Requirements for sewer manholes on the road. Open manhole on the road standards. Who is responsible for the hatches on the roads? Where to contact about open hatches

Open manholes on roads are a danger that we have been warned about since childhood. Indeed, in every city in the country there is sure to be a hatch that poses a real threat to life. An open well is most often located on the roadway, or, worse, near a playground or school. City authorities and utility services are trying to protect citizens from street traps, but every year people fall into open manholes!

The proof is in the incidents that happen on the roads. One of them happened to a resident of Ryazan. The woman said that recently, while driving a car, she hit a wheel in an open hatch. However, there were no warning signs or barriers on the road. According to the woman, her friend, returning home after work, fell into an open well - she escaped with minor bruises and fear, but it could have been worse...

Open sewer manholes are really dangerous. Children also fall into the stone trap. So a six-year-old child fell into a well in the courtyard of his own house and was taken to the hospital with minor abrasions. But there are also more serious cases. In Tomsk, in the courtyard of school No. 5, a two-year-old girl stepped on a wooden sewer manhole cover, fell and choked on sewage. According to universal rules, the well must have a cast iron lid!

Who is responsible for monitoring the hatches? Who should you contact if you see an open hatch? After all, people get hurt and break their cars!

In each city there are several organizations (water utility, sewerage, heating networks, gas workers, communications workers) that service city hatches. Storm sewer hatches are maintained by the city department. Responsibility for maintenance (in particular, an open hatch) and repairs lies with the organization on whose balance sheet the well is located.

Today, residents increasingly report open manholes to city improvement services. In Ulyanovsk, this can be done by calling 05 (emergency dispatch service of the Housing and Communal Services Committee). When reporting an open hatch (with a specific address), specialists will determine in whose department the facility is located and who to punish for violations.

In practice, organizations immediately respond to calls (knowing about the consequences), close the open hatch with a temporary slab, or inform the “owner” of the hatch.

If an incident occurs with a motorist, then report an open hatch or emergency situation associated with it, should be sent to the emergency dispatch service DEZ (directorate of the single customer), on the site of which the open hatch is located, or to the technical inspection of the city. By the way, the inspection is obliged to check all wells on the sites once a month (sometimes more often) according to a certain schedule. But it should be remembered that responsibility for wells still lies with the organizations in whose department the hatches are located.

For example, in Moscow, the owner will face a fine for leaving a hatch open. For officials- 2–5 thousand rubles, for legal entities the amount can reach up to 40 thousand rubles. In this case, the well must be closed within 3 days. Hatches that are not assigned to an organization and are recognized as citywide are repaired at the expense of the state.

A resident of Chelyabinsk appealed to the court with a request to punish the culprit of her unsuccessful fall into an open manhole. Having broken her tibia and experienced severe shock, the victim had to spend a lot of time in the hospital. The court ruled in her favor and ordered to pay damages to the culprit organization (in this case, the water supply organization) for moral damages, for damaged items and for lost earnings as a result of the accident.

What actions should you take if a similar incident happens to you on the street?

2. Find out which city organization is responsible for the ill-fated hatch. Remember that communications may belong to different organizations, so contacting the owner is not always easy. However, the Housing and Communal Services Administration of the area where the accident occurred will help identify the affiliation. DEZ is responsible for the abandoned well.

Dangerous “black holes” are increasingly found on roads and streets. Cast iron lids continue to disappear, fueling the scrap business. Despite all the laws and threats of criminal punishment for bringing city facilities into disrepair, local thieves continue to do their “dirty” business.

But untimely inspection of sewer manholes by organizations only aggravates the situation, multiplying stone traps and posing a threat to people’s lives.

How to solve this problem? Utility services are practically inactive - they cover open hatches on sidewalks and lawns with concrete slabs, as a result of which people trip over the slab, and its pieces become clogged with underground networks. In this case, roads are restored with a cover removed from a manhole on the sidewalk or lawn!

A program for the reconstruction and installation of new generation covers with a special locking device will help to get out of the situation. However, given the huge number of sewer manholes in the city, such measures will not be taken soon!

Modern life is unimaginable without basic household amenities. A very important element of modern comfort is the presence of water in the house.

The process of installing a sewer system is not very complicated. However, it requires attention and responsibility in the choice of materials, so that later you do not have to carry out costly rework.

The design of the sewer hatch is simple. Consists of a shaft, a working room, and a hatch. Availability required closing lid.

All parts of the sewer manhole are interdependent. Workroom depends on the type of underground utilities. Depth route of communications affects the depth of the room. Height does not exceed 1.8 meters.

