Butyrate - physical and chemical properties, effect on the body, overdose and consequences. What effect does butyrate have on the body? What does a person feel under butyrate?

This narcotic substance is a synthetic depressant and is a white, fine-crystalline powder with a yellowish tint and a characteristic specific odor. Available in two forms - potassium salt or sodium hydroxybutyrate. It dissolves well in alcohol and water. It goes on sale in the form of an aqueous solution or fine powder.

How does butyrate work?

This drug has the following effects on the body:

  • sedative;
  • anti-shock;
  • nootropic;
  • antihypoxic;
  • hypnotic;
  • muscle relaxant (central).

Signs of butyrate use

To begin with, it is worth noting that the dosage of butyrate taken is calculated in milliliters. Drug addicts most often measure it using beer bottle caps. One cap holds 7 ml of the finished drug.

Depending on the dose consumed, butyrate causes dramatic changes in behavior and consciousness. The effect is observed approximately a quarter of an hour after use and lasts about 1-2 hours. The duration of action depends on many factors, for example, on the combination of the drug with certain foods and other substances, the initial state of mental and physical health, and body weight. Dependence manifests itself from the first dose, and an overdose of butyrate is not uncommon.

Doses and symptomatic manifestations of butyrate use


  1. Stimulation of growth hormone production processes
  2. Slight dizziness
  3. Relaxation
  4. Elevated mood
  5. Similarity to lung alcohol intoxication


  1. Euphoria
  2. Motor activity
  3. Increased sexual desire
  4. Inappropriate behavior
  5. Slurred speech
  6. Looseness

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  1. Partial amnesia
  2. Uncontrollable behavior
  3. Excessive activity
  4. Involuntary urination and defecation
  5. Drowsiness

When taking high doses mixed with large amounts of alcohol, the following occurs:

  • stupor;
  • confusion and/or loss of consciousness;
  • coma;
  • death.

The powerful feeling of euphoria that comes from taking butyrate, as well as its supposed harmlessness, are the main “traps” into which people who want to try this drug fall.

Consequences of using butyrate

The body's tolerance to this drug develops in a fairly short period of time. The use of butyrate is somewhat similar to when a person takes the drug for several days in a row. After leaving the “binge” he experiences:

  • tremor of the limbs;
  • blood pressure instability;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • paranoid state;
  • psychoses;
  • depression;
  • insomnia (you can only fall asleep after taking powerful sleeping pills);
  • photophobia.

The line between a relatively low and a lethal dose of butyrate taken is too thin. The risk of overdose increases if you mix butyrate with alcohol. This habit of drug addicts has ruined more than one human life. Moreover, death takes not only those who have consumed butyrate, but also innocent people - pedestrians who fall under the wheels of a vehicle driven by a person under the narcotic influence of such a “cocktail”.

Also, a person who, as a result of taking butyrate, has lost control of his behavior may cause injury to himself varying degrees gravity, for example, jumping from the roof of a multi-story building, falling from a high ladder, or being injured by a sharp object. But the harm that this drug causes to the psyche cannot be compared with any other danger one way or another associated with its use.

In medicine, the sodium and potassium salt of hydroxybutyrart is used as a means of inducing a patient into an unconscious state - anesthesia. Butyrate is used when performing non-strip operations that are associated with minor injuries. At the same time, the patient's spontaneous breathing is maintained. Most often, butyrate is used in the fields of obstetrics, surgery, ophthalmology and gynecology.

Perhaps there is no other drug that can turn a person into a “vegetable” so quickly. Butyrate helps to immerse a person in a state similar to a kind of anesthesia, as a result of which irreversible destructive processes occur in the psyche. Ultimately, all this leads to the death of brain cells.

This is a long and difficult path. But in order to completely get rid of it, a person must go through it, overcoming all obstacles. - relief of physical cravings, rehabilitation period and competent psychological assistance.

Scientific experiments and practical observations are being carried out on the use of GHB in cases of illness, problems, some types, cluster, psychogenic cases of excessive food consumption. In a number of countries, Oxybutyrate is used as a treatment.

