Aggression on the part of the husband, what should the wife do? Angelic patience or dramatic changes - how to deal with an aggressive husband? The aggressor is an immature person

However, such behavior scenarios are more suitable for Europe or America. In Russia, spouses often continue to sincerely hate each other even after the end of their marriage. Women's revenge is terrible, but it is often petty and quite harmless. But male hatred after a divorce can have very serious destructive consequences.

What does his hatred after divorce mean? In Russia it may not mean anything personal. This is how it is customary for us: to part as enemies, to spoil each other’s nerves for half or all of our lives, to quarrel with friends and relatives who dare to communicate with exes, and in some cases to take merciless revenge.

The inability to end a relationship with dignity, to get out of it without tension and further problems, is quite common. Of course, in addition to general traditions, personal characteristics of a person may also be behind such methods of behavior. Often a man hates ex-wife because there were some unspoken, unresolved problems. And sometimes his hatred is a sign of his feelings that have not yet faded away. By the way, the opposite can also be true: sometimes a man has already cooled off towards his wife, and even found a new passion. And his ex-wife continues to wait, hope and believe. If she also calls him or writes SMS messages and continues to discuss him with mutual friends, then this only fuels his negative feelings towards his ex-wife.

There are different ideas about how the divorce process works. Some psychologists say that in order to make a decision about divorce, there must be some kind of push. This could be any critical event in the life of a family. For example, betrayal or the death of a child. And the birth of a child sometimes becomes a source of endless quarrels between spouses. Other psychologists - a larger group - are confident that no extreme event in the lives of spouses can destroy their relationship just like that. This is always preceded by a certain confluence of unfavorable circumstances that prepare the ground for the family to collapse at the first difficulty encountered.

If you have divorced your spouse and want to understand what his hatred means after a divorce, you should first determine the stages of the process of relationship disintegration. It happens that spouses do not coincide in their perception of the relationship, and then one of them is already ripe for a break and is ready to leave, while the other still believes in a common future. Of course, in such a situation, both have a hard time.

The situation is aggravated by another unpleasant fact. Very often, men, leaving the family, do this only in order to scare their wife with a possible breakup. They may leave and return several times until they make a final decision. By the time this decision is made, the wife, as a rule, has already given up morally and has prepared to be left alone. So after the divorce, she no longer has any strong emotions or strength to hate. If divorce occurs on the initiative of the wife, it is often sudden, final and irreversible. Women tend to accumulate and keep negativity inside, and if they decide to leave, they do it once and for all. Women are much less likely to rush between different houses, and with rare exceptions, if they go “to mom’s,” they do it forever. Such are the statistics that if a woman decides to leave the family, it is much more difficult to return her than a man.

If we add here the harshness of decision-making, then we can understand the level of frustration of such an abandoned husband. Frustration is what is colloquially called a “bummer”; it is a blocking of important life motives that occurs against a person’s will. And he is often unable to influence these blockages. So frustration is a kind of incorrigible “bummer” that provokes a reaction of violent aggression. And aggression can manifest itself in different ways - in the form of hatred, revenge, swearing and scandals, and even in the form of assault.

To avoid problems with male hatred after a divorce, you need to try to talk through as fully as possible all the problems that led to it. Even if these conversations are fraught with pain and negative emotions, it is better to talk than to leave each other at a loss. And even if some time has passed after receiving the divorce papers, and you feel that your ex-husband continues to have strong negative feelings towards you, it is not too late to sit down at the negotiating table. The main thing is not to indiscriminately accuse him personally. In any conflict, both sides are to blame - this is important rule will help you not to offend a person needlessly. If you weren't right for each other or didn't find a common language, it doesn't mean either of you is hopeless. Therefore, it is worth talking to him about what you feel and think, about your personal opinion, and not try to present your claims as proof of the fact of his worthlessness.

Decisiveness in difficult situations and the ability to take decisions upon oneself, of course, characterize every man exceptionally well. But sometimes behind these qualities lies a despot and tyrant. What to do if your husband turned out to be an aggressive tyrant, and you did not have time to recognize this tendency in your chosen one and married him?