The shaft is a pipe with a diameter of 0.7 meters. Its depth depends on the depth of the working room. For arrangement sewer well They use brickwork, plastic containers, and reinforced concrete rings. There must be a ladder to go down.

Types of sewer wells

The main purpose of sewer manholes is injury prevention, accidents and debris getting inside. Also, if necessary, they serve for free access to underground communications for the purpose of control or repair.

For safety reasons, a sewer well is required should close. Hatch shapes are available in square, oval, rectangular, convex, and flat. There are no concave ones. The most common ones are round ones. In any situation, round lid won't fall inside. Ease of transportation is also important - you can roll it.

In some American cities, there are triangular manholes that indicate the direction of water in the sewer. But because their insufficient security, are gradually being replaced by regular ones.

Sewer hatches are usually heavy, from 50 kg and higher. This is necessary to prevent self-opening hatch on the roadway. All hatches, without exception, have a ribbed surface for greater traction with the surface of shoe soles and car tires.

Sometimes there is a very interesting decorative markings hatches Which is of great interest to collectors from all over the world.

Various materials are used to make hatches, but the classic option is cast iron.

Cast iron hatches

Cast iron hatches are strong and durable. The service life is at least 80 years old. Withstand loads up to 90 tons. Resistant to temperature changes. The disadvantage is high cost. But if you take into account that such a hatch will last for quite a long period, then the amount turns out to be quite justified.

Depending on the scope of application, there are 4 types of cast iron hatches:

  1. Trunk. Can withstand loads of up to 40 tons. Installed on highways and highways.
  2. Heavy (full weight reaches 180 kg), used on highways and roads with heavy traffic.
  3. Medium sewer cast iron hatches. Can withstand loads of up to 12.5 tons. Installed in residential areas with little vehicle traffic.
  4. Lightweight sewer hatches. The recommended load for this type of hatch is no more than 1.5 tons. Mounted on lawns, sidewalks, pedestrian areas. The weight of the hatch itself does not exceed 65 kg.

When installing a sewer system in a private house, a cast iron hatch is installed only on the roadway. In all other places, it is recommended to use lighter models made from other materials.

Due to the frequent theft of cast iron hatches, they are very popular polymer-sand, plastic, concrete, composite, rubber sewer coverings.

IN landscape design, are mainly used decorative hatches. From a simple graphic design to imitation of natural stone, decorative stump, sculpture.

Plastic hatches

Plastic hatches are durable and environmentally friendly. Have light weight, resistant to temperature changes. Wide range of colors. Unlike cast iron hatches, it is excluded danger of sparking. They are not suitable for scrap metal, they are not stolen. The cost is much lower than cast iron. Disadvantages include the inability to withstand heavy loads. But these hatches are installed on pedestrian paths and in parks, so this drawback can be considered very conditional. This is a good option when installing sewerage in a private house.

Composite and polymer-composite hatches

Composite hatches. They are made of fiberglass, polyester resins, and powder filler. Have light weight, can withstand at least 40 tons. They also have a long service life. Resistant to temperature changes, do not lose color. The cost is lower than cast iron hatches, but more expensive than plastic ones.

Polymer-composite hatches (polymer-sand). Manufactured using the method hot pressing from plastic bottles and sand. Such hatches have a number of advantages, namely:

But, despite obvious positive qualities, they also have some disadvantages. Cannot withstand heavy loads and 70% consist of sand. It is recommended to install polymer-sand hatches in pedestrian areas and parks. If the hatch is installed in places subject to snow drifts, you need to use reinforced type, to make searching with a metal detector easier.

There are 3 types of polymer-sand hatches:

  1. Type L (light). Maximum load 6 tons. They are installed in parks, pedestrian areas, and in private gardens.
  2. Type C (medium). Withstands loads of 12 tons. Installed in parking lots and roadways.
  3. Type T (heavy). Permissible load 25 tons. This allows you to install such hatches on all utility lines and city roads. Not suitable for installation on highways.

Scope and safety

Installing sewer hatches on wells underground communications: gas, heat, water supply, sewerage, cable networks.

differ in design, the type of communications passing under them (waste, storm, cable, pipeline sewerage) and the material of manufacture.

Scope of application of sewer manholes indicated by markings. The most famous are V, GV (city water supply), PG (fire hydrant), K (sewage), T (telephone network), etc.

Also common schematic designation. Lightning is an electrical network, telephone is, respectively, a telephone network.

Most hatches have opening hole using a hook. If there is no such hole, then a handle is welded on top of the lid, which is cut off after opening.

Holes are allowed in sewer, water, and storm hatches. Hatches electrical networks, telephone connections are issued no holes.

