements will be on it. There are two ways to show this.

Prototype- a more visual and unambiguous way. The contractor draws sketches of each page and attaches them to the terms of reference. The client sees what the interface of his future website will look like and says what he likes and what needs to be changed.

Enumeration of elements- a lazy alternative to prototype. Just write down what blocks should be on the page and what they do.

Describe the scenarios for using the site

If you are making some kind of non-standard interface, just showing the structure and page thumbnails is not enough. It is important that the entire execution team and the client understand how visitors will use the site. Scripts are great for this. The scenario diagram is very simple:

  • User action.
  • Site response.
  • Result.

Of course, if you are making a standard business card or landing page, you don’t need to write scripts. But if there are some interactive services on the site, it is very desirable.

Read more about use cases in Wikipedia.

Determine who is responsible for the content

Some developers create a website with content right away. Others place fish. Still others can write texts, but for an additional fee. Agree on this on shore and write down in the terms of reference what content you should prepare.

It is quite difficult to come up with objective criteria for assessing the quality of texts. It’s better not to write anything other than “High-quality, interesting and selling content that is useful for the target audience.” It's trash, no one needs it.

Specifying that all content must be unique is helpful. Another protection for the client from unscrupulous performers.

Describe the design (if you can)

As with text, it is difficult to come up with objective criteria for assessing website design. If you and the client have agreed on a color scheme, write it down. If he has a brand book in which the fonts are specified, indicate them too.

There is no need to write about beautiful and modern design. It doesn't mean anything, has no power and generally ugh.

Instead of a conclusion: the structure of the terms of reference

The structure of the technical specifications will be different for different tasks. It’s stupid to make the same technical specifications for a new social network and a landing page for the wholesale sale of carrots. But in general you need these sections:

  • Information about the company and target audience, goals and objectives of the site.
  • A glossary of terms that may not be clear to the client.
  • Technical requirements to the layout and operation of the site.
  • Description of the technologies used and a list of hosting requirements.
  • Detailed site structure.
  • Prototypes of pages or descriptions of elements that should be on them.
  • Scenarios for using a non-standard interface (optional).
  • List of content that the developer makes.
  • Design requirements (optional).
  • Rules for compiling Software Requirements Specification. SRS is the next step in the evolution of the technical specifications. Needed for large and complex projects.
  • Standards and templates of technical specifications for software development. Descriptions of various GOSTs and methodologies for creating technical specifications.

This is the end of the part that I wrote. But there is another one - comments from specialists who helped make the guide. Read it, it's interesting too.

Developer Comments

I talked to several developers to find out how they create technical specifications. I pass the microphone to them.

First of all, the client needs technical specifications - so that he understands what his website will be like and what the money will be spent on. If something is done wrong, he can refer to the technical specifications and ask for it to be redone.

The technical specification is drawn up by the project manager after communicating with the client and discussing the task with the designer.

Large customers often ask for very detailed technical specifications, which describe each button. Small companies, on the contrary, do not like meticulous 100-page documents. It's a long read and it's easy to miss something important. More often we make concise technical specifications of 10–15 pages.

We indicate:

  • Information about the company and the purpose of the site.
  • Requirements for design, color scheme.
  • Technologies and CMS used.
  • Who produces the content - us or the client.
  • The structure of the site down to each page.
  • Descriptions of each page. We don't make prototypes, but we specify what elements should be on the page and how they should work.

The last 2 sections are the most important. They are the ones who provide an understanding of what the site will be like and how it will work.

A very important point - you can’t just give the terms of reference to the developers and hope that they will do everything well. Technical specification is a list of requirements for the site; it cannot replace communication. It is important to make sure that each team member understands the overall goal and is not just completing tasks on the fly. If something is unclear, it is necessary to explain, discuss, and give detailed comments.

Technical specifications are understood as specialized documentation containing the customer’s main requirements for procurement objects, which defines a list of conditions under which the purchase will be carried out and what work is to be performed. Despite the fact that the legislation does not provide for the mandatory preparation of technical specifications for the performance of work and other services, this form of documentation is widespread, since thanks to the technical specifications, labor and time resources are saved at the following stages:

  • Planning stage;
  • Drawing up final documentation for the upcoming purchase, notices, project agreements;
  • The stage of direct execution of the terms of the contract.

