Analysis of deposit operations of a commercial bank using the example of Sberbank of Russia OJSC. Analysis of deposit operations of commercial banks Composition and analysis of deposit operations of commercial banks


Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations for the formation of the deposit policy of a commercial bank

.1 Essence and types of bank deposits

.2 Deposit policy as an integral part of the banking resource management system

.3 Legal regulation of deposit operations

Chapter 2. Organization of the formation of deposit policy in a commercial bank

.1 Formation of deposit policy in a commercial bank

.2 Types of deposits, conditions and main methods of raising funds

.3 The influence of the policy of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the formation of the deposit policy of a commercial bank

Chapter 3. Analysis of the development of deposit operations of commercial banks (using the example of Transcapitalbank CJSC)

.1 Main trends in the development of the deposit market in the Russian Federation

.2 Analysis of the development of the deposit policy of CJSC Transcapitalbank

.3 Measures to improve the deposit policy of Transcapitalbank CJSC


List of used literature



For the certification work, the topic “Deposit policy of a commercial bank using the example of Transcapitalbank CJSC” was chosen.

Deposit policy is a set of measures aimed at banks mobilizing funds from legal entities and individuals in the form of deposits for the purpose of their subsequent mutually beneficial use. Deposit policy involves the development of scientifically based approaches to organizing relations of commercial banks with legal entities, individuals and the state regarding the attraction of their temporarily free funds, as well as the definition of goals and objectives in this area and the implementation of practical measures for their implementation.

IN modern conditions For effective functioning, development and achievement of its goals, each bank needs to develop and constantly improve its business policy and practical management strategy. Attracting monetary resources and their subsequent placement are the main forms of activity of a commercial bank.

The mass of funds generated on a paid basis is used to invest in active instruments. Operations to raise funds, therefore, are primary in relation to most of the bank’s operations aimed at generating income. In this regard, raised funds should be considered as an independent object of banking policy.

Based on the above, the relevance of the chosen topic is due to a significant increase in the role of deposit policy in ensuring the sustainability of a commercial bank and the need to improve the deposit policy of a commercial bank in the field of formation of banking resources.

When carrying out deposit policy, the principles of organizing deposit operations, their relationship with the total cash turnover, the relationship between economic and organizational methods in managing deposit operations, the forms of deposit accounts and the scope of their application, the procedure for opening and closing deposit accounts, the rules for crediting and withdrawing client funds, are taken into account. the procedure and conditions for transferring funds from one deposit account to another, the deadlines for storing funds in deposit accounts.

The process of resource formation and the sustainability of the functioning of a commercial bank directly depends on a competent deposit banking policy.

Deposit policy is related to other types of banking policies - credit, interest rates, securities market policies, etc.

The degree of development of the problem. Issues related to the study of the theoretical foundations of the deposit policy of a commercial bank, the current practice of its implementation and ways to improve deposit policy have not been sufficiently developed in the scientific literature. To date, there are practically no works devoted to special comprehensive studies of the essence of the deposit policy of a commercial bank, the goals and objectives of its implementation, the factors that determine the specifics of constructing a deposit policy model of Russian commercial banks, as well as the criteria for choosing the optimal deposit policy. The bulk of the research concerns only certain areas of the bank’s activities in the field of deposit operations and the development of deposit policy. In particular, the works of Kazak A.Yu., Kochmola K.V., Panova G.S. are devoted to these issues. This issue was partially addressed in the works of Babicheva Yu.A., Batrakova L.G., Beloglazova G.N., Zhukov E.F., Ivanov V.V., Katsenelenbaum Z.S., Kolesnikov V.I., Korobova G. L.G., Krasavina L.N., Krolivetskaya L.P., Lavrushin O.I., Mamonova I.D., Milovidova A.D. etc.

The purpose of the study is to identify the essence of the deposit policy of a commercial bank, determine the mechanism for its implementation and the role in ensuring the sustainability of a commercial bank.

To achieve this goal, it was necessary to solve the following tasks:

Explore the theoretical foundations of the deposit policy of a commercial bank, revealing its essence and principles of formation, determine the role of deposit policy in ensuring the stability of a commercial bank;

Determine the process of forming a mechanism for implementing the deposit policy of a commercial bank;

To analyze the banking practice of forming and implementing deposit policy using the example of TKB CJSC, to formulate and justify promising directions for optimizing the deposit policy of a commercial bank in order to strengthen its stability.

The subject of the study is the system of economic and organizational relations that develop in the process of formation and implementation of their deposit policy by Russian commercial banks.

The object of the study was a commercial bank resident of the Russian Federation with foreign capital - Transcapitalbank CJSC.

The theoretical basis was compiled regulations of the Russian Federation, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, scientific monographs, economic periodicals (“Money and Credit”, “Banking”, “Economic Issues”, “Russian Economic Journal”, “Business and Banks”, “Financial Newspaper”, etc.).

The information base for the work was statistical data published by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and other official bodies, data from international banking organizations, secondary information from periodicals, and reporting data from Transcapitalbank CJSC for 2009-2011. (according to Russian accounting standards).

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations for the formation of the deposit policy of a commercial bank

1.1 Essence and types of bank deposits

The foundation for the functioning of a bank as a financial intermediary is its resource potential. The power of the banking system, its role and place in the financial system and economy of the country are determined by the volume of resources that are concentrated in commercial banks.

Managing the financial resources of a commercial bank consists of planning to attract funds with the most favorable conditions for the bank and their further placement in order to obtain maximum profit, while ensuring the liquidity of the bank, i.e. the bank’s ability to timely and fully ensure the fulfillment of its debt and financial obligations to all counterparties, which is determined by the availability of sufficient equity capital of the bank, the optimal placement and amount of funds in the asset and liability balance sheet items, taking into account the relevant deadlines.

Thus, effective management of financial resources from the point of view of economic and mathematical modeling is the optimization of the bank’s credit and deposit policy, i.e. modeling optimal management of assets and liabilities in order to maximize profits and ensure bank liquidity.

The problem of managing resources attracted by commercial banks has not only a quantitative, but also a qualitative side. It is unthinkable to attract resources without working out the issue of their placement. Commercial banks are faced with the task of efficient allocation of resources, which would reimburse costs and bring profit to the bank, and also ensure the fulfillment of the bank's liquidity requirements by the Bank of Russia. This is possible when a commercial bank closely links passive operations with active ones. The asset of a bank balance sheet cannot be perceived separately from its liability, since in essence both the asset and the liability of the balance sheet characterize the same funds with the only difference that the liability reveals the sources of these funds, and the asset reveals the directions of their use.

Liability management is the activity associated with raising funds from depositors and other creditors and determining the appropriate combination of sources of funds for a given bank. According to the method of formation, all resources of a commercial bank are divided into own, attracted and borrowed.

The bank's own funds should be understood as various funds created by the bank to ensure its financial stability, commercial and economic activities, as well as the profit received based on the results of the current and previous years. The bank's own capital is the basis for increasing the volume of its active operations. Sources of equity capital are:

· retained earnings from previous years, including bank reserves;

· placement of additional issues of securities;

· attracting new shareholders and shareholders.

Currently, banking operations are based on attracted and borrowed funds. The totality of attracted and borrowed funds forms the bank's liabilities, i.e. funds that do not belong to the bank, but participate in the turnover of bank funds as a source of its active operations. All liabilities are divided into attracted and borrowed resources. To attract banking resources, the following traditional sources are used:

§ funds of state and non-state enterprises and organizations that are saved in bank accounts;

§ means of budgetary organizations;

§ funds of individuals.

Funds raised represent balances in customer deposit accounts, deposits and certificates, issued bonds and promissory notes.

The main element of the bank's attracted funds are deposits. Deposit resources are the totality of resources attracted by the bank, which provide it with the necessary reserves in accordance with the requirements of the law and provide the bulk of funds for lending in excess of these reserves.

Borrowed funds are funds that a bank obtains in the form of loans or by selling its debt obligations. The most common ones are:

§ resources of other commercial banks in the form of loans or which are in interbank deposit and correspondent accounts;

§ REPO operations.

§ loans from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

§ funds received from the sale of bonds, bills, and other securities.

Deposit operations are classified as passive banking operations. By passive we mean such operations of banks, as a result of which there is an increase in funds held in passive accounts or active-passive accounts in terms of the excess of liabilities over assets.

Passive operations play an important role for commercial banks, since it is with their help that banks acquire credit resources in the money markets.

There are four forms of passive operations of commercial banks:

a) contributions to the authorized capital (sale of shares and shares to the first owners);

b) deductions from the bank’s profits for the formation or increase of funds;

c) deposit operations (funds received from clients);

d) non-deposit transactions.

Deposit (bank deposit) - an amount of money deposited by a depositor in a bank for a certain or indefinite period. The bank puts this money into circulation, and in exchange pays interest to the depositor. The deposit is the bank's debt to the depositor, that is, it is subject to return.

During periods of normal economic development, a bank deposit is one of the least profitable and least risky forms of investing money and can serve as a minimum guideline in calculations.

Deposit operations are banks' operations to attract funds from legal entities and individuals into deposits, either for certain periods or on demand. Deposit transactions typically account for the bulk of their liabilities.

The following may act as subjects of deposit operations: state enterprises and organizations; government agencies; cooperatives; joint stock companies; mixed enterprises with foreign capital; party and public organizations and foundations; financial and insurance companies; investment and trust companies and funds; individual individuals and associations of these individuals; banks and other credit institutions.

The objects of deposit operations are deposits - amounts of money that the subjects of deposit operations deposit into the bank, which for a certain time are deposited in bank accounts due to the current procedure for carrying out banking operations.

The “golden” banking rule states that the size and timing of the bank’s financial requirements must correspond to the size and timing of its obligations. Following this rule, banks could not use balances on demand deposits as a lending resource, since they can be called upon at any time. However, customers typically do not withdraw all of their funds at once, so a bank's cash reserves may be relatively small. In addition, most banking transactions are carried out in cashless form. The amount of cash not used as cash reserves increases the liquidity of the bank and can be used by it to provide loans to other clients or other banks. In addition to cash reserves, another limiter in the use of deposits by commercial banks as a credit resource is the required reserves established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Deposit accounts can be very diverse, and their classification is based on criteria such as sources of deposits, their intended purpose, degree of profitability, etc.

General classification of deposits of individuals:

According to the form of withdrawal

1. On demand (obligations that do not have a specific period)

2. Urgent (obligations with a certain period)

2.1. Deposits with a fixed term (a fixed term is assigned, after which the deposits turn into demand deposits)

2.2. Deposits with a conditional term (in case of non-withdrawal, automatically renewed for the same term with the same conditions)

2.3. Deposits with prior notification (a minimum mandatory storage period is assigned, after which the deposit can be withdrawn at any time, but with prior notification to the bank 5-15 days in advance)

3. Conditional (funds subject to withdrawal upon the occurrence of pre-agreed conditions)

3.1. Target deposits (deposits for payment of dividends, redemption of bonds)

3.2. Pension deposits

3.3. Target savings accounts

4. Indefinite

4.1. Perpetual deposits

4.2. Savings deposits (used to accumulate funds, can be replenished and withdrawn either in full or in part)

If possible, replenishment

1. Deposits without additional fees

2. Deposits with additional contributions

By time of interest accrual

1. Upon expiration of the deposit period

2. Quarterly or monthly

2.1. After a quarter or month

2.2. Interest is paid in advance

By interest calculation method

1. Using simple interest

2. Using compound interest

3. With a fixed interest rate

4. With a floating interest rate

5. With increasing interest rates

5.1. The rate increases as the deposit period increases

5.2. The rate increases as the deposit volume increases (with additional contributions)

By design method

1. Personal deposits

2. Bearer deposits

Thus, all deposits can be divided into two large groups: demand deposits and time deposits. The allocation of savings deposits and NAU accounts expands this enlarged classification. In addition, savings and certificates of deposit, which actually form a time deposit, can be considered as a special type of time deposit.

In banking practice, demand deposits are the most common, i.e. the deposit is issued upon the first request of the depositor, and the term deposit - the return of the deposit is carried out after the expiration of the period specified in the agreement.

For accounting purposes in a bank, time deposits are classified depending on their term:

· for up to 30 days

· for a period from 31 to 90 days

· for a period from 91 to 180 days

· for a period from 181 days to 1 year

· for a period from 1 year to 3 years

· for a period of more than 3 years

Demand deposits are classified depending on the nature and ownership of the funds held in the accounts in accordance with the economic nature.

1. funds of organizations of different forms of ownership; funds in special accounts for storing funds with different intended economic purposes ( own funds enterprises intended for capital investments;

2. funds of enterprises and organizations in settlements; funds in correspondent accounts for settlements with other banks; funds from local budgets).

Demand deposits are the most liquid. Their owners can use the money in demand accounts at any time.