Aggressive husband tyrant: signs

It is not always possible to discern the future aggressive husband of a tyrant in a happy groom. However, there is a type of man who completely dictates his will to his wife and family, without accepting any objections from them.

How to protect yourself from a man who considers a woman only his own appendage and uses his hands at the slightest sign of resistance? Alas, this is so - a person who recently swore eternal love to you, today can regularly reward you with blows, or even beat you up.

It must be said that all the signs of a future aggressive husband - a tyrant can be recognized even before the wedding. It's just that a woman blinded by love doesn't want to see them.

And you should definitely be wary if a man has a poorly developed intellect and abuses alcohol and drugs. Alcohol and drug intoxication contributes to the development of aggression.

Aggression in general is a very alarming sign. For example, if you see that your chosen one, at the slightest provocation, or even without it at all, gets into a fight with others, then be sure that the same stereotype of behavior will be brought to family life.

In a separate risk group are those men who have visited one of the hot spots. Alas, for all their heroism, the psyche of such people is seriously disturbed, because the human mind simply cannot endure what they had to endure without loss.

If your lover grew up in a difficult family environment and under the influence of an authoritarian father, rest assured that tyranny awaits you. And finally, pay attention to how a man talks about others or his ex-wife. If he endlessly criticizes them and believes that everyone should obey him, you, too, will soon fall into the clutches of an aggressive husband - a tyrant.

If your husband is a tyrant: what to do?

· This question is quite controversial and even psychologists disagree. One thing is for sure: if you were unable to recognize a tendency towards aggression and violence in your future husband and entered into marriage with him, each such case must be considered individually.

· How aggression manifests itself, what results it becomes, what its causes are - all this matters. So, for example, if your husband, a tyrant, is drunk and attacks you with his fists, this is one thing, but if before that you tormented him for a long time with your nagging and insults and he could not restrain himself, this is completely different.

Of course, no one, in any case, justifies a man who raised his hand against his wife or another woman, but you must agree that the approach to solving problems should be different. If assault occurs regularly, then one thing can be said - you need to run away from such a man. It is useless to hope that he will stop.

· If this was an isolated one-time incident, try to discuss the problem together, identify its causes and, perhaps, somehow reconsider your own behavior too.

A tyrant husband keeps all his household members in constant tension. The wife will face cruel punishment for not preparing dinner on time or not ironing a shirt well enough. A child is afraid to go home if he received an unsatisfactory grade at school. The husband dictates to his wife what kind of friends she should choose and what to wear. The state of constant stress becomes unbearable.

How to deal with a tyrant husband at home?

· Of course, the most correct decision would be to get a divorce, but, unfortunately, not everyone has the determination and mental strength to do this. Open resistance is the lot of strong people, but sometimes such confrontation even ends tragically. In order to curb a domestic tyrant, a woman needs to be both an actress and a diplomat. And also have the intuition of a sapper.

· Hide all your emotions. Such a man cannot be criticized or pointed out to him about any shortcomings. If he feels guilty, his tyranny will become even greater.

· If he starts to find fault with you, do not even think about making your own demands. A domestic despot does not tolerate confrontation or struggle. If you need something, try asking him for a favor in a soft, non-persistent tone.

· It must be said, however, that in some cases, having received a decisive rebuff, an aggressive tyrant husband may back down. The fact is that such character traits developed in him because as a child he suffered from his cruel parents or was weaker among his peers, with all the ensuing consequences.

Therefore, he takes out his childhood fears and complexes on the weaker and more submissive. However, in order to resolutely resist a tyrant husband, remarkable will and strength of character, and sometimes physical strength, are required.

· If you are ready to oppose him with the strength of your spirit, then you must immediately declare that you will no longer tolerate such treatment of yourself. If he tries to humiliate you again, threaten him with divorce. After such a statement, many despots try to pull themselves together, realizing that they have crossed certain limits. Many, but, alas, not all. And if a woman continues to endure such mockery of herself, then one can only feel sorry for her.

