Moon in Aries (Characteristics of the Influence of the Moon). The Moon in Aries is a time of active action. What does the Moon in the sign of Aries mean?

Moon and hair cutting

Aries itself does not affect the overall condition of hair. However, it is better to hold off on cutting your hair, as this may have a negative impact on the health and beauty of your hair, possibly causing hair loss or split ends. During Aries, coloring and toning are successful. It is recommended to carry out general strengthening procedures and head massage, as these procedures will increase blood flow to the hair roots, which will significantly improve the condition of the hair. If you want to style your hair, it is better to do it with cosmetics that contain collagen or wax.

Moon and vegetable garden

Infertile zodiac sign. If you plant plants during this period, seedlings will appear quickly, and the harvest will be average in volume, however, the plants themselves will be weak, poorly preserved, and their seeds cannot be used for further crops.

The moon and human character

The main character traits of Aries are energy, self-confidence (to some extent, self-confidence), enterprise, and freedom of expression.

Aries's ardor can sometimes lead him into a dead end. He will never resign himself to second place anywhere, showing firmness, perseverance, and sometimes severity. The desire to achieve primacy in everything results in an impatient desire to get results, to quickly finish the work that has just been started. You have to quickly pacify your inner ardor, otherwise relationships with others can become very strained.

The Moon awarded Aries with some internal potential. He is able to cope with any difficulties, enthusiastically rush to help, and provide support to those who ask for it. But Aries hides his inner self deeply, never fully showing his character, skillfully changing it depending on the situation.

Among the positive character traits, the following predominate: gentleness, sociability, excitability, energy. Negative traits include extreme impatience in action, restlessness, inconsistency, demanding, and tediousness.

The moon and human emotions

Aries Moon is ruled by strong emotions. For slow people who prefer to act consciously and diplomatically. Aries reacts very aggressively. It is difficult for him to restrain his assertiveness, activity, and dynamism. Aries' impatience is compensated by developed intuition. He always gets his way, no matter the cost.

At the same time, Lunar Aries have a wonderful quality: their depressed mood never lasts long. They soon come to their senses and are ready for new achievements. Aries can also flare up, but after a minute they move away; not a trace remains of the most violent rage.

Emotionally, Aries tends to dominate. This doesn't mean he isn't touchy. He withdraws into his own personality, so difficulties in relationships with others are quite understandable.

Often, Aries' aggression hides sincere idealism. Beneath the rough shell lives a true romantic. Outwardly, these people can act very arrogant. That’s why many people don’t even realize that these are highly dreamy idealists. Aries understands: life is given to live. In manifestations of cheerfulness, he knows no bounds.

Moon and career

Under the influence of the Moon, Aries can enthusiastically indulge in work. Treating her with enthusiasm, he will stop at nothing in his quest to achieve heights.

He is ambitious, so he is completely unable to deal with disappointments at work. If she turns out to be boring, she completely loses interest in it and may leave the work unfinished. He can avoid such a catastrophe if he has patience - a necessary quality for Aries.

The worst thing an Aries can do at work is allow themselves to lash out at their colleagues and disrespect their boss. Lunar Aries need to fight their increasing vanity.

The ability to be active at work works great for Aries. Their abilities include the ability to listen to others, understand their problems, and the ability to sympathize. This is why most Aries work well with people, but turn away from those who begin to boss them around. Aries energy is sometimes simply amazing. Passionate about their work, they can persistently move towards their goal for weeks. They strive for success, and the process of creativity and evaluation of work are much more important to them than financial rewards.

Aries succeeds in the business in which he considers himself a leader.

Moon and love relationships

In love, a person of this sign is like ball lightning. He is ready to do anything for the object of his passion or die. It is absolutely impossible for him to come to terms with refusal or defeat.

Romantic relationships take time to develop and strengthen, but people of the Aries sign are not able to wait. They demand immediate reciprocity from their lovers, forgetting about the daily efforts of love that are an integral part of any relationship. It is the Moon that forces Aries to rush headlong into the fight against love obstacles. He needs a person who will respond to his feelings immediately, without hesitation. Aries should control their inherent egoism and try to develop altruism.

An Aries in love is filled with a sincere desire to do only pleasant things for his loved one, in whom he often values ​​individuality, because he himself is a strong personality.

Only studying and nurturing your personal qualities will allow you to find a truly soul mate in a love relationship and preserve them for life.

