Orthodox psalms about the bestowal of God's grace. Psalms of thanksgiving. Orthodox icons and prayers

Religious reading: the psalter is a powerful prayer to help our readers.

Anyone who has heard at least once about “Psalm 91” (the text of the prayer will be given below) has probably wondered: why is it read? Psalm number 90 is a prayer endowed with enormous power: it can protect from all manifestations of evil and negativity, from unkind people, from evil spirits.

The ninetieth psalm is the strongest amulet. This prayer exhibits its protective properties not only when it is directly pronounced. The function of the amulet “Psalm 90” is well preserved when written by hand on a piece of paper, a piece of leather or fabric. If you carry this “letter” close to your body, it will protect you from any misfortunes and misfortunes, accidents, ill-wishers and enemies, magical and other types of energy influence from the outside.

Mention of “Psalm 90” is found even in the Gospel (Matthew – 4:6; Luke – 4:11). While the Savior was fasting for 40 days in the desert, Satan tempted him. In order not to succumb to demonic machinations, Christ read the 11th and 12th verses of this prayer.

In Western Christianity, the ninetieth psalm is read or sung during evening worship; in the Middle Ages it was a mandatory part of the readings on Good Friday.

The Eastern Church uses prayer at funerals and memorial services, and “Psalm 90” is an indispensable part of the 6th hour service.

“Psalm 90”: text of prayer

“Psalm 90” is recommended to be read on Church Slavonic language, although there are also translations of the prayer into modern Russian. The reason lies in the fact that during translation it is impossible to convey with absolute accuracy the deep meaning and content of the prayer text, its key idea.

In Church Slavonic, “Psalm 90” reads as follows:

IN synodal translation In modern Russian, the text of the prayer “Psalm 90” is as follows:

From the history of the origin of the prayer “Psalm 90”

“Psalm 90” originates from the biblical book “Old Testament: Psalms” - there it comes under number 90 (hence the name). However, in the Masoretic numbering it is assigned number 91. In the Christian religion, this prayer is also known by its first words: in Latin - “Qui habitat”, in Old Slavonic (Church Slavonic) - “Alive in help”.

Regarding the origin of “Psalm 90,” researchers are of the opinion that its authorship belongs to the prophet David. He wrote it in honor of his deliverance from a three-day pestilence. This prayer is also called the “Song of Praise of David” - under this name it appears in the Greek Psalter.

Contents and main ideas of the prayer “Psalm 90”

“Psalm 90” is one of the most powerful prayers. The text of the psalm is permeated with the idea that the Lord is the protector and reliable refuge of all those who believe in him. He convinces us that a person who sincerely believes in God with all his heart may not be afraid of any danger. “Psalm 90” conveys the idea that faith in the Most High has irresistible power. Elements of prophecy can also be found in prayer - it points to the coming of the Savior, who is the most important protector of any believer.

“David’s Song of Praise” is distinguished by expressive poetic language. It has its own clear structure. It can be roughly divided into three parts:

  1. The first part is verses one and two.
  2. The second part is verses three to thirteen.
  3. The third part is verses fourteen to sixteen.

Interpretation of the prayer “Psalm 90”

Unfortunately, not everyone understands “Psalm 90” without full interpretation. If we analyze each verse of the prayer, we get the following:

The Lord hears everyone who says the prayer “Psalm 90” and never refuses his help. God is merciful, therefore he often helps a person who has sinned a lot in his life, if he, when reading a prayer, turns to the Lord with deep and sincere faith in his heart, with trust in Him.

As a child, my mother always gave me a piece of paper with Psalm 90 written on it. At the time, of course, I didn’t understand what it was for, but now I made the same amulet for my children, only on a piece of cotton fabric, and sewed it into their clothes so that they would always be protected Gentlemen.

Thank you! I'll make the same amulet for myself. There will be a move to another country and a flight. I'm terribly afraid of flying on airplanes, panic is already starting...

Hello! My son drinks heavily.

Hello, Elena! If a son drinks, prayer is not always enough; it has long been clear that without the person himself recognizing the problem, it is difficult to help him. As far as I know, there is a prayer to St. Nicholas the Saint and others; you need to ask the priest who to pray for this.

Hello. Your son must want to stop drinking himself; he must have a DESIRE to get rid of alcohol addiction. Pray. Ask “Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ, I ask you to help your son get rid of alcohol addiction, give your son the strength to fight satanic temptations.” Something like this. Prayer is the cry of your soul. With God!

Your son should pray too. It is best if you two pray together, you say the prayer first, and then your son. The Bible says ( New Testament) “Where two or three are gathered in My name, there I am in the midst of them” (Matt. 18:20).

Can I get a tattoo on the back of this amulet?

Tattooing is considered a sin. Consult with a priest. After all, it is said that it works if you write it yourself by hand, only then will it work.

And where can I find a copy of the original in Latin?

Don't anger God. God sent the test, endure it

This is my favorite psalm, it really helps.

In my opinion, you need to read a prayer in a language that you know well and understand well what is said in this prayer. But in Old Church Slavonic, breaking your tongue and not understanding the meaning of the prayer, you are unlikely to convey your prayers to the Lord God. And being constantly distracted and correcting your pronunciation is also not good.

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Powerful prayer Psalm 148 from the Psalter

The text of Psalm 148 continues the theme of the previous songs: the great gratitude of the Jews who returned from Babylonian captivity and managed, with God’s help, to revive their state from the ashes, as well as to build the long-awaited Second Temple. The psalmist’s delight, which obviously expresses the joy of the entire Jewish people, is so great that he invites not only people to share it, but also all living things that exist in the Universe and beyond: the heavenly bodies, fish and animals, and even the highest creatures - Angels. The interpretation of Psalm 148 explains that by the word “angels” the psalmist means all the heavenly powers that stand before God.

Orthodox Psalm 148: Prayer for a Rich Harvest

In the text of Psalm 148, the author draws the reader’s attention to the perfection of the Universe created by God: the verse “He set them for ever and ever; gave a statute that will not pass away” (Ps. 149:6) refers to all the heavenly bodies that from century to century fulfill the “character of God,” that is, carry out the movement established by the Lord. And even changeable natural phenomena such as snow, rain, wind, fog and hail evoke the admiration of the psalmist. Because he is convinced that he too is subject to the word of God. Read and listen online to the Christian psalm one hundred and forty-eight about the gift of good weather and a rich harvest.

Listen to the video prayer Psalm 148 in Russian

Read the Orthodox text of the prayer Psalm 148 in Russian

Praise the Lord from heaven, praise Him in the highest. Praise Him, all His angels; praise Him, all His armies. Praise Him, sun and moon, praise Him, all stars of light. Praise Him, heavens of heavens and waters that are above the heavens. Let them praise the name of the Lord, for He spoke, and they were made, He commanded, and they were made; set them for ever and ever; gave a statute that will not pass away. Praise the Lord from the earth, great fish and all the deeps, fire and hail, snow and fog, the stormy wind that fulfills His word, mountains and all hills, fruitful trees and all cedars, beasts and all livestock, reptiles and winged birds, kings of the earth and Let all nations, princes and all the judges of the earth, young men and maidens, elders and youths praise the name of the Lord, for His alone is exalted, His glory is on earth and in heaven. He has exalted the horn of His people, the glory of all His saints, the children of Israel, the people close to Him. Hallelujah.

Russian Psalter, text of Psalm 148 in Church Slavonic language

Praise the Lord from heaven, praise him in the highest. Praise him, all his angels; Praise him with all your might. Praise him, sun and moon; Praise him all the stars and light. Praise him, heavens of heavens and waters that are above the heavens. Let them praise the name of the Lord; like that speech, and it happened; He commanded it, and it was created. May I set it to the age and to the age of the century; put down a command, and it does not go unnoticed. Praise the Lord from the earth, the serpent and all the deeps; fire, hail, snow, bareness, stormy spirit, creating his word; mountains and all hills, fruitful trees and all cedars; beasts and all cattle, reptiles and birds; the kings of the zemstvo and all the people, the princes and all the judges of the zemstvo; young men and maidens, old men and young men. Let them praise the name of the Lord; for the name of that one has ascended, his confession on earth and in heaven. And he will exalt the horn of his people; a hymn to all his saints, the sons of Israel, the people who draw near to him.

Reading the Psalms in various life situations. Part 2

On this basis, all psalms can be divided into groups:

The most powerful psalms:

Psalm 2 - to work

Psalm 112 – from getting rid of debts

Psalm 22 - to calm children

Psalm 126 - to eradicate enmity between loved ones

Psalm 102 – deliverance from all diseases

Psalm 27 – for nervous diseases

Psalm 133 - from all danger

Psalm 101 – out of despondency

Psalm 125 – for migraines, headaches

Psalm 58 – for those speechless

Psalm 44 – for heart and kidney diseases

Psalm 37 – for toothache

Psalm 95 – to improve hearing

Psalm 122 - from pride

Psalm 116 and 126 - to preserve love and harmony in the family

Psalm 108 is a curse prayer. It contains the wish “Let his children be orphans, and his wife a widow.” Psalm 108 is David's prayer to the Lord, asking for vengeance on his enemies who are mercilessly persecuting him. This psalm is replete with curses, mainly directed at one of David's sworn enemies. Many people offer prayers for the death of their enemies. But not all of these prayers reach God. In addition, often evil thoughts directed against someone turn against the person praying. This means that in heaven those prayers that should be heard are heard. This psalm is similar to the cabalistic ritual of Pulse de Nura.

Help from the Heavenly Forces: Psalter for Health

Often people burdened with certain problems rely not so much on their own strength as on the life-giving power of prayers and the word of God. However, any prayer is a great spiritual work. It requires complete dedication, sincerity and spiritual purity. The more connected a person is with God, the more effective and efficient his requests are. Therefore, while praying for your neighbors, you must not forget about yourself. Humility, confession, conversations with a priest strengthen the spirit and faith, support morally and physically. A believer should have more such meetings. The more faith you have, the more effective your prayers are.

