Where they kidnap. The best films about kidnapping. How to escape from an attacker

Around the world, May 25 is International Missing Children's Day. This date dates back to the USA. On this day in 1979, six-year-old American schoolboy Evian Pates disappeared on his way home. The case received widespread attention, but the search led nowhere. 4 years after this event, US President Ronald Reagan declared May 25 National Missing Children's Day. In 1997, the International Center for Missing and Exploited Children was created. On the initiative of this organization, the International Day of Missing Children was established in 2010 and its date was set as May 25.

Of course, the topic is complex and sensitive. As the German philosopher Theodor Adorno said, it is impossible to write poetry after Auschwitz. For some people, such events are the tragedy of a lifetime; for others, this is a topic - the basis for reflection and creative research. Nevertheless, there are no taboos in art, including ethical and human ones. Everything that interests people will always be interesting for creative people who reflect on any topic. The cinema did not ignore this either. We have collected ten films on the theme of lost children. If you ask about the goals, they are quite simple: so that people know and remember this date.


Director: Clint Eastwood

Country: USA

The great Clint Eastwood raised many topics during his long career: gender inequality, racial discrimination, and human vices. And even in the film “The Changeling,” he talks about several problems of American society in the twenties at the same time. But the main plot theme of the film is the loss of the child of Christine Collins (played by Angelina Jolie), an ordinary Los Angeles telephone operator. She begins to look for her nine-year-old son Walter, who has disappeared without a trace. Society is against her, social institutions too, but she is firm in her decision, because Walter is her whole life.


Director: Denis Villeneuve

Country: USA

Keller Dover (Hugh Jackman) and Detective Loki (Jake Gyllenhaal) have their daughters kidnapped during Thanksgiving. Everyone begins to look for their children in their own way. Loki calmly and methodically, like a real detective, tries to understand who in the small town and, most importantly, why he kidnapped his little daughter. Keller, on the contrary, as a simple resident of a provincial town, begins to make fatal mistakes, worsening the situation with every step he takes. Gradually the situation is heating up, and the hope of finding the girls is increasingly disappearing.

"The Illusion of Flight"

Director: Robert Schwentke

Country: USA

Kylie Pratt (Judy Foster) falls asleep on a plane with her six-year-old daughter Julia. She wakes up three hours later to find her daughter missing. In a panic, Kylie throws everything upside down, because of her they begin to search the entire plane, people are perplexed. The flight attendants say that she did not have any daughter. Hence the whole “illusion” of flight. On the one hand, a classic detective story begins, where all the action takes place in one closed place during the entire flight, on the other hand, like all passengers, we slowly begin to doubt the existence of Kylie’s daughter.

"Moonrise Kingdom"

Director: Wes Anderson

Country: USA

Children also disappear here - Susie Bishop and Sam Shakasi. They are socially inadapted and complex teenagers, in love with each other, independently running away from a Boy Scout camp, not agreeing with the rigidity of this camp and the whole world in general. But this picture is painted rather in light colors and if there is sadness of loss and lostness here, then it is rather light.

"August Rush"

Director: Kirsten Sheridan

Country: USA

"August Rush" is a fairy tale film, neatly disguised as a musical adventure film with very famous actors (Robin Williams, Freddie Highmore, Jonathan Rhys Meyers), but in fact it is a story about a lost boy who is searching for his parents and himself. discovering his outstanding musical abilities and learning that he was the son of a cellist and guitarist. Since this is a fairy tale, in the end he finds them and everything ends well. Such stories are needed so as not to forget that in life there is still a miracle, happiness and dreams.

"Run Without Looking Back"

Director: Wayne Kramer

Country: USA

The crime drama tells about the life of criminal gangs. Joey Gazell (Paul Walker) and Oleg Yugorsky (Cameron Bright) collide by fate after several dramatic incidents during which several people die (quite deservedly a couple of criminals and quite accidentally civilians). Oleg is a complex, taciturn teenager who lives and sometimes even survives in complex world adults in whom violence, lies and murder reign. Only Paul Walker's hero helps him escape from this chaos. During the plot's intricacies, he is kidnapped and tried to kill. But the boy Oleg shows his iron character.

"White Ribbon"

Director: Michael Haneke

Country: Austria

Germany 1913 - before the First World War. A quiet village where everything is calm and quiet. At first glance. Slowly, strange and mysterious things begin to happen here - children are kidnapped, minors are abused, tortured. An investigation is underway. But no one knows anything or wants to talk. An everyday dramatic story turns into a tragic existential parable about human violence and evil that hides in each of us.

"Goodbye baby, goodbye"

Director: Ben Affleck

Country: USA

Ben Affleck's directorial debut tells the story of how four-year-old Amanda McCready, the daughter of unemployed single mother Helen (Amy Ryan), goes missing in a Boston suburb. Private detective Patrick Kenzie (played by Ben's younger brother Casey Affleck) begins looking for her. The detective story, done at a fairly good level, is distinguished by the deep psychologism of the characters, the gloomy and interesting atmosphere of Boston, where anything can happen. Including the abduction of small children.

