Like a DIY wedding bouquet. How to put together a bouquet for the bride with your own hands - master classes and tips on choosing flowers. Let's get started

Making a bridal bouquet from fresh flowers is an art that requires certain knowledge. Our detailed instructions with a specific plan of action will help you step by step to make a beautiful porta bouquet. You can create a classic base and fan with your own hands. In addition, we will tell you how to effectively arrange flowers on them and how to attach them. You will also learn how to create the perfect composition of roses and freesias, roses, orchids and greenery.

Having mastered the technique of creating a porta bouquet, you can save a little on a wedding bouquet.

Simple model

Here are detailed instructions that will allow you to make a classic base manually:

  1. Using your own hands, cut out a circle with a hole in the middle. Make a small wedge-shaped cut on the side.
  2. Glue a satin ribbon in the central part.
  3. Glue several strips of double-sided tape around the entire circle.
  4. Wind the tape glued with the tip in the center around the entire circle so that there are no gaps.
  5. Glue the cutout onto the cardboard circle using glue (the base should become slightly concave).
  6. Secure the edge of the tape with glue.
  7. Cover a cardboard tube (which will serve as a handle for the bouquet) with several strips of double-sided tape and wrap it with satin ribbon, fixing its edges with glue.
  8. Step by step decorate the bottom edge of the handle with rhinestones.
  9. Place a circle wrapped in satin on the handle, and glue a semicircular piece of floral foam on top of it.
  10. Decorate the edges and the junction of the circle and the handle of the bouquet holder with lace ribbon, rhinestones and a bow.
  11. Decorate the strip of porta bouquet around the floral foam with a pearl thread.
  12. The final touch in the design is to insert or glue fresh flowers to the base. You need to compose them one at a time.

Beautiful base in the form of a fan

This is what MK looks like (master class):

  1. You will need a round cardboard base with a hole inside. Fold it in half, form a fan frame using a wooden stick wrapped with tape and fixed in the center.
  2. Cover the resulting fan with beautiful satin ribbons.
  3. Decorate the edges of the structure and the cutout at the bottom with thin braid.
  4. Glue several ribbons to the frame (they will act as handles).
  5. The next stage of production is to attach the flowers to the bouquet with double-sided tape.
  6. Secure the frame with glued ribbons, tying them together.

Notice how beautiful it is. Why is it interesting, what can it be, who is it suitable for, how to make it? This article provides answers to all questions.

Is the wedding planned for September-November? Then you should come here to the page with detailed review. You can decide on its shape, decor, content.

If you have already decided to use fresh flowers, but have not decided what exactly the finished composition will be, we will help you. You will find out why you need it at all, what it is and what it should be, how much it costs, how to choose it to match your outfit and the time of year.

Before making your final choice, it is better to find out about. It says here whether it is possible to throw it and how to do it correctly, whether it is allowed to store flowers after the celebration and in what form.

How to make a wedding bouquet of fresh flowers

Below you will find detailed instructions that will help you do everything as needed.

With roses and freesia - step by step

Here's what to do:

  1. You will need cream roses, lilac freesia and pittosporum (greenery).
  2. Remove excess petals from roses (leave 1-2 branches).
  3. Arrange the flowers in a spiral, placing one on top of the other, alternating roses and freesia. It is necessary to ensure that they are evenly spaced.
  4. Secure the stems by wrapping them with anchor tape.
  5. Frame the bouquet with sprigs of pittosporum and secure the greenery with anchor tape. Excess leaves can be cut off with pruning shears.
  6. Re-secure the stems of the bouquet with anchor tape.
  7. Trim the stems of the bouquet to the required length (15-20 cm).
  8. Secure the satin ribbon at the base of the bouquet with a pin and wrap the stems tightly, leaving the last 2 cm untouched. Secure the tip of the ribbon with pins.
  9. Decorate the bouquet handle with a lace bow.