The Moon inclines Aries towards independence. But sticking out your own “I” harms the fulfillment of hidden desires, that is, the dream of finding your soul mate.

A man of this sign, under the influence of the Moon, will be able to somewhat soften his natural aggression. Only his inner voice can tell him that anxiety and impatience can be overcome in a love relationship.

Aries can be very hot-tempered. Reacting violently to something that does not give him pleasure, he calms down just as quickly. He is not able to sulk and get angry for a long time. This trait makes Aries look like children and is liked by many.

Lunar Aries are very ardent and passionate. The lover of this sign strives to be the best lover possible. Since enthusiasm and energy are properties of his nature, he puts a lot of energy and enthusiasm into love, never allowing himself to seem rude, insensitive, or unceremonious.

People of this sign are dreamers; they have a romantic attitude towards their chosen ones. They have only one drawback: while they adore and in every possible way support the state of love, they are not created for the daily efforts of love necessary to ensure happiness in everyday life.

In an ideal relationship, Lunar Aries will protect and take care of the partner as much as possible. Life with a person of this sign will never be boring in terms of love. He tries to turn life with his loved one into a holiday.

Moon and family relationships

In the circle of his family, Lunar Aries is an invariably gentle and loving creature. Only sometimes does his sense of proportion change in his attempts to firmly establish his own laws in the family. He can overdo it, putting his energy into everything around him. People of this sign are sometimes tiresome even to those around them.

It is unlikely that Lunar Aries will like the role of a mistress or owner of the house. He likes the coziness and comfort of home, but the associated daily work weighs him down and forces him to spend a lot of energy. The many excuses he gives in this regard will be the same: he would not mind taking care of urgent matters related to the house, but he has absolutely no time.

Lunar Aries prefer to put things in order, shoving things into random corners, rather than putting them in their places as they should be.

People born under this moon sign are very faithful and devoted. They love to have fun in the company of those they love very much. They are often family friends.

Additional influence. If the Moon is in the sign of Aries in the interval:

0° - 10°=> this position is a very positive factor, but provided that the Moon in the horoscope does not form a negative configuration with either Mars or Pluto. Otherwise, there will be haste, rashness, imprudence, imprudence, harshness in actions, causticity in conversations, there will be weak morality, internal contradictions, and the inability to combine what is desired with the available objective possibilities;

10° - 20°=> nobility, generosity, courage, bravery, mental fortitude, especially if there is a favorable configuration between the Moon and the Sun;

20° - 30°=> courage, bravery, but also excessive self-confidence, a desire for show and sensations, and a tendency to take risks. The abilities are versatile, but one should be wary of scattering attention and strength. If the Moon has negative configurations with other planets - internal anxiety, split personality, indecision, rashness in actions, recklessness, a tendency to attract troubles due to rash, ridiculous actions.

Planets that are in the 12th house of the natal chart feel constrained and insecure. It is difficult for them to show their positive qualities, even if they are not affected by negative aspects. This position of the planets weakens a person, distorts his true nature and creates a bad reputation.

The twelfth house is the zone of disappointments and secrets, emigration and hidden desires. It is associated with losses, limitations, illusions and fears. It encourages addiction, self-sacrifice and solitude.

Sun. This position of the luminary means the desire for unity, forced isolation, secrecy of character and attraction to esotericism. The person is well versed in psychology and knows what to say and when to say it.

Sun in the 12th house found in the horoscope of people who have never seen (did not know) their father or, at the time of birth, he was absent from the city (was on a business trip, worked in another country).

In life, it is difficult for a twelve-homer to open up to other people; he tends to be alone more often and does not need heart-to-heart conversations. The owner of the horoscope has a well-developed imagination, and since childhood he has been playing games alone, inventing scenes and creating images.

There is a danger of going to prison, both for the owner of the horoscope and for his parent. Emigration is possible if there are additional instructions (7/9/12; 4/9/12; 4/9/7/12 - through marriage with a foreigner). Disability also runs through the twelfth house. A person may lose limbs (fingers) or be partially immobilized (vertebral fracture, etc.)

Moon. Indicates an unstable mental state, mental illness and self-doubt.Person with Moon in 12th house emotionally closed, self-absorbed, but he still has to solve other people's problems.As a child, the owner of the horoscope lacks maternal warmth. He is left to his own devices and becomes independent early on.This situation also poses a danger for the mother of the owner of the horoscope: she may be seriously ill, abuse drugs or alcohol.