By drawing up a technical specification (hereinafter referred to as TOR) before posting a notice of a planned purchase, an optimal calculation of the time required to complete the work or provide goods and select qualified specialists is achieved. Also, a properly drawn up technical specification allows you to specify the procurement object itself as much as possible, describing it as clearly and in detail as possible. Based on the previously prepared technical specifications, a final assessment of the compliance of the procurement result with the originally stated characteristics is carried out.

Based on the information contained in this document, it becomes possible:

  • Formation of a procurement plan and project;
  • Determining the cost of the contract, both initial and maximum possible;
  • Drawing up a notice of procurement;
  • Formation of a schedule for fulfilling the terms of the contract;
  • Preparation of basic documentation, including draft contracts;
  • Evaluation of proposals received from those wishing to participate in the procurement;
  • Conclusion of a contract and monitoring its implementation.

How to create a form

As a rule, the terms of reference are drawn up by the contract manager in tandem with specialists from the legal department, after which the document is certified by a person authorized to make decisions related to procurement. It is advisable to sign the document no more than 10 days before the date of generation of the notice and other related procurement documents. The terms of reference include:

  • Basic information about the planned purchase;
  • General information about the procurement object;
  • Requirements for performers;
  • What conditions must be observed when executing the contract;
  • Information about available applications.

Pay attention! When preparing technical specifications, you should be guided by objectivity, using clear and concise formulations that do not contain contradictions. The requirements of the technical specifications must be formed in accordance with established practice, without containing contradictions to the norms of legislation.

When drawing up technical specifications, it should be taken into account that, according to the technical specifications, the risks and burdens of suppliers and performers should not exceed those assumed by the customer, otherwise this may lead to an increase in the cost of the contract, or to refusal to submit applications for participation.

For construction and installation work

The terms of reference for construction and installation work must contain the necessary criteria according to which the required work must be carried out. When drawing up the document you should indicate:

  • The auction object itself. What kind of work must be performed in accordance with the future contract;
  • Location address. The exact location of the objects where construction and installation work is required;
  • Conditions of work. This paragraph, as a rule, lists the nature of the soil, engineering and geological characteristics, for example, the level of groundwater depth and other characteristics that are significant during future construction;
  • The nature of the construction and installation work is indicated - whether it will be new construction or the work will be carried out on an already constructed facility;
  • Method of implementation, for example, in a row;
  • The next paragraph contains information about the availability of design estimates and who compiled it;
  • Technical and economic characteristics of the construction site;
  • The next paragraph describes the functions that the customer of construction and installation work assumes, including accounting, monitoring the progress of construction at all stages, organizing work and providing permission to carry out construction and installation work;
  • Requirements for the contractor with a list of works to be performed by the contractor;
  • Stages of construction and deadlines for completing a certain volume according to the distribution into stages;
  • Organizational requirements, for example, the need to comply with the work performed to the requirements of GOST and current SNiPs;
  • IN final destination the time frame within which construction and installation work must be completed in full is indicated.

For electrical installation work

When drawing up technical specifications for electrical installation work, the same principles apply as in the previous example. The following information is indicated by item:

  • Place of work;
  • Completion deadlines;
  • Given brief description required work;
  • Requirements for the performer.

Important! Due to the specifics of certain types of work, which include, in particular, electrical installation work, along with the standard requirements for auction participants, the customer may put forward special conditions in the technical specifications.

So, these may be requirements to provide information about admission to certain types works, the availability of technical resources for their implementation, provision of confirmation of the qualification level of the workers of the participant applying for participation in the auction.

To perform work under 44-FZ

According to requirements Federal Law No. 44-FZ, the customer must be guided by uniform requirements regarding the description of the procurement object when preparing documents, regardless of the methods of actual execution of the contract. When preparing the technical specifications, the customer must be guided by the following directives:

  1. When describing auction objects, one should focus on the criteria of objectivity;
  2. The functionality, technical and operational characteristics of the procurement object must be included in the description if necessary;
  3. The terms of reference should be neutral in nature, without containing too many excessive requirements in order to limit the number of potential participants.

Customers are required to rely on the provisions of Federal Law No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services”, according to the requirements of which, the selection of a contractor or supplier is carried out according to the strict rules of an electronic auction, the winner of which, as a rule, is the participant the lowest bidder. Therefore, it is extremely important to prepare correct technical specifications that take into account all the nuances of the procurement.