How to pronounce words correctly. Competent speech: how to make your speech beautiful. Developing beautiful speech

Difficulties arise in the pronunciation of a number of words due to the indistinguishability of letters in the printed text e And e , since only one graphic symbol is used to denote them - e . This situation leads to a distortion of the phonetic appearance of the word and causes frequent pronunciation errors. There are two sets of words to remember:

1) with a letter e and the sound [" uh]: af e ra, be e , live e , Grenada e r, op e ka, os e long, idiot e native, foreigner e ny, w e non-hater;

2) with a letter e and the sound [" O]: hopeless e payment e capable, man e vry, white e syy, bl e cool, w e personal, w e lch (option - w e lie), alone e ny.

In some pairs of words different meaning accompanied by different sounds of the stressed vowel: ist e kshiy (term) – but: ist e kshiy (blood), screams like a loud voice e nal – but: decree, announced e in the morning, etc.

§1.2. Some difficult cases of pronunciation of consonants

1. According to old Moscow standards, the spelling combination -chn- should always have been pronounced like [ shn ] in words: bakery, on purpose, cheap, fiddling, creamy, apple and under. Currently, the pronunciation has been preserved only in some words: of course, boring, scrambled eggs, trifling, birdhouse, bachelorette party. The vast majority of other words are pronounced [chn], as they are written: toy, creamy, apple, flour, snack bar, glass etc.

Pronunciation [ shn] preserved today also in female patronymics ending in -ichna: Nikitichna, Ilyinichna etc..

According to old Moscow standards, the combination -wha- pronounced as [pcs] in the word What and in words derived from it: nothing, something etc.: currently this rule remains the same (except for the word something[Thu]). In all other words the spelling is - th- always pronounced as [thu]: mail, dream, mast.

2. In words man, defector on the spot zhch, in the form of the comparative degree of adverbs tougher, harsher(And more scathingly) in place stch, as well as in place of combinations zch And sch customer, sandstone, cost accounting etc. pronounced [ sch]: mu[sh]ina, pere[sch]ik, zhe[sh]e etc.

3. When several consonants accumulate in some words, one of them is not pronounced: ucha[s"n"]ik, ve[s"n"]ik po[zn]o, pra[zn]ik, conscientious[s"l"]ivy, maximal[ss]ky etc. .

4. Hard consonants before soft consonants can be softened:

a) necessarily softens n before soft ones h And With: face[n"z"]iya, pretension[n"z"]iya;

b) n before soft T And d softens: a["n"t"]ichny, ka[n"d"]idat.

Ppronunciation of borrowed words

Many borrowed words have spelling features that need to be remembered.

1. In some words of foreign language origin, unstressed O sound is pronounced [ O]: bO mond, threeO, bO ah, kakaO , biO stimulant, vetO , grossO , noO , adviceO , O Azis, RenO meh. Pronunciation of words nO ezia, creedO etc. with unstressed [ O] optional. Proper names of foreign origin also retain unstressed [ O] as a variant of literary pronunciation: ShO pen, VO lter, SacramentO etc.

2. In some borrowed words, after vowels and at the beginning of the word, the unstressed [ uh]: uh guide,uh revolution, duuh lant etc.

3. In oral speech, certain difficulties are caused by pronouncing a hard or soft consonant before a letter in borrowed words e: t[em]p or [t"e]mp? bass[se]ine or bass[s"e]yn? In some cases, a soft consonant is pronounced.

Soft Pronunciation:

akade Mia[d"e]

de wet[d"e]

inthose llekt[t"e]

cofe [f"e]

Tore m[r"e]

muze th[z"e]

ABOUTde ssa[d"e]

nre ssa[r"e]

nre ssing[r"e]

those rmin[t"e]

fede ral[d"e]

jurisprudde nation[d"e]

take T[b"e r"e]

shiNot l[n"e]

pioNot r[n"e]

de but[d"e]

de on foot[d"e]

computerthose ntny[t"e]

corere ktny[r"e]

pathose nt[t"e]

Decre T[r"e]

conkre thick[r"e]

In other cases, before e a hard consonant is pronounced.

