Deputy Prosecutor of Samara. On the dismissal and appointment of a number of prosecutors of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation Konstantin Nikolaevich Bukreev Prosecutor's Office


Konstantin Bukreev was born in 1978 in Khabarovsk


In 1999 he graduated from the Far Eastern Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation



Konstantin Bukreev told how employees of the regional prosecutor's office check compliance with investors' rights

Prosecutor Samara region Konstantin Bukreev met with regional businessmen. The discussion was about how the rights of investors are respected in the region, as well as how the prosecutor’s office controls this.

He noted that one of critical issues– this is bringing the regional and municipal regulatory framework into compliance with federal legislation. The regional prosecutor's office assisted in bringing five provisions and administrative regulations into compliance with federal legislation. For example, in the regional Ministry of Construction it was possible to carry out an inspection without issuing an order, reducing the period of preliminary notification of its conduct. As a result, the regulations were brought into line with the law.

Samara Region Prosecutor Konstantin Bukreev ordered an inspection of the regional social insurance fund

On Wednesday, February 1, at a board dedicated to summing up the work of the Samara Region Prosecutor's Office in 2016, the head of the department, Konstantin Bukreev, noted that a significant number of appeals from disabled people, including those addressed to the office of the Commissioner for Human Rights, require attention close attention to respect the rights of this category of citizens.

Bukreev instructed the department for supervision over the implementation of federal legislation to conduct an inspection of the Samara regional branch of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation for compliance with all standards in rehabilitation programs.

The regional prosecutor held an offsite meeting at the Samara Arena stadium

The commission, during a joint off-site meeting, studied the progress of construction of facilities being built in preparation for the 2018 World Cup and the problems arising during their construction

Regional prosecutor Konstantin Bukreev held an off-site meeting at the Samara Arena stadium under construction, the prosecutor's office of the Samara region reports.

In Tolyatti, the prosecutor of the Samara region met with defrauded shareholders

On Wednesday, November 16, at the Togliatti city prosecutor's office, the new regional prosecutor Konstantin Bukreev held a reception for citizens on issues of shared-equity construction. Seven initiative groups signed up to meet with him.

As it became known from complaints and appeals, despite the fact that both the local city authorities and the regional Ministry of Construction have been solving the problems of shareholders for many years, hundreds of them remain. These are participants in the construction of apartment buildings, which was carried out by LLC “Land” and “September 2”, housing cooperatives “ZHASMIN-DOM” and “Bereg 18a”, and others.

The new regional prosecutor Konstantin Bukreev began his acquaintance with the region with an inspection of places of detention

The new regional prosecutor, Konstantin Bukreev, began his acquaintance with the region with an inspection of places of detention. Moreover, the time has come for their scheduled inspection.

Last year, on July 26, 2016, the Samara Provincial Duma approved a new regional prosecutor.
Prosecutor Bukreev told regional deputies that his main task is to fight corruption and protect the rights of socially vulnerable segments of the population.
In fact, prosecutor Boukreev had no intention of fighting corruption or defending the weak.
The very first action of the new Samara regional prosecutor thundered throughout the country. This is a case of “baby pants.”

At Samara school No. 22, the School Council decided to ban girls from coming to class in trousers. It is for lessons, and not for other school events, such as a cleanup day or a disco.
The School Board explains its decision by the fact that not all children, let alone parents, have the brains to dress appropriately for the place.
Some young fools, instead of decent trousers, wear tight leggings to school, and even with a low waist, so that half of their butts are out. If the boy sitting behind him leans over his desk and looks closely at his classmate, he can discern the color of the hair around the anus.
It is precisely this simple everyday circumstance that explains to us, parents, the request to dress our daughters more decently, so that no hormones distract from their studies.
So, nothing bad happened. The school board made some routine decisions regarding school uniforms. If some mothers who want to dress their daughters like circus monkeys are unhappy, then they should also appeal to the school community, seek support from other parents, and so on. Still, Russia - rule of law(as written in the Constitution) and even builds (supposedly) a “civil society”.
“Civil society” is when citizens arrange their simple everyday affairs themselves and turn to government agencies only on serious issues.
Instead, one of the crazy mothers filed a complaint with the prosecutor's office! Well, I did and I did. How many crazy people turn to the prosecutor? Anyone who has ever contacted the prosecutor’s office knows that citizens do not receive any help from the prosecutor, only meaningless, false replies.
Yeah, but not in this case! Samara prosecutors enthusiastically rushed to the defense of wet girls who certainly want to go to school in an indecent manner. “In August 2016, at this local legal act educational organization a protest has been brought."
One might think that Konstantin Bukreev’s subordinates had no more important things to do. All! Crime was completely done away with, and all that was left was for schoolgirls to stroke their asses.

