What does the name Galina mean according to the church calendar? Galina. Meaning of the name Galina. History of the name. Compatibility of names Galina. Love, marriage, family

Translation of the ancient Greek word "galene" from which it comes female name- calmness, serenity. But, oddly enough, the meaning of the name Galina little corresponds to these concepts. Rather, we can highlight in this woman such qualities as activity, perseverance and high excitability.

As a child, Galochka does not cause her parents much trouble. She is playful, a little reserved, and very rarely stubborn, but if she wants something, she will achieve the desired goal by hook or by crook.

The meaning of the name Galina for a girl implies incredible love for all living things. And more than once parents will have to face in their own home street kittens, dogs, pigeons, and even mice, which caring Galinka wants to take under her wing.

This little girl is a creatively gifted person, therefore, when choosing the meaning of the name Galina for a child, parents need to create an environment in the house that will help make all her fantasies come true. She loves to draw, knit, sew - in general, to create, and if her feeling of creative “hunger” is not satisfied, she can completely wither away. Creative activity in Gali's life has great value.

The interpretation of the baby’s name is that she prefers to be in male company, and from an early age all her courtyard bosom friends are boys. And most importantly, the boys enjoy communicating with her - he is their “on board” for them, and any game is possible only with her participation.


Young Galya begins to take care of her appearance early. This means she has a sophisticated sense of style that goes well with her attractive appearance. Therefore, there are more than enough potential partners around her, so she always has a choice. And often, she is guided not by feelings, but by profit.

She chooses the most promising suitor as her chosen one - she attaches special importance to independence and prestige. In order for Galya to feel good next to him, he needs to remember to tell her that she is the best, and constantly prove his love with the help of gifts and public compliments.

Galya is naturally very sexy and temperamental, and it is very important for the other half to develop these qualities in her, constantly come up with new entertainment and experiment. Without such an approach, a girl can simply withdraw, and there will be no trace left of the previous, overflowing energy.


Family life for Galya is a constant path to perfection. This means that she will be an excellent housewife and will quickly learn all the wisdom of everyday life, but on the condition that constant support comes from her husband. The whip method will not work here at all, she needs to be encouraged, praised, turned a blind eye to minor mistakes, and then she will gladly take on the role of a magnificent wife.

This girl loves children very much, and is ready to do anything for her little ones, just to make them happy. At the same time, she attaches great importance to the upbringing and development of her children, and she will make every effort to ensure that the children grow up to be good people.

Business and career

Choosing a field of activity for Galina is the biggest problem. Usually, what she likes is not available, which means she enters a university for a company, or for some prestigious profession. Therefore, after unlearning, she often works through force, and after a short time she gets tired and changes her job to one that is closer in nature.

Her intelligence is very high, and therefore she quickly earns the respect of her colleagues and superiors. But sometimes congenital laziness can play a cruel joke on her. After working hard for some time, she can simply give up all efforts and take a vacation, which will have a detrimental effect on her career.

Due to her high creative potential, all professions related to art are suitable for her. Actress, artist, poetess, writer - these are the professions that will suit her most.

Origin of the name Galina

There are three theories that discuss the origin of the name Galina. According to the first, and most likely the most reliable, it came from ancient Greece, where Galena was called the Nereid, who brought calm to the seas and oceans.

According to the second theory, the area where this name originated is ancient Western cultures, where its etymology originated from the word “Gally”, which translates as hen or chick. And according to ancient calendars, it is generally translated as “kitty”.

History has preserved the story of the holy martyr Galina of Corinth, whose name was remembered by the Christian people as the personification of the true faith. This martyr, along with her followers, died at the hands of the pagans. But the mystery of her name was as great as her faith was, and therefore, at the site of the death of the martyrs, a source of healing water arose of its own accord.

Characteristics of the name Galina

The main characteristic of the name Galina is the tenacity with which she goes through life, achieving, sometimes with difficulty, her goals. Her character cannot be called simple; even for the closest people she will remain a mystery, since she keeps a lot to herself.

Like everyone else, in her personal qualities there are both pros and cons. She has clearly formed beliefs on any issue, which, on the one hand, makes her purposeful in the eyes of other people, and on the other hand, such firmness sometimes interferes with normal communication; Gala really lacks flexibility and tolerance.

