Page of wands relationship tarot. Annie Lionnet. “Tarot. Practical guide." Variations in the name of the Arcana and differences in interpretation

Who among us has not at least once wanted to know what awaits him in the future, and what kind of people are surrounded by him? Probably everyone wanted this. And in this case, we are looking for tools and ways to lift the veil of secrecy. Tarot card layout is one of them. But how can you understand correctly if the Page of Wands card appears in the layout? Tarot can tell you a lot with it.

The Page of Wands says - the deadlock has come into effect

General meanings of the Page of Wands card

Most often, this card is given the meaning of a messenger, a traveler, long-awaited news or a good friend. She is often compared to people who announced the arrival of new guests at a celebration by striking a staff on the floor.

The Page of Wands Tarot card indicates that the seemingly dead-end situation has begun to move.

A person experiences inspiration, new interests, and his views on certain situations have changed. The following meanings are also attributed to this card:

  • a test for a person prone to hobbies;
  • temptation;
  • event capable of capturing;
  • an opportunity that seems attractive;
  • strength test.

The meaning of this card is the desire to start new road, the emergence of enthusiasm. In the period of time that the Jack of Wands, aka Page, describes, he is literally under siege by new ideas that need to be implemented and developed. The suit of the card indicates that these are ideas that influence career, self-realization, promotion and business.

What does the Page of the Staff card tell you?

The meaning of the Page cards is the prospects that have opened up in life, bringing inspiration. Wands are the personification of the element of Fire. This means that the opportunities that open up to a person are perceived with a sense of delight. Most often, the Page of Wands represents bright colors among the dullness of everyday life, risk, adventure, adventure and a way out of the comfort zone and usual interests.

This could be unusual experiences, a chance to test your strength, participation in competitions and contests. The appearance of this card in a reading brings with it a period of creativity, spontaneous beginnings, and expectations that make you feel excited. However, it can also be taken as advice to “wait” for some event or news that will have a very positive effect on the desire to work.

In a situation where the layout does not contain other figured Arcana, senior in rank, you need to understand that the person is not yet ready for active action. This situation suggests that at this stage it is better to wait, and after some time you can try to achieve your goals. A person does not yet have sufficient maturity to plunge headlong into a new offer that has arrived.

The arcana surrounding the Page of Wands can tell you about the outcome of the current situation in more detail. When interpreting events, it is worth focusing on the meaning of the Major Arcana. The positive nature of the Arcana can help you gather your courage and still take risks. However, it is important to remember that a blind agreement may be premature and unjustified.

Meanings of the inverted card Page of Staves

The Page of Wands reversed indicates that a person has lost interest in the affairs around him, he may be afraid of change, and is not enthusiastic.

Traditionally, the following interpretations are attributed to this position of the card:

  • information that is distressing;
  • gossip;
  • negative news;
  • worry due to intrigue;
  • disturbing warning;
  • heartbreaking event.

The Page of Wands reversed can predict a heartbreaking event

The inverted Page that appears in the layout indicates that the situation contains deprivation, weakness in positions, and underdevelopment of character. A firm position and the desire to develop this position are simulated.

The person this card represents is uncollected, amateur and careless. His inner fire is under weak control and is unstable. Often such a person is attributed to mannerism, theatricality, superficiality and the habit of emphasizing his superiority in the same way as life experience.

In many cases, the Page of Wands Tarot, whose meaning is very broad, indicates that the development of events and the situation have taken the wrong turn. It is likely that the first step and the first impression created set the wrong direction.

The plans and hopes of a person who has received such a card may become a reality that does not live up to expectations, or they may remain plans and hopes. The opportunity personified by the Page is missed, and the person will suffer, albeit small, but still losses.

Page Posokhov in the reading for the state of the individual

There are a number of interpretations that reveal the character and state of the individual symbolized by the Page of Wands. Tarot cards, the meaning of which can reveal many aspects, say the following on this matter.

The person described by this card is in a state of euphoria, recklessness, and an excellent, cheerful mood. In this mindset, there is a willingness to plunge headlong into adventure, to experience the unknown and to meet the novelty and elements of freshness of the situation.