For a man: This situation indicates an unstable family life and difficulties with mutual understanding in marriage. Relationships are changeable, with emotional swings. In family life there are many secrets, deception and illusions. The spouse may be a foreigner or a sickly, suspicious woman. And also capricious, weak-willed, compassionate and very secretive.

For woman: This situation characterizes her as a compassionate, impressionable and merciful nature. She is prone to sacrifice and puts other people's interests above her own. He prefers to go with the flow, hoping that everything will somehow resolve itself and does not take active action.

Lilith (Black Moon). It generates fear of being alone, pessimism and dissatisfaction with one’s life. A person has secret enemies, envious people and often becomes a victim of their intrigues. Lilith in the 12th house distorts the idea of ​​sacrifice. A person is often manipulated by instilling doubts in his soul. He dreams of a secret patron, experiences envy, unconscious fears and self-doubt. If in synastry Lilith forms a connection with a partner’s planet, the owner of the horoscope becomes dependent on this person.

Black Moon in a man's natal chart personifies the image of a femme fatale. Meeting her brings powerful sexual attraction and great tension to the relationship. For the sake of his beloved, a man is ready to make great sacrifices, but she is capable of destroying his life and bringing a lot of suffering.

Lilith is responsible for secret desires, temptations and fears. Describes problems in relationships with women, is a symbol of hidden struggle and doubt.

The zodiac sign in which a man's Lilith falls indicates the type of woman he should be wary of. He will not be able to build a harmonious, long-lasting relationship with her. He will be jealous and test his beloved, questioning the confidence in their future together, and suffer, imagining his life without her.

Black Moon in signs

Lilith in Aries. The owner of this position is drawn to brave, aggressive, conflict-ridden and self-sufficient women. They frighten and attract at the same time. They evoke admiration and strong sexual attraction. But having entered into a relationship with such a girl, he discovers qualities in himself that he does not like. The relationship promises to be bright, passionate, filled with conflicts and stormy scenes of showdown. And the breakup is sharp and painful.

Lilith in Taurus. This fictitious point forms in a man a dislike for calculating, vulgar and rude women. He easily identifies those who are looking for a luxurious life and tries not to get close to materialistic ladies. But if any of them touches his heart, he will suffer and suffer, realizing that he will not be able to change either himself or her. And their relationship will be exactly as he imagined at the beginning of the relationship: with passion and bitter disappointments.

Black Moon in Gemini. This Lilith forms the type of an easy, cunning and flirtatious woman. At first glance, she is sweet and sociable. But getting to know her better, the man understands that she is cunning, calculating and superficial. There is no return from her in the form of warmth and care. Such a woman does not become attached to the man she loves, but skillfully lures her in, feigning passion, and then easily breaks off the connection and quickly forgets about her “beloved.”

Pluto in astrology plays the role of the arbiter of destinies and is the natural rulereighth house. He is responsible for death and rebirth, esoteric knowledge and transformation. The owner of the horoscope is constantly in tension and waiting for the next trick from life. This habitual state leads to a craving for extreme situations that allow him to experience life in its fullest manifestation.

can be compared to the mythical phoenix bird, which dies in fire and then comes to life again from the ashes, ready for a new life and trials. A person who finds himself in a crisis situation and survives feels strong changes in himself due to symbolic rebirth. When it seems to him that he is crushed and at a dead end, in fact, he is experiencing the end of a difficult period and the onset of a new stage in life. The planet knows how to reward for endurance and willpower, and when it takes something away, it always sends a reward.

Pluto is the natural ruler of the sign Scorpio, which is responsible for sexuality, power and magic. This position of the planet means that the owner of the horoscope is a magician who knows how to control people and subjugate them to his will. He knows how to foresee the future, but his expectations of troubles are confused with premonitions and do not allow him to make correct predictions. The owner of this position is always on guard: he expects the worst, but hopes for the best. Not every human mind can withstand such a load, but Pluto in the eighth house is capable of not such “miracles.”

It is worth considering the aspects of other planets to the “arbiter of destinies.” All of them indicate the development of the spiritual sphere and are mandatory tests. All events described by Pluto standing in the eighth house are inevitable, like death itself. Fate will be “merciless” until a person realizes what exactly he should learn from the events that have occurred. No matter how meaningless the actions taking place may seem, they carry meaning and draw hidden reserves to the surface. Difficulties are given by fate so that a person learns to react to them correctly. Only in this way will he rise higher spiritually, become stronger and wiser.