She does a lot for her own benefit, but she will never leave a loved one in trouble; she attaches great importance to family feelings and love. She may be vindictive, but she will never take revenge on the offender, since she considers it base to stoop to his level.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone – Garnet
  • Name days - March 23, April 29.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Aries

Famous people

  • Galina Bob - Russian theater and film actress.
  • Galina Polskikh is a famous Russian and Soviet actress.
  • Galina Danilova is a Russian actress.

In different languages

The translation of the name Galina from ancient Greek means calm, silence. That was the name of the Nereid, the patroness of calm in the ocean. This name is currently not very common, and is extremely rare in European countries.

Therefore, talking about how it is translated into other languages ​​is only possible for neighboring countries - Ukraine, Belarus and others. The translation of this word almost always coincides with the Russian sound, only in Polish there is a difference in the first letter, where “G” is replaced by “X” - Halina.

In Chinese, the name Galina will sound like “Jialina”, and using hieroglyphs it is written 加莉娜. And in Japanese it will mean “clarity”, and is written as 透明 - Tomei. And transcribed, using the katakana alphabet, it is written ガリナ, and the sound is “Garina”.

Name forms

  • Full name: Galina.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Galka, Galinka, Galochka, Galchonok, Galechka, Galya, Gasya, Lina, Gala.
  • Declension of the name - Galina, Galina.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Galina.

If you looked here, it means you want to learn more about the meaning of the name Galina.

What does the name Galina mean?

The name Galina means silence (Greek)

The meaning of the name Galina is character and destiny

A woman named Galina is active and energetic by nature; she can get a lot done if she plans her day correctly. She is one of the real hard workers. Galina succeeds everywhere: at work, in the garden, in entertainment - and at the same time remains attractive and charming. If necessary, she is collected and decisive. Gets along better with men. Does not tolerate intrigue and gossip, she selects friends with a similar character. For a woman named Galina, both family and career are equally important. But if Galina is faced with a choice, she will try to win the right to do what she loves. She is calculating, clearly knows what she wants and how to achieve it. He sees his own interest in every new acquaintance, keeps useless friends at a distance, and is emphatically cold, dated, and polite with them. However, she is able to easily resume relationships with people who are useful to her, and quickly recalls who can help her and how. Galina's mood is too changeable, so her attitude towards others is also different. She is surrounded by many fans and knows how to use their services. A woman named Galina chooses the most handsome, thrifty and flexible man as her husband. The husband must unquestioningly recognize her authority and superiority. In the family, this woman is the undisputed leader. Living with Galina is not easy; often her first marriage ends in divorce. Galina knows a lot about housekeeping: she is economical, thrifty, and thrifty. She goes shopping herself and knows how to bargain. She never complains that no one helps her, she relies only on herself. She loves to tinker in the soil; her garden plot always yields a rich harvest. A woman named Galina loves to receive guests; she sets the table in a matter of minutes. In everyday life it is simple, open to everyone. She has many friends, and she treats everyone equally well. Her house is rarely empty. Friends can easily stop by for a cup of coffee. However, Galina does not talk about secrets even with close friends, she is secretive, experiences troubles alone, and does not like to bother others with her problems. “December” Galina is quick-tempered, starts up at half a turn and over trifles, but quickly cools down and does not remember petty insults. A woman named Galina is more likely to have sons.

Meaning of the name Galina for sex

Galina lives the dream of great love and sizzling passion, she is an idealist, thirsting for loyalty and selfless devotion. She comes up with an ideal lover for herself, who is often very far from the real man next to her. This does not allow a woman named Galina to live a full-blooded intimate life. Galina is freedom-loving, independent, unpredictable - she can suddenly, without reason, break off a relationship with a man; her sexual behavior is characterized by the same extremes. The purpose of sex for Galina is procreation. Stormy, passionate hobbies, love fever are not her element. She evokes strong sexual emotions in her partners, but rarely responds to them in kind. With intimate intimacy, a woman named Galina rewards a man for tenderness and warm relationships.

The character and fate of the name Galina, taking into account the patronymic

First name Galina and patronymic....

