Maxim Martsinkevich, nicknamed Tesak, achieved the overturning of his court sentence. The defense of Martsinkevich, nicknamed Tesak, again appealed his sentence. What is Tesak being tried for?

Illustration copyright ANTON NOVODEREZHKIN/TASS Image caption Martsinkevich is one of the most famous Russian skinheads

The sentence of the leader of the nationalist movement "Restrukt" Maxim Martsinkevich for trolling and violence against spice traders was overturned by the Moscow City Court. Tesak's case will be re-tried in the district court.

For the “Occupy-Narcophilia” operation and the book written in prison, Martsinkevich was found guilty in June 2017 of inciting hatred and enmity, robbery and hooliganism and sentenced to 10 years in a maximum security colony.

Martsinkevich and his accomplices independently detained people on the streets of Moscow who were considered drug dealers, carried out lynchings against them and posted videos of the abuse.

  • Neo-Nazi Tesak received nine years in prison

In one of the videos, Tesak hits a man with a stun gun in front of the camera. The video ends with the terrified man being doused with dye.

Without going free

Tesak, known for his ultra-nationalist views and his active propaganda on the Internet, has been convicted more than once under Article 282 of the Criminal Code (inciting hatred).

In 2005, Martsinkevich founded the ultranationalist skinhead group “Format-18” (the name encrypts the name “Adolf Hitler”: “A” is the first letter of the Latin alphabet, “N” is the eighth). In 2010, the group was recognized as extremist in Russia and banned.

Martsinkevich was first sentenced to three years in prison at the beginning of 2008 at the request of politician Alexei Navalny. A year earlier, a group of right-wing radicals led by Tesak attended a debate with Navalny at the Moscow Bilingua club, where they began chanting Nazi salutes.

In 2009, Martsinkevich received another prison sentence for inciting national hatred: as the court found, in June 2006, he and like-minded people staged the ritual execution of a “Tajik drug dealer,” a video of which he posted on the Internet.

After leaving prison, Tesak created the Occupy Pedophilia movement on the VKontakte social network and the Restrukt organization, a few members of which tried to persecute people they considered pedophiles, as well as people from Central Asian countries. Later, the Occupy-Narcophilia project appeared.

After leaving Russia, the nationalist lived in Belarus, where he was arrested for fighting. Tesak was extradited to Russia by the Cuban authorities, where he was detained for violating immigration laws.

In 2014, a Moscow district court sentenced Martsinkevich to five years in a maximum security colony for inciting ethnic hatred. In November of the same year, the Moscow City Court commuted the sentence to two years and 10 months in prison.

In November 2016, Martsinkevich was supposed to be released, but he was charged with new charges of a series of serious crimes committed under the pretext of combating drug trafficking. Tesak was also prosecuted for a book that described his previous time in prison and given a new sentence.

Sentenced the leader of the nationalist organization Restrukt and the Occupy Pedophilia movement, banned in Russia, Maxim Martsinkevich, to 10 years in a maximum security colony. “360” spoke with the convict, known as Tesak, and his lawyer about the sentence, conditions of detention and plans for the future.

Martsinkevich said that he has been in prison for five years, but does not know how much longer this can continue. Tesak is confident that his case was initially “grossly falsified”, and the judge “made many violations and mistakes.”

“I’ve been in prison for five years now, but there’s no point in counting how much time I have left. And it couldn’t have been any other way given the initial fabrication of the case, so the verdict will inevitably be overturned. In this story, if anyone has committed crimes, it is operatives, investigators, prosecutors and judges who cover up the fight against objectionable social movements in the name of the law,” Tesak said.

According to the prisoner, in his case it is pointless to talk about parole. “It is only for ordinary prisoners who can reform. How can an innocent person correct himself? - Martsinkevich was indignant.

According to Tesak, after the end of the term he will not continue to work with his organizations. “I intend to get out of this country and implement a global cultural research project,” he concluded.

Martsinkevich's lawyer Ivan spoke about the prisoner's conditions of detention. The interlocutor of “360” emphasized that Tesak feels good, “his mood is cheerful, he’s having fun.” According to the lawyer, Martsinkevich shares a cell with only one prisoner because, “apparently, [Maxim] is so dangerous that he is not locked up with anyone else.”

If you think about it for even five minutes and imagine [the conditions in which Martsinkevich is being held], it becomes creepy.” And this is not the first year that a person has been in such conditions. Naturally, only fortitude and fun allow him not to go crazy Ivanadvokat Tesaka.