What is the Psalter

The Psalter is a collection of prayers and poems glorifying the Almighty, which believers read on one occasion or another. Psalms are widely used during worship. They are also often pronounced during home or private readings, because The poems from the collection, small in volume but very significant in content, are extremely effective for various needs. The Psalter is especially often read about health – one’s own or that of one of one’s relatives, friends, and relatives. Funeral services also feature the tradition of psalmody. As for the authorship of the texts, the question of them has not yet been fully studied. Many belong to David, some to Solomon. In total, the researchers found that the book was written over a long period of time, and more than a dozen people worked on it.

How is the Psalter constructed?

In monasteries, the Psalter is read from beginning to end within a week. This is done according to certain rules. The entire book is divided into sections - kafizas (there are 20 of them). Inside, each section is also divided into “glories” (glorifications), there are usually 3 of them. And the “articles” themselves consist of psalms - no less than 6 and no more than 9. There are special cell prayers in the collection that are read before one or another kathisma or after it. And when reading “glories,” they mention the living (Psalter of Health) or the deceased.

Health protection

If you are overcome by a severe illness, you cannot give up and sigh doomedly. And even if the doctors made an inexorable verdict, there is always hope. Remember the biblical words “your faith has saved you”? They contain deep meaning. After all, if you read the Psalter about health with deep faith, the hand of God will certainly reach out and support, no matter what abyss a person falls into. Moreover, the collection contains special psalms designed to alleviate and heal certain diseases. These are kafizas, and if you are at a loss and don’t know how to find the right one, contact a priest. He will tell you which section to read so that the Psalter on Health brings maximum benefit. For example, for various types of mental illnesses, psalms 4, 7, 27, 55, 56, 108 will ease suffering. If you suffer from headaches, you will need verses 56, 79, 125, 128. To heal the organs of vision and hearing, turn to 5, 58, 99, 122. Other psalms can also help you. How to read the Psalter about health? At home, be sure to do it three times a day. You may not know the special prayers preceding the psalter reading; they will be replaced by the “Our Father.”

24/7 prayer

For believers, the Psalter is generally a reference book. But there are times when your participation alone is not enough. And you go to the monastery, asking for help and support from the initiates. Particularly powerful is the incessant Psalter for Health - a round-the-clock prayer read by specially designated monks, especially strong in faith and marked by the grace of God. Throughout the baptized world, its superiority over other doxologies and petitions is recognized. Since ancient times, many holy miracles and healings have been performed using the indefatigable Psalter.

Believe, live with God in your heart - and it will be given to you according to your requests!

Orthodox icons and prayers

Information site about icons, prayers, Orthodox traditions.

The never-ending psalter, how to read it correctly at home and more

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Prayer brings a person closer to God. This is a known fact. She gives strength and gives hope to everyone who asks. You can read for both the living and the dead. Reading around the clock strengthens a person’s strength and will, casts out demons and gives God’s blessing. You can find more information about what the psalter for health is, and the never-sleeping psalter, how to read it correctly and other interesting information in our article.

The Everlasting Psalter

This collection of prayers is characterized not only by the fact that it is read without interruption, but also by the fact that church ministers can sit while presenting it. It consists of certain sections (“kathismas” - read while sitting), which are performed separately for health, for repose and for every day. You can also read it yourself at home. This ritual not only strengthens the spirit of the person praying, but also opens his soul to the Lord, as it speaks to him tirelessly and with great faith.

The never-ending psalter, features

Monks who are given the right to read these psalms have a special grace from above - to beg forgiveness for the sins of worldly people. For them, prayer is a sermon, good news that brings them closer to God. And here on Earth they are in the guise of angels. Their power is very great, otherwise the requests will not reach the Almighty, which means that help in saving the soul will not be provided. And they cannot allow this to happen.

The peculiarity of such prayers is the fact that while the monks pray for a person, great power protects him from evil demons and helps him in the fight against sinful passions. They are read day and night, and the ministers simply replace each other after a certain time.

This work has long been performed in many monasteries, both male and female. And ordering his reading was considered a generous alms that helps with health and saves the soul in heaven. Any monastery needs to have such a rank, since this is its direct support. This ritual will greatly benefit not only the person for whom it was ordered, but also:

  • to you personally, because this is a great and merciful deed;
  • the monastery, since this is its main support;
  • monks, because they take part in this rite;
  • by your own example you can inspire other people;
  • Seeing the inevitable and expected result, your faith will strengthen and become stronger.

It’s very good to order a reading for yourself personally, then invisible support is felt in everything. It’s not surprising that there is also eternal reading. And, believe me, the money spent will be worth it. You can also carry out this action yourself.

How to read the psalter correctly

Reading this work is a great tradition, which is based on certain rules that must be strictly observed. People have been praying using this book for a long time. Even among the ancient monks, it was customary to read it in their heads, and the monastery accepted only those who knew it by heart.

In Orthodoxy, to this day, there is a custom of reading scripture by agreement.

  • A group of believers, separately from each other, reads it in its entirety in just one day. Also, each of them reads one kathisma given to him at home, remembering the names of those who perform the ritual with him. All this is done clearly and by agreement.
  • On the second day, the entire book is read again, but each of the believers is already performing the next kathisma. If one of those gathered was unable to read the section given to him on any of these days, he reads it the next day, not forgetting that what follows are the following prayers required for fulfillment.
  • The entire book is read at least forty times, especially if the execution takes place before Lent. It is beyond the power of one person to do this, therefore, as a rule, this action is performed by a certain group of believers.

How to read the psalter at home

  • To read, you need to prepare a burning lamp or candle. You can pray without a church fire only on the road;
  • It is necessary to read only out loud (in an undertone or quietly), so that both the mind and the ear understand the prayer and “live” it;
  • You should pay special attention to the placement of stress and correct reading in general; you need to be aware of the meaning of each word read. Remember that a mistake can change the meaning of both one word and the entire phrase, which means that everything performed will not only have no meaning, but will also become a great sin;
  • You can sing psalms while sitting (“kathisma”). You need to get up when reading the initial and final songs, as well as when reading the words “Glory”;
  • Say your prayers monotonously, without much expression or passion, singing a little, because your sinful feelings are unpleasant to the Almighty. Reading with theatrical tact suggests that demons have settled in the soul of the person speaking the words and filled his mind and heart;
  • You should also not be discouraged while reading or embarrassed if the section you are reading is not particularly clear. Regarding the performance of the psalms, there is the following statement: “You don’t understand - the demons understand.” Therefore, do not worry if you do not fully understand something in what is written - everything will come with time. Spiritual development will gradually reveal the meaning of a church work.

Now knowing how to read the psalter correctly at home, everyone who believes and wants to help another will be able to do so. After all, a person’s faith is strong only when his spirit and will are not broken, when the mind and heart are one whole, and the soul is directed towards the eternal.

The never-ending psalter about health, what is it?

Life and health for any person are the most important thing; without it, nothing makes sense. And when a terrible illness awaits our loved ones, when everyday misfortunes lie in wait, we can also read the psalms “On Health.” They are ordered from monasteries, and then the monks tirelessly pray for a certain time so that the Lord will grant his loved one his grace and help him overcome despondency.

How to read the psalter about health at home

You can also help a loved one at home. By reading prayers independently and adhering to the above rules, each of us can turn to God, knowing for sure that he will be heard. To do this you need to have pure thoughts and unshakable faith.

A person always trusts in the mercy of God, because he understands that it will be difficult for him to fight various ailments and misfortunes on his own. And every time troubles happen in life, we turn to the Lord as the last “resort”, where they will hear, see, understand and help...

An indestructible psalter to remove damage from a person

Sometimes it happens that a person seems healthy and reasonable, but something weighs him down and does not allow him to live normally. And when no “earthly” methods help, he goes to the temple, realizing that he is controlled by “evil spirits,” which can over time completely take over his body and soul.

Reading this particular scripture best removes damage, because its main goal is to pacify and give peace, driving out the demons that have filled the mind and heart.

The everlasting psalter removes damage various types. And this is a very serious problem that many do not believe in, but in vain. A person’s thoughts are material and, once thinking sinfully, one can bring upon oneself the enormous power of demons. Their power is very great, and, as a rule, it is almost impossible to cope with them alone. And this, unfortunately, can lead to disastrous consequences.

Here, help in reading prayers is not just necessary, but is the only way to help the sufferer.

Psalter for the departed up to 40 days

In Orthodox history, there is a tradition of reading prayers over the body of the deceased before his burial and then one kathisma after the ceremony.

  • Only relatives should read, doing this standing whenever possible and continuously until the burial process for several days. You can only fall silent at those moments when a memorial service is being read over the coffin of the deceased.
  • If relatives cannot gather together over the body of the deceased, then you can divide the time and read to everyone in their own and at home.
  • Then, after the ceremony itself, the relatives continue to read the scripture for 40 days, until the soul of the deceased leaves the earthly abode and goes to heaven.

So they help her get rid of the sins committed during her life and find eternal peace in paradise, becoming an angel.

Psalter for the Dead

The most common church ritual is the reading of prayers for the deceased. One of these prayers is “Sorokoust”. It is often ordered in monasteries on memorial dates. Then the clergy for forty days (and therefore forty times) mention in the reading the name of the person for whom they are praying.

It is believed that in this way all sins are forgiven and God's grace comes. To make this prayer even stronger, you need to order it in several churches at the same time.

The Psalter of Repose is very important for everyone who has experienced a great tragedy in life and lost a loved one. Realizing that the pain cannot be relieved even here on earth, nothing can be done to help their loved one, they resort to the mercy of God, who now accompanies him there in heaven.

Psalter of the Virgin Mary

These prayers are read for the health of one, a loved one or even a stranger, before the face of the Virgin Mary in the temple, while a candle is placed on the altar, the fire of which expresses the sincerity of thoughts and love for God.

The Psalter of the Mother of God is a very powerful scripture. It is read asking for health and grace, since the Most Pure One fulfills the will of the Lord and is closest to him than all the saints.

