Comprehensive program for the development of biotechnology in the Russian Federation. BIO2020 as the main element of the strategy for the development of biotechnology in Russia Comprehensive program for the development of biotechnology

Report at the scientific and practical conference “Strategic management in the sphere of national security of Russia: subjects, resources, technologies”.

– In the current global financial and political landscape, against the backdrop of the economic crisis, it is quite difficult to maintain the existing production system. To counter global challenges, a stable increase in economic competitiveness is required, based on the large-scale use of breakthrough technologies, and a transition to a new technological structure.

– One of the important elements of the new way of life is the active use of cellular technologies, genetic engineering methods, as well as the development of other biotechnologies.

– The world community has already realized the role of biotechnology. This is evidenced by capital investments in this industry, the growth of the market for biotechnological products, the improvement of the legislative framework, and the development of programs and strategies. Tens of billions of dollars are spent annually on biotechnological research in developed countries (USA, EU) alone.

– At the moment, the largest share of the market belongs to the biotechnological production of pharmaceuticals and in the medium term, apparently this situation will continue. However, according to experts, in the long term, taking into account the inevitable aggravation of the problem of providing the world economy with hydrocarbons, the production of bioplastics and biofuels will take a leading position.

– In a number of countries, there is already a gradual replacement of traditional industries with biotechnological ones. For example, the contribution of biotechnology to polymer production in the United States increased from 1% to 15% between 2001 and 2010. The global biotechnology market is estimated to reach $2 trillion by 2025.

– The Russian Federation is not a serious player in the global biotechnology market. Russia's share on it today is less than 0.1%. According to the scenarios of Western experts, if current trends continue, in the coming years the country, at best, will produce 0.25% of the global volume of biotechnological products. Currently, Russia ranks 70th in the world in terms of bioindustry development.

– The main share in the Russian market of biotechnological products belongs to biopharmaceuticals, which generally corresponds to global trends. However, it should be noted that only about 25% of the total mass of biotechnological drugs produced comes from Russian companies. Most of the products are produced in factories owned by foreign transnational pharmaceutical corporations.

– It should be noted that, from a systemic perspective, there is an understanding of the need to develop biotechnologies in Russia, which is noted in the “National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020.” A specific tool for management planning and implementation of structural changes in the Russian biotechnology industry should be the State Comprehensive Program for the Development of Biotechnology in the Russian Federation for the period until 2020 - “BIO2020”. (The program was approved in April 2012)

– The medium-term goal of implementing the BIO2020 Program is to reach the volume of bioeconomy in Russia in the amount of about 1% of GDP in 2020. Long-term – achieving a share of at least 3% of GDP by 2030. In the future, the share of biotechnologies in Russian GDP will continue to grow.

– The strategic goal of the BIO2020 Program is to create a globally competitive, developed biotechnology sector in Russia, which should become one of the elements of modernization and building a post-industrial economy in the country.

– Financial support for the Program is expected to come from the federal budget, regional and local budgets, as well as extra-budgetary funding. The target volume of resource support for the BIO2020 Program, according to expert estimates, for the period until 2020 should be 1.163 trillion. rubles

– The Bio2020 program has received high expert assessment from both domestic and foreign biotechnology experts, at the same time, in our opinion, attention should be paid to the following points:

1. As part of the program implementation, the biocluster direction should be strengthened as much as possible. It is clusters that can provide synergy for the main market players. Complex production facilities operating abroad are the most productive mechanism in the biotechnology industry.

2. In the system of forming clusters, great importance must be given to the development of innovative enterprises and start-ups, and therefore the system of venture financing should be expanded. It is also necessary to apply as widely as possible the mechanisms created during the formation of the innovation center Skolkovo, RUSNANO and the Russian Venture Company.

3. It is necessary to more clearly develop the system for controlling the expenditure of funds allocated for the program. This is confirmed by an analysis of the implementation of similar programs in other industries, where there was an inappropriate use of funding, including within the framework of corruption schemes.