"The Vanished Bunny Lake"

Director: Otto Preminger

Country: United Kingdom

Otto Preminger is an undeservedly forgotten and now not very well-known director throughout the world. And his film “The Disappearing Bunny Lake” was also anathema and its distribution was a failure. financially, despite the fact that the film starred popular British actors and actresses at that time - Carol Lynley, Keir Dulli and Laurence Olivier. But history turned one hundred and eighty degrees, and the picture became popular and even cult in some circles in the following decades. This is probably the most classic film about a child abduction with a further detective plot. The fact that in the end everything ends well - Bunny Lake is found and saved - also played into its popularity.

Director: Andrey Zvyagintsev

Country: Russia

And in the end, we would like to talk about a film that has not yet been released in wide release, but was only seen by audiences at this year’s Cannes Film Festival. But there are still several facts that influenced his inclusion in this top ten. Firstly, the film “Loveless” is actually about how a child, twelve-year-old Alyosha (Matvey Novikov), is lost. His parents who do not love him still begin to look for him and try to somehow prolong their marriage during the search. Secondly, this is the fifth film by Russian director Andrei Zvyagintsev, winner of many awards at film festivals around the world and, probably, one of the most notable directors in Russia. Thanks to his directorial vision and talent, the kidnapping of a child turns into a metaphorical story about today's society, obsessed with total cynicism and “lack of love.”

Baglan Kudaiberliev

  • May 24, 2017
  • 72 583

In countries with a low standard of living, some residents find no other way than to kidnap a person and then demand a ransom from his relatives. Traveling to such countries is quite dangerous, unless, of course, you are a desperate extreme sportswoman thirsty for adventure. Familiarize yourself with the 5 countries where kidnappings most often occur, remember and be careful.

  1. Mexico

© ntv.ru

In general, the criminal situation in Mexico is not the most favorable and, in addition to kidnapping, there are plenty of other problems here. The fact that drugs are being transported through Mexico to the United States has affected the infrastructure and the level of corruption of local officials. It is believed that only the drug mafia has real power in the country. Hence there is a problem with kidnapping, which most often arises due to criminal disputes. However, no one is surprised by simple kidnappings for ransom. So be extremely careful when traveling to Mexico. About three thousand people are kidnapped in this country every year, and the likelihood of becoming part of this statistic is unfortunately high.


  1. Iraq

© trend.az

People disappear every day in this country. For the people of Iraq, this has already become the norm of life. The anti-kidnapping department is trying to somehow rectify the situation, but they say that it itself is in cahoots with groups of kidnappers. And this happens because the country is very low level life, and people have no money for food. This is the reason why it is difficult to talk about any serious fight against organized crime. If you ever find yourself in Iraq, try not to walk the streets after sunset, as most often people are kidnapped on the streets and in the dark.

  1. India

© restbee.ru

Recently, news about kidnappings in India has been increasingly appearing in the media. Most often, young children and women are kidnapped for ransom or to commit sexual violence against them. The paradox is that often the police are well aware of the kidnappings and the kidnappers themselves and simply charge the perpetrators a certain fee. Very often, crimes involving kidnappings occur due to the existing imbalance between men and women.

  1. Philippines

© e1.ru

In this country, the problem of kidnapping is gaining momentum. On some islands, in order not to be kidnapped, you even have to try. That’s why those who come here are either those who haven’t read anything about the place they’re going to, or those who seem to want to be kidnapped. The reasons for such a disaster are banal: low standard of living, poverty of the majority of the population, which has no other opportunity to earn money except to kidnap a person and sell him to relatives for ransom.

  1. Venezuela

© venetur.ru

Especially to prevent tourists from being kidnapped in Venezuela, special reservations have even been built for them, in which they live. Tourists visiting Venezuela can only go out when accompanied by security, as it is believed that they will definitely be kidnapped, killed, or, at best, robbed. There are many gangs in the country that specialize in kidnapping people for ransom.

Watch the video “How to behave during a kidnapping?”:

This type of crime is one of the most terrible crimes against the individual.

The leader in the number of kidnappings is Colombia, where an average of 3 - 3.5 thousand such crimes are registered annually, which is approximately 60% of the total number of people kidnapped in the world. Mass kidnappings were noted in Russia at the end of the 20th century, the largest number of which occurred in the North Caucasus. In the period from 2000 to 2003, according to official data, about 2 thousand people were kidnapped in the Chechen Republic. Men are kidnapped more often - 84.7%, women - 12.3%, minor children - 3%.

Reasons and motives for kidnapping:

  • receiving ransom;
  • settling scores, revenge;
  • ritual actions, including those of totalitarian sects;
  • resolving personal or political issues;
  • kidnapping of children for sale to childless families;
  • using people as blood donors or internal organs;
  • pornography, prostitution;
  • slavery;
  • criminal actions of maniacs.

Kidnappers often torture, rape, subject them to moral, psychological, drug abuse, or kill their victims.

Kidnapping is always a carefully planned, well-prepared, multi-stage operation. Criminals try not to kidnap random victims. Kidnapping can happen at any time and in any place, most often where the personthe eyelid is the least protected. Most abductions occur in the morning, when people leave their homes. Criminals can cunningly lure or forcibly (by force) drag the victim into the car. To make the task easier, criminals use uniforms: military, police, medical, and forged documents. Many kidnappers behave friendly, they do not seem dangerous, people often like them, and they can lull the victim’s vigilance, taking advantage of his kindness, gullibility, and naivety.

