Summary of GCD for speech development. Retelling of V. Kataev’s story “For mushrooms. V.P. Kataev “Mushrooms Kataev fairy tales mushrooms who is the main character


Topic: V. Kataev Mushrooms

Goals: 1. To acquaint students with the biography and work of the writer V. Kataev, with the content of the story “Mushrooms”.

2. Teach conscious and correct reading aloud whole words, observing the required intonation and punctuation marks; expand the concepts of mushrooms.

3. Contribute to the correction of speech development deficiencies through the use of different types reading; development of emotions based on reading by roles; dramatization of part of the story.

3. Cultivate motivation for learning by conducting a lesson in a non-traditional form.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment

Psychological mood.

Autumn, autumn, beauty

What did you bring us?

Think about it, don't rush

And tell me the signs.

Children name the signs of autumn one by one.

Today we have unusual lesson readings - lesson-travel “Window to Nature”. We will think, read, speak correctly, and get acquainted with a new work. On the way we learn a lot of new, interesting, useful things.

Reflection: we closed our eyes and went to a forest clearing. Where have we ended up? (picture of an autumn forest)

The air in the forest is clean and fresh, let's breathe in the clean air.

Breathing exercises: inhale air through the nose and rise on the toes, exhale through the mouth and bend down to the ground. (5 times)

2. Speech warm-up

What's that with the stump? Look carefully. Yes, this is the honey mushroom stump - friendly guys. What is this written?

1. Reading a tongue twister:

Five guys again

We found five honey mushrooms near a tree stump.


- reading with your eyes (to yourself);

Reading by teacher;

Accelerated student reading, individual reading.

2. Buzzing reading of the poem “Autumn”:

Autumn has come to visit us

And she brought a gift.

Who will read the poem?

He will learn a lot.

Children read the poem “Autumn” by N. Nekrasov.


- buzzing reading;

Reading in chorus;

Reading in pairs;

Girls reading (boys reading).

3. Checking homework

What do we see in the forest?

The leaves turn yellow and fall, lying underfoot. Quiet in the forest. Birds fly to warmer climes. It rains often. It became cold outside.

What birds fly to warmer climes? (swifts, swallows, cranes, cuckoos and many others)

The story “The Cranes Are Flying Away.”

Reading test for the story “The Cranes Are Flying Away”

Each of you has test cards. You must choose the correct answer and name it. Control the answers with signal cards.

1. Test on the section “The cranes fly away”:

1) When the cranes fly away:

c) in the spring

d) in the fall.

2) Why do cranes fly away:

a) cold;

c) not interesting.

3) How do they prepare for departure:

a) gather in flocks;

b) say goodbye to the swamp;

c) preparing winter things.

4) Where do the cranes stop to rest:

a) in the forest;

b) on the edge of the swamp;

c) in a hotel.

4. Report the topic of the lesson

Let's collect the mushrooms that you see near the trees. Arrange the mushrooms you find from largest to smallest. Read the given word (mushrooms)

Today in class we will get acquainted with the story “Mushrooms” by V. Kataev

A student reports on the biography of a writer (Evdokia)

Kataev Valentin Petrovich was born on January 28, 1897 in Odessa in the family of a teacher. In 1915, without graduating from high school, he volunteered for the front, was wounded twice, and gassed. In 1919, Kataev was mobilized into the Red Army and commanded an artillery battery on the Don Front. From 1922 he lived in Moscow and was a permanent contributor to the Gudok newspaper. During the Great Patriotic War war correspondent Kataev wrote essays and stories. The story “Son of the Regiment,” a story about the fate of an orphan boy adopted by a military regiment, brought enormous popularity to the writer. He wrote many interesting works for children. Kataev died on April 12, 1986.

What stories by V.P. Kataev have you read?

- “The pipe and the jug”, “Mushrooms”, “The seven-flowered flower”, “Son of the regiment” and others.

5. Preparation for perception

- There are a lot of different mushrooms growing in our clearing.

What mushrooms do you know? (boletus, chanterelles, boletus, russula, honey mushrooms, etc.)

How should you collect mushrooms?

Mushrooms need to be cut off at the root. Leave the root in the ground. Otherwise, the mushroom will not grow here. These rules must be followed when picking mushrooms.

6. Main part of the lesson

I listened to you

Reading a story by the teacher.

1. Vocabulary work.

Dog mushrooms are toadstools, inedible mushrooms.

What inedible mushrooms do you know? (toadstools, fly agaric, false honey mushrooms, false chanterelles and many others) Picture on the board.