Firm pronunciation:

barthose r[te]

businessmeh n[meh]

childrenasset [dete]

aboutthose ction[te]

tande m [de]

re yting[re]

de -juro[de]

computerthose r[te]

summarymeh [meh]

inde xation[de]

inthose vomited[te]

inthose I'm tearing up[te]

code ks[de]

laze r[ze]

mode l[de]

sellse r[se]

Renaultmeh [meh]

those mp[te]

uhNot rgy[ne]

meh nejer[meh]

those zis[te]

those st[te]

de -fact[de]

boothose rbrod[te]

enNot Ksia[ne]

inthose naive[te]

Gre ipfruit[re]

de gradate[de]

dispanse r[se]

Andde antique[de]

4. Currently, there are fluctuations in the pronunciation of words:

de inform[d"e/de]

bassse yn[s"e/se]

Tore to[r"e/re]

Xie Russia[s"e/se]

de when[d"e/de]

progre ss[r"e/re]

de fis[d"e/de]

de press[d"e/de]

de kan[d"e/de]

prethose nzia[t"e/te]

Both hard and soft pronunciation is possible.

In borrowed words starting with prefixes de- before vowels dis-, as well as in the first part of compound words starting with neo-, with a general tendency towards softening, fluctuations in the pronunciation of soft and hard are observed d And n:

5. In foreign-language proper names, it is recommended to firmly pronounce consonants before e: De cart, Flobe r, miNot lly,"De Cameron",Re ygan.

6. In borrowed words with two (or more) e often one of the consonants is pronounced softly, while the other remains hard before e: gene zis[g"ene], relay[rel"e] etc.

7. Solid [ w] is pronounced in words pairshu T[shu], broshu ra[shu]. In a word jury pronounced soft hissing [ and"]. Names are pronounced just as softly Julien, Jules.

8. When pronouncing some words, erroneous extra consonants or vowels sometimes appear. Should be pronounced:

incident, Not incident;

precedent, Not precedent;

compromise, Not compromise;

competitive, Not competitive;

emergency, Not h[e]extraordinary;

institution, Not institution;

future, Not future;

thirsty Not thirsty

Learn to correctly pronounce and write words in the Russian language.

Believe me: in any society, no matter who you communicate with, it is very important to pronounce words correctly.

Your speech is your face.

Don't know how to pronounce or write words correctly? Check out our article.

The most common mistakes we make in words

  1. Do you doubt how to say: “at D ty" or "at Y you"?

Only "at Y"Tee"!

  1. Waiting at the cafe "eh" TO spresso? Well, it’s logical: a quickly prepared drink is “express coffee.” No! It's called "espresso". And the point is not that it’s quick to do. Translated from Italian, it means “pressed” - the way it is prepared.

By the way, “coffee” is a masculine word. And you won’t drink “hot” HER", and "hot II espresso".

  1. You don’t know how to: “be DU", "pobe ZHU", "pobe I AM WAITING»?

Don't rack your brains: all three options are wrong.

The verb “to win” does not have the first person form singular future tense. Just replace it with a synonym - the Russian language is rich in them - “I can, I will be able to win”, “I will win”, “I will win”, “I will become a winner”, “I will be the best, the first”.

  1. The same applies to the toast “For making dreams come true!”

The word "sale" means "sale", "getting rid of something." And “dream” does not have a singular genitive form.

  1. Remember: in Russian there are no words “in general”, “in general” - there are only “in general” or “in general”. There is no need to combine them.
  2. You often wonder what is right: to put your “ UNDER letter" or " ROS pee"?

Remember: when you sign, put “ UNDER writing."

A " ROS writing" can be admired on the walls of temples and architectural objects.

  1. Lexically, the phrase “the best” cannot exist. This is a logical tautology, “butter”: both words are in the superlative degree. How can one say, for example, “the most enormous”, “the purest”? Sounds good? Of course not!

It turns out that the directors who shot “The Most best film", they overdid it with the name.

  1. Do you urgently need money, but you don’t have enough? You "occupy" them, right? And ask your friend: “Lend me some money.”

They don’t say that: “borrow” means “borrow.” That is, only you can “borrow”, and a friend will “lend” you.

Therefore, if you ask, say: “Can I “borrow” money from you?” or “Lend it to me.”

  1. Write correctly: “during E"means" in continuation E a certain period of time." And "during AND"It talks about the movement of a river, a liquid.

And remember: both words are written separately.

  1. The popular, little-understood expression “a D crown crown LL aider."

There is no "a" ND crown crown L aidera" is not the name of a person; "hadron collider" - technical equipment. "hadrons" (Greek word meaning "heavy") - a class of elementary particles; A “collider” is a ring-shaped tunnel; it accelerates charged particles and accelerates protons.