Rules of conduct
How to prevent kidnapping:

  • if there is a suspicion of a possible abduction, it is necessary to report it to the police and increase vigilance;
  • Don’t make your level of wealth known to everyone. Do not share information about yourself and your family with strangers;
  • do not carry large sums of cash with you, do not wear expensive things and jewelry;
  • do not leave children in the evening and at night without adult supervision;
  • do not visit potentially dangerous places: landfills, basements, attics, construction sites, forest belts;
  • do not approach an unfamiliar stationary or slowly moving car at close range, walk on the sidewalk;
  • never agree to an offer from a stranger to get into his car, go into his apartment, go to a place unfamiliar to you, to the cinema, to the theater, to a concert, to a restaurant;
  • learn to use the telephone, personal communication system, alarm system;
  • do not accept gifts from random passers-by;
  • do not eat foods, sweets, water, or alcoholic beverages offered by strangers;
  • avoid meeting with noisy, drunken companies, or with people decorated with tattoos;
  • do not engage in conversations on the street with strangers, behave confidently and calmly;
  • before entering the apartment, look to see if there are strangers near the house or on the staircase; when darkness falls, turn on the light in one of the rooms, curtain all the windows on the first floor;
  • never open the front door until you are sure that familiar people are behind it;
  • never, under any pretext, let strangers into your apartment;
  • before leaving the apartment, look through the peephole to see if there are strangers on the staircase;
  • When leaving the apartment, even for a few minutes, be sure to lock the front door. When leaving home, close all windows, vents, balcony doors, turn on the alarm, hand over the apartment under security;
  • take one route, it should be safe. Do not stop or linger on the road;
  • In a visible place in the apartment, write down the phone numbers of your friends, neighbors, co-workers, and special services in case of an emergency call.

If the criminals managed to kidnap you:

  • don’t panic, pull yourself together, show will and patience, despite the psychological shock and everyday inconveniences: limited space, irregular meals, threats;
  • directly at the time of abduction, your actions can be active or passive. Active characterter involves resisting the kidnappers. Passive character does not imply such resistance; the kidnapped person is completely subject to the kidnappers. During a kidnapping, it is necessary to take advantage of the slightest opportunity to escape from the criminals;
  • try to remember how many kidnappers there were, their approximate age, nationality, accent when speaking, gender, characteristic external features, topics of conversation, make and number of the car, its color;
  • After the abduction, you will be taken to a pre-prepared place of imprisonment; a closed car can be used for this. You may be blindfolded so you cannot see the road. Remember the number of times the car stops, its speed, the nature of the road: descents, ascents, bumps, turns. An important indicator is the speed of movement and travel time. If possible, determine the direction and route of movement;
  • after the abduction, the criminals will keep you captive in an isolated apartment, house, basement, dugout. The first time is the hardest: fear, mental excitement, uncertainty, a sharp change in the usual way of life, temporary inconvenience. Try to remain calm and sane, don’t lose heart, don’t be discouraged. Try to behave courageously, with human dignity. Don't refuse food and water. Criminals may forget to feed you or give you water; ask for food and water yourself. During captivity you may get sick, inform your captors about this, ask for medicine;
  • kidnappers can record your voice on tape, take photographs or film a video, take some of your personal belongings, force you to write a letter to friends and family. Don’t resist, do everything they ask - the attackers need this information to contact your loved ones or intermediaries;
  • The duration of confinement may vary. This time must be used rationally: ask to bring reading materials, paper and pen; if possible, listen to the radio or watch TV. Don't forget about physical exercise- even basic squats, swings of arms and legs, rotation
    head, push-ups will help you. Personal hygiene
    even in conditions of captivity is mandatory.

Main release options:

  • fulfilling all demands of criminals or finding a compromise;
  • a sharp change in the situation among criminals;
  • capitulation of the kidnappers due to the impossibility of obtaining a ransom or the emergence of a real threat to their own safety;
  • release of hostages by law enforcement agencies.

During the process of imprisonment, unforeseen circumstances may arise that must be used to your advantage: attracting one of the intruders to your side, using accidentally left uncontrolled means of communication (telephone, radiotelephone, mobile phone) to inform relatives or the police. If a favorable situation arises to escape, take advantage of it.

Blood and sweat: Anabolics / Pain and Gain (2013)

Genre: crime, comedy, thriller, action
Director: Michael Bay
Actors: Mark Wahlberg, Dwayne Johnson, Anthony Mackie, Tony Shalhoub, Ed Harris, Rob Corddry, Rebel Wilson, Bar Paly, Ken Jeong, Michael Rispoli

About the film:

One day, a fitness trainer got tired of wearing sweatpants. He decided to radically change his destiny and get rich. He found two other unlucky musclemen and proposed to them a plan to kidnap his millionaire client. But if your body has more muscles than brains, then even the best plan, spied in an action movie, may not work...

