International Donor Day. World Blood Donor Day. World Blood Donor Day: the beginning of mass donation

The date is dedicated to the birthday of the Austrian physician and immunologist Karl Landsteiner (1868-1943), who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1930 for the discovery of human blood groups.

The success of the first World Donor Day led to the adoption by the World Health Assembly of a resolution in 2005 making the day an annual observance.

Blood and blood product transfusions save millions every year human lives. It helps prolong the lives of patients suffering from life-threatening conditions and is essential during complex medical and surgical procedures. In addition, it plays vitally important role in maternal and child health and during emergency responses to man-made and natural disasters.

The theme for World Blood Donor Day 2019 is “Safe Blood for All”. The goals of this year's campaign include: emphasizing that donor health and donor experience are critical factors in strengthening donor commitment and willingness to donate blood regularly; Demonstrate the need for universal access to safe blood transfusion and advocate for the importance of safe blood transfusion for the delivery of effective health services and the achievement of universal health coverage; Gain support from governments and development partners at national, regional and global levels to ensure that national blood programs are invested in, strengthened and sustainable.

Adequate and reliable blood reserves can be ensured through regular, voluntary and unpaid blood donations on a sustainable basis. Regular, voluntary and unpaid blood donors are also the safest group of donors, as they have the lowest prevalence of blood-borne infections.

However, in many countries, demand outstrips supply and blood services face the challenge of ensuring sufficient supplies of safe blood of appropriate quality. WHO aims for all countries to have their entire blood supply supplied by voluntary, unpaid donors by 2020.

So far, in only 78 countries, more than 90% of national blood supplies are provided by voluntary unpaid donors; and in 58 countries, more than 50% of the national blood supply is provided by family/replacement or paid donors.

Starting from the Ministry of Health Russian Federation and the Federal Medical and Biological Agency (FMBA of Russia), in accordance with the annually approved resolutions of the government of the Russian Federation, are implementing a large-scale program for the development of mass voluntary donation of blood and its components.

The Program involves 85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. During the time that has passed since the beginning of its implementation, it was possible to achieve complete satisfaction medical institutions of each subject of the Russian Federation in blood components.

On July 21, 2012, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the Federal Law “On the Donation of Blood and Its Components.” This law adopted the general trend of the World Health Organization, according to which donation should be free of charge by 2020 throughout the world. Also, one of the main innovations of the law is the creation of a unified data bank of blood and people donating it.

World Blood Donor Day, June 14, is a special day celebrated in honor of unpaid blood donors.

We heartily congratulate you on Donor Day to everyone who decided on such a noble cause and gave hope to people in need by donating their blood! Honor and deep respect to you for not remaining indifferent to the troubles of others and donating a part of yourself for the benefit of medicine and the healing of many human lives!

We invite everyone to donate blood on this day at the blood transfusion station.

In May 2005, during the World Health Assembly, health ministers different countries world unanimously adopted a statement of commitment and support for voluntary blood donation. In resolution WHA58.13, they decided to hold World Blood Donor Day annually on June 14, the date of which was dedicated to the birthday of Karl Landsteiner (1868-1943), an Austrian physician and immunologist, Nobel laureate, who discovered human blood groups .

World Blood Donor Day is a special day celebrated in honor of unpaid blood donors. The goals of this event are to raise awareness of the need for safe blood and blood products and, of course, to express gratitude to donors who voluntarily and freely provide their blood to save human lives.

The Day's events are attended by 193 UN member states, 181 national Red Cross and Red Crescent societies, 50 voluntary donor organizations and numerous blood transfusion specialists from all over the world.

Every second, all over the world, people of any age and origin are in need of blood transfusions for life-saving reasons. And transfusions of blood and blood products help save millions of lives every year. While the need for blood is universal, access to it by those who need it is, unfortunately, not universal. The shortage of blood is especially acute in developing countries, where the majority of the world's population lives.

There are approximately 108 million blood donations worldwide each year, about half of which occur in high-income countries, where 15% of the world's population lives. That is, 62 countries have a 100% blood supply from voluntary, unpaid donors. And today, adequate and reliable reserve blood supplies can only be ensured through regular, voluntary and unpaid blood donations throughout the world. In addition, such donors are also the safest group of donors, since among them there is the lowest prevalence of blood-borne infections.

2017 is dedicated to the theme: “Donate blood. Submit it now. Donate Often" to highlight the role that individual blood donations can play in helping others during emergencies, and how important regular blood donations are to maintaining an adequate blood supply.

Today we will tell you about when and how Donor Day is celebrated in the Russian Federation and around the world. Also from the presented article you will know why it was installed and to whom it is dedicated.

General information about Donor Day

Blood Donor Day is one of the social holidays that is not only national, but also international. According to the founders, this event is dedicated primarily to the donors themselves. On such a day we congratulate and thank people who give freely long time or donated blood once to save the life or preserve the health of completely unfamiliar patients. In addition, this holiday is dedicated to doctors who draw blood, as well as other medical workers who develop various techniques, carefully examine the donated material, monitor the operation of equipment and the sanitary condition of transfusion centers.