In fact, it's not like that. Citizens report to prosecutors about real crimes, about ruined lives, but in response they receive standard replies that “ Based on the results of the inspection, there are no grounds for applying prosecutorial response measures».

I give a specific example of prosecutors hiding criminals in uniform and robes.

I have already written about Judge Burtsev. He still makes unjust sentences in the Volzhsky District Court. This court is located on Metallurg, one stop before reaching the plant.

Read more about the bribe-taking judge:
“Samara judges are bribe takers” 11/15/16
“How they shield bribe-taking judges” 04/05/17

Briefly it went like this. Roman Kolpakov, a relatively young man, a lawyer, came to visit his alcoholic uncle. The uncle's drinking companion attacked Kolpakov with a knife. During a fight, Kolpakov kicked that drunk in the chest and broke 4 ribs. Then he called an ambulance and the police.
The police arrived and saw two khanuriks and a more or less competent man from whom they could extort money. So they extorted. A criminal case was opened under the article “murder”, in the sense of “attempt”.
At my uncle’s apartment, where the fight took place, the police did not seize a single knife at all! But in the apartment of M.V. Kolpakova. (from the mother) ALL the knives were confiscated.

At the police station, a duty officer came to Kolpakov lawyer Borisov Yu.P., which on behalf of investigator Kusmorov suggested, transfer 800 thousand rubles to drop the criminal case, but he refused.
Then the police gave the knives from the mother’s apartment and 2 fingerprint cards – of Kolpakov himself and his uncle – for examination. Shakirov's fingerprint card was not handed over to the experts!
And under such circumstances, the judge convicted an innocent man!

Judge Burtsev extorted 1.5 million from Kolpakov to reclassify the case from attempted murder (Article 105) to causing minor harm to health (Article 111).
Since Kolpakov refused to pay, in December 2014 the judge of the Volzhsky District Court Burtsev M.P. sentenced Kolpakov to 6.5 years for attempted murder.

At the same time, Judge Burtsev distorted the result of the medical examination. The examination showed that Kolpakov was sober, and the “victim” was completely drunk. And Burtsev wrote in his verdict that it was Kolpakov who was drunk and attacked the sober Shakirov with a knife.
The examination showed that Shakirov did not have a single knife wound at all, only small scratches from fragments of broken dishes. Because for some reason this drunk took off his clothes and when he fell, he cut himself on broken glass. Yeah, and Judge Burtsev wrote that Kolpakov stuck his folding knife so deep into the victim’s body that he hit the heart, liver, spleen, etc.
The most important thing is that the crime weapon - a folding knife with a black handle and gold letters - is not in the case at all. Who in Samara needs proof? Prosecutor Bukreev or what? Oh yes, then there was Kabaloev. Well, okay, prosecutor Bukreev was also involved in this case.

Now, I’m moving on to the main part of my story about the prosecutor’s scams.

Kolpakov was sent to IK-3 colony in Novokuibyshevsk. Head of the colony, colonel Guryanov A.V.
Regarding the extortion of a bribe, Kolpakov many times sent complaints to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation and the Prosecutor General's Office and received formal refusals regarding them. The Prosecutor General's Office sent complaints back to Samara, i.e. to those who are being complained about. Samara prosecutors NEVER requested the materials of the criminal case, but simply sent Kolpakov meaningless refusals.
Only the list of Kolpakov’s complaints regarding the inaction of law enforcement agencies and the responses to them takes 2 pages.
Since Kolpakov did not reconcile himself and continued to expose the corrupt policemen and judges, they began to beat him.
Kolpakov arrived in the colony on August 3, 2015. On December 29, 2015 and January 3, 2016, he was beaten by prisoners, on the orders of the head of the colony, A.V. Guryanov. Well, by order - not by order, but in any case, this Guryanov was in the know. So, we will assume that it is by order.

On July 21, 2017, Kolpakov’s proxies submitted an application addressed to the head of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Samara Region, Major General internal service R.Ch. Almazov about the admission of independent experts (payment at his own expense) to the colony to take samples of biological material. An attempt to carry out an independent examination of traces of damage to the jacket. Kolpakov proves that it is his blood on the jacket, and not the so-called. victim.
Since the Federal Penitentiary Service did not respond, on August 14 they submitted a second application again addressed to the chief Almazov R.Ch.
This repeated statement already contained 3 points. The first, most important thing is that the head of IK-3 Guryanov is pursuing Kolpakov, “there is a threat to life and health.” Therefore, Kolpakov must be transferred from IK-3.
The second point is a repetition of the request for admission of independent experts, and the third requirement is that they issue a copy of the positive reference, which was compiled on July 20 by the deputy head of the department of educational work of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Samara Region, I.V. Zelenovskaya.