  1. You should write "you" AND play" and not "you Y play." The word is formed from the noun “ AND gra." A " Y gra" - what is this?
  2. As long as the word “go” is not distorted.

Don’t know what is more correct: “go”, “drive”? Both options are incorrect. The imperative form of the verbs “to go”, “to go” is “ FOR go", " BY go", " AT go”, etc.

In some cases, the form of the word “go” is allowed - in special literary devices, but not in colloquial speech.

  1. There is no word "them" Research Institute"! This sounds as bad as "from here" OVA, from there OVA».

Union "if" F"does not exist in nature, only "if".

The word "to" R idor" is written and pronounced with " R" What is "ko" L Idor"?

Such "words" TO HER"There is no such thing in Russian.

  1. To everyone who writes “from E neither”, we advise you to take the elementary school course again. The verb "izv" AND neither" is checked by the word "pov AND ny".
  2. Your boyfriend wrote in a message that you are “simp” ABOUT"Teachable girl"? think carefully about whether it is worth continuing to communicate with him if he is not able to find a test word for the adjective “simp” A tic"?

Do you know him? This is "Simp" A tiya." In some variants, the slang word "simp" is allowed ABOUT tnaya,” but not everyone will appreciate such slang.

With the noun "girl" ABOUT nka" everything is more difficult - spelling " O-Y» after the hissing ones pass into elementary school. Interesting? Open the textbook and read it.

  1. Do you think that you " ABOUT"to go" on a date? Nothing! " ABOUT"You can only deceive someone, but you yourself should" ON put on clothes.
  2. The words “sorry” and “I apologize” have slightly different meanings.

“Sorry” - you ask for an apology from the person, you want him to forgive you.

“I apologize” means that you have begun to say words of forgiveness. “I apologize to you! What else do you want? - this is exactly the meaning.

  1. Writing " b” in verbs will not confuse a literate person, but how annoying when you read: “He doesn’t want to “share” T"with me" and "He said that" share TH stay with me!


(what are they doing b? what will they do b?) – “delhi” TH xia", "share TH Xia."

(what's up ET? what did you do ET?) – “delhi” T xia", "share T Xia."

Difficult? No!

  1. “Where are you from?” " WITH Moscow!

Don't believe it! Those living in Moscow arrived " FROM Moscow."

Speak correct, literary Russian:

I FROM Tashkent, you FROM Tula, he FROM Russia.

  1. "According to you E mu", "po-mo E mu", "what do you think E mu" always write with a hyphen and with " E" in the middle.

Well, what kind of slop is this - “pomo Y mu"?

  1. Know: you need to congratulate on (what?) “happy day” (what?) “birth AND I"; go (where?) “for the day” (of what?) “born AND I"; was (where?) “at the bottom” (of what?) “born AND I"; came (from where?) “from the day” (what?) “was born AND I».

Neither "to be on", nor "to congratulate on", nor "to go to" the day of "birth" IE" it is forbidden!

And one more thing: all words in the phrase “birthday” must be written with a small letter.

  1. There is a delicacy "Moro" WIFE", "pyro ZhN oh" and not "Moro ZhN oh, ice cream ENN oh", "pyro WOMAN oh."

By the way, these are vocabulary words that are taught in third grade.

  1. Just learn how to spell it correctly:

All - after all; lying D whether; n FROM little by little; VK ratz E; And ZR edk A; really THAT; as if ABOUT; VP consequences AND.

  1. Are you thinking about writing: “how - then CT about", "who - or - ct OL for", "something - what - to EC then", "than - something - what MN be"?

It's very simple: particles -something, -something, -something are written with a hyphen.

  1. Do you like sausages? Pronounce correctly: "suck" SK and”, not “sausage” b ki." They are made from animal meat, and not from a prominent part of the human female body, right?
  2. Many people are also not friendly with accents.

How to say: “l ABOUT live" or "lie AND t"? It will be true: “ BY lodge AND"t" - this word is not pronounced without a prefix. It can be replaced with the synonym “put” (there is no need for a prefix for it).