Valaam Psalter

Another quite interesting reading of prayers is their performance by the choir of the brethren of the Valaam Monastery. The monks (and among them only men) pray tirelessly and with grace. Their songs are not only meaningful, but also very beautiful. In Orthodoxy, this choir is truly a masterpiece of church culture.

Prayer is eternal... That is why the never-ending psalter has such great value for everyone who has believed the Lord in his heart. This is an “invisible hand” that guides through life, not letting you fall, helps and protects, giving a great miracle - faith.

Once upon a time there lived a saint Venerable Arsenios of Cappadocia(~1840–1924) His memorial day: October 28 (November 10). He was a seer and healer. With his prayers he healed terminally ill people. And he left us his prayers too. Help us ALL!

Troparion to St. Arsenius of Cappadocia, tone 3

Having passed away a life pleasing to God in goodness, / you have appeared as an honorable vessel of the Comforter, O God-bearing Arseny, / you have received the grace of miracles, you have given speedy help to everyone, / reverend father, / praying to Christ God // to grant us great mercy.

"Reverend Arsenios used psalms for blessing, suitable for various occasions; especially in those cases when there was no church rite for a special need. The Greek original source can be found in the publication "0 Heron Paisios" by Hieromonk Christodoulus, Holy Mount Athos, 1994.

(The number indicates the number of the psalm, and then indicates for what need it should be read)

For protection from demons.

Psalm 6: So that God frees man from spells.
Psalm 8: About those who suffered evil from demons.
Psalm 9: So that the intimidation of demons in dreams or fantasies during the day will cease.
Psalm 13: Against a terrible demon (3 times a day for 3 days)
Psalm 33: Those who are near death, when they are tormented by the devil.
Psalm 57: So that favorable circumstances may come to those who act for good, so that God will prevent every evil action of demons or envious people.
Psalm 65: So that the evil one does not bring temptation into homes and sorrow to families.
Psalm 70: About abandoned people who are burdened by the envy of the devil and come to despair in order to find mercy from God.
Psalm 90: So that the devil disappears when he appears to a person or scares him.
Psalm 94: So that witchcraft does not touch the spouses, so that problems and friction do not arise.
Psalm 96: So that witchcraft may leave people.
Psalm 121: About healing from the evil eye.

For protection from elements and disasters.

Psalm 17: When there is the wrath of God, earthquakes, cataclysms and lightning.
Psalm 21: About stopping fires.
Psalm 28: About those who are afraid of the sea and the storm.
Psalm 30: May God give an abundance of crops and fruits on the trees when the weather is unfavorable.
Psalm 47: When great destruction and looting by bandits occurs (read continuously for 40 days).
Psalm 50: When the educational wrath of God comes upon us - epidemics and widespread diseases that bring death to people and animals.
Psalm 68: When, due to the wrath of God, rivers flood and wash away houses and people.
Psalm 85: About saving people when a cholera epidemic attacks.
Psalm 92: So that God may preserve a ship that is in danger during a big storm (sprinkle the four sides of the ship with blessed water).
Psalm 111: About the preservation of soldiers going to war.

In defense from human hostility.

Psalm 5: For God to heal the eyes struck by an evil man (the victim of a beating).
Psalm 7: About those who suffered from fear, became frightened, became nervous through the threats of evil people.
Psalm 11: About fools who do evil to people.

Psalm 26: So that God will protect the inhabitants from enemy troops.
Psalm 29: About those who are in danger (far among enemies and godless people), so that God will preserve them and enlighten them, and pacify their enemies, so that they may know God.
Psalm 33: So that God will reveal the truth about those unjustly condemned and they will be freed.
Psalm 33: From enemy troops when they violate the border to do evil.

Psalm 36: About people seriously wounded by criminals.
Psalm 42: About the release of captives.
Psalm 47: When great looting by bandits occurs (read 40 days in a row).
Psalm 57: So that God will prevent every evil action of envious people who hinder those who do good.
Psalm 59: So that God will reveal the truth when many people are slandered.
Psalm 72: About the repentance of evil-doing people.
Psalm 73: So that God would preserve the inhabitants working in their fields when enemies surrounded the village (so that God would preserve the peaceful people who were surrounded by enemies).
Psalm 74: About appeasing a rude master who torments his neighbors and servants.
Psalm 78: So that God preserves villages from plunder and destruction by enemy troops.
Psalm 82: So that God will prevent evil people plotting murder.
Psalm 84: About the healing of people affected by violence and fear.
Psalm 87: About the protection of all defenseless people suffering from the cruelty of their neighbors.
Psalm 93: So that God will admonish people who are calling for rebellion and causing disorder and looting.
Psalm 107: So that God will humble the enemies, may they change their evil intentions.
Psalm 117: May God humble the barbarians and crush their evil intentions when they threaten.
Psalm 119: So that God will show His power against the barbarians and humble their actions when they kill innocent women and children.
Psalm 120: About protecting slaves (prisoners) from enemy hands, so that no harm will be done to them until they are freed.
Psalm 124: About preserving the buildings of righteous people from evil ones.
Psalm 131: So that God may have mercy on the people when there are frequent wars due to sins.
Psalm 133: About preservation from all danger.
Psalm 135: On the protection of refugees.
Psalm 140: So that God would pacify the rude local boss who mocks his neighbors.
Psalm 141: So that God will pacify the rebellion.
Psalm 143: So that God will tame the rebellious people, so that war does not break out.

About the arrangement family life and eradicating hostility among loved ones.

Psalm 10: About softening the hardness of hearts of spouses who quarrel and are divided (when the cruel torment the kind).
Psalm 22: About pacifying disorderly and disobedient children who offend their parents.
Psalm 43: For God to reveal the truth in suspected spouses, and about mutual love.
Psalm 45: About the young, whom the enemy, out of envy, prevents from starting a family.
Psalm 54: To restore the respect of a defamed family that has been slandered.
Psalm 75: A mother who is afraid of childbirth.
Psalm 76: When there is no mutual understanding between parents and children, so that God may enlighten them, let the children obey their parents, and the parents show love.
Psalm 86: About the longevity of the owner of the family.
Psalm 116: About preserving love and harmony in families, let them glorify God.
Psalm 126: About reconciliation in the family during quarrels.
Psalm 127: So that the evil of the enemy does not come close to the house, and the peace and blessing of God rest on the family.
Psalm 139: So that God may pacify the obstinate owner of the family, and not torture the entire family.

About healing from illnesses.

Psalm 4: For God to heal sensitive people who have become melancholy through the treatment of hard-hearted people.
Psalm 5: For God to heal the eyes struck by the evil man.
Psalm 7: About those who have become nervous through the threats of evil people.
Psalm 12: About those who have liver disease.
Psalm 18: On the liberation of mothers during childbirth.
Psalm 19: About spouses who are childless due to injury, so that God will heal them.
Psalm 27: About the healing of nervous patients.
Psalm 37: When your jaws hurt from rotten teeth.
Psalm 40: To free mothers in premature birth.
Psalm 44: About people suffering from heart and kidneys.
Psalm 56: About people suffering from headaches from many experiences.
Psalm 58: For the dumb, so that God may give them speech.
Psalm 63: When a person is bitten by a wolf or a mad dog.
Psalm 67: To free mothers during difficult childbirth, when they suffer greatly.
Psalm 79: About the healing of a person whose face is swollen and his whole head hurts.
Psalm 95: So that God may give hearing to the deaf.
Psalm 102: So that a person’s disordered health can be restored.
Psalm 106: About deliverance from infertility of women.
Psalm 108: About the healing of sleepwalkers.
Psalm 113: For God to heal mentally retarded children.
Psalm 122: For God to give sight to the blind and for the healing of sore eyes.
Psalm 125: About the healing of people suffering from constant headaches.
Psalm 128: About the healing of people suffering from migraines and headaches.
Psalm 142: About the preservation of the mother during pregnancy.
Psalm 145: About stopping the bleeding of people.
Psalm 146: About the healing of those beaten by evil people and wounded in the jaws.

About help with various everyday needs.

Psalm 1: When fruit-bearing trees or a vineyard are planted.
Psalm 15: About finding lost keys.
Psalm 23: To open doors when keys are lost.
Psalm 31: So that travelers can find their way when they are lost and exhausted.
Psalm 48: About those who do dangerous work.
Psalm 52: May God bless the nets and fish may be caught.
Psalm 62: So that the fields and trees bear fruit when the water runs dry.
Psalm 66: May God bless the poultry houses (chickens).
Psalm 71: So that God may bless the fruits of the new harvest brought into the house from the fields and gardens.

Psalm 89: About sending rain during drought or when springs become scarce.
Psalm 123: About preservation from a snake bite.
Psalm 147: So that God would tame wild animals so that they do not harm people or harm crops.
Psalm 148: About the goodness of the air, about the abundance of the harvest, so that people glorify God.

About the structure of relationships between people.

Psalm 2: So that God will give enlightenment to those who go to the congress (as a delegate to a secular congress or to a church council).
Psalm 3: So as not to unjustly offend your comrades and to avoid human evil.
Psalm 14: About changing the thoughts of robbers and turning them to repentance.
Psalm 16: From major slander (3 times a day for 3 days).
Psalm 34: So that God will free good people from the snares of wicked men who exploit the people of God.
Psalm 35: About the complete destruction of enmity after a fight or misunderstanding.
Psalm 39: About restoring love between master and servants (workers) in case of conflicts.
Psalm 41: Young people suffering from unrequited love.
Psalm 46: About the pacification of a servant or worker when he leaves humiliated (offended, expelled) from the owner and about finding work.
Psalm 51: So that hard-hearted rulers repent and become merciful and do not torture their subjects.
Psalm 53: So that God will enlighten the rich to free the bought slaves (people who work involuntarily).
Psalm 55: About sensitive people who have been mentally hurt by their comrades.
Psalm 60: About those who find it difficult to do things due to laziness or timidity.
Psalm 69: To sensitive people, when they argue about little things and become desperate, so that God may strengthen them.
Psalm 70: About abandoned people, so that they find mercy from God and shelter.
Psalm 101: May God bless those in positions of power to help people with kindness and understanding.
Psalm 108: About pardoning false witnesses, let them repent.
Psalm 109: So that the young have respect for their elders.
Psalm 110: So that unjust judges repent and judge fairly.
Psalm 119: So that God would give patience and forbearance to people who are forced to be among cunning and unrighteous people.
Psalm 128: About pardoning hard-hearted and unjust people who oppress the sensitive.
Psalm 129: So that God gives courage and hope to beginners, so that they do not find it difficult to work.
Psalm 133: May God enlighten the nations so that they may come to agreement and be reconciled.

