Free computer literacy training for pensioners. Social project to train pensioners in computer literacy “Computer for all generations”

The course for pensioners consists of two parts: “Computer literacy” and “User of electronic government services.” Pensioners are taught to use a computer, the Internet, make an appointment with a doctor online and pay for housing and communal services in a couple of clicks. The program lasts 8 days, and so far more than 2,500 people have been trained.

During the introductory lesson, students learn to overcome psychological barriers when working with a computer, because many older people refuse to get acquainted with the possibilities of the Internet simply because they are afraid of doing something wrong. The course also teaches how to work with text editors and search engines, register a mailbox and send emails, create folders and documents.

The second part of the course involves working with electronic portals. Pensioners, with the support of teachers, register on the public services portal of the Russian Federation and the public services portal of the city of Moscow. The advantages of using these services are immediately visible: now, in order to leave a request for a particular service, you don’t even need to leave your home. In addition, using the example of the website of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Moscow and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, pensioners master working with Internet pages, learn to search for the necessary information and work with different file formats.

“Training for pensioners is free and financed by money from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the city of Moscow,” says the head of the Russian Pension Fund Anton Drozdov. - I note with satisfaction that the organization of courses at the Moscow Government University is at a high level. Vladimir Petrosyan, the head of the Department of Social Protection of the Population, and I have already discussed what needs to be improved next year. About 3,000 people are studying in Moscow under this program, in the country as a whole - about 40,000. Next year this program will be continued, and next year we will train about 50,000 pensioners.”

“This program is especially important for the Moscow Government,”
states the Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Department of Social Protection of the Population Vladimir Petrosyan. - The city has a public services portal, which already has services in electronic format that are in demand among pensioners. Therefore, we are now training our elderly people to use it. I would like to note that there are computer literacy clubs in Moscow. From 10 to 12 thousand people study in these circles per year. It is also important for us that the teachers of the clubs are often college graduates; young people are a connection between generations.”

“Social projects are very important for the Moscow Government University. Of course, after training, the life of retirees will become more comfortable - this is our main goal. We are glad that we can implement such socially significant programs within our walls,” - says the acting rector of the Moscow Government University Vasily Fiveysky.

“Teaching older students is not an easy task. There are many features and little things that are of fundamental importance for the quality of learning the material -

According to sociologists, people feel happiest either when they are young, before starting their professional activities, or after they retire. We hope that you have successfully passed your first happy period. Now you are on the threshold of a new happy stage, and maybe you have even already managed to become a pensioner, get used to it and get used to it.

"Perhaps I am just beginning to live
“I’m going into retirement.”
(m/f "Three from Prostokvashino")

So, you have already learned to live in a new way, devote more time to yourself, do not only what you need, but also what you want. Right now you can do things that you never had time for. If one of these activities is the study of modern technology, new and still incomprehensible devices, then we can become your faithful companions. Our teachers will tell you all the secrets of the most interesting and useful device - the computer!

Computer training makes the lives of retirees better every day!

Computer courses "PC Lesson" are pleased to offer all Moscow pensioners to gain useful knowledge in a convenient form - individual training at home. We employ the most competent, patient and polite teachers. With them, you will understand that a computer is not a complicated machine, but a very “smart” device that can make your life easier and more diversified, and open up unprecedentedly wide horizons for you in communication, leisure, and even self-realization.

After completing our computer courses, every elderly person will be able to:

  • competently save and view any information on the computer: texts, photographs, music, films;
  • communicate unlimitedly with family and friends via email and Skype video calls;
  • listen to your favorite radio stations and watch TV shows at any time;
  • look for useful information: addresses and telephone numbers of necessary institutions, weather forecast, TV program, posters of theaters and museums;
  • use social and domestic services provided in Moscow via the Internet: providing meter readings and paying for housing and communal services, online registration at the clinic, choosing and ordering delivery of food and medicine to your home;
  • and many other features that make the PC a true friend and assistant to a pensioner!

Have you purchased a desktop computer, laptop or tablet? Rest assured, any of these devices will cope with the listed tasks that are important for every elderly person. Moreover, next to you will be an experienced teacher of our computer courses!

It doesn't matter what you do in your free time,
The main thing is that this time is spent wisely...