Tesak is serving his sentence in the federal prison Pre-trial Detention Center-1 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, better known as “Matrosskaya Tishina”. According to the lawyer, “officials, legendary killers and participants in high-profile cases” are imprisoned there.

“Prisoners have no connection whatsoever with the outside world. Absolutely every action is based on an application-appeal to the administration. Everything is censored, even the papers that lawyers carry when meeting with their clients,” said Ivan.

The lawyer emphasized that after the verdict was passed, he and his client had already filed appeal. “A verdict was passed and an appeal was filed against it. Accordingly, it remains to be seen whether other defendants in the criminal case will do this. Well, everything depends on the judiciary,” he said.

According to Ivan, Tesak is a major media figure because of his projects. “The projects that he created were very powerful in their time. Martsinkevich became a media person. Most people remember this and recognize him,” the lawyer concluded.

Maxim Martsinkevich served a sentence several times under Article 282 of the Criminal Code - “Inciting hatred or enmity, as well as humiliation of human dignity.” In 2007, chanting fascist slogans, he disrupted a colloquium at the Bilingua club, for which he received six months in prison. In 2009, Tesak released a racist video on his blog, for which he received three years in prison.

Upon his release, Martsinkevich organized the “Occupy-Pedophilia” movement, whose participants carried out lynching of pedophiles, and Tesak himself took part in this “safari” after receiving “donations” from fans. In parallel with this, he conducted paid seminars at which he talked about life in prison and how to steal from stores “without a fiddle.” For his activities, Martsinkevich received five years in a maximum security colony, but later the term was reduced to almost three years.

In June 2017, the nationalist was sentenced to 10 years in prison as part of an investigation into an attack on drug dealers. In May 2018, the Moscow City Court overturned the sentence, but in December the Babushkinsky court sentenced Tesak to the same punishment.

Maxim Martsinkevich was born in Moscow in 1984. He graduated from the College of Architecture and Construction Arts, then studied for two years at the Moscow State Construction University and began to appear more and more often in neo-Nazi circles. Tesak’s first comrades-in-arms were Nazi skinheads from the “Russian Target” group, led by Semyon Tokmakov, nicknamed Bus, then he joined the People’s National Party of Alexander Ivanov-Sukharevsky.

In 2005, a website was launched, thanks to which the 120-kilogram neo-Nazi received his first fame - “Format-18”. It published videos with re-enactments of the “executions” of foreigners, Tesak’s own arguments about the superiority of the white race, and filming of “force actions,” that is, street attacks, the victims of which were selected according to external signs. In essence, Format-18 was a neo-Nazi informal organization with dozens of participants, but Martsinkevich himself called it a “creative association.” At the same time, he, along with like-minded people, became closely associated with the National Socialist Society of Dmitry Rumyantsev, who at that time had already managed to ruin relations with all the noticeable forces of the right flank - the Russian National Union, the Slavic Union and the Movement against Illegal Immigration (all four mentioned in the last sentence of the organization banned as extremist).

On February 28, 2007, a debate was held at the Moscow Bilingua club, moderated by Yabloko representative Alexei Navalny. Publicists Yulia Latynina and Maxim Kononenko were discussing the topic “Where are the Democrats?” when about a dozen skinheads entered the hall. The largest of them demanded to be given the floor, but Navalny refused to do so. Then Tesak’s comrades began to raise their hands in a Nazi salute and shout “Sieg Heil!” When the already turned off microphone ended up in the hands of Martsinkevich, he asked Latynina: “Why engage in politics if you are not ready to sacrifice your life? And in general, do you agree that when we kill all the liberals, life will become much better?” In response, the publicist doubted that the young man would be able to kill all the liberals.

“Nobody wanted to answer my question. Then I just started “Sieg!”, about ten people from the audience responded with a harmonious “Heil!” and so on ten times,” the neo-Nazi himself later described what happened on LiveJournal. Ten minutes later, Martsinkevich and his comrades left, missing a police squad on the way out.

Later, members of the Democratic Alternative movement - Alexei Navalny, Maria Gaidar and Oleg Kozyrev - filed a statement with the prosecutor's office. On the night of the third of July, security forces raided the apartment on Rublevskoye Highway where Tesak lived. As the magazine noted The New Times, during his arrest, Martsinkevich behaved defiantly, told the police about his love for Hitler and proposed making Alexander Lukashenko president of Russia. Later, he was charged under Part 2 of Article 282 of the Criminal Code (incitement of hatred with threat of violence) and detained for two months.