Classic version - manufacturing instructions

Action plan:

  1. You will need roses, orchids, eustoma, and salal greens.
  2. Remove all leaves from flowers.
  3. Wrap a wire folded in half with tape to the upper half of the stem, which will be located along the edge of the bouquet.
  4. Cut a flower from an orchid and make a stem out of wire. Bend it in half, attach a cotton pad soaked in water to the base of the flower, and wrap the wire with tape.
  5. Cut a branch from a bush rose and tie wire to it.
  6. Collect the ball. The top of the bouquet should be slightly higher and take on a rounded shape on the sides. Flowers are placed in a circle, interspersed with sprigs of greenery.
  7. When the bouquet has increased slightly due to the number of flowers, the stems are wrapped with tape so that the bouquet does not fall apart during assembly.
  8. The lower part is covered with green leaves.
  9. The base is tied with a strong thin ribbon.
  10. Trim the stems and the wire on them to the required length of the handle.
  11. Compress the stems by wrapping them with strong, thin tape.
  12. Wrap the handle of the bouquet first with tape, then with satin tape (glue with hot glue).
  13. The bouquet handle can be decorated with lace, rhinestones, cameo.

Of course, there are many more options for arranging a wedding bouquet for the bride; we have only talked about the most popular and simple ones. We hope our master classes will help you make it yourself!

As you know, the flowers, which the bride tenderly clutches in her hand throughout the wedding celebration, not only have a decorative function, but also acquire a sacred meaning. Exists huge amount legends, signs and beliefs associated with this bouquet, not to mention the fact that at the end of the significant evening the newlywed will have to part with the flowers - after all, it is quite possible that the bouquet will bring good luck to one of her unmarried friends...

So, if you don’t want to waste time and money on florists, who, moreover, will most likely not fully understand your plan, and, most importantly, if you want your bouquet to be charged with your energy, and not someone else’s Also, we suggest you try to assemble your ideal bouquet yourself.

Choice of colors

Usually, brides prefer roses, this is not surprising: according to tradition, roses in delicate shades are considered an attribute of femininity and girlish beauty. It is not for nothing that according to legend, when Aphrodite emerged from the sea foam onto the shore, wherever she stepped with her feet, these wonderful flowers bloomed. So, roses are the first and most reliable option, firstly, due to their appearance, and secondly, because of their durability. Roses are practically the only flowers that will last all day without any problems without losing their petals. If you prefer to give up roses and pay attention to more original options, then you can safely use lilies. The bride’s bouquet is also often collected from peonies: they symbolize a strong marriage, a happy family, tender love, fun and compassion. The only trouble is that peonies are perhaps the most short-lived of all possible flowers.

Pay attention to the orchids. These beautiful plants are a symbol of freshness, purity and tenderness; they are considered the aristocrats of the flower world. A bouquet made from them will be a wonderful addition to the bride’s delicate image, will emphasize her charm, and such a bouquet can remain fresh for quite a long time. But the most extravagant flowers, which, oddly enough, are also often used to create wedding masterpieces - calla lilies. This plant came into fashion at the beginning of the 20th century - then at the peak of popularity were heavy bouquets with long stems decorated with massive bows. Despite the fact that callas are considered masculine flowers, they are characterized by sophistication and tenderness; a flower arrangement made from them will be an ideal addition to the bride’s image. Such flowers look great in a solo bouquet; they are elegant and chic even without any addition. And their durability allows the happy newlywed not to worry about the preservation of flowers throughout the day.

If you have to on your wedding day large number movements, you can prefer the most reliable and simple option - artificial flowers. Of course, such a bouquet will not exude aroma, but it can be made of any color and shape, complemented with fancy figures, and most importantly, it will definitely be absolutely unique. And this is where you can indulge in pleasure and put together a bouquet, for example, of poppies and other wildflowers, which are not durable, but incredibly sweet and tender.

Beauty is in the little things

The easiest way to assemble a bouquet is also the most popular: this is a miniature round bouquet, the basis for which is a porta bouquet - it will allow you to preserve the freshness and proper appearance of the flowers for a long time, because they will accompany the bride all day and part of the night.

To make such a bouquet you will need:

  • porta bouquet holder;
  • oasis;
  • twisted cord or ribbons;
  • double sided tape.

You will also have to take care of a sharp knife, various decorative items - sparkling crystals, pearls, glass beads, in short, everything that you think will match your little masterpiece. You will also need to purchase glue and, most importantly, fresh flowers and decorative greenery.

Let's get started

To begin with, you have to decorate the bouquet holder, because, as you know, a work of art consists of little things, so you shouldn’t lose sight of anything. Fill the handle with pieces of hygroscopic material, in other words, napkins or toilet paper - this will allow the flowers to hold tightly in the bouquet holder and not fall out at the most crucial moment. Most often, the handle is wrapped with tape or twisted cord, using a glue gun to securely fix them. Now wrap the handle with cling film - this is necessary in order not to accidentally stain the finished part of the bouquet when making another.