In our courses, you can take advantage of a unique chance to learn the basics of computer literacy using the most convenient and effective method - on-site individual training. We depart from the standards and invite all pensioners to study computers right at home or in any other convenient place. Agree that your own living room or a cozy cafe are much more comfortable places to gain new knowledge than the classroom of a training center, which you still need to get to across all of Moscow.

With us, after just a few exciting lessons, you will learn the standard functions of a “smart machine”, you will be able to appreciate all the advantages of the Internet, and study those programs when you need them. You will understand that now your life will be completely different - bright and rich. Keeping up with the times is so wonderful! Especially when there is desire, time, and opportunity for this!

Our on-site courses will open up all your computer resources to you!

If one of your friends or acquaintances wants, like you, to “make friends” with a computer, our teacher will be able to teach all of you in a mini-group. Such computer literacy courses will not only be productive and accessible for every retiree, but also exciting, because there is nothing better than a familiar environment, a friendly atmosphere and mutual assistance.

With us, you can really experience the joy of retirement, learn a lot of new things, expand your circle of friends, and gain useful skills. And to do this, you just need to decide to learn a computer, try to understand how it works and how it works. Our professional teachers are always happy to help every pensioner with this, because after 60 life is just beginning with the only caveat that at this age every person already knows exactly what he wants and what he needs.

Technological progress has caused increased interest in computer technology among the older generation. What is familiar and commonplace for modern youth is a rather unfamiliar object for pensioners. And this is understandable, because when they were young, they simply did not have the opportunity to comprehend all the intricacies of working on a computer, because they simply did not exist then. And in the future, when their active work began, not everyone encountered such equipment at work. Therefore, the emergence of computer literacy courses for pensioners has become a necessary thing, because there is now quite a large demand for this service.

Concept of computer literacy

In our country, the global informatization of general education institutions began in 1984, when, after a general education reform, it was decided to introduce the basics of computer science and computer technology into the school curriculum. From that same moment, the first batch of computers arrived in Soviet schools, which became a real turning point in the structure of all Soviet education.

At the same time, the term “computer literacy” appeared, which represents a certain knowledge of the structure of solving problems using computer technology and awareness of the importance of computer science and related technologies in everyday life.

Thus, the computerization of education, as well as various industries and spheres of society, began. Computerization was based on two main directions: training and providing society with computer literacy, and computer technology itself was an object of study and understanding.

Using a computer to optimize and increase the efficiency of the educational process

Naturally, the very concept of computer literacy changed in the same way as computer equipment itself and the technologies associated with it changed and improved.

Initially, this concept meant a certain knowledge of programming languages, as well as the general fundamentals of computer technology. This training, in general, was carried out for a narrow segment of the population (mainly programmers), because in those days the computer was not yet intended for domestic needs.

The end of the 90s was due to a rethinking of the importance of computer literacy, which, according to G.K. Selevko, should include the following points:

  • understanding of the basics of computing and computer science;
  • the general structure of a computer and an understanding of exactly how it functions;
  • ability to work in a text editor;
  • knowledge and ability to work with software shells;
  • general ideas about programming languages.

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Business in a time of crisis for the country. What to do: analytics, ideas, calculations and much more in our.

Nowadays, computer literacy is identified with computer competence. Based on this, there was an adjustment to the general objectives and understanding of this concept. According to A.L. Semenov, computer literacy today should include:

In general, as many experts note, computer literacy should not be reduced only to the study of computer programs and the skills to use them. There must be a general process of human learning that increases his spiritual and information culture.

The importance of computer literacy for older people

Pensioners are one of the most socially vulnerable groups of the population, along with children. Therefore, the constantly changing social environment, general changes in the economy and a rather low standard of living lead to the need for pensioners to learn computers from scratch. In this aspect, computer literacy gives a certain meaning to life for an elderly person, allowing him to feel not thrown to the sidelines of life, but possessing the same store of knowledge as a modern person. Of course, this social function allows you to look at computer literacy from a new, not only technical, side.

Computer literacy lessons for pensioners can solve at least two problems:

  • Quite a difficult life for people of retirement age who, for various reasons, find themselves in social and informational isolation. This was a consequence of the rather limited movement of such people, as well as the inability to use information and computer technology. In addition, the lack of full-fledged work on the Internet does not give them the opportunity to obtain the necessary social, legal and other types of information;
  • There is too much of a gap between older people and young people. Computer literacy training allows retirees to understand not only the computer itself, but also young people in general, because the possession of common knowledge brings people together, eliminating various misunderstandings.