The distinctive features of the Page of Wands can be considered spontaneity, impulsiveness and impetuosity.

This is his similarity with the Knight of the same suit. However, he is not as stupid as his older brother. The Page's actions reveal his desire to show off and act without preparation, revealing characteristics such as liveliness and improvisation. Spontaneity and openness. This card can be considered a symbol of the primary manifestations of strength, beauty, youth and courage.

The spiritual state of a person described by the Page of Wands can be compared to a teenager who is overcome by hyperactivity, the desire to gain recognition and try everything possible, however, such a union of immaturity, attractiveness and inexperience may turn out to be an enemy, because older people may show a desire to use this type of character .

Traditionally, the Page of Wands is described by the following interpretations:

  1. A young stranger with a sound mind and good intentions.
  2. A person who has honesty and a loyal attitude towards the questioner.
  3. A friend who is reasonable and trustworthy.
  4. A person who has courage and strives to protect others.

This is an example of a person who is still very immature in age or experience, but shows promise. It is impossible to say with certainty that the inclinations inherent in this person are realized into some specific entity.

But this person shows a willingness to reach his peak. Despite his subordinate state, he is driven by the ambitions of fire, he is filled with optimism and an enthusiastic readiness to learn what will be new.

Page of Wands and health

Interpretations that indicate the presence of some serious health problems with the questioner are not attributed to the Page of Wands. This person is in a state of mental and physical youth.

The Page of Wands can talk about minor health problems (for example, nervous exhaustion)

The diseases that this card can talk about are very minor. This could be nervous exhaustion, a minor burn, dehydration or minor injury.

Symbolism of the Page of Wands in terms of relationships

For the most part, due to established traditions, the Page of Wands is attributed to the meaning of a young person who is in a state of search for his mate and belongs to a good family, such a lover can be trusted. But at the same time, modern tarologists believe that this card speaks of the so-called “one-night stand.”

There is an assumption that if this card appears, enthusiasm prevails over love. For example, Crowley emphasizes that the Page of Wands indicates that a person is unable to make a real exchange of emotions, hiding behind a strong sexual impulse.

In such a person there is no dedication of a sincere nature and involvement based on emotions. This state is characteristic of falling in love during adolescence. In this state, the experience of seduction, which is initial, is perceived by a person as a victory. Basically the map describes the following:

  • flirting;
  • enthusiasm;
  • excitation;
  • sexual attractiveness;
  • a spark that has jumped;
  • primary desire.

At the same time, the cards surrounding the Page can tell whether this very spark will become something worthwhile. It is worth noting that the person symbolized by this card finds it quite difficult to maintain his devotion. We can say that such a person still has no idea what he has to go through; he is a neophyte whose trials are only ahead.

In the modern interpretation of this Tarot card, the emphasis is shifted more towards aspects of passion and sexual desires, rather than towards readiness for new experiences and trepidation. In the event of the appearance of the Page of Wands, spontaneity reigns in the atmosphere, a desire to release instincts to freedom, without caring about feelings.

The ardor of the Page's passion lasts until the next great love appears on his life's path. He is filled with expectations, hopes, and openness. However, he does not accept any responsibility. The heart is conquered by his adventurism, but the moral qualities of this person are not deep enough. In the case of this card, we cannot talk about duplicity, since the Page is a fickle nature.

If the Page of Wands is the personification of a partner, then this is a person in a state of at least mental youth, who is used to living one day at a time, captured by the desire to seduce the one who has aroused his interest. He enjoys the attention he receives. We can say that the Page of Wands is waiting for the moment that gives him the opportunity to be delighted.

Combinations with other cards

It is believed that the Page of Wands, falling in front of another card indicating a man, communicates the possibility of trusting such a person. If it appears next to the male card, one can assume the presence of an opponent with strength, determination and courage.

When the Page of Wands of the Tarot appears during fortune telling, the meaning of the positive aspect of this card can please people who love adventure. This card promises bright impressions, but warns that you will have to take risks.