About help in financial difficulties, strengthening well-being and justice.

Psalm 20: About softening the hearts of the rich so that they may give mercy to the poor.
Psalm 38: To find work for abandoned and unhappy people, let them not mourn.
Psalm 64: So that merchants may have reverence and not deceive ordinary people.
Psalm 77: About enlightening lenders (creditors), so that they do not offend their neighbors for debts, and so that they are merciful.
Psalm 80: So that God will look upon the poor, the impoverished and the sorrowing.
Psalm 81: So that people buy the products of farmers (peasants, gardeners), so that the villagers do not get upset.
Psalm 83: So that God preserves property, animals and products.
Psalm 88: About strengthening weak and infirm people, so that they can work tirelessly and not grieve.
Psalm 103: So that God may bless the property of people, so that they do not become poor and do not mourn, but let them glorify God.
Psalm 112: May God send help to poor widows so that their debts can be paid.
Psalm 114: So that God may give blessings, material support and consolation to the unfortunate poor children, so that they are not despised by the children of the rich.
Psalm 137: May God enlighten the leaders, may people find understanding in their requests.
Psalm 144: So that God may bless the affairs of people, that they may be pleasing to Him.

About the sending and return of spiritual fruits, deliverance from passions.

Psalm 24: About those whom the tempter is very jealous of and constantly brings temptations to them so that they will grumble.
Psalm 25: So that what is asked of God does not harm the one asking.
Psalm 49: So that people who are far from God will repent and be saved.
Psalm 61: So that God will turn away trials from a cowardly person who has no patience and murmurs.
Psalm 91: For God to give understanding to people so that they may prosper spiritually.
Psalm 97: For God to send comfort to grieving people.
Psalm 98: So that God will bless and send grace to the young who want to devote themselves to God.
Psalm 99: So that God would bless people and fill people with Divine desires.
Psalm 100: About giving grace to virtuous people.
Psalm 104: For people to repent and confess their sins.
Psalm 105: About enlightening people so that they do not deviate from the path of salvation.
Psalm 115: For God to heal the terrible passion of lies (deception).
Psalm 130: For God to give people repentance and consolation with hope, so that they may be saved.
Psalm 134: About concentration during prayer and connecting the mind with God.
Psalm 136: So that God may strengthen a person who has an unstable character.
Psalm 138: So that the devil stops tempting people with blasphemous thoughts.

Psalm 149: To give thanks to God for the great kindnesses and for the much love that has no boundaries, which He pours out on us.
Psalm 150: So that God will give joy and comfort to our grieving brothers who are in a foreign land, and to our departed brothers who are in a more distant foreign land."

There are no exact indications on what occasion and when this psalm was written. Perhaps when David was attacked by Saul or Absalom, for in it the psalmist complains of the treachery of his enemies, but at the same time rejoices in the goodness of God towards him. We are here asked to consider, and would do well to consider seriously, I. The wickedness of sin (v. 2-5).

II. The goodness of God, and how merciful he is (1.) to all his creatures in general (v. 6, 7);

(2) to His people in a special way (vv. 8-10). Thus the psalmist was encouraged to pray for all the saints (v. 11), for himself, in particular, and his own safety (v. 12), for triumph in the fall of his enemies (v. 13). If, in singing this psalm, our hearts have been properly smitten with hatred of sin and satisfaction in God's favor, then we sing it with grace and understanding.

To the head of the choir. Psalm of David, the servant of the Lord.

Verses 2-5. David, in the title of this psalm, defines himself as the servant of the Lord. Why in this and not in others (with the exception of Psalm 17) cannot be explained; but he was such, not only in the sense that every godly man is a servant of God, but as a king, as a prophet, as a man engaged in serving the interests of the kingdom of God among men with more readiness and efficiency than any other man in his time. David boasts of this (Ps. 116:7). It is not an insult, but an honor for the greatest men to be the servants of the great God. This is the highest advancement that a person is capable of in this world.

In these verses David describes the wickedness of the wicked; it is unclear whether he is referring to his specific persecutors or to all the great sinners in the world. But here sin is presented to us in its causes, flowers, roots and branches.

I. Here is presented to us the root of bitterness, from which all wickedness spring. It springs, 1. From their contempt of God, and want of respect for him (v. 2): The wickedness of the wicked (as further described in v. 4, 5) speaks in my heart (makes me conclude) : there is no fear of God before his eyes; for if he had been, the wicked would not have spoken or acted so foolishly; he would not dare to break the laws of God and the covenants with Him if he had any respect for His majesty and feared His wrath.” In these verses the crime is properly presented as a charge under the law: there is no fear of God before his eyes if he does so. The wicked do not openly declare that they have no fear of God, but their crimes whisper it secretly into the minds of those who know something of the nature of godliness and wickedness. David concludes that those who live without limitations live without God in this world.

(2.) From their own conceit and the flattery with which they soothe their souls (v. 3): “He flatters himself in his own eyes, that is, when he sins, he thinks that he is doing wisely and good for himself, and either does not see, or does not recognize the evil and danger of his vicious actions. He calls evil good and good evil. He pretends that his debauchery is simply freedom, his fraud is committed out of foresight and politics, and he presents to himself the persecution of God's people as a manifestation of necessary justice. If his own conscience threatens him for what he has done, then he says: “God will not ask, I will have peace even if I continue.” Please note that sinners destroy themselves by flattering themselves. Satan cannot deceive them unless they deceive themselves. But will the lie continue forever? No, the day will come when the eyes of the sinner will be opened, when he will find his iniquity in order to hate it. Iniquity is an abominable thing, an abominable thing which God hates, and upon which His pure and zealous eye cannot look. It harms the sinner himself, and therefore he should hate it, but this does not happen; he rolls it under his tongue like a sweet candy, because through it he can receive worldly gain and sensual pleasure, but this food in his womb will turn into the bile of asps within him (Job 20:13,14). When the sinner's conscience is convicted, sin will appear in all its true colors and it will become a horror to itself; when the cup of trembling is placed in his hands and he has to drink it to the end, then the abomination of his crimes will be revealed, and lying to himself will turn out to be unspeakable stupidity and a burden for his condemnation.

II. These are the cursed branches that grow from the root of bitterness. The sinner defies God and even himself, and what can one expect then, if not that everything will come to nothing. These were the first two sprouts of sin. Men do not fear God, and therefore flatter themselves, and then (1.) They do not know what they say, whether it is true or false, whether they are right or wrong (v. 4): "The words of his mouth are falsehood and deceit," that is, they plot evil, but at the same time they cover it with a plausible pretext and plausible explanations. It is not surprising if someone who deceives himself plots how to deceive all of humanity, for to whom will the one who lies to his own soul tell the truth?

(2.) Even the little good that was in them leaves them: the sparks of piety are extinguished, their convictions are led to a dead end, their good undertakings are reduced to zero. He does not want to come to his senses in order to do good. They seemed to be guided by wisdom and guided by religion, but they left these bonds, shook off religion, and with it their wisdom. Please note: he who does not want to do good does not have wisdom.

(3.) Having no desire to do good, they conceive evil, and seek to harass godly others around them who do good (v. 5): "In his bed he plots iniquity." Point out that carelessness opens the door to sin. When a person leaves aside good deeds, the habit of prayer, the fulfillment of God's decrees and his duty to Him, then the devil easily makes him his agent and instrument to attract to sin those who can and those who cannot - bring trouble upon them. He who stops doing good begins to do evil; so the devil, having retreated from his purity, soon became the tempter of Eve and the persecutor of the righteous Abel.

It is very bad to commit evil, but it is even worse to plot it, that is, to do it deliberately, having a definite decision, to strain your mind to do it as effectively as possible, to plot and develop, using the cunning and malice of the ancient serpent, to plot all this on your own bed , where we are to meditate on God and His word (Micah 2:1). This is a proof that the sinner's heart is completely engrossed in plans to do evil.

(4) Having embarked on the path of sin, which has nothing good either in itself or in the end, he persists and decides to remain on this path. He takes the evil path in order to commit the planned evil; nothing will stop him from committing these intentions, although this is contrary to his duty and true interests. Unless sinners make their hearts steel and their faces bronze, clothed in stubbornness and wickedness, then they will not be able to follow their evil path and be the complete opposite of everything that is fair and good.

(5) When he commits evil, he likes to see it in others: he does not disdain evil, but, on the contrary, takes pleasure in it and rejoices, seeing others as bad as himself. Or it may signify the sinner's unrepentance. If God gives repentance, the sinner begins to hate the evil he committed earlier and himself; it is bitter for him to remember it, no matter how pleasant it may be to perform it. But bitter sinners have such a asleep and dull conscience that subsequently they never remember their previous deeds with regret or repentance, but firmly stand their ground, as if they could justify themselves before God.

Some believe that David, speaking of this, meant Saul, who abandoned the fear of God and good works, pretended to be friendly before him and gave his daughter as a wife, while at the same time he plotted evil against him. We are not obliged to limit ourselves by interpreting these verses in this way, since there are many among us who fully correspond to this description, and for them we need to grieve and weep greatly.