As we see, teaching computer literacy is not only a specific business, but also the implementation of a number of important social functions. In addition to training in information technology, this will give pensioners the opportunity to communicate more with their children or grandchildren who are in other cities, make new acquaintances and carry out other types of communications. In addition, in the modern world, without computer skills, it is quite difficult to get a job, and this question also faces many retirees.

Relevance of computer training courses for pensioners

Due to the fact that people of the older generation did not have the basic opportunity to become acquainted with and master computer technology when they were at a younger age, in many cities there are a number of computer courses offering various training, and various computer literacy programs are being implemented for pensioners.

The relevance of such events is evidenced by the fact that for some classes the waiting list is literally six months long. This is understandable, because in an era of large amounts of incoming information, it is becoming increasingly difficult for pensioners to navigate and stay informed not only about some political or entertainment events, but also about important social and legal issues.

Most older people, even if they have a personal computer at home, experience certain difficulties in finding the necessary information on the Internet, as well as in other issues related to the computer. Therefore, their desire to learn something new is not a momentary whim, but a completely necessary and justified desire.

In addition, many retirees still have a fairly active life position and certain ambitions, which is determined by their desire to find a job. It is clear that physical work is no longer suitable for them, but office work is quite acceptable. And here again the question arises about knowledge of computer technology and the ability to handle it. Therefore, attending computer courses in this case is a kind of investment that will allow you to receive certain dividends in the future.

How to register this type of business?

Like any other type of business, computer courses must be officially registered. It is possible, but this is only justified if you intend to provide only consulting services and not provide professional computer training for retirees.

If you want to open a non-state educational institution, then you should choose option , but remember that this requires obtaining a license for your activities.

By the way, according to legislative acts, computer courses can be taught both with and without a license. The issue of obtaining a license is a purely personal matter for the entrepreneur.

If your computer training courses for retirees are aimed at providing primarily consulting information, teaching certain basic skills that will not be used in a professional environment, but are needed by a person only for personal needs, then obtaining a license is not necessary.

If you want to teach certain programs and skills, as well as issue certificates of completion of courses that will be needed for employment, then obtaining a license will be necessary.

Basic requirements for a license holder

  • The enterprise must be registered as a business entity (LLC).
  • Availability of premises that meet the requirements of SanPiN.
  • Compliance with all fire safety standards in the premises, as well as the presence of a person responsible for this issue.
  • A list of courses provided with a description of topics and methodological lessons (program for training pensioners in computer literacy), as well as a complete list of literature used.
  • Photocopies of documents confirming the education and qualifications of personnel.
  • Charter, (photocopies).
  • Receipt for payment of state duty.

It is worth noting that the license is issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science.

What is needed to teach computer literacy to older people?

In the absence of sufficient funding, computer courses for older people can be opened without having a separate room for classes. Basics of computer literacy for pensioners can be teach at home or at clients’ homes, providing unique private lessons.

This is all good for the formation stage of a business, but to increase your profits and customer flow you need to think about renting a separate room for conducting classes. You can select any premises to suit your taste, but it is advisable that there is a good transport connection nearby.

Availability of computers, naturally, is a prerequisite for such a business. First, you can purchase used equipment - the main thing is that it is working. There is no point in purchasing one computer, so be prepared to buy at least five copies. In addition, you need to provide access to the Internet, for which you need to enter into an agreement with the provider. For legal entities, however, it will be more expensive than for ordinary people, but there is no escape from this.

Recruitment will depend on the courses you want to teach. Of course, retirees are not so sophisticated in computer technology, so it is not necessary to hire experienced webmasters or programmers. Firstly, it is expensive, and secondly, it is hardly justified.

The most important thing in personnel selection- this is his adequacy and patience, as well as good computer knowledge. Patience is especially important, because the level of preparedness of pensioners varies: some have already mastered Word and Excel, while others do not know what a computer mouse looks like. You need to be prepared that you will have to explain basic (for you) things, but if you approach this with all professionalism and ethics, then you are unlikely to find more grateful students than older people.

Strawberries can be not only tasty, but also expensive - in the most literal sense of the word! Everything about the intricacies of its cultivation and implementation is in our material:

Approximate costs of organizing training courses for pensioners and profits

Costs of starting such a business will consist of several points:

  • rental of premises - it is difficult to name a specific price, because everything depends on the region, but on average it is about 10 thousand rubles and more;
  • purchase of computer equipment - used computers cost about 5 thousand rubles apiece. Based on the calculation that at least about 5 cars will be needed, the total amount will be 25 thousand rubles and more;
  • salaries for teachers - depending on the agreement;
  • purchasing licensed programs and paying taxes.