Deposit operations also include operations with deposit and savings certificates.

Certificates of deposit and savings certificates are securities, the right to issue which is granted only to commercial banks.

Deposit (savings) certificate - a security certifying the amount of the deposit made to the bank and the rights of the depositor (certificate holder) to receive upon expiration deadline the amount of the deposit and the interest stipulated in the certificate in the bank that issued the certificate, or in any branch of this bank, Article 844 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

If a legal entity acts as a depositor, then a certificate of deposit is issued, if an individual is a savings account. In this case, the owner of the certificate can only be: legal entities, registered in the territory Russian Federation or another state using the ruble as an official currency, or citizens of the Russian Federation or another state using the ruble as an official currency.

Registration of a deposit or savings certificate is the proper form for concluding a bank deposit agreement. Therefore, the peculiarity of a certificate as a security is that it can only be issued in documentary form. In this case, the certificate can be personal or bearer.

In case of early presentation of a savings or deposit certificate for payment, the bank pays the deposit amount and interest paid on demand deposits, unless the terms of the certificate establish a different interest rate.

Currently, only ruble deposit and savings certificates are used. A possible prospect for the development of this type of deposit operations may be the issuance of currency certificates by commercial banks.

2 Deposit policy as an integral part of the banking resource management system

To ensure the stable and reliable functioning of commercial banks in our country, the formation of a scientifically based banking policy, an integral element of which is the deposit policy, plays an important role. This is due to the fact that the bulk of banking resources is formed in the process of conducting deposit operations of the bank, on the effective and correct organization of which, ultimately, the sustainability of the functioning of the credit institution depends.

Deposit policy can be classified according to a number of criteria depending on:

subjects of deposit relations (in relation to individuals and legal entities),

· forms of deposits (time deposits, demand deposits, savings deposits, etc.),

· terms of attraction (short-term, medium-term and long-term deposit policy),

· degree of risk (aggressive, traditional and classical policies),

· attraction purposes (for investing, lending and maintaining current liquidity),

· type of market (policy in the money and financial markets),

· methods of attracting resources (price and non-price methods).

As a starting point for studying the development and implementation of the deposit policy of commercial banks, the characteristics of its theoretical foundations should be chosen. Deposit policy is a complex phenomenon. The essence of deposit policy must be considered both in the broad and narrow sense of the word. In the broad sense of the word, the deposit policy of a commercial bank is characterized as the strategy and tactics of the bank when it carries out activities to attract resources on a repayable basis, as well as when organizing and managing the deposit process. Deposit policy in the narrow sense of the word refers to the strategy and tactics of the bank in terms of organizing the deposit process. The characterization of the essence of deposit policy allows us to assert that it is one of the components of the bank’s activity management system.

The deposit policy should include a number of areas, namely:

· analysis of the deposit market;

· identification of target markets to minimize deposit risk;

· minimizing costs in the process of attracting funds to deposits;

· optimization of management of the bank's deposit and loan portfolios;

· maintaining bank liquidity and increasing its stability.

The formation of deposit policy is based on both general and specific principles (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1 Principles for forming the deposit policy of a commercial bank.

The general principles of deposit policy mean principles that are common both for the state monetary policy of the central bank, conducted at the macroeconomic level, and for the policy at the level of each specific commercial bank. These include the principles integrated approach, scientific validity, optimality and efficiency, as well as the unity of all elements of the bank’s deposit policy.

An integrated approach is expressed both in the development of theoretical foundations, priority directions of the bank’s deposit policy from the point of view of its development strategy, and in determining the most effective tactics and methods of its implementation that are optimal for a given stage of the bank’s development.

The specific principles of deposit policy include the principles of ensuring the optimal level of bank costs, security of deposit operations, reliability, since the bank, accumulating temporarily free funds for the purpose of their subsequent placement, strives to obtain income not at any cost, but taking into account the realities of the market in which he carries out his activities. Compliance with the listed principles allows the bank to formulate both strategic and tactical directions in organizing the deposit process, thereby ensuring the efficiency and optimization of deposit policy.

Considering a bank's deposit policy as one of the elements of banking policy as a whole, one should proceed from the fact that the main goal of deposit policy is to attract the largest possible volume of monetary resources at the lowest price.

The successful implementation of this multifaceted goal of the bank’s deposit policy involves solving such tasks as:

Ø assistance in the process of conducting deposit operations in obtaining bank profits or creating conditions for making profits in the future;

Ø maintaining the required level of banking liquidity;

Ø ensuring diversification of subjects of deposit operations and a combination of different forms of deposits;

Ø maintaining the relationship and mutual consistency between deposit operations and operations for issuing loans in terms of the amounts and terms of deposits and loan investments;

Ø minimizing available funds in deposit accounts;

Ø implementation of a flexible interest rate policy;

Ø constant search for ways and means to reduce interest expenses on attracted resources;

Ø development of banking services and improvement of the quality and culture of customer service.

Each commercial bank must have its own deposit policy. In this case, many factors (economic, political, etc.) that have a direct impact on the bank’s activities must be taken into account. Among them, we can distinguish macroeconomic factors, that is, those that affect all banks, and microeconomic factors, which affect the work of a particular bank.

Of course, a bank's deposit policy is largely determined by the nature of the state's monetary and fiscal policies. The regional specifics of the bank’s functioning also have a significant impact.

Rice. 2. Boundaries of the deposit policy of a commercial bank.

There is also the concept of the boundaries of the deposit policy of a commercial bank. This is a certain permissible limit for the bank to accumulate temporarily free funds of legal entities and individuals. In this case, a classification of these boundaries is given according to the following criteria:

a) depending on supply and demand in the deposit market (economic boundaries);

b) the impact of regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and bank limits (administrative boundaries);

c) depending on the subjects of deposit relations (external and internal boundaries);

d) depending on the urgency of the deposit relationship (time limits);

e) geographical (territorial boundaries);

f) depending on volumes and structure (quantitative and qualitative boundaries).

The classification of boundaries is summarized in Figure 3.

Fig.3. Composition of subjects of the deposit policy of a commercial bank.

As can be seen from Figure 3, the subjects of a commercial bank’s deposit policy include bank clients (individuals and legal entities), commercial banks and government institutions (Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Taxes and Duties, etc.). The objects of deposit policy include attracted bank funds (deposits, interbank loans received, bills and certificates and other sources of attraction) and additional bank services (comprehensive services). In this case, the greatest emphasis is placed on the classification of deposits, which are considered in the context of categories of depositors and by the form of withdrawal.

When considering the deposit policy of a commercial bank, one should assume that it is a system that includes a set of standard elements, which include: the bank’s strategy for developing the main directions of the deposit process; the bank’s tactics for organizing the formation of a resource base; control over the implementation of deposit policy.

A scheme for the formation of the deposit policy of a commercial bank can be drawn up, which is presented in Figure 4.

bank deposit operation

Rice. 4. Scheme of formation of deposit policy.

Each of the stages in the formation of a commercial bank’s deposit policy is closely related to the others and is mandatory for the formation of an optimal deposit policy and the correct organization of the deposit process. In the process of developing banking policy in general, emphasis is placed on the need to create an optimal organizational structure of the bank for the formation and implementation of deposit policy. The process of forming a deposit policy is closely interconnected with the bank’s interest rate policy. In this regard, the importance of maneuvering the price mechanism is obvious, for which the bank must determine the cost of deposit services. This is due to the need to ensure the profitability and prestige of their services with mandatory consideration of their consumer value and price in the context of increasing intra-bank competition and the struggle for the client. In this regard, such concepts as “cost of raised funds” and “real cost of these funds for the bank” are highlighted. Such ranking is necessary for the bank to correctly determine the minimum level of placement of raised funds. At the same time, factors influencing the real cost of resources attracted by a commercial bank are determined.

These include factors such as:

level of operating expenses;

norms for contributions to the required reserve fund established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;

timing and amount of funds raised;

mode of calculation and payment of interest;

time lag between the dates of attraction and placement of funds;

expenses for creating a reserve for possible loan losses;

diversion of funds from circulation to operations that do not generate income.

When forming an effective interest rate policy for a bank, a combination of these principles is required. An analysis of current practice shows that the formation of the deposit base of any commercial bank, as a complex and labor-intensive process, is associated with a large number of problems of both a subjective and objective nature.

Subjective problems include:

) scale of activity and weak capital base of Russian commercial banks;

) lack of interest of the bank's management in attracting funds from clients, especially the population, which is dictated by the tactical and strategic goals and objectives of the bank;

) insufficient level and quality of top and middle management;

) the absence in most Russian banks of a scientifically based concept of deposit policy;

) shortcomings in the organization of the deposit process: lack of an appropriate unit in the bank; low level of marketing research of the deposit market; limited range of deposit services offered, etc.

Among the objective factors, the following stand out:

) direct and indirect influence of the state and government bodies;

) the influence of macroeconomics, the impact of world financial markets on the state of the Russian money market;

) interbank competition;

) the state of the money and financial market in Russia.

) the absence in Russia of a legal mechanism for insurance and protection of bank deposits.

The role of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation as a regulatory body in the last five to six years has been especially pronounced in matters of establishing the refinancing rate and mandatory reserve standards for commercial banks. Changes in the refinancing rate do not allow the bank to accurately predict and plan its activities in the field of asset and liability management for the long term and make transactions with long-term liabilities (especially fixed rate) quite risky.

When developing a deposit policy, the bank must be guided by certain criteria for its optimization, among which the following stand out:

a) the relationship between the bank’s deposit, credit and other operations to maintain the bank’s stability, its reliability, and financial stability.

) diversification of bank resources in order to minimize risk;

c) segmentation of the deposit portfolio (by clients, products, markets);

d) differentiated approach to different groups of clients;

e) competitiveness of banking products and services;

f) the need for an effective combination of resources, ensuring an optimal combination of stable and “volatile” resources while increasing the share of stable resources in the bank’s deposit portfolio in conditions of increased risks (including deposit operations);

g) taking into account the life cycle concept in the process of forming the range of deposits and the deposit portfolio as a whole.

The choice of a specific method for reducing the risk of a bank conducting deposit operations is largely determined by the level of organization of analytical work in a commercial bank.

3 Legal regulation of deposit operations

Legal regulation of deposit operations is carried out on the basis of:

· Civil Code of the Russian Federation Art. 834 - 844 (chapter 44), art. 845 - 860 (chapter 45), art. 395, 809, 818 part 2;

· Federal Law “On Banks and Banking Activities” dated December 2, 1990 N 395-1 (as amended on December 30, 2011; hereinafter referred to as the Law on Banks);

· Federal Law “On Insurance of Individuals’ Deposits in Banks of the Russian Federation” dated December 23, 2003 N 177-FZ with subsequent amendments and additions;

· Letter of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated 02/10/1992 N 14-3-20 “Regulations on savings and deposit certificates of credit institutions” and Directive of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated November 31, 1998 N 333-u “On introducing amendments and additions to the letter of the Central Bank of Russia dated February 10 1992 N 14-3-20 “On deposit and savings certificates of banks.”

· Regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 39-P “On the procedure for calculating interest on transactions related to the attraction and placement of funds, and reflecting these transactions in accounts accounting"from 06.26.98.

A bank deposit agreement formalizes the relationship between the bank and individuals and legal entities regarding their depositing into the bank, storage and return of funds by the bank. Under a bank deposit agreement, one party (the bank) undertakes to return the amount of money received from the other party (the depositor) or for the depositor, and to pay the interest stipulated by the agreement (clause 1 of Article 834 of the Civil Code). The bank deposit agreement is one-sided, since only the bank bears the responsibilities. The agreement arises from the moment the money is transferred to the bank, i.e. he is real.

Relations arising from a bank deposit agreement are regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Chapter 44). Unless otherwise provided by the rules governing these relations and does not follow from the essence of the bank deposit agreement, the rights and obligations of the bank and the depositor are based on the rules on a bank account (Chapter 45 of the Civil Code). The peculiarity of a bank deposit agreement is that it is not intended for settlement transactions. So, paragraph 2, paragraph 3, art. 834 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation contains a rule prohibiting legal entities from transferring to other persons cash, located in deposits.

As explained Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the relations of the parties under a bank deposit agreement are subject to the provisions of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights.

A bank deposit agreement must be concluded in simple written form. Failure to comply with this will result in the invalidity of the contract. A bank deposit agreement is considered to be concluded in writing in cases where the bank has issued the depositor a savings book or savings (deposit) certificate or other document that meets the requirements of the law or banking rules, as well as business customs.

According to the bank deposit agreement, a citizen depositor may be issued a personal savings book or a bearer savings book, which is a security. The savings book issued to confirm the conclusion of a bank deposit agreement must contain the following details: name and location of the bank (if amounts of money are deposited in a bank branch, the location of the branch is also indicated), the account number for the deposit, the amount of funds credited to the account and written off from the account, as well as the balance of funds in the account at the time of presentation of the savings book.