Preparing the oasis

Oasis - a term used by florists, actually means a sponge, which is used in floristry as a base for creating compositions from freshly cut flowers. As a rule, an oasis is made of a material with capillary properties that absorbs moisture well and retains moisture for a long time. So, while you are decorating the porta bouquet, the oasis needs to be immersed in water so that it gets properly wet. There is no point in trying to speed up the process: if you press on the sponge, it will only deform or fall apart. It’s very easy to check its readiness: it will darken, become heavier and sink to the bottom.

When the sponge has reached the desired condition, you should carefully remove it from the water and move it to the porta bouquet, securing the oasis with wire. The principle is extremely simple: the more firmly you attach one element to another, the longer the bouquet will last you.

Making the base of the bouquet

We need to drape the upper part of the porta bouquet with greenery. For example, the leaves of roses or any other plant that will not dry out before arriving at the registry office are perfect. We recommend gluing the leaves overlapping, using double-sided tape.

The flower stems must be fastened together. If you don’t have confidence in your own abilities, we offer you ready-made pen covers - they are made of fabric or a special spider web thread. But if you are seriously asking yourself how to make a bridal bouquet yourself, you should keep in mind that the cuff and bouquet holder decorated with fresh greenery look much more elegant.

Moment X

And now, finally, the time has come for the most important stage - filling the porta bouquet with flowers! The stems should be trimmed, leaving about 6 cm in length: inserted into the oasis, so they will hold tightly without interfering with each other. Flowers must be inserted in a circle, as close to each other as possible. If you want to “dilute” the flowers with greenery, leave small gaps between the buds. Now. When the main part is ready, you can start decorating. In matters of decoration, the main thing is not to lose your mind - a shiny bouquet, where real flowers are not visible behind the rhinestones, is unlikely to make a positive impression on those around you.

It is also necessary to remember that the first pancake, as everyone knows, is lumpy, so you will have to stock up not only with a large amount of materials “in reserve,” but also practice in advance. If you didn't manage to create the perfect bridal bouquet the first time, don't despair, try again!

You can buy a ready-made bouquet for your wedding, reducing wedding hassle. Or you can surprise your guests with a hand-made bouquet.

An important attribute of a wedding celebration is the bride's bouquet. The symbol of the groom presenting a bouquet to the bride on the wedding day is confirmation of the proposal made to his beloved. If the bride accepted the bouquet, it means she agrees to marry him.

The bride should not let go of the presented bouquet until the very beginning of the banquet. Therefore, the bouquet is an integral part of the wedding wardrobe. The selection of which must be taken no less carefully than any other part of the bride’s image.

You can order a wedding bouquet from a florist. But suddenly, despite all the advantages of a specialist, the bouquet will not be to your taste. To avoid disappointment and spoil the important day of your life, you can prepare a wedding bouquet with your own hands.

Wedding and flowers

How to make a bridal bouquet with your own hands?

In order to make a wedding bouquet with your own hands convenient and beautiful, you must follow the manufacturing sequence:

Choosing a form.

  • A round bouquet is the most popular. Suitable for almost all brides. With the exception of girls with short stature.

For such a bouquet, different flower combinations are usually used, either roses or lilies. The bouquet is made in the form of a ball with a comfortable handle.

  • Bouquet cascading. Or in the form of a drop, a waterfall

Flowers with long stems are suitable here. Choose the length to suit your taste.

This bouquet looks great with a dress with a train. It lengthens your height well and adds a slim figure.

We carry the “cascade” with both hands, holding it at stomach level

  • Ball of flowers

A very original bouquet, which is rare in Russia. It differs from a round bouquet in that it is made without a handle. The bride holds it with an attached ribbon or beads.

  • Extraordinary bouquet

For lovers of a euphoric release, you can prepare a bouquet in any non-standard form: fans, baskets, muffs, umbrellas. The main thing to understand is that such compositions are very difficult to perform. They require certain skills, patience and effort.

We decide on the size.

There are some nuances that need to be taken into account when choosing the size of the bouquet:

  • Large, round bouquet for a lush bride
  • Fragile and small girl - miniature bouquet
  • Multilayer dress - lush bouquet
  • If there are other decorations on the dress in the form of rhinestones, sparkles, beads, or on the bouquet, we exclude decorations.