4. The capabilities of the “technological borrowing” strategy should be fully exploited, which requires constant monitoring of foreign experience, both in research and management spheres aimed at the bioindustry. This will make it possible to quickly reduce the existing gap in the Russian biotechnology industry.

5. At the initial stages of the Program implementation, in order to establish the biotechnological industry, it is necessary to focus on the creation of relatively simple biotechnological production facilities. For example, in the production of fuel ethanol in grain-producing areas. An important incentive for the development of the biofuel industry could be amendments to the tax code aimed at separating fuel ethanol into a separate excise category.

Moreover, we believe that fuel production should be, first of all, focused on the regional and domestic market. This will eliminate costly subsidies allocated for transporting large volumes of grain to ports, which is especially important for the Ural and Siberian regions.

6. In the medium to long term, the industry should focus on the production of biotechnological products with high added value, such as bioplastics and biomaterials, as well as second and third generation biofuels.

7. The current system of production of biopharmaceutical products, with high dependence on foreign companies, does not correspond to Russia’s national security strategy. The production of biopharmaceuticals should be gradually transferred to domestic companies. Their long-term goal may be to create a system of differentiated and personalized medicine that can solve a number of social problems.

In our opinion, the transition to a new technological structure with a significant share of biotechnologies is the most strategically correct path for the development of Russia. Maintaining the existing development model in the near future threatens the country with loss of technological sovereignty, deindustrialization and loss of technological achievements.

Comprehensive program for the development of biotechnologies in the Russian Federation for the period until 2020. Approved by the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin on April 24, 2012. The goal of the program is for Russia to take a leading position in the development of biotechnologies, including in certain areas of biomedicine, agrobiotechnologies, industrial biotechnology and bioenergy. Creating a competitive bioeconomy sector.

Basic terms Biotechnology (technology of living systems) 1) a discipline that studies the possibilities of using living organisms, their systems or products of their vital activity to solve technological problems, as well as the possibility of creating living organisms with the necessary properties using genetic engineering;

Basic terms 2. Industrial use of biological structures for the production of food and industrial products and for carrying out targeted transformations. Biological structures in this case are microorganisms, plant and animal cells, cellular components: cell membranes, ribosomes, mitochondria, chloroplasts, as well as biological macromolecules (DNA, RNA, proteins - most often enzymes).

Basic terms White biotechnology is the production of biofuels, enzymes and biomaterials for various industries. Veterinary biotechnology is a part of agricultural biotechnology, the subject area of ​​which is the use of biotechnology for the treatment of animals. “Green” biotechnology is the development and introduction of genetically modified plants into agriculture. “Red” biotechnology is the production of biopharmaceuticals (proteins, enzymes, antibodies) for humans, as well as correction of the genetic code.

The biotechnology market will reach 2 trillion by 2025. US dollars. Russia's share in the biotechnology market is 0.1% (for some segments - biodegradable materials, biofuels - 0%).

Stages of program implementation Stage 1 2011 -2015 development of domestic demand and export of biotechnological products. Stage 2 2016 -2020 creating conditions for deep modernization of the technological base of relevant industries through the mass introduction of biotechnology methods and products into production.

Tools to support the development of biotechnologies Stimulating demand for biotechnological products. Promoting increased competitiveness of biotech enterprises. Development of education in the field of biotechnology. Development of science in the field of biotechnology. Development of an experimental production base. International cooperation. Support for biotechnologies in the regions. Interaction between business science and education

Priority areas for the development of biotechnologies Biopharmaceuticals Biomedicine Industrial biotechnology Bioenergy Agricultural biotechnology Food biotechnology Forest biotechnology Environmental biotechnology Marine biotechnology

Directions of environmental biotechnology 1. Bioremediation - a set of methods for purifying water, soil and atmosphere using the metabolic potential of biological objects - microorganisms, plants, fungi, insects, worms and other organisms. A set of measures in this area creates conditions for the active use of biotechnological methods in eliminating the consequences of harmful effects on the environment.