3. Conversation on primary perception.

What did you not understand about the story?

What are the children's names?

Where did the children go?

Guys, let's take a walk in the forest.

7. Physical education minute

1. Exercise with movement.

Let's go to the forest to pick mushrooms. We got up early in the morning. We stretched ourselves. We did some exercises. (2-3 exercises). We washed ourselves (imitation), got dressed. We took the baskets and went. Let's walk through the forest. The trees are big. Moving the branches apart (imitation). To find a mushroom, you have to bend down. They saw it, sat down, cut it, and put it in a basket. Let's move on.

Another mushroom. They bent down, squatted, cut it, and put it in a basket. Full basket.

8. Working with a book

Teacher: We walked through the forest

And a little tired.

3. Gymnastics for the eyes to relax.

Close your eyes and listen to the sounds of the forest. (Audio recording “Sounds of the Forest”).

What time of year do you think you listened to the sounds of the forest?

1. Students reading a story:


2. Conversation to consolidate the content of the story:

What mushrooms did Pavlik collect?

What mushrooms did Zhenya pick?

What mushrooms did Innochka collect?

Which of the guys was the best at picking mushrooms?

3. Reading by roles.

Teacher: Guys, let's read the story “Mushrooms”, part 2 based on roles.

(Students read the work by role).

9. Consolidation

Our journey is coming to an end

Guys, now we will repeat which mushrooms are edible and which are inedible. Didactic game"Mushrooms"

(Students place pictures of mushrooms under the “Poisonous” and “Edible” cards.

What are the edible mushrooms?

Why are mushrooms called poisonous? Name them?

10. Lesson summary. Reflection

- Music is playing. We closed our eyes and returned to class.

Where have we been today?

How to pick mushrooms correctly?

What new did you learn from the story?

What did you like about the lesson?

Where will you use the knowledge gained in this lesson?

11. Homework

1. Reading the story by role (Evdokia)

2. Answer questions about the work (Marina)

3. Find riddles and signs about mushrooms (Alyosha)

4. Draw mushrooms (Denis)

Cousin Innochka came from the city to visit Zhenya and Pavlik.

“Well, children,” said mother, “there is no need for you to sit idle.” Go to the forest to pick mushrooms. Let's see which of you picks mushrooms better.

“I’m the best at collecting,” said Pavlik.

“No, I’m better,” said Zhenya.

But Innochka remained silent. She generally liked to keep quiet.

The children ran into the forest and dispersed in different directions. They return in an hour.

- I collected the best! - Pavlik shouts from a distance. - I have the most mushrooms of all, look: the bucket is full!

Mom looked and smiled:

- No wonder you have a full bucket: not a single good mushroom. Only toadstools. It doesn’t matter if you pick mushrooms, my friend Pavlik.

- Yeah! - Zhenya shouts. “I told you that I’m the best at collecting things.” Look: I have the largest and most beautiful mushrooms - red ones with white polka dots. No one has such beautiful mushrooms!

Mom looked and laughed:

- Silly, these are fly agarics. Although they are beautiful, they are no good. You can get poisoned by them. In general, you’re also bad at picking mushrooms, Zhenechka.

And Innochka stands on the sidelines and keeps quiet.

- And you, Innochka, why are you silent? Show me what you've collected.

“I have very little,” says Innochka shyly.

Mom looked into Innochka’s box, and there were ten excellent mushrooms. Two very pretty russulas, like pink flowers; two foxes in yellow Chinese caps; two cousins ​​- boletus and boletus; milk mushroom, saffron milk cap, volushka. Yes, a big, strong, pot-bellied boletus in a velvet beret.