Galina Alekseevna, Andreevna, Artemovna, Valentinovna, Vasilievna, Viktorovna, Vitalievna, Vladimirovna, Evgenievna, Ivanovna, Ilyinichna, Mikhailovna, Nikitichna, Petrovna, Sergeevna, Fedorovna, Yuryevna She is responsive, but she cannot be called unselfish. She is modest, this prevents her from realizing her potential. She loves money, is prudent and thrifty, in some cases even stingy. She is very excitable, but does not lose her composure. Has a clear mind and strong will. In relationships with men she is quite restrained, and mainly because she is not capable of violent attraction, reason never leaves her. She chooses as her husband a wealthy man with a calm character, who will not demand an account from her about spending money, and will allow her to be a full-fledged mistress of the house. However, Galina does not like to do housework too much; she often cooks at a quick fix, she is more attracted to her favorite job. She cannot live without communication.

First name Galina and patronymic....

Galina Aleksandrovna, Arkadyevna, Borisovna, Vadimovna, Grigorievna, Kirillovna, Maksimovna, Matveevna, Pavlovna, Romanovna, Tarasovna, Timofeevna, Timurovna, Eduardovna, Yakovlevna very stubborn, selfish. She is suspicious and believes in fortune telling. Her life is not very happy. She is self-confident, ambitious, and difficult to communicate with. She cannot find a common language with everyone, she is too demanding of others. She takes failures hard, believing that fate is unfair to her. He remembers insults for a long time and does not know how to forgive. Doesn't tolerate criticism. She is the leader in the family and will not allow her husband to make comments to her. She gets married early, but the first marriage is not always successful. There is conflict in the family, a quarrel can start over any reason. Children get the most.

First name Galina and patronymic....

Galina Bogdanovna, Vyacheslavovna, Gennadievna, Georgievna, Danilovna, Egorovna, Konstantinovna, Svyatoslavovna, Yanovna, Yaroslavovna modest and good-natured, very responsive. She is able to understand everyone, people reach out to her for advice or sympathy. She is unpretentious in everyday life, easily adapts to any circumstances, and is completely undemanding. Can be content with little. She knows how to please men, is a good housewife, loves to cook, and is very hospitable. Such Galina marries a man older than her, with a position in society. Ready to make any sacrifice to save the family. Divorce is very rare for her. She is a wonderful actress, not too sexy, but she knows how to create the appearance of a passionately loving wife. He sees a very clear goal in sex - procreation, and loves children very much.

First name Galina and patronymic....

Galina Antonovna, Arturovna, Valerievna, Germanovna, Glebovna, Denisovna, Igorevna, Iosifovna, Leonidovna, Lvovna, Mironovna, Olegovna, Ruslanovna, Semyonovna, Filippovna, Emmanuilovna freedom-loving, independent, stubborn and determined. Unpredictable in actions. She has a creative nature and has been passionate about what she loves all her life. He has many fans, but he chooses a friend of his heart long and carefully. She is sociable, enjoys spending evenings with interesting people, but finds a common language easier with men. She can turn anyone's head, but deep down she dreams of fidelity, devotion, passionate love. She searches for her ideal for a long time, but more often she marries for convenience.

First name Galina and patronymic....

Galina Alanovna, Albertovna, Anatolyevna, Veniaminovna, Dmitrievna, Nikolaevna, Robertovna, Rostislavovna, Rubenovna, Stanislavovna, Stepanovna has a masculine character, stubborn, persistent and decisive. Does not tolerate objections, argues to the last strength. She accepts courtship with pleasure, but few people allow her to cross the boundaries she sets. Selfish, calculating and practical, emotional and conflict-ridden. It is difficult to get along with “winter” people. He imposes his views on others, bothers him with various plans and plans. Powerful, strives for leadership. In family relationships, she will never allow her spouse to be the head of the family. The first marriage is most often unsuccessful, which makes her cautious and distrustful towards men. In sexual relationships, he shows incredible energy and determination, tries to satisfy his needs and has little interest in the condition of his partner. She is attracted to sexually strong men. Galina knows how to arouse passion in them, but rarely responds in kind. Only an unusually gentle, affectionate and patient person can hope for her leniency. Galina gives birth to children of different sexes with such middle names.

Numerology of the name Galina

It is too late for an armed man to regret the war.

The meaning of the name Galina is “silence” (Greek).

Memorial Days: 11.02, 23.03, 29.04.

Personality. Woman warrior or wire frame.

Characteristics of the name Galina by letter:

G - half-cross, fussiness, fussiness;

A - hard work;

L - the need for affection, harmony, love;

And - love for art, creativity;

N - selectivity of sympathies;

A - repeat.

What does the name Galina mean in numerology:

GALINA = 414161 = 8 (Uranus).