Until proven otherwise, information about the deposit indicated in the savings book is the basis for settlements on the deposit between the bank and the depositor (paragraph 3 of clause 1 of Article 843 of the Civil Code). At the request of the depositor, amounts received into his account from third parties (for example, transferred fees, other amounts) must be entered in the savings book.

Payment of interest or transfer of funds from the deposit account to third parties can be made by the bank only upon presentation by the depositor of his savings book. In case of loss of a personal savings book, the bank is obliged to issue the depositor, upon his application, a new savings book (paragraph 2, clause 2, article 843 of the Civil Code).

The fact that the depositor has deposited funds into the bank and his right to receive, upon expiration of the established period, the amount of the deposit and the specified interest can be certified by a savings (deposit) certificate.

Unlike the Law on Banks, the Civil Code regulates relations arising from a bank deposit agreement concluded not only by individuals, but also by legal entities (Article 834). Not any credit institutions have the right to attract funds on deposit, but only banks that have received a license from the Bank of Russia in the prescribed manner to carry out these operations (Article 36 of the Law on Banks).

To obtain the right to raise funds, a bank must have an authorized capital of at least that established by regulations of the Bank of Russia and meet other requirements that are aimed at ensuring the safety of depositors’ funds.

Depositors of authorized banks for deposits in foreign currency can be individuals (residents and non-residents). Non-resident citizens are allowed to open ruble accounts in authorized banks. To open a deposit in foreign currency in authorized banks, resident legal entities must obtain permission from the Bank of Russia. Such permission is not required for non-resident legal entities.

The rights of depositors largely depend on the type of deposit.

For a demand deposit, the deposit amount and the interest established by the agreement must be paid by the bank upon the depositor’s first request. On a time deposit, the interest on the deposit amount established by the agreement is paid only if the deposit is claimed after the expiration of the period specified in the agreement. A fixed-term deposit agreement is also compulsory in the case where the depositor demands the return of the deposit amounts before the deadline established in the agreement.

The condition of the fixed-term deposit agreement that the citizen renounces his right to claim the deposit amount upon first demand is void; it does not give rise to any legal consequences for the parties. The law (clause 2 of Article 837 of the Civil Code) gives the citizen-investor the right to unilateral change term deposit agreement, giving it the character of a demand agreement.

Using raised funds, including deposits, required reserves of commercial banks are formed in the Bank of Russia.

In accordance with Article 35 of the Federal Law “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)”, the standards of required reserves deposited with the Bank of Russia (reserve requirements) are one of the instruments of the monetary policy of the Bank of Russia.

In accordance with Article 38 of the Federal Law “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)”, the amount of required reserves as a percentage of the credit institution’s liabilities (required reserve ratio), as well as the procedure for depositing required reserves, are established by the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia.

In accordance with Article 25 of the Federal Law “On Banks and Banking Activities,” a credit institution is obliged to comply with the required reserve ratio, including the terms, volumes and types of funds raised.

The deposit of required reserves with the Bank of Russia is carried out in accordance with the Regulation of the Bank of Russia dated March 29, 2004 No. 255-P “On the required reserves of credit organizations” (as amended) and the Directive of the Bank of Russia dated October 14, 2011 No. 2092-U “On the establishment standards of required reserves (reserve requirements) of the Bank of Russia." In accordance with these acts of the Bank of Russia, required reserves for deposit operations related to obligations to individuals in the currency of the Russian Federation are set at 0.5%.

The next measure is deposit insurance. The Government of the Russian Federation and the Bank of Russia proceed from the fact that the Federal Law “On Insurance of Individuals’ Deposits in Banks of the Russian Federation” provides the necessary legal framework for state protection interests of depositors, especially those who have small savings. This creates conditions both for increasing the influx of deposits into the banking sector and for developing competition between banks in the field of attracting deposits.

The deposit insurance system works as follows. If a bank goes out of business and its banking license is revoked, fixed cash payments are immediately made to its depositors.

To insure deposits, the depositor does not need to conclude any agreement: it is carried out by force of law. An organization specially created by the state - the Deposit Insurance Agency - returns the principal amount of his savings to the depositor for the bank, takes his place in the queue of creditors instead of the depositor, and subsequently sorts out the relationship with the bank regarding the return of the debt.

In accordance with the law on deposit insurance, compensation for deposits is paid in the amount of 100 percent of the amount of deposits in the bank, not exceeding 700,000 rubles. Foreign currency deposits are recalculated at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the date of the insured event.

The amount of compensation cannot exceed 700,000 rubles, even if the depositor keeps money in several accounts in one bank. However, if he has deposits in different banks, he is guaranteed equal payments in each of them. Previously, there was a procedure according to which the deposit amount up to 100,000 rubles was fully reimbursed and in the amount of 90% - the deposit amount exceeding 100,000 rubles, but insurance payments could not exceed 400,000 rubles.

All funds of individuals in banks are subject to insurance, with the exception of:

· funds of individual entrepreneurs without forming a legal entity.

· bearer deposits.

· funds transferred to banks for trust management.

· deposits in branches of Russian banks located abroad.

As part of practical measures for the functioning of the deposit insurance system, a set of measures will be taken aimed at minimizing the risks of the insurance system, primarily by preventing the participation of unstable banks in it. To participate in the deposit insurance system, credit institutions must meet the criteria for admission to this system provided for in the legislation of the Russian Federation and in the regulations of the Bank of Russia.

An analysis of the activities of insurance systems shows that currently there is no single universal scheme for their construction and operation. The specifics of organizing deposit insurance systems in a country largely depend on the structure of its banking system, the organization of supervision, the specifics of national legislation and the degree of state regulation of the activities of credit institutions. At the same time, in all countries, deposit insurance is considered as a necessary element of maintaining the stability of the banking sector and payment system, as an instrument of social guarantees in the event of unforeseen economic excesses.

Construction principles Russian system compulsory deposit insurance indicates the adoption of best international practices, and its functioning should contribute to the qualitative reform of the banking sector and its further development. At the same time, the introduction of international approaches does not exclude the possibility of increasing the efficiency of the insurance system.

When considering the organizational foundations of the mechanism for implementing bank deposit insurance, the use of an approach based on the exercise of their powers by all participants in the insurance process made it possible to identify the levels and areas of interaction of system elements, as well as justify the need to include in the list of participants in the compulsory bank deposit insurance system (depositors, banks, the Agency for deposit insurance, Bank of Russia) other subjects of insurance relations. New representatives forming a holistic view of the compulsory deposit insurance system as a unified form of organization with its internal relationships included executive authorities, audit organizations and financial intermediaries. The fulfillment of their powers by these participants increases the transparency of the insurance system and simplifies understanding financial statements state corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency" by its users, ensures faster receipt of insurance compensation by depositors of commercial banks and, as a result, helps to strengthen confidence in the possibility of protecting private savings.

Through close coordination and cooperation between all participants in the financial stability system, as well as through a clear division of their powers and responsibilities, the institutional structure of the insurance system allows for its effective functioning, aimed at solving the priority tasks facing the Russian banking sector. Schematically, the relationships between participants in the insurance process, in which the mechanism for insuring bank deposits is implemented, can be represented in the following form (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Mechanism for implementing bank deposit insurance using the example of relationships between system participants

First-level participants (the Government of the Russian Federation, the Deposit Insurance Agency, the Bank of Russia) are characterized by interaction at various stages of the implementation of insurance protection. Representatives of the Government of the Russian Federation who are members of the Agency's board of directors contribute to the implementation of management and control functions, which can be identified as additional areas of interrelations. Commercial banks and depositors, depending on the participants with whom they have to interact, are characterized by their own (individual) areas of interrelations.

Chapter 2. Organization of the formation of deposit policy in a commercial bank

2.1 Formation of deposit policy in a commercial bank

In both Russian and foreign banking practice, the deposit portfolio is an important component of the resource base of a commercial bank (CB). The most important performance indicators of a credit institution - profitability and liquidity - largely depend on the effectiveness of deposit portfolio management.

The level of interest margin has a direct impact on the profitability of commercial banks. The upper limit of the interest margin corridor depends on the profitability of active operations, which has recently been steadily declining under the influence of many factors, including the monetary policy pursued by the Bank of Russia. In turn, the structure of the deposit portfolio, on the one hand, affects the lower limit of the interest margin due to the different costs of individual types of deposit resources attracted by the bank. On the other hand, the stability of the deposit base affects the upper limit of the interest margin due to its impact on the volume and profitability of active transactions.

The economies of developed countries are characterized by the predominance of long-term investments, therefore, both foreign and Russian commercial banks face the problem of discrepancy between the timing of attracting and placing financial resources, i.e. the task of ensuring liquidity and solvency. In addition to the factor of discrepancy between the terms of active and passive operations, the liquidity of commercial banks, especially instantaneous and current, is influenced by another important factor - the stability of the resource base.

Increasing profitability and maintaining liquidity are urgent tasks that are paid special attention to by both foreign and Russian commercial banks. Many works of domestic and foreign authors are devoted to solving these problems, but the main attention is paid to the management of active operations.

Despite the fact that these operations are considered in conjunction with passive ones, insufficient attention, in our opinion, is paid to the management of an important component of the resource base of the commercial bank - the deposit portfolio. Existing approaches to its formation, the methods and tools used do not provide a significant increase in the stability of deposits, do not answer a number of pressing issues that CBs face when managing deposit resources, and therefore require further development and improvement.

To identify key issues that need to be given special attention when implementing deposit policy, a comparative analysis of the types and structure of deposits in Russia and economically developed foreign countries, as well as theoretical and practical aspects related to deposit resources, was carried out. The most important fundamental difference is the absence in the practice of Russian banks of deposits of individuals, withdrawal of funds from which is possible only after prior notification. At present Civil code The Russian Federation (Article 837) obliges the bank to issue a deposit upon the client’s first request.

The only limiting factor for withdrawing a deposit is the loss by the client of increased interest income. In this case, CB clients, as a rule, do not pay any fines, although banks may introduce a commission for early withdrawal of deposits.

The possibility of withdrawing a time deposit at any time can be characterized as a negative factor that significantly increases risks, in particular the risk of loss of liquidity in the activities of Russian commercial banks, and undermines the process of formation of “long” money.

On the one hand, this fact can be characterized as negative, since the predominance of short-term resources does not allow the bank to fully use the borrowed funds, increases the risk of loss of liquidity, and does not allow long-term investments, which, in turn, negatively affects both the efficiency of the commercial bank, and on development prospects Russian economy. On the other hand, short-term resources are cheaper, which has a positive effect on the lower limit of the interest margin. Consequently, the task of forming a deposit portfolio is largely contradictory - it is necessary to ensure the predominance of stable, but at the same time inexpensive resources.

The development of deposit policy is an integral part of banking management.

During the implementation of the management system, it is possible to solve such problems as the development of comprehensive programs and projects that ensure the achievement of the main goals of banking services management; establishing existing and potential markets for banking services; selection of specific markets and identification of the needs of banking clients. Other tasks of banking services management include setting goals for the development of existing and creation of new types of banking services; introduction of new types of services into practice and control of the bank over the implementation of implementation programs; introduction of new banking technologies for customer service; customer service, sales of services; increasing competitiveness, expanding the bank's resource base, creating additional income-generating cash flows. The ultimate goal of banking services management is to make a profit.

Solving the tasks requires a multi-level approach. Thus, the decision on the introduction of new types of services is accompanied by an analysis of profitability and profitability, the share in the total volume of operations, the required amount of equity or borrowed capital, the level of risk, expected changes in the personnel organization system and the general financial condition of the credit institution. It is from the perspective of a specific type of banking operation that the foundations for building a complex management system are laid.

Currently, more and more attention is being paid to theories of banking product management, the main idea of ​​which is to focus on the needs of the client. Therefore, the development of new products and services directly related to new technologies; offering virtual sales channels; changes in pricing policy; the development of new methods of communication, as well as a well-thought-out policy of attracting and retaining clients are the main areas of activity of banking services management. The distinctive features of these systems are the personalization of the provision of services to clients, the decentralization of marketing, and the provision of activities according to the scheme “A separate product for each client.”

In modern literature about the management of liquidity, profitability and profitability of a bank, its assets and liabilities, banking risks, personnel, it is said in isolation from the consideration of banking services. But they are the ones who determine the content and directions of banking management. Apparently, a more appropriate approach is one in which banking services, their diversity and quality of provision, and customer segmentation systematize all other areas into a single whole. Banking services management must adhere to precisely this relationship.

Credit institutions are constantly striving to improve their activities in order to meet client needs and increase their own income base. The need for such processes is dictated by the intensification of competition in the banking sector and the problem of survival in the current economic situation. Only the correct organization of management of the bank’s activities in the field of providing services can indicate the effectiveness of the work of the subject of credit relations.