Select a handle.

In order to hold the bouquet comfortably, you need a comfortable handle. We make it from flower stems or use a porta bouquet maker. This is a convenient device for holding a bouquet, while feeding the flowers with moisture due to the installed damp sponge.

Choosing flowers.

  • We choose flowers so that they stand out against the background of the dress. It is better to choose contrasting colors. To the red bouquet - add pink, white, yellow. To yellow - lilac, red, blue. To pink - a variety of colorful tones
  • The most popular bouquets for brides are roses. Roses symbolize love, beauty, devotion. They retain their appearance very well and for a long time. Therefore, they are most in demand when composing a wedding bouquet.
  • Lilies are a little inferior. But they are undoubtedly popular. Their beauty represents hope, happiness, purity
  • Brides from high society It is customary to give orchids and myrtles.
  • Tulips are good for spring
  • Depending on your taste, you can make a bouquet of any flowers: peonies, asters, camellias, daffodils, callas, lilacs

To make any bouquet with your own hands you need:

  • Fresh flowers and leaves
  • Satin ribbon
  • Silicone based adhesive
  • Portbouquet
  • Needles
  • Any decorations to taste

Video: DIY wedding bouquet

Wedding bouquet of roses

Vintage bouquet of roses The vintage version of the wedding bouquet looks gorgeous.

  • In addition to the main materials, we prepare in advance a variety of brooches, beads, earrings, stones and wire
  • Attach cut pieces of wire to each decoration
  • Carefully insert large decorations into the tied roses. We alternate them with small ones. Forming a composition
  • We tie all the stems and decorate with satin ribbon
  • We string beads onto a wire 7-8 cm long and make hooks out of them. We fasten each one to a long wire. Wrap with satin ribbon. Decorating the bottom of the composition
  • We take 1.5 m of taffeta tape, corrugated by threading the wire. We connect the edges with glue. We put a skirt on the leg of the bouquet. We decorate by wrapping it with medium-width ribbon. We decorate the top a little more with a thinner ribbon. Decorate with rhinestones

Video: Wedding bouquet of green roses

white wedding bouquet in the shape of a waterfall

A very original white bouquet made by a waterfall is obtained.

  • We choose flowers of different degrees of maturity and sizes
  • We form a bouquet, starting with the largest flowers, ending with small ones
  • Making such a bouquet is no different from the process of making a round bouquet described above
  • It all depends on your imagination

Video: Bouquet of white roses. Flower sketches

To create a bouquet of satin ribbon you need:

  • Bouquet foot stick
  • For the base of the funnel
  • Floral base or foam ball
  • Rigid mesh or lace
  • Ready-made store-bought stamens
  • Scissors, wire, needle
  • Ribbon, the choice of width depends on the size of the desired rose
  • Glue gun

Let's get creative:

  • To make a handle, wrap it with satin ribbon. Handle length is at least 12cm. We straighten the remaining tails of the tape in four directions
  • We decorate the funnel with a mesh and glue it to the handle, where the tape sticks out
  • We attach the ball to the funnel with glue

Let's move on to the flowers:

Step-by-step making of flowers
  • We burn the edges of cut pieces of tape up to 5 cm long. So that the fabric does not get wet. Leave two 3 cm squares of tape to make the core. We glue the two upper corners of the fabric. We bend the two lower corners, gluing them in the middle of the petal. We do this with all the prepared fabric.
  • Roll the prepared tape, 3 cm in size, into a tube. Secure with glue. We also wrap this tube with the next one. Sew and glue them together
  • Glue the finished petals in the center of the circle so that the new one extends slightly beyond the edges of the finished one.
  • The first stage is over. We prepare a composition from selected sets of flowers, glue ready-made flowers along the diameter of the circle
  • Decorate with brooches, beads, rhinestones. Exactly the same as the above-described sets of compositions

Video: Wedding bouquet duplicate from ribbons

Round wedding bouquet of peonies

Making a round wedding bouquet of peonies:

  • We cut the stems to the same length 20-25 cm
  • We clear the stem of thorns, leaves, twigs
  • We tie the four largest peonies with tape, the most blooming ones
  • Add the rest of the peonies to this base in a circle, creating the composition you like. Secure with tape
  • We wrap the peony stems with the same material from top to bottom, forming a handle. Fix with pins
  • Add decorations if necessary. Don't forget to secure it firmly with glue or pins.