Jupiter, known as the benefactor planet, is responsible for happiness in relationships. Luck, luck and future prospects depend on it. Favorable degrees of Jupiter to any personal planet (Sun, Moon, Venus) is called the “happiness aspect”. It has the best effect on relationships and mitigates many negative aspects.

The strongest manifestation of Jupiter’s connection with personal planets:
  1. Conjunction of Jupiter and Sun. This aspect fills relationships with optimism, happiness and hope. It promotes spiritual growth, helps to acquire and accumulate material wealth. Partners treat each other with kindness and nobility. The Jupiter man supports and protects his loved one, and the Sun man feels happy next to his loved one.
  2. Jupiter sextile the Sun. Helps family relationships gain mutual understanding, strength and harmony. Partners travel a lot, play sports and discover new joint hobbies.
  3. Jupiter in trine to the Sun. The aspect is the basis of mutual assistance and trust. The owner of Jupiter charges with optimism and lifts the mood of a loved one.

A quiet life does not suit this position of Mars, and its owner feels life as a kind of battlefield. The more difficult life circumstances are, the stronger it becomes. After crisis situations, a person discovers in himself a reserve of strength that contributes to transformation, changes in character and outlook on life.

A person with Mars in Scorpio is vindictive and vindictive. He does not forget the insults inflicted and is ready to harm himself for the sake of revenge, just to get even with the enemy. His actions are clear and consistent, and it is impossible to defeat such an enemy. It is better not to stand in his way or betray his friendship. After all, this is a good friend who will always help out and come to the rescue.

Negative aspects incline a person to cruelty, sadism, alcoholism and push him onto the path of self-destruction. Affected Mars in Scorpio gives rise to rebels and desperate warriors. These are scandalous, very vindictive and painfully jealous people. They try to subjugate to their will by any means. They often choose the criminal path and can become both a victim and a criminal.

Mars in Scorpio in the women's horoscope

For a woman with Mars in Scorpio It is important to feel welcome and loved. She is very offended if she notices a lack of interest in herself on the part of her beloved man. In her opinion, if he does not demonstrate his feelings, then his love has cooled down. It will be difficult for her to live with a person who does not love her, and resentment will sooner or later lead to a break in the relationship.

The fundamental difference between a horoscope based on the location of the Sun in the Zodiac and a horoscope based on the location of the Moon is in the direction of the characteristics of the person being described. The solar horoscope indicates the external manifestations of personality, how a person is perceived by others. The lunar horoscope determines a person’s inner world, his emotional plane and self-perception. Guided by the location of the Sun, they build relationships with loved ones, and guided by the location of the Moon, they achieve internal harmony and deep understanding, which is what is missing to achieve happiness.

General characteristics of the influence of the Moon in Aries at birth

A person born with the Moon in Aries star sign has an explosive character and violent emotions. Lunar Aries gets the temperament of a sanguine or choleric person, and sometimes an explosive mixture of them. An energetic, confident leader to the point of self-confidence, never content with second roles. Having determined the goal, he goes towards it energetically, wanting to get results right away, achieve success as quickly as possible, and begin a new ascent towards a new goal.

Slow, thorough people who get down to business after careful planning drive Aries Moon crazy. The impatience inherent in this sign causes inconsistency in actions, but shortcomings are compensated by developed intuition, which allows one to avoid mistakes.

The other, positive, side of mood swings is that the depressed state of people of this lunar sign quickly passes, replaced by optimism and a readiness to run further towards a new goal.

The emotional egoism of Lunar Aries suppresses the emotions of others and strives for dominance, so such a person seems arrogant and selfish. This impression is deceptive. He is always ready to help if asked.

Lunar Aries and work

Ambition and the desire for leadership makes representatives of this sign literally burn with work, infecting those around them with enthusiasm. Getting emotional satisfaction from an activity is more important to them than financial reward. Achieving constant, albeit small, successes, Aries is able to work on a problem for weeks and months, but can leave boring and monotonous work unfinished. The greatest success will be in such work where he takes the place of a leader.

