Chocolate with red pepper. Original taste of chocolate with chili pepper. Benefits for the body

The Mexicans were the first to prepare a chocolate drink with the addition of hot peppers; the dessert was used as a medicine to increase male strength. Moreover, the drink was served cold and had a sharp, spicy taste. But the true recipe, delicious with the addition of chili pepper, has a velvety unique taste, but not bitter at all!

To prepare “spicy” hot chocolate-chili you need to take:

  • 300 ml. milk,
    half a vanilla pod
    1 piece each fresh chili pepper and cinnamon sticks,
    45 gr. dark chocolate.

Wash the chili, cut it lengthwise, remove the tail and seeds. Grind the cinnamon; if you don’t have a stick, you can replace this spice with cinnamon in powder form. Cut the vanilla pod lengthwise, but if you don't have one, you can use regular vanilla, but remember that the aroma will not be as spicy. Break the chocolate into small pieces.

Mix milk, vanilla, cinnamon and chili, bring mixture to a boil. Then reduce the heat and simmer over low heat for 2-3 minutes until the milk mixture is completely saturated with the ingredients. However, milk and heat treatment “reduce” the spicy taste of pepper, so you don’t have to worry that the dessert will turn out “fire-breathing.”

Now it's time to add the chocolate pieces and dissolve them until a homogeneous consistency is obtained, while stirring the mass continuously. Remove from heat and let the drink brew for 10 minutes, covered. Then strain the drink, pour into cups and enjoy the excellent taste! Do not forget that the type of pepper affects the severity and spiciness of the drink. Therefore, during the process of cooking peppers, you can periodically taste the milk mixture, this will help determine the degree of spiciness, and then remove the chili pod. If you get a hot, fiery chocolate drink, you can add a teaspoon of cognac and brown sugar, add grated dark chocolate and whipped cream. And then the dessert will “play” with a new taste and unique aroma.

Here is an unusual hot chocolate recipe.

And another recipe for hot chocolate with chili pepper.

To prepare this drink we use 90% dark chocolate, but you don’t have to worry about it - it can be made from any chocolate.

  • Time: approx. 15 minutes
  • Servings: 2-3


  • 150 gr. dark chocolate
  • 200 ml milk
  • 100 ml cream
  • 1 chili pepper
  • a pinch of vanilla
Step 1.

Cut the chocolate into small pieces, cut off the tip of the chili pepper and sprinkle in the seeds.

Step 2.

Heat the milk together with the cream (you can use only milk, but it tastes better with cream). Add chocolate, vanilla and chili pepper to hot milk. Continue heating until the chocolate has melted. Attention! On the second day the chocolate becomes spicier! :)

Cocoa powder is the dried and finely ground mass that remains after cocoa beans are processed into butter. Cocoa is widely used in cooking, for making chocolate and the drink of the same name. And cocoa powder will be an excellent dessert for all sweet lovers.

Hot chocolate recipe made from cocoa with pepper

The original recipe for the drink required the presence of pepper and other hot spices. Of course, over time, the recipe has gradually changed and simplified, but nevertheless, many coffee shops and restaurants can offer you a choice of hot chocolate with or without pepper. Pepper gives the drink richness and a subtle aroma. In addition, it will perfectly warm you up in cold weather or be a good cure for a mild cold. Let's make hot chocolate with pepper at home. For 4 servings of the drink you need the following ingredients:

  • milk – 0.5 l;
  • cocoa powder – 4 tablespoons;
  • cream – 200 ml;
  • cognac – 50 grams;
  • granulated sugar – 4 tablespoons;
  • ground ginger – 5 grams;
  • ground chili pepper – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • cinnamon - one stick.


  1. Mix milk, cream, cognac in a suitable metal bowl and add pepper, ginger and cinnamon to this mixture. Instead of cognac, rum or brandy is suitable.
  2. Heat the mixture over low heat until it boils, stirring constantly.
  3. Pour some of the hot mixture into another bowl and pour cocoa powder into it. Whisk everything until all lumps are dissolved. You should get a thick chocolate mass.
  4. Pour the remaining mixture into the whipped cocoa mixture. Place on the fire until it boils, then remove from the stove.
  5. Remove the cinnamon stick and pour into glasses. You can top with whipped cream and sprinkle with cocoa powder.