In our country, GHB is used as a drug for preserving the respiratory reflex in minor surgery, as a measure to prepare the patient for deeper anesthesia (induction of anesthesia). Gynecologists often resort to it. The drug is useful in cases of need for anesthesia with hypoxia problems in patients. Ophthalmologists, in order to stimulate the metabolic processes of the retina, give Oxybutyrate for open-angle.

Mechanism of narcotic action

The narcotic effect of GHB develops as a result of a competitive effect on GABAergic neurons nervous system by replacing gamma-aminobutyric acid with Butyrate. In addition, an effect on opioid receptors was noted. It is these influences that lead to the development of euphoria, increased mood, and all the main symptomatic manifestations of drug intoxication, or. The final stage of GHB catabolism results in its breakdown into water and carbon monoxide.

Regular use reduces the body's sensitivity to this substance, which forces the addict to increase the dose.

How does GHB exhibit its narcotic effect in humans?

Despite restrictive measures and the lack of sale of Oxybutyrate in pharmacies, it can be purchased from illegal distributors.

GHB is taken either orally or by injection.

After entering the body, this narcotic substance manifests itself within 15 minutes. The average duration of action is 1-2 hours. An intravenously administered drug has its effects within 4-5 hours. When taken in alimentary form, Butyrate stays in the body for up to a day.

The duration of its presence depends on the food taken, the physical and mental form of the patient.

Addiction forms very quickly, it happens often. Therapeutic doses are on average 0.5 g per day. The narcotic effect develops when 1-3 g of Butyrate enters the body.

Drug addicts often measure doses using beer bottle caps, etc.

Easy degree action develops from small amounts of GHB (0.5 – 1.5 g). The condition resembles minor alcohol intoxication, which occurs from 50-100 g of vodka.

In this case, patients experience:

  • a pleasant state of complete relaxation;
  • excellent mood with self-satisfaction;
  • desire to communicate with people;
  • motor activity.

Average degree (1.5-2.5 g)


Severe degree (from 2.5 g and above). The body can no longer cope with this dose and toxic inhibition occurs.


  • change from hyperactivity to sudden inhibition of the nervous system;
  • expressed;
  • memory impairment;
  • inappropriate behavior and speech;
  • sphincter disorders (involuntary release of urine and feces).

In this phase, drug addicts commit crazy things - jumping from great heights, drowning, etc. In the end, heavy sleep develops, during which the patient often begins. At this moment there is a danger of suffocation from getting into respiratory tract vomit.

Important: in case of an overdose, the patient develops a stupor-like state, which later becomes complete. The patient falls into a coma and dies without assistance.

When waking up, Butyrate consumers experience mental retardation, cannot concentrate, and their attention is scattered. Among drug addicts, it is believed that physical dependence does not develop during butyramania. It is this point, according to many drug addicts, that classifies GHB as a safe substance. But, as practice shows, this is not entirely true.

Formation of butyrate mania and destruction of the body

If a person has used GHB regularly for several months, then he develops mental dependence .

is mildly expressed and lasts from three days to one and a half to two weeks. It manifests itself in the development of delusional ideas and statements, a disorder in the thinking process, sleep problems, anxiety, headaches and unpleasant sensations in the heart area.

The initial effects quickly reduce the patient's quantitative control, and he again takes increasing doses of Butyrate. Regular use of the drug quickly causes degradation. In behavior, aggressiveness, inappropriate behavior and stupid actions (for example, being naked on the street) come first. Patients experience an increasing number of memory failures. The patient often makes mistakes with the dosage, which leads to serious consequences and death.

The disease process is aggravated by the simultaneous use of Oxybutyrate with alcohol, which has a potentiating effect. Other people often suffer from this type of drug addiction. For example, pedestrians hit by a car driver in a state of butyrate intoxication.

Combinations of GHB with stimulants are especially dangerous.

The use of narcotic doses of GHB very quickly and greatly destroys a person’s personality and psyche. Among drug addicts themselves, the term “vegetable” is used to denote the essence of the condition. Severe and irreversible processes of destruction occur in the brain. This substance can be called the most “crazy” of all drugs.

Important organs of the patient are also destroyed. The brain, heart, liver, and reproductive system suffer.

Treatment of butyramania

If there is a dependence on Butyrate, active and long-term assistance in specialized drug treatment hospitals is required, with the complete abolition of Butyrate.