Taken (2008)

Genre: action, thriller, crime
Director: Pierre Morel
Actors: Liam Neeson, Maggie Grace, Famke Janssen, Zander Berkeley, Katie Cassidy, Oliver Rabourdine, Leland Orser, John Griese, David Warshovsky, Holly Valance

About the film:

A young girl was kidnapped during a tourist holiday. Her father embarks on a dangerous rescue adventure to return his daughter and punish the culprits personally.

Taken 2 (2012)

Genre: action, thriller, crime
Director: Olivier Megaton
Actors: Liam Neeson, Maggie Grace, Famke Janssen, Leland Orser, John Gries, D.B. Sweeney, Luke Grimes, Rade Serbedzija, Kevork Malikyan, Alain Figlaj

About the film:

Bryan Mills will have to deal with the consequences of his actions. While saving his daughter, he killed the gang leader, who - surprise! - there is a father named Murad. Murad seeks revenge and is described as a man who gives orders but never obeys anyone. Murad takes Mills and his wife hostage, and then Kim Mills will need to save her parents.

Taken 3 (2014)

Genre: action, thriller
Director: Olivier Megaton
Actors: Liam Neeson, Maggie Grace, Forest Whitaker, Sam Spruell, Famke Janssen, Dougray Scott, Don Harvey, Dylan Bruno, Leland Orser, David Warshofsky

About the film:

Former government agent Brian Mills' life is thrown into disarray when he is accused of a murder he did not commit. Pursued by an experienced police inspector, Mills tries to track down the real killer...

The Call (2013)

Genre: Thriller
Director: Brad Anderson
Actors: Halle Berry, Abigail Breslin, Morris Chestnut, Michael Eklund, Michael Imperioli, Roma Maffia, Evie Thompson, Stephen Williams, Justina Machado

About the film:

The film tells the story of a 911 call center operator who receives a call from a girl who has become a victim of a maniac. The heroine will have to face her nightmares to save the girl...

No One Lives (2012)

Genre: Horror, thriller
Director: Ryuhei Kitamura
Actors: Luke Evans, Adelaide Clemens, Derek Magiar, Beau Knapp, America Olivo, Lee Tergesen, Lindsay Shaw, George Murdoch, Laura Ramsey, Gary Grubbs

About the film:

Ruthless criminals hid two hostages, a boy and a girl, in an abandoned house. However, after some time, the thugs find the hostage dead and suddenly realize that the young man is not as simple as he seemed at first glance. And now he is the one hunting them...

Captive of the Caucasus, or New Adventures of Shurik (1967)

Genre: melodrama, adventure, comedy
Director: Leonid Gaidai
Actors: Alexander Demyanenko, Natalya Varley, Ruslan Akhmetov, Yuri Nikulin, Georgy Vitsin, Evgeny Morgunov, Vladimir Etush, Frunzik Mkrtchyan, Nina Grebeshkova, Mikhail Gluzsky, Georgy Millyar, Emmanuel Geller, Pyotr Repnin, Noah Avaliani, Donara Mkrtchyan, Alexander Stroev, Vakhtang Kikabidze , Mikhail Sodorsky, Bogdan Galustyan, Georgy Svetlani, Oleg Sevostyanov, Leonid Dovlatov, Georgy Akhundov, Eduard Abalov, Vladislav Lynkovsky, Shota Kharabadze

About the film:

Having gone to one of the mountain republics to collect folklore, the hero of the film Shurik falls in love with a pretty girl - “an athlete, an excellent student, and simply a beauty.” But she is unexpectedly kidnapped to force her into marriage. The naive Shurik was not immediately able to figure out what was going on under his nose, but then he bravely rushed to free the “Caucasian captive”...

The Medallion (2003)

Genre: action, fantasy, comedy
Director: Gordon Chan
Actors: Jackie Chan, Lee Evans, Claire Forlani, Julian Sands, John Rhys-Davies, Anthony Wong Chau-Sang, Christy Cheung, Johan Myers, Alex Bao, Siu-Ming Lau, Diana S. Wen, Chan Tat Kwong, Wei Chung Mak, Anthony Carpio, Bruce Khan, Nicholas Tse, Edison Chen, Scott Adkins, Matt Rutledge, Reuben Langdon

About the film:

Hong Kong policeman Eddie Yang manages to survive in an absolutely hopeless situation. His life is saved by a mysterious magic medallion. This ancient piece of jewelry gives Eddie incredible, superhuman power, turning him into an invincible warrior. Young, along with his partner Nicole, is trying to unravel the mystery of the medallion, and at the same time repel members of an ancient military order who are trying to take possession of a powerful relic...

Pursuit / Abduction (2011)

Genre: action, thriller, drama, detective
Director: John Singleton
Actors: Taylor Lautner, Lily Collins, Jason Isaacs, Alfred Molina, Sigourney Weaver, Maria Bello, Antonique Smith, Mikael Nyqvist, Denzel Whitaker, Jake Andolina

About the film:

Main character one fine day he discovers his own photo on a website for searching for missing children. After recovering from the shock, he realizes that his parents kidnapped him and raised him as their own child. The young man begins an investigation, which ultimately turns into a chain of cruel and sometimes deadly events.