Hot chocolate according to this recipe has an excellent taste and aroma. It will not only warm you up well, but also give you a huge supply of energy for the rest of the day.

Chocolate with chili pepper is an ancient drink that is still revered today by gourmets from all over the world. Spicy, unusual taste, tart and rich smell create a unique range of sensations. The combination of cocoa beans and hot pepper is a bizarre symbiosis that makes you look at the taste of familiar chocolate in a new way. It’s definitely worth trying, not only for the sake of new sensations, but also for a general tonic effect. This drink is quite simple to prepare, but with its taste and aroma characteristics it can surprise the most demanding audience.

Indians and chocolate

The ancient Mayans and Aztecs were the first to use cocoa beans for food. It was in the pre-Columbian era that chocolate in liquid form was used by the tribes of Yucatan in medicinal purposes. To do this, the Mayans ground the beans to a powder, mixed them with chili and corn, and then poured them with water, actively whisking them to create a characteristic foam. They drank chocolate from special bowls with a spout. The ancient Indians believed that this remedy would definitely give strength to warriors, alleviate the condition in particularly hot weather and help heal the suffering.

After the conquest of the American continent, chocolate found its way into European cuisine, but it was so highly valued that it was considered a gift from above. For some time, cocoa beans even served as money, and only very wealthy people could afford to make a drink from them. Some changes were also made: chocolate was left without chili pepper, turning into a dessert with added sugar and cream.

Centuries have passed, but chocolate is still valued by humanity. And now its culinary use is much wider than in past times.

Benefits for the body

Chocolate with chili pepper carries a lot beneficial properties for our body. Cocoa beans are a storehouse of vitamins, antioxidants, amino acids and microelements. Chile is in no way inferior to them in terms of its indicators. In addition, it is able to normalize blood circulation and metabolism, break down fats and have a general tonic effect on the body. All this helps to improve mood, vigor and can be auxiliary element in the fight against excess weight.

Any recipe requires some subtleties. And here's the thing about the pepper chocolate:

  1. Do not use pre-ground pepper. Instead of a piquant taste and smell, you risk getting bitterness without the slightest hint of refreshing notes, since you need to prepare hot chocolate only with fresh chili, from which all the seeds have previously been extracted.
  2. It is better to wear special gloves during the cooking process. The hot pepper extract is difficult to wash off your hands, so you risk severe irritation if you suddenly want to scratch your eye.
  3. The classic combination is 25 grams of dark chocolate per 125 ml of milk (necessarily full-fat, since the wateriness of a low-quality product will greatly spoil the taste). This portion may seem too small to you, but the thing is that chocolate turns out to be very rich in taste, so you need to drink it in small sips. In addition, hot chocolate is more savory than the one we are more familiar with in a bar.
  4. If you still want a large portion, then take 25 grams of chocolate per 250 ml of fat milk. This ratio will also be very tasty, but less tart due to the larger amount of milk component.
  5. The classic version uses chocolate in which the percentage of cocoa beans is more than 70%. However, not everyone likes such bitterness. To soften the drink, dark chocolate can be slightly diluted with milk chocolate or some of the milk can be replaced with softer cream. But you shouldn’t add sugar to this drink. This sweetness is contained in sufficient quantities in the bar, so there is a risk of overdoing it. In addition, the ancient Indians never sweetened their drink.
  6. Chocolate should only be served hot. As it cools, the taste becomes less rich and pronounced. Therefore, even if you accidentally mess around in the kitchen and the chocolate has cooled down, it can and should be reheated. Just don't overdo it. The finished drink should not be brought to a boil, otherwise it will be spoiled. At the same time, the richness of hot chocolate flavor also has a downside: it can quickly get boring. Therefore, you should not get carried away with such a drink.
  7. Various spices and spices improve the taste of hot chocolate. You can start the experiment with orange zest. The option with chili pepper is for true gourmets and connoisseurs who love tartness and richness of flavors. Cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, vanilla, cloves, mint and star anise can also decorate the composition. Chocolate goes well with each of these spices, both individually and in various variations. Each person just needs to experiment and find their own unique taste.
  8. For those who cannot live without sweet notes, you can add various flavored syrups, nuts and honey with ground coffee.