In case of overdose, patients may stay in toxicology and intensive care departments of regular hospitals.

Before the patient is hospitalized, people around the drug addict themselves can provide first aid.

To do this you need:

  • Carry out gastric lavage with water containing weak soda and potassium permanganate;
  • Give the patient a few tablets orally;
  • if necessary, give a cleansing enema.

In a hospital setting, people suffering from butyratomia undergo:

  • active detoxification therapy using intravenous cleaning from sterile bottles with a solution of Glucose, Isotonic solution, Reosorbilact. Reamberin has a powerful effect that neutralizes poisons and restores the liver. In case of severe and long-term poisoning, solutions of plasma substitutes help;
  • pharmacotherapy for mental disorders . Individual selection of drugs and doses allows you to relieve severe forms of mental disorders ( and ). When developing with delusions and hallucinations, doctors prescribe antipsychotics;
  • restoration of vitality of all organs . Therapy with vitamins, hepatoprotectors and metabolic agents quickly restores the impaired functions of the affected organs.
  • active psychotherapy . As soon as a conscious and critical attitude returns to the patient, active psychotherapeutic methods are added to the treatment process. A specialist in restoring mental functions carries out a two-stage motivation of the patient. At the first stage, the psychotherapist convinces the drug addict that he has an addiction (not everyone considers themselves sick). On the second, the doctor gives an active intention for healing. Without striving for the goals of a future sober life, treatment will not be successful. At the same time, in individual lessons, positive attitudes are reinforced using the methods of suggestion. Group types of psychotherapy have the goal of convincing recovering patients of the need to lead a normal lifestyle.
  • the final stage of treatment – ​​coding . For butyramania, the most effective method is stress therapy according to Dovzhenko . The doctor chooses the most appropriate modification of this method. If the patient agrees, on the appointed day the patient is coded for a certain period, during which he will be able to undergo the full process of follow-up treatment.

The most optimal place for rehabilitation is a recovery center. In its conditions, social readaptation of a recovering person is carried out over several months.

It is a medicinal product derived from y-hydroxybutyric acid.

It is used for various pathological conditions in neurological and ophthalmological practices, and is also used by anesthesiologists as anesthesia and to restore well-being in case of increased fatigue.

Butyrate in acceptable doses prescribed by a doctor is beneficial, but due to its properties, large doses of the drug are used as a narcotic.

The medicine has a positive effect on the performance of brain structures, heart muscle, and organ of vision, improving their resistance and reducing susceptibility to oxygen deficiency.

Butyrate is used in large doses to achieve a hypnotic effect. Butyrate is used by athletes to gain weight.

May lead to severe consequences and death.

In some cases, it is very important to know how long butyrate stays in the body and what methods exist for removing it as quickly as possible.

Effects of butyrate on the body

Taking small doses of the drug has a relaxing effect on the human body, allowing you to feel calm and contentment.

Many experts compare the effect of a narcotic drug with alcohol-containing drinks:

  • very often people take butyrate to avoid pressing problems, to completely forget about what is happening around them for a while;
  • joy, satisfaction are felt and all existing problems go away;
  • butyrate quickly becomes addictive, so after the second or third dose a person can no longer refuse the drug and needs to increase the dosage each time to obtain the same effect;
  • when using butyrate for a month or more, the body is poisoned - the toxic substance accumulates in the liver, disrupting its functioning; as a result, general well-being worsens, drowsiness and weakness appear, interest in the outside world decreases;
  • After taking the drug, before drowsiness and fatigue develop, some people experience inappropriate behavior, which is manifested by increased excitability, strange actions and generally abnormal behavior.

How long does butyrate stay in the body?

How long butyrate lasts in the human body largely depends on the duration of its use; the more regularly and longer a person uses the drug, the longer the elimination period and the more severe the consequences; the state of the immune system and metabolic processes also play an important role.

Butyrate itself is excreted sufficiently long time, this allows most of the drug to accumulate in the body, mainly in the liver.


How long does butyrate stay in the blood? In the official instructions for medicine it is said that the half-life from blood plasma is from two to three days, depending on the individual characteristics of the person. This means that the drug is completely eliminated within 6-8 days.