. 2 “Environmentally friendly housing” The set of measures is aimed at creating a wide class of biotechnological products used in the production of building materials, the introduction of environmentally friendly construction technologies, the use of biomaterials in engineering systems and in the process of servicing buildings, structures and built-up areas.

3. “Biological collections and bioresource centers” About 100 culture collections are registered in the Russian Federation, the composition of which covers almost all known groups of microorganisms. A set of measures for the development of biocollections is aimed at ensuring an effective system of registration, storage and use of registered microorganisms, ensuring centralization, standardization and accessibility of genetic resources for biotechnological purposes.

Responsible for the development and implementation of a set of measures in the direction of “Bioremediation” is the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources. Responsible for the development and implementation of a set of measures in the direction of “Environmentally friendly housing” is the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia. Responsible for the development and implementation of a set of measures in the direction of “Biological collections and bioresource centers” - Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

Microbiological transformation as the basis of biotechnologies Toxic xenobiotics are biodetoxified in the environment in various ways: 1. complete degradation (mineralization, complete destruction); 2. incomplete degradation (transformation, partial mineralization, partial destruction); 3. binding of pollutants or their metabolites with another substance - a matrix (polymerization, conjugation, condensation).

Complete degradation of the compound is used by microorganisms as a source of carbon and energy, participants in metabolism; complete destruction of xenobiotics occurs as a result of the combined actions of the organism and abiotic factors; the most effective way is microbial mineralization.

Features of the degradation process In the process of degradation (mineralization), 2 stages are distinguished: 1. primary biodegradation, in which substances are formed that do not exhibit the properties of the transformed substance; 2. complete biodegradation, when the xenobiotic molecule is converted into minerals and products associated with the normal metabolic processes of microorganisms.

Incomplete degradation (transformation) Transformation is a transformation that significantly changes, mainly simplifies, the structure of organic matter, but does not lead to its complete destruction. Transformation (microbiology) – a change in organic compounds under the action of one or more microbial enzymes, accompanied by the accumulation of transformation products in the environment, without de novo synthesis of substances

Neutralization of a toxic xenobiotic leads to detoxification. However, sometimes during the process of biotransformation, a non-toxic or low-toxic xenobiotic becomes toxic and accumulates in the environment (for example, during the transformation of certain pesticides). This process is called toxification.

Incomplete degradation Transformation - transformations that significantly change. Mainly they simplify the structure of organic matter, but do not lead to its complete destruction. Transformation (microbiology) is a change in organic compounds under the action of one or more microbial enzymes, accompanied by the accumulation of transformation products in the environment, without de novo synthesis of substances.

Bioavailability is the ability of various compounds to undergo biotransformation. It is determined by the genetic properties of the organisms carrying out the transformation and environmental conditions.

Polymerization (conjugation) The basic structure of an organic compound is maintained and it combines with another compound to form a product with a higher molecular weight.

Organisms that carry out destruction heterotrophic bacteria yeast molds some autotrophic bacteria cyanobacteria

Factors that increase the efficiency of selection of destructor microorganisms The use of a monoculture or community of microorganisms isolated from environments contaminated with xenobiotics (isolates). The use of a biological agent isolated from the same contaminated natural or man-made environment for which it is intended to be cleaned.

Factors that increase the efficiency of selection of microorganisms that degrade The use of microorganisms isolated from places with old pollution or with repeated intake of xenobiotics (it is highly likely that the number of microorganisms that degrade xenobiotics has increased under the influence of natural selection. To isolate such isolates, the method of enrichment cultures is used. Accumulation of biological material for degradation of the pollutant on the same substrate or on its easily recyclable analogues.

Options for bioremediation and bioremediation Option 1: for areas with old contaminants (wild, native microflora that can transform them live), in situ (in situ) removal of contaminants is used without the introduction of biological products. In this case, biodegradation is limited by environmental factors and the properties of the pollutant itself (oxygen content in the environment, solubility of the pollutant, etc.)