Stone/Dol (2013)

Genre: Drama, crime, action
Director: Cho Se-rae
Actors: Cho To-in, Park Won-sang, Kim Rwe-ha, Nam Myung-gye, Jo Ji-hwan, Oh Kwang-rok and others.

About the film:

A talented Go school graduate, Min Soo, has no goal of becoming a professional player. Nam Hae is a gang leader who grew up on the streets and is accustomed to using force to resolve issues. One day their paths cross over a game of Go. After losing to Min Soo, Nam Hae asks the guy to become his teacher. Each finds something to learn from the other, but how will this unexpected acquaintance affect the fate of the heroes?

Let's go! / Getaway (2013)

Genre: action, crime
Director: Courtney Solomon
Actors: Ethan Hawke, Selena Gomez, Jon Voight, Rebecca Budig, Paul Freeman, Bruce Payne, Ivaylo Geraskov, Dimo ​​Alexiev, Velislav Pavlov, Deyan Angelov

About the film:

Former race car driver Brent must get behind the wheel and follow the instructions of a mysterious man to save his kidnapped wife.

Baytown Outlaws / The Baytown Outlaws (2012)

Genre: Action, Comedy, Crime
Director: Barry Battles
Actors: Andre Braugher, Clayne Crawford, Daniel Cudmore, Travis Fimmel, Eva Longoria, Paul Wesley, Billy Bob Thornton, Thomas Brodie Sangster, Zoe Bell, Natalie Martinez

About the film:

Events will unfold around three brothers who have always loved conflicts and a good fight. They are hired to return a kidnapped disabled boy to a grandmother. The guys get a taste for it and shed rivers of other people's blood, mostly kidnappers.

Captain Phillips (2013)

Genre: Action, thriller, drama, real events, film adaptation
Director: Paul Greengrass
Actors: Tom Hanks, Barkhad Abdi, Catherine Keener, Max Martini, John Magaro, Chris Mulkey, David Warshofsky, Yul Vasquez, Michael Chernus, Corey Johnson, Maria Dizzia

About the film:

Richard Phillips is the captain of the MV Maersk Alabama, which was hijacked by Somali pirates in 2008. He offered himself as a hostage so that the rest of the crew would be released. He then spent three days in terrible conditions in captivity until he was freed by special forces. Film adaptation of the work: Richard Phillips, Stefan Talty.

Special Forces / Forces spéciales (2011)

Genre: action, drama, adventure
Director: Stefane Rybojad
Actors: Diane Kruger (Elsa), Djimon Hounsou (Kovax), Benoit Magimel (Tic-Tac), Denis Menochet (Lucas), Raphaël Personnaz (Elias), Alain Figlage Alain Figlarz (Victor), Alain Alivon (Marius), Mehdi Nebbou (Amen), Raz Degan (Ahmed Zaief), Tchéky Karyo (Amiral Guezennec), Morjana Alaoui ( Maina), Didier Flamand (Jacques Beauregard)

About the film:

A young French journalist is kidnapped in Afghanistan by the Taliban. The French government refuses to comply with the kidnappers' conditions. The Taliban then post a brutal video on the Internet counting down to her execution. An elite squad of French special forces is sent to the rescue of the girl. But it’s not enough to recapture the victim from the bandits; you also need to bring him to the mainland. Returning home becomes the way of the cross for both the civilian journalist and the experienced special forces soldiers.

The Frozen Ground (2013)

Genre: thriller, crime, biography, history
Director: Scott Walker
Actors: Nicolas Cage, John Cusack, Vanessa Anne Hudgens, Dean Norris, Olga Valentina, Michael McGrady, Brad William Henke, Radha Mitchell, 50 Cent, Katherine LaNasa, Kevin Dunn

About the film:

Everyone was sure that Robert Hansen was a decent family man, a bakery owner and a good hunter. No one suspected that he was actually a ruthless maniac who had kidnapped and killed more than twenty women. And only 17-year-old Cindy Paulson managed to escape from the killer. She puts a policeman on the trail of a maniac, who begins a dangerous investigation. Nobody believes him: Hansen is too decent a person for such an accusation... But the persistent cop knows his job and must see it to the end...

The Big Lebowski (1998)

Genre: comedy, crime
Director: Joel Coen
Actors: Jeff Bridges, John Goodman, Julianne Moore, Steve Buscemi, David Huddleston, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Tara Reid, Philip Moon, Mark Pellegrino, Peter Stormare, Flea, Torsten Vogs

About the film:

Los Angeles, 1991, Gulf War. The main character, nicknamed "Dude", considers himself completely happy man. His life consists of bowling and drinking. But suddenly his happiness is disrupted, gangsters mistakenly take him for a millionaire with the same name, demand money that he does not suspect anything about, and, on top of everything else, kidnap the millionaire’s wife, being confident that the “husband” will pay any amount for her.

Buried Alive (2010)

Genre: thriller, drama, detective
Director: Rodrigo Cortes / Rodrigo Cortes
Actors: Ryan Reynolds, Jose Luis Garcia Perez, Robert Paterson, Stephen Tobolowsky, Samantha Mathis, Ivana Migno, Warner Loughlin, Eric Palladino, Cali Rocha, Chris Martin

About the film:

The hero of the film, Paul, who is in Iraq under a contract, loses consciousness during an ambush and after a while comes to his senses in a strange, cramped, dark place. It is not difficult to guess that after using the lighter, Paul finds himself buried in a coffin. He will have to go through many terrible, psychologically difficult, physically impossible moments of struggle for his own life in attempts to get out of an unexpected trap...