  1. The situation with the word “call” is also bad.

It would be correct to say "ringing" AND t", not "sv" ABOUT nit" - a verb formed from the noun "ringing" ABOUT k", not "zv" ABOUT nok"; "call AND sew", but not "call ABOUT nish" - from the word "ringing AND t", not "sound" ABOUT thread".

  1. It says "beautiful" AND veee" and not "beautiful E e" because there is a word "kras AND vy" and not "beautiful Y y".
  2. An incorrectly placed accent or an incorrect ending “cuts” the ear of a literate person like a knife.

Just learn:

Always say it right! No one has ever been hindered by competent speech.

The words spoken by a person reflect his inner world. And our literacy can best tell about his wealth.

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You need to speak your native language correctly! Save it on your wall. And stay tuned!

1. How long can you doubt “come” or “come”? Remember once and for all, correctly - “ COME«.

2. Did you order espresso? To cook it faster? The coffee is called " ESPRESSO«!

3. Which is correct: “WIN” or “WIN”? No way! The verb “to win” does not have a 1st person singular form. numbers in the future tense. " I will win“, “I can win” completely replace this form.

4. Repeat! There are no words “in general” and “in general”! There are words " AT ALL" And " ALL IN ALL". And period.

5. The documents say “ SIGNATURE", but in the Sistine Chapel on the altar wall - " PAINTING". Don't confuse, friends, don't confuse!

6. From the point of view of lexical compatibility, the expression “the best” sounds as ridiculous as “more beautiful”. A big hello to the directors of “The Best Movie.”

7. " Borrow" - this is to borrow! “Lend me some money” is wrong. You cannot borrow from SOMEONE, you can only FROM SOMEONE. " Lend me some money“, “Can I borrow from you?” - Right.

8. " For"(for some time, in continuation), but" within"(for example, rivers, flow as a direction in art). Please note, always separately!

9. Hadron collider! Not “ANDronny”, who is this “Andron”? Hadrons- This elementary particles, the collider was named in their honor. " Collider“By the way, with two “l”.

10. WinPlay! Don't win! We sincerely don’t understand what motivates people who put “Y” there. The test word is GAME.

11. Which is correct: “go” or “drive” or “drive”? No way! The imperative form of the verbs “to go” and “to go” is only “ GO" or " Come on in«, « Come", etc. The use of the word "ride" without a prefix is ​​considered acceptable, but undesirable in colloquial speech.

12. Everyone who still says “IHNY” will burn in hell!

13. For writing “IzVeni” instead of “ Sorry“It’s time to introduce monetary fines.

14. Do you doubt which is correct: “to lie” or “to lie”?
Right: Put(-lay only with prefixes!) and put (strictly without a prefix!). For example, " I put to your rules and regulations" or " I put into Russian while still at school.”

15. Girls, do not continue communicating with the person who writes to you “you are a pretty girl.” Help natural selection!

16. “What should I WEAR?” - only Yudashkin can think. Well, remember: “ put on socks” - “take off your panties”, “dress Masha” - “undress Katya”. Therefore, it is correct: “What would I WEAR?».

17. Don’t replace “sorry” with “I apologize.” " Sorry" - I was wrong and please excuse me, “I’m sorry” - I’ve already excused myself for this nonsense, and you do as you wish.

18. “Do you like it?” - “No, I don’t like it!” - this is horror!
So, let's remember the school curriculum. If the verb answers the question “what does it do?/what will it do?”, then the soft sign is NOT NEEDED. And if - to the question “what should I do?/what should I do?”, then a soft sign is NEEDED. Just like that, learning to read and write is always useful.

19. Put stress in words correctly:
more beautiful(not beautiful), blinds(not blinds), CREAMS(not cream) chain(not a chain), cookA(not cooks).

20. Who is from Moscow? Step forward to the village!
Literary norm: I FROM Bryansk, FROM Smolensk, FROM Ekaterinburg. “From Moscow” is colloquial.

21. " In my opinion«, « according to you" - written WITH A HYPHEN! No “garbage” or other nonsense!
22. Remember!
Happy (what?) birthday! I’m going (where?) to my (what?) birthday! I was at a birthday party. No “I’m going to your birthday party”, “Congratulations, happy birthday” and similar heresy. Moreover, all words are written with a small letter.

22. It’s correct to say: “I love ICE CREAM(not ice cream, not ice cream). I want CAKE(not cake, not cake).”

23. Remember how words are written:
still, hardly, slowly, IN brief, Occasionally, really, as if, SUBSEQUENTLY. Yes, that's exactly how they are written!