Option 2: Preliminary production of a biologically active strain and accumulation of viable cells, and then their introduction in the form of a biological product into a contaminated environment. This option is advisable to use in northern regions and when treating areas with not old contamination.

Among the main priorities: using the potential of modern biotechnologies to create new varieties of agricultural plants and livestock breeds.

The comprehensive program for the development of biotechnology in the Russian Federation for the period until 2020 was approved by the government on April 24, 2012. It is expected that during the implementation of the program the following tasks will be solved:

Taking a leading position in the field of biotechnology, including certain areas of biomedicine, agrobiotechnology and bioenergy.

  1. Creation of a competitive bioeconomy sector, which, in combination with nanoindustry and information technology, will become the basis for the post-industrial development of the domestic economy.
  2. Formation of developed domestic demand for biotechnological products and development of exports.
  3. Formation of a biotechnological production and technological base capable of partially replacing existing production lines based on chemical synthesis.
  4. Integration of the scientific and technological sector of Russia into international science, achieving advanced development and thereby ensuring the modernization of the industrial sector.

By 2020, the share of biotechnological products should be 1% of the country's GDP (about 1 trillion rubles).

The program is divided into two stages: 2012-2015 and 2016-2020. In total, 1.18 trillion will be spent on it. rub. For the development of bioenergy, 367 billion rubles will be spent, industrial biotechnology - 210 billion rubles, agricultural and food biotechnology - 200 billion rubles, biomedicine - 150 billion rubles, biopharmaceuticals - 106 billion rubles, marine biotechnologies - 70 billion rubles, biotechnologies for forestry - 45 billion rubles, ecobiotechnologies - 30 billion rubles.

The target indicators of the program are to increase the production of biotechnological products by 33 times, and the volume of domestic consumption by 8.3 times. Imports of biotechnological products will be reduced by 50%, and exports are expected to increase 25 times.

The main means to achieve the planned indicators will be: stimulating demand for the products of biotechnological production, ensuring the competitiveness of this sector in the world market, developing science and education in the field of biotechnology, organizing an experimental production base and information and analytical infrastructure, as well as the development of biotechnologies in the regions and expansion international cooperation.

The expected result in the field of agriculture is to increase the country's food security, obtain high-quality, environmentally friendly food products, create new technologies for processing agricultural waste and restore soil fertility. The highest priority areas for the development of agricultural biotechnologies are:

  • creation of new varieties of agricultural plants and animal breeds using post-genomic methods and biotechnologies;
  • genomic certification, designed to increase the efficiency of selection and breeding work and cloning of breeding animals;
  • biological products for crop production;
  • feed additives for livestock;
  • veterinary drugs.

The draft program notes that the development of new methods of biological plant protection will make it possible to achieve higher yields, while reducing losses and minimizing the residues of active substances of chemicals in the final product. This is extremely important due to the tightening of product quality requirements in countries importing Russian grain and other crops. The allocation of significant financial support for the development of plant varieties using modern biotechnologies is justified by the fact that currently the Russian Federation has practically no new generation varieties and hybrids of its own that have such important traits as drought resistance, resistance to diseases, herbicides, pests and other unfavorable factors . Their creation is possible using postgenomic technologies. The implementation of this direction will significantly increase the profitability of agricultural production and reach an international competitive level.

Molecular selection in livestock and poultry farming will be aimed at increasing the expression of economically useful traits, and will significantly improve the quality of products, as well as the efficiency of the livestock industry.

Biotechnologies for soil improvement and the organization of large-scale production of biofertilizers will increase the productivity of agricultural land with a significant reduction in the volume of chemical fertilizers. Waste-recycling bacteria will make it cheaper and faster to produce organic fertilizers that can be used in organic farming, reducing environmental damage from agriculture. Biological products for veterinary medicine, feed proteins, premixes and other feed components created by domestic scientists will have maximum specific efficiency when used in Russian livestock farming, and can become an object of export to the countries of the European Union.