And on top of that there’s a whole nest of honey mushrooms - daring guys.
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Summary of direct educational activities in the field of communication in preparatory group(speech development)
Topic: Retelling of V. Kataev’s story “Mushrooms”
Correctional and educational:
- teach children to retell the story close to the text, using mnemonic squares;
Corrective and developmental:
- generalize and systematize ideas about the changes occurring in the life of the forest in autumn, about forest mushrooms, places where they grow,
- activation of the dictionary on the topic,
- develop coherent speech, the use of adjectives in speech, their coordination with nouns,
- develop thinking,
- coordination of speech with movement, development of fine motor skills
Correctional and educational:
- to cultivate children's interest in seasonal changes in nature,
- to educate and instill an interest in the artistic word,
- develop the ability to respond to music.
Equipment: decoration of the “Autumn Forest” hall, multimedia projector, mushroom caps for children, costume for the character “Boletus Mushroom, costume “Autumn”, colored paper leaves, mnemonic squares, object pictures depicting mushrooms, phonogram by P.I. Tchaikovsky "Autumn Song" ("Seasons")
Preliminary work: Guessing riddles on the topic, reading and talking about the work of Y. Taits “For Mushrooms”, looking at illustrations.
Org. moment.
Educator: Hello, children. Look how many guests we have today. Let us give them smiles and our greetings.
Children: Invented by someone simply and wisely
When meeting, say hello: - Good morning!
- Good morning! Sun and birds!
Good morning! Smiling faces.
And everyone becomes kind, trusting...
May good morning last until evening.
Articulation gymnastics “Smile”, “Blow Kiss”
Mystery. Educator: Guys, every time of the year pleases us with something special, unique. Now I’ll tell you a riddle about the time of year, and you’ll try to solve it.
Comes in a puddle, leaves in the cold (autumn). What makes us happy about autumn?
Game "Tell about autumn." Images of autumn signs appear on the projector. The teacher invites the children to answer questions.
- What are the leaves on the trees in autumn? (yellow, red)
- What are trees like in autumn? (sad, colorful)
- What is the grass like in the fall? (dry, brown, yellow)
- What is the sky like? (clear or gloomy)
- What clouds? (gray, large)
- How does it rain in autumn? (drenching, cold)
- What autumn (beautiful, sad)
Surprise moment. Educator: We have received a letter. Let's read it.
“Dear guys, I invite you to visit me, in the autumn forest. But to get into the forest, you need to solve a riddle.
Sincerely, mushroom (guess which one)"
The teacher asks a riddle.
1. This mushroom lives under the spruce tree, under its huge shadow.
The wise bearded man is an old man,
Resident of the forest - (boletus). A boletus mushroom appears.
“The forest path leads us
Straight into a wonderful, bright forest.
Somewhere nearby, careful
I hear a quiet conversation.
Take a closer look: from behind the bump
The mushrooms are looking right at us!”
- Let's guess what they are called?
The mushroom children come out and ask riddles about themselves.
2. This is no secret to you:
There are no mushrooms more friendly than us!
Grows on stumps in the forest,
Like freckles on the nose (honey mushrooms). They grow near tree stumps, which is why they are called that.
3. I am a smart fungus,
Growing with an aspen nearby.
On his head is a bright red beret
Did you recognize me or not? (boletus)
4.I'm brown
On a spotted root.
And I grow under the birch tree
In the shade, in the cold (boletus)
5. I am the beauty of the forest,
Red, like a fox.
And my sisters are with me
Golden... (chanterelles)
4. Speech with the “Mushroom Rains” movement. The boletus mushroom invites children to go into the forest and play (music plays).
It rained mushrooms for a long time
And the whole mycelium was watered... (children make rhythmic movements with their hands and fingers - it’s raining)
The mushroom pickers took the baskets,
We went into the mushroom forest along a path (children walk)
We approached the mushroom edge, mushroom flies hover there (waving their hands)
And edible mushrooms grew on every mound (squat down, rise to their feet)
Russula and butter dish,
Breast milk, chanterelle and honey mushroom,
Boletus, boletus,
Boletus, bitter and a big beautiful mushroom,
What is a boletus called (children alternately bend and straighten their fingers, listing the mushrooms)
From beautiful, clean mushrooms
Let's cook a fragrant mushroom soup (with one hand they represent a saucepan, with the other they stir the soup)
5. Breathing exercises “Autumn Wind”. Children are invited to blow on the leaves (children say goodbye to the mushroom and return to kindergarten)
6. Teacher reading V. Kataev’s story “Mushrooms”
Cousin Innochka came from the city to stay with Zhenya and Pavlik.
“Well, children,” said mother, “there is no need for you to sit idle.” Go to the forest to pick mushrooms. Let's see which of you picks mushrooms better.
“I’m the best at collecting,” said Pavlik.
“No, I’m better,” said Zhenya.
But Innochka remained silent.
The children ran into the forest and dispersed in different directions. They return in an hour.
- I collected the best! - Pavlik shouts from a distance. – I have the most mushrooms of all, look: the bucket is full!
Mom looked and smiled:
- It’s not surprising that you have a full bucket: not a single good mushroom, only toadstools. It doesn't matter if you pick mushrooms, Pavlik.
- Yeah! - Zhenya shouts. “I told you that I’m the best at picking: look, I have the biggest and most beautiful mushrooms - red ones with white polka dots.” No one has such beautiful mushrooms!
Mom looked and laughed:
- Stupid, these are fly agarics! Although they are beautiful, they are no good. You're not good at picking mushrooms either, Zhenechka.
And Innochka stands aside and remains silent.
- And you, Innochka, why are you silent? Show me what you've collected.
“I have very little,” says Innochka.
Mom looked into Innochka’s box, and there were ten excellent, strong, pot-bellied boletus in velvet hats.
7. Conversation based on content.
- Who came to visit Zhenya and Pavlik?
- Why did mom decide to send the children to the forest to pick mushrooms?
- How did Zhenya and Pavlik behave? And Innochka?
- How do you evaluate their actions?
-Who collected more mushrooms?
What mushrooms did Pavlik and Zhenya have?
- Why did Innochka stand aside?
- What did mom see in her basket?
-Which of the characters in the story did you like best? Why?
8. Physical exercise. "Pick mushrooms"
We walked, walked, walked (marching, hands on belt)
They found the boletus (they bent down, touched the toe of their left foot with their right hand and vice versa)
One, two, three, four, five, (marching)
We're going to look again (bends forward, hands touching toes)
9. Repeated reading with the intention of retelling.
10. Retelling the story by children using mnemonic squares.
11. Summary. The teacher evaluates the children's stories. Autumn enters and brings the “Gifts of Autumn” treat.