Verses 6-13. David, having looked around him and noted with sorrow the wickedness of the wicked, now looks with consolation at the goodness of God as an object of admiration. To the same extent, the previous object was disgusting for him, and it could well be put in contrast to this one. Please note:

I. His reflections on the grace of God. He sees the world defiled, himself in danger, and God dishonored by the atrocities of the wicked. But suddenly he directs his gaze, his heart and words to God: “Be that as it may, You are good.” The psalmist thereby acknowledges 1. The surpassing perfections of the divine nature. We live among people, and we often have cause to complain, because there is neither truth, nor mercy (Hosea 4:1), nor judgment, nor righteousness. But all this can be found in God without the slightest admixture. We can be confident that whatever is lacking or wrong in this world is fully and rightly present in Him who rules it.

(1) He is a God of inexhaustible goodness: “Lord! Your mercy reaches to heaven." If people close the vessels of their compassion, but we are with God and are at the throne of His grace, we will find mercy. When people plot evil against us, God takes care of us, and if we cling to Him, He takes good care of us. On earth we have little contentment and are greatly consumed with anxiety and disappointment; but in heaven, where the mercy of God reigns in perfection to eternity, there is contentment. Therefore, to have a peaceful life, let's stay on our path. However bad the world may be, let us never think ill of God and His government, but, while we live among the rampant wickedness of men, use it not to remember the purity of God, as if He could look at sin, but to admire His patience, that He tolerates for so long those who insolently provoke Him, nay, He causes the sun to shine and pours rain on them. If there were not God's mercy in heaven (that is, mercy that is infinitely greater than the mercy of any creation), He would soon drown this world again (see Isaiah 55:8,9; Hosea 11:9).

(2) He is the God of indestructible truth: “Your truth reaches to the clouds!” Although God allows the wicked to do much evil, yet He is (and always will be) faithful to His threats against sin, and the day will come when He will repay them. The Lord is also faithful to the covenant with His people, which cannot be broken; his right to the promises cannot be altered one jot by the wickedness of earth and hell. This is the essence of great consolation for all pious people; God is faithful even though people lie; the words of men are vain, but the words of the Lord are pure. His loyalty is so great that it does not change with the weather, like people; she reaches the clouds (heaven, as some believe), she is above the clouds and all changes in this lower world.

(3) He is a God of unquestionable justice. “Your righteousness is like the mountains of God; just as unshakable and strong and therefore noticeable and obvious to the whole world. For there is no truth more certain and simpler than this, that the Lord is righteous in all His ways, and that He has never done or will ever do any harm to any creature. Even when clouds and darkness surround Him; righteousness and judgment are the foundation of His throne (Ps. 96:2).

(4) He is the God of unsearchable wisdom and vision: “Thy destinies are a great abyss, they cannot be measured by a depth gauge or comprehended by finite understanding.” Since He has all power and is not obliged to account to us for what He owns, so His ways are secret and extraordinary: “Thy way is in the sea, and Thy path is in the great waters.” We know that He always acts well and wisely; but now we do not know what He is doing; the time will come later when we will know.

2. The comprehensive care and mercy of divine providence: “You protect men and animals, O Lord, You not only protect them from evil, but also strengthen them with what is necessary for life.” He graciously cares even for beasts that are unable to know and glorify God; their eyes are on Him, and He gives them food in due season. So let's not be surprised that God provides food bad people, for He also feeds cruel creatures; and let us not fear that He will not take care of good person: He who feeds young lions will not let His children die of hunger.

3. God's special favor towards the saints. Observe, 1. Their character (v. 8). These are those who are enchanted by the mercy of God and are at peace in the shadow of His wings.

To them His mercy is precious; they enjoy it; they admire the beauty of God and His good works more than anything else in this world; for them there is nothing more attractive and desirable. He who does not admire the mercy of God does not know Him; and those who do not zealously thirst for it do not know themselves.

Therefore they place all their trust in Him. They turn to Him for help, rely on His protection, and then consider themselves safe and comfortable, like chicks under the wings of their mother (Matthew 23:37). This was the disposition of the new converts who came to rest under His wings (Ruth 2:12);

and what could be more suitable to win converts than the excellence of God's mercy? What could be more powerful to give us contentment? Anyone who is attracted in this way by love will cleave to Him.

(2) Their privilege. Blessed, thrice happy is the people whose God is the Lord, for in Him they have, or can have, or will have absolute happiness.

They receive an answer to their desires (v. 9): their needs are supplied; they are satisfied from the fatness of Your house; their cravings are satisfied; they are filled to capacity. In the all-sufficient God they have sufficient of all that an enlightened soul can desire or receive. The acquisitions of this world and the pleasures of the senses may satiate, but they never satisfy (Isa. 55:2). And what is received through divine favor and grace will satisfy, but never satiate. Although a gracious soul will desire more than God, it will never desire something more than God. The gifts of Providence satisfy them so quickly that what they have is enough for them. “I have received everything, and I have abundance,” says the Apostle Paul (Phil. 4:18). The privileges of holy ordinances are the fat of the house of God, sweet to the sanctified soul, and strengthening the spiritual and divine life. And, having all this, they are abundantly satisfied; in this world they desire nothing more than a life of communion with God and the comfort of the promises. But complete and abundant satisfaction is reserved for a future state; it is an eternal home in heaven, not made with hands. Every vessel there will be full. Their joy will be constant: “From the stream of Your sweets You will give them drink.”

First, there are truly divine pleasures. “These are the streams of Thy sweets, which not only flow from Thee as their Giver, but which culminate in Thee as their essence and center.” Being absolutely spiritual, they are of the same nature as the other illustrious inhabitants upper world, and carry some semblance of the pleasures of the Eternal Mind.

Secondly, there is a river of these pleasures, always full, fresh and in motion. She has enough for everyone (see Ps. 45:5). Sensual pleasures are a stinking puddle; and the pleasures of faith are pure and clear as crystal (Rev. 22:1).

Thirdly, God not only provided that people should have this river of pleasures, but gave them the opportunity to drink from it, created in them a gracious appetite for these pleasures, and filled their souls with joy and peace in faith by His Spirit. In heaven they will drink forever of the happiness that is in Your right hand forever, and be filled with fullness of joy (Ps. 15:11).

Life and light will be their eternal portion and happiness (v. 10). Having God for their happiness, first, in Him they will have the fountain of life, from which streams of sweets flow (v. 9). God, who created the world, is the source of natural life. In Him we live, move and have our being. The God of grace is the source of spiritual life. The sanctified soul receives all strength and consolation, all divine principles and actions from God. He is the source and Creator of all sensations of the divine that the soul receives; He directs all her movements towards them: He gives life to whom He will; and anyone who wants can come and take from Him the water of life freely. He is the source of eternal life. The blessedness of a glorified saint is that he can see and be close to God, constantly feel His love and not be afraid of losing it.

Secondly, in Him they have perfect light, which includes wisdom, knowledge and joy: “in Your light we see light, that is,

(a) having known Thee in grace and seen Thee in glory, we will receive that which abundantly suits our understanding and satisfies our understanding.” The divine light shining in Scripture, and especially in the face of Christ, who is the light of the world, has in itself all truth. When we come behind the veil to see God face to face, we will see the light perfectly, and then we will know enough (1 Cor 13:12; 1 John 3:2).

(b) “In fellowship with You now; receiving grace from You and returning our reverent feelings to You in return, in soon communication with You in heaven we will find perfect bliss and satisfaction. In Your favor we have all the good things we can desire.” This world is dark; we see little consolation in it, but in heaven there is true light, there is no deceptive light there; it shines forever and never runs out. In this world we see God and enjoy Him through creatures and means, but in heaven God will dwell with us (Rev. 21:3), and in a moment we will see Him and rejoice in Him.

II. Here we have David's prayers, intercessions, and holy exultation based on these reflections.

1. He intercedes for all the saints, praying that they may always experience the privileges and comforts of God's favor and grace (v. 11).

(1.) The people for whom he prays know God, they have known, acknowledged Him, and claim that He belongs to them—those who are right of heart, sincere in their profession of religion, faithful to God and man. Anyone whose heart is not right before God does not know Him as he should.

(2.) The blessings he asks for the saints are the mercy of God (that is, the evidence of His favor to them) and His righteousness (that is, the work done by His grace in them);

His mercy and righteousness are His blessings by promise; this is mercy and truth.

(3) The way in which he wishes to convey these blessings to them: “Prolong Thy mercy, draw it out like a mother nursing a child, who draws out her breast, and then the baby drinks milk from it. Let it remain extracted until the very threshold of eternity. The blessedness of the saints in heaven will be perfect, and at the same time it will constantly increase, for the fountain of heaven will always be full, and streams will always flow from it. This will continue.

2. He prays for himself, that he may preserve his integrity and comfort (v. 12): Let not the foot of pride tread upon me, lest my foot stumble, or be trampled upon; and let not the hand of the sinner, which stretches out against me, drive me away from my purity and integrity by any temptation; may she not deprive me of peace and consolation through some misfortune.” May those who fight against God never gain victory over those who want to cleave to Him. Anyone who has experienced the pleasure of communicating with God wishes that nothing would ever separate him from the Lord.

3. David rejoices in the hope that all his enemies will fall at the right time (v. 13): "Where they thought to take me, the workers of iniquity fell, entangled in the snare they laid for me." There, in another world (as others understand this place), where the saints stand in judgment and have a place in the house of God, the workers of iniquity are called to judgment, from where they are cast into hell, into a bottomless pit, from which they can never come out, because will be under the intolerable wrath and curse of God. Of course, we are not to rejoice when any of our personal enemies fall, but the final victory over all workers of iniquity will be a cause of eternal rejoicing for the glorified saints.