Currently, various approaches are being used to solve the problem of forming a deposit base. Sometimes the number one issue for a bank becomes the question of “attracting a client,” i.e. The bank puts the marketing principle “Bank for the client” at the forefront of its work. In relation to solving the problem of forming a deposit portfolio, the main results of using this principle are ensuring a stable influx of free funds into the bank and attracting new clients. However, attracting more clients and a constant influx of deposits by themselves do not contribute to increasing the stability of the resource base.

You can imagine a typical diagram of bank divisions involved in the process of forming the deposit policy. (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Diagram of bank divisions involved in the process of formation and implementation of deposit policy.

Thus, increasing the efficiency of the bank's activities seems possible by improving the process of forming a deposit portfolio, primarily by ensuring the influx of more stable resources into the bank and focusing on reducing its weighted average cost while ensuring the profitability of each operation to attract a new or service an old client.

2.2 Types of deposits, conditions and main methods of raising funds

The deposit portfolio management system should include the following elements:

· types of risks associated with bank deposit operations;

· bank information base for assessing risks for deposit operations;

· methods for assessing risks for deposit operations;

· methods for minimizing risk in deposit transactions.

When forming a deposit policy, pricing issues should be considered, since it is the price (in this case, the interest rate for depositors) that is one of the key factors that determines the mutually beneficial cooperation between the client and the bank and directly affects the profitability of the latter. The main difficulty in solving the pricing problem is determining the cost of a banking product. Methods for its calculation are based on determining the composition of costs for the service provided, and the main issues are the choice of both methods for accounting for direct and indirect costs, and the allocation of indirect costs to specific services (products). Most often, the criterion for allocating indirect costs is the share of the service in the total volume or quantity of services provided. Practice shows that for a large commercial bank with an extensive network of branches, the implementation of such a calculation of the cost of services provided is difficult.

An important aspect when solving the problem of forming a deposit portfolio is planning work to attract deposit resources. To ensure planning and management of work to attract clients, the bank needs to assess the possible amount of cash balance that potential and existing clients can provide. In other words, it is necessary to determine how many clients must be had or attracted in order to ensure a given volume of deposits.

So, for high-quality management of deposit resources, the bank needs to solve the following main tasks:

· know which clients are most profitable in terms of the possibility of more efficient use of their resources, i.e. be able to identify clients who provide greater stability of the deposit base and a higher balance in their account;

· be able to plan work to attract clients, i.e. know how many clients it is necessary to have or attract to ensure a given volume of the deposit base and its components;

· organize and carry out work to attract the most profitable potential clients to the bank, not forgetting the need to retain existing ones;

· ensure the efficiency of every operation related to customer service, i.e. the cost of the services provided should be calculated and their profitability determined for each client, which will make it possible to implement a flexible individual pricing policy;

· develop an information and analytical system to support decision-making when forming a deposit portfolio. This is a key factor influencing the ability to timely obtain the necessary information in order to quickly and adequately respond to ongoing changes.

To solve the first three problems, the bank needs to have appropriate methods and tools as part of its deposit policy.

In order to organize and plan work to attract clients, it is necessary to determine (predict) the possible balance on each client’s account. Then it will be possible to set clear targets for attracting a specific number of clients. Thus, to carry out quality planning, the bank needs:

· estimate the size of the possible balance on the client’s account depending on the credit turnover on his account, i.e. revenue;

· know how many and what kind of clients you need to have (or attract) in your service in order to achieve a given share of these resources in the total volume of attraction.

The following may act as subjects of deposit operations:

· state enterprises and organizations;

· cooperatives;

· joint stock companies;

· mixed enterprises with foreign capital participation;

· public organizations and foundations;

· financial and insurance companies;

· investment and trust companies and funds;

· individual individuals and associations of these individuals;

· banks and other credit institutions.

The objects of deposit operations are deposits - amounts of money that the subjects of deposit operations deposit into the bank and which, due to the current procedure for carrying out banking operations, are concentrated in bank accounts for a certain time.

Forecasting the account balance of individual clients is possible provided that dependencies are identified between the balance and any factor or group of factors. For demand deposit resources, such a factor may be account turnover. For time deposit resources attracted from legal entities, such factors, jointly or separately, may be: turnover on the client’s current account, type of client’s activity. For time deposit resources attracted from individuals, the set of factors should be wider, taking into account the involvement of social, demographic, economic and geographical factors. Indicators on which the size of the potential balance on a client’s account may depend may be: type of activity, length of work experience, income level, marital status, number of family members, place of residence, level of education, availability of certain property (for example, a car, a summer house, etc.) .p.).

The constructed models will allow the bank to plan work to attract clients, including predicting the amount of cash balance on the current accounts of legal entities depending on their number and the amount of planned turnover on their accounts in order to further determine the permissible amount of these funds when placing them, ensuring maximum efficiency from their use while maintaining bank liquidity. This allows the bank to determine how many and which clients need to be attracted to settlement and cash services in order to fulfill the business plan to increase the share of “cheap” resources in the deposit portfolio. Knowing its potential clients, the bank can most effectively distribute efforts to attract them and reduce the associated time and costs (including financial ones) to attract them.

It is also possible to evaluate the importance of each client (group of clients) from the point of view of usefulness for the bank, depending on the level of cash balance in accounts relative to turnover, determine which clients it is advisable to work with to attract based on their importance. These dependencies in a specific analytical expression are not stationary and universal. They should be periodically clarified and adjusted, since over time there is an increase in turnover, production and prices, but the essence of the data remains unchanged.

It is possible to assess the importance for the bank of each client (group of clients) depending on the level of cash balances in the accounts relative to turnover.

A logical continuation of analytical work and an important stage in the process of forming a deposit portfolio are: direct work with potential and existing clients; using appropriate tools to attract and retain them; using certain methods to attract potential clients. These methods depend on the urgency of the resources involved and the client’s membership in the category of individuals or legal entities.

To attract resources “on demand” of individuals and legal entities, urgent resources of legal entities, you can use a method based on the development of flexible differentiated tariff plans for settlement and cash services and the establishment of differentiated fees (stepped interest rates depending on the size of the balance - a grid of rates) for balance of funds in accounts depending on the client’s belonging to a certain category (target group).

To attract urgent resources from individuals, a method is used based on the development of new types of deposits, characterized by more favorable conditions for placing resources (interest rate) for certain social groups, which are identified in the process of analyzing the stability of the deposit base.

The use of the considered approaches to the analysis and formation of the deposit base allows us to obtain certain conclusions about the quality of liabilities that exist or will be formed in the future. Moreover, in this context, planning is limited not only to the adoption of control balance figures for balances, but also to the planning of marketing offers that make it possible to segment individual products and individual client groups in order to form the “correct” portfolio of liabilities in a credit institution.

2.3 The influence of the policy of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the formation of the deposit policy of a commercial bank

The state plays an important role in the development of the institutional environment. This is a unique entity participating in the creation and development of the banking sector, money market infrastructure, forming the legislative “rules of the game” between market participants, regulating institutions and organizations operating in the market, primarily the banking system, conducting proper control and supervision over the activities of entities and market intermediaries. The state acts as an agent in financial markets, participates in market operations, makes decisions that affect the money market, and regulates money supply and demand. The state regulates the money supply and banking liquidity through the development and implementation of monetary policy. Monetary regulation affects the functioning of the money market through the achievement of intended goals, including various instruments of influence. The construction of the target function must correspond to the current situation in the Russian economy.

On modern stage The Central Bank of the Russian Federation chooses as its ultimate goal a reduction in inflation rates in order to create favorable conditions for the long-term economic development of Russia with a stable national currency. At the initial stages of market reforms, the Bank of Russia could not apply inflation targeting, since it is feasible under certain conditions: firstly, the Central Bank must pursue an independent monetary policy, in particular, independent of the decisions of the fiscal authorities. Secondly, the Central Bank must adhere to strict rules when targeting inflation, be able to correctly predict and control future inflation, and also have an understanding of the lag in the response of the primary target to changes in the targeted monetary aggregate. However, in conditions of imbalance and instability of the economy, the problem of predicting the dynamics of inflation processes arises. This is why real inflation rates in the modern period are not within the target range set by the government.

In addition, the government should be involved in resolving inflation issues, since inflation is a multifactorial phenomenon generated not only by monetary, but also by structural and foreign economic reasons. The monetary program of the Bank of Russia includes intermediate goals of monetary policy, through which the Bank of Russia achieves its final goals. If the final goal of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation cannot be fully controlled, then the intermediate and operational goals recorded in the monetary program are within the control of the Central Bank. These include: monetary base, money supply, exchange rate, interest rate system. Through the achievement of intermediate goals of the monetary program, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is directly involved in organizing the functioning of the money market. In recent years, the Bank of Russia has been using the M2 monetary aggregate rather than the interest rate as an intermediate benchmark. This is due to the fact that the theory of monetary regulation proves the impossibility of simultaneously achieving two goals: the money supply and the interest rate.

In addition, when setting an interest rate, the Bank of Russia experiences certain difficulties in choosing it, since there is a problem of multiple rates. Therefore, the Bank of Russia in its monetary program determines the quantitative criteria of the objective function through determining the demand for money, through the supply of money. In the programs of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, a quantitative indicator is adopted in the form of an M2 aggregate. This choice is explained by the imperfection of banking statistics when calculating other monetary aggregates; the M2 aggregate is most closely related to inflation (according to the IMF methodology), it can be constructed for any country without taking into account national characteristics. It can be used for country comparisons. However, the dynamics of the demand for money during a crisis period is unstable and difficult to predict, since it is necessary to use a large number of diverse indicators, while the velocity of money circulation is a very mobile and unstable indicator in Russia with a low level of GDP monetization (in 2011 the monetization coefficient was 0. 29). For these reasons, forecast indicators of demand for money and actual data do not coincide. For example, according to the forecast of the Bank of Russia, the increase in demand for money in 2011 was planned at the level of 20-25%. In fact, the increase in demand for money in 2011 was 38%.

Direct regulators strengthen the connection between monetary policy and economic development and make it possible to increase the production component in the activities of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. We are not talking about direct lending; this is tantamount to directly pumping the economy with resources, which is an ineffective mechanism. The use of selective lending in an unstable, crisis-prone economy, where a unique financial market (segmented with weak market institutions, an unstable environment, many imbalances, with a constant imbalance in the balance between monetary demand and supply) will strengthen the credit component of monetary regulation.

In the presence of the above factors, market regulators will not be able to work fully in the conditions of the Russian money market; they need the support of administrative regulators, who become more effective in the above conditions.

The practice of nominating priority industries is ineffective due to the fact that, due to the cheapening of information, high mobility of capital, the formation of global networks of suppliers and permanent changes in technology, the types of industrial development and areas of competitive advantage in world markets are changing very quickly. To level out the negative effect of selective lending in the form of a violation of the competitive environment, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation can more actively use the method of sanctions and benefits, which will allow for more differentiated implementation credit policy. By expanding lending and refinancing mechanisms, the Bank of Russia can more flexibly and quickly influence liquidity in the economy, as well as achieve long-term goals related to economic growth and production development. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation can use a differentiated refinancing rate to revive lending to the real sector of the economy and develop market infrastructure. This method will revive the refinancing price mechanism for economic investment purposes. Moreover, this measure should be aimed at supporting medium-sized banks and monitoring the Bank of Russia over the fulfillment of conditions that ensure differentiation of the refinancing rate. In addition, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation has adapted, in conditions of volatile liquidity, to alternate deposit auctions with refinancing auctions. In such conditions, the interest rate gradually begins to work.

The replenishment of liquidity through the refinancing mechanism should be combined with the normalization of the structure of the money supply through the gradual displacement of those components that arose spontaneously, bypassing the channels of the Central Bank, and therefore are less amenable to centralized regulation, which reduces the effectiveness of monetary policy. At the present stage, the refinancing rate in Russia serves more as an indicator than as a real financial instrument. However, despite the weakness of the permanent lending mechanism, the refinancing rate has a significant impact on the domestic economy through the signaling effect:

· Serves as a benchmark for interest rates on bank loans to the private sector;

· affects interest rates on bank deposits.

The annual turnover of deposit operations of the Bank of Russia in 2011 (375 billion rubles) exceeded the turnover of overnight loans (41.2 billion rubles) and pawn loans (5.5 billion rubles). Thus, deposit operations prevailed over refinancing of the banking system. This limited the Bank of Russia’s ability to quickly regulate liquidity and the main proportions of the money market, and increases the institutional and systemic risks of the Russian money market. It is necessary to radically restructure debt into marketable securities in order to conduct more active direct operations on the open market by the Bank of Russia. This will make it possible to more quickly influence the state of liquidity of the banking system and adjust in one direction or another the adopted guidelines of the unified state monetary policy.