Due to frequent thefts, sewer manholes are often filled with concrete mortar or additionally closed with plastic covers, locks are installed, mainly on telephone communications. Recently, modern hatches available with hinges like door ones. It is almost impossible to open them.

Cable communication ducts have two covers at once - protective and locking, which has a lock and is protected.

Sewage systems perform all the necessary functions to maintain a comfortable life. But inspection and repair alone are not enough. Open hatches carry great danger. They cause accidents and even deaths. Therefore, if an open hatch is detected, it is necessary install a fence, and mark the location with flags. If this is not possible, then you can limit yourself to a tall stick inserted into the hatch.

The most dangerous are storm and water sewers. They are very deep (6 meters) and, as a rule, with protruding reinforcement inside.

According to statistics, the highest percentage of injuries occurs among children. It is very important to explain to your child how dangerous

Krasnoyarsk regional court fully satisfied the claim of a car owner whose car was damaged as a result of a collision with a road hatch print version

A motorist who damaged his car due to a poorly closed sunroof went to court. According to the materials of the civil case, in the summer of 2014, in the area of ​​house No. 95 on the street. Bograda, while driving his TOYOTA IPSUM car, the man hit the manhole cover with his front wheel, causing it to open, hit the bottom and damage the rear axle of the car. The impact carried the car onto the sidewalk, hit a tree, then a building, and received additional damage. According to the expert's opinion, the cost refurbishment taking into account wear and tear of parts amounted to 218.2 thousand rubles.

When resolving the dispute, the court was guided by the provisions of Articles 15, 210, 1064 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Articles 2, 6, 12, 24 Federal Law"About safety traffic", Articles 6, 13 of the Federal Law "On Highways and Road Activities in Russian Federation and on making changes to certain legislative acts Russian Federation", clauses 4.12.25, 6.2.26 of the Rules technical operation thermal installations.

Thus, Article 24 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Road Traffic Safety” directly establishes the right of citizens to safe conditions traffic on the roads of the Russian Federation. And according to GOST R 50597-93 “Roads and streets. Requirements for the operational condition acceptable under the conditions of ensuring road safety" the roadway surface should not have subsidence, potholes, or other damage that impedes the movement of vehicles at the speed permitted by the Road Traffic Rules.

The court found that the heating network manhole in this territory belongs to OJSC Krasnoyarsk Heat Transport Company, therefore the company was charged with maintaining it in proper condition, in particular the manhole cover located on the roadway. But the cover was not securely fastened, which led to a road accident. The circumstances of the incident in court were confirmed by the testimony of witnesses, the driver himself, as well as a certificate of the accident, photographs and video materials. Having considered the case, the court of first instance decided to satisfy claims partially, taking into account the indication in the traffic police resolution of the driver’s violation of paragraph 10.1 of the Russian Federation Traffic Regulations, that is, failure to comply with the speed limit, which contributed to the accident.

Thus, in July 2015, the Leninsky District Court of Krasnoyarsk decided to recover from Krasnoyarsk Heat Transport Company OJSC in favor of the Krasnoyarsk resident 170 thousand rubles for material damage, 5 thousand rubles for examination fees, 16.2 thousand rubles for expenses for the services of a representative and execution of a power of attorney.

Both sides appealed judgment. The defendant asked to overturn the decision of the trial court, stating that the accident occurred at a facility that did not belong to him. The plaintiff asked to satisfy the claim in full, considering the reduction in the amount of damage unjustified. The Krasnoyarsk Regional Court found the defendant's arguments unfounded, pointing out that the fact that the hatch belonged to the company was confirmed by the city heat supply scheme, acts on the delimitation of balance sheet ownership and other documents. At the same time, the court did not agree with the conclusions of the district court about the driver’s guilt in violating clause 10.1 of the Russian Federation Traffic Regulations and reducing the amount of damage caused. The court of second instance concluded that, based on the circumstances of the incident, the driver did not have the opportunity to foresee the likelihood of the consequences of colliding with a road hatch, and there were no grounds for reducing the amount of damage. As a result, in October 2015, the regional court decided to recover 218.2 thousand rubles in material damage from the company in favor of the driver, but otherwise left the court decision unchanged.

Open manholes on the roads are a danger that awaits us all the time. Indeed, in every district of the city there is sure to be a hatch that poses a real threat not only to our property, but also to life. An open well is most often located on the roadway, or, worse, near a playground or school. Often, city authorities and utility services themselves do not know the condition of underground utility wells, although according to the rules of landscaping they are required to check the condition of well covers every month, or even more often.

Article 134 of decision No. 45.