The goal of a person’s life with the name Galina is set by Uranus, the planet of choice, innovation, freedom, unpredictability, and reform.

What does the name Galina mean in astrology:

4-1 (Mercury - Sun) - developed intelligence, self-improvement, self-realization, desire for creativity;

1-4, 4-1 (Sun - Mercury, Mercury - Sun) - strengthening of the aspect, additionally - clarity of mind, sociability, diplomacy;

1-6, 6-1 (Sun - Venus, Venus - Sun) - optimism, strong feelings, passions, but also whims, manias, phobias, extravagance;

8-1 (Uranus - Sun) - turbulent life, changeable fate, originality, the ability to use a happy occasion. Women have early marriage.

Karmic lessons named after Galina:

4 (Mercury); 2 (Moon); 3 (Mars); 5 (Jupiter).

Characteristics of the name Galina, taking into account the analysis

Lack of methodology, which is very dangerous with such energy, inability to implement data due to superficial judgments. The ability to use a lucky chance somewhat corrects inappropriate situations. Rich intuition allows you to work in the field of the occult and magic. Galina is successful in business, creativity, art, she achieves power, wealth, and happiness.

Scatteredness sometimes does not allow her to reach the heights of perfection. Her interests are diverse, but she can devote herself entirely to religion and philosophy, sacrificing many visible values. She is temperate, careful in detail; her activities are multifaceted. Marriage is often one of convenience, but a true one.

There are no problems with fans. But out of many of them, she chooses the most beautiful, the smartest, the very best... Her men often obey and submit to her. The names of men suitable for her, taking into account the meaning of the name: George, Gabriel, Leonid, Nikolai, Elijah.

Name meaning: Translated from Greek language, Galina means “quiet”, “calm”, “serene”, “sea surface”. Translated from Spanish translated as “hen”, “chicken”.

Origin of the name: Galina is a Greek name that in ancient Greek mythology is compared to the goddess Galena, who was responsible for calm weather at sea. The patron saint of the name is the holy martyr Galina, who was executed in 258. At the place where the martyr Galina was killed, a clean spring appeared with transparent and cold water. This name is quite common and is one of the top five female names.
Other forms: Galya, Galka, Galinka, Glyuka, Gala, Galyunya, Galyukha, Galusha, Ganna, Tasya, Gulya, Galka, Glyuka.

February – 23rd;

March – 23rd;

April – 29th.

Characteristics of the name

The secret of the name Galina endows its owner with such qualities as poise, categoricalness, and responsibility. Women with this name are calm and strive to live every minute of their lives with dignity and correctly.

As a child, Galina grows up as an obedient child, she studies well and pleases her parents with good grades. Likes to dress up and spend a lot of time in front of the mirror, prefers to be friends only with boys. At a young age she loves to read books, especially she is attracted to fantastic stories, novels, and travel stories. She is very active, loves hiking, and attends various clubs.

Adult Galina is also very active, always manages to do everything, and loves to be the center of attention. He carries out all tasks with great responsibility and brings them to the end. Galina loves noisy companies, she is very responsible, friendly and persistent. She has many friends whom she is always ready to help. Before making decisions, she will think through her every future step several dozen times.

Character of the name

Women named Galina are very independent, she is not very interested in the opinions of other people. She is independent but has a calm disposition. He will listen to the advice of other people, but will do it as he sees fit; because of this, conflicts often arise. Likes to confront people with facts. Galina considers herself an independent and independent woman who has the right to solve her problems herself. She is kind and hardworking, has many friends, honest and responsible.

“Winter” - responsible, independent;

“Autumn” - friendly, hardworking;

“Summer” - calm, reasonable;

Fate of the name

As a child, Galina does not cause problems for her parents; she is calm, but at the same time very curious and active, loves to read and play various games. Galina is a creative person, enjoys drawing, and loves to walk in the park or playground. In the future she dreams of being a singer or dancer. Regardless of what Galina does, she does it for self-affirmation.

Galina is quite attractive, has many fans, has good taste, and loves to experiment with her appearance. Galina has an excellent memory and a great interest in life, she believes that she is capable of moving mountains and achieving the success she needs. Galina is that rare type of woman who is always open to others, she loves to hold in difficult times, always believes in herself and accepts defeats with dignity.