“I’ve been in prison for two months now, and I’ve slowly begun to get used to prison, which in general doesn’t make me happy, but it makes life easier. In the cell, in addition to watching TV and reading the Criminal Code, I play chess. At first, when my head was only occupied with what the investigators were going to do to me, it was impossible to play. But now, when it became clear that my situation could no longer be worsened, it became easier to play. Now we are waiting in the cell to see if Kasparov will come to us to show us a master class. This is especially likely before the elections,” Martsinkevich wrote about his first experience in a pre-trial detention center. In February 2008, he was sentenced to three years in a penal colony.

While Tesak was serving his sentence, a second sentence was passed against him. The occasion was a Format-18 video with a re-enactment of the hanging of a “Tajik drug dealer,” filmed in 2006. In the video, people in white caps pretended to hang a foreigner, cut off his leg and burn it at the stake, and one of Tesak’s associates, who calls himself “the great dragon of the Moscow region,” gives a speech in which he talks about “the influx of colored scum” and "enemies of the white race." This recording was shown in “Program Maximum” on NTV and in “A Week with Marianna Maksimovskaya” on REN-TV.

In the dock along with Martsinkevich was the “great dragon” himself, the organizer of combat training for neo-Nazis, Artem Zuev. Although the case was initiated shortly after the broadcast of the video on federal channels, it was only launched after Tesak’s first verdict was upheld in the Moscow City Court. The second verdict was announced in January 2009. Another six months in a colony were added to Martsinkevich’s sentence (under the same Article 282), and Zuev was sentenced to three years’ probation. On December 20, 2010, Format-18 was recognized by the Moscow City Court as an extremist association.

After leaving the colony, thinner and more skilled in the art of giving interviews, Tesak continued his creative activity, switching his attention from foreigners to pedophiles. His YouTube-the show “Occupy-Pedophile”, which Tesak himself called “ social project", quickly gained popularity among far-right youth. In between the capture of alleged pedophiles and “preventive conversations”, during which the neo-Nazi doused his victims with urine, Martsinkevich conducted paid seminars, telling the audience how to behave correctly in prison and steal food from stores. Tesak did not remain aloof from the “swamp” wave of protest: he tried to speak at a rally on Sakharov Avenue and get elected to the Opposition Coordination Council, however, unsuccessfully. While free, Martsinkevich managed to publish the book “Restrukt!”, in which he shared his impressions of the colony and his ideas in the field of migration policy. After some time, this book will become the reason for next term neo-Nazi.

Tesak’s activities within the framework of Occupy-Pedophilia were actively covered by REN-TV and NTV, which regularly published stories about “safari” - as Martsinkevich called the hunt for an alleged pedophile with the participation of a baited teenager - in news releases. In November 2013, employees of Center “E” and Investigative Committee investigators conducted a search in the apartment of Martsinkevich’s father as part of another case under Article 282, in which a neo-Nazi was a witness. Without waiting for a change in his procedural status, Tesak wrote on his VKontakte page that he was forced to “urgently go on vacation.” He later said that, having learned about the search in his father’s apartment, he went to Ukraine, and from there to Cuba.

“I was sure that sooner or later my activities would lead to someone attacking me, opening a case or organizing a provocation - there are so many people willing that it’s hard to find... The fact that a case was opened against me under Article 282 - quite predictable. Shouldn't he be giving me drugs? Although I thought they would try to kill me, to be honest,” Martsinkevich wrote. He connected the new criminal case with the popularity of Occupy Pedophilia and the growing activity of the far-right Restrukt movement, created on its basis: according to Tesak, shortly before the search, he completed a three-week tour of Russia, during which he opened “branches” of the association.

On December 14, the Kuntsevsky District Court of Moscow arrested Martsinkevich in absentia, after which he was put on the international wanted list. At the same time, it turned out that the new charges against him were not related to Occupy Pedophilia - the attention of investigators was drawn to videos published on YouTube- neo-Nazi channel - “Throw out the chock! Election campaign!”, “Tesak about the film “Stalingrad” and the situation in Biryulyovo” and “Tesak about the film “Okolofootball””.

In the first video, Tesak argued that Moscow’s problems will be solved when all migrants are evicted from it. Martsinkevich filmed the last two mobile phone, when I went to the cinema to see “Stalingrad” and “Okolofootball”. Standing against the background of posters in the cinema hall, he commented on the actions of the heroes; These amateur video reviews were given their originality by the author’s characteristic far-right rhetoric. Experts from the Investigative Committee saw in the videos the presence of “neo-Nazi ideology in value judgments” and “negative attitude towards Russia’s victory in the Second World War.”