How to protect yourself from an aggressive ex-husband

Often, after an unsuccessful marriage, spouses part, unfortunately, not as friends. Even common children and years spent together will not make them stop being angry with each other. But how can a woman, whom her ex-husband held responsible for the collapse of their relationship, find a calm life?

A marriage is built by two people. And if it fails, then mentally you can blame anyone, although this situation is common. Sometimes the matter is complicated by the fact that the ex-husband behaves aggressively or tries to deprive the spouse of communication with the children or takes away all the property acquired together.

In any case, try not to give free rein to your emotions and calmly defend what you are entitled to by law.

You need to find a competent lawyer. No matter what your spouse tells you, you and he have equal rights, including to children and property. A lawyer will help you sort out all the legal formalities and in the meantime you will help yourself psychologically.

Don't let yourself be intimidated. Sometimes abandoned spouses behave quite aggressively. If you openly receive threats, are prevented from leading a normal life, or are being terrorized by calls, then you need to firmly explain to your aggressive ex-husband that you do not intend to communicate with him in this way and demand that he leave you alone. Don't be afraid to seem impolite. In this situation, we are talking about your mental balance, and not about decency.

You must boldly enter into a new life, leave all grievances in the past and accept the experience of divorce as painful, but still an experience. In the future, you will definitely meet a person with whom you will feel happy.

If a man is able to make decisions and take responsibility in a difficult situation, this certainly characterizes him on the positive side. However, behind the strength of character there is often a despot hidden.

How to deal with an aggressive husband: tolerate his attacks or break off the relationship once and for all? What to do if you did not recognize these inclinations in your chosen one before the wedding? First, let's understand what aggression is.

This is destructive motivated behavior that results in harm to people, objects and environment. This is not always physical violence. Victims of aggression experience moral discomfort, fear and negative emotions from negative moral influence.

Signs of a domestic tyrant

It is not easy to recognize an aggressor husband in a happy groom. Unfortunately, there is a type of man who does not tolerate objections and, at the slightest provocation, bursts into abuse or begins to let loose.

The one who recently swore eternal love to you can “treat” you with a tasty slap in the face or even beat you up. In fact, recognizing an aggressive person is not difficult. It’s just a woman, blinded by love, acting like Pushkin’s hero: “I myself am glad to be deceived.”

The following signs will help you recognize a potential tyrant:

  • drug abuse or drunkenness with low intelligence. A state of intoxication promotes aggression: this is a truism;
  • tendency to settle disputes with fists. Be sure that your chosen one will transfer this behavioral stereotype into family relationships;
  • upbringing. If your potential spouse grew up in a family where everything was run by an authoritarian father, then most likely he will behave the same way towards you. Pay attention to his statements about women. Constant criticism and talk about “lower beings obliged to obey” betrays the future abuser;
  • men who served in hot spots also represent a risk group. It is impossible to endure what they had to endure without mental damage.

Forms of manifestation of aggression in the family

There are several forms of aggression.


Verbal aggression is swearing, threats, mean jokes and remarks, and statements in a derogatory form. Of course, words, no matter how angry and offensive they may be, are not capable of causing physical harm.

However, listening to them is offensive and unpleasant. Moral suffering is no better than physical suffering. Even “affectionate” and “harmless” pet nicknames can carry offensive connotations.

For example, if a man calls his wife “Doughnut”, “Piglet” or “Dumpling”, then the wife often takes this personally, thinking that her husband has stopped loving her because she has lost her former slimness. All sorts of “Rats”, “Snakes”, “Nutria”, “Piggy” or “Hippos” are no better.

As a rule, a man sincerely does not understand that his statements leave an unpleasant aftertaste for his wife. Moreover, evil and stupid jokes come from the person closest to you.


It cannot be said that fights in the family are a common occurrence, but, to be honest, they sometimes happen. Not only wives and children, but also husbands become victims of physical violence. According to statistics, more than half of women have experienced physical aggression in the family in one way or another.