Mandatory reserves are a cruder, non-selective, but effective tool. The Bank of Russia uses this regulator to enhance the effectiveness of its influence on liquidity management in the banking system.

Other regulators are not yet strong enough, for example, the refinancing rate (since the beginning of the crisis it has been increased twice: on November 12, 2011 - from 11 to 12%, and from December 1, 2011 to the present it is 13% per annum); expansion of the list of securities secured which banks can receive funds from the Central Bank (however, their use in repo operations is not allowed). Therefore, when problems in the money market worsen, the Bank of Russia includes reserve standards.

Chapter 3. Analysis of the development of deposit operations of commercial banks (using the example of Transcapitalbank CJSC)

3.1 Main trends in the development of the deposit market in the Russian Federation

Characterizing the deposit sector of the banking services market, it can be noted that the number of banks working with household deposits continues to decline due to the crisis. According to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, as of January 1, 2012, their number decreased to 911, and the volume of deposits of individuals amounted to 4.7 trillion. rub. Despite the liquidity situation, competition in the deposit market has intensified; many banks that had not previously worked with household deposits began to take a closer look at this market. The crisis situation has increased the interest of banks in this sector of banking services.

Table 1. 10 most significant Russian banks in the deposit market (by deposits in rubles, excluding Sberbank of the Russian Federation)

Bank name


No. on net assets as of 10/01/11

No. on deposits of individuals as of 10/01/11



Bank "St. Petersburg"

Baltic Bank

Uniastrum Bank


Significant changes are also observed in the rating of depository banks by deposits in rubles, which takes into account the size of the bank’s net assets, the size of individual deposits placed with it, the interest rate it offers on time deposits for a year and the minimum amount required to open an account. Despite the fact that Rosselkhozbank remains the leader, the remaining places in the top3 are taken by newcomers. Second place goes to Orient Express Bank, which offered deposits that combine high availability and profitability. MDM Bank, having increased the interest rate of its deposits, as well as its place in the ranking of banks in terms of the volume of deposits of individuals, took third place. The main reason for the reshuffle in the rating was the upward change in interest rates on deposits, while some banks did not change the profitability of their programs.

The liquidity crisis in foreign markets had a significant impact on the retail deposit market in the fall, resulting in increased competition for clients. “Due to the limited possibilities for borrowing in foreign markets, banks are forced to look for these resources in domestic markets, including the market for retail deposits. Now many large players in the lending market are refocusing on services for accepting deposits, and adds that so far the advertising activity of these banks is not so noticeable. In this regard, Mr. Akimkin assumes that the first half of the financial year will be even more intense in terms of the number and quality of advertising campaigns.

It is worth noting that at the end of the year, banks traditionally become active in the household deposit market, and therefore competition smoothly resulted in pre-New Year offers. Many banks have launched their New Year's deposits on the market, with increased interest rates, gifts and prize draws.

Trying to reach a wide segment of the population, banks are actively introducing customer-oriented deposits to the market. Thanks to existing competition, every year the bank deposit market becomes more diverse and differentiated. In addition to simple deposits, we offer deposits designed for various target groups - students, parents, pensioners, loan consumers, shareholders, etc.

Banks began to pay attention not only to large depositors, but also to smaller ones.

In addition, fundamentally new products have appeared on the market - index deposits, deposits with interest paid on the date of conclusion of the agreement, which, however, are not yet in great demand among the population.

In 2011, the trend of previous years to reduce the number of banks licensed to attract deposits from individuals increased noticeably. This was the result of both the economic crisis and the tightening of the rules for selecting banks for the deposit insurance system.

In 2011, the number of such banks decreased from 1,165 to 1,045. Since banks that are not included in the deposit insurance system lose the right to attract deposits from individuals and open bank accounts, in the near future we can expect a further reduction in the number of banks with a license for work with public deposits.

As of January 1, 2012, 931 banks were included in the register of banks participating in the deposit insurance system. The volume of their obligations to depositors is 2.8 trillion. rubles - more than 99% of the population's savings placed in the banking system of the country as a whole.

As of January 1, 2012, the total amount of liabilities on deposits whose size does not exceed 100 thousand rubles is 36% of the volume of insured deposits. At the same time, the total amount of the Agency’s total obligations to pay insurance compensation for all banks participating in the system is estimated at 55% of all insured deposits.

These indicators are heterogeneous across groups of banks. Thus, in the largest banks (except Sberbank) with a volume of deposits of more than 10 billion rubles, the total amount of liabilities on fully insured deposits as of January 1, 2012 was only 16.1%, which is a minimum level compared to other groups of banks. The maximum level - 27% was achieved in a related group of banks with deposit volumes from 1 to 10 billion rubles. Sberbank stands apart - the corresponding figure for it was 48.9%.

The total amount of the Agency's total obligations to pay insurance compensation in relation to insured deposits in the mentioned groups of banks turned out to be appropriate: 30% for the largest banks, 44.3% in the next group and 70.5% for Sberbank.

The market for household bank deposits is characterized by a fairly high concentration. The number of the largest banks participating in the system with deposits exceeding 10 billion rubles was 24 banks (2.6%). At the same time, 78.2% of total deposits are concentrated in them. 145 banks (15.6% by number) have household funds in the amount of 1 billion to 10 billion rubles; in total, they have accumulated 15.7% of the population’s funds. More than 400 banks (44% by number) attracted from 100 million to 1 billion rubles - which in total corresponds to 5.7% of the funds raised from the population.

The remaining banks (38% of the total), which collected less than 100 million rubles, managed to accumulate only 0.5% of the population's funds. Consideration of the market for individual deposits by the number of open accounts (339 million in total) shows a similar distribution among banks. In 2011, there were no noticeable changes in this area.

Over the past few years, there has been a tendency to reduce the share of the 30 largest banks in terms of household deposits, but recently there has been a slowdown - in 2011 it decreased by only 1.1 percentage points to 79.4%. In general, the concentration of deposits decreased in 2009-2011. mainly due to a reduction in Sberbank's share in the market of retail deposits and is evidence of increased competition between banks.

The dynamics of funds raised from individuals indicates the continuation of positive trends in the development of the banking sector. In 2011, household funds in banks amounted to 2,817 billion rubles. Of these, as of January 1, 2012, 1,524 billion rubles were placed in Sberbank, and 1,293 billion rubles in other banks.

In 2011, Sberbank's share of the retail deposit market resumed declining. Compared to the beginning of 2011, it decreased by 1.5 percentage points and as of January 1, 2012 it amounted to 57.1%. But at the same time, in the middle of the year, Sberbank’s share decreased to 53%, and then began to grow during the crisis, when preference returned to a bank with large state participation. Moreover, if Sberbank’s share in the market of ruble deposits was 58.5%, then in the market of foreign currency deposits it decreased by 4.1 percentage points to 40.4% of the total volume of deposits in foreign currency.

It should be noted that the decrease in Sberbank’s share in the deposit market is due to the retail business policy of other banks, since in absolute terms deposits at Sberbank are consistently growing.

A quarterly examination of the dynamics of deposits in the banking system in 2011 suggests that in the fourth quarter, deposits grew somewhat slower (7%) than in 2010 (9.3%), and in the first, second and third quarters, on the contrary , were ahead of last year: 8.7%, 6.9% and 12% versus 6.7%, 1.8% and 9.6%, respectively.

At the same time, despite the observed surges in the growth rate of deposits, their dynamics over the course of a number of years have been fading. Deposits from individuals are currently the main source of formation of the resource base of banks, accounting for 28.9% of total liabilities.

The structure of household deposits, depending on the terms of placement, reflects the investment preferences and expectations of depositors. In 2011, the trend of increasing the share of funds placed by the population in medium- and short-term deposits continued. As a result, as of January 1, 2012, the share of deposits up to 1 year amounted to 59.5% of funds of individuals placed in the banking system. Consideration of the dynamics of deposits depending on the terms of placement shows that short-term deposits show the least growth. In turn, the growth rate of long-term deposits not only lags behind, but sometimes even takes negative values.

It should be noted that at present it is short-term deposits that provide the main share in the growth of the resource base of banks at the expense of household deposits.

The current trend is largely explained by the desire of citizens to compensate for inflationary losses through higher interest rates on deposits.

In recent years, the growth rate of retail deposits in rubles has on average outpaced the growth rate of foreign currency deposits. But due to the crisis and the growth of the exchange rate in recent months, the opposite happened: as of January 1, 2012, the share of foreign currency deposits in banks increased to 25.2% of the total volume of deposits.

Until 2009, the currency structure of deposits was largely determined by the dynamics of the ruble/dollar exchange rate in the domestic market: when the ruble weakened, foreign currency deposits (in dollar terms) began to outpace ruble deposits in growth rates. Moreover, small fluctuations in the exchange rate were sufficient to change the population’s preferences in favor of foreign currency deposits.

This suggests that long-term deposits in foreign currency are increasingly considered by the population as an effective savings instrument.

In 2011, the downward trend in interest rates on deposits continued. According to the Bank of Russia in 2011, compared to 2010, the weighted average interest rate on ruble deposits (except for demand deposits) for all maturities increased on average at the end of the year by 1.1 percentage points to 8.7 per annum. The yield on foreign currency deposits did not change, remaining at the level of 5.6% per annum.

In the medium term, there will be a further gradual increase in interest rates on ruble deposits, as well as their gap with rates on foreign currency deposits. However, a significant increase in deposit rates is not expected in the short term.

The main reasons for the increase in deposit rates in past periods were the following.

Firstly, an increase in loan yields due to a decrease in competition and the supply of financial resources in the market.

Secondly, due to macroeconomic instability, inflation, depreciation of the ruble exchange rate, fluctuations in interest rates in developed countries and downgrades of Russia's sovereign ratings, for domestic banks and large companies the cost of raising funds from the Russian and international financial markets has increased. Banks, having lost the opportunity to attract cheaper and longer-term resources, increased interest rates on attracted deposits.

In turn, the population adapted to the change in the level of rates for the following reasons.

Firstly, the increase in nominal interest rates on deposits was partly neutralized by the inflation rate.

Secondly, the ruble depreciated against the dollar, and the profitability of holding funds in cash foreign currency became positive.

Thirdly, the population's income is expected to decline. At the same time, there is no significant alternative to bank deposits in Russia yet: the mutual fund market has not yet begun to attract public money in significant volumes. In 2011, the volume of newly raised funds amounted to only 7.8 billion rubles, and the total value of funds at the end of 2011 is estimated at 226.6 billion rubles.

In the future, one of the important factors in the dynamics of interest rates on deposits may also be capital flight. By reducing the supply of financial resources for domestic enterprises and banks, this will contribute to an increase in interest rates on deposits.

Banks with 100% foreign participation in capital in the deposit market occupy a rather modest niche in the Russian household savings market. However, taking into account the dynamics of their development, banks are separated into a separate group.

As of January 1, 2011, there were 33 banks operating in Russia with 100% participation of non-residents licensed to work with depositors.

Since 2004, the growth rate of deposits in such banks has significantly exceeded the growth rate of deposits in the banking system as a whole. Thus, in 2011, the growth rate of household deposits in them amounted to 94.5%, which is almost 2.5 times higher than the banking system as a whole. As a result, as of January 1, 2011, the volume of funds raised by banks with 100% foreign participation in capital exceeded 92 billion rubles. The leading position among them is occupied by Raiffeisenbank Austria. Its share is 37.7% of the volume of household deposits in these banks. Citibank, which occupies the second position, accounts for 19.2% of the retail market of “foreign” banks. Third place goes to the International Moscow Bank - 16.6%.

The structure of household deposits in banks with foreign participation differs significantly from that prevailing in the banking system as a whole.

First of all, this concerns their pronounced currency specialization: deposits in foreign currency account for 62.9% of the funds attracted by them from individuals (in the banking system - 24.2%).

Secondly, the structure of deposits of banks with 100% foreign participation is dominated mainly by “short” deposits. Deposits on demand and for a period of up to 90 days account for 62% of all deposits, and for a period of up to 1 year - 85.4%.

3.2 Analysis of the development of the deposit policy of CJSC Transcapitalbank

Joint Stock Commercial Bank "Transcapitalbank" (Closed Joint Stock Company), "TCB" (CJSC) has been operating in the banking services market since 1992.

CJSC Transcapitalbank is a universal bank that carries out all main types of banking operations represented in the financial services market, including servicing private and corporate clients, investment banking, trade finance and asset management.

CJSC TKB does not have a typical bank structure due to foreign capital.

CJSC Transcapitalbank provides all main types of banking services for individuals and legal entities. The bank pays special attention to the development of small and medium-sized businesses, products such as deposits (bank deposit “Family” - up to 15%, deposit “Prestige 2009” - up to 16%, etc.), individually oriented types of lending: mortgage, car loan, consumer credit, leasing of special equipment.