The approval of this program demonstrates the serious intentions of the Government to develop domestic agricultural biotechnologies, and use their potential to improve the efficiency of livestock and crop production.

The implementation of a comprehensive program for the development of biotechnology in the Russian Federation for the period until 2020 has begun ( "Bio-2020"). Its strategic goal is to create in Russia a globally competitive, developed biotechnological sector, which should become the basis for building a post-industrial economy. Oleg Fomichev, Deputy Minister of Economic Development, told an RBG correspondent how this sector will develop.

— Oleg Vladislavovich, the program sets clear and specific goals: to increase the consumption of biotechnological products by 8.3 times, to reduce the share of imports of these products by half, and to increase the share of exports by 25 times. How were these numbers arrived at?

— The program’s target indicators were obtained based on expert assessments of the possible market volumes for biotechnological products. At the same time, high comparative indicators are due to the so-called “low base” effect - currently the market is so small that any, even insignificant activity - for example, scaling up existing production or the emergence of new, even small ones - automatically gives tangible figures for the growth of consumption, imports and exports .

— State-owned companies and corporations can be given a task. But most of our enterprises today are private businesses - what will interest them?

— Unfortunately, at present, the markets for biotechnological products and technologies are in their infancy, their volumes are insignificant, which causes some inertia in business. First of all, it is necessary to create demand - innovations cannot appear out of nowhere, they must be in demand by someone. Then a corresponding business appears that will apply these innovations to gain advantages in certain markets. To realize all the benefits of biotechnology, it is first necessary to create markets for its sales.

— What can the government and legislators do for this?

— Firstly, take technical regulation measures that would facilitate the penetration of biotechnologies and introduce more stringent environmental standards. Consistently implement government procurement policies that stimulate demand for products obtained using biotechnologies. In addition, carry out a deep systemic revision of legislation aimed at stimulating the production of biotechnological products. Finally, develop and implement a system of measures to support domestic producers.

This is quite natural - at the initial stages, all developed countries subsidized or created preferences for biotechnological products in relation to products obtained using traditional technologies. All these measures are spelled out in detail in the Bio-2020 program. Now the process of its implementation has just begun. In particular, the provisions and indicators of the program are taken into account in draft state programs.

— The program plans to sharply increase the export of our biotechnological products. Are competitors waiting for us on world markets?

— The question is rather whether Russia is ready and capable of ensuring the export of competitive products to world markets. Currently, of all possible biotechnological products, only pellets and biodiesel are effectively exported; other established markets for bioproducts do not yet exist in our country. At the same time, Russia has all the necessary prerequisites to maintain its leading position in the “world after oil” as a supplier of renewable sources of raw materials and products obtained from them. We have a developed raw material base, ranging from huge reserves of lignocellulosic raw materials to an excess of low-grade grain, and we have qualified personnel of technologists and scientists. We have the lion's share of the world's forest reserves, the most fertile arable lands, a significant part of which has now been taken out of agricultural use, we have no shortage of fresh water - all this is a reliable basis for building a future bioeconomy. It is extremely important for us not to waste time - the widespread use of renewable sources of raw materials throughout the world could very soon depreciate the value of traditional Russian export goods and lead to the loss of markets for our economy. At the same time, developed ones are able to determine the competitiveness of the country for the long term, solve the issue of national security - food, medicinal, epidemiological, etc.

— Among the priorities of the program are biopharmaceuticals and biomedicine. But the tasks for them have already been set in the Pharma 2020 program. What additionally is provided in this section by the Bio-2020 program?

— The Pharma 2020 program combines various methods of producing pharmaceutical products, both chemical and biological. “Bio-2020” is developing the part related to biopharmaceuticals, that is, protein drugs, vaccines, cell technologies, etc. These are fundamentally different production and testing technologies, so it is quite reasonable to consider them separately.