How long does butyrate last in urine? In this biological fluid, the narcotic substance lasts a little longer than in the blood.

However, most do not always detect the presence of butyrate several days after its last intake.

How can you speed up the removal of drugs from the body?

After taking large doses of the drug that threaten your health and life, you should contact a medical institution for administration (saline solutions together with glucose).

But if a person takes a narcotic substance for a long period of time and feels unwell, help can be given at home by accelerating the elimination of the drug and cleansing the body.

  1. The basic rule is to adhere to the drinking regime - you need to drink 2 liters of purified water per day.
  2. It is very important to adjust your diet; some foods and dishes significantly speed up your metabolism. It is recommended to include soups with chicken or vegetable broth, dairy products, natural freshly squeezed juices from vegetables and fruits in season.
  3. Sunflower seeds, pumpkin and flax seeds, as well as red fish and nuts are considered useful for cleansing the body.
  4. Replace black tea with green tea.

Products such as honey of any kind, sugar, coffee drinks, all kinds of confectionery, chocolate and cocoa.


In order to permanently remove the toxic substance and completely cleanse the body, you must be patient, as this process can take several weeks or even months.

People who take drugs for a long period of time find it much more difficult to withstand the treatment. But with a single dose after cleansing the body, the condition quickly normalizes.

Butyrate is an antidepressant of synthetic origin that has a nootropic effect. In common parlance this drug is called sodium hydroxybutyrate. It does not have a sedative, psychostimulating or analgesic effect. Characteristic property: enhancing the body's reaction to other drugs or painkillers.

Butyrate has a wide range of medical uses. So in anesthesiology it acts as an anesthetic agent, which is used during many operations.

Neurologists and psychiatrists prescribe butyrate to patients diagnosed with neurosis, as well as for existing sleep problems. People involved in sports, as well as bodybuilders, take butyrate as an anabolic that can stimulate growth. muscle mass. Not long ago, butyrate became popular among young people. The demand for the substance is due to the fact that it increases sexual desire and improves mood. At first glance, it may seem that butyrate has exceptional benefits and there can be nothing wrong with taking the drug. After all of the above, the question arises: “Is everything so good or are there still pitfalls?”

In our country, butyrate is on the list called “Three”. This list sets certain restrictions on the circulation of butyrate in Russian Federation. This is due to the fact that butyrate has a detrimental effect on the growing, developing teenage body, because it belongs to the category of potent poisons.

The effect of butyrate on the body

A small dose of butyrate, like any other poison, initially relaxes the human body and brings it into a state of peace. If we make a comparison, then after butyrate a person feels exactly the same as after drinking alcoholic beverages:

  • People under the influence of drugs simply forget about the real world.
  • It seems to them that everything is fine and there are no more problems.
  • Butyrate is psychologically addictive after the third use. The poison accumulated in the liver has a negative effect on the entire body. In this regard, the process of inhibition starts: the person constantly wants to sleep, he is not interested in what is happening around him, etc.

There is an intermediate phase between taking butyrate and the drowsiness caused by the substance. While in it, people behave unnaturally and inappropriately.

Consequences of drug use

Butyrate is a very dangerous substance, the use of which can lead to the most unpredictable consequences. Medicine knows of cases where, after taking a drug, a person got behind the wheel and fell asleep. Result: fatal accident. As mentioned above, the effect of butyrate is expressed in the loss of control over one’s consciousness, which, of course, can lead to self-injury. Under the influence of the drug, a person can jump from a high floor. At the same time, he has absolutely no control over his actions and does not understand the consequences.

It is worth mentioning separately that the drug butyrate is a substance that has the greatest effect on a person’s mental state. Humanity does not yet know of any such drug that could be compared with butyrate in its effect on the psyche.

Sodium hydroxybutyrate quickly becomes addictive, both physically and psychologically. Moreover, this narcotic substance reduces life expectancy by half. The consequences of taking the drug are sad. Quitting butyrate is not that difficult. The problem is relapse.

A little history

Sodium hydroxybutyrate and other substances similar to it in composition are not capable of causing strong addiction, but systematic use inevitably leads to psychological dependence.