Agent Hamilton: Kidnapped / Hamilton: Men inte om det gäller din dotter (2012)

Genre: action, thriller, drama
Director: Tobias Falk
Actors: Mikael Persbrandt, Seba Mubarak, Frida Hallgren, Ruben Salmander, Nadja Christiansson, Lennart Yllström, Peter Eggers, Steven Waddington, Cal McAnink, John Light

About the film:

Hamilton is a special agent called upon to solve the most impossible problems. He always defended the interests of his country. But when his goddaughter is kidnapped by representatives of a Middle Eastern oil tycoon and the government takes no steps to free her, Hamilton decides to bring her home on his own. Together with his friends, he will have to fight a heavily armed army and storm a fortress in the desert. The weapon is already loaded, and Agent Hamilton never suffers defeat.

Prisoners (2013)

Genre: thriller, drama, crime
Director: Denis Villeneuve
Actors: Hugh Jackman, Jake Gyllenhaal, Viola Davis, Maria Bello, Terrence Howard, Melissa Leo, Paul Dano, Dylan Minnette, Zoe Board, Erin Gerasimovich, Kayla Drew Simmons, Wayne Duvall

About the film:

Keller Dover faces every parent's worst nightmare: his six-year-old daughter has gone missing along with her friend. Time flies, the girls do not return, and panic reaches its limit. The only clue was a dilapidated van that was parked on their street while the girls were playing in the yard. Detective Lockie, who is leading the investigation, arrests his driver, Alex Jones, but the police are soon forced to release him due to a lack of evidence. The police hesitate, and the father, distraught with grief, takes matters into his own hands. But how far is Keller willing to go in search of girls?

The Captive (2014)

Genre: Thriller, drama
Director: Atom Egoyan
Actors: Ryan Reynolds, Scott Speedman, Rosario Dawson, Mireille Enos, Kevin Durant, Alexia Fast, Peyton Kennedy, Bruce Greenwood, Brendan Gahl, Aaron Poole

About the film:

The film tells the story of a father who, eight years after his daughter's abduction, begins to find clues that the seventeen-year-old girl may be alive.

Anger / Tokarev (2014)

Genre: action, thriller, crime
Director: Paco Cabezas / Paco Cabezas
Actors: Nicolas Cage, Rachel Nichols, Max Ryan, Michael McGrady, Peter Stormare, Pavel Lichnikoff, Patrice Coles, Max Fowler, Aubrey Peoples, Jack Falahee, Roman Cooperman

About the film:

Paul Maguire is a former gangster, and now a respectable businessman and an exemplary family man. But when his daughter is kidnapped, he is forced to pick up his old connections and get back on the slippery slope... "The past will never leave you"

Misery (1990)

Genre: horror, thriller, drama
Director: Rob Reiner
Actors: James Caan, Kathy Bates, Frances Sternhagen, Richard Farnsworth, Lauren Bacall

About the film:

Writer Paul Sheldon does not remember the heavy snowfall that caused him to crash his car somewhere in the mountains. He also does not remember how a woman found him and saved him from certain death. All he remembers is how he woke up in the house of Annie Wilkes, an ardent fan of his novels. Not wanting to part with her favorite author, she breaks his legs so that he won’t run away and forces Paul to create a new book, thus making him her own “tame” writer. Cursing his school teachers who taught him to write, he tries to regain his freedom by running away from Annie's house. But it is not so easy to escape from the tenacious hands of a cruel maniacal fanatic.

Kidnapping / Bou ying (2011)

Genre: Thriller, crime
Director: Wing-Cheong Lau
Actors: Anthony Wong Chau-Sang, Richie Ren, Janice Man, Maggie Cheung Ho Yee, Candy Lo, Lee Lam, Jang Kung, Charlie Cho, Alan Chui Chung San, Elena Kong

About the film:

Wong Ho-chiu is prosperous and rich until the time comes to resolve the conflict with his daughter Daisy. She claims to have an independent life, where there are drinking, drugs and other entertainment of the “golden” youth. Daisy is kidnapped. And the situation is changing dramatically. What can a father do to bring his daughter back alive?

Captivity (2007)

Genre: horror, thriller, crime
Director: Roland Joffe
Actors: Elisha Cuthbert, Daniel Gillies, Pruitt Taylor Vince, Michael Harney, Laz Alonso, Maggie Damon, Krista Olson, Carl Paoli, Trent Broin, Anelia Dyulgerova

About the film:

At a party, popular fashion model Jennifer Tree suddenly passes out after drinking a cocktail. She finds herself in the basement of a private residential building and realizes that she has been kidnapped. Soon, behind the glass wall separating the rooms, she also discovers a captive young man- driver Harry. Young people communicate through glass, hoping to escape. In order to avoid the fate of the maniac's previous victims, they try to escape, but each time they fall into a skillfully laid trap.