Adult Galya loves to be the center of attention; she has well-developed intuition and high intelligence. Women with this name are a little calculating; they always think through their plans ahead. They like to communicate with people for profit, but at the same time they are interesting to the interlocutor, have an analytical mind, are kind and sensitive. Galina's mood can change quickly, but this does not in any way affect her relationships with friends or loved ones.

When choosing a profession, Galina prefers to work with people. She'll make it good teacher, speaker, health worker, manager. She takes her profession responsibly, you can entrust her with important tasks and you can be sure that Galya will not let you down.

In relationships with men, she is picky, looking for the only one who can hold her in difficult times. Gala likes strong men with a good sense of humor, and he must be responsible and honest. Galina always takes care of her family, she is a wonderful housewife, loving mother and wife.

As a child, Galya often suffered from infectious diseases and colds. Adult Gala should take care of nervous system, avoid stress and excessive physical activity.

Positive traits of the name

Galina is a kind and confident woman, she is cheerful and gifted, she loves to surprise people and be the center of attention. Women with this name love life very much, they are active and hardworking, they always strive to do good deeds, but they also do not forget about their well-being.

Negative traits of the name

By nature, Galina is proud, a little shy, domineering and demanding both of herself and her loved ones. Such women always strive to show their independence and authority.

Name compatibility Galina

Galina will have a successful marriage with Alexey, Andrey, Victor, Georgy, Maxim, Mikhail. Difficult relationships are most likely expected with Valery, Vasily, Vyacheslav, Grigory, Kirill, Leonid, Peter.

The name given to a baby at birth not only determines the character of its owner, but can also significantly influence his fate and the attitude of other people towards him. That is why if a person is fatally unlucky, most magicians advise him to change his name. Nowadays, girls are rarely called Galina. However, just recently this name was among the ten most popular. What does it mean? Will the girl whose parents named her with this affectionate name, babbling like a brook, be happy?

Origin of the name Galina

The origin of the name takes us to distant Ancient Greece, where, according to legend, the Nereid Galene existed, born from the oceanid Doris to the sea elder Nereus. Outwardly, she looked like a mermaid. And maybe that’s why it was her responsibility to ensure that there were no disturbances at sea. Sometimes Galene was called “sea surface”, “serenity”.

There is another version of the appearance of the name Galina, according to which it comes from the Italian word “gallina”, which translated into Russian sounds like “chicken”, “little hen”.

In Rus', the name Galina, like most other names of ancient Greek origin, appeared after the adoption of Christianity.

Galya, Galechka, Galusya

Forms of the name Galina:

  • shortened version: Galya, Gala, Ganya;
  • diminutive form: Galyusya, Galechka, Galinka, Galyunya, Galyusha, Galinochka;
  • related names: Alina, Lina, Alevtina (Alya), Angelina.

Gallery: variations of the name Galina

Currently, the name Galina is considered rare Galya is the most common shortened form of the name Galina The name Galina is characteristic of a calm and self-confident girl

Galina's name day according to the Orthodox calendar

IN Orthodox faith the name Galina remains unchanged. The girl is baptized in the same way as she was named at birth. The patron saint of the name is Galina of Corinth, a martyr who died with her brothers for the true faith in Christ in 258. According to historians, there is now a healing spring at the site of their death. The date of commemoration of the saint, and accordingly the Day of the Angel Galina, is celebrated on March 23.

Table: the name Galina in different languages ​​of the world

Name transliteration

Name Galina for a bank card or passport: Galina

The owner of the name Galina is a real hard worker who always achieves her goal

What middle name does the name Galina harmonize with?

When choosing a name for a child, parents should think about how well it will combine with the middle name. The most suitable names for the name Galina are: Alexandrovna, Anatolyevna, Andreevna, Valerievna, Viktorovna, Vladislavovna, Georgievna, Mikhailovna, Sergeevna, Yuryevna, Yakovlevna.

Nickname for social networks

  • little mermaid
  • goddess of the seas;
  • exciting;
  • fluffy kitten;
  • affectionate vixen;
  • SladkaI;
  • white gold.

The influence of a name on a person’s destiny

The theory that a person’s name is interconnected with his fate is also supported by modern scientists. An example of this is Boris Khiger, a psychology professor who, knowing only his first and patronymic, could tell not only about the character, but also about how this person’s life turned out.

Pavel Florensky studied for a long time the question of the relationship between a person’s name and character and concluded that there is a secret and inexplicable harmony between a person’s name and the events of his life. In his works, the scientist analyzes historical facts, compares the character of people from different eras with the same name, and proves the correctness of his theory.