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Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Psalm, Psalm 35

Inscription: In the end, a psalm, a song to David, a song to Jeremiah and Ezekiel, the people of exile, when they wanted to leave. Translation: In the end, a psalm, a song of David, a song of Jeremiah and Ezekiel, the people of the exiles, when they were preparing for the exodus from captivity. David intended the psalm song for " resettlement people, whenever I want to leave " In 586 BC, Jerusalem and the temple will be destroyed for the sins of the people, and the people will be resettled on the banks of the Babylonian rivers. The Babylonian captivity, if we count from the first group of those taken away, will last 70 years. When the time of God's wrath ends, King Cyrus, by his decree (538 AD), will free the Jews, return the sacred vessels of the temple to them, and the people will be able to go to their homeland. Not everyone will go, but who wants(42 thousand): for whom the Promised Land is holy, to whom the ruins of the city and the temple are dear, who believes that they have a duty before God to restore the temple, serve and sing to the Lord in the only place commanded by God. The sacred song could only be sung in the Promised Land, so the pious exclaimed: " How shall we sing the song of the Lord in foreign lands?(Ps. 137.4). Some interpreters perceive Ps. 64. exactly how prophecy of the return of holy Israel from Babylon.

Captivity of Babylon - image of spiritual captivity: Human nature is captivated by sin, the devil and death. You cannot sing the song of the Lord in Babylon. Babylon is translated as “confusion.” If life is a mixture of good and evil and the latter wins, then such a life is not a song to God. One should leave Babylon, sin, and begin the ascent, which will end in Heavenly Jerusalem: there man will sing to God "song of the Lord". Before us - prayer for the grace of God which the Lord will rain upon the world in the last times (from here: “ towards the end "), about the joy of those returning home from the captivity of death, passions and the devil. From this Christ will save captivity, therefore “ resettlement people" - This people awaiting the coming of Christ- pagans and the best part of the Jews. The parched land of the pagan world, of which Babylon was also an image, thirsted for the Rain of Grace. Apostolic preaching will lead the pagans out of spiritual Babylon and bring them into the Church of Christ. And St. Athanasius writes: “In this psalm the prophet introduces the face pagans who believed in Christ who reproach the wise men of this age, asking themselves for remission of past wickedness” (AV), as well as transformation. They are ready for the journey, for the ascent. AND Christians - « resettlement people": our homeland is Heaven, and on earth we learn to ascend to the heights of humility, obedience and pleasing to God.

The original inscription did not contain a historical indication associated with the names of the great prophets: “The last and larger half of this inscription, consisting of the words: the song of Jeremiah and Ezekiel, the people of exile, when they wanted to depart , according to the blzh. Theodoret, added by one of the later copyists of the psalms” (GR). The prophet Jeremiah was not in captivity in Babylon at all. Ezekiel lived there, but died, like Jeremiah, before the seventy years of captivity. The inscription says " only about what these prophets predicted about the Babylonian captivity and the return of the Jews from it” (GR). In this song lives man's reverent love for the God-given land, for the earthly fatherland - the prototype of the Heavenly Fatherland. The books and souls of the holy prophets Jeremiah and Ezekiel were imbued with such love. Perhaps this psalm was loved to be sung by “the captive Jews themselves, the people of exile, who dreamed of the approaching time of liberation from captivity and were already preparing to return to their homeland ( whenever I want to go)" (GR). Most of them did not know or remember Judea, but the psalm recreated its image. Many Jews were afraid to leave their inhabited place and their usual way of life, but this song led them to their homeland. The prophets longed for the liberation of their people from the captivity of wickedness, and the psalm mysteriously showed the way to those outgoing.

This psalm prophetic, messianic and thanksgiving . King David sang this psalm a song of thanksgiving to God “after the heavy, long-awaited rain, who revived nature” (IO) - this is the immediate reason for thanksgiving. That rain is a mode of action of the Grace of the Holy Spirit in the Church: the prophet thanks God for coming Grace.

Not the treasures of Babylon, but God is the object of man’s aspirations: to Him is a song, to Him is a prayer. And it is appropriate to offer them up in Zion, in Jerusalem: v.2. Song is due to You, O God, in Zion, and prayer will be offered to You in Jerusalem. Translation: Song is due to You, O God, in Zion, and prayer will be offered to You in Jerusalem.“From the time a new tabernacle was built on Mount Zion by King David, and a temple in Jerusalem by his son Solomon, the Jews firmly and forever established the conviction that there is no other place more suitable for worshiping God and for properly honoring Him, for offering the established To him are sacrifices and prayers, like Jerusalem. In this sense, the Samaritan woman also spoke to the Lord Jesus Christ: "And you (the Jews) say that in Jerusalem there is a place wherebowing is proper " (John 4:20)” (GR). There is a place for sacred chants - so let's go there!

And to ancient Israel, and to the pagan world that turned to Christ, and in general to every soul free in Christ befits sing a song to God and offer prayers. And the man will sing heart and life"or in Jerusalem on earth, which is Church, or in heavenly Jerusalem"(AB). The Fathers of the Church usually interpret Zion and Jerusalem in the same way: “The words of St. Kirill: Calls him Zion mountain and heaven and also the valley on earth Church"(EZ). In the Church he sings, purified by the Sacraments - in the Kingdom of God the saint will sing. Words 2 tbsp. They prove to the believing soul that they should leave their Babylon and move from weakness to holiness, from the captivity of sin to the freedom of ascension.

Art. 3. Hear my prayer, all flesh will come to You. Translation: Hear my prayer! Everyone who lives comes to You. Near You is the goal of my journey, my ascent to Jerusalem. Here David talks about Heavenly Jerusalem, there village of God: there there is a Judge who will judge after the general resurrection of everyone who comes - in the flesh. "David says this about the corporate resurrection of all people in general, during which all those who are resurrected will know God” (EZ). David could not have meant the temple in Zion: there is no " all flesh will come ».

Sometimes " flesh"is understood as an image of earthiness, sinfulness of the soul: The soul that lives according to the flesh will come to God. She should come to Him while still on earth - not for judgment, but for transfiguration: “Origen: To Thee, O God, Who spiritualizes the flesh, all flesh will come. For the soul, which became flesh because of sin, will change and become spirit” (EZ). Transfiguration, about O Life can only be in Christ and through likeness to Christ. Man comes to Him while still in the flesh: through love, faith and the keeping of the commandments.

"This is the gospel about the calling of all pagans, according to what Joel said: I will pour out of my spiritfor all flesh(Joel 2:28)” (AV). They were flesh, but “with the appearance of Christ the Savior on earth, the Holy Spirit poured out His Grace on them, and they, spiritualized, came to God to give Him praises and prayers in Heavenly Jerusalem (Heb. 12:22)” (GR) . Here, in v. 3, there is a meek request: he who has come from repentance identifies himself not with the spirit, joyfully looking at his God, but with the flesh, which does not see God due to the impurity of sin. Here I am, carnal, praying for the cleansing of my flesh, for the enlightenment and revitalization of my spirit. This is how yesterday’s pagan, a repentant Jew, a contemporary of David, and our contemporary, who turned to God, can pray.

And he prays about cleansing: Art. 4. The lawless one has overcome us with words, and You have cleansed our wickedness. Translation: The wicked have entangled us with their speeches; but You will cleanse us from wickedness. It's at the same time confession, prayer and prophecy. We did not stand in the glory to which we were destined, but You cleanse us who have come to You in repentance. Our wickedness comes from the words of the atheists, and their teachings have prevailed over us, for we are flesh (verse 3). Who are these lawless people and what speeches have overcome the piety of those who have sinned? “Under the name of lawless people, some of the interpreters, like the blessed one. Theodoret and Euthymius Zigabenus, meaning the Babylonians” (GR), among whom they lived Jews. It happened that the Jews served both God and idols, but now they turned to God with hope. Or the meaning is more general: “He calls the wicked with words wisdom of the sages of this age, from which they were exhausted, having lost true knowledge” (AV). This “wisdom” - worldly, demonic - illuminates the road down, not up, it leads away from salvation. Every time has its own " wise men of this age", which encroach on Divine truths. On their side is the lie of the prince of this age - the father of lies. Humanity lost God and spiritual powers when it accepted the ideas of Voltaire, Darwin, Tolstoy, philosophers, heresiarchs and others " teachers». « The word is lawless" seduced Russia in the 20th century, and we had our own Babylonian captivity of 70 years. Now those who repented testify that the words of the sages of this age were powerless to create any good: only You have purification and true creative power. It is not powerless false wisdom that the soul desires, but transformation.

Cleanse us and receive us into Your courts! This is how the penitents would like to pray, however, out of humility they do not dare, but confess as blessed the one whom the Lord accepts: v. 5-6. Blessed is He, whom You have chosen and accepted, He will dwell in Your courts. Let us be filled with the good things of Thy house: holy is Thy temple, wondrous in righteousness. Translation: Blessed is he whom You have chosen and accepted; he will dwell in Your courts. We will be satisfied with the blessings of Your house. Holy is Your temple. Wonderful is Your truth. Here is prayer for the Kingdom, confession of one's unworthiness and prophecy.

« Blessed is he whom you have chosen and accepted, who will dwell in your courts ». Here David calls blessed those whom God elected according to foreknowledge and at the end of a good pious earthly life will accept them and will settle in courtyards of Heavenly Jerusalem . David prophesied about the eternity of the Kingdom when Heaven was closed, but he saw the bliss of the citizens of an eternal country. "God chooses one who is ready to labor and make the flow, the winner is already taken to heaven, ... where he determines the inheritance in his courts, about which he spoke to the Apostles: in My Father's house are many mansions"(in EZ). The Lord will speak about these chosen ones: For many are called, but few are chosen(Matt. 22:14). " Many invited, because the Lord calls everyone to become heirs of the Kingdom of Heaven and invites them to the wedding feast. Few are the chosen ones, for few people follow the path of salvation. The majority, preferring earthly blessings, avoids the heavenly feast under various pretexts” (hieromonk Job (Gumerov)). And the Apostle Paul wrote about these blessed chosen ones: “For whom He foreknew(*seeing his future wonderful life in Christ) , those(*this good life) and predestined (to be) conformed to the image of His Son (* reverend ), rearing He (* Having a special inheritance from the Father ) was the firstborn among many brothers; and those whom He predestined, He also called (* to service ); and those whom he called, he also justified (*helped their truth to win); and those whom He justified, He also glorified (*introducing them into the Kingdom of Glory).”(Rom. 8:29-39).