“I don’t run out of money, but I don’t have enough for a ticket to Russia. I’ll live here in the mountains, eat beans and shrimp,” Martsinkevich said in an interview LifeNews. But the neo-Nazi did not remain in Cuba for long - on January 17 he was detained for staying in the country without a visa for more than 30 days, and 10 days later he was extradited to Russia. Finding himself in custody in Moscow pre-trial detention center No. 3, Tesak went on a hunger strike due to the investigator’s refusal to include in the case materials the results of an examination of three videos, carried out at the request of his defense. According to the neo-Nazi's lawyer, he stopped it only after 60 days, having lost 43 kilograms. At the same time, Tesak's third case was brought to court.

The verdict was announced in mid-August 2014. Speaking with the last word, Martsinkevich emphasized that he was engaged “not in politics, but in social work,” and refused to admit guilt. The Kuntsevsky District Court made an extremely harsh decision against the background of established practice under Article 282: it sentenced him to five years in a maximum security colony. This time, the report on the verdict was shown not only by REN-TV and NTV, but also by Channel One with Rossiya-1. “To hear the verdict in the hall of the Kuntsevsky District Court, Maxim Martsinkevich appeared with an arrogant smile. This is the third trial of a man nicknamed Tesak. By the age of 30, Martsinkevich, who calls himself not only a Nazi, but also a racist, had acquired a whole track record of dubious achievements,” one of the stories said.

In November of the same year, the Moscow City Court, having considered the defense's appeal, reduced the term of imprisonment by almost half - to two years and nine months. Speaking at this meeting about his fate, the neo-Nazi compared himself to Socrates, Galileo and Solzhenitsyn.

In June 2014, participants in “Restrukt” carried out a massacre of a native of Azerbaijan, Zair Alyshev, who died from his injuries. A criminal case was opened against the participants in the attack under Part 4 of Article 111 of the Criminal Code (intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm, negligently resulting in the death of the victim). From that moment on, the Investigative Committee became closely involved in cases against activists of the neo-Nazi movement, which were later combined into one proceeding and transferred to the Main Investigative Directorate for Moscow. At the end of June, Tesak’s supporters tried to hold an “international congress” of the movement in the concert hall of the Izmailovo hotel complex, but riot police broke into the event. In October of the same year, the Chertanovsky District Court satisfied the request of the prosecutor’s office to recognize the book “Restrukt!” extremist material.

Just two months after the verdict in the third case, Tesak became a defendant in the fourth; it was initiated not under the usual 282nd article, but under 213th (hooliganism). In March 2015, Tesak was taken from the colony for investigative actions to Moscow and imprisoned in a pre-trial detention center. At the end of January 2016, the case was transferred to the Babushkinsky District Court, but two months later it returned it to the prosecutor’s office to eliminate violations. As a result, Tesak was charged with two counts of Article 282 of the Criminal Code - for the book “Restrukt!” and the audiobook “Destruction”, as well as part 2 of Article 162 (robbery committed by a group of persons), part 2 of Article 213 of the Criminal Code (hooliganism committed by a group of persons) and part 2 of Article 35, part of Article 167 of the Criminal Code (organizing damage to property by a group of persons) for "safari" on an alleged drug dealer, captured in video“Occupy-Narcophilia No. 8.” In it, Martsinkevich and his associates catch a native of Tajikistan, Mukhtarov, who, according to their information, was selling spice, and then tear his shirt, beat him and force him to eat the plant substance found on him.

According to the decision to bring as defendants, on August 17, 2013, Martsinkevich, Knyazev, Shankin, who had not reached the age of criminal liability, and at least three more accomplices, caught Mukhtarov and began to use violence: Tesak hit the man with a stun gun, Shankin “demonstrated the metal baton he had with him for the purpose of intimidation and suppression.” After this, the document says, the Restrukt leader took 3,500 rubles and a phone from the victim’s trouser pocket. Nokia 5220 worth 3,610 rubles, then tore with his hands the company shirt the victim was wearing S.Oliver worth 4,812 rubles 50 kopecks, and Knyazev, in turn, stained Mukhtarov’s trousers Donatto costing 2012 rubles 50 kopecks with spray paint. By carrying out these actions, the resolution says, the neo-Nazis acted “out of hooligan motives,” which forms a separate element of the relevant article.