Attached files

“Mushrooms in nature” - How and why mushrooms are collected. What types of mushrooms are there? Hat. There is a leg, but no boots, There is a hat, but no head. Russula. The structure of a mushroom. Spurge. Plants. Unicellular. Oil can. Guess the riddles. Leg. Toadstools. Mushrooms. Forest physical education. Borovik. Pepper mushroom. Boletus. Animals. What groups can mushrooms be divided into?

“Mushrooms 2nd grade” - So what are mushrooms? What other riddles do you know about mushrooms? Mushrooms. Antoshka stands on one leg. Educational technologies based on IOS in the practice of primary education teachers. Do mushrooms look like animals? 1 group “Plant growers”. Animals? Where do mushrooms live? Russula, boletus, white, chanterelles, honey mushrooms, fly agaric.

“Hat Mushrooms” - In a fast waltz at the edge of the forest, little waves are spinning, laughing. Never eat overripe, flabby, wormy or spoiled mushrooms. What mushrooms will you put in the basket? Deepen and expand knowledge about cap mushrooms. Cap mushrooms. Poisonous mushrooms. Who is there in a sunny outfit, marching as if in a parade?

“Biology 6th grade mushrooms” - Variety of mushrooms. The threads of the mycelium are capable of growing, forming a continuous network. Baker's yeast YEAST is a unicellular marsupial fungus. Once in the dough, baker's yeast cells begin to multiply. Decomposer mushrooms. Red-brown boletus. Predatory mushrooms. Spread of fungal spores. Completed by: teacher of Municipal Educational Institution Kunashakskaya high school Nosachenko Olga Borisovna.

“Mushrooms in the forest” - Coral-shaped hedgehog. It grows in forest clearings, along forest edges, in ravines and ditches. The role of mushrooms in human economic life. Do not take overgrown mushrooms; such mushrooms contain more toxic substances. It begins to bear fruit at the end of May and before the onset of frost. Boletus. It is found mainly in colonies in pine forests.

“Mushrooms and their types” - The vegetative propagation of fungi is carried out in parts of the mycelium. The cap is green or greenish to white, with white plates. Mycology. OK. 100 species, widely distributed. CHAMPIGNONS, a genus of cap mushrooms from the agaricaceae order. Oomycetes. America. Mycelium. They grow in groups, mainly in birch forests; inedible.

Summary of a lesson on speech development with children in senior group on the topic: “Teaching storytelling based on the work of V.P. Kataeva “Mushrooms”

Ivanchenko Galina Aleksandrovna, kindergarten teacher Kindergarten No. 6, Rzhev.
Description of material: This lesson summary is intended for children in the senior group on the topic: “Teaching storytelling based on the work of V.P. Kataeva "Mushrooms". Children learn to recognize edible and inedible mushrooms, divide words into syllables, and compose sentences of 3-4 words.

Planned results: shows emotional responsiveness when reading V.P.’s story. Kataeva “Mushrooms”; looks with interest at pictures with drawn mushrooms and the plot picture “Summer Forest”; at the request of an adult, talks about what is depicted; answers questions asked; pronounces sounds correctly, makes sentences of 3-4 words; can give a correct assessment of a comrade’s answer, and be restrained.