People with Moon in Aries and love

The Moon in the constellation Aries gives the opportunity to love passionately and deeply. Lunar Aries in love is a fireball, a volcano, ball lightning, ready to demolish all obstacles on the way to the object of passion. Reciprocity or death, he does not recognize anything else, does not tolerate refusals or loss to an opponent. What is required from lovers is an immediate response to the flaring feeling, without hesitation, hesitation or weighing the circumstances.

Possessors of strong leadership qualities, they value individuality in their chosen one, but are sincerely ready to bring joy to their loved one, regardless of difficulties.

They are inventive and passionate in sex, ready to prove that they are the best lovers, but at the same time do not forget about the feelings of their partner. They are dreamers and romantics, you will never be bored with them, and bouts of irritability are instantly replaced by joy. This makes them look like children.

Having created a family with Lunar Aries, you should not rely on your spouse to be thrifty. Order in the house will be established by pushing everything unnecessary into a drawer, and the routine work of maintaining comfort will quickly get boring. Natural selfishness and the desire to energetically lead can be excessive and tiring. There is no doubt about loyalty to the family. A very devoted sign to their home, preferring to spend time in the company of loved ones.

The nuances of the Moon being in a sign

Passing the first third of the sign: a potentially dangerous location. With negativity from Pluto or Mars, it increases a person’s haste to the point of recklessness, weakens moral qualities, impairs analytical abilities in assessing what is desirable and achievable, makes a person sarcastic and harsh with others;

Passage of the second third of the constellation: a person will receive “knightly qualities” - nobility, courage, generosity;

Passing the last third will add excessive self-confidence to the character, a craving for sensations and ostentation.

Features of the sign for women

Positive aspects of character are inexhaustible optimism, energy and openness to change. But at the same time, impulsiveness, rapid mood swings, painful perception of negative reality, overreaction to stimuli.

The desire to dominate manifests itself both in the family, in the authoritarian upbringing of children and the desire to drive her husband “under his thumb,” and at work, where she strives to make a career. Unfortunately, as a mother, she is not able to deal with children regularly, and commands them from time to time, jumping from strict control to detachment and even some indifference.

In the house she can happily do housework, but occasionally. He can do a spring cleaning, ordering everyone around, and then forget about it for several months.

Women of this sign make excellent athletes, aimed at achieving the highest results.

The desires of a woman of the Lunar Aries sign must be fulfilled immediately, otherwise she will “burn out”, and she no longer needs what was important recently.

A lack of harmony in character can cause attacks of rage over an insignificant reason, aggravated by the fact that this woman is not afraid of anything, acting emotionally, without calculating the steps and consequences.

Increased emotionality makes the Lunar Aries woman insatiable in sex, but at the same time nervous and complex about minor reasons.

Militancy in the struggle for leadership strangely coexists in her with the desire to submit to a man. If the husband shows weakness, she will stop respecting him; if he turns out to be much stronger, she will be afraid of him. But at the same time he will submit to an equal or slightly stronger partner. It is best for family life if she finds a way out for her ambitions and hyper-emotionality at work, in sports or in hobbies. You can read the continuation in the article >>> Moon in Aries for a woman

Features of the sign for men

The Moon in Aries for a man speaks of his intelligence, some straightforwardness and emotionality. Compared to other signs, he is more sensitive and vulnerable. Possessing the habits of a leader, he loves to be admired, but only accepts admiration from those who are worth something in his eyes. He does not understand or perceive weakness and helplessness, therefore he expects independence and fortitude from his chosen one. He falls in love easily, but if he starts flirting, it is only according to his own rules and very selfishly. It is impossible to subdue him, and provoking him to jealousy is dangerous.

He is interested in everything mysterious or enigmatic, never being carried away by women - simpletons in whom there is nothing to unravel.

He remains faithful to his family, but only as long as he loves his wife. You can read the continuation in the article >>> Moon in Aries for a man

Black Moon in Aries

The Black Moon, or demon Lilith, is a warrior and killer. It gives the emotionality of Lunar Aries a negative connotation. A person born on such a day easily becomes angry, often shouts at others, throws hysterics, and blames everyone around for his failures.

Typical accusations in the family are “you are all lazy, lazy, I am the only one who works, and you do nothing.”

The main problem is that Lilith is not independent. All these accusations are empty, because such a person is capable of moving forward only with support, with solid support for the rear. But he doesn't realize it. The demon in Aries pushes him into the appearance of activity. A person will be happy to work for hire, creating the appearance of vigorous activity, receiving a small salary, but will never open his own business. He is afraid of independence. These people are popularly called “windbags.”

