Instant redcurrant liqueur. Recipes for tinctures of black and red currants. Red currant honey liqueur

A simple and very tasty alcoholic drink - red currant tincture is liked by everyone without exception. Men value it for its strength, women for its softness. Thanks to its rich ruby ​​hue, sweet and sour taste and pleasant aroma, this alcohol truly becomes a decoration for any holiday table.

Making such a miracle at home is as easy as shelling pears. There are a lot of tincture recipes. To put them into practice you will need fresh or frozen currants, alcohol, sugar and a little imagination. At the same time, you can safely experiment by changing the proportions from the recipe. Instead of berries, you can even use currant jam.

A simple recipe for moonshine

The drink prepared according to this recipe, despite its simplicity, turns out to be extremely tasty, medium sweet with berry notes.

Composition and correct proportions:

  • 300 grams of berries;
  • 150 grams of sugar;
  • 0.5 liters of moonshine.


Pour washed and dried berries into liter jar. Add sugar and double-distilled or purified homemade moonshine. Close the container tightly and shake several times to dissolve the sugar. The drink should be infused for at least two weeks, then strained and poured into a bottle. You can add a sprig of black currant to the infusion, which will add tartness to the tincture. To do this, it must first be crushed.

I am sure that after tasting the resulting alcohol, you will want to continue making homemade alcoholic drinks. Next on your list could be .

Redcurrant tincture with alcohol

Red currants have practically no smell. The leaves enhance the aroma of currants in the drink, so they are often used together with berries.


  • 1 kilogram of berries;
  • 10 currant leaves;
  • 0.5 liters of alcohol (96%);
  • 300 grams of sugar;
  • 600 milliliters of water.

Manufacturing process.

Sort and wash the berries. When dry, put into two liter jars up to half their volume. Add the leaves and fill the containers with alcohol almost to the neck. Close the jars tightly and place in a dark place. Shake occasionally.

After two months, the tincture needs to be strained and the berries squeezed out. Boil syrup from water and sugar. After cooling, mix it with the tincture. To lower the temperature, the drink can be diluted clean water. The taste will not suffer from this. Pour the finished alcohol into glass bottles. It is better to store them in a cool place.

Recipe with heat treatment with vodka

During heat treatment, the berries become softer and impart more flavor and color to the drink.


  • 1 kilogram of red currants;
  • 1 liter of vodka;
  • 500 grams of sugar;
  • 0.5 liters of water.


Place a saucepan of water on the fire and bring to a boil. Add sugar and stir until it is completely dissolved. Reduce heat and add washed red currants. After three minutes, remove the pan from the stove. Mash the currants.
When the mixture has cooled, transfer it to a three-liter jar. Pour in vodka and stir. Then close the container tightly and place in a cool, dark place for three weeks. The tincture must be stirred every 3-4 days.

After the infusion period has expired, strain the drink and filter through cotton wool. Pour into bottles and place in a cool place. After several months of aging, the homemade tincture will only become tastier.

Recipe for red currant jam

You can use any alcohol base for the drink, the main thing is that vodka, moonshine, alcohol or cognac is of good quality.

Even old or candied jam is suitable, as long as it is not spoiled (without mold).


  • 0.5 liters of currant jam;
  • 0.5 liters of selected alcohol.


Mix the alcohol base with jam. Pour the mixture into a liter jar, then close and shake. Leave for about a week. After straining, the tincture is ready for use.

Currant tincture with cognac

Red currants give cognac an interesting and original taste. If desired, the drink can be sweetened a little by adding 2-3 tablespoons of sugar. It is better to take fresh berries.


  • 500 grams of berries;
  • 0.5 liters of cognac.


Pour pure currants into a liter jar. Pour cognac and close tightly. Keep for two weeks in a warm room. When the drink is infused, strain it and filter (through cotton wool). Pour into a bottle. The tincture can be stored for 2–3 years.

Red currants contain a lot of vitamin A, as well as vitamins C, PP, E, B vitamins, iron and potassium, which are so necessary for our body. Therefore, every summer resident strives to grow it on his plot. All the beneficial substances from the berries are transferred into an alcohol tincture, which perfectly tones and improves appetite. It is better to drink the tincture chilled - then the currant taste and aroma are fully revealed.

Currants are best known as a storehouse of vitamin C, which is why the berry is popular as a preventive and therapeutic agent during seasonal colds.

But the berry is not only beneficial for ascorbic acid; it is also a wonderful assistant in healing. Fresh berries, leaves, and currant liqueur are useful for various health problems:

  • with vitamin deficiencies and decreased immunity;
  • alleviate the condition of gastrointestinal diseases, such as gastritis with low acidity, peptic ulcer, etc.;
  • increase hemoglobin, recommended for radiation damage;
  • strengthen blood vessels, regulating pressure and preventing atherosclerosis;
  • have a general strengthening effect on the body.