24. Classic. " Will you call me?" - the emphasis is always on the last syllable! No exceptions! We check with the song “ Call me, call me«.

25. Don’t say “sausages”, there was no soft sign in this word.

We all strive to make a favorable impression on other people, but does everyone know that the assessment of a person is formed due to four components? These include appearance, actions and, in fact, our speech. At the same time, it matters not only WHAT we say, but also HOW we do it.

Learning to speak correctly

Surely you know at least one person who has communication problems. The fact is that you need to be able not only to speak confidently, but also to competently express your point of view.

Let's try to talk about the main points in our speech, because no one taught us, which means that some recommendations will be very useful.

First of all, you should pay attention to vocabulary. We need to read more, because sometimes we simply don’t have enough words to express ourselves and formulate our point of view. Our speech may be tongue-tied, it may contain so-called weed words and other shortcomings.

Now you should pay attention to the emphasis you place on words. In order for speech to be literate, you need to know how to pronounce words correctly. In this case, a dictionary of correct pronunciation will help, study the most common words, but if you are in doubt about how to place the emphasis, it is better to replace it with a synonym, or skip it altogether.

Very often in our speech we like to use unnecessary words that do not carry much meaning. For example: “Well, I signed the documents and everything,” “Well, I put a, like, stack of papers behind it.” Two weeks of training is enough, and your speech will become much “cleaner” and acquire literary beauty.

When thinking about what to say, do not forget about the tone, which affects the overall impression of what is said. The solution is quite simple: you can record your speech on a voice recorder, and then analyze it; you can involve your comrades in this process, who will tell you what exactly they don’t like in your conversation.

Sometimes we use words in our speech that are difficult for other people to understand. Remember your student years, when you could not understand at all what the professor was talking about, but it seemed to him that he was expressing himself quite clearly. The point is that anything can be said in simple language, choosing words that everyone understands. Try to ensure that your speech does not contain words that will be incomprehensible to your interlocutor, and then everything will fall into place.

If you want to know how to speak correctly, you should completely forget about using profanity, slang and jargon. Undoubtedly, your friend will understand perfectly if you tell him: “It was a great party, there was so much booze and such movement on the dance floor!” But you shouldn’t tell an adult in the same spirit about how your Sunday evening went. You have to filter your speech and think about what you say and to whom.

Recently very popular among people who own foreign language, began to use foreign words in his speech. Mixing languages ​​will not lead to anything good; it is not only ugly, but also incomprehensible to other people, even if they know the language from which you use these words.

You might be a little surprised, but in order to know how to speak correctly, you need to be able to listen. It is unlikely that you will become a good conversationalist if you constantly interrupt your opponent and do not allow him to express his point of view.

At the same time, you should not ask questions too actively, otherwise your dialogue will begin to look not like a conversation, but like a real interrogation.

It is worth remembering the golden rule of a good conversationalist: do not interrupt. The ability to give an opportunity to speak is highly valued. At the same time, when it’s your turn to speak, you don’t need to “foam at the mouth” to prove that you’re right. The conversation should not resemble a political debate, where everyone strives to defend their point of view and justify their actions. You should be able to turn your communication into a pleasant, relaxed conversation.

Behind all the words said
must stand honest, sincere,
An open personality is the basis of mutual understanding.

We all sincerely want to always be understood, we want to learn to trust and we dream of being heard. Where do family problems, quarrels, disagreements, broken deals and misunderstandings come from? We all speak the same language, we speak clearly and correctly?

We bring interesting proposals, but in return they refuse us, they don’t hear us, don’t support us, don’t understand us. Who's to blame? Maybe we don’t know how to speak correctly so that we are understood? Why did our ideas remain unspoken? How can we learn to speak correctly so that our initiative, idea or concern is heard?

The meaning of words for a person

Our success, and indeed our whole life, depends on the ability to speak. All failures in most cases occur only because we were unable to convey the idea, expressed ourselves incorrectly, or presented ourselves in the wrong light.

But each of us can do everything much better! You need to figure out for yourself how to learn to speak competently so that what you say is understood exactly the way you would like.

Every day we say millions of words, communicate with people, with ourselves, without thinking that every spoken word carries a certain meaning. We throw around words that later turn into garbage, empty remarks, offensive phrases, unfulfilled promises. But at our core, we are exactly what we say, how competently we speak and how we perceive what is said to us.