Donor Day in Russia

Every year on April 20, one of the most important social holidays is celebrated in the Russian Federation. Its name is as follows - National Donor Day.

For the uninitiated, it is very interesting why this particular date was chosen for such a holiday? As you know, the reason for its establishment was a rather humane event. The fact is that in 1832, on April 20, a young obstetrician from St. Petersburg, Andrei Martynovich Wolf, performed the first successful blood transfusion of one of the women in labor with obstetric hemorrhage. Thanks to the competent work and professionalism of the doctor, the woman’s life was saved. It should be noted that the patient’s husband became the donor of the blood used during the operation.

Some statistics about blood donation

Donor Day was established for a reason. Every year in our country more than one and a half million people are in dire need of blood transfusions. According to experts, approximately 200 liters of donor material are required daily in the capital of the Russian Federation. By the way, more than 35% of the blood for transfusion in Moscow and the Moscow region comes from other regions of our Motherland.

According to statistics, since the late 1990s, the urgent need has increased several dozen times. This is due to the fact that it was from this time that various events (terrorist attacks, earthquakes, etc.) began to occur more and more often. This situation in the country has also contributed to the fact that the number of donors has noticeably increased (about 17 times).

Why is donor blood needed?

Donor Day was established not only to thank those who are directly involved in the processing of material, but also to once again remind people how badly sick people need their blood.

It should be noted that not everyone knows why donation is generally necessary. The fact is that blood and its components are needed, firstly, by patients with severe oncohematological diseases. By the way, among such patients there is a fairly large percentage of young and older children.

Secondly, donated blood is extremely necessary for those people who have been involved in a serious traffic accident.

Thirdly, the material is in dire need of women after childbirth and patients of various specialties associated with a great risk to life and health.

Are there any donated blood supplies? Let's find out together

Donor Day was established after several tragic events. After all, it was airports and plane crashes that showed that donor blood is needed huge amount patients who are in difficult situations. As practice shows, there are a lot of sympathizers and people willing to help the victims in our country.

According to experts, in case emergency Russia has a strategic reserve of donor blood. This is a supply of red blood cells that are deep frozen. The number of strategic dosages is approximately 3500-5000 units. In addition, about 35 tons of fresh frozen plasma are stored in special centers.

Features of the national holiday

Events dedicated to National Donor Day are officially held in all Russian subjects April 20. On this day, questions are raised about the problems of donation in the Russian Federation, and experiences are also exchanged.

It should be noted that the most important problem today is a noticeable reduction in the number of donors. That is why, over the past few years, various events have been actively carried out to help revive the donor movement in Russia. Thus, a federal program for the development of blood services was developed.

Donation law

In 2013, on January 21, the law “On the donation of blood and its components” came into force. According to it, free blood donation is encouraged in the Russian Federation. The reward is that volunteers are given a free lunch. However, for deficient blood groups the fee still remains. Moreover, the Ministry of Health has issued an order that allows a citizen who submits his material to write a statement and receive money instead of hot meals.

By the way, according to the same law, the list of benefits that were previously provided to donors was reduced. However, such changes did not affect Honorary Volunteers.

Who are the Honorary Donors of the Russian Federation?

Honorary donors in our country are those people who have donated blood and its components at least 40 times or donated plasma at least 60 times throughout their lives.

In addition to the usual “Honorary Donor” badge, such volunteers are encouraged annual leave at a time convenient for them (according to the TCRF), receiving medical care out of turn in government institutions and the right to purchase vouchers to any Russian sanatorium at the place of study or work.

It should also be noted that annual payments intended for honorary donors have increased by approximately 1.5 times. Now this amount is approximately 9959 Russian rubles. At the same time, donor payments will be indexed every year according to inflation.

World Blood Donor Day

As mentioned above, Donor Day is not only national, but also international. So, in May 2005, during the 58th session of the World Health Assembly, which was held in Geneva, the date of the social holiday was approved - June 14. Donor Day is celebrated all over the world at this time. The named number was chosen for a reason, because it was on this day in 1868 that the Austrian immunologist and physician Karl Landsteiner was born. In 1930 he received Nobel Prize for such an important discovery as a person.

Features of the international holiday

Just like the national one, International Donor Day is celebrated quite actively. So, every year on June 14, millions of people come together to hold events that encourage the world's population to help each other in difficult situations.

In all large and small cities of the Russian Federation and the world, press conferences, events and exhibitions are held, in which medical workers, and Honorary donors, and representatives of government (public), and funds mass media. As a rule, such events are aimed at highlighting existing problems and challenges of donation. During press conferences and other meetings, it is decided how to improve the work of donation centers, as well as how to encourage people to donate blood.

It should be especially noted that on this day medical stations and centers are open to everyone. As statistics show, on June 14, material delivery points receive an incredible number of volunteers. Each of them strives to contribute to the development of blood donation throughout the world. Thanks to such people, millions of lives are saved every year.