Peculiarities. Many Internet users note that currant liqueurs help with a condition called “the stomach has stopped”: heaviness, bloating, nausea.

Blackcurrant liqueur on leaves

Black and red currants are used for liqueurs, but the leaves are suitable only from black-fruited varieties, since red fruits do not have a pronounced aroma. By the way, the leaves contain more vitamin C than the berry itself.

Collect 100 leaves by carefully cutting them off different parts bush, so as not to expose individual stems, depriving them of nutrition. You will also need:

  • a glass of black currant berries. If it’s not the season, they can be replaced with chokeberry;
  • 250-300 grams of sugar;
  • 1 tsp citric acid;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 0.5 liters of vodka.

Place the leaves in a saucepan, add water, bring to a boil and simmer gently under the lid for 20 minutes. Leave for 8-10 hours. Then squeeze out the leaves, discard them, add sugar, lemon and berries and boil for 5 minutes.

After cooling, strain and squeeze out the berries. Add vodka, filter and bottle. After a month of aging in the cellar, start tasting.

Blackcurrant spotty

This is a boiled, thick and very sweet drink, called a stumbling drink because drinking it is a pleasure, but after a few glasses no one will go for it. The classic spotykach is made from black currants.


  • 1 kilogram each of black currants and sugar.
  • 0.75 liters of vodka or good moonshine.
  • 3 glasses of water.

Attention. If you wish, before pouring it into syrup, add a pinch of cinnamon and vanillin to the alcohol base a couple of days before pouring it into the syrup, then filter.

Place the water and sugar on the stove and boil, skimming off the foam. The syrup should be thick. Meanwhile, mash the washed and dried berries, fold them into a couple of layers of gauze and squeeze out the juice thoroughly. Add the juice to the boiled syrup and boil. Remove from heat.

Add vodka to the slightly cooled mass and return to the stove. Heat without boiling and stir until the mixture thickens. Cool, bottle, place in the cellar (refrigerator). Try it in a few days.

Classic blackcurrant

For 3 kg of currants, take 1 kg of sugar and 250-400 ml (according to the desired strength) of vodka or alcohol, moonshine with a strength of up to 45°.

Cover the berries with sugar, tie them with gauze and place them in the sun for 3-4 days. Shake to dissolve the sugar. If signs of fermentation appear, install a water seal (wear gloves) and wait until fermentation stops. Then strain the liqueur and strengthen it by pouring additional alcohol, because in its natural state the strength of such a liqueur is 8-9 degrees.

Homemade blackcurrant liqueur with honey

This liqueur uses honey, not sugar, in a 1:1 ratio. Add 1 kg of honey to 1 kilogram of black currant berries. Mix everything in a jar, let it stand for 3 days under gauze.

Then pour in vodka so that it covers all the berries. And for two months - in the dark in room conditions. Then filter. If it is too thick, add up to 25% boiled cooled water.

“Baked redcurrant liqueur”

If you follow the old recipe, you need to pour 1.5 kg of red currant berries with 0.75 ml of homemade red table wine in a ceramic pot, tie it with parchment, with pierced holes and put it in an almost cooled oven overnight.

In the morning, strain through cheesecloth and squeeze. Add a glass of liquid honey and stir. Pour the completely cooled liqueur into bottles. Store in the cellar and drink after two weeks.

Double blackcurrant liqueur

Sweet and strong alcohol, originally from Poland, involves the use of two alcoholic bases - vodka and pure, undiluted vodka.


  • 1 kg black currants;
  • 0.5 liters of vodka and food alcohol;
  • 400 g sugar;
  • 0.5 - 1 cup liquid honey.

Fill the currants with two types of alcohol and place them in darkness and warmth for a month. After the time has passed, drain and close the alcohol tightly, crush the berries and add sugar.

Leave for 10 days under the same conditions. Drain, squeeze out the pulp and strain.

Mix syrup and tincture, add liquid honey to taste. Stir and place in a closed jar in the refrigerator/basement for a week or two. After this, filter and bottle. Let it sit in the cellar for at least a month, or better yet, three.

Triple "master"

Double pour is a popular product among the Poles, but if it is too strong, you can “water it down” a little. To do this, take 0.5 liters of drinking water (preferably bottled non-carbonated) and pour it over the remaining blackcurrant pulp.

Close it and keep it in the cold and dark for two weeks. Mix with the almost finished double tincture, filter, package and age.