Form of protection

Sometimes a husband attacks his wife with his fists, and she defends herself from him with whatever comes to hand. For example, with the same rolling pin or frying pan. It’s hard to blame her, although it doesn’t look very nice, to put it mildly.

Indeed, in this case, the woman is protecting herself, and, possibly, her own life. As you can see, aggression can manifest itself in different ways and with certain nuances, adjusted for a specific family.

In any case, the aggressor has a number of common features:

  • considers the people around him to be enemies and waits for the moment to attack. In their opinion, the best defense against the enemy is to attack;
  • low self-esteem. The aggressor believes that by humiliating other people, especially loved ones, he asserts himself, increases his own importance and seems stronger to others;
  • tendency to blame others for your failures and troubles. For example, an “armchair genius” believes that if it weren’t for his family, he would have been able to achieve much more in life. This is an elementary attempt to justify one’s own laziness, lack of abilities and character. At the same time, he completely refuses to take responsibility for his own actions, and he is not able to calculate their consequences;
  • short temper, the ability to demonstrate anger and displeasure at the slightest provocation. This is where his extreme self-centeredness manifests itself. A tyrant very rarely agrees to compromise.

Perhaps this suggests that coexistence with such an unpleasant person under one roof is not an easy task. This behavior can destroy any relationship.

First of all, you need to be aware of the following. If a man has shown aggression at least once, it is at least naive to assume that nothing like this will ever happen again. All his apologies and repentances are 99% false, if only because the destructive mechanism has already been launched.

We will leave one percent for those rare cases when a man had the intelligence and character to analyze his own behavior and curb himself on his own, without the intervention of other people and a professional psychologist.

Here are some tips for women, since they are often the victims in such situations:

  • Do not tolerate or hope that sooner or later your spouse will “come to his senses.” Moreover, seeing his impunity, the aggressor spouse will consider his behavior acceptable;
  • . They shouldn't see anything like this. It is most often useless to explain this to an aggressor husband. In moments of anger, he strives only for self-affirmation and he does not care who is in front of him;
  • if you see that attempts to improve relationships and consultations with a psychologist have not led to a positive result, there is only one way out -. Of course, many women find thousands of reasons why this should not be done, but they gradually come to the conclusion: it is better to put an end to the constant humiliation and threats.

What is the behavioral pattern with an abusive husband?

Competent tactics of behavior with an abusive husband are based on the following points:

  • don’t be afraid to point out a man’s shortcomings. Most likely, he himself is far from an oligarch and not an Apollo to demand from his wife model parameters like the notorious 90-60-90. An even wiser solution is an offer to change for the better, but only together;
  • try to analyze why your husband displays the traits of a tyrant. References to “Domostroy” and the wild proverb “Hitting means loving” are in no way suitable here;
  • Do not allow humiliation and, especially, assault towards you. At the same time, do not force a man to do something that he clearly does not want. Positive results will be brought not by pressure, but by negotiations;
  • Increase your self-esteem, try to be independent and self-sufficient. You want to show aggression around such a person less.

Tolerate or file for divorce?

As already said, there is no need to be patient. It often happens that divorce is the only way out of a situation that is commonly called “stalemate.”

Let's try to understand the reasons that keep a woman from taking a decisive step, although she herself clearly understands that this cannot continue like this:

  • financial dependence. Or, more simply put, the fear of being left without a livelihood. Try to find a job or ask relatives for temporary financial support. The aggressor will lose his main trump card - submission with the help of;
  • fear of even greater aggression. In fact, if you stay in the family, the humiliation will continue. Isn’t it better to break off the relationship and hide from the domestic tyrant so that he has “short arms” to humiliate or beat you;
  • complete satisfaction with the situation. Oddly enough, there are women who like to be victims. The only thing that can be advised in this case is: think about your children, if you don’t love yourself that much. They are not to blame for your psychological problems;
  • “He hits (or is jealous), which means he loves”. This category of wives is so downtrodden and deprived of attention that they perceive even beatings as a sign of care. It wouldn't hurt to know that love and respect are expressed in a slightly different way. At least not with fists;
  • fear of loneliness. The woman is afraid that she will no longer be able to arrange her life and thinks “whatever, but still the man is nearby.” If you get rid of a toxic relationship, you can gain freedom of action and have a chance to build new relationships differently. And the fears are completely unfounded;
  • hopes that “he will be re-educated”. The difficulty is that the man himself must want to change. And this does not always happen.