How to make hot chocolate

Ingredients (for 2 people):

  • bitter chocolate - 50 grams,
  • whole milk - 2 cups,
  • chili - 1 pepper,
  • cinnamon - 1 stick,
  • vanilla - half a stick.


  1. Put the milk on low heat. Add pepper, cinnamon and vanilla.
  2. Melt the chocolate in the milk, stirring gently (it is better to grate the chocolate first).
  3. Cook for a few more minutes, remove from the stove and then let it brew.
  4. Strain. Serve hot (warming is allowed, but not to the point of boiling).

How to cook without milk


  • ground coffee - 4 teaspoons,
  • water - 300 ml, sugar - 10 grams,
  • chocolate - 200 grams,
  • chili/ginger/rum/cognac/ice cream - to taste.


  1. Make some coffee.
  2. Melt the chocolate and add it to your coffee.
  3. Depending on your desire, you can add cognac, rum, chili, ginger or ice cream to the finished drink.

Ingredients (for 2 servings):

  • chocolate (more than 70%) - 50 grams,
  • milk - 2 cups,
  • chili - 1 pepper,
  • cinnamon - 5 grams,
  • ground ginger - 1 gram,
  • honey - 1 teaspoon,
  • vanillin - to taste,
  • sea ​​salt - 1 pinch.


  1. Prepare the pepper: rinse well, cut and remove the seeds.
  2. Add chili, cinnamon, ginger, vanilla and salt to milk. Place on low heat.
  3. Melt a large chocolate bar in a steam bath.
  4. When the milk is warm, remove the pepper from it, pour in the chocolate and honey.
  5. Continue to simmer until the chocolate reaches the desired consistency.

If you want a thicker consistency, add a little cocoa or cornstarch at the final stage.

Chocolate: drinking, reading, watching

- What do you profess? - Chocolate!

These words became widely known thanks to the film adaptation of Joan Harris's book "Chocolate". And are there people who disagree with the heroines of the book and film? What picture opens up to the viewer when Armande Voisin enters Vienne Rocher’s shop? The shelves are filled with chocolate creations: cakes, sweets, cookies, individual chocolate-pepper bars and coconut-coated rounds. Meanwhile, nearby, in a small cauldron, melted chocolate is slightly smoking. Armande is in a bad mood, and Vienne serves her a cup of hot chocolate, first sprinkling the aromatic goodness with chili pepper and adding whipped cream to it. Armanda tries the treat and smiles blissfully.

I believe that the most important thing in the world is to be happy! Happiness. Undemanding, like a glass of chocolate, or complex, like a heart. Gorky. Sweet. Present. (Joan Harris "Chocolate")

So, want to experience the same incomparable pleasure? Then we prepare chocolate with chili pepper and whipped cream according to the recipe of the works of the same name.

Ingredients (for 2 servings):

  • dark chocolate (minimum 70%) - 140 grams,
  • 20 percent cream - 100 ml,
  • water - 200 ml,
  • ground chili - 5 pinches,
  • refined sugar with cinnamon - 30 grams,
  • cream - 10 grams.


  1. Break a large chocolate bar into small pieces.
  2. Mix the heavy cream with purified water and put on fire. When the first signs of boiling appear, add chocolate and sugar.
  3. We continue to cook, but over very low heat, and do not stop stirring so that the chocolate and sugar dissolve properly.
  4. We leave the chocolate on the stove for some more time so that it simmers a little and becomes even more aromatic.
  5. Whip the cream. To do this, take a deep bowl and sift through a sieve. powdered sugar and pour in the chilled cream (the cream should be chilled, since at this temperature it is easier for it to rise). Start beating until you get a creamy mass.
  6. Pour chocolate, sprinkle with chili pepper and decorate with whipped cream.