The reliability of Transcapitalbank CJSC is confirmed by international ratings, as well as by its presence in the list of 50 banks whose guarantee can be used to secure loans from the Bank of Russia (decision dated October 17, 2011)

CJSC Transcapitalbank strives for maximum presence in the regions; the Bank is currently represented by 63 sales offices in 17 regions of Russia.

Strategic areas of activity:

· Serving small and medium-sized businesses and providing a full range of banking services to individuals.

· Active policy in the field of lending to enterprises representing key sectors of the domestic economy.

Currently, CJSC Transcapitalbank is represented by 63 sales offices in 17 regions of Russia. The bank positions itself as an all-Russian bank and strives for the widest possible presence in the regions.

Main shareholders: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), investment corporation DEG (Germany) and top management of Transcapitalbank CJSC.

For 9 months of 2011, the Bank's assets amounted to 50.07 billion rubles, share capital - 4.858 billion rubles, profit before tax - 1.043 million rubles, net profit - 755 million rubles.

Today, Transcapitalbank CJSC is one of the country’s stable financial institutions. In terms of assets and equity capital, it is confidently among the 100 largest banks in Russia. In 2010, the rating agency Moody's Investors Service upgraded the long-term rating of TKB CJSC on the national scale from to, assigned an international long-term rating for deposits in foreign currency at the level of B1/NP and a rating of unsecured debt obligations at foreign currency B1. Financial stability rating - at the level of E+. The forecast for all ratings on the international scale is “stable”.

Transcapitalbank guarantees depositors reliability of an international level. In the rating of “The most reliable of the 100 largest Russian banks,” Transcapitalbank ranks 32nd (data as of October 1, 2011, according to Profile magazine). The high reliability rating is ensured by the participation of foreign shareholders in the authorized capital of the Bank (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Investment Corporation "DEG").

CJSC TKB offers the following services on the deposit market:

Replenishable deposits

1. TKB-Prestige 2009

· prolonged;

· replenishable, the possibility of replenishment no later than 3 months before the end of the deposit period;

· without expense transactions;

2. TKB-Family

· prolonged;

· replenishable, minimum replenishment amount is 1000.00 Russian rubles, 100 US dollars, 100 euros.

· no expense transactions

3. TKB-Pension

· prolonged;

· replenished, the minimum amount of additional investment is 100.00 Russian rubles.

· without expense transactions;

· with the possibility of quarterly withdrawal of accrued interest;

4. TKB-Pension+

· Accepted with a pension certificate;

· prolonged;

· monthly interest accrual;

· the ability to carry out expense transactions;

· in case of early termination of the contract, interest is paid in the amount of 50% of the accrued interest.

5. TKB-Moneybox

· prolonged;

· replenished, the minimum amount of additional investment is 1000.00 Russian rubles;

· without expense transactions;

6. TKB-Multicurrency

· deposit currency: Russian rubles (main currency), US dollars, euros;

· prolonged;

· replenishable, the amount of replenishment is not limited;

· replenishment is not allowed in the last 45 days - for a deposit for 182 days, for the last 90 days - for a deposit for 271 and 367 days;

· without expense transactions;

· conversion of the deposit is carried out at the bank’s rate established for non-cash conversion transactions at the request of individuals at the time of the operation;

· conversion from account to account is allowed provided that the minimum deposit balance is maintained;

· in case of early termination of the agreement, interest for the actual period of placement is accrued at the rate of the “Demand” deposit.

Non-replenishable deposits:

TKB-Shirokaya Maslenitsa

· non-renewable;

· not replenished;

· no expense transactions.

2. TKB-Monthly income

· prolonged;

· not replenished;

· without expense transactions;

· monthly interest payment or capitalization;

· the ability to transfer accrued interest to another bank account (demand account, current account, plastic card account, deposit account);

· in case of early termination of the contract:

v up to 3 months, interest is paid at the “Demand” rate;

v from 3 months to 6 months interest is paid 50% of the accrued interest;

v over 6 months interest is paid at the contract rate.

Capital manager deposit


· prolonged;

· replenished;

· with the possibility of expense transactions;

2. TKB-Comfort

· prolonged;

· replenished;

· with the possibility of expense transactions.

· minimum additional investment amount is 5,000.00 Russian rubles. Or 500 US dollars or euros

Demand deposit 0.01% per annum in any currency.

Also, TKB CJSC offers international plastic cards as a universal personalized means of payment.

CJSC TKB also carries out operations to place funds of legal entities.

Deposits. The Bank accepts available funds from legal entities (residents and non-residents) in Russian rubles and foreign currency as deposits. Under a bank deposit agreement, the Bank undertakes to return the amount of the deposit (deposit) and pay interest on it under the conditions and in the manner prescribed by the agreement. The interest rate depends on the type, amount and term of the deposit. Interest on the deposit amount is accrued from the day following the day the amount is received by the Bank until the day the deposit is returned, inclusive. Interest is calculated at the rate in force at the Bank on the date of conclusion of the agreement. Interest is paid in accordance with the terms of the agreement and can occur monthly, quarterly and/or on the date of return of the deposit to the client. Payment of interest and return of the principal amount of the deposit is made by non-cash transfer to the account of the legal entity specified in the agreement.

Certificates of Deposit A ​​Bank certificate of deposit is a security that certifies the amount of deposit made to the bank and the rights of the certificate holder to receive, upon expiration of the established period, the deposit amount and the interest stipulated in the certificate. Payment of interest on a certificate of deposit is made simultaneously with its redemption. The certificate of deposit can be presented for payment ahead of schedule. In case of early presentation of the certificate for payment, the Bank pays the deposit amount and interest paid on the demand deposit in effect at the time of presentation of the certificate for payment. CJSC Transcapitalbank offers legal entities bearer certificates of deposit and cash personal certificates.

Transcapitalbank issues simple interest and discount bills denominated in rubles and foreign currencies. Transactions with bills:

· issue of bills;

· check for availability in the register;

· novation of bills;

· responsible storage;

· early registration;

· repayment of bills.

Minimal document flow is carried out with organizations that have a current account with CJSC Transcapitalbank.

Analyzing the work of TKB CJSC in the field of attracting deposits from private depositors, it should be noted that the bank tends to increase funds attracted from the public. This is evidenced by the data in Table 2.

Table 2. Volume of deposits attracted by TKB CJSC from the population (thousand rubles) in 2009-2011.

Type of deposit

Change compared to 2009, %

Change by 2010, %

Total deposits of individuals:


foreign exchange

deposits for plastic cards

Based on the data in Table 2, we can say that in the structure of citizen deposits attracted by the bank in 2009, the leading positions belong to foreign currency deposits. Their share in total deposits of individuals amounted to 73.3%, respectively, the share of deposits in national currency accounts for only 26.7%.

The table shows that at the end of 2010, the volume of deposits of individuals in CJSC Transcapitalbank increased by 2.2 times compared to last year and amounted to 2,287,514 thousand rubles, including the value of ruble deposits increased by 384,057 thousand. rubles, foreign currency by 884517 thousand rubles. Consequently, the increase in deposits was mainly due to a significant increase in deposits in foreign currency.

The development of various measures to improve work with private depositors allowed Transcapitalbank CJSC to maintain the trend towards an increase in the volume of attracted deposits from the population in 2011. At the end of the year, depositors entrusted the bank with savings in the amount of 4,615,244 thousand rubles, which is 101.8% more than last year. In terms of volume characteristics, the same foreign currency deposits are in first place. Thus, in 2009, foreign currency deposits amounted to 746,883 thousand rubles, and in 2011 this indicator increased almost 5 times and amounted to 3,576,814 thousand rubles. This trend is explained by the fact that depositors prefer to keep their savings in foreign currency, since it is they who, upon expiration of the deposit period, will bring real income, and not just save money from inflation. That is, the priority of deposits opened in foreign currency compared to ruble deposits indicates the desire of clients to receive income in foreign currency in order to hedge against inflationary depreciation of ruble amounts.

At the end of 2011, the share of ruble deposits decreased noticeably, while deposits in foreign currency maintained their positions.

Another aspect in the work of TKB CJSC with deposits of private investors is the opening of deposits, accompanied by the issuance of debit plastic cards. As can be seen from Table 2, during the analyzed period there was a slight decrease in the share of funds in deposit accounts intended for payments using plastic cards. In TKB CJSC, in 2009, about 20% of all citizens’ funds attracted by this bank were in “card” accounts; in 2010, the share of deposits for plastic cards in the total volume of household deposits decreased to 12.2%, and in 2011 the bank again is beginning to gain momentum in this regard. Compared to last year, deposits for plastic cards increased by 7.3% and amounted to 900,609 thousand rubles.

Summing up the overall volume of attracted deposits of TKB CJSC, we can say that so far the growth rate of deposits of individuals is noticeably ahead of the corresponding indicator for enterprises, the volume of attraction of resources from which in the bank branch for 2009-2011 practically did not increase, and this led to a decrease in the share of enterprise deposits in attracted funds from 80.8% in 2009 to 64.9% at the end of 2011. In contrast to the volume of funds in enterprise accounts, which declined throughout the year, the volume of household deposits was constantly increasing. The growth of household savings is a positive development, indicating that the population is now satisfying not only their current needs, but also has the opportunity to save for the future. This also indicates an improvement in the economic situation in the region.

When disclosing the theoretical foundations of deposit policy, it was mentioned that one of its components is the interest rate policy on accepted deposits, since deposit interest is an effective tool in attracting resources. Considering the dynamics of interest rates, we can note a downward trend throughout the entire analyzed period. Thus, the highest deposit rates occurred in 2009, they ranged from 18 - 21% for time deposits.

The main function of a deposit is a store of value, and it only generates profitability when the interest rate on the deposit at least slightly exceeds inflation. Regarding the rates of TKB CJSC in 2011, we can say that income was received by clients who invested their savings for a longer period. Thus, the inflation rate in 2011 was estimated at 17.2%, and the bank offered deposits at rates of 17.5% (deposit for 181 days), 17.75% (271 days) and 18.5% per annum (365 days).

Considering the deposits of TKB CJSC from the profitability perspective, we can make an assumption about the preference for medium-term deposits. From this point of view, a convenient solution is medium- and long-term deposits, the regime of which allows both an increase in the deposit amount during its validity period and partial withdrawal of funds from the account. During the validity period of such a deposit, all additional contributions will be subject to the interest rate established at the beginning of the year, despite the fact that interest rates on newly opened deposits at this time may be significantly lower. On the other hand, if interest rates do rise during the year, then the depositor has the opportunity to withdraw part of the deposit at any time without any loss and invest the received funds in a new deposit at the rate in effect at that moment.

Summing up the activities of TKB CJSC in the field of working with deposits, we can say that flexible conditions and the ability to freely operate an account set the deposits of TKB CJSC apart from other banks, and a wide network of branches and offices makes the bank closer to the private client, and its services - more accessible. Thus, the new strategy transformed TKB CJSC from a specialized credit institution for servicing export-import transactions of corporate clients into a large universal institution providing all main types of banking services.

Table 3. Contents of the deposit policy of TKB CJSC by type of deposits in 2010-2012. (as of the beginning of the year)


Poste restante





Wide Maslenitsa

Monthly income

Station wagon

Table 3 shows a gradual expansion of the deposit policy of TKB CJSC by type of deposit.

3 Measures to improve the deposit policy of Transcapitalbank CJSC

One of the problems that commercial banks are currently facing is the formation of a resource base.

The resource base has a direct impact on the liquidity and solvency of a commercial bank. The very scale of activity of a commercial bank, and, consequently, the amount of income it receives, strictly depends on the size of the resources that the bank acquires on the market for various resources and, in particular, deposits.

The formation of a resource base, which includes not only attracting new clients, but also constantly changing the structure of sources of attracting resources, is an integral part of the flexible management of assets and liabilities of a commercial bank.

Effective liability management presupposes the implementation of a competent deposit policy. The specificity of this area of ​​​​activity is that in terms of passive operations, the bank’s choice is usually limited to a certain group of clientele, to which it is attached much more strongly than to borrowers.

In order to expand the resource potential, Transcapitalbank CJSC must intensify its deposit policy. In this regard, one of the priority areas of the bank’s work should be the gradual expansion of the deposit portfolio by expanding the types of deposits available to clients and introducing new types of services for their convenience.

Deposits are an important source of resources for commercial banks. Their structure in the bank is flexible and depends on the money market conditions. This source of formation of banking resources has some disadvantages. We are talking about significant material and monetary costs for the bank when attracting funds on deposits, and the limited availability of funds within a particular region. In addition, the mobilization of funds on deposits depends largely on clients, and not on the bank itself. And, nevertheless, the competition between banks in the credit market forces them to take measures to develop services that help attract deposits. For these purposes, it is important for commercial banks to develop a deposit policy strategy based on the goals and objectives of the commercial bank enshrined in its Charter and the need to preserve bank liquidity.