Martsinkevich himself denies the accusations. “[That is] I, having entered into a conspiracy for the purpose of profit under the guise of fighting spice, together with a group of activists from the Restrukt OD, attacked the victim Mukhtarov Kh. and took away his phone, which he valued at 1000 rubles. and 3,500 in cash. We subsequently divided the money. Oops! […] Next comes hooliganism, Art. 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Those. actions committed out of contempt for society and morality, in order to disrupt public order. […] And then comes the destruction of the shirt, v. 167 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. A trifle, only up to 5 years. I tore off several of Mukhtarov’s buttons, but he said that because of this, his shirt worth $200 (!!!) became unusable, and he threw it away :))) I never had a shirt worth $200, but he did - was. And he threw it away. And the investigation believes that the damage to the clothes was also discussed and planned. This is the final accusation: writer-gopnik-hooligan :) Postmodern!” - Martsinkevich explained the essence of the accusations on his VKontakte page.

In addition to Martsinkevich, Knyazev and Shanin, there are seven more people in the dock, accused of unrelated episodes. In early June, the state prosecution requested sentences for them: for one of the accused - three years and four months in prison, for another - five years, for two more, including 19-year-old Elizaveta Simonova - six years each; The prosecutor demanded that two more be sent to a colony for nine years, one for ten, and Martsinkevich himself for 11 and a half. “11.6 years of strict regime on charges of writing a book and selling a cheap mobile phone... This is about four times more than the average Russian gopar gets for several episodes of similar robberies,” -

Nazi Maxim Martsinkevich and his wild “Restrukt” turned violence into a cult

On Tuesday, the Babushkinsky Court of the capital began to announce the verdict of Maxim Martsinkevich, one of the most odious propagandists of National Socialism (). Known under the nickname Tesak, he managed to gain a very dubious reputation as an ultra-right public figure.

His public statements are so cynical and disgusting that we do not even dare to publish them on the pages of the newspaper, so as not to propagate fascist ideology.

This is not the first time Tesak has been tried. But this time he is not bored in the dock: his associates and like-minded people are on trial along with Martsinkevich. These are those whom Maxim lured into his so-called public organizations. MK already spoke about one active participant and at the same time a victim of police brutality - Liza Simonova - in March (material). But are the rest of the organization members so harmless? Members of the Civic Assistance Committee, who defended the victims of Tesak’s people at the trial, give their assessment of them. One of the committee employees prepared this article for MK.

There are ten of them. They haven't seen each other for a couple of weeks - since last court session. Five are sitting in the dock, five more are being led by guards in handcuffs into a cage in the courtroom, they were brought from the pre-trial detention center. Everyone looks at each other and giggles periodically. There are grins on their faces that can often be seen in the company of teenagers: they say, we are connected by one secret, the rest do not understand anything. These smiles are creepy, especially when they appear on the faces of those behind bars.

All these guys and girls are members of the “Narcophilia” unit of the “Restrukt” group - an informal international social movement(also valid in Ukraine). The official website of the organization is blocked, but it is known that the activists claimed: their main goal is to interfere with the processes (both social and political) “that lead to the degradation of the Russian nation.” Within the framework of “Restrukt” there were several divisions, in particular “Occupy pedophilia”, “Narcophilia”, “Alkophilia”, “Evict”.

As the names suggest, the specialization of the “fight” against degradation was narrowly focused. The methods are approximately the same. Members of the group found on the Internet those suspected of pedophilia or, for example, selling drugs, and “dealt with” them. How they sorted it out is clear from numerous videos on the Internet, discussions of the raids on social networks (that’s what the young people called their actions) and pictures from the group’s public pages. In one of the videos on the Internet, the leader of Restrukt, Maxim Martsinkevich, gives a “lecture on catching pedophiles” (the definition of “pedophiles” also included people of unconventional orientation). The sixth point in the raid plan is “Violence”.

Against drugs - for violence

The young people in the dock of the Babushkinsky court were participants in the project “to combat drug trafficking,” that is, “Drugophilia.” This branch of “Restrukt” is responsible for the death of a citizen of Azerbaijan and the beating of a citizen of Uzbekistan to the point of disability. In total, according to investigators, at least eight people suffered at the hands and feet of members of the “Narcophile”.

Law enforcement agencies drew attention to the activities of this Restrukt unit in the summer of 2014, after the cousin of the deceased, Zaur Alyshev, contacted the police. A relative of the Azerbaijani said that the young people called Zaur and, under a plausible pretext, agreed to meet. It is unknown where the phone number was found (at trial, the young people claimed that it was on a website with information about the sale of drugs). Having met Alyshev on Snezhnaya Street in Moscow, four members of Restrukt began to mock the foreigner. They handcuffed him, forced him to his knees, and forced him to “apologize” allegedly for selling prohibited smoking mixtures (spice). They filmed all this on camera. Afterwards, the “Timurovites” began to beat Alyshev, hitting him on the head, back, arms and legs. The screams attracted the attention of law enforcement officers, members of Restrukt interrupted the execution, and Zaur was taken to the police station to testify.