This repeated statement was given a mocking response on August 18 by F.D. Gatin, head of the regional medical unit No. 63 of the Federal Penitentiary Institution (FKUZ FSIN) (Sarapulsky lane, 16 A). They say, to hell with you, not an independent examination.
As soon as the authorized representatives submitted an application for an independent examination, the colony began to put pressure on Kolpakov.
The application was submitted to the Federal Penitentiary Service on July 21. On the same day, July 21, Kolpakov was put in a punishment cell for 6 days. Allegedly, he was absent from the daily check at 4:45 p.m. Released on July 27th.
On July 28, he was again put in a punishment cell for 10 days. Supposedly he was absent for the daily check at 9:15. Released on August 7th.
On August 17, again in a punishment cell for 7 days. The pretext is that he completely disappeared from his barracks at 19:40. He was released from the detention center on August 24.
One of the responses to the complaint states that “the circumstances of the violations are confirmed by medical documentation.” (?) It turns out that Kolpakov was in the medical unit. What is the violation then?

Kolpakov filed several applications that his life was being threatened and asked to be transferred from this colony, at least to pre-trial detention center-1 on Zavodskoye Highway in Samara.
On August 9, the authorized representatives submitted an application to the prosecutor of the Samara region, Bukreev.

On September 20 (1.5 months later!!!) the prosecutors mockingly replied that disciplinary action are legal. And regarding the threat to life, Kolpakov allegedly admitted to the inspecting prosecutor that he had lied. There is supposedly no threat.
The administration of IK-3 also found no grounds for taking security measures. That's why “Based on the results of the inspection, there are no grounds for applying prosecutorial response measures.”

On August 31, the Federal Penitentiary Service finally responded to the application for a copy of the positive reference. They wrote that the description of July 20 “has lost its relevance.”

On September 4, Kolpakov was admitted to the hospital at 134 A Fizkulturnaya St. Exacerbation of chronic purulent otitis media. Experts asked to come to this hospital to finally take samples for examination. As soon as the experts sent a letter to the hospital, on the same day, October 2, Kolpakov was urgently sent from the hospital back to IK-3, where he would again be beaten and put in a punishment cell.

And the prosecutors, as always, “have no grounds.” Yes. In the case of children's pants, the reasons were instantly found.

The main issue on the agenda of the Extraordinary seventy-sixth meeting of the Samara Provincial Duma was “On approving the proposal of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation on the appointment to the post of prosecutor of the Samara region.” A report on this issue was made by Sergey Petrovich Zaitsev, Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, State Counselor of Justice, 2nd class (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated June 11, 2016 No. 276) was nominated for the position of prosecutor of the Samara region.

Of course, deputy Mikhail Nikolaevich Matveev did not miss the chance to ask the newly appointed Prosecutor a question about the place of his alleged residence in the territorySamara region- the Member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation reminded about the meager 5 thousandth cost of renting a cottage on the first clearing...

The Provincial Duma unanimously supported the candidacy BUKREEV Konstantin Nikolaevich, State Counselor of Justice 2nd class, nand the position of prosecutor of the Samara region

Analizator_Sam had the opportunity to tell the Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation about the harsh fate of the Samara bloggers - orally managed to petition for a mitigation of the harsh sentence under the so-called"For the cause of bloggers"

BUKREEV Konstantin Nikolaevich With04/03/2012 works as head of department General Prosecutor's Office Russian Federation in Central federal district(with location in Moscow)

Place of birth Khabarovsk

Higher education: Graduated in 1999 from the Far Eastern Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
Specialty by education: jurisprudence

Honorary titles and awards of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation:
badge “For Impeccable Service” (2011),
badge "Honorary Worker of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation" (2014),
insignia “For Loyalty to the Law”, II degree (2015)

1995-1999 - student of the Far Eastern Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Khabarovsk
1999-2000 - investigator of the investigation department at the Department of Internal Affairs of the Krasnoflotsky district of Khabarovsk,
2000-2002 - senior investigator of the prosecutor's office of the Krasnoflotsky district of Khabarovsk,
2002-2005 - senior investigator of the department for the investigation of especially important cases, investigator for especially important cases of the department for the investigation of especially important cases, deputy head of the department for the investigation of especially important cases of the prosecutor's office of the Khabarovsk Territory,

2005-2007 - prosecutor of the Zheleznodorozhny district of Khabarovsk, Khabarovsk Territory,
2007-2012 - Deputy Head of the Directorate of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation in the Central Federal District - Head of the Department for Supervision of Operational Investigative and Procedural Activities (based in Moscow),
2012-present - Head of the Department of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation in the Central Federal District (with location in Moscow).