— Judging by the funds, bioenergy was chosen as the most important priority (more than 30% of the total funding for the program). Does this mean that the possibilities of hydro, thermal and nuclear energy in the country have been exhausted? Will bioenergy products be more expensive than traditional types?

— The volumes of financing outlined in the program imply not only government participation, but investments in the industry as a whole. As for bioenergy projects, they can be divided into two key groups. The first includes small projects to convert boiler houses from coal, fuel oil and diesel fuel to wood waste, agricultural waste, etc. These are mainly commercial projects, the number of which is huge, and the volume of public investment in each is insignificant. The second group includes projects for the production of biofuel components. These are quite large projects, there are few of them. However, even in this case, state participation will most likely be limited to stimulating demand and support instruments - guarantees, interest rate subsidies, etc.

— Having invested funds, a business will be interested in their speedy return, which means the price of energy will still be high? But then who will buy it?

— The main factor influencing the formation of prices for bioenergy products is logistics: if you transport biomass in the same way as coal, then the final energy will, of course, be more expensive. However, if we exclude logistics costs and use local biomass, the cost of 1 Gcal of bioenergy is one and a half, and sometimes even 6 times lower than coal or fuel oil. In addition, when using bioenergy products, a lot of environmental problems are solved: for example, all regions north of the Trans-Siberian Railway are replete with unclaimed wood waste, which leads to extremely negative environmental consequences. On the other hand, if we compare gas and bioenergy, already today in many regions (for example, in the Stavropol region) the cost of heat when burning straw is lower than when burning gas.

— Industrial, veterinary and food products are intended to produce both new feed for agriculture and new food products. Is there any confidence that this will find understanding in society? We remember the history of feed protein factories, which ended ingloriously in the mid-1980s - they were closed due to the harmful effects on human health.

— Solving the problem of producing such products in the Russian Federation is one of the most important tasks of the program. This is a matter of strategic development of the country and ensuring food security. As for the situation in the production facilities themselves, everything has changed significantly since the 80s: the introduction of international standards, strict control of all levels of the production cycle (including with the participation of international experts), mandatory implementation of environmental protection measures - all this gives reason to talk about the safety of modern production .

— The program provides for the development of innovative technologies for the use of forest resources, including deep processing of woody biomass, production of raw materials for pulp and paper mills, etc. These are very capital-intensive industries, but the program allocates only 45 billion rubles for them. Will they be enough to fulfill such ambitious plans?

— Again, we are not talking about the implementation of certain projects exclusively at the expense of the state. It is planned that both state corporations and private businesses will join the process. Russian biotechnology developers have something to interest private capital. There are already a number of successful examples of the implementation of large innovative projects that can have a significant impact on the economy of the relevant industries. One of them is being implemented in Tulun, Irkutsk region, by one of the subsidiary divisions of the Russian Technologies State Corporation - RT-Biotechprom. There, a pilot plant is being created for the conversion of lignocellulosic raw materials (timber waste, sawdust) into products with high added value. This is the country's first biorefinery (similar to an oil refinery), which uses renewable biomass rather than hydrocarbons as raw materials, and is capable of producing such valuable products as butanol, which can be used as a motor fuel or additive, like organic acids - raw materials for polymer chemistry, as feed yeast for feed production. Its launch is scheduled for 2014. The cost of this pilot project is one billion rubles, 200 million of which were provided as a grant from the Ministry of Education and Science.

— Is the project unique for Russia?