When Alyshev left the police department, the same young people were already waiting for him on the street. They decided to finish off the man. Continuing the abuse, one of the members of “Restrukt” grabbed Zaur and threw him forcefully onto the asphalt, while the others beat him with their hands and feet. Zaur Alyshev later died from the blows he received in the hospital.

The Azerbaijani citizen still had a disabled mother in his homeland, whom he helped with money, and in Moscow he had a son and wife, citizens of Russia. Evidence that Alyshev was selling drugs was never found.

10 days after beating Alyshev, members of Restrukt committed another crime. The young people arrived at the Sokol metro station, where their planned “public control action” was to begin. Initially there were seven of them, three of whom took part in the torn apart of Alyshev. Later, two, including the organizer of the raid, left, leaving Andrei Makarov in charge.

The choice fell on a man of Asian appearance - it was Alexander Lee, a citizen of Uzbekistan, of Korean origin, who worked for many years in the capital as a cook in an elite catering network. Makarov threw out a rallying cry and ran towards Lee. The others followed suit. Alexander tried to escape: he flew onto Leningradsky Prospekt under the wheels of cars, then rushed to the Sokol metro station. Members of Restrukt caught up with him and started beating him. They sprayed tear gas in Lee's face, knocked him to the ground and began beating him. One of the attackers had a telescopic baton. The blows fell on the lower back and legs. Finally, members of Restrukt also took the victim’s money and phone.

Now, three years later, Alexander continues treatment, trying to regain the ability to walk. He has already had four operations. “I still remember how a bunch of people are running shouting “catch up, kill,” someone shouting “I’ll kill you.” They jumped on my back after hitting my spine. I was already lying on the ground, paralyzed. My legs and right arm didn’t work; I covered my head with my left hand. I have never seen such cruel people. These are non-humans,” Lee recalls.

In court, Alexander Lee and his cousin Zaur Alyshev are represented by lawyer Mikhail Kushpel. In addition to a fair punishment, he is seeking payment of moral compensation to the family of Alyshev and Lee.

One of the attackers on Alexander Lee, Stanislav Kotlovsky, claims that he did not understand what he was doing: “I hit him in the right thigh, I did not hit him in the back. But Makarov was jumping on his back. In general, all this happened because Makarov thought that this was a security guard for a drug dealer, and because of this it was his (Makarov. - D.M.) preference to catch up with him, I had no intention of taking money and beating him. I didn’t go into the movement for this. I didn’t know what I was doing, I was underage. Pressure was put on me to detain, and then I no longer understood what was happening.”

Kids with brass knuckles

It’s no longer scary to “blame” Makarov on other members of “Restrukt”: Andrei was sentenced to 6 years in prison. His accomplice Kirill Filatov also went to prison for 6 years. The remaining cases are still being considered. Each one goes through a separate or separate episodes. A criminal case has been opened against someone under the article “Hooliganism”, against others - “Robbery”, “Robbery”, “Causing grievous bodily harm”.

The leader of the Tesak organization does not succeed in attacks on Lee and Alyshev. By the way, after Alyshev’s death, he called his like-minded people who participated in the beating of an Azerbaijani citizen “degenerates.” Tesak is accused of robbery, hooliganism, intentional destruction of property and extremism. The latest accusation is related to a book written by Martsinkevich called “Restruct”. In this kind of charter of the organization, the Nazi spoke about three years of his life in prison, in which he ended up for “inciting hatred or enmity” (in total, Tesak was prosecuted three times: in 2008, 2009 and 2014. And three times - under the article “Inciting hatred or enmity, as well as humiliation of human dignity”). In 2014, the book was declared extremist.

Tesak always openly expressed his racist views. Thus, in journalist Ross Kemp’s 2007 film about Russian neo-Nazis, Maxim Martsinkevich says: “With... (cut out by censorship. - D.M.) we have various skirmishes, we need to hunt them, otherwise they destroy the useful population, if you kill one, a thousand will not come, they will think.”

The leader of Restrukt clearly managed to infect many followers with this “ideology.” Thus, Roman Maksimov, an activist in the Novosibirsk branch of the organization, said that he was close to the concept of the group, especially the concept of “To each his own,” which lies at its basis. Jedem das Seine is an inscription at the entrance to one of the most terrible concentration camps in Germany - Buchenwald.

According to one of the lawyers, the trial of members of Occupy-Narkofiliay began because activists began to pose a threat to major players in the spice market. The lawyer is silent about the fact that the “children” used knives, metal batons, brass knuckles, stun guns and gas canisters during their lynching.