Continuation of conflicts around Togliattiazot. According to the author of the note, the activities of the leading domestic ammonia producer “in recent years looks more like a crime chronicle than a report on production achievements.”

With the latter, the author notes, “the chemical giant has obvious problems - in terms of production efficiency, ToAZ ranks last among enterprises in the industry. But the plant's managers appear with unenviable regularity in high-profile criminal and investigative cases. The “white dust” has not yet had time to settle after the recent high-profile case involving the detention of the financial director of ToAZ with ten grams of cocaine, as a means of mass media reported on another episode in the scandalous history of the chemical enterprise.”

In February " Russian newspaper“reported that at the beginning of this year, the Investigative Directorate of the Russian Federation Investigative Committee for the Samara Region opened criminal cases against the directors of the Samara companies Kontaz (the founder is Vladimir Makhlay’s sister Raisa Golovanova) and Rodnichok (the founder is Makhlay’s close friend Valentina Semenova). According to investigators, in 2008 they sold securities ToAZ of the Cypriot offshore company Borgat Investments Limited in two lots at par (1 ruble per share) value. “Rodnichok” sold its stake in the amount of 1,705,728 units. shares for 1,705,728 rubles, and Kontaz - 861,408 shares. for 861,408 rubles, respectively. Based on the given cost of one ToAZ share (1 ruble per share), then the cost of the largest enterprise in the region, the size authorized capital which is 97,115,506 pcs. shares is a little more than 97 million rubles. At the same time, real market value The package sold by Rodnichko at that time was 1,142,220,204.60 rubles, and by Kontaz - 576,831,488.96 rubles. Thus, two firms in total are said to have understated their tax base by 1.7 billion rubles, without paying an additional 327 million rubles to the budget. taxes.

Investigators saw in the above-mentioned transactions signs of a crime under Art. 199 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - evasion of taxes and/or fees from an organization. Criminal cases were initiated against officials of Rodnichok and Kontaz. However, the author notes, “for unknown reasons” both of them were soon closed. Initially, the decision to terminate the criminal prosecution was made by the Deputy Prosecutor of the Samara Region, Alexey Pavlov, and his immediate supervisor, Konstantin Bukreev, rejected the investigator’s petition to cancel Pavlov’s decision.

According to the author of the note, “one can only guess about the motives that guided the guardians of the law. Just six months ago, the newly minted prosecutor of the Samara region, who by the way received the rank of general at only 35 years old, proclaimed “respect for the rights of shareholders, labor rights citizens, socially vulnerable groups of the population" as the main priorities of its activities."

The author suggests “that over the past six months, Mr. Boukreev’s scale of values ​​has undergone significant changes. It’s not surprising, because protecting the interests of ToAZ owners and their front companies is a much more exciting activity and, more importantly, profitable.”

The author of the note suggests looking for the reason for the metamorphosis in the biography official. According to the publication, already at the age of 27 (2005) Bukreev became the prosecutor of the Zheleznodorozhny district of Khabarovsk. “The reason for such a rapid career rise remains unknown. However, soon after the appointment, a serious scandal broke out in the department. Bukreev’s deputy, Tatyana Lamash, wrote an appeal to the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, in which she said that its leadership, together with the regional prosecutor’s office, is not allowing progress in the investigation of the case of two employees of the Khabarovsk Department of Internal Affairs, detained by the FSB while transferring a bribe in the amount of 40 thousand dollars. As a result, Lamash had to leave his position.”

The author recalls that the Samara region is among the top 5 Russian regions-debtors. Moreover, it is here that the world’s largest ammonia producer, Togliattiazot, is located, whose tax payments could significantly replenish the local treasury. The debt of the Samara region has doubled over the past 5 years, to 69 billion rubles. “In such a situation, all the forces of law enforcement officers, it would seem, should be thrown into collecting arrears. However, local prosecutors clearly feel complete impunity and openly defend the interests of lawbreakers,” the author notes. According to him, this time “the activities of regional law enforcement officers did not go unnoticed. The higher management clearly did not appreciate the “exploits” of the Samara wards - the Prosecutor General’s Office intervened in the case and canceled the decisions made. The investigation into the Kontaza case has continued, and prosecutors may have to explain their actions to protect the interests of fugitive oligarchs.”