Pierre Rouget, a French theologian who published the book “The Influence of a Name on Human Life,” also mentioned the spiritual essence of names. In his works, he claims that each letter of a name is a unique note, which subsequently composes music that determines a person’s character.

IN Ancient Rome black magicians believed that a person’s destiny could be radically changed simply by writing his name upside down.

Video: Boris Khiger - the relationship between name and destiny

Galina in childhood

Little Galina, despite her ostentatious calm, is an active, sociable and self-confident child. Loves outdoor games. He easily finds a common language with his peers, but for games and friendship he often chooses the company of boys. Perhaps this reflects her similarity with her father, because the girl is similar to him not only in appearance, but also in character. However, you can’t call Galinka a tomboy. She, like many other girls, loves to spin in front of the mirror, try on outfits, and preen herself.

The baby is very vulnerable and impressionable. Parents should take this into account and try not to raise their voices at her for her tricks and pranks. Thus, the girl will simply get scared and withdraw into herself. It’s better if adults calmly talk to Galina and point out her mistakes.

The tick is assiduous and obedient. Thanks to these qualities, the girl does well in all subjects and is a favorite of teachers. Galina is equally well versed in both precision and humanities. However, further career guidance is often associated with the humanities.

Galina prefers reading and drawing to girly games

Adult Galina

Galina is hardworking and does not like tricks and tricks. Therefore, he always achieves his goals honestly. The character of the adult Galina is not sugar. She is emotional and impulsive. Her actions also depend on the girl’s mood. Now she can appear before you in the form of an affectionate, purring cat, and in a second turn into an arrogant fury, ready to destroy everything in her path.

Another distinctive feature of Galina is prudence, which sometimes borders on stinginess. Galya thinks through every expense she makes in advance and looks for ways to save with special care, although she rarely really needs money. A woman knows in advance what will bring her benefits and how to achieve success. She chooses only the “right” people as friends. She is friendly and helpful with them. With those who have exhausted their capabilities, Galina behaves arrogantly and even a little rudely.


Galina is a very gifted person, and if she chooses creativity instead of everyday life, she can achieve great heights. The owner of this name is most inclined to the professions of an artist, sculptor, writer, composer, actress or singer. However, the girl’s determination and her extraordinary performance can help her become a leader in sports.

Business and career

Galina can become an excellent employee in any field of activity. However, she does not like to be a subordinate for a long time, so she will do everything to take a leadership position. Huge willpower and hard work allow Galina to gain authority among her colleagues and establish relationships with her superiors. A woman is a real hard worker who puts work above all else, but also demands the same from her subordinates.

Galina also has the traits of a gambling person. She is a risky and arrogant person who will never give up playing cards or playing on the stock exchange. However, fortune does not leave the girl. She wins often, which helps her stand strong in financially.

Galina has an attractive appearance and takes full advantage of it


Little Galina is not in good health. She especially needs to beware of infectious diseases. In adolescence, Galya may begin to have problems with the female organs. Therefore, at the first discomfort, it will need to be shown to a doctor. In adulthood, a woman often suffers from polyarthritis or hypertension.

Love, sexuality, marriage

For Galina, love relationships are not limited to intimacy. A woman dreams of sizzling passion and great pure love. In partners, Galina values ​​determination and selfless devotion. Galina is pretty, knows the impression she has on the opposite sex and takes full advantage of it. A woman belongs to the category of those ladies who allow themselves to be loved. However, it can be very difficult to light a fire of love in Galina herself. As a husband, a woman usually chooses the complete opposite of her lovers - a calm and shy man.

Family and marriage are not the main thing for Galina. Of course, she loves her husband and children, and is an excellent housewife, but only as long as she herself needs it. Galya makes high demands on her family, but if something goes wrong, she will without regret end a relationship that does not suit her. However, she will do it in such a way that she remains good friends with her ex-partner.

Galina is hospitable. She loves and knows how to accept friends. In her home, everyone will feel welcome. However, Galya never discusses her personal life with her friends; all problems remain within the family.