"I raised a patriot"

And the accused themselves, and their parents, and teachers say: “my son did not know that members of Restrukt were using physical force,” “he went along with it,” “I was raising a patriot.” Perhaps this is true. Only, unfortunately, with good intentions, modern “Timurovites”, alas, paved their way to prison. In which, of course, they were helped by unscrupulous and already very experienced leaders. Not only did they not explain that beating people (even drug dealers) is illegal, but they even encouraged young activists to commit crimes.

Out of ten young people, only two admitted their guilt: Georgy Keteni, who participated in only one Restrukt raid and whose mother convinced the court that her son had no idea what was actually happening during the group’s visits to the city. And the second is Kotlovsky, who beat Lee. During the debate, the prosecutor asked them for 3.4 years and 7 years general regime respectively. The longest sentence was asked for Martsinkevich - 11.6 years of strict regime. For Alexander Shankin, whose status on social networks says “Continuer of the good old violent traditions,” the prosecutor asked for 9 years.

At the time of going to press this issue, the sentencing was still ongoing. It was known that Martsinkevich was found guilty, and the case of Alexander Shankin, by decision of the court, was separated into separate proceedings and returned to the prosecutor's office to correct the violations committed in the indictment.

Perhaps the verdict will serve as a lesson for some of the defendants who are already adults (some were under 18 at the time of the attacks). The lawyers, by the way, asked the court to take into account the public benefit that the young people allegedly brought to society. But under no circumstances can killing a person benefit society. Even if it was done, as the accused believe, “with the best intentions.”


Maxim Martsinkevich are charged with assault on a citizen of Uzbekistan, theft of personal belongings of those who were subjected to lynching during Restrukt raids with the participation of Martsinkevich, as well as writing an extremist text.

Lisa Simonova are charged with participation in the attack on Chechen citizen Atuev and Gavrilov, who was selling spice. In both episodes, the evidence was collected with gross violations (“MK” talked about this). Mikhail Shalankevich is also charged with the episode with Atuev.

Georgy Keptenin And Stanislav Kotlovsky are accused of robbery and intentional bodily harm against Alexander Lee.

Alexander Shankin is based on the facts of attacks on Alyshev, Gavrilov, Atuev, Ligai, Dorofeev, Moskovaya.

Evdokim Knyazev goes through the attacks on Mukhtarov, Moskovaya, Ligai.

Vasily Lapshin Dorofeev is charged with robbery.

Romana Maksimova accused of robbery, hooliganism and causing property damage against Ligai.

Maxim Martsinkevich, nicknamed Tesak, received an impressive sentence for attacking a spice dealer. The defense believes that the verdict was based on assumptions, and the convict’s alibi was actually ignored

The announcement of the verdict to Maxim Martsinkevich in the Babushkinsky District Court. Photo: Sergey Kiselev/AGN “Moscow”

On December 29, the Babushkinsky Court of Moscow sentenced Maxim Martsinkevich, known as Tesak, to ten years in prison. The leader of the nationalist movement “Restrukt” (the book of the same name is banned) was found guilty of assault on a spice dealer and hooliganism.

Five of his supporters were sentenced to terms ranging from two years and 11 months to 9.5 years in prison. The defense considers the nationalist's case to be fabricated and intends to appeal the verdict.

This was a repeat trial of Tesak: on July 27, 2017, the Babushkinsky court sentenced Martsinkevich to a similar term, and nine of his followers received sentences ranging from three years and four months to ten years. However, the verdict did not “stand” on appeal: in May 2018, the Moscow City Court overturned it and.

For the second time, in addition to Maxim Martsinkevich, five members of the informal association “Occupy-Narcophilia”, which he created, were put on trial: Evdokim Knyazev, Alexander Shankin, Elizaveta Simonova, Mikhail Shalankevich and Dmitry Sheldyashov. According to investigators, in 2013-2014 they carried out several attacks on sellers of prohibited smoking mixtures, the so-called spice, by pretending to purchase the potion from them. During one of these attacks in June 2014, Azerbaijani citizen Zaur Alyshev was killed. In this regard, Dmitry Sheldyashov was charged with Part 4 of Art. 111 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm resulting in death through negligence).

Martsinkevich himself was charged with one episode. According to the prosecution, on August 17, 2013, he, together with Shankin and Knyazev, attacked spice dealer Khamidullo Mukhtarov in the area of ​​the Belorussky railway station. Anti-drug fighters beat him, forced him to eat a smoking mixture, doused him with paint and handed him over to the police. The investigation qualified these actions under the articles “hooliganism” and “robbery” (part 2 of article 162 of the Criminal Code and part 2 of article 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Tesak's alibi

Martsinkevich denied his guilt. His defender Vladimir Krasnov, who was the answer to Ural Airlines. It followed from it that Tesak could not participate in the attack on the indicated day, since at that time he was vacationing with several friends on Lake Baikal: on August 11, 2013, Martsinkevich flew from Moscow to Ulan-Ude and returned only on August 19.