In the article:

Page of Wands Tarot - meaning in layouts

Page of Wands Tarot in a straight position predicts some kind of challenge, test or test of the inner core. The business you have in mind is worth the risk. The fortuneteller needs to show perseverance and prove that he is worthy of the reward. In addition, the Page of Wands indicates the need for sports exercises. Now is the time the right time in order to try to get involved in any sport.

This card denotes a person who is in the thick of things. He wants to do something great and dreams that his exploits will be remembered by his descendants. The Page of Wands is distinguished by courage, enthusiasm, energy and talent for what he loves.

Another part of the meaning of the Tarot Page of Staffs is pleasant news from loved ones or friends. You will soon receive an email or call. Profitable and interesting offers will come from other people. Now is the best time to approve new ideas. The period is good for starting work on any project.

There is a high probability that new opportunities will appear that may interest you. Most likely, they will be associated with going beyond the usual boundaries of interests, some kind of competition or competition, adventure or travel. This will be a bright event that you can remember for the rest of your life, but it requires courage. The fortuneteller will have to take risks in order to gain new impressions and test his abilities, but the risk is justified.

Inverted Tarot card Page of Staffs promises unfavorable circumstances blocking the path to the goal. They can come as natural disasters or unexpected illness. In addition, unpleasant news from friends or loved ones is promised, as well as unpleasant communication, perhaps irritation due to a too dry or official answer. Someone says nasty things about you behind your back and doesn't take you seriously. There is a high probability of being deceived by a stranger.

The inverted card gives a special warning regarding haste. A decision made without careful thought may turn out to be the wrong one. The consequences of a mistake will be serious. The fortuneteller or his close people behave like impatient children. Think carefully about your decisions to avoid becoming a victim of impatience. At the same time, indecisiveness should be avoided, especially at work. Avoid bragging; it cannot be called appropriate now.

What personalities does the Page of Wands Tarot represent?

The meaning of the Page of Wands Tarot is a hyperactive and very smart child, or a young individual of either sex, full of energy. Most likely, this person is engaged in dancing or has chosen acting, writing, or another creative profession. However, he may well turn out to be a teacher, coach or athlete, politician, salesman or preacher.

This person loves to travel and often goes to places he has never been before. There is a tendency towards narcissism and even narcissism. With a high probability, the person in mind belongs to the fire sign of the Zodiac - Leo, Sagittarius or Aries, and has dark hair.

Map in a straight position means a person who will bring you good news. This is an optimist who is almost always in a good mood. This person has the makings of a leader; he is courageous and energetic. Most likely, the Page of Wands means your lover.

Inverted The Page of Wands represents someone who once broke your heart. It is also possible that this is any other person who craves attention, speaks negatively about the fortuneteller and tries to suppress him. He cannot be trusted, he is superficial, boastful and unreliable. You are dealing with a gossip, a frivolous person who cannot keep secrets. Everything you tell him will become public knowledge. Perhaps this card represents the person who will bring bad news.

Page of Wands Tarot - meaning in relationships

The Page of Wands in a reading for love and personal life speaks of some fascinating and exciting event. This applies to those who have been married for a long time and to single people. The last card promises the appearance of a new partner. Regarding existing relationships, some interesting event will enrich them and make them richer and brighter, awaken old feelings and relieve them from the routine of family life.

In addition, some adventure may happen in your personal life. It will involve something you have never experienced before. It is likely that the form of relationship that the future promises you will be extremely unusual. Major changes are also possible in existing relationships. It is highly likely that they will be associated with the physical side of love, and the impressions will not disappoint you. It is also likely to receive news from a loved one or a love message.

Despite the positive meaning of the direct position of the card, it still reminds you that you must take responsibility for the future of your union. The meaning in a relationship of the Page of Wands Tarot, if the card turns out to be upside down– a certain conflict, disagreement, cooling of feelings. The reason for this will be the inattention of the fortuneteller. The card also means troubles in the sexual sphere.

Page of the Staff Tarot - meaning for self-development

The meaning of the Jack of Wands Tarot advises the querent to closely monitor messengers and messengers. Soon you will meet a person who will change something in your worldview or give interesting idea. Don't close yourself off from other people's offers of help. Get ready for something new and interesting.