Video: Wedding bouquet of lilies of the valley and peonies

Wedding bouquet of tulips in a porta bouquet:

      • Soak the portbucenica sponge with water
      • We wrap the prepared leg with a satin ribbon, from top to bottom. We fix the layers one by one with silicone glue or a glue gun
      • Place the prepared stem into the vase
      • Cutting tulips to the desired length
      • Insert one at a time into the designed tube
      • We design any composition
      • Checking for empty space. Carefully hide the sponge
      • Decorate with green branches, bows, beads, rhinestones
      • We fix leaves, rhinestones, beads with a glue gun. Lace - needles

a set of flowers in a porta bouquet can be formed from any flowers.

White wedding bouquet in a porta bouquet

Video: Making an original bouquet of tulips

Wedding bouquet color

An important factor is the choice of color for the wedding set, not only for the purpose of an aesthetic and harmonious appearance, but also taking into account the psychological factor of color perception. The bouquet's palette can lift or worsen your mood, since each color has its own meaning.

Red wedding bouquet

It is customary to give red roses to the lady of the heart thanks to an ancient legend. One day, the goddess of love Aphrodite, running to meet her lover, accidentally pierced her foot with a white rose thorn. Beautiful white flower turned blood red. This is why red roses are associated with the symbol of love.

It is not necessary to present only roses. The color red suggests authority and activity. Any red composition can evoke a feeling of satisfaction in a bride with such a character.

White color of wedding bouquet

The white color of flowers means naivety, gullibility, purity and morality. Therefore, white flowers are presented to chaste girls. Giving a white bouquet to the bride for a wedding is considered a good omen, promising a long and comfortable life. family life young.

Pink color of wedding bouquet

Pink color means hope, modesty, love. This is a pleasant sign for a wedding celebration. The beginning of a new, pleasant stage of the relationship.

Yellow color of wedding bouquet

Don't be afraid yellow in a wedding bouquet. The times when this color was associated with treason and betrayal are gone. Now a bouquet of this color is a sign of joy, fun, happiness and optimism.

Blue color in a wedding bouquet

The blue color of the wedding bouquet will appeal to mysterious, enigmatic girls. After all, this is what the color blue means. Composition, with an advantage blue, speaks of great fidelity, devotion, and nobility of the groom. Very strong and pure love.

Orange color in wedding bouquets

It is better for the groom to avoid this tone in a wedding bouquet. Since it is most often presented to superiors, it is a sign of admiration for authority.

Wedding bouquets for the bride photo

Bright wedding bouquet of fidelity

Vintage bouquet for wedding

Tenderness, purity, freshness

Bride and white bouquet

Roses and wedding

Variegated bouquets for weddings

Options for passionate, red bouquets for a wedding celebration

Delicate white wedding bouquet

White flowers with delicate greenery

Wedding bouquet with lavender

Exquisite wedding bouquet

The color of devotion in a blue wedding bouquet

You can make very beautiful wedding bouquets with your own hands. If you have desire, patience, perseverance, a penchant for creativity and taste. It’s worth trying in advance and making your own wedding bouquet. If in doubt, contact your florist. Surely, a good florist will offer many options to find something suitable. Or maybe something from the photos above will suit you.

A wedding is fun, a day for the newlyweds, happy guests, a host with a microphone, nuances. Wedding floristry is important to create an image for every girl. Choosing flowers for a wedding is a responsible step, so many people do it on their own. The advantages of a composition made by yourself are obvious: cheaper, more satisfying own desires. The age of technology allows you to learn how to make a bridal bouquet with your own hands from fresh flowers using the Internet.

Important Details

How to make a bouquet for the bride with your own hands? We will learn in more detail what a do-it-yourself bridal bouquet is, step by step, using fresh flowers, photos are attached. If you decide to create a wedding masterpiece yourself, consider these rules:

  • The shape of the floral work, the details are selected to suit the type of figure, the image;
  • Choose seasonal varieties, this is a budget option.
  • Choose a material that will not ruin the dress. Smearing pollination of stamens, prickly thorns of roses are a bad choice;
  • Before making a wedding bouquet of fresh flowers, practice. Since we have not been involved in floristry professionally, it may not work out; it is difficult to work with the material. It’s okay if you don’t succeed the first time, you need practice;
  • Talk to a professional florist, design specialist, or look at arrangements in salons to stay up to date with new products. Watch the master class, but go beyond your own desires;
  • Choose a variety that does not cause allergies. A wedding is a day for fun, not teary eyes due to an allergic reaction. Take into account the physical characteristics of the body so as not to cause harm;
  • When forming a bouquet of roses, consider the weight. Calculate so that you don’t get tired during the day.