But before a person accepted by God moves into the Heavenly courts, he must partake of Heaven on earth. And David prophesies: “ Let us be filled with the good things of Thy house.” “The houses of God are also local temples and churches"(EZ). " Your house"- The Church on earth, where a Christian finds the fullness of Grace in the Sacraments (“ let us be filled with good things"). This fullness is not available to the Old Testament church. " Good home calls various gifts of the Spirit. For it is said: To one is given the word of wisdom by the Spirit, and to another the word of understanding(1 Cor. 12:8) and other gifts” (AV). Whoever has found the fullness of the blessings of Your house is blessed. The eternal abodes of such will be the Kingdom of God, yards Yours. The Old Testament righteous will find Grace when they are led into the vastness of the Kingdom by the Lord who descended to hell.

"Holy is Your Temple" . 1. Holy the temple-tabernacle and the temple of Jerusalem, every temple of Christ is holy because he "is the temple of God from the saints of the Holy and because filled with sanctification"(EZ). God dwells there invisibly in a special way. “It is also marvelous for the righteousness of the decently righteous men living in it” (EZ).

2. David speaks not so much about the building, although the place is sanctified, but about what is happening there service and about saints who made themselves a temple to God. The temple is holy and wondrous in truth, because God lives and acts in him: « God is marvelous in His saints, the God of Israel"(Ps. 67:36). St. Athanasius: sanctified and holy to God true believers and righteous; they are temples, and the Lord rests in them. The same with Zigaben: “Or he calls the virtuous person, who is the dwelling place of God, the temple of God, as it is said: you are the temple of the living God, as God said that I will dwell in them and walk(2 Cor. 6:16) and again: (for) the temple of God is Holy, and this temple is you(1 Cor. 3:17)" (EZ).

3. Wonderful and holy is the Flesh of the Lord: it is the Temple for His Divinity.

"Wonderful in Truth" . This phrase can be attributed to both Art. 5 and Art. 6. In the Slavic text, holy and wondrous temple: « holyYour temple, marvel in truth"(5 items). However, if we consider the Hebrew text and not the Greek translation, then "wonderful in truth"“does not refer to the temple of God, and to the face of God Himself"(GR): Marvelous in truth, hear us, O God. God is marvelous and perfect; His truth, revealed in Jesus Christ, is not familiar to people. These words (" marvelous in truth") are pronounced not only by the Jews coming from captivity, not only by the inhabitants of pagan lands who have broken with wickedness, but all who see God, all Israel(Israel translated as " mind that sees God") - believers from all ends of time and space on earth. This is how everyone confesses and prays, for whom God is the only Hope and Savior, who watches God's truth and That's why confesses it marvelous. The truth and salvation of God are most revealed to New Testament man.

God " marvelous in truth", because wonderfully, wisely he combines Truth with Grace: He, One in Three Persons, saves us, the unrighteous, and Son of God will come to earth for the sake of repentant sinners: v. 6. Hear us, O God, our Savior, the hope of all the ends of the earth, and of those who are in the sea far away. Translation: Hear us, O God, our Savior, the hope of all the ends of the earth and those who sail in the far seas! David addresses himself primarily to Savior-Christ. The Prophet does not list his requests, believing in the Omniscient, but confesses the greatness of the Creator and Founder of salvation. However, it is clear that he prays to the Savior for salvation. You are our Savior and the hope of the most distant islands, and Your righteousness is perfect, therefore hear us, who share in the blessings of Your house, and those who do not yet have them. 6 tbsp. "predicts salvation of all nations living in the universe, and words everyone's hope reminiscent of the prophecy of the patriarch Jacob (Gen. 49:10) about the face of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior of all people, Who at all times of Old Testament history was the hope of the tongues. ends of the earth mean those living here in all countries and in all corners of the earth, and the words existing in the sea far away mean those who live on the islands of the sea (Ps. 97:1), not only those closest to the mainland of the earth, but also on the most distant ones” (GR). When interpreting the images spiritually: “The words of Abba Dorotheus: According to some, those who live in the ends of the earth are in extreme evil; and those who are far away at sea are those who stay in extreme ignorance, and yet Christ is also their hope” (EZ). Marvelous is the truth that shows mercy to sinners.

Before the prophet’s gaze these “ ends of the earth"- the tops of the mountains and the bottom of the seas, its spaces, seas and islands - and God reigns over them: v. 7-8. You have prepared the mountains with your strength, you have girded yourself with strength, you have troubled the depths of the sea; who can stand the sound of its waves? The tongues will be confused. Translation: You establish the mountains with Your might, girded with strength; you disturb the depths of the sea; who can resist the sound of its waves? The nations will be in turmoil. " Girded with strength." “You,” he says, “Lord,” are girded with strength as with a belt, that is, with strength containing such an innumerable multitude of creatures, and with perfection of every kind. In another place he says: The Lord clothed himself with strength and girded himself(Ps. 92:1)” (EZ). You are girded with Power and transfer Your strength to the mountains, You confuse the depths of the sea with volcanoes, and You strike the surface of the waters with storms that no man can withstand. Everything that is motionless and strong stands with Your strength; everything that changes and flows moves according to Your will, and which of those moved by You will stand if You impart movement to them? You inspired the righteous to go to destroyed Jerusalem, You make the movement of the spirit to Christ irresistible. AND " who will stand"? Who will remain standing when You tell them to go? It seems that the question is rhetorical and the answer is obvious - “ nobody" Yes, the mountain will stand and the river will flow - according to Your law, and man must go to You. But the obedient one will go, and the proud one will go wait“, therefore, the movement of people will be multidirectional: towards You and away from You.

When the Savior comes in response to man’s aspirations, then the nations will be divided within themselves into believers and unbelievers and will be in confusion. . Unbelievers will go away from God, and believers will go towards God: then "The nations will be in turmoil" . Everyone will be shocked by the truth of the Gospel word: it contains strength, depth and power. Its action symbolizes the sound of waves (GR) and movement in the depths; “under the name of the mountains prepared by the strength of God, we mean prophets and apostles who acted by the power of God’s grace” (GR). Not only peoples, but also every soul will be in confusion: our dilapidated a person will begin to resist the Truth, which requires from him an internal change, some kind of sacrifice. Our spirit rejoices in Christ and His Truth, but the carnal mind does not understand this joy. A person becomes embarrassed, becomes confused, like that rich young man who received advice from Christ to sell his property and follow Him. If he accepts Christ, then He Himself will transform the person, and he will follow with joy the word of the Lord. The Truth of Christ will prevail in him and a wondrous, blissful peace will reign. So, David mysteriously prophesies about the effect of the Gospel preaching.

At His First Coming, God the Word will reveal Himself not only in word, but also in His signs - His deeds. And man will see the Worker through them and will love Him: Art. 9. And those who live in the ends will fear because of Your signs: You will decorate the outcome of the morning and evening. Translation: And those who dwell at the ends of the earth will fear Your signs. You decorate the arrival of morning and evening. « And those who dwell in the ends will fear because of Your signs. " “...The entire present verse can and should be understood as a prophecy about the times of the New Testament Christian Church when the nations, not only those who are nearest, but also those living in the far reaches of the earth, will fear signs, great and wonderful works of God performed by Christ and His apostles"(GR), and these works will be performed by God until the last days of the world. Every healing, multiplication of loaves, turning water into wine, resurrection of the dead and death itself on the Cross are not only real events, visible, observable, but they signify and carry higher meanings. Through them, Christ reveals the Father, His Divine properties and the will of God for man. All the ends of the earth (the whole earth), and not just Palestine, will see diverse " Your signs" (the works of God) and will gain faith and the holy fear of God, the beginning of wisdom (Ps. 110:10). Reverent fear-love will become an instrument of knowledge of God, because it will attract the Holy Spirit. In a broader sense, "z Your intentions“- these are works of Divine Providence, formidable and joyful signs of the Divine presence, of God’s hand, when a person, observing them, understands with trepidation: it was from You.

« Decorate the outcome of the morning and evening " At sunrise and sunset, the sky and earth reveal all the strength and diversity of their colors; they delight and delight the heart. The beauty of the created world cannot be compared with the grace of communion with God, and You will decorate "outcomes of the morning and evening ”, like a bright dawn, church services. And the peoples “will rejoice both at the beginning and at the end of the day, singing to God both morning and evening, Divine praises and sacred chants” (GR and EZ). What happens at the service? Contemplation, prayer, experiencing holy impressions. We hear the words of Scripture and the teachings of the Church, we are enlightened by them and by spiritual chants that lead us to Heaven. We participate in the Sacraments - Your works.

God, having become incarnate, visited the earth, and intoxicated it, enriched it with the Grace of the Holy Spirit. And this land is us, He has enriched us endlessly: v. 10. You visited the earth and made it drunk, you multiplied and enriched it. The river of God is filled with water. Thou hast prepared food for them, as such is the preparation. Transition: You visited the earth and watered it, multiplying its riches. The River of God was filled with waters. You send food to people because it pleases You. 1. An Old Testament person could understand these verses as thanksgiving for the rain that came after a long drought: “...The psalmist figuratively called a river here generally a lot of rain, by the will of God falling from the sky” (GR). The rains will be followed by an abundance of fruits prepared by the Lord as food for man. David confesses the mercy of the Provider and Father.

2. David prophesies about those returning from captivity: God after liberation captives of Babylon will visit “with his trade the whole land of Judea, which has not been cultivated for so many years” (EZ): he will saturate it with rain and the former mercy.