Noble liqueur-casserole: red on red

It uses red currants and red wine (homemade semi-sweet wine is perfect). Proportions:

  • 1 kg of red currants;
  • 0.5 l of wine;
  • 200 g sugar.

Mix everything in a saucepan, cover it with perforated parchment or foil with holes and place in a slightly warm oven (heated to 40-60°C) for 7-10 hours. Take it out periodically and check how the berries release juice. Then strain, squeeze, pour and after a couple of weeks of settling in the basement (refrigerator), help yourself.

Quick redcurrant wine liqueur

It is prepared in exactly the same way as a noble casserole, only it is advisable to take a sweet fortified wine (such as Cahors). Put less sugar - 100 g. But then try and perhaps add. If the pouring seems weak, add another glass of vodka. To stabilize the taste, just put it in the refrigerator for a day. And if you don’t add vodka, you can try it after a few hours.

This is how many tasty and healthy liqueurs can be made from ordinary berries, which grow in everyone’s dacha, and if they don’t have one, they are sold in stores and markets. Use it to your advantage and for pleasure. And if the article was useful to you, don’t forget to like it.

Red currant berries have long been known for their excellent taste. Housewives use them to make preparations for the winter - compotes and jam, red currant juice perfectly quenches thirst in hot weather. The availability and low price of the fruit makes red currants a godsend for lovers of homemade alcohol. How much does homemade redcurrant tincture cost? This drink is also liked by the female half for its mild taste, and men appreciate its high degree. Thanks to its taste and color, the drink will always decorate any holiday table. They prepared currant tincture not only for the soul, but also as a medicinal potion. After all, currant berries are simply a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients.

For red currant tincture, berries of any variety are suitable; similarly, according to the described recipes, you can prepare drinks from black or white currants. You can also freeze the fruits, and at the right time prepare a moonshine tincture with red currants or vodka. Any strong alcohol is used as an alcohol base - vodka, diluted alcohol, moonshine, brandy or cognac. Unlike red currant liqueur with vodka, the tincture has a lower sugar content and a higher degree.

Classic redcurrant liqueur with vodka

Despite the simple recipe, the prepared drink has a pleasant sour taste, is easy to drink, and has a beautiful red color. Vodka in the tincture can be replaced with moonshine or alcohol diluted with water. The finished tincture can be stored for up to a year without loss of taste.


  • Vodka – 500 ml;
  • Red currants – 300 gr;
  • Granulated sugar – 150 gr.

How to do:

  1. Collected berries, sort through, remove leaves and other debris, rinse in cool water.
  2. Place the fruits in a liter jar, add granulated sugar and pour in the alcohol base.
  3. Close the container with a lid and leave for two weeks. Every 1-2 days the contents of the jar must be
    shake well.
  4. Strain the infusion through a sieve or cheesecloth, then filter through cotton pads. Pour into suitable container.

Redcurrant tincture in alcohol with leaves

Since red currant berries have a weak aroma, adding leaves to the recipe promotes a more intense flavor. And the use of alcohol allows you to extract as much as possible all the beneficial substances and aromas from the fruit.


  • Alcohol 96% - 250 ml;
  • Berries – 500 gr;
  • Sugar – 150 gr;
  • Water – 300 ml;
  • Currant leaves – 5-6 pcs.


  1. Sort the berries and wash them, lay them out on a towel and let them dry. Place the berries in a jar and pour the currant leaves with alcohol.
  2. Leave for two months in a closed container. Shake the infusion 2-3 times a week. Then strain the infusion, squeezing the liquid from the berries.
  3. Boil syrup from water and sugar, let cool and mix with alcohol infusion. Pour into bottles and store in the refrigerator for several days before drinking.

Homemade redcurrant tincture with vermouth


  • Berries – 500 gr;
  • Dry vermouth – 250 ml;
  • Vodka or moonshine – 1000 ml;
  • Sugar – 100 gr.

How to cook:

  1. Place peeled and washed currants into a clean bowl.
  2. Pour in vermouth, stir well.
  3. Add sugar and strong alcohol.
  4. Leave for 2 weeks.
  5. Strain through a sieve and cool before tasting.

Recipe with mint and cardamom

This drink can be served as a digestif after eating to improve the digestion process.


  • Alcohol 40% – 500 ml;
  • Currant berries – 250 g;
  • Cane sugar – 50 g;
  • Cardamom – 2 pcs.;
  • Fresh mint – 2 sprigs.