It's about the form

How to make a bouquet for the bride with your own hands to achieve what you want. This day will be remembered for the rest of your life, spend maximum time preparing. Individuality is required when designing a wedding bouquet for a wedding. Floristry knows how to make a bride's bouquet with your own hands from fresh flowers in such a way as to surprise and discourage. The following works are popular:

  • Small compositions;
  • Ball-shaped - based on a portobouquet;
  • Cascade;
  • Vertical (on long stems);
  • Arbitrary;
  • It is independently formed from the petals of a bud;
  • Avant-garde, non-standard (in the form of a belt, handbag or fan).

Basics of home floristry

To figure out how to correctly formulate a reliable work, learn the basics. We will consider in detail the following formation methods:

  • On the stems. The composition is formed from varieties with a long stem;
  • On a wire. A wire is inserted inside each stem. The stems become brittle;
  • Bouquet in a portaquet holder. Portbuketnitsa is a foam ball on a plastic handle, it is moistened in water. When the porta bouquet is saturated with water, it preserves the freshness of the elements. This design creates spherical compositions.

The last option is simple. If there are no floral tools, then choose the first method. It is budget-friendly, convenient, and requires a minimum amount of time. If you are still interested in how to make a bridal bouquet with your own hands from fresh flowers, let’s get started.

Step-by-step instructions “on the stems”

Since this option is easy, we'll start with it. We will figure out how to make a bouquet for the bride with our own hands, having a minimum number of tools and materials. To compose hydrangeas and chrysanthemums on stems we will need:

Twine made of natural material – 1 pc.;
Floral wire – 1 package;
Organza ribbon 5 cm wide;
Secateurs or scissors;

Choose the number of flowers in the bouquet that suits you. Before moving on to the step-by-step creation, we note that everything will be done in white with brown shades. A bouquet without a porta bouquet looks gentle at a wedding, emphasizing the neatness of the future wife. These secrets will tell you how to make a bridal bouquet with your own hands from fresh flowers.

1. First, prepare the material: cut off the excess leaves with pruning shears. We form a triangle out of 3 hydrangeas, put 3 more flowers below, thus leaving space in the center. We carefully insert the last hydrangea there so that it rises above the rest.

2. We surround the ready-made wedding bouquet with white chrysanthemums. It turns out that we also form a triangle from them, only an external one.

3. We fix the stems with floral wire at the base so that they do not fall apart. Carefully trim the ends with pruning shears.

4.Now we decorate the “handle” of the bride’s bouquet of fresh flowers: we wrap the stems with ribbon from bottom to top, and then secure it with a button.

5.Use twine to overlap the ribbon in a loose form to add an accent and create a real masterpiece.

Step-by-step creation of a composition with a porta bouquet

Let's find out how to make a bride's bouquet with your own hands from fresh flowers, as well as which options are popular. Wedding bouquets of spherical fresh flowers are in demand because they seem fabulous. They look harmonious, neat and tidy. The formation, which is based on a porta bouquet, has secrets on which the lifespan and preservation of the appearance of the composition depend. To create we need:

Porta bouquet;
Satin ribbon;
Double-sided tape;
Scotch anchor;
Knife, pruning shears or scissors;
Glue gun;

So, we will begin to create a bride’s bouquet with our own hands using fresh flowers step by step (photos clearly demonstrate the result). Choose the material that will match each other in color. Light colors are suitable for young girls, while a dark color palette will emphasize the femininity and elegance of women. Be careful, because a bride’s bouquet of fresh flowers with your own hands is a responsible matter that requires seriousness and concentration. Also pay attention to the size of the bride's bouquet of fresh roses. If the girl is large, then a small object will distort and visually enlarge, but neat, miniature compositions are suitable for short ones.

1. Prepare the porta bouquet: open and insert a long piece of oasis. Oasis is a special foam sponge that is soaked in water. It can be purchased at a salon or ordered online.