June 14 marks the International Holiday of honored and revered people who do not spare their own blood to save the life of another, complete stranger. The initiative to hold Blood Donor Day in 2005 was taken by a number of international organizations, including the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent. And the day was not chosen by chance: on June 14, the Austrian doctor Karl Landsteiner was born - the man who discovered human blood groups.

World Blood Donor Day is a wonderful holiday that most people on the planet can take part in. Every year on this day events are held on a specific theme. To attract the attention of young people to this humane cause is the task that health care representatives carry out at conferences and debates.

Third group, Rh positive,
The first, the second - it’s all the same.
Your action is simply amazing,
You have been giving life to people for a long time.

Giving your blood drop by drop,
Drying the tears in my eyes,
You live often without knowing
Where are you glorified and in what houses...

May God give you much strength
And health, happiness and love.
To thank you sincerely
Those whom you helped in life!

To those who do not spare blood,
And not only mosquitoes,
Who knows how to share it,
Helping doctors
Thus we are called heroes,
Without a doubt, we will give
Glory to global donors
On this day we will proclaim!

How many lives have you saved?
How many more will you save?
We were able to give a chance for happiness,
Donation is always held in high esteem!

Thanks to you, bow,
May your health not fail you.
Let the house be filled with light,
Joy walks with you!

On donor day the whole world
He says “Thank you!”
For millions of lives,
Which you saved.

For those who were at the edge,
But he returned to us again,
Who needs a second life?
I was able to give your blood.

May God give you happiness in life,
Health and love,
You, donors, forever
Glorified by people.

Being a blood donor is a badge of honor.
A sign of a big heart, kindness.
Your bright holiday has come today.
May all your dreams suddenly come true.

Good will be rewarded a hundredfold
Happiness, joy, warmth to you.
So that you smile more often.
May you always be lucky in everything.

Your blood is the salvation of someone's life.
Your heart is heaven's joy.
For you, your friends and loved ones
Let there be a world of miracles in every day.

The one who gave his blood,
Congratulations today.
To all health donors I
And I wish you happiness.

Thank you for that kindness
What do you bring to people?
May you be lucky in life
At a new turn.

Donor Day is an honor
To be a donor means to love.
Save lives by donating your blood,
Blood that helps people live.

Let the donor's health improve,
Let kindness flow through your veins.
Let the spirit of the rescuer not fade,
So that hope lives on for others.

After all, there are few who do not skimp,
The last one to give.
Those who strive to help the suffering,
Whose fighting spirit will not die!

The World Donor Day has arrived,
And the sun shone brighter than crystal,
After all, this is a day of kindness and understanding,
Love for each other, compassion.

May your blood bring health,
Will save people from grief and adversity,
Congratulations to all donors today,
And we celebrate World Donor Day!

Happy Blood Donor Day, I congratulate you,
I wish you excellent health and strength,
May many lives be saved
On this noble path of yours.

And don’t let gratitude keep you waiting,
Everyone praises you, respects you from the bottom of their hearts,
Children lead by example, and adults honor
Such exceptionally correct work!

Happy World Donor Day
Congratulations today,
To all health donors
And I wish you strength.

Thank you for your feat,
For the blood that you gave,
Worthy of respect
Honor and medals.

Congratulations: 42 in verse, 7 in prose.

In Russia, National Donor Day in 2020 is celebrated on April 20. The events involve donors, medical workers collecting blood, and donor organizations. According to the law, a person who donates blood has the right not to show up for work or school on that day without loss of wages.

The date of the holiday is dedicated to the world's first blood transfusion on April 20, 1832. It was conducted by a young St. Petersburg obstetrician Andrei Martynovich Wolf. On this day he delivered the baby. Suddenly, the mother's condition deteriorated sharply. She started bleeding. Then the doctor decided to transfuse the woman with her husband’s blood. This saved the patient's life.

Holiday traditions

On National Donor Day, everyone donates blood at medical centers. Press conferences and events are organized, the participants of which highlight the problems of donation. Honorary donors are awarded.

About donation

The donation procedure in the Russian Federation is determined Federal law No. 125 “On the donation of blood and its components” dated July 6, 2012. People donate whole blood, platelets or plasma. The process takes 5-15 minutes. After donating blood, the donor receives a free lunch or cash reward. Whole blood can be donated once every 2 months, but no more than 5 times a year.

  • June 14 is celebrated
  • The word “donor” comes from the Latin donare - “to give.”
  • The donor must be an adult, weigh more than 50 kg, and not have cancer, tuberculosis or AIDS. You cannot donate blood to pregnant and lactating women, or girls during menstruation. People with tattoos or body piercings are not allowed to donate before a year after they are applied or pierced. It is prohibited to donate blood to those who have consumed alcohol in the last 48 hours.
  • At one time, 350-450 ml of blood is taken from the donor.
  • People who have donated blood 40 times or donated plasma 60 times are considered honorary donors of Russia.
  • According to WHO, people who regularly donate blood live 5 years longer than the average person.
  • Every third person on the planet needs a blood transfusion at least once in their life.
  • In 1900, the Austrian physician Karl Landsteiner discovered blood groups.