The map promises some discoveries that will significantly expand your horizons. This could be a book, a film, a lecture or a seminar, except in the extremely likely case of a conversation with a messenger. You will notice things you never noticed before, and new possibilities and ideas will seriously interest you.

In addition, Page of Posokhov may indicate household chores that you will have to deal with in the near future. They will not be boring, but the result will be some ideas that will come in the process of performing these duties.

Jack of Wands Tarot - meaning in fortune telling for business and work

In a work scenario, the meaning of the Page of Wands Tarot card foreshadows the receipt of an interesting offer. You will be glad to see him, new prospects will undoubtedly arouse considerable interest.

The proposal will be related to a non-standard task. It may not fit your position or your normal work routine. Likely to receive new position or workplace. It may also turn out that this offer will be related to a trip abroad.

In general, they will offer you something unusual and quite attractive, in your opinion. The consequences of the completed task will be professional growth and possible promotion through the ranks. Even if it seems difficult, it is better to accept the offer. You will be pleased with both the process of completing the task and its results, but on the path to success you will have to overtake all competitors.

If you're expecting a call about an interview or a new position, it's coming soon. In searching for a job, the fortuneteller will be successful, despite the strict selection among many applicants. Regarding studies, now is an extremely opportune time to start a new course or enroll.

Inverted The card speaks of indecision and lack of vital energy. This affects your work. You should get rid of what takes your energy and does not allow you to restore strength. There is a high probability of receiving a refusal for representatives of creative professions.

Princess of Wands in the Thoth Tarot

According to descriptions, the Princess of Wands represents the earthly aspect of the fire element, the fuel for the Great Fire. It symbolizes the unstoppable attraction between combustible matter and fire, as well as freedom from fear, new opportunities and beginnings, and an optimistic outlook on the world.

The Princess of Wands is depicted naked and defenseless, but she still managed to defeat the tiger, which symbolizes fears and troubles. The feathers painted on the head symbolize the developed craving for justice and perception that appears in those who have triumphed over fears. The Princess Wand has a solar symbol.

The meaning of the Princess of Wands Tarot is victory over fears. You have found your strengths and can successfully use them. After conquering fear, you can decide on the next important life step towards your goal. In addition, the card recommends studying the state of trance and ecstatic types of meditation.

The meaning of the Page of Wands Tarot card in combination with other cards

If the Page of Wands appears next to the Hermit card, this indicates that the proposal should be rejected. Perhaps the prediction will be slightly different - your proposal will not be of interest to a person known to you.

If fire could take on earthly form, it would certainly turn into the Page of Wands. In Waite's classic adaptation, the Page of Wands is depicted standing alone in a hot desert. But, since he is the literal embodiment of fire, he is comfortable in such conditions. His face is turned to the sun, the Page of Wands seems to be bathing in the hot desert heat.

Typically, Pages are students or messengers. Since the Wands are responsible for the spiritual sphere and career, the Page of Wands Tarot card appearing in a reading will mean that the person will receive news about his spiritual life or learn a new lesson.

If we look a little deeper into history, the Page of Wands has always been associated with a young man who has a fiery disposition. He is always talented and direct in his statements. Therefore, if the alignment is made on love and feelings, you should expect to meet just such a person. If the alignment is made for other areas of life, for example, at work, then you can hope for good news that will be related to career growth.

Another interpretation means that the card will become a symbol of proclamation. “Proclamation” can mean a formal statement, praise, announcement, or command.

The Page of Wands Tarot card can be advice or a warning. In a good omen, the Page can mean that one should not neglect the chance that suddenly arises. After all, despite all sorts of risks, actions will be crowned with success. In a negative sense, if the Page of Wands is reversed, the card warns that one should not trust promises and offers, because they will ultimately prove fleeting.

Page of Wands - the meaning of the lasso in layouts

If a card appears in a personal reading, then it certainly indicates youth and lack of experience. And, perhaps, this is the only flaw of the person who is being guessed at. After all, the Page of Wands (even inverted) is a person about whom it is always pleasant to talk. He definitely has positive potential, and only time will tell whether it will be implemented properly or not.

If you guess at a certain situation, the appearance of this card may mean that a person is not yet ready to actively act to achieve what he wants. You need to wait a little until there is a chance to achieve your goal.