Table: compatibility of Galina with other names

Significant years of Galina's life

In Galina’s life, some years are fateful and can radically change her future:

  • 23 years old - unkillable optimism and self-confidence will help you achieve your first peak;
  • 27 years old - a fateful meeting;
  • 30 years old - an enthusiastic attitude towards life will haunt Galina until this date, after which her emotionality will subside a little;
  • 42 years old - an event will occur that will force you to change your attitude towards others;
  • 45 years - conquering another peak;
  • 60 years - reassessment of values.

Galina is a creative person

In his youth, the author of this article had the opportunity to study with two girls named Galina. Oddly enough, the name was the only thing that united them. One of the girls was serious and purposeful, the other was a cheerful laugher who loved entertainment most of all. 10 years after graduating from the institute, the author again met with both Galinas. Imagine her surprise when she learned that the fate of completely different, as it seemed then, girls would turn out approximately the same. Both of them devoted themselves to creativity and achieved considerable success in this field: the serious Galya became a fairly famous playwright, and the sweet, laughing girl became a theater actress.

Astrological correspondences

An astrological characteristic helps you choose a talisman that will bring happiness to the owner of the name Galina:

  • patron planet - the Sun;
  • Zodiac sign - Aries;
  • element - fire;
  • number - 3, 9;
  • color - raspberry;
  • totem animal - jackdaw;
  • season - spring;
  • tree - pine;
  • plant - sweet pea;
  • metal - gold;
  • mineral - garnet;
  • lucky day - Thursday, Sunday;
  • The main character traits are the desire for a goal.

Analysis of the name Galina by letter

A person's name is not just a set of letters. Each letter in it has a specific meaning:

  • G - fussiness, thriftiness;
  • A - hard work;
  • L - harmony, desire to be loved;
  • And - love of creativity;
  • N - consumer attitude towards people.

Video: Valery Semin “Galina”

Characteristics of the name Galina by season

“Winter” Galina is categorical in her statements. A woman is a master of her word and will keep her promise even to her own detriment. By nature, she is a commander. He also likes to dominate the family. A calm, balanced man who can cope with her explosive character would be more suitable for her as a wife.

Galina, born between March and May, is a more gentle and romantic person. She loves intrigue and often becomes their main participant. However, excessive importunity and talkativeness can sometimes serve her badly. To live a “spring” life, Galina needs a person who will always admire her and prove her feelings every day.

“Summer” Galina is very sociable and friendly. It is quite difficult to quarrel with her, since the girl always feels that golden mean that cannot be crossed. Summer Galina can be compared to a perpetual motion machine that does not stop under any circumstances. A girl's life would be better served by a young man who would not infringe on her rights and would provide her with enough freedom.

The character of Galina, born in the fall, is full of contradictions. In a foreign environment, she is quiet and shy, but as soon as she gets into a familiar environment, she immediately turns into an arrogant and domineering person. The “autumn” Galina can only have a strong family with an incredibly patient husband who can look past her antics.

Rhymes for the name: Galina - raspberry, Galya - kralya, Galinka - mote.

Photo gallery: famous people in history with the name Galina

Galina Vishnevskaya - the pride of world opera Galina Kulakova - Soviet skier, 1972 Olympic champion Galina Polskikh - Russian film and theater actress Galina Ulanova - legend of Russian ballet Galina Kiryushina - Soviet theater actress

Name horoscope

A girl’s character is also influenced by her inherent zodiac sign:

  • Aries is an open, sincere and sociable girl who dreams of making everyone around her happy. Quite straightforward, she cannot play around and be cunning. Will never indulge in betrayal or deception;
  • Taurus is a sympathetic and peace-loving nature. He has a good sense of humor, which is why he is the life of the party. A career is not the most important thing for her, so the girl settles on a profession that would simply bring her moral satisfaction;
  • Gemini is a charming, creative and unusual person, to whom those around her forgive all her quirks;
  • Cancer - has a difficult character: principled, suspicious, touchy and terribly hot-tempered. A carelessly spoken word can make her furious. Galina knows about her shortcomings, but cannot control herself;
  • Leo is purposeful and assertive, ready to walk “over corpses” in order to achieve the task set for herself. Quite ambitious, knows her bad and good points, which helps her in communicating with people. She often uses others for selfish purposes, but is very offended when they do the same to her;
  • Virgo - a girl lives according to a strictly planned plan. She is reasonable and meticulous about every little thing. She doesn’t know how to lose, so even the slightest defeat is perceived by her as a universal catastrophe;
  • Libra is arrogant, arrogant and calculating. She will never do anything just for the sake of friendship, unless, of course, it brings her benefits. She does not tolerate discussion of her actions, although she herself is not averse to “washing the bones” of even close friends;
  • Scorpio is a temperamental and sensual person, demanding of himself and others. She has a difficult character, so not everyone can endure her for a long time; for some, communicating with her becomes real hard labor;
  • Sagittarius is a disciplined, decent and purposeful girl. As a rule, he achieves dizzying success professionally and creates a strong family;
  • Capricorn is a sensible and generous lady who is slowly but confidently moving towards her goal. He thinks about children and starting a family only when he gets firmly on his feet;
  • Aquarius is calculating, self-critical, always “keeps her finger on the pulse” and controls her emotions. She behaves kindly with others and is always ready to help;
  • Pisces is a sympathetic, vulnerable, overly trusting girl. These character traits often complicate her life. The girl dreams of romantic meetings, beautiful love. However, she chooses a person as her wife who can provide her with a comfortable life.