Butyrate became known to mankind at the end of the 19th century. In the 20th century, doctors studied the substance and conducted a thorough analysis of it. The use of butyrate dates back to the 60s. For the first time, the physiologist from France A. Labori spoke about butyrate and its beneficial qualities. In his writings, he described the effect of the drug, namely, that butyrate can be used as a means for shallow anesthesia. Based on this, already in the 70s, sodium hydroxybutyrate began to be used in numerous operations. The substance was also used as an anesthetic during childbirth.

During the same period of time, a number of studies were conducted that helped to identify negative impact drug, but, unfortunately, the side effects were not given due attention. Already in the 80s, butyrate was used everywhere.

Beginning of butyrate addiction

The use of butyrate in combination with alcohol and drugs causes a state of euphoria in a person, which can be compared to alcohol intoxication. After consuming a substance, a person does not feel bad, as is the case with alcohol. Just don’t forget that systematic use of sodium hydroxybutyrate in unlimited quantities causes toxic effects. It is possible to develop a medically induced coma, which, as is known, can lead to cardiac arrest. In addition, the effect of taking drugs in combination with butyrate increases significantly. This leads to great difficulties when trying to eliminate the consequences that occurred after the introduction of the composition.

Scientists are still arguing about physical dependence on butyrate. One thing is for sure - there is a psychological dependence on this drug. This state of affairs leads to the fact that a person who constantly uses butyrate does not understand the seriousness of the situation and only thinks about one thing - how to find the next dose.

Currently, butyrate is prohibited in our country. It is also extremely rarely used for medical purposes. From this we can conclude that the drugs offered to people are nothing more than a synthetic substance made in semi-basement conditions. The manufacturing process involves toxic substances that, when they enter the human body, destroy it and lead to inevitable death.

Video What is Butyrate. A film about butyrate and butyrate dealers

One such substance is butyrate, also called liquid ecstasy or hangover-free alcohol due to its lack of visible effects.

At the end of the 20th century, butyrate was not prohibited and was freely sold in pharmacies as medicinal product for a relatively low price. This has become one of the main reasons for the spread of butyrate addiction, especially among young people.

What is butyrate?

Butyrate is a slang term for sodium hydroxybutyrate. synthetic substance- white powder, almost odorless and easily soluble in water or alcohol. Part of the GHB group (gamma-hydroxybutyric acids). Common in two variations: as potassium hydroxybutyrate and sodium salt of y-hydroxybutyric acid. Of all the substances of the GHB family, it is the most powerful, combining the functions of nootropic drugs and tranquilizers.

Discovered in 1874, hydroxybutyrate was used as a drug for the treatment of neurological diseases, alcoholism, and also for anesthesia. In the 1980s, it was actively used by athletes to build muscle mass. It has been proven that the drug enhances the release of growth hormone in men. Sodium hydroxybutyrate was freely available in all bodybuilding supplement stores.

Since 1990, butyrate has been on the list of psychotropic substances prohibited in many countries.

Pharmacological action of butyrate

Before the ban, sodium hydroxybutyrate was widely used in medicine.

It was used:

  • For the treatment of alcoholism. The effect of using hydroxybutyrate feels similar to alcohol intoxication. At the same time, no negative consequences of alcohol use are observed. Due to the lack of availability, butyrate began to be often used outside medical institutions. What was the basis for its ban.
  • For timely treatment of neuroses, diseases and injuries of the central nervous system. The action of butyrate increases the effectiveness of analgesics, but is not an analgesic itself. Has an anti-shock effect.
  • As a nootropic substance. Unlike gamma-aminobutyric acid, hydroxybutyrate passes through the blood-brain protection of the nervous system better.
  • As an anesthetic without the need for inhalation. Sodium hydroxybutyrate has a mild hypnotic and sedative effect. With a large dosage it leads to anesthesia. In addition to enhancing the work of analgesics, it also exacerbates the effect of using narcotic substances.
  • To increase the body's resistance to hypoxia - oxygen starvation, by activating metabolic processes in the tissues of the heart and brain. In case of blood loss, it stabilizes the excretory capacity of the kidneys and improves the contractile function of the heart. It was also used for recreational purposes – to restore the body’s performance.