In general, you will need at least 100 thousand rubles to open this type of business.

How much do computer courses cost and what is the return on investment?Question payback can be solved if you organize good advertising of your activities by placing information in various newspapers, distributing leaflets, etc.With an average price for completing a course of 3500-5000 rubles, payback can be achieved in 7-12 months, which is quite good for any business.


In general, business in computer courses for seniors is a fairly promising area. Having a large number of potential customers, as well as a fairly small initial investment, can have a positive impact on the profitability of a given business. It is only important to treat this with heart, because you will have to train a rather specific part of the population, which requires a special approach.

In our age of high technology, non-standard solutions and innovations, it is no longer possible to imagine life without a computer. For those who want to quickly and at a high level master the basics of computer literacy, special courses and programs have been developed that allow people of different ages to effectively master basic PC skills.

Computers are no longer a luxury or a thing for the elite, but have long become a necessary technical gadget that allows you to always communicate with family and friends, increase the efficiency of work and learning, plan your time, etc.

Computer courses for beginners are aimed at learning the Windows operating system, basic Word and Excel programs designed for creating text documents, tables, letters, and gaining skills in working with Internet browsers and e-mail. Applicants have professional teachers, unique training programs, and a modern computer base at their disposal.

Particularly popular courses are:

  • At the city center for additional vocational education (GCDPO), where everyone can receive training in various areas of working with a PC. The center conducts a socially oriented program to support the low-income and unemployed. You can take a number of courses for free, including computer courses for beginners.
  • TC “Specialist”, which offers authorized courses from world leaders among IT companies: Adobe, Microsoft, Cisco Systems, Corel Corporation, Google and others.
  • The Library System Center of the Western Administrative District of Moscow offers free computer literacy training for pensioners.
  • “Office Management on a PC” is a popular course at the Lubyanka educational center, which issues certificates of completion and state-issued certificates to its graduates.
  • The training center of the ITC “Expert” will also help beginners understand how to work on a computer and on the Internet.

Free computer courses for pensioners

Telephone calls to family and friends over the phone are a thing of the past, because it is much more convenient to communicate via video chat, social network or Skype, and it is also economical, since it does not require a subscription fee. Often parents encounter such programs for the first time, and not all older people are familiar with computers. But this does not mean that the road to the world of digital technology is closed for them. At the federal and regional levels, special courses have been developed on the basic principles of working with a PC for pensioners.

To take part in such courses, you must contact the local social security authority that organizes such training processes. For example, free seminars in Moscow are regularly held in companies such as MTS, the Connection of Generations charity foundation, the Earth Internet club and some other training centers.

Electronic citizen - adapted computer course for older people

“Electronic Citizen” is a popular full-time course, adapted for people of retirement age, for those who want to learn how to use a PC and the Internet. In addition, a graduate of the course will easily be able to: make a purchase via the Internet, create an email account and use an email account, set up Skype independently, communicate on forums and social networks, pay utility bills on-line, find and download the necessary information.

Electronic methods of interaction between people around the world are gaining momentum in popularity. To communicate with children, parents of retirement age have to master not only a mobile phone, but also social networks and IP telephony. If for young people everything about computer devices is simple and clear, then with older people a different picture emerges: for them the Internet is a serious science. The government, interested in improving computer literacy of the population, has provided special courses on a free basis.

The need to train pensioners in computer literacy

The authorities are at the stage of developing computer courses for the purpose of training the elderly. This will allow pensioners to master basic theoretical knowledge and gain key practical skills. In addition, this approach will help you gain:

  • access to equipment free of charge;
  • increasing the level of mobility;
  • communication in mass media with other users;
  • interaction with other people.

To participate in the program, a pensioner must make a call to the regional social security authority.