TKB CJSC must strive to establish long-term partnerships with each client. To this end, it is necessary to predict the development of customer needs, the emergence of new areas of banking business, conduct marketing research, develop and offer a full range of banking products and services.

When forming an optimal structure of deposits, it is rational to use a differentiated interest rate policy, since various types attracted funds differ in the effective cost of attraction.

The most rational thing is to maintain the share of funds on demand deposits in the structure of short-term banking liabilities at 25-30%. These funds are, as a rule, practically free for the bank (less than 1% per annum), so using part of them in income-generating active operations allows the bank to increase the average margin received, which ultimately increases its profit. In other words, the use of these funds allows us to reduce the average cost of bank liabilities as a whole.

The main share in the structure of short-term banking liabilities of Transcapitalbank CJSC should be occupied by deposits of individuals. Unlike the bulk of legal entities engaged in commercial activities and who do not have free resources, individuals in the aggregate have a significant amount of free funds and are characterized by such a feature of economic behavior as a propensity to save. It is advisable to maintain the share of this type of resources in the structure of short-term attracted bank funds at an average level of 35-40%.

At the same time, in modern conditions, there is one extremely negative aspect in a bank’s work with individuals, namely, the possibility of a depositor withdrawing his deposit at any time, which significantly increases the risk of a sudden outflow of funds if, in the opinion of depositors, any unfavorable circumstances arise factors (possibly even psychological in nature).

Since, under the current legislation, irrevocable deposits of individuals do not exist, a commercial bank must have in the structure of short-term funds raised such types of liabilities that cannot be withdrawn from the bank before the established period. One of these types of liabilities are deposits of legal entities, since according to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the possibility of early withdrawal by a legal entity of its deposit is provided only if there are no other return conditions in the agreement. It is advisable to maintain the share of deposits of legal entities in the structure of short-term attracted funds of a commercial bank at the level of 10-15%. But since legal entities have an alternative to turn to other financial instruments, such as a bill of exchange or a certificate of deposit, this share may fluctuate in a certain way.

When developing a deposit policy, Transcapitalbank CJSC should be guided by the following:

· interrelation of deposit, credit and other operations of the bank to maintain its stability, reliability and financial soundness;

· diversification of bank resources in order to minimize risk;

· segmentation of the deposit portfolio (by clients);

· differentiated approach to different groups of clients;

· increasing the competitiveness of banking services.

To attract funds for deposits, Transcapitalbank CJSC can widely use foreign experience, in particular:

· development of various programs to attract funds from the population;

· use of high interest rates on investment deposits;

· payment of bonuses to regular depositors “for loyalty to the bank.”

Of great importance for depositors is the availability of information about the activities of Transcapitalbank CJSC and the guarantees that it can provide. When deciding on the placement of available funds, each investor must be sufficiently informed about the financial condition of Transcapitalbank CJSC in order to assess the risk of future investments. In this regard, rating assessments of the activities of banks from special agencies and bureaus can provide invaluable assistance to depositors and investors.


Deposit policy occupies a special place in the formation of banking resources and maintaining the stability of a commercial bank.

In the course of this certification work, a brief theoretical generalization of modern ideas about a commercial bank, its structure and deposit policy was made.

Only a commercial bank that constantly expands the range of services provided to clients, reduces costs, improves the quality of credit, settlement and cash services, provides various benefits when servicing clients, offers them various types of advice, etc. can implement a deposit policy as a set of measures.

The first chapter of this study examines the theoretical foundations of the deposit policy of a commercial bank, reveals its essence and principles of formation, and defines the role of deposit policy in ensuring the sustainability of a commercial bank. In particular, it is shown that the objectives of deposit policy should cover certain elements of legal regulation, the availability of funds, the degree of acceptable risk, the balance of the deposit portfolio and the structure of obligations by maturity.

The second chapter discusses the process of forming a mechanism for implementing the deposit policy of a commercial bank. It is shown that the performance of a commercial bank completely depends on the efficiency of management of raised funds.

The third chapter provides an analysis of banking practice in the formation and implementation of deposit policy using the example of TKB CJSC, and formulates and substantiates promising directions for optimizing the deposit policy of a commercial bank in order to strengthen its stability.

Based on an analysis of the deposit policy of TKB CJSC, it was established that the deposit portfolio management system must necessarily include the following elements:

· identification of types of risks associated with bank deposit operations;

· availability of the bank's information base for assessing risks for deposit operations;

· a system of methods for assessing and minimizing risk for deposit operations.

The choice of a specific method for reducing the risk of a bank conducting deposit operations is largely determined by the level of organization of analytical work in a commercial bank.

In order to improve the deposit policy of Transcapitalbank CJSC, the following was proposed:

CJSC Transcapitalbank must have an acceptable deposit policy, developed taking into account the specifics of its activities and the criteria for optimizing this process. The deposit policy of TKB Bank CJSC was developed for official use, but is not available to ordinary employees, much less bank clients. And for more efficient operation of the bank, this document is necessary for the named categories of potential users, in order to make it clear which of the proposed deposits it is better to pay attention to, which deposits are most beneficial not only for the client, but also for the bank;

There is a need to expand the range of deposit accounts of legal entities and individuals on demand, which will allow, even in the conditions of the problem of financial savings characteristic of the crisis, to better satisfy the needs of bank clients and increase the interest of investors in placing their funds in bank accounts;

As one of the directions for improving the organization of deposit operations of Transcapitalbank CJSC, it was proposed to use different types of accounts for all categories of depositors and improve the quality of their service.

The main share in the structure of the bank's attracted funds should be occupied by deposits of individuals. It is advisable to maintain the share of this type of resources in the structure of short-term attracted bank funds at an average level of 35-40%.

A commercial bank must have in the structure of short-term funds raised such types of liabilities that cannot be withdrawn from the bank before the established period. One of these types of liabilities are deposits of legal entities, since according to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the possibility of early withdrawal by a legal entity of its deposit is provided only if there are no other return conditions in the agreement. It is advisable to maintain the share of deposits of legal entities in the structure of short-term attracted funds of a commercial bank at the level of 10-15%.

An important direction for improving deposit policy could also be the introduction into practice of deposit and savings certificates in foreign currency on an equal basis with existing ruble certificates.

Thus, the work tasks set at the beginning of the work were completed in full.

List of used literature

1. Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Parts I-IV. M.: Prospekt, 2011 - 640 p.

2. Federal Law “On Banks and Banking Activities” dated December 2, 1990 N 395-1 (as amended on December 30, 2008; hereinafter referred to as the Law on Banks);

Federal Law “On Insurance of Individuals’ Deposits in Banks of the Russian Federation” dated December 23, 2003 N 177-FZ with subsequent amendments and additions

Letter of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated February 10, 1992 N 14-3-20 “Regulations on savings and deposit certificates of credit institutions”

Directive of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated November 31, 1998 N 333-u “On introducing amendments and additions to the letter of the Central Bank of Russia dated February 10, 1992 N 14-3-20 “On deposit and savings certificates of banks.”

Directive of the Central Bank of Russia “On additional measures to protect the interests of bank depositors” dated March 27, 1998 No. 192-U (as amended by Directives of the Central Bank of Russia dated July 2, 1998 No. 274-U, dated November 26, 1999 No. 687-U, dated December 29, 2000 No. 891-U)

Letter of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated June 23, 2004 N 70-T “On typical banking risks.”

Regulation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 39-P “On the procedure for calculating interest on transactions related to the attraction and placement of funds, and reflecting these transactions in accounting accounts” dated 06.26.98.

Alekseeva D. G., Pykhtin S. V., Khomenko E. G. Banking Law. M.: Yurist, 2005 - 479 p.

Balabanova I. T. Banks and banking activities. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009. 345 p.

12. Banking / ed. O.I. Lavrushina - M.: Infra-M, 2009 - 576 p.

13. Banking. / Ed. V. Kolesnikova, L. Krolivetskaya, 5th ed., revised. and additional - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2009. - 465 p.

14. Batrakova L. G. Analysis of the interest rate policy of a commercial bank: Textbook. - M.: Logos, 2010. - 152 p.

Batrakova L.G. Economic analysis of the activities of a commercial bank. M.: Logos, 2003 - 344 p.

Beloglazova B. N., Tolokontseva G. V. Money circulation and banks. - M.: “Finance and Statistics”, 2009. - 355 p.

17. Belsky K.S. Financial law. - M.: Lawyer, 2009 - 400 p.

18. Bondarenko E. Accounting and audit in commercial banks. Russian Electronic Library Book.zu (

Borovskaya M.A. Banking services for enterprises. Electronic library Studlib (

Vasilyeva A.S. 1, Vysotskaya T.R. 2

1 ORCID: 0000-0002-5986-8061, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Institute of Humanities, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov in Severodvinsk, 2 ORCID: 0000-0002-7201-1097, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Institute of Humanities, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov in Severodvinsk



The article is devoted to the study of the state of the deposit market of commercial banks in modern economic conditions.

The article discusses the essence and directions of deposit policy, the principles of its formation. A study was conducted of the volumes and structure of deposits of individuals and deposits of organizations in the context of terms, types of currencies, and banks. Based on the general dynamics of deposits over the past 6 years, a forecast for the next 2 years was made by constructing a trend line and calculating the approximation coefficient. Trends in the further development of this segment of the banking market have been identified.

Key words: bank, deposit, deposit.

Vasilieva A.S. 1, Vysotskaya T.R. 2

1 ORCID: 0000-0002-5986-8061, PhD in Economics, Humanitarian Institute, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov in Severodvinsk, 2 ORCID: 0000-0002-7201-1097, PhD in Economics, Humanitarian Institute, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov in Severodvinsk



The article is devoted to the study of the state of the deposit market of commercial banks under current economic conditions.

The article considers the basics and main directions of the deposit policy and principles of its formation. The paper studies the amount and structure of deposits of individuals and organizations with regard to terms, types of currencies and banks. Based on general dynamics of deposits over the past 6 years, we created a forecast for the next 2 years by means of constructing a trend line and calculating the approximation coefficient. Trends of further development of this segment of the banking market are determined

Keywords: bank, contribution, deposit.

One of the main sources of financial resources for a commercial bank are deposits. This is a group of passive transactions used for lending to individuals and legal entities. A wide range of deposits offered to potential depositors allows the bank to pursue a flexible policy in the field of active operations, increasing the level of competitiveness.

In modern conditions, the bank's deposit policy is based on the following principles: compliance with legislation; ensuring the profitability and liquidity of the bank; differentiation of bank deposits; ensuring interconnection and mutual consistency of active and passive operations; increasing the bank's competitiveness; improving the quality of service.

An effective deposit policy of a bank should not only take into account the category of depositors (individuals and legal entities), but also be differentiated within groups. So, today banks offer deposits for individuals, aimed at students, pensioners, and individual entrepreneurs. And for legal entities, the choice is offered from services for small businesses to large corporations.

In addition, the deposit policy should be varied in terms and amounts, repayment terms and interest payments. At the same time, speed and simplicity of registration, an individual approach to a category of clients that is especially important for the bank, are of great importance.

Today, along with opening a deposit, banks very often offer the execution of related operations (for example, issuing a card, accelerated money transfer of client funds, etc.) in order to increase the attractiveness of the credit institution for potential depositors.

The ability of banks to raise funds is strictly regulated by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Only credit organizations that have received a license from the Bank of Russia have the right to attract funds into deposits. Due to the tightening of banking supervision, the number of such banks has been decreasing recently. Thus, at the beginning of 2003, the number of credit institutions licensed to attract household deposits was 1,201, and at the beginning of 2010 - 819 units. By January 1, 2017, this figure was less than half of the 2003 figure - 525 units.

According to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Table 1), the development of the deposit market over the past 5 years has been stable. The increase in household deposits every 2 years is just over 30%. At the same time, an important development factor was the increase at the end of 2014 in the maximum amount of insurance compensation from 700 thousand rubles. up to 1400 thousand rubles. The sharp increase in the volume of foreign deposits from 2012 to 2014 was caused by the growth of the dollar and euro against the backdrop of events in Ukraine and the introduction of economic sanctions. As a result of this, there has also been an increase in the share of deposits in foreign currency over the past 5 years to 25.7% in the total volume of deposits of individuals.

Table 1 – Volume of deposits of individuals and funds of organizations attracted by credit institutions in 2012-2016. (as of December 31)

As for the structure of deposits of organizations, the leading position in them also belongs to deposits in rubles (at the end of 2016, their share in the deposit portfolio was 53.5%). That is, here the ratio between domestic and foreign currency is almost 50x50. In addition, over the past 2 years, there has been a sharp slowdown in the growth rate of investments, caused by inflationary processes and the desire of businesses to “not save” but invest money.