Young children, starting to speak, try to convey their desires and feelings. They express their emotions and desires in words. These are the first lessons that not everyone learns. We grow up, but not everyone understands that our colloquial speech, the ability to speak correctly, opens the door for us to achieve our goals. Our goals are varied, but the rules that help people speak correctly are very simple and the same for all occasions in life.

Hear yourself

If we want to be heard, then, first of all, we need to hear ourselves, convince ourselves of the truthfulness and sincerity of our words, thoughts, desires. Because the first step to success and communication is the ability to live harmoniously with yourself, have your own undeniable point of view, the ability to conduct an internal dialogue and sincerely believe in every word you say.

Believe in yourself. Listen to yourself, listen to what you tell yourself. Want to learn how to talk to yourself correctly? Don’t tell yourself: “I won’t succeed,” you need to say: “I can achieve a lot.” Enjoy communicating with yourself, because you are your first listener.

Three main areas of communication

  • First area

The first stream includes talking to yourself, and first you need to know how to talk to yourself correctly. Don’t be surprised, everyone talks to themselves, gives themselves advice, forces themselves to do something, scolds themselves, talks themselves out of it. This is an ongoing and unconscious internal dialogue. In the head of each of us there is a scheme laid down in childhood by which we live.

The inner voice that scolds us is the forbidden voice of our parents, it is a relic of the past. We listened to this voice as children for several years: “you can’t, don’t touch me, don’t interfere,” many consider it the voice of conscience, but it is the voice of the parents, put aside in the subcortex.

Try to gradually get rid of it. Believe in yourself, in your strengths and abilities, convince yourself that you can do anything, praise yourself. By improving your inner monologue every day, you will be able to achieve harmony with yourself, and you will notice that it becomes easier for you to talk to people. And you will think less often about how to learn to speak correctly.

  • Second area

The second most important area of ​​communication is speaking correctly with interlocutors. We talk all the time, try to convey our thoughts, try to convince people that we are right, but we don’t know everything about how to learn to talk to people.

We talk a lot, but sometimes we say something that is far from what we think, and sometimes we think, but for some reason we don’t say it, and in most cases we don’t say it. As a result, constructive dialogue fails.

You will not understand how to learn to talk with people until you yourself believe in what you intend to say, and that what you say is really important to the interlocutor.

The secret to learning how to talk to people lies within yourself. Emotions, doubts, nervousness, worries, intonation - everything is conveyed along with words.

B. Russell's experiment

In 1987, Professor B. Russell conducted an experiment at the University of Pennsylvania. He found out that during communication between people, information flows arise, which, when broken down into components, showed an amazing result:

  • Only 7% of spoken words have meaning;
  • 38% falls on intonation and timbre of the voice;
  • 55% of information is transmitted through transmission channels (posture, gestures, facial expressions, articulation), that is, something that is absolutely not related to words.

That's the whole secret of learning how to talk to people. It is very difficult to control non-verbal channels, but if the conversation concerns your future, you will have to learn.

Third area

Criticism, or the ability to deliver it, is of great importance in learning how to talk to people. This is the third area of ​​communication. All people are sensitive to criticism. Each of us sees any object, any action in our own way.

Before you start openly criticizing, you need to make sure that you and your opponent speak the same language, that is, you see the subject in the same way. This can only be clarified through dialogue.

In a conversation containing criticism, there are two sides: the speaker and the receiver. How to accept criticism with dignity and what to do next with it? A person always faces a problem. There are exactly as many opinions as there are people, so a person must decide for himself how to accept criticism.

Creative criticism

Before you start criticizing, make sure that the person needs your opinion. And being an unexpected critic is a pointless exercise, but if you really need it, then approach criticism from a creative side. Before you start criticizing a person, try praising him. Then he will more easily accept the criticism itself.

For example, if you need to make a comment to a person on a text that he has written, it is advisable to immediately tell him that the text is very wonderful, that the idea is presented perfectly, and finally talk about the shortcomings. But you need to point out your vision of what doesn’t suit you.

You may have to change your mind, and if you are right, then the person being criticized, after praise, will be grateful for the criticism, or will perceive it as a lesson. This is another secret of how to talk to other people. A positive attitude towards people, even in criticism, is perceived by them as a long-awaited hint.