The meaning of the Page of Wands Tarot card in relationships and love readings

In love, the Page of Wands predicts increased feelings and rapid development of relationships. The interpretation of this arcana concerns more emotions than actions - this is a period of flirting, falling in love, sexual attraction, which has not yet developed into a relationship. However, the Page of Wands speaks of pure, real feelings. Combination with other cards will help clarify the details.

The reversed Page of Wands in a love reading means flared up feelings that can just as quickly disappear. In addition, the Page of Wands can indicate problems in relationships that could lead to separation.

Page of Wands and its meaning in the work chart

A direct card speaks of new responsibilities in connection with moving up the career ladder. The Page of Wands shows the paths along which you can achieve success in your professional activities.

An inverted lasso indicates that the direction of the path and the strategy of action should be clearly defined, since chaotic actions cannot lead to success.

Interpretation of the Page of Wands Tarot card in a health reading

This lasso can indicate appendicitis, inflammation, and skin problems.

Magic combination with other cards

In combination with the Higher Arcana, the Tarot card Page of Wands can take on different meanings. With card:

  • 0 – “Fool” – means fickle lessons.
  • 1 – “Magician” - you should be wary of intrigues from young man.
  • 2 – “The High Priestess” - you will have to take part in a scientific experiment.
  • 3 – “Empress” - news from the children will come soon.
  • 4 – “Emperor” - it’s time to learn the basics of business.
  • 5 – “Hierophant” - you will meet the patron of a young man, most often this combination is interpreted as matchmaking.
  • 6 – “Lovers” – in love – a happy relationship.
  • 7 – “Chariot” - a business trip is coming.
  • 8 – “Strength” - soon you will have to deal with physical processes and hard work.
  • 9 - “Hermit” - you need to once again evaluate your own strengths, there is a high probability that the situation is insoluble.
  • 10 – “Wheel of Fortune” - a new turn will come in life, you need to prepare for pleasant surprises.
  • 11 – “Justice” - you will have to deal with law enforcement agencies or lawyers.
  • 12 – “The Hanged Man” – failure.
  • 13 – “Death” - a protracted search will be crowned with success.
  • 14 – “Moderation” - it will be possible to find a solution that will satisfy everyone.
  • 15 – “Devil” - a warning, you should stop studying black magic.
  • 16 – “Tower” - unexpected dismissal or expulsion.
  • 17 – “Star” - it’s worth listening to astrological forecasts or horoscopes.
  • 18 – “Moon” - an inept lie will be revealed.
  • 19 – “Sun” - receive a well-deserved award (grand).
  • 20 – “Court” - you should watch your actions, even a minor violation can lead to big problems.
  • 21 – “Peace” - it’s time to realize your purpose.

Tarot card Page of Wands combined with some of the minor arcana

With the “Ace of Wands” - start a successful business;

With the Three of Wands - use abilities;

With the “Six of Wands” - the path to success;

With the Eight of Wands - a combination meaning a long-awaited event;

With the Ten of Wands, lack of experience can be detrimental;

With the “Knight of Wands” - excessive ardor;

With the “Queen of Wands” - self-confidence;

With the “King of Wands” - seriousness, good health.

With the “Ace of Cups” - falling in love;

With the “Two of Cups” - romantic relationships;

With the “Four of Cups” - apathy;

With the “Nine of Cups” - in love - getting what you want;

With the "Page of Cups" - this combination indicates that a romantic message will be received;

With the “Knight of Cups” - help;

With the “Queen of Cups” - in a relationship - sympathy;

With the “King of Cups” there is a trusting relationship.

With the “Ace of Swords” - creativity;

With the “Two of Swords” - an unusual solution to the problem;

With the “Three of Swords” - amazing news;

With the “Seven of Swords” - falsehood;

With the “Nine of Swords” - unpleasant news;

With the “Ten of Swords” - loss of work;

With the “Page of Swords” - study; secret affairs;

With the “Queen of Swords” - in love - a break in relations;

With the “King of Swords” - receiving news.