Behavioral tactics during a divorce from an aggressive husband

Practice shows that an abusive husband does not abandon his habits even during a divorce. He often threatens his wife and takes everything.

Hello! WITH ex-husband(I hope I can say so, although the divorce has not been officially filed yet), I lived for 17 years, we have 3 children. The last 5 years of marriage turned into a real hell for me, which I still cannot forget. A loving and positive person turned into an embittered, aggressive creature. Perhaps the reason for such drastic changes was my refusal to have an abortion, which my ex insisted on. Throughout the pregnancy, my husband drank, did not talk to me on principle, my friends helped me buy things for the baby.

With the birth of a child, the problems gradually worsened, more and more new “tricks” appeared: games of silence alternated with nagging out of the blue. Everything irritated him, he shouted at me for every reason, constantly pointed out my shortcomings, and could hit me. As soon as I expressed my opinion about something or (for example, commented on the news) - I heard a stream of aggression and insults directed at me. It always seemed to him that I was not speaking to him politely enough. Sex life in recent years marriage was either absent for months or reduced to rare episodes in the style of “done the job - get off the body.” At a resort or in a country house ex-spouse preferred to sleep in a separate room. He was not interested in my feelings, did not ask about my business, and, under various pretexts, tried to spend his free time outside the family.

He never apologized, placing all the blame on me. Repeatedly I tried to talk to him - it was tantamount to throwing peas against the wall. I get the feeling that the person really didn’t understand that he was doing something wrong or that he deliberately wanted to hurt me.

I was absolutely demoralized, I didn’t feel like a woman, a person, or a living being at all. I lived in complete emotional isolation. We became simply roommates, complete strangers.

I never thought that I would allow myself to be treated like this. But he had a good credibility (the first 11-12 years of marriage), and I attributed everything to the notorious midlife crisis and hoped for a “miracle,” which did not happen.

Six months ago I had the strength to break off this flawed relationship, albeit not in the most beautiful way. After getting drunk, I threw some of his things out of the window and locked the door from the inside (they lived with me).

Unfortunately, from time to time I have to communicate with this person because... he comes to visit the children. Considering himself humiliated and unfairly kicked out, he continues to show me his disdainful attitude: he always appears without warning, defiantly walks into the house in street shoes, and says nasty things. Every meeting with him is stress...unwanted stress because... I am raising three children alone, and I need strong nerves.

I don’t know how to behave with him, I’ve already tried all the ways. Asking for something is pointless because... will be done exactly the opposite - to spite me. What do you recommend? Thanks in advance for your answer. Marina

Answer from theSolution psychologist:

Act from a position of strength

Your problem can be solved quite simply. It is advisable for you to get a large guard dog and train it with a professional dog handler so that it obeys you. When your spouse allows himself to demonstrate a disdainful attitude towards you, he will have to do this with an eye on the dog’s reaction. A properly trained dog will not tolerate raising its voice at you or making threatening gestures. To your spouse will have to with you behave politely, since the animal does not understand speech, but always reacts to emotions and to the movements of a stranger. A sharp wave of the hand, a sidelong glance, and even more so an approach to the owner will be accompanied by a warning growl from the dog. Of course, you will have to spend time and energy feeding, washing and walking the animal. On the other hand, in life you have to pay for everything.

This solution has a lot of advantages.