— In case of successful testing of a set of innovative technologies, this experience is planned to be scaled up and extended to other enterprises of the hydrolysis industry, moving from energy-consuming and environmentally hazardous technologies of acid hydrolysis of wood to “green”, efficient biotechnologies. Another large project is being implemented in the Belgorod region for the comprehensive processing of low-value raw materials from poultry farms - fluff, feathers and the so-called meat and bone residue formed during poultry processing. This is an example of a domestic development that is ahead of world analogues, which has gone through all levels of the innovation elevator from initial private funding, subsequent targeted funding from the Ministry of Education and Science (about 180 million rubles) and the investment project of Rusnano and a consortium of foreign investors (about 4.5 billion rub.). As a result of the introduction of a complex of biotechnologies, it is possible to return up to 20% of the protein contained in a broiler to the consumer’s table in the form of a complete protein product, and another 10-12% of the protein is recovered in the form of feed products. Two factories are being built in Russia, the launch is scheduled for the end of 2013. The technology has significant export potential: a plant is already operating in Belgium, and production facilities in Italy and France are in the design stage. There are other examples of successful projects.

— Methods for bioconversion of the consequences of anthropogenic impact on the environment are of great interest. However, as experience shows, businesses are quite reluctant to implement any methods to improve the environmental safety of hazardous industries. How can these processes be stimulated?

— Economic incentive measures are needed here. For companies using biotechnologies for such purposes, it is possible to provide tax benefits, targeted grants and subsidies, loans on preferential terms, etc. So-called negative incentives can also be used - sanctions for the non-use of modern biotechnologies if, as a result of the refusal to use them, damage has been caused environmental damage. Work on appropriate measures to regulate the industry has already begun.

— Another interesting section of the program is marine biotechnology. It is planned to create aquabiological centers, develop technologies for deep processing of commercial aquatic organisms, etc. But the country still does not have modern technologies and infrastructure for processing ordinary fish and seafood. How is this gap supposed to be bridged?

— The program provides for the creation of a whole network of aquabiological centers in the Far East and other regions of the country. Their task is primarily the reproduction of biological resources of aquatic organisms based on the latest achievements of biotechnology. We have modern technologies developed in the country's leading scientific institutes, for example, growing sea cucumbers, sturgeon, etc. Cooperation in the field of aquabiotechnology is developing with scientific centers in Europe, China, Japan, South and North America. In recent years, modern fish processing plants have been created in the Kaliningrad region, but this is not enough. Serious investments are needed in the processing industry and infrastructure, and the construction of ships with capacities for deep processing of aquatic organisms. The program plans a whole range of measures in this direction, the implementation of which, along with the state program “Development of the Fisheries Complex,” will significantly raise the level of the industry.

— The topic of obtaining new species of fast-growing trees and plants using genetic engineering is extremely interesting. However, conservationists will certainly fight against this. Are funds planned for explanatory work?

— Any new technology must undergo public discussion. However, in the biotechnology sector, unfortunately, there are no funds planned for a public company. We have high hopes for technology platforms, which represent a tool for harmonizing the interests of the state, business, scientific and expert communities, consumers and civil society as a whole in breakthrough areas of technological development. We hope that in the future this institute will take upon itself the popularization of promising, safe and necessary technologies for the country.

— There is no doubt that agricultural biotechnology is the main path for the development of the world economy. However, in our country we are extremely wary of such topics as genetically modified organisms (GMOs), transgenesis, the use of microorganisms to restore soil fertility, molecular selection of animals, etc. How do you plan to overcome this wariness?

— The complex of issues related to GMOs is truly ambiguous and causes debate. This requires the development of coordinated decisions of the legislative, executive authorities and various sectors of society. We have created a legislative, regulatory and methodological framework regulating the safety assessment and control over the circulation of GMO products. There is a scientifically based evidence base of the absence of adverse effects on human health when consuming food products containing GMOs and registered in the prescribed manner. The circulation of GMO products on the food market is monitored. At the same time, studying the impact of newly created types of food products obtained using GMOs on human health and future generations remains relevant. In June, parliamentary hearings were held on the topic “Legislative regulation of the turnover of genetically modified products in the Russian Federation.” Based on their results, recommendations were developed for legislative and executive authorities on improving the legislative framework in the field of regulating the circulation of genetically modified products.