With the “Ace of Pentacles” - news about business;

With the Five of Pentacles - lack of information;

With the “Six of Pentacles” - help or receive help;

With the Eight of Pentacles - interest in work;

With the “Nine of Pentacles” - the combination promises profit;

With the Ten of Pentacles - news from home;

With the “Knight of Pentacles” - improvement of affairs, in health - healing;

With the “Queen of Pentacles” - financial management;

With the “King of Pentacles” - generosity.

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To find out the answer to an exciting question, it is not necessary to turn to experienced fortune tellers. Anyone can use Tarot cards. It is enough to learn to interpret cards. They are divided into two groups. The first, the major arcana, is easier to interpret. But it is important to learn to understand the meanings of the minor arcana. For example, the Page of Tarot Staffs, the meaning of which depends on the theme of the layout.

Suit of staves

The entire Tarot deck is divided into the major and minor arcana. The latter are divided into four groups. Like a playing deck, there are four suits, the meaning of each of which relates to a specific area of ​​life.

Thus, the suit of wands in a playing deck corresponds to the suit of clubs. The wands personify the invisible part of the personality, its motivations, aspirations and desires.

In the zodiac series, wands belong to the element of Fire, and their signs are Aries, Sagittarius and Leo.

Another name for wands is staves, as well as scepters or maces.

Arcana Page of Wands

The card depicts a young man, sometimes very young. It stands in the middle of the desert. A staff is clutched in his hands. This character personifies a person who has just set out on his path. He has many achievements ahead of him. He will create most of the upcoming obstacles for himself, since the young man has little experience. But he doesn’t lack self-confidence. He is full of energy, desire and aspirations.

The young man does not realize the difficulties fate has in store for him. He's too busy being narcissistic. A test of strength awaits him ahead. A person learns how strong he is internally. Tests will allow his self-confidence to either strengthen or crumble to dust.

The card can also symbolize a person who is fond of risk.

Tarot card meaning

The Page of Wands has many interpretations. Experienced tarot readers are able to accurately indicate what the deck is warning the querent about. But it will be difficult for a beginner not to get confused in the abundance of interpretations. In addition, the meaning of the same symbol changes dramatically in different positions of the card.

Straight position

The meaning of the Page of Staves in the upright position:

The Page of Staves in the correct position fully personifies its element. This is fire, sparks, flames. The card describes an unbridled desire to act, a burning desire that does not allow one to remain in one place. The symbol embodies youthful maximalism. A person does not weigh his strengths; he has enough of them. He is not inclined to calculate the possible outcome of events.

In almost any scenario, the Page of Staves card indicates a way out of the ordinary, something unusual and unusual . The event is accompanied by joy and optimism, enthusiasm and faith..

The Page also symbolizes curiosity, the desire to know and learn. New knowledge will be beneficial, and a person is ready to receive it both physically and spiritually. Success awaits him in his endeavors, even if it is preceded by a long road.

The Page card can also symbolize a specific person. Often, if it is impossible to accurately identify a character, the fortuneteller suggests paying attention to the fire signs of the zodiac. This could be a person born under the constellation Leo, Sagittarius or Aries. Often the card is identified with a young man or girl, who have blond hair, as well as gray or blue eyes.

Inverted position

The Page of Staves card can appear in the layout in an inverted position. The meaning in this case changes dramatically.

Brief characteristics of the inverted Page of Clubs:

The meaning of the Page in an inverted position indicates inexperience in any matter. A person lacks knowledge, but has enough ambition to get down to business. A craving for adventure and unjustified risk is also possible.

Can such a card speak about a person?, embellishing reality. Someone loves to talk a lot and beautifully, but behind these words there is nothing significant.

Combining the Page of Wands with other cards can clarify unclear aspects of the layout. So, the Jester next to the Page indicates recklessness and unwillingness to look into the future. The magician next door speaks of a reluctance to take into account other people's experiences. Tower - the risk is not justified, you need to stop.

Personality analysis breakdown

If, when analyzing a personality, the Page of Wands was obtained, then the Tarot reports a strong and powerful person. He is confident, sometimes unjustifiably. The character is driven by enthusiasm. He is completely engrossed in something.