White Moon in Aries

The opposite of Lilith, Selena. Selena's influence in Aries is expressed briefly - luck. With one caveat, luck will not leave you as long as your actions are honest. Selena will provide a connection with the light egregor and provide protection in extreme situations. Emotions will be expressed in a positive way, the person will be inclined towards nobility.

Black and white moon in Aries at the same time

Such duality will force a person to distinguish between the spheres of life in which each of the moons dominates. For example, a Lunar Aries man at home will be a knight, a protector, a leader, as Selena dictates to him, but at work he will be rude to subordinates, unreliable with partners, in full accordance with the instructions of the demon Lilith.

Such a split has a bad effect on mental health, and the person is no longer trusted. For an Aries Moon who needs admiration and adoration, this is the worst thing that can happen.

The solution is to curb negative emotions and constant strict self-control.

The influence of the Moon in Aries on the current day

The Aries Moon constellation passes in 2.5 calendar days, opening up additional opportunities and creating a certain mood for people of all signs of the lunar and solar zodiacs.

First of all, these days the opportunity to reveal the inner, sleeping qualities of a person increases.

Physical and mental energy increases sharply. There is a desire for active action, a desire to get away from routine. Drivers begin to drive recklessly, drunk people are more aggressive than usual, and non-standard decisions are made and implemented at work.

On such days, it is better not to start quarrels and not sort things out; explosive emotions can quarrel forever.

New Moon in Aries

Provokes an increase in negative emotions. A minor misunderstanding turns into an irreparable conflict, and married couples think about divorce because of nonsense.

Waxing Moon in Aries

Gives determination and perseverance in achieving the goal. Men propose to their chosen ones, businessmen start a new one, or close an unprofitable business, someone decides to radically change their life.

Full Moon in Aries

Causes a peak of emotions in people. The subconscious awaits adventures, dangers, when the body is completely unprepared for the tests. Anxiety and insomnia occur.

Waning moon in Aries

Older people begin to feel nostalgic and “fall back into childhood,” remembering their dashing youth. Middle age briefly loses its gravitas, and a teenager emerges from beneath the stern image.

Don't start long projects. The Moon in the constellation Aries maintains speed and violent onslaught with instant achievement of results. This applies to both work and household chores. Starting long repairs these days is a bad idea. The repair will take longer than expected and the result will be unsatisfactory.

A trip to the hairdresser is only possible if you want change, and not on a waning moon.

To achieve harmony in raging emotions, it is good to devote a little time to yoga or qigong.

Moon in the Zodiac

Moon in TaurusMoon in Gemini
Moon in CancerMoon in LeoMoon in Virgo
Moon in LibraMoon in ScorpioMoon in Sagittarius
Moon in CapricornMoon in AquariusMoon in Pisces

Also called "Indomitable". This is explained by the manifestation of excessive impatience and the desire to immediately get everything that one wanted, and, as they say, preferably “yesterday.”

All people, when the Moon is in the sign of Aries, are characterized by special impatience and increased emotionality. Even those who are passive and not prone to vivid manifestations of feelings, under this influence, surprise with their behavior not only those around them, but also themselves.

The influence of the Moon in Aries on human emotions and behavior

Quarrels and showdowns, often involving the use of physical force, are not uncommon these days. What causes scandals is an irresistible desire to establish oneself, to prove one’s rightness, to become, albeit one step higher than those around him.

Moon in Aries– this is a real test of strength of character and endurance. The main advice of astrologers is to agree with everything. Whether relatives make complaints, whether your boss is nagging you at work - remain silent and answer “yes”. Only with the help of this approach will it be possible to avoid conflicts and maintain relationships, because without receiving a response to insolence and aggressiveness, the opponent will simply find another “victim”.

At the same time, it is this period that allows those who know how to act with pressure to achieve their goals. There is an opportunity to make bold decisions and radically change your life, although it is worth recognizing that people regret most of the actions they take after the Moon moves into other signs, but sometimes there is simply no turning back, so it is better to think about the possible consequences in advance.

The influence of the Moon in Aries on the professional sphere

The Moon in Aries suggests some changes in behavior and, if you use the influence of the night luminary correctly, you can achieve a lot in your work and career.