Signs, superstitions

People believed that if there is fog on Galina (March 23), then you can expect good harvest flax

Video: the secret of the name Galina

A person's name predetermines a lot. It is this that helps determine how a little man will grow up and how his fate will turn out. Parents who named their daughter Galya can be firmly confident that the girl will always be an extraordinary person and will definitely achieve success.

Short form of the name Galina. Galya, Galinka, Galka, Alya, Ina, Glyuka, Galinukha, Galinusha, Gala, Galisha, Galyunya, Galyusya, Galyukha, Galukha, Galyusha, Galusha, Ghana, Ganya, Gasya, Gulya, Lina, Linu.
Synonyms for the name Galina. Galini.
Origin of the name Galina. The name Galina is Russian, Orthodox, Greek.

The name Galina translated from ancient Greek means “calm”, “quiet”, “serene”. That was the name of one of the sea nymphs. Therefore, the name Galina is also translated as “sea surface”.

In Spain and Italy, the name Galina will be consonant with the Italian word “gallina”, meaning “chicken, chicken”, which many Russians remember from the advertisement of “Galina Blanca” bouillon cubes. The short forms of the name Gala and Lina are also independent names.

The character and fate of Galina. As a child, Galina loves to spend her time in the company of boys more than among girls. She likes romantic stories, travel, various hikes. But purely girlish interests, such as outfits and dolls, are also not alien to her. She knows how to find a middle ground. Activity and calmness, firmness and pliability, where you need to give in and where you need to insist on your own - Galina confidently chooses the right and necessary position.

Galina can do almost everything and is not afraid of anything. Having started a business, however, she will not always be able to complete it with the confidence with which she started it. Since she may suddenly begin to doubt the success of the event, but the decision once made will still convince her that she initially acted absolutely correctly.

The owners of this name are very sociable, but they consider people most often out of their own interest, how useful this or that person will be for her. She is friendly, polite, correct with everyone, it is quite difficult to quarrel with Galina - she will always find that very middle ground.

Galina is often the center of attention of the company; she has many fans. And she will choose the man she needs - most often this is a man who believes that a better wife than Galina simply does not exist for him. Galina will be a very caring housewife, attentive wife, and attentive mother.

She will be successful in almost any profession, but prefers to choose a noticeable, vibrant profession, and a very important, significant position.

Galina's birthday

Famous people named Galina

  • Galina Volchek (Russian actress, director, People's Artist of the USSR, Artistic Director of the Sovremennik Theater)
  • Galina Brezhneva (daughter of the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee L.I. Brezhnev)
  • Galina Ulanova (outstanding Russian ballerina)
  • Galina Bannikova (Soviet graphic artist, type artist)
  • Galina Vishnevskaya (singer of the classical repertoire, People's Artist of the USSR)
  • Galina Benislavskaya (friend and literary secretary of Sergei Yesenin)
  • Galina Starovoitova (Russian politician and statesman, human rights activist)
  • Galina Polskikh (Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR)
  • Galina Kulakova (athlete, Olympic champion in cross-country skiing (born 1942))
  • Galina Mozhaeva ((born 1929) cytologist, biophysicist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
  • Galina Shatalova (neurosurgeon, candidate medical sciences; healthy lifestyle teacher, Burdenko Prize laureate)
  • Galina Ustvolskaya (composer, whose work is better known in the West than in Russia)
  • Galina Shcherbakova (writer, author of the story “You Never Even Dreamed of...")