The card does not necessarily speak about a person familiar to the querent. Tarot can also warn about a new acquaintance, as well as a random hero in a certain event. This alignment needs to be interpreted taking into account the neighboring lasso.

An inverted lasso speaks of twitchiness and fatigue. Scepters are in the power of the immaterial world, so the card can speak of psychological fatigue, desire to stop and recuperate.

Professional activities and finances

In a reading about work, career and money, the Page of Scepters can have very different interpretations. The key will be the position of the card, because it depends on its orientation whether the interpretation will be positive or negative.

Correct Orientation

The lasso represents a new approach to work. This can apply to both familiar activities and a completely new business. In any case, it is something unknown and fresh, perhaps innovative. The card speaks of fullness of strength, as well as the presence of opportunities. The symbol does not indicate unconditional success, because achieving it will require considerable effort. Fate has nothing to do with it. Only hard work and perseverance will yield results.

To understand exactly what to do, you need to analyze the proximity of the lasso. Thus, the Hierophant reports that to implement the plan, an experienced mentor will be needed. Justice reminds us that in achieving success, we can only use honest paths.

Wrong orientation

The Page of Wands reversed says about the inability to plan and achieve what you want. A person either does not have the necessary experience, or he is simply doing something that is not suitable for him. Even the colossal efforts expended by him do not bring the expected result.

To correct the situation, you need to learn to plan possible events. You also need to take into account the opinions of outsiders, while distinguishing good advice from the words of flatterers and envious people.

The Hanged Man standing next to the inverted Page of Scepters increases the risk of failure. And the Ace of Cups speaks of premature joy.

Personal relationships, love

Page of Wands Tarot, whose meaning in relationships is significant , indicates a violent feeling. As in other layouts, in love the card speaks of novelty.

In the right position

IN love relationships The Page of Staves represents passion and dynamic relationships. This is a new stage in the life of a couple or the birth of a union (for a single querent). The card also symbolizes the unbridled desire to be close to a person. It may not yet be realized, but it evokes strong emotions in a person.

In some cases, the Page may warn about insincerity. The symbol indicates the personal benefit of one of the partners. But such an interpretation very rarely appears in layouts, and negative symbols standing nearby can confirm it.

Upside down

For existing relationships, the inverted Page speaks of a fading feeling. Most likely, love flared up suddenly, but just as quickly disappears. Tarot can also warn about lies, infidelity and disappointment. The Moon adjacent to the Page of Scepters will catch you in a lie. And the Page of Cups standing nearby can talk about a rival in love.

Regardless of the detailed interpretation, the Page of Staves in the wrong orientation speaks of a problematic period in the couple’s relationship. It is possible that this relationship will end soon.

Health plan

In a health reading, the Page of Wands indicates the youth of the soul and body of the questioner. He is overwhelmed with strength and aspirations. Perhaps the card speaks of recovery and improvement in health.

An inverted lasso warns of deterioration in health. Weakness can be caused by excessive waste of energy in empty activities.

Combination with the Major Arcana

To clarify the layout, as well as get a detailed interpretation of a particular card, you need to pay attention to the arcana adjacent to it. Thus, the meaning of the Page of Wands is enhanced if the major lasso falls next to him.

If neighboring cards did not help clarify the situation, then in any fortune telling you can ask a question about a specific symbol. By laying out an additional three cards, you will receive an explanatory layout for the Page of Scepters.

And remember, the main thing in interpreting cards will not be the ability to remember everything possible values symbols, but the ability to use intuition when deciphering. Sometimes Tarot predicts the most unexpected events, so the cards drawn often seem incomprehensible.

“Interpreting Tarot cards is not difficult. I advise you to write down your results. Sometimes the truth is revealed to us much later.”

Tarot reader, LV

Attention, TODAY only!

Straight position

The Page of Wands is dynamics, impulsiveness, spark. And also a positive attitude and enthusiasm characteristic of youth. In a situational scenario, this Arcanum can be interpreted as an interesting proposal that can cause not just pleasure and joy, but delight and a storm of emotions. Such a card in the layout seems to invite you to go beyond the ordinary, everyday, familiar and test your own strengths and talents.