3. God is the Only Begotten Son: He will visit the earth (the peoples of the universe) at His First Coming and intoxicate it with the Grace of the Holy Spirit, sending Him on the 50th day. " River of God." "Words of Theodoret: The River of God is the grace of the Spirit, dividing into streams and pouring out the word (gift) of wisdom to one, giving knowledge to another, and through them watering the universe” (in EZ). The desert will prosper: man will be enriched with the gifts of the Spirit. And the Heavenly River of Paradise will be filled with waters flowing from the souls of saints. Commenting on the words of St. Athanasia, Zigaben writes: “ The River of God is the Only Begotten. For just as a river begins from a source, so He begins from the being that gave birth to Him, which is why He is Consubstantial with Him. He is full of waters, because in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead: and we have seen, he says, His glory, and it is full of grace and truth” (in EZ). Zigaben writes: " The river of God is our Savior himself, and the waters are His teachings: for river, speaks, aspirations make glad the city of God(Ps. 45:5)" (EZ). According to St. Athanasia: the river is the Gospel word, its waters are Divine promises to the future citizens of Heavenly Jerusalem: “These are the promises: blessedness of the poor in spirit(Matt. 5:3), and the blessings that follow” (AV). The water that the Lord gives to man becomes " in it is a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life"(John 4:14).

The Lord has everything we need - water and food. « Food for them." This food is spiritual, and it was prepared before the foundation of the world, because “before the foundation of the world the mystery was determined about Christ who isbread came down from heaven and give life to the world (John 6, 33, 51)” (AV). This food is verbal, the Lord handed it over to the Apostles, so that in their hands it would multiply. The Teacher commanded “to feed hungry souls with it; for this is how the preparation of true food is done...” (EZ). Christ prepared His Flesh for us to eat, and man accepts it with faith and love. He teaches His followers to think about their daily lives in this way: “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to finish His work.”(John 4:34). How are they connected? "water" And " food"? The usual food for man comes from the earth, and the fertility of the earth comes from water. The life of the human spirit comes from the word of God and the power to create it, but to accept the word and fulfill it, the living water of the Holy Spirit is needed. The Lord will send it to the Church through His Cross on the day of Pentecost.

So, the cracked and barren earth is people living on their own, without God. The Lord with His First Coming will visit the earth and intoxicate it: by grace to the sick and possessed, wisdom His words and ways, By the love of the Cross. The Holy Spirit sent by the Lord will intoxicate the earth. The River of God's Grace, flowing from the Throne of God to earth, will fill the Church of Christ with the water of life, the water of the Holy Spirit. Having given water, God will also give food - His word, His Body. The Prophet wrote about the future as about the known past, which God revealed to him.

David prays for his native land and for man: v. 11. Rejoice in her reins, multiply her life: in her drops she will rejoice and shine. Translation: Water the furrows of the arable land, multiply the grains on it! Watered by rain, she will rejoice in nurturing them. Drops shining on the leaves of cereals, the sun playing in the streams... For His children, God multiplied the ears of corn, and after the rain they shine in the sun - all in blessed drops. This picture is so joyful for a person who loves the earth and the beauty of the created world! Give it all, Lord! The fathers read here a request for Grace, and behind the image of the earth they saw a man. " Rejoice in the reins of her (*earth) » . "He calls the reins heart depths"(AV), they are cultivated by the Cross, watered with the water of holy Baptism (GR).

« Multiply her life." Increase your pious thoughts (AB). “The plants of this land are virtues, and the fruit of them is faith” (EZ). So, man (earth) asks God for an abundance of water (Grace of the Spirit) and an increase in grain bread - “zhita” ( from the verb live). "Zhito" - the bread of the Sacraments and the wheat are words meant to be learned, i.e. fulfillment: food for a Christian is the fulfillment of the will of God.

“In her drops she will rejoice and shine” . 1. Earth is the soul, “ drops of it" - daily gifts of Divine mercy: "And the little ones given to her, Divine gifts they will make her glad” (AV). 2. The earth will rejoice when its Savior comes and acts quietly, meekly, graciously: “What are its drops, you will understand from what was said about Christ: It will fall like rain on a fleece, and like a drop dripping on the ground(Ps. 71:6)” (AV).

3. “Her drops are teachings from which divine words drip; or thoughts flowing from the Divine Scripture, which, like dew, fatten the soul and with which the soul is cheered, blooms and grows” (EZ). The holy translator chose the imperative mood for the verbs, although in the Hebrew text there are present forms here, as Bishop noted. Irenea.

Art. 12-13. Bless the crown of summer with Thy Goodness, and Thy fields will be filled with fatness, the red deserts will be weary, and the hills will be girded with joy. Translation: You will bless and crown the seasons with Your goodness, and Your fields will yield a rich harvest; The desert will become fruitful, and the hills will be girded with joy. " Crown of Summer of Your Goodness » - the glorious end of the Lord's summer, when they reap the harvest and give thanks to God. Bless the crown of summer, the crown of the year, the fruits of the earth - and then Your fields will be abundant, and Your deserts (virgin lands) will be decorated with herbs, flowers and trees, and the hills will be girded with belts of land plots or herds, or bright groves, but even more - with joy. Meaning nearest: David prays for the blessing of his land.

Meaning spiritual: Bless those whom You have chosen, grant by Your Providence a good crown to their lives. May life end not in a fall, but in a crown, may the soul mature for the Kingdom, achieve reverence, or endure martyrdom. Bless Your children - and they will receive Grace ( « will be filled with fatness" ), will bear spiritual fruit, will be adorned with silence (“ get sick of the red desert "), will gladly go to the work of God (" the hills will be girded with joy »).

Meaning messianic. « Summer of Grace" - time for the Lord to preach. David prays to the Holy Trinity for the Crown of all times to come, “ Crown of Summer of Your Goodness “, - Lord Jesus Christ: “Summer, or the time of goodness, is a wonderful time of preaching, the crown of which is Christ, because Christ has clothed and adorned it with His deeds and words” (EZ). Bless the work and life of the Incarnate One, Who said, quoting the prophet. Isaiah: " The Spirit of the Lord is upon me; For He has anointed Me; He has sent Me to preach good news to the poor... to preach the pleasant year of the Lord.”(Isa.61, 1). He is the Crown of all times. He will come, and then what You have cultivated and worked on for a long time ( "Thy fields" - Jewish people), and what Your transforming hand has not yet touched (“ red desert" - pagan people), - will become fat, saturated with the waters of Christ’s teaching. Then, like the hills with flowers or vineyards, people exalted above vanity will be girded with joy. However, the crown of summer, the crown of the times of preaching, is the crown of thorns of the passion of Christ. The passion will be the cause of joy about the saved world, which is why the images of Ps. 64 are so bright. "Expression: bless, that is, if you praise and glorify, you can, reader, attribute it to the Father; for thus the Father glorified the Son, saying: This is My beloved Son(Matt. 3:17)" (EZ)

Meaning eschatological. « Crown of the summer of goodness" - “the time of the future age" (AV), in it the saints will be crowned, the believers (fields) will absorb Grace, like the fields - moisture that came from paganism (desert) will be adorned with glory for piety. He calls the primates of the Churches, the Apostles, who will be girded with special joy (AV) as hills and mountains.

Art. 14. The rams are clothed with sheepskin, and the harvest will multiply the wheat; they will cry out, for they will sing. Translation: The lambs will be clothed with fleece, and wheat will grow abundantly in the valleys. Everyone will call to You and sing. By Thy blessing the rams will be clothed with soft waves, and the valleys with golden wheat. And they will cry out to God, and their existence will become a song.

David prophesies about the New Testament Church: “According to St. fathers (Athanasius the Great, Theodoret, etc.), under rams , in a mysterious sense, one must understand the people's rulers, bishops and priests who, by holy baptism and the grace of the priesthood put on Christ"(GR). Or: “The rams of the sheep are the Apostles, as the leaders and rulers of Christ’s verbal flocks; they are clothed with the grace of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, as stated above: remain in the city of Jerusalem until you are endowed with power from on high(Luke 24:49)" (EZ). " Ushare" - valleys, lowlands - they will bear abundant fruit, because they will receive a blessing from God, accept life and glorify the Creator with their being: “ They will call, for they will sing.” In a spiritual sense: " pleasure"- “before barren souls of the pagans and subsequently filled with spiritual fruits through faith in Christ (Gal. 5:22-23)” (GR). “After they have changed for the better and multiplied their spiritual fruits, they will unceasingly offer up hymns to You” (AV).

Let us now turn to the beginning of Ps. 64. " It behooves yousong, God, in Zion", - and the creation saved by You will sing to You: abundance « will sing" "Youprayer will be answered in Jerusalem" - and saved humanity will reward You with a prayer of thanksgiving in the Kingdom of Glory, in Heavenly Jerusalem: “ They will callfor they will sing".

How glorious is our Lord in Zion. Arrangement of Psalm 64. M. Kheraskov

How glorious is our Lord in Zion,

Can't explain the language.

He is great in heaven on his throne,

Great in the blades of grass on earth.

Everywhere, Lord, everywhere You are glorious,

In the night, in the days the radiance is equal.

You, Your Lamb of golden fleece

In Himself depicts us.

With the Psalter we have ten strings

We bring you incense.

Please accept our thanks,

Like incense.

You illuminate mortals with the sun,

You love us, God, like children,

You satiate us with food

And you will build us a city in Zion.

You visit sinners, O God.

And You feed Your Flesh.

O God, to Your village

And our tenderness will rise

To You, like the morning dew!

We will build an altar in your hearts,

We sing and praise You, Lord!

Words by M. M. Kheraskov (1733-1807), music by D. S. Bortnyansky (1751-1825). Official anthem of the Russian Empire. It was performed at ceremonies, was part of the military ritual of promoting cadets to officers, and sounded after an artillery salvo and the bugle signal “To prayer, hats off!” From 1856 to October 1917, the Spasskaya Tower of the Moscow Kremlin rang “Kol Slaven” every day at 3 and 9 p.m., and at 12 and 6 p.m., the “Preobrazhensky March.” In 1833 the official status national anthem was assigned to the “Prayer of the Russian People” (“God Save the Tsar!”) by V. A. Zhukovsky to the music of A. F. Lvov, but “Kol Slaven” continued to retain its significance as a ceremonial anthem.