  1. Sort through the berries, place them in a colander and rinse under running water. Let the berries dry.
  2. Pour the currants into the jar, sprinkling them with sugar. Add cardamom and mint. Pour in alcohol, vodka or good moonshine.
  3. Close the lid and leave for 15 days, shaking the infusion periodically.
  4. Strain the drink, squeeze the berries thoroughly in gauze or rub through a sieve, mixing with the tincture. Refrigerate before use.

Cognac recipe

You can make an elite drink at home by implementing this recipe. Cognac can be replaced with grape or apple brandy. The same recipe is used to make a rum-based drink.


  • Berries – 200 gr;
  • Cognac – 500 ml;
  • Sugar -100 gr.

Preparation of red currant tincture recipe:

  1. Remove the berries from the branches and rinse cold water and leave to dry on a towel.
  2. Lay the currants in layers, sprinkling each with granulated sugar.
  3. Pour in cognac or other suitable elite brandy. Close tightly with a lid.
  4. Infuse for two weeks, stirring the infusion every day.
  5. Strain and filter the tincture. Pour into beautiful bottles, the red currant tincture must be kept in a cold place for several days before use.

The benefits and harms of red currant tincture on moonshine

When consumed in moderation, the tincture has a beneficial effect on the body. Outputs harmful substances from the body, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, has a diuretic effect and acts as a laxative.

Like all alcohol, the tincture also has harmful qualities. The tincture should not be used by people intolerant to alcohol or dependent on it. Drinks containing currant berries are contraindicated for allergy sufferers, lactating women and pregnant women.

The taste of currant berries has been known since ancient times. For those who are fans of homemade alcoholic drinks, red currant tincture is of great value. After all, it is quite easy to prepare it yourself, and the product can be obtained without problems. This drink is prepared using a variety of recipes and methods. Everyone chooses the option that suits them best. This article will look at several ways to prepare red currant tincture. If you put in a little effort, you can end up with a very tasty and healthy drink.

What is needed for cooking?

To get a tasty currant tincture as a result, you can use a variety of varieties of berries to prepare it. A very tasty drink is obtained from both red and black currants. You should not exclude white currants from the list of ingredients. It also contains many useful elements and vitamins.

Preparing the berries

How to prepare homemade redcurrant tincture? Before you start preparing the drink, the berries must be carefully sorted. If you come across green or spoiled fruits, you need to get rid of them. For the tincture you need to take only ripe berries. After this, you will need to rinse the currants several times and place them on a cloth so that the fruits dry a little.

If it is not possible to get fresh currants, then frozen fruits are also quite suitable. It all depends on how correctly the berries were prepared for freezing.


How is redcurrant tincture prepared? Which foundation is better to choose? Regardless of what type of berries will be used to prepare the drink, you can use regular vodka, homemade moonshine or alcohol as its base. Medium-priced cognac will also work. Either option will make a very tasty berry drink. It can be consumed both in the cold season and as a cooling drink in summer.

Below we will take a closer look at how red currant tincture is prepared using vodka and regular alcohol.

Vodka tincture

Red currants will primarily be distinguished by their beautiful rich color. This drink will also smell very nice. So you will want to try it. How to properly prepare red currant tincture with vodka?

To make this alcoholic drink, you need to stock up on fresh berries. During their ripening period, currants can be purchased quite easily at the market or supermarket.

Red currant tincture with vodka does not require large financial expenditures. To prepare it, we will need only 200 grams of red currants, 100 grams of sugar and half a liter of vodka.

When all the berries are removed from the branches, they are carefully sorted and washed. When the fruits dry, they are placed in a glass container, the volume of which can be from 0.7 to 1 liter. After this, sugar is sprinkled on top of the berries. This procedure must be carried out very carefully, because the sugar should be distributed evenly over the surface of the berries. When all the manipulations are completed, the vodka itself is added to the container. After it is together with sugar and berries, the entire contents of the container will need to be mixed or shaken well.

The container is covered with gauze and placed in a cool place so that the drink can infuse. The infusion period should not be less than 2 weeks. If it is larger, the drink will come out especially rich and aromatic.

You need to infuse the drink until the sugar is completely dissolved and the color of the tincture becomes deep scarlet or red. It is also necessary to strain the finished drink through cheesecloth. Some do this immediately after the tincture is prepared, while others carry out this procedure only when the drink is served. It doesn't matter which option you lean towards. After all, the taste and smell of the drink will not change.

This tincture is stored in a cool place. It can be poured into a glass bottle and placed in the refrigerator.

Redcurrant tincture with powdered sugar

The method of preparing this drink is practically no different from the previous one. The only difference is that instead of sugar it is used powdered sugar. It begins to ferment much earlier, as a result of which the tincture is prepared much faster. Also, a drink prepared in this way will be much sweeter and softer.