And the Page of Wands can also mean curiosity in a good sense, when a person is ready to learn, cognize, gain experience, and analyze. In addition, if such a card appears in the layout together with the Sun, then it should be interpreted as a great success of one’s endeavors, and with Moderation - as the ability to find a “golden” mean.

And, of course, the Page of Wands (since it is a court card) can be perceived as a specific person, with a very specific appearance and character traits. So, in this case it will be a boy or a young girl, most likely with gray or blue eyes and blond or red hair. According to the zodiac sign, this is always a representative of one of the “fire” signs, that is, here we are dealing with Aries, Sagittarius or Leo.

Inverted position

Inverted, the Page of Wands indicates impatience, and sometimes a craving for adventure and risk. In a certain context, it can be perceived as amateurishness or lack of experience, but at the same time associated with ambition. When divining on a person, it can symbolize him as a lover of boasting, superficially thinking, but carried away and subject to passions. And paired with the Jester - as a reckless person who does not give himself the trouble to think about the consequences of his actions.

In the event aspect, this Arcanum testifies to funny situations, late received news, and a tendency to inertia.

In addition, the combination of the Page of Wands with the Magician is the desire to do everything your own way, no matter what, and putting significant effort into this, and with the Tower - destructive force ambitions and unjustified risks.

Love and relationships

Straight position

For the sphere of personal relationships, the Page of Wands symbolizes spring in love. It can be defined as stormy dynamics in feelings, sexual attraction, exciting flirtation. That is, in this case we are talking specifically about the sphere of emotions, but not specific actions for the development of relationships. For example, it could be flirting, but not yet turning into an affair, or sexual desire, which cannot yet be realized.

But the Page of Wands is always sincerity and devotion, that is, in no case can it be interpreted as an attempt to seduce someone, take advantage of someone’s feelings for personal gain, etc.

Interesting clarifications and specifics for love layouts are provided by some combinations of this Arcanum with other cards. For example, the Page of Wands, together with the Lovers, denotes a very promising relationship based on a high, great feeling, and with the Ace of Swords - sincerity and impulse, which will help get rid of omissions and misunderstandings.

Inverted position

The reversed Page of Wands in relationship readings indicates a stormy feeling that disappears as quickly as it arose. It also indicates infidelity, tactlessness, and sexual disappointment in a partner. In essence, the Page of Wands in an inverted position speaks of significant problems in relationships, when, for example, one of the partners irritates the other, and can mean a considerable likelihood of breaking the fortuneteller’s union with his partner.

If, in combination with the inverted Page of Wands, the Page of Cups appears in the reading, then this should be taken as a warning that the fortuneteller has a dangerous rival (rival), and when paired with the Moon, such an Arcanum symbolizes a lie on the part of a loved one.


Straight position

For professional activities, the Page of Wands is defined as the beginning of a serious career, as well as fresh, more promising, perhaps even innovative methods at work. However, we must not forget that this card only indicates potential and opportunities, but does not imply active actions, which would indicate that this potential will actually be realized.

However, probable prospects can often be understood from combinations of the Page of Wands with neighboring Arcana. For example, with the Hierophant, this card means that to help you implement your plans you need to find an influential person or an experienced professional, and with Justice - that you should be well aware of the legal field in which a person is going to make his career.

Inverted position

Inverted, this Arcanum speaks of the inability to plan one’s actions several steps ahead, that a person completely lacks professional skills, and that what is planned will probably not be able to please with rosy prospects and positive results. In a more specific sense, such a card can be interpreted as bad news, an inability to get down to business (the situation about which they say: “I don’t know where to start”), outright flattery taken at face value.

When paired with the Priestess of the inverted Page of Wands, it should be interpreted as a dubious experiment, with the Hanged Man - as a failure, despite active attempts to achieve the goal, with the Ace of Cups - as euphoria, for which there are no significant grounds yet.

You want everything right now. And you are ready to do a lot to get what you want. Well, try, strive, conquer... But still, there must be at least a drop of common sense in your ideas and methods of solving them, otherwise you can get involved in such an adventure, the consequences of which will have to be “disentangled” for a long time.