Use of butyrate as a drug

The effects of using butyrates are similar to the effects of using alcohol or psychoactive drugs. Because of this, non-medical use of butyrate before the ban became a big problem.

Under butyrate, a person first achieves a feeling of euphoria, complete relaxation. This condition is characterized by increased emotional sensitivity, clouded consciousness and uninformed speech, as well as increased sexual desire. Depending on the specific person and his personal parameters (weight, age, character), the effect of the drug may vary.

For example, some people experience a sudden performance phase after taking butyrate. Or in the opposite case - complete apathy. In large doses, butyrate causes long sleep, similar to lethargy.

Possible consequences include:

  1. nausea;
  2. dizziness;
  3. problems with vision and breathing;
  4. unconscious actions;
  5. memory lapses.

When using butyrate, the effect on the body can reach a critical state. Up to fatal outcome. The likelihood of this may be especially increased when hydroxybutyrate is used simultaneously with alcoholic beverages or other depressants. Over time, when using butyrate, the effect of the drug is dulled and addicts begin to mix the substances to achieve a greater effect.

Long-term use of butyrate causes strong changes in the addict, not only physical, but also psychological:

  • drug dependence;
  • negative behavior, aggressive behavior when a problem is mentioned, refusal to accept it;
  • refusal of any assistance, including medical intervention;
  • secretive behavior, tendency to lie, theft;
  • apathy, decreased sexual desire;
  • uncontrolled behavior, unconscious actions when it comes to finding and consuming a new dose, new antisocial acquaintances;
  • nervousness, psychopathic states, changes in the social environment, disappearance of moral boundaries;

The drug butyrate affects the body from 1 to 3 hours.

When consuming butyrate, a person becomes distracted and lethargic. The substance is addictive, and each new dose weakens the level of drug “euphoria”. Addicts begin to increase the dosage or mix it with other drugs to enhance the latter.

People under butyrate can spend many days on a drug binge, which, when they stop using it, immediately gives way to (withdrawal). Thirst for false pleasure, erroneous judgment of absence side effects and withdrawal lead to a constant craving for the drug - addiction is formed.

Butyrate is not believed to cause physical dependence. Only a psychological attraction to using the drug. But at the same time, sodium hydroxybutyrate still has an effect on the body. With prolonged use of the substance, the body's reproductive system begins to fail.

The liver stops performing its functions. The drug affects the lungs, causes arrhythmia, and vomiting. In extreme cases, with prolonged use of the drug, features of manic-depressive psychosis may begin to appear. Brain activity and level of intelligence decrease—features of dementia typical of old age.

It is not difficult to imagine how serious the consequences of long-term use of butyrate can be. But it is difficult to correct these consequences and restore the life of an addict. Restore both his body and his psychological state.

Treatment for butyrate addiction

Butyrate addiction is a serious problem that takes a long time to eradicate. Treatment requires long-term exposure, a set of measures covering all destroyed aspects of a person’s life.

Comprehensive measures include several stages:

  1. Detoxification of the body. Hemosorption is carried out - an extrarenal method or plasmapheresis - a method of collecting blood, its subsequent purification and return to the body;
  2. Saturation of the body with all the necessary vitamins, increasing overall tone;
  3. Psychological impact. Can be divided into two stages. Work personally with a psychotherapist and drug addiction specialists. And psychological training in a team, together with other people struggling with butyrate addiction. Living with addicts who are at different stages of rehabilitation helps you realize that addiction can be overcome. Drug treatment is carried out only in the key of recreation of the body, getting rid of the consequences of drug use;
  4. Return to the social environment. Due to long-term use of butyrate, relationships with loved ones break down, which is a labor-intensive process to rebuild. At this stage, the psychologist should help restore the former addict’s communication skills, prepare relatives, and return them to normal life.


The sooner you start treating butyrate addiction, the greater your chances of overcoming it. It is believed that it is not possible to overcome addiction on your own. A person addicted to butyrates definitely needs outside help.

It is extremely important to start treatment and place the addict in a rehabilitation center or drug treatment clinic, where he will be under the supervision of specialists and psychologists at all times. But it's even more important to do it on time. Recognize the problem in time and begin to act.

Video: What is Butyrate. A film about butyrate and butyrate dealers