Healthy recipe

What else can redcurrants be useful for? A tincture of these berries can also be used in medicinal purposes. The most useful drink is considered to be one in which black currant sprigs were added during the preparation process. They must first be washed and broken into medium pieces. This tincture allows you to strengthen the human immune system and protect yourself from viral and colds in the winter.

In addition to twigs, leaves are also used. The result is great. The drink will become the best treat on your table, and everyone will be interested in its recipe!

Tincture: red currant in alcohol

If you adhere to the correct preparation, it will be very difficult to smell the presence of alcohol components. So, what is the secret of such a drink, for the preparation of which you can use ordinary alcohol?
To prepare this drink, you will need 300-350 grams of fresh red currants, 150-200 grams of sugar and half a liter of alcohol (either 70% or 96% will do). Although for tincture it is recommended to give preference to 70%. As a result, the smell of alcohol will not be as strong.

When all the ingredients are prepared, the berries are thoroughly washed and dried. They can be placed in a small container and sprinkled with prepared sugar on top. After which alcohol is poured into the bottle. To make the sugar dissolve faster, shake the bottle vigorously.

To make the drink tasty, it will need to be infused. The ideal period is considered to be from 15 to 20 days. During this period, the tincture should be stored in a dark room. You can shake it occasionally.

Before serving the drink, you will need to strain it. You can use this tincture in the cold season, as well as in the summer. It is perfect for cold and hot appetizers.

It is best to store red currant tincture in the refrigerator for no more than one year!

What else can red currants be useful for? Tincture at home is not the only option for preparing it. You can also make very tasty, healthy and aromatic jam. They also prepare jams, compotes and many other delicacies. Red currants also make excellent wine, which is also very easy to make at home. Bon appetit!

Before we start preparing a liqueur from aromatic and tart currants, let’s figure out what this drink is. There are liqueurs prepared on the basis of alcohol products, but you can also prepare a drink without using alcohol. This liqueur is prepared by fermenting granulated sugar and berries.

Of course, currant liqueur can be purchased in the store. However, everyone will probably agree that a homemade alcoholic drink is much more aromatic, tastier and more natural. Cooking is a fairly easy process: the berries do not require serious processing, and the ingredients of the product are affordable. If the berry season is still far away, you can replace fresh currants with frozen ones.

Currant berry liqueur is served with any desserts. The drink can also be consumed as a preventative against colds.

Recipe for a fragrant, bright drink

  • Berries (fresh or frozen) – 2 kg.
  • Granulated sugar – 750 grams.
  • Boiled, cooled water – 300 ml.

Preparing liqueur without vodka:

  1. Sort the berries thoroughly and rinse.
  2. Grind the prepared currants using a meat grinder or blender.
  3. Pour a glass of sugar, a third of the berry mass, granulated sugar again, and berries again into a clean, dry jar. Fill the container completely in this way.
  4. Pour water. The jar should not be filled to the very brim, as gases will be released during the fermentation process.
  5. Pull a rubber glove over the neck of the container (medical gloves are ideal for this purpose), pierce one finger - this will allow gas formations to come out.
  6. Place the container with the berry mixture in direct sunlight until the gases are completely released. Typically this process takes no more than 10 days.
  7. As soon as the liqueur arrives, pour it into an identical container, repeat the procedure with a glove, and place the jar in its original place for another two days.
  8. All that remains is to strain the drink and bottle it.

Recipe for currant liqueur with spices

  • Berries – 3 kg.
  • Water – 1 liter.
  • Sugar – 500 grams.
  • Cinnamon – 5 g.
  • Carnation buds – 5 pcs.
  • Lemon and orange zest – 50 g.
  1. Peel and wash the currants, then lightly mash using a fork.
  2. Place the berries in a jar, sprinkle them with granulated sugar.
  3. Infuse the mixture for 24 hours in a cool room.
  4. Add chopped zest, cloves and cinnamon. Shake the jar thoroughly so that all the ingredients in it are mixed, then put it in the same place for another day.
  5. Add water, shake, put a rubber glove on the jar. Soak the drink in the bright sun for about 10 days, then strain.
  6. Pour the filtered liqueur into bottles and store in a cool place for further aging for 2 months.

If you are sure of the purity of the berries, that is, they were picked by you personally from the bush and not bought at the market, then it is better not to wash them. Thanks to the sediment, the fermentation process will be more intense, and the taste will be richer and brighter.

Usually, recipes involve the use of black currants, but red and white varieties of berries also make an excellent aromatic and tasty liqueur. In this case, to give a beautiful color and a more tart taste, you can add some black berries, as well as currant leaves.