About the beauty of speech

When it comes to how to speak correctly, one remembers the colloquial speech of the intelligentsia of past years. In the documentary chronicle you can hear the speech of each of them.

Faina Ranevskaya (actress), Nikolai Drozdov (hosted the program “In the Animal World”), Yuri Senkevich (hosted the program “Travelers Club”) are wonderful representatives of connoisseurs of the art of words from whom you can learn to speak competently.

These are people who express their thoughts in such beautiful words, which are heard less and less these days, or have even completely disappeared from speech patterns. The beautiful Russian language is gradually turning into surrogate phrases from all countries of the world. It’s a shame, but a self-respecting, intelligent person will not replace the word “beautiful” with the word “cool” or “remarkable.”

Beautiful speech - the speaker’s weapon and what distinguishes it

For those who believe that the Russian language is still great and do not know how to learn to speak competently, there are basic rules that will help them. We are all speakers at heart, each person has words to express their thoughts. But this does not mean that everything we say is correct.

A skilled speaker always knows how to talk and has several advantages over the general mass of people:

  • erudition and erudition. The more knowledge a person has, the better he can express his thoughts, the richer his vocabulary, and the easier it is for him. This is the essential equipment for giving an inspiring and impressive speech;
  • intelligible and clear speech, absence of diction defects, persuasiveness and understandable presentation - very important qualities for a person speaking in front of an audience;
  • to some extent, every speaker must be a psychologist in order to understand the mood of the masses and join in in an appropriate manner. It is unlikely that anyone will listen to a sad, sleepy person talking. The speech of a true speaker takes possession of the souls of the listeners;
  • the speaker knows exactly the difference between oral and written speech, and will not allow himself to read his speech instead of speaking beautifully and confidently, looking into the eyes of his opponents.

There is a lot of literature, training, and techniques available to the general public on how to learn to speak competently. We comprehend science, it would seem, we speak correctly, but they don’t want to listen to us or are not heard?

Where to look for the trick, those threads that will help you reach your interlocutor, how to learn to speak so that you are correctly understood, listened to and heard? What is the secret of how to talk?

Mastery Lessons

We speak correctly only when the subject of conversation has been thoroughly studied by us.

No matter what setting the conversation takes place in: speaking in front of an audience, talking with a friend, talking in the family or presenting, we must apply four techniques:

  • link to an authoritative source. When we want to convince a person of something, we must first find out which source will be interesting to him. It will be necessary to refer to it later. For example, will your interlocutor listen to the opinion of a public person or to the opinion of Vasya from the second entrance? That is, an undeniable opinion should be brought into the conversation;
  • link to the opinion of a specialist or expert. You should find scientific facts and statistical data in order to form your own evidence base from them. Many people believe facts without question;
  • appeal to mass opinion. People, not knowing what to do, often pay attention to what others are doing. Use this trick, convince the person that many people think this way;
  • personal experience. If your opinion is authoritative, then your personal experience will definitely be listened to.

It's easy to learn to speak competently

We have come to the main thing - competent speech. How to learn to speak competently, are there any special rules, is training in competent speech necessary?

There are rules that you can use to achieve the desired results:

  • Reading huge amount books does not guarantee you competent speech. It is important what literature to read and how to perceive it. Fiction perfectly develops spoken language, but by balancing reading fiction with journalism and scientific research, you will be able to achieve great results. Vocabulary will be expanded in a variety of ways.
  • Well-known and recognized speakers will tell you how to speak competently. You need to watch the performances of beautifully and competently speaking people who already have skills and speak exactly the way you like, the way you would like to speak in the future. An example would be Nevzorov, Parfenov, Posner. It is important to pay attention not only to what they are talking about, but also to their behavior, melody of speech, intonation, and facial expressions.
  • Playing with yourself and choosing synonyms will help you learn to speak competently and know how to choose the right words. In moments of waiting or in transport, try to mentally select several synonyms for any word. If you conduct such classes daily, your vocabulary will increase very quickly.
  • And, of course, the notorious tongue twisters. You won’t be able to pronounce them mentally, so at home, whenever you have a free minute, try, first slowly, and then quickly pronounce the tongue twisters you like. The activity is fun and useful for speech development.

This is a small but very effective part of the rules, thanks to which you can in the near future become a pleasant and interesting interlocutor or a famous speaker. It all depends on what you are aiming for.