This period is simply meant for making quick decisions, as well as engaging in short-term matters. The situation promotes trade transactions and the start of new projects, especially those that were previously suspended due to some risk.

The Moon in Aries is favorable to those whose work involves danger. First of all, this applies to drivers, police officers, rescuers, military personnel, and athletes.

Politicians and public figures face risks in their activities, so it would do them well to be careful to avoid negative actions by competitors.

Thefts and various fraudulent scams are quite common when the Moon is in Aries.

The influence of the Moon in Aries on money and values

The Moon in Aries encourages people to spend money. At this time, you may be asked to borrow money, or offered to make some kind of joint investment. You should not refuse such events, but just be sure to confirm the completed transaction with the relevant documents.

Shopping, especially large ones, is not recommended during the Moon in the zodiac sign Aries - clothes are torn, shoes wear down faster than usual, and household appliances break down. But, at the same time, the purchased little things last for quite a long time. This primarily applies to spare parts, mechanical devices, knives, etc.

It won’t hurt to pay attention to your car during the Moon in Aries. Repairs, especially if they have been delayed for a long time, will end positively if they are carried out at this time.

The influence of the Moon in Aries on love and relationships

The Moon in the signs of the Zodiac has different effects on relationships between representatives of the opposite sex. In Aries, these emotions also become aggravated.

For those who could not decide on a frank confession, the Moon in Aries is an ideal period, but for those who have been in a relationship for a long time, it can become a time of conflicts and mutual claims. It’s good if partners regularly give each other a “shake-up,” but if grievances have been accumulating for a long time, then a violent outburst of emotions can even become the reason for separation.

Remember the advice of astrologers, which has already been mentioned - agree with everything. It is better to simply listen to the complaints from your other half, even if they are unfounded and very offensive, than to get into an argument. In the first case, after a couple of days, you will receive an apology and admission of guilt, in the second, the consequences will be unpredictable.

The influence of the Moon in Aries on human health

The Moon in Aries has a bad effect on the head. During this period, you should avoid any manipulation, including haircuts, ear piercing, cosmetic procedures, and especially plastic and surgical operations, as well as dental treatment.

Try not to overstrain your eyes at this time, as there is a danger of exacerbation of chronic diseases and the development of new diseases these days. There is a potential for exacerbation of hidden inflammations, and if they concern the kidneys and urinary system, then it’s time to start paying attention to them and visit a doctor to draw up a treatment regimen. It’s good to start hardening during the Moon in Aries, but you need to be careful when using high temperatures, so it’s better to avoid visiting the sauna at this time.

Those born under the Moon in Aries are recommended to do breathing exercises; it would not hurt to master at least basic exercises for the eyes, and should take care of their back and chest; even in the gym, they should not put heavy strain on these muscles, and if there are problems, they should visit a chiropractor.

The red color, characteristic of the period when the Moon is in Aries, has a positive effect on the energy of the intimate sphere of life, so that women who feel insecure in this regard and are afraid to fully open up (primarily Cancers, Pisces, etc.) have the opportunity to show their hidden energy .

The influence of the Moon in Aries on children

For children, these days are also not considered the easiest. Sooner or later they will have to learn how to fight in this life, and the period when the Moon is in Aries is great for starting to show their individuality.

Pay attention to how children behave during the Moon in Aries. If they argue with their peers and even fight, don’t worry and don’t interfere (unless the situation becomes critical), but if they try to stay at home and become withdrawn, you need to show concern. Most likely, a stronger opponent is next to them and the child needs practical advice on how to act in such a situation.

At the same time, during the Moon in Aries you should not make concessions. Children are able to resist even their parents and try to “test” their strength. Don't give up, otherwise this will happen regularly.

Injuries are common, but they cannot be avoided at any age (especially since bumps on their heads are considered normal these days). The only thing parents need to try to do is to provide their children with the safest possible active recreation.

Planting and plants, garden work during the Moon in Aries

The soil during the Moon's stay in Aries is dry and not fertile. You shouldn't do any planting these days. Plants in this period tend to grow sharply, but this does not give them strength.

There is no need to undertake pruning and replanting, or any other garden “interventions”. By the way, it will be useful for gardeners and gardeners to know that seeds prepared from plants planted during this period are also not suitable. They are not stored for long, and it is unlikely that a decent harvest will be obtained from them.