Areas of life in which computer training is indispensable

Despite the fact that people of the “old school” are accustomed to being conservatives and doing everything their own way, there are many retirees who want to keep up with the times and technological progress. After all, computerization is the near future, and even older people have realized how convenient it is to be able to use the World Wide Web. Main areas of life, in which you can’t do without this skill:

  • studying the principles of operation of a computer device, familiarization with the functionality of component elements;
  • obtaining public services (mainly within the framework of the portal of the same name - “Public Services”);
  • payment of fees (payment of utilities, fines, loans);
  • registration and organization of visits to social institutions (for example, making an appointment with a doctor)
  • entertainment and leisure (watching movies and videos, TV shows and news, listening to music, viewing photos);
  • communication with friends and relatives through social networks, communicators and IP telephony.

Computer ABC for pensioners

In 2014, an agreement was signed providing for cooperation in the process of learning how to use a computer. It took place between the Pension Fund of Russia and ROSTELECOM. Project goals the following:

  • simplifying access to the network for pensioners;
  • provision of public services to them partially in virtual mode;
  • improving the standard of living.

On September 4, 2014, a textbook was developed and published specifically for older people. His The developers were psychologists, gerontologists, teachers and the best IT specialists. For the first time, the alphabet of the Internet began to operate in Bryansk, Tula, Stavropol, Vologda, Volgograd. In 2015, it expanded to other regions, and the number of specialized programs increased.

Computer ABC– a specialized course designed for pensioners. It is created for “dummies” who have virtually no information about the operation of the computer and the virtual space. The development of a computer alphabet is carried out on the basis of regional authorities, for example, secondary schools, training centers, scientific classes of the Pension Fund of Russia.

The ABC contains a basic set of knowledge that a pensioner who wants to become a confident PC user must master. In fact, this is a step-by-step instruction to help you develop in the electronics industry. As a result, the pensioner will understand that he will be able to save a lot of time and effort by doing ordinary things on the Internet. For example, this applies to making purchases, using services provided by the state, and communicating with relatives from other cities.

ABC of the Internet– a specialized program developed in accordance with the needs of the older generation. The fact is that in the Russian Federation there are over 40 million potentially active Internet users who are of advanced age. Therefore, the government has developed a set of measures to improve their computer literacy. It is approved by the Institute for Informatization of Education of the Russian Academy of Education and is designed for different user groups.

List of required knowledge

By mastering the basic computer programs provided by the training courses, each student will be able to:

Where can I take free courses for pensioners?

Similar classes are available in many regions of Russia. For example, in Moscow Such events are organized by the following enterprises:

  • Mobile TeleSystems;
  • charitable foundations;
  • Internet clubs;
  • public education centers;
  • libraries.

In these organizations, not only pensioners, but also representatives of other socially vulnerable segments of the population can learn the basics of computer skills.

State computer literacy programs

The general legislative norm regulating the procedure in the Russian Federation is Law 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 (Article 76). Some developing retirees may complete vocational courses and become certified. However, in most cases, older people need to learn how to use a computer at a layman level. All kinds of government programs are used for this.

The most popular course is "Electronic citizen". It is designed for 40 or more hours of time within the framework of face-to-face communication. Its key feature is that it is adapted to the capabilities of the elderly. The basic task of the program is to enable those of any age to use a computer device, teach how to make purchases online, create and practically use e-mail, communicate through social networks, make payments and carry out reconciliations, etc.

Also The following programs are popular and in demand::

  • basics of computer literacy (20 hours);
  • expanded opportunities and safety of work for people with low vision (from 6 to 36 hours);
  • computer literacy for unemployed pensioners (32 hours);
  • basics of computer literacy for hearing-impaired pensioners (32 hours).

Free programs on the Internet

Not everyone can afford to attend face-to-face computer skills classes, including due to embarrassment and lack of self-confidence. Many older students would like to work without leaving home. Therefore, virtual courses are ideal for them. To search for relevant programs, you need to create a request:

  • “free computer courses”;
  • “programs for training pensioners in computer literacy.”

Eat paid and free programs. Sometimes paid courses provide free trial lessons as a bonus that every site visitor can take advantage of. If you don’t want to pay, you can use the YOUTUBE video resource, which will allow you to learn the basics of computer science for free.

Training to use a laptop and smartphone

A separate area is the organization of courses on training to work not on computers, but on laptops and smartphones. The objectives of the programs are the same, but they boil down to ensuring that the potential user of the device can control the touch buttons and learn new knowledge. In addition, smartphones usually have a different operating system, which means that the training essentially needs to start all over again.

An indisputable advantage of mastering this technology is considered to be an increase in human mobility, since it becomes possible to use all services outside of one’s own home.

An example of free video courses for senior citizens can be found below.