The Heineken Kidnapping / De Heineken ontvoering (2011)

Genre: thriller, crime, history
Director: Maarten Treoniet
Actors: Rutger Hauer, Sally Harmsen, Marcel Hensema, Gijs Neubre, Ton Kas, Reinu Scholten van Aschat, Tune Kuilbur, Beppi Melissen, Truus te Selle

About the film:

This film tells the story of a daring kidnapping carried out by a group of young people for profit. They kidnapped a very influential person and want to get a ransom, but their plans are thwarted and everything turns out far from what they planned. The hostage soon begins his game, and it is unknown who is on the hook...

Raising Arizona (1987)

Genre: comedy, crime, detective, adventure
Director: Joel Coen / Joel Coen, Ethan Coen / Ethan Coen
Actors: Nicolas Cage, Holly Hunter, Trey Wilson, John Goodman, William Forsythe, Randall "Tex" Cobb /

About the film:

Hai was a petty robber. Edwina served in the police. They met regularly - after he was once again captured and taken to jail. And then Huy and Edwina got married. This strange couple was quite happy, but they had no children, and then they decided to kidnap the baby so that they would have someone to raise...

Four / Four (2011)

Genre: thriller
Director: John Langridge
Actors: Martin Compston, Craig Conway, George Morris, Sean Pertwee, Kierston Wareing

About the film:

Four lives, four stories. The husband of his unfaithful wife organized what seemed like the perfect plan for revenge. First you need to kidnap your lover without witnesses. Then take him to a distant abandoned building. Give him a good punch in the face. And then intimidate. And confuse everyone by hiring a detective to do the dirty work. But nothing in this world happens simply and perfectly...

The Entitled (2011)

Genre: Thriller
Director: Aaron Woodley
Actors: Ray Liotta, Kevin Zegers, Dustin Milligan, Laura Vandervoort, Victor Garber, Devon Bostick, Stephen McHattie, Tatiana Maslany, John Bregar

About the film:

Paul Dinan's life is turned upside down when, in order to save his family, he decides to kidnap three young men and demand ransom for them. Events begin to spin into an uncontrollable spiral as soon as his hostages begin to behave in unexpected ways. And after blood is spilled, Paul's entire beautiful plan begins to crumble like a house of cards, and the film's hero must constantly fight to stay one step ahead of his own game.

Taken from Me: The Tiffany Rubin Story (2011)

Genre: drama
Director: Gary Harvey
Actors: Taraji P. Henson, Terry O'Quinn, David Jones, Drew Davis, Shawn Baek, Alison Araya, Peter Benson, Ethan Conde, Jennifer Copping, Dawson Dunbar, Susan Hanson, Marcy T. House, Jarod Joseph, Daniel Jung, Silver Kim , Stephen Lobo, Crystal Lowe, Matteo Mazzotti, Edom Osei, Anthony Shim, April Telek, Beverly Todd, Lucia Walters

About the film:

The film is based on real story the kidnapping of the heroine's six-year-old son Koby by his biological father. The boy was taken from New York to Seoul (South Korea) and therefore returning him home took incredible efforts not only from his mother, Tiffany Rubin (Henson), but also from all those who helped the woman in her trouble. An invaluable contribution to the return of Kobe was made by Mark Miller, head of the American Association for Lost Children. It was only thanks to him that Tiffany managed to end up in Korea and, after overcoming a lot of obstacles, she was still able to take her boy home...

Dirty Ransom / See piu fung wan (2010)

Genre: Action, thriller, crime
Director: Kwok-Meng Keung
Actors: Simon Yam, Miu Kiu-Wai, Fala Chen, Liu Yang, Andy On, Kenny Wong, Wong Tak-Bun, Ricky Chan, Vincent Wong, Cheung Louis, Samuel Pang, Zuki Lee, Winnie Leung, Parkman Wong, Cheung Ka-Lun , Ada Wong

About the film:

At the center is a kidnapping and ransom, the victim is not the heir of billionaires, but an important boss of a mafia triad. Who are his kidnappers? Kidnappers who care not so much about money, but about the liquidation of a criminal clan... A psychological duel in a detective investigation between veteran policeman Cheng and ex-cop Sam...

My Friend / Mon Ami (2012)

Genre: comedy, crime
Director: Rob Grant
Actors: Mike Kovacs, Scott Wallis, Bradley Duffy, John Fitzgerald, Lyn Harvey, P. Lynn Johnson, Bill Murdock, Chelsea Reist, Justin Sproule, Teagan Vince

About the film:

“Two friends. One plan. No clue.” Two friends decided to take revenge on their boss by kidnapping his daughter “without noise and dust.” But everything went wrong and now they need to find a way out of the current situation that threatens their plans...

This type of crime is one of the most terrible crimes against the individual.

The leader in the number of kidnappings is Colombia, where an average of 3 - 3.5 thousand such crimes are registered annually, which is approximately 60% of the total number of kidnapped people in the world.

Mass kidnappings were noted in Russia at the end of the twentieth century. The largest number of them is in the North Caucasus. In the period from 2000 to 2003, according to official data, about 2 thousand people were kidnapped in the Chechen Republic.