Guard dogs react sharply to even a hint of disrespectful treatment of their owner. They always defend their territory and the boundaries of the pack, that is, the family of which they perceive themselves to be a part. If your boundaries have been grossly violated, you have suffered violence and have lost your sense of security, then a watchdog will help you quickly restore your sense of security. Children will learn not only to behave caringly and responsibly, but also learn to see warning signs of aggression towards them. They will know general principle the need to defend one's territory, which underlies healthy self-confidence. Plus, they will never feel lonely, since dogs are able to sense the emotional state of their owners and comfort them in their own dog-like way. Since you need to play with the dog and teach him new commands, your children will spend time learning real life, but not virtual. If you correctly build the hierarchy in the family - the dog should have the least power and the fewest rights, then it will obey and protect you. If you like the idea of ​​​​having a dog, discuss all the necessary questions with a professional dog trainer. All the best to you!

Any woman can begin, without knowing it, to build a relationship with an extremely aggressive man who is prone to assault and even violence. The fact is that the true character of a man becomes clear to a woman only after a long period of meetings, and in many cases only after a serious relationship has begun with him. However, in any case, it is always better to predict in advance the possible behavior of your chosen one, before the relationship crosses a certain line. There are a number of signs by which you can early stages acquaintance or relationship with a man, recognize aggressive traits and a tendency towards violence in his personality.

Women should study such signs as carefully as possible in order to be able to protect themselves, as well as their family.

The first alarming “bell” indicating a man’s possible propensity for violence is his fascinating stories about numerous fights with his direct participation. A man may tell you how often he was beaten as a child. Perhaps he will tell you that his parents often punished him with a belt, or he himself often became an active initiator of fights and other showdowns. According to statistics, about thirty percent of children to whom their parents used mainly physical types punishments, later in adulthood they turn into avid fighters. At the same time, they do not tend to feel guilty.

Many of these people generally shift all the blame and responsibility onto those to whom they use physical violence. There is, of course, a small percentage of men who have realized the need to correct their behavior. However, it can be extremely difficult to improve in this regard on your own. It is hardly possible to do without the help of a specialist here. In most cases, physical violence is incurable. Therefore, it is better not to start a relationship with such a person at all than to waste time trying to correct him.

The second sign of a tendency towards aggression is a moment in a man’s behavior when he begins to throw and break objects nearby. If a man, being in a state of anger or passion, begins to scatter, throw, throw or hit surrounding objects, this means that he lacks the ability to self-control. Such a person cannot keep feelings and negative emotions to himself. This is fraught with the fact that at one moment, in a fit of rage, it will spread to people instead of objects and things. At the same time, it will not matter to him which of the people will be at his fingertips. A sign of aggression in a man can be obvious threats about the possibility of using violence. If one of the people begins to openly threaten you, then you should never let it happen.

You definitely need to think carefully. Indeed, in this way, aggressive individuals begin to blackmail people who act as victims for them. Having deprived the victim of self-esteem, the aggressive person begins to control the situation and dictate his terms. At the same time, one should not expect an aggressive man to stop threats of his own free will. In most cases, threats only foreshadow immediate physical violence. A sign of a tendency towards the latter can be constant control and isolation. If a man constantly tries to control a woman’s connections, behavior and life in general, then this is a sure sign of the presence of aggressive qualities in a man. Control can be expressed in the fact that a man does not allow a woman to communicate with her friends, does not let her go out alone, and tries in every possible way to isolate her from the rest of society. As a rule, at the beginning of a relationship with a woman, an aggressive man tries to devote maximum time to her. Gradually, with various arguments, he tries to persuade her to quit her job or stop studying so that the woman can always stay at home with him. Later, the man will definitely take control of all the woman’s expenses. At the same time, he will often ask questions about what exactly the woman spent the money on. All this is often accompanied by checking messages and calls on the woman’s phone or email. Many women explain this control by a feeling of jealousy in a man.

However, jealousy hides deeper roots that have nothing to do with it. And it is precisely these roots that serve as a manifestation of possible initial and actual violence in the future. Of course, if a man is simply jealous of the woman he loves, then this cannot in all cases mean that he is prone to assault. You need to think carefully if a man begins to demonstrate jealousy for no reason. This can be expressed in a man’s constant interest in where and with whom the woman is.