Orange exotic

This recipe for dark chocolate with chili and orange will please true gourmets.


  • dark chocolate - 60 grams,
  • heavy cream - 70 ml,
  • milk - 80 ml,
  • brown sugar - 10 grams,
  • cocoa - 10 grams,
  • ground chili - a quarter teaspoon,
  • orange juice - 1 tbsp. spoon,
  • orange zest (from half a fruit).


  1. Break the tile.
  2. Mix milk, cream, juice, zest, chili, cocoa and sugar. Warm up.
  3. Pour the resulting mixture into the chocolate (through a strainer) and stir well.
  4. Pour the drink into cups, garnish with cream and remaining zest.

With this drink you can start your morning perfectly or end a hard working day.

Combining foods like chili pepper and chocolate may seem strange. However, such a spicy combination is considered a very popular and tasty delicacy. Nowadays, you can make your own hot chocolate with the taste of hot pepper, and stores sell chocolate bars with the original filling - chili. Despite the fact that the dessert contains a burning ingredient, it is not very noticeable, since it is neutralized by milk. That is why the combination of chili and high-quality chocolate is quite extravagant, piquant and incredibly tasty.

Useful properties and interesting facts

Chocolate with red pepper is not a fantasy, but an original dessert that amazes with its incredible taste and special aftertaste. You can make your own pepper-flavored chocolate using milk, dark chocolate, pepper and cocoa powder.

As for the very unusual ingredient of the delicacy, namely chili pepper, it is very popular in South America and Mexico, where it is added to most dishes. Chili is the most popular spice all over the world, which is even added to chocolate. No matter how strange it may sound, the burning taste stimulates the production of the happiness hormone in the human body. That is why red pepper is a universal product, as it is added to main dishes, chocolate, and desserts.

It is important to note that chocolate with chili peppers is extremely beneficial for human health, as it helps improve digestion and reduce the level of harmful fats and carbohydrates. Chili prevents the formation of blood clots, enhances the metabolic process, and also has a positive effect on the blood. Red pepper accelerates the growth of hair and nails, and helps treat sore throat. Considering that the product quickly breaks down fats, you can use it to lose weight.

Red pepper is the leader in the content of vitamin A. In addition, it contains phosphorus, iodine and zinc, calcium, vitamins PP, C and B. This combination is very valuable in the fight against vitamin deficiency, osteoporosis and anemia. Contraindications for use: gastritis, ulcers, gastrointestinal diseases.

Chocolate with chili pepper should be avoided by those people who have a history of illnesses such as ulcers, arrhythmia and hemorrhoids, epilepsy, colitis and liver disease, as well as coronary heart disease.

Original recipe

Hot chocolate with hot pepper flavor can be made even at home using a good recipe. The secret to a delicious and invigorating chocolate drink is to use fresh chili peppers, but not ground ones.


  • milk – 400 milliliters;
  • dark chocolate – 50 grams;
  • vanilla – half a pod;
  • crushed cinnamon – 1 stick;
  • chili pepper (seeds must be removed) – 1 pc.

Place chili, vanilla, cinnamon in a saucepan, pour milk over everything and boil. Boil over low heat for two minutes. Then you need to crumble the chocolate, add it to the hot mixture and completely dissolve. After this, you can remove the pan from the stove and leave for at least fifteen minutes. The resulting mixture must be strained and served in a small cup. From the specified list of ingredients, two servings of a “hot” chocolate drink are obtained.

There are a lot of cooking options; some suggest using the whole pod, after removing the seeds. Some people recommend adding vanillin and cream, as well as ground ginger. For a bold, rich, and piquant flavor, don't be afraid to use the whole chili, as milk helps reduce the heat.

Hot chocolate with cocoa and pepper

It’s very easy to prepare a delicious drink at home, just select good recipe and quality products.