Men are kidnapped more often - 84.7%, women - 12.3%, minor children - 3%.

The main reasons and motives for kidnapping:

receiving ransom;

settling scores, revenge;

ritual actions, including those of totalitarian sects;

resolving personal or political issues;

kidnapping of children for sale to childless families;

using people as blood or organ donors;

pornography, prostitution;


criminal actions of maniacs.

Kidnappers often torture, rape, subject them to moral, psychological, drug abuse, or kill their victims.

Kidnapping is always a carefully planned, well-prepared, multi-stage operation. Criminals try not to kidnap a random victim. Kidnapping can happen at any time and in any place, most often where a person is least protected. Most abductions occur in the morning, when people leave their homes. Criminals can cunningly lure or forcibly (by force) drag the victim into the car. To make the task easier, criminals use uniforms: military, police, medical, and forged documents. Many kidnappers behave friendly, they do not seem dangerous, people often like them, and they can lull the victim’s vigilance, taking advantage of his kindness, gullibility, and naivety.

Actions aimed at preventing kidnapping.

If you suspect a possible abduction, you must report it to the police and increase your vigilance.

Don't make your wealth known to everyone. Do not share information about yourself and your family with strangers.

Do not carry large sums of cash with you, do not wear expensive things and jewelry.

Do not leave children in the evening or at night without adult supervision.

Do not visit potentially dangerous places: landfills, basements, attics, construction sites, forest belts.

Do not come close to an unfamiliar parked or slowly moving car, walk on the sidewalk.

Never agree to an offer from a stranger to get into his car, go into his apartment, go to a place unfamiliar to you, to the cinema, to the theater, to a concert, to a restaurant.

Learn to use the telephone, personal communication system, alarm system.

Do not accept gifts from random passers-by.

Do not eat food, sweets, water, or alcoholic drinks offered by strangers.

Avoid meeting with noisy, drunken companies, or people with tattoos.

Don't engage in conversations with strangers on the street. Behave confidently and calmly.

Before entering the apartment, look to see if there are strangers near the house or on the staircase.

When darkness falls, turn on the light in one of the rooms and curtain all the windows on the first floor.

Never open the front door until you are sure that people you know are behind it.

Never, under any pretext, let strangers into your apartment.

Before leaving the apartment, look through the peephole to see if there are strangers on the staircase.

When leaving the apartment, even for a few minutes, be sure to lock the front door.

When leaving home, close all windows, vents, and balcony doors. Turn on the alarm, put the apartment under security.

Take one route. It must be safe. Don't stop or linger on the road.

In a visible place in the apartment, write the phone numbers of your friends, neighbors, co-workers, and special services in case of an emergency call.

Actions of the abducted.

If, nevertheless, the criminals managed to kidnap you, do not panic, pull yourself together, show will and patience, despite the psychological shock and everyday inconveniences: limited room space, irregular meals, threats.

Directly at the moment of abduction, your actions can be active or passive. The active nature involves resisting the kidnappers. The passive nature of such resistance does not imply; the kidnapped person is entirely subject to the kidnappers. During a kidnapping, you must take every opportunity to escape from the criminals.

Try to remember how many kidnappers there were, their approximate age, nationality, accent when speaking, gender, characteristic external features, topics of conversation, make and number of the car, its color.

After the abduction, you will be taken to a pre-arranged place of imprisonment. A closed vehicle can be used for this. You may be blindfolded so that you cannot see the road. Remember the number of times the car stops, its speed, the nature of the road: descents, ascents, bumps, turns. An important indicator is the speed of movement and travel time. If possible, determine the direction and route of movement.

After the abduction, you will be kept captive in an isolated apartment, house, basement, or dugout. The first time is the most difficult: fear, mental excitement, uncertainty, a sharp change in the usual way of life, temporary inconvenience. Try to remain calm and sane, don’t lose heart, don’t be discouraged. Try to behave courageously, with human dignity. Don't refuse food and water. Criminals may forget to feed you or give you water; ask for food and water yourself. You may get sick while in captivity. Report this to the kidnappers and ask for medicine.

Kidnappers can record your voice on tape, take photographs or film a video, take some of your personal belongings, force you to write a letter to friends and family. Don't resist, do whatever they ask. Attackers need this information to contact your loved ones or intermediaries.

The duration of confinement may vary. This time must be used rationally: ask to bring reading materials, paper and pen; if possible, listen to the radio or watch TV. Don't forget about physical exercise, even basic squats, swinging your arms and legs, rotating your head, and push-ups will help you. Personal hygiene, even in conditions of confinement, is mandatory.

Basic release options. 1.

Fulfilling all the demands of the criminals or finding a compromise. 2.

A sharp change in the situation among criminals. 3.

Capitulation of the kidnappers due to the impossibility of obtaining a ransom or the emergence of a real threat to their own safety. 4.

Release of hostages by law enforcement agencies.

During the process of imprisonment, unforeseen circumstances may arise that must be used to your advantage: attracting one of the intruders to your side, using accidentally left uncontrolled means of communication (telephone, radiotelephone, mobile phone) to inform relatives or the police. If a favorable situation arises to escape, take advantage of it. 6.3.