For the innovative development of the modern economy, three areas of technology development are key: information technology, nanotechnology and biotechnology. The introduction of modern information technologies in Russia has been carried out over the past 20 years. In a relatively short period of time, it was possible to create modern communication systems, introduce advanced information technologies into industry, and make the Internet and mobile communications widely available. The nanoindustry has been actively developing over the past 5 years. The biotechnology sector, for all its promise and the huge potential size of new markets, has not yet received sufficient impetus for development in Russia (with the exception of biopharmaceuticals).

The global biotechnology market is estimated to reach $2 trillion in 2025. US dollars, growth rates for individual market segments range from 5-7 to 30% annually. Russia's share in the biotechnology market today is less than 0.1%, and in a number of segments (biodegradable materials, biofuels) is practically zero.

A comprehensive program for the development of biotechnology in Russia for the period until 2020 has been approved. It is being implemented in 2 stages: 2012-2015. and 2016-2020

During the first stage, it is necessary to form a system for promoting the promotion of bioindustry products to domestic and foreign markets in order to radically increase the production volumes of already produced and in demand biotechnology products. Create effective incentives for localizing the production of some biotechnological products of foreign companies in Russia. Ensure a significant increase in the volume of electricity and heat production through the massive introduction of modern bioenergy plants.

In addition, a motivated circle of industrial companies should appear in the chemical, petrochemical, agro-industrial complex and timber processing industries, capable of becoming a driving force for the introduction of new technologies.

At stage II, it is planned, in particular, to create a system of voluntary environmental certification, taking into account international experience in the application of “green” standards. To form a comprehensive interdisciplinary research and development system, deeply integrated into the international technological environment.

It is expected that as a result of the implementation of the program, the volume of consumption of biotechnological products in our country will increase by 8.3 times, and the volume of its production - by 33 times. The share of imports in the consumption of these products should be reduced by 50%.

Due to the widespread dissemination of new diagnostic methods and the practice of personalized medicine, the effectiveness of treatment should increase dramatically.

It is expected to create effective methods for eliminating pollution and preventing harmful anthropogenic impacts on the environment. The introduction of biotechnologies should help improve the country's food security.

Structure of the Comprehensive Program for the Development of Biotechnology in Russia - 2020

I. Rationale for the need to develop the Program

II. Goal and objectives of the Program

III. Key tools to support biotechnology development
1. Stimulating demand for biotechnological products
2. Promoting increased competitiveness of biotech enterprises
3. Development of education in the field of biotechnology
4. Development of science in the field of biotechnology
5. Development of an experimental production base
6. Support and development of biocollections
7. Interaction between business, science and education
8. Support for biotechnologies in the regions
9. International cooperation
10. Creation of information and analytical infrastructure for biotechnology

IV. Priorities for biotechnology development
1. Biopharmaceuticals
2. Biomedicine
3. Industrial biotechnology
4. Bioenergy
5. Agricultural biotechnology
6. Food biotechnology
7. Forest biotechnology
8. Environmental (ecological) biotechnology
9. Marine biotechnology
V. Program implementation management
1. Management and coordination bodies of the Program
2. Other participants of the Program
Basic terms used in the Program

Global trends in the development of biotechnologies and Russia’s position
1. Biopharmaceuticals
2. Biomedicine
2.1 Molecular diagnostics
2.2 Diagnostic tools for personalizing therapy
2.3 Cell and tissue engineering for therapeutic purposes
2.4 Biocompatible materials
3. Industrial biotechnology
3.1 Biopolymers
3.2 Biological products for industrial use
4. Bioenergy
5. Agricultural biotechnologies
5.1 Biotechnologies for waste treatment
5.2 Food industry
6. Biotechnologies for the forest sector
7. Marine biotechnology
8. Biological collections

Target indicators for solving the problems of the Program

Estimated funding volumes for the Program

Plan of priority activities for the implementation of the Program

Comprehensive program for the development of biotechnology in the Russian Federation for the period until 2020