In general, the volume of household deposits exceeds the volume of corporate deposits by an average of 1.3 times. Those. The main source of bank deposits remains funds from individuals in domestic currency. However, it should be noted that if before 2014 (Table 2) deposits for a period of 1 to 3 years prevailed (their share by the end of 2014 was 53.7%), then by the end of 2016 the share of long-term deposits decreased by 2 The share of deposits up to 1 year increased times (from 20.0% to 41.8%), which is due to the consequences of the economic crisis - the population, fearing the depreciation of money, chose to spend it rather than save it. In addition, the reduction in deposit rates had an impact. Thus, at the end of 2014, according to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, when banks feared a decrease in liquidity, rates for terms of up to and more than 1 year fluctuated at 12.3% and 13.1% in rubles. And by the end of 2016, their level had already dropped to 8.7% and 9.1%, respectively.

Table 2 – Structure of deposits of individuals in rubles depending on the terms of placement (as of December 31), %

Analysis of the market in the context of credit institutions showed that for many years Sberbank has consistently occupied first place among the seven largest banks attracting deposits. Its market share in this area today reaches 46.83% (Table 3) and exceeds the volume of funds of its nearest competitor (VTB 24) by 5.5 times (9388.0 billion rubles against 1671.6 billion rubles) .

Place in the ranking Bank name Market share, % Amount, billion rubles
1 Sberbank 46,83 9388,0
2 VTB24 8,34 1671,6
3 Rosselkhozbank 3,07 616,2
4 Gazprombank 2,91 582,6
5 BINBANK 2,5 501,6
6 Bank "FC Otkritie" 2,4 488,9
7 VTB 2,3 462,4

The largest increase in recent years, according to experts, is shown by medium and large deposits (from 700 thousand to 1000 thousand rubles and over 1 million rubles). So for 2015 - by 34% and 53% in terms of amount, respectively, and by 30% and 79% in terms of the number of accounts.

Thus, the general dynamics of deposits of the population and organizations in recent years is presented in Fig. 1, on the basis of which a trend model for forecasting deposits of the population and organizations for 2018-2020 was built.

Rice. 1 – Dynamics of deposits of the population and organizations for 2012-2020. (forecast for 2018-2020) (forecast made by the authors of the article)

As you can see, the deposit market has been actively developing over the entire period under review and, if these trends continue, an increase in both household deposits and institutional deposits is also predicted in the future.

The main directions for further development may be increasing the attractiveness of deposits by increasing current rates; studying customer opinions; advertising of bank services; ease of maintenance; improving the quality of service provision; formation of complex services.

List of literature / References

  1. Review of the retail deposit market for 2010 – URL: (date accessed 06/11/2017).
  2. Central Bank of the Russian Federation - URL: (access date 06/11/2017).
  3. Information Agency of Russia - URL: (access date 06/12/2017).
  4. Rating of banks as of 01.05.2017 (places from 1 to 50) according to the indicator “Volume of funds on deposits of individuals” - URL: (date of access 12.06. 2017).
  5. The influence of CER on the bank deposit market - URL: (accessed June 12, 2017).

List of references in English /References in English

  1. Obzor rynka vkladov fizicheskih lic za 2010 god – URL: (accessed: 06/11/2017).
  2. Central’nyj bank Rossijskoj Federacii – URL: (accessed: 06/11/2017).
  3. Information agentstvo Rossii – URL: (accessed: 06/12/2017).
  4. Rejting bankov na 01.05.2017 (mesta s 1 po 50) po pokazatelju “Ob#em sredstv na depositah fizicheskih lic” – URL: (accessed: 06/12/2017).
  5. Vlijanie SSV na rynok bankovskih vkladov – URL: (accessed: 06/12/2017).

Analysis of the efficiency of deposit operations of a commercial bank

Analysis of the effectiveness of deposits takes place in four stages.

At the first stage, it is necessary to consider the composition, structure and dynamics of funds in the balance of deposits, as well as their crediting and withdrawal.

There are two types of analysis - horizontal and vertical, they can be carried out according to the following criteria:

  1. by the term of the deposit;
  2. by type of deposit currency;
  3. by type of depositor;
  4. according to the deposit form.

The second stage involves assessing the cash flow in the deposit. The purpose of the analysis is to substantiate management decisions that are aimed at increasing the efficiency of using clients' deposit funds.

The third stage of the analysis is necessary to study the influence of factors on the dynamics of changes in the amount of interest expenses on deposit transactions. This is necessary because the attraction of funds to the deposit is carried out in conjunction with the payment of interest to the depositor.

To make such calculations, the formula is used:

$P = (O · St) / 100$, where:

  • P - interest expenses, million rubles;
  • О – average indicator of deposit balances, million rubles;
  • St – deposit interest rate, interest.

The efficiency of using deposit funds is assessed at the fourth stage.

Note 1

The goal of the deposit policy is to attract as much money as possible into deposits for their further issuance in the form of loans. Therefore, to evaluate efficiency, it is necessary to compare the indicators of funds invested in the bank (deposits) with the indicators of funds issued by the bank (loans).

The formula for calculating the efficiency of using deposit funds is as follows:

$Kef = VC / KR$, where:

  • VC - total amount of deposits, million rubles;
  • KR – total amount of loans issued, million rubles.

This indicator characterizes the entire amount of deposits per ruble of funds in the form of a loan.

Note 2

The main purpose of analyzing the deposit operations of a commercial bank is to substantiate strategic and tactical management decisions, the task of which is to increase the level of efficiency in the use of funds in deposits.

Evaluation of deposit transactions

An assessment of deposit policy and deposit operations allows a commercial bank to:

  1. Establish monitoring of the implementation of goals, objectives, as well as the basic principles of the deposit policy of a commercial bank;
  2. Assess the need to use a variety of ways to attract funds into deposits;
  3. Carry out a check based on an analysis of the deposit portfolio, as well as evaluate the deposit portfolio for the presence of an expanded line of products, and subsequently assess the level of stability and efficiency of the portfolio;
  4. Assess the bank’s need to attract deposits and establish their volume;
  5. Assess the level of efficient use of deposit resources;
  6. Assess the need to maintain the existing or form a new deposit policy.

As with the analysis of deposit policy, the assessment of deposit policy is also carried out in stages. Let's consider the main stages of assessing deposit transactions:

The first stage is an assessment of methods for organizing deposit policy. At this stage it is necessary to identify the presence of:

  1. deposit policy document;
  2. intrabank regulations on customer deposits;
  3. specialized units focused on participation in the analysis of deposit policy;
  4. an information database that allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of depository activities;
  5. the results of this stage are in documentary form, reflecting the main shortcomings of deposit activities and methods for eliminating them.

The second stage is the analysis of the deposit portfolio. The purpose of this stage is to collect and summarize data relating to the bank’s depository activities, determine compliance with declared and implemented plans, etc.

This analysis covers the following areas of the bank’s activities:

  1. Resource base;
  2. Funds in bank liabilities;
  3. Analysis of clients by their segments;
  4. Deposit portfolio stability analysis,
  5. And so on.

The third stage is assessing the sufficient level of attracted resources. Here we evaluate how sufficient the level of funds raised is. The assessment involves monitoring the implementation of the plan regarding the indicators of attracted resources.

The fourth stage is assessing the effectiveness of the use of deposit funds by the bank. Efficiency assessment is carried out based on the requirements that deposit resources must have:

  1. dependence of factors that affect the profitability of the bank;
  2. interdependence of deposit funds and areas of active operations of the bank;
  3. the need to use most of the deposit resources in active operations that generate income.

The fifth stage is adjusting the deposit policy. At this stage, a commercial bank needs to decide whether to keep the existing deposit policy, adjust it, or completely replace it with a new one.

Note 3

The deposit policy assessment process allows the bank to assess the consistency of plans with the actual results of its depository activities.


Nikitina Anastasia Vyacheslavovna

student of the Faculty of Economics of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Orel State Agrarian University, Russian Federation, Orel

E- mail: Nastena _93-09@ mail . ru

Tsvirko Alexander Alexandrovich

scientific supervisor, Ph.D. economy Sciences, Associate Professor Orel State Agrarian University, Russian Federation, Orel

Deposit relationships are formed in the deposit market as a result of the actions of depository institutions and the circulation of deposit instruments. The basis of deposit instruments is the deposit.

According to Lavrushin O.I. “Deposits mean all time and fixed-term deposits of bank clients, except savings deposits.”

The organization of deposit operations is carried out in compliance with the following principles (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Principles of deposit operations

The work of Russian credit institutions is one of the main conditions for the development of the country's economy. Of particular importance for achieving long-term goals and sustainable development of credit institutions are deposit operations, as a result of which the most stable part of the resource base is formed. The stability of deposit sources of funds is determined by knowledge of the period of attraction and the constancy of the bank’s relationship with depositors (the renewable nature of these relationships). With a significant portion of stable sources of funds, banks have the opportunity to increase the volume of medium- and long-term operations in the field of lending to the real sector of the economy and meet the needs of the economy for investment resources.

In this regard, it seems relevant to carry out an analysis of deposits and other funds attracted by credit institutions of the Russian Federation over the past three years in order to identify their structural features and potential uses in the field of lending. Let's consider the structure of liabilities of credit institutions of the Russian Federation (Table 1).

Table 1.

Structure of liabilities of credit institutions, grouped by sources of funds (as of January 1, 2011-2013)




Billion rub.

Billion rub.

Billion rub.

Funds and profits of credit institutions

Loans, deposits and other borrowed funds received by credit institutions of the Bank of Russia

Accounts of credit institutions, total

Total customer funds


Budget funds on a payslip

Funds from state and other extra-budgetary funds on the payslip

Funds of organizations in the current account and other accounts

Client funds in settlements

Deposits of individuals

Client funds for factoring and forfeiting transactions


Bills of exchange and bank account packages


Other liabilities, total

Total liabilities

The structure of liabilities during the analyzed period did not undergo significant changes: the main share falls on customer funds, which decreased from 62.4% (as of January 1, 2011) to 60.8% (as of January 1, 2013), as well as funds and profit of credit institutions, the share of which decreased from 12.8% to 11.9% on similar dates. The greatest growth is demonstrated by loans, deposits and other attracted funds received by credit institutions from the Bank of Russia. This situation indicates that credit institutions have been actively using loans from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation within the refinancing system over the past three years, experiencing the need for liquid funds.

The main sources of formation of resources of credit institutions of the Russian Federation are customer funds, the structure of which includes deposits of individuals, whose share has remained virtually unchanged, deposits of legal entities and funds of organizations in settlement and other accounts. Funds of legal entities in bank and deposit accounts together constitute a third of all bank liabilities, about a third are deposits of individuals.

The structure of deposits attracted by credit institutions (as of January 1, 2011-2013) is presented in Table 2.

Table 2.

Structure of deposits (deposits) attracted by credit institutions (as of January 1, 2011-2013)

Deposits and other funds raised




Billion rub.

Billion rub.

Billion rub.

Deposits and other funds raised from legal entities (except credit institutions)

Deposits of individuals

Loans, deposits and other borrowed funds received from other credit institutions

Total deposits

Analyzing the data in Table 2, it should be noted that in the structure of deposits the main share falls on deposits of individuals. During the analyzed period, an ambiguous trend is observed: first, the share decreases from 50.0% to 47.9%, which is associated with higher growth rates of deposits of legal entities, then increases to 49.8% as of January 1, 2013, which is associated with a slowdown in the growth rate of deposits of legal entities and credit institutions. Deposits of legal entities had a growing trend, so as of January 1, 2011, their share was 30.8%, and as of January 1, 2013 - 33.6%.

It should be said that funds are attracted from credit institutions largely in the form of loans. Since the official statistics published by the Bank of Russia do not show deposits of credit institutions separately, therefore, Table 2 on line 3 shows all types of funds attracted by credit institutions from other credit institutions: deposits, loans and other funds.

Table 3.

Structure of deposits of organizations (except credit institutions) by terms and currency of attraction (as of January 1, 2011-2013)




Billion rub.

Billion rubles

Billion rub.

Deposits and other organizational funds of legal entities (except credit institutions), total

in foreign currency


On demand and up to 30 days

in foreign currency

Valid from 31 days to a year

in foreign currency

More than a year

In foreign currency

It is typical for legal entities to open deposits both in rubles and in foreign currency, with the former predominant. Thus, the share of deposits in rubles, in general, tends to grow: as of January 1, 2011 - 58.7%, as of January 1, 2012 - 65.6%, as of January 1, 2013 - 63.3% .

But still, the interest of legal entities in deposits in foreign currency remains very high at the level of 35-40%.

In conclusion, it should be noted that legal entities place their temporarily available funds in deposit accounts with a commercial bank in order to receive additional income. However, they do not have the right to transfer funds that are in deposits to other persons.


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