This does not mean at all that you should forget about working on the site these days. The Moon in Aries is suitable for: pruning trees and shrubs that have grown too much; treating plants against pests; weed control; loosening, digging and hilling; harvesting, especially grains and legumes; preparation of medicinal raw materials from useful plants.

Moon in the sign of Aries - possibilities of the lunar day:

The Moon, being in Aries, has a beneficial effect on the implementation of everything related to survival and allows the qualities inherent in each person to be revealed to a greater extent, helps to manage matter when changing the physical body. It is possible, using hints of rhythms from space in your life, to reveal your inner potential. When the Moon is in Aries, there is an increase in physical and mental activity, and a desire to be first arises. Excitement increases, changes occur in mental abilities, creativity, originality, courage and aggressiveness appear. At this time, you want to do something unusual, not routine. Enthusiasm and excitement begin to appear towards colleagues, a desire to travel a lot, and this is worth taking advantage of.

Dashing drivers and desperate pedestrians, of whom there are a great many on our roads these days, greatly complicate the situation. A person who is intoxicated behaves inappropriately, bullies, and quarrels often end in fights. Colleagues start one thing after another, they quickly get bored with everything, it’s difficult to sit in one place in the office, they want to move all the time. As for the boss, his behavior becomes emotional and impulsive. He makes decisions spontaneously, without thinking about others, slashes with his saber left and right, and there is a high probability that he might fall under the hot hand.

Moon in Aries – influence on mood:

The passage of the Moon through the sign of Aries unconsciously stirs our emotions. For some reason, these days we rarely manage to think in the blissful romantic way that is considered characteristic of all women in general. On the contrary, we experience a subconscious readiness for out-of-the-ordinary situations, we perceive everything sharply and impulsively, we become self-confident and fearless. Moreover, these days, like no other, we want to achieve the goal in one jerk, to achieve what we want with a strong-willed impulse. It’s better not to try to sort things out these days, because we don’t distinguish between halftones and see everything in black and white.

Trying to sort things out with your husband will not lead to a small harmless quarrel, after which it’s so sweet to make peace, but to a terrible conflict, after which divorce is just a stone’s throw away.

Moon in the sign of Aries - influence of the phase of the lunar day:

Aries sign on the waxing moon– If you are not too decisive by nature, then on this day it will be easier for you to show your perseverance.

If The New Moon falls in the sign of Aries- try not to quarrel with anyone. Any quarrel turns into a squabble, which is then difficult to calm down. Many conflicting couples on this day think about divorce or anything and consider this idea as the most correct one.

If The Full Moon will fall in the sign of Aries– People subconsciously look for adventures and all sorts of dangers. Often people are very excited, expecting some kind of trouble, but it is precisely this that they are unprepared for. Feelings of concern and anxiety increase.

Aries sign on the waning moon– Middle-aged people are prone to reminiscing about their turbulent youth and adolescence. Unexpectedly for those around them, they begin to “look younger” and behave like youth. It’s good if their behavior manifests itself in the form of sparkle and enthusiasm; in the worst case, they begin to be capricious and complex, like teenagers. At this time, the Moon in Aries briefly takes away everyone’s solidity and seriousness.

Tips for zodiac signs when the Moon is in Aries:

Aries: the stars suggest taking care of your appearance and making yourself beautiful.

Taurus: The lunar calendar advises you to relax and leave more time for rest.

Gemini: It is necessary to meet and communicate with friends more often; the time has come to make plans for the future.

Cancer: You will have to show assertiveness when moving up the career ladder and achieving your goals.

Leos: according to the lunar calendar, you should visit a temple, monastery or go on a trip to expand your horizons.

Virgos: the time has come to demand compliance with the law, that is, to resolve issues related to taxes and alimony and be sure to set aside time for intimate meetings.

Scorpios: the stars strongly suggest taking care of your health and giving your work and everyday responsibilities more attention.

Sagittarius: It's time to go on a romantic date, flirt and make new acquaintances. The lunar calendar advises setting aside time to communicate with children and engage in creativity.

Capricorns: It's time to take care of your family, visit and communicate with your parents, and clean up your home.

Aquarius: you need to communicate more and conduct business negotiations, you should express yourself, express your thoughts and be sure to take a walk in the fresh air.

Pisces: The time has come to resolve issues regarding finances, go shopping and make purchases and gifts, and then give them to someone.