Equipment: two baskets, an image of mushrooms, a plot picture “Summer Forest”.

1. Teach children to tell stories slowly, to find the right words, to speak expressions loudly enough.
2. Practice correct pronunciation of all sounds. 3strengthen the ability to compose sentences of three or four words and divide words into syllables.
3. Cultivate modesty, observation and goodwill towards the answers and stories of other children, cultivate restraint.


Guys, what time of year is it now? (Spring).
- Tell me, what time of year will it be after spring? (Summer).
- Which months belong to summer? (June, July, August).
Summer is a wonderful time! Many of you will go on vacation to your grandmother in the village. You will go to the river to swim, to the forest to pick flowers and berries.
- What else can you collect in the forest? (Mushrooms).
It is especially good to pick mushrooms after heavy rain; the forest smells of mushrooms. In the grass near the path, strong boletus and russula are usually hidden, and elegant fly agarics are blushing. Between the trunks of the birches, a young spruce forest has grown densely, and under it milk mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, and golden chanterelles are hiding.

Which of the named mushrooms are edible? (Children's answers).

Which ones are poisonous? (Children's answers).
And now I will read you a story about mushrooms, which was written by the writer Valentin Petrovich Kataev, it is called “Mushrooms”.
- If you want to find out what mushrooms the author wrote about, then listen carefully so that after reading you can correctly answer my questions. (Reading a story).

Valentin Kataev.

Cousin Innochka came from the city to visit Zhenya and Pavlik.

“Well, children,” said mom, “there’s no need for you to sit around doing nothing.” Go to the forest to pick mushrooms. Let's see which of you picks mushrooms better.
“I’m the best at collecting,” said Pavlik.
“No, I’m better,” said Zhenya.

But Innochka remained silent. She generally liked to keep quiet.

The children ran into the forest and dispersed in different directions. They return in an hour.

- I collected the best! - Pavlik shouts from a distance. – I have the most mushrooms of all, look: the bucket is full!

Mom looked and smiled:
- No wonder you have a full bucket: not a single good mushroom. Only toadstools. It doesn’t matter if you pick mushrooms, my friend Pavlik.

- Yeah! - Zhenya shouts. – I told you that I collect better than everyone else. Look: I have the largest and most beautiful mushrooms - red ones with white polka dots. No one has such beautiful mushrooms!

Mom looked and laughed:
- Silly, these are fly agarics. Although they are beautiful, they are no good. You can get poisoned by them. In general, you’re also bad at picking mushrooms, Zhenechka.

And Innochka stands on the sidelines and keeps quiet.

- And you, Innochka, why are you silent? Show me what you've collected.
“I have very little,” says Innochka shyly.

Mom looked into Innochka’s box, and there were ten excellent mushrooms. Two very pretty russulas, like pink flowers; two foxes in yellow Chinese caps; two cousins ​​- boletus and boletus; milk mushroom, saffron milk cap, volushka. Yes, a big, strong, pot-bellied boletus in a velvet beret. And on top of that there’s a whole nest of honey mushrooms – daring guys.

Questions about the story:
- Who came to Zhenya and Pavlik?
- What time of year do you think Innochka arrived?
- What did the mother offer the children?
- What did the children answer?
- Which of the children was the most restrained?
- What did Pavlik collect?
- What did Zhenya collect?
- What did Innochka do when the children boasted?
- How do you understand the word – box?
- What was in Innochka’s box?
- Which of the guys knew better what mushrooms you could pick?
- Compare Inna with Pavlik and Zhenya, what character traits are inherent in them?


By the path, by the path. Children squatting
Mushrooms grew overnight. Gradually they get up
Boletus - as big as an aspen tree. Swinging
Boletus - as big as a birch tree. Jumping
And boletus are like guys.

Re-reading the story.

Retelling for children (5-7 children).

And now we will make sentences with the word mushroom; you can use the name of mushrooms. After composing a sentence, you must name: how many words are in your sentence, but first we will divide you into 2 teams: 1– chanterelles, 2 – waves.

We have two baskets and for the correct answer the team will receive a mushroom, let's see who collects more mushrooms in the basket. I propose to name how many syllables are in the words: boletus, honey mushrooms, boletus, chanterelles, fly agaric, volushki.

Today you have learned a lot about mushrooms, and if you have to collect them, you will be able to distinguish a poisonous mushroom from an edible one. They answered questions well, worked actively, played, and strengthened their ability to compose sentences and divide words into syllables. They listened attentively to the answers of their comrades, helped with the answers, did not shout out, but waited for their turn.