The lawyer argued that in order to charge Martsinkevich with robbery and hooliganism, it was necessary to prove that he had direct intent. He called the prosecutors’ arguments that Tesak acted based on selfish goals and hooligan motives “sweeping.” “Witnesses spoke in court who said that Martsinkevich earned decently, up to 10 thousand dollars a month, and it made no sense for him to attack some person in order to steal one and a half thousand rubles and an old phone from him,” Business commented FM prosecution defense attorney.

Krasnov added that no one denied the fact of Mukhtarov’s detention. However, Martsinkevich did not participate in it, and this obviously happened on a different day. In addition, the defense insisted that Mukhtarov was caught red-handed while committing a crime - the illegal sale of prohibited smoking mixtures. Causing harm to a person who has committed a crime during his arrest in accordance with Article 38 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is not a crime.

According to the defense lawyer, all of Mukhtarov’s actions indicated that he acted illegally. “He brought the “clients” not smoking mixtures for hookahs, as he said, but spices. “All this was filmed and happened like in a spy movie,” the lawyer said. According to him, the defense presented the court with real hookah tobacco, packaged in colorful boxes. It was 250 times cheaper than what Khamidullo Mukhtarov was selling.

Another detainee

When Occupy-Narcophilia members caught spice dealers with live bait, they took them to the police every time. The lawyer notes that on August 17, 2013, Knyazev and Shankin were indeed detained and helped deliver the drug dealer to the Begovoy police station. Only it was not Mukhtarov, but a certain Medzhidov, whose name was recorded in the police log.

Krasnov is convinced that the case against the nationalist was fabricated. “Law enforcement officers needed to imprison Martsinkevich and give him a serious hard time, because the extremist cases for which he was previously tried ended in short sentences,” the lawyer noted.

However, the court did not accept these arguments and considered the guilt of Martsinkevich and other defendants proven. The court sent Tesak to a maximum security colony for ten years; a minimum sentence of two years and 11 months in a general security colony was assigned to Elizaveta Simonova. Mikhail Shalankevich was sentenced to six years, Evdokim Knyazev to eight, and Alexander Shankin to nine years of imprisonment in a general regime colony. Dmitry Sheldyashov will have to serve nine years and six months in a maximum security colony.

Since Mikhail Shalankevich served his sentence during the investigation and trial (one day in the pre-trial detention center was counted as one and a half days), he was released after the verdict was announced. Also, according to the court verdict, Sheldyashov and Shankin will have to compensate moral damages to the father of the deceased Zaur Alyshev - 500 thousand and 100 thousand rubles, respectively.

The victim Mukhtarov also managed to obtain compensation from his offenders. Thus, the court ordered Martsinkevich and Knyazev to pay him a little more than 7 thousand rubles for the missing phone and damaged things and another 30 thousand for moral damage in joint and several proceedings.

Vladimir Krasnov stated that he considers the verdict illegal and intends to appeal it. In his opinion, the court showed corporate solidarity with the prosecution. “If an acquittal had been made, the prosecution would have suffered a serious reputational blow,” the defense lawyer said. According to him, the court unreasonably dismissed Martsinkevich’s alibi, basing its conclusions on assumptions.

Maxim Martsinkevich is known as an activist of ultra-radical right-wing organizations, the leader of the “skinhead” association “Format-18” (recognized as extremist and banned). He is also the creator of the “Occupy-pedophilia” and “Occupy-narcophile” movements, whose participants caught live bait in social networks pedophiles and drug dealers (mainly sellers of so-called smoking mixtures - spice).

Before this case, Martsinkevich was convicted three times for extremism. In 2008, he was sentenced to three years in prison for disrupting a political debate involving Alexei Navalny at the Bilingua club by shouting Nazi slogans. In 2009, he received a criminal record for posting a video on the Internet of a mock execution of a “Tajik drug dealer.”

Based on the totality of the two sentences, Tesak received 3.5 years in prison. He was released in 2011, and when another case was opened against him, he fled to Cuba, from where he was deported in 2014. On August 15, 2014, the Kuntsevo court of the capital imprisoned him for posting two extremist videos on his VKontakte page. Later, the Moscow City Court sentenced him to two years and ten months in prison.