  • cocoa powder – 5 tablespoons;
  • sugar – 4 tablespoons;
  • milk – 500 milliliters;
  • low-fat cream – 210 milliliters;
  • cinnamon stick – 1 pc.;
  • rum or cognac – 60 grams;
  • ground ginger – 6 grams;
  • ground chili pepper – ½ teaspoon.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Prepare all the necessary ingredients to prepare a spicy drink. In a saucepan, mix all the liquid ingredients of the recipe: alcohol, milk, cream.
  2. In the received liquid mixture add cinnamon, ground ginger and hot pepper.
  3. Place the pan over low heat, stirring constantly, and bring to a boil.
  4. Pour a little mixture into a bowl, add cocoa powder and stir thoroughly to form a thick paste. Remove any lumps using a whisk or fork. Add milk with spices and stir.
  5. The mixture needs to be boiled, removed from the stove and the cinnamon removed, then you can pour it into cups. Decorate the top with cocoa and whipped cream.

Thus, preparing a spicy drink with pepper and chocolate is very simple and interesting. They will help you with this step by step recipes with photographs and video recipes that show in detail what and how to do. Bon appetit everyone!

One of the most ancient drinks, preferred by gourmets around the world, is chocolate with pepper. Its spicy and unusual taste affects all human taste buds. The combination of the properties of cocoa beans and hot pepper results in an amazing note that makes traditional chocolate something special.

This composition of flavors is definitely worth trying as it is a healing nectar. This product is quite easy to prepare, yet it can compete with expensive and original drinks and will surprise guests.

Ancient recipe

The discoverers of the properties of cocoa beans are the tribes of the ancient Aztecs. It was in their times that a chocolate drink appeared that could lift the spirits and cure illness.
The Mayans ground cocoa beans, corn and chili peppers into powder, and then added water to create a foam. For such chocolate, vessels with a special spout were used. The drink was drunk not only for pleasure (usually in hot weather), but also to cure various diseases, as well as to give strength.

Centuries have changed, but the excellent qualities of cocoa still remain valuable to people. Since cocoa beans were very expensive and were even used as currency, this drink was considered a gift from the gods. Only rich people, mainly from royal families, could afford it.

Europeans abandoned pepper as an ingredient, making chocolate a sweet drink. However, after some time, the ancient recipe was revived.

Useful properties

By mixing chocolate with red pepper, we can confidently say that their union will bring great benefits to the body. Chocolate contains many microelements, antioxidants, vitamins and amino acids. Pepper is also not inferior to chocolate in terms of the amount of nutrients. Its positive effect on the body is similar to cocoa beans.

In addition, pepper accelerates blood circulation, regulates metabolism, and promotes the rapid breakdown of fats. This property allows you to fight excess weight and many diseases.

Cooking at home

To make chocolate with chili at home, you need to remember some rules.

  • It is not recommended to use ground pepper, as instead of a refined note you can feel strong bitterness. To prepare the drink, you should use fresh pepper, from which you need to extract the seeds.
  • It is recommended to use gloves when preparing, since the burning microparticles are not washed off with water. It is advisable not to touch the eyes, mucous membranes and skin.

For two servings you will need 45 grams of dark chocolate, 2 cups of whole milk, 1 pepper, a cinnamon stick and half a vanilla stick.

  1. Place pepper and milk on low heat, add vanilla and cinnamon.
  2. Chop or grate the chocolate, add to the milk mixture and stir until completely dissolved.
  3. Cook for a couple of minutes.
  4. Let the drink brew for 15–20 minutes. This is necessary for complete interaction of all components.
  5. Strain the chocolate.
  6. Pour hot. Those who like it hot can reheat the drink a little over the fire, without letting it boil.

You can make chocolate without milk. To do this, you will need brewed ground coffee (for 4 teaspoons of coffee - 300 ml of water and 2 teaspoons of sugar) and chocolate melted in a water bath (200 grams). Combine all ingredients and enjoy the finished drink!

Improvisation with additional ingredients is encouraged. You can add ground ginger, rum or cognac. Or put aside culinary delights and buy a chocolate bar with pepper from the Lindt company.