2. We decorate the expanding part of the portaquet with leaves. Glue it in a circle with double-sided tape. To secure, glue the ends of the leaves with anchor tape on top. The leaves do not fall apart, but for aesthetic purposes, we will hide the tape behind a green tape.

3. Wet the round part of the oasis in cold water. It is important that the sponge is soaked evenly. Why is this important? Elements of a work must be nourished to maintain freshness.

4.Decorating the handle. We seal the end with satin ribbon and double-sided tape. Next, we wrap the tape along the handle and cover it with tape. We glue the tip under the base with hot glue. For this you will need a glue gun. You can buy a glue gun in a decor store or order it online on the website.

5. Decorate the cuff. First we decorate with leaves, which we cut at an angle and stick in. Why do we trim leaves? To keep them fresh longer, an oblique cut increases the area of ​​the stem that will be saturated with water. Under the weight, the moisture from the round oasis will fall down. We inserted an oblong piece of sponge, which will absorb excess moisture so as not to spoil the handle.

6. All we have left is to decorate the spherical sponge. You can opt for the classic version of a bouquet of roses. We leave 6 cm of the stem so that it is convenient to insert into the oasis.

This instruction explains how to make a bouquet for the bride with your own hands. In addition to the compositions, also decorate the tables, the boutonniere of the groom and witnesses, and create a design for the presenter’s microphone. Remember: a wedding is all about the details.

Learn detailed instructions on how to create a wedding masterpiece from the video.

Useful tips

For those who want an unusual wedding, or simply want to add something unusual and fresh to the traditional concept of a wedding celebration, very original wedding bouquets have been invented.

Here you can see the most unusual wedding bouquets, ranging from bouquets made of artificial flowers and paper, to bouquets decorated with rhinestones and thin wooden flowers.

1. Wedding bouquet of silk flowers

You will need:

7 fabric flowers

Chrysanthemums (in this example, 3 pieces)

Flower wire

Tweed and jute wire

Wire cutters

Hot glue (with a glue gun), button or stapler.

1. First, take the artificial flowers and trim the leaves. Stack three flowers, around them three more flowers, and insert the last flower in the center - let it be a little higher so that it stands out.

2. Take chrysanthemums and insert them in different places of the bouquet.

3. Take some floral wire and wrap it around the flower stems.

* If necessary, trim a little stems so that the bouquet is not too tall.

4. Take the ribbon and start wrapping it around the bouquet. Secure the tape with glue, a button, or a stapler. If desired, you can wrap the stems of the bouquet in several layers.

5. Take some tweed wire and wrap it around the bouquet. Use wire cutters to cut off the excess and hide the end of the wire.

DIY wedding bouquet from a newspaper or an unnecessary book

You will need:


PVA glue or hot glue


Wire cutters.

1. You will need to cut petals in 5 sizes. To start, cut out five templates and use them to cut out 4 petals of each size (there will be a total of 20 petals). You can do without templates and just cut out your petals by eye.

*If necessary, you can make more petals.

2. Twist the ends of each petal. You can use a pencil for convenience.

3. Make the central part of the flower. Cut another petal and wrap it around the wire. Secure with glue.

4. Start gluing the petals one by one (starting with small ones) to the center of the flower. Glue one at a time so that each petal slightly covers the previous petal.

5. Prepare a ribbon and glue it to the base of the flower. You can also wrap the stem a little.

6. For a bouquet you will need to make several similar flowers.

How to make a chic wedding bouquet using artificial flowers

You will need:

Birch bark (can be replaced with braid)

PVA glue, hot glue or superglue


Flower wire

Colored tape

Wire cutters

Additional decorations (if desired).

1. Prepare several flowers and trim the stems to make the bouquet more compact. Also trim off the leaves. In addition, prepare artificial leaves.

2. Secure all flowers and leaves with floral wire.

3. When all the parts are secured, start wrapping the bouquet with tape.

* If desired, you can add new elements to the bouquet - flowers, leaves, etc.

4. Prepare birch bark and simple braid and wrap it around the stems.

If desired, you can tie the lower and upper parts of the birch bark with twine. You can also glue a small brooch or several rhinestones.

How to make a wedding bouquet from large paper flowers with your own hands

Making your own bridal bouquet decorated with a pinwheel

How to make a pinwheel

Wedding bouquets (photo)

Brilliant bouquet