At the same time, attacks of rage in such a man can occur even when a woman simply said hello to one of the men she knows. Already behind jealousy and other unkind manifestations, as a rule, an aggressive man turns to insults. Rudeness, harsh remarks, and explicit insults are also signs of violent behavior. Even when a man makes his comments or reproaches as a joke, you need to think carefully and be wary. At their core, insults foreshadow or even directly begin a hidden form of aggression. At the same time, a man may try to somehow humiliate a woman’s family, her friends, as well as her feelings, emotions or interests. All this can greatly undermine a woman’s self-confidence.

This is exactly what an aggressive man seeks in order to get a woman into his complete power. The next sign of an aggressive man may be the use of physical force and rudeness during an argument with a woman. If, during a conversation or argument with you, your man clearly begins to not like something, and at the same time he begins to grab you by the shoulders, arms, neck, shake, push, close doors in front of you or not allow you passage, then he will not be limited. In the near future, this could all develop into very cruel actions towards you. An aggressive man can also be recognized by the fact that he tries to blame other people for his own failures. Naturally aggressive people love to look for the cause of their own mistakes in someone else, but at the same time they do not take their own shortcomings into account. Also, aggressive people are not inclined to take responsibility for their words or actions. If you directly tell such a man that he is very aggressive, then in response you can hear that it was you who caused his aggressive behavior and thereby pissed him off. When breaking up with such a man, be sure that he will not speak flatteringly about you, and at the same time he will try to present himself exclusively in a favorable light.

A man’s aggression can be shown towards animals, as well as children. If a man applies physical violence to creatures that are initially unable to fight back, then this directly indicates the beginnings of cruelty in him. Aggressive men by nature are not capable of having true love for either animals or children. And if a man has already begun to use assault or violence against a woman, then with almost one hundred percent probability he will do the same to her children. Often aggression in a man is provoked by excessive use of drugs or drugs classified as psychotropic. Alcohol and drugs become faithful companions of aggressive and violent individuals. However, as a result of the use of such substances, a person at certain moments ceases to think adequately, as well as to objectively perceive the situation. Therefore, communication with such individuals should be very moderate and extremely careful. You can expect absolutely anything from them. Often a sign of possible aggressive behavior is haste. People prone to violence and cruelty are not able to wait long and patiently for the realization of their own goals.

Such men do not like to look after the woman they like for a long time. They prefer things to happen quickly. Therefore, you can often hear from such a man a sudden proposal for marriage or for the early birth of children. In this way, the man hopes to subjugate the woman as completely as possible. At the same time, he does not leave the woman time to think or doubt. A man’s constant touchiness can also be a prerequisite for aggressive behavior. Those people who tend to be offended by comments addressed to them are in constant readiness to fight. Because of their own low self-esteem, such men will definitely blame the woman for all troubles. If a man is aggressive by nature, then he will demonstrate similar signs in behavior from the first moments of acquaintance.

However, at first, such men try to explain their control, passing it off as love or care. But the dire consequences will make themselves felt very soon. This usually happens when a woman is no longer able to take any action on her own without a man. If the situation has reached such a point, then this is already an extreme degree. If the behavior of the man you are dating displays more than three of the previously described signs, then we can safely say that he is a potential criminal. It is sometimes extremely difficult for women to break off a relationship with such a man, especially if she loves him very much. But a further relationship with such a person can become dangerous for the woman herself, so it is imperative to prepare for a break in the relationship.

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OlgaS 23.06 14:40

I agree with much of the article. Men who are aggressive towards women, children, and animals, as a rule, are big losers in life, do not have large muscles, and have a penchant for alcohol or other types of stress relief. I had to deal with such things in my life. The habit of throwing objects around or throwing a phone at a wall gives them away completely. It’s a pity for women who continue to endure bullying, give birth to children from them and, covering their bruises with foundation, try with all their might to save the family, saying the stupidest phrase “a child needs a father.” I know for sure, from myself, that it doesn’t make sense to forgive even someone who has hit you once, no matter how he’s on his knees and begging, to forgive him is to commit a crime against yourself and your children, because history will definitely repeat itself. For him, the fact of beating as a way of proving that he is right turns out to be acceptable, on some subconscious level.