1. Organizations in charge of underground engineering structures and communications check at least once a month that manhole covers for inspection wells and storm inlet gratings are at the design level, regardless of their location, and that they are in good working order and closed.
But it should be remembered that responsibility for wells still lies with the organizations in whose department the hatches are located.

Open sewer manholes are very dangerous. Children, adults, and animals fall into the stone trap. For example, in Tomsk, in the courtyard of school No. 5, a two-year-old girl stepped on a wooden sewer manhole cover, fell and choked on sewage.

01. LLC "19th Worker". So far the issue with this hatch cannot be resolved.

Who is responsible for monitoring the hatches? Who should you contact if you see an open hatch? After all, people get hurt and break their cars.

In our city there are several organizations (water utility, sewerage, heating networks, gas workers, communications workers) that service city manholes. Storm sewer hatches are maintained by the city department. Responsibility for maintenance (in particular, an open hatch) and repairs lies with the organization on whose balance sheet the well is located.

Today, residents increasingly report open manholes to city improvement services. The option works in the form of a call to the police duty station at number 02 or if mobile phone 112 + 2. The police transmit the data to the administration - specialists in the administration themselves will determine in whose department the given object is located and who to punish for violations.

In practice, organizations immediately respond to calls (knowing about the consequences), close the open hatch with a temporary slab, or inform the “owner” of the hatch, who completely restores the well cover in accordance with all existing requirements.

02. An open hatch has been showing off on the sidewalk along the street for TWO years. Kirov.

If an incident occurs with a motorist, then you should report an open hatch or an emergency situation related to it to the emergency dispatch service DEZ (directorate of the single customer), on the site of which the open hatch is located, or to the city technical inspection. In this case, the well must be closed within 3 days. Hatches that are not assigned to an organization and recognized as citywide are repaired at state expense! I have had several such cases, and all of them were very difficult to resolve - the city, unfortunately, is difficult to reach a positive solution.

What actions should you take if a similar incident happens to you on the street?

1. Official documentation of injury resulting from falling into an open manhole is required. In this case, the testimony of ambulance workers or witnesses to the incident will help (write down their contact phone numbers). Record in the document the exact time and place of the accident. In the case of motorists, the accident with the exact time and place will be recorded in the traffic police inspector’s report.

2. Find out which city organization is responsible for the ill-fated hatch. Remember that communications may belong to different organizations, so contacting the owner is not always easy. However, the Housing and Communal Services Administration of the area where the accident occurred will help identify the affiliation. DEZ is responsible for the abandoned well.

3. Bring all medical certificates and proof of injury due to the fall to the owner organization. You have the right to demand compensation for moral and material damage. If refused, go to court.

4. In court, documents confirming the harm caused must be provided. They can be cash receipts for medications, receipts for clothing repairs, or insurance statements for car repairs.

5. Having collected all the documents and written a personal statement, you can file a claim in court.

Dangerous “black holes” are increasingly found on roads and streets. Cast iron lids continue to disappear, fueling the scrap business. Despite all the laws and threats of criminal punishment for bringing city facilities into disrepair, local thieves continue to do their dirty work, leaving wells open.

How to solve this problem? Utility services are practically inactive - they cover open hatches on sidewalks and lawns with concrete slabs, as a result of which people trip over the slab, and its pieces clog underground utility networks. In this case, roads are restored with a cover removed from a manhole on the sidewalk or lawn! If you see an open hatch, notify the police. If you see a well covered with a concrete cover, send a request to the administration using the form below.
________________________________________ _______________
On April 01, 2014, a violation of the rules of improvement of the city of Omsk was discovered. Namely, the well of underground utilities does not have a standard manhole cover, and its role is played by a concrete slab that rises above the sidewalk by more than 2 cm, which contradicts the requirements below and poses a danger to pedestrians. The well is located on the sidewalk along the street. Marshal Zhukov opposite building No. 6 (see diagram). Hatches for inspection wells must comply with the requirements of GOST 3634.
The decision of the Omsk City Council on the rules of improvement, ensuring cleanliness and order in the city of Omsk dated July 25, 2007 N 45 (hereinafter referred to as the Decision) established that manhole covers for inspection wells on the roadway of streets and roads, in the territory of pedestrian communications (including number of street crossings) are located at the same level with the covering of the adjacent surface (Article 142 of the Decision). The manhole cover of the inspection well should not be allowed to deviate more than 2.0 cm relative to the covering level; the gap between the edge of the manhole and the sidewalk covering should not exceed 1.5 cm.
According to Art. 134 Decisions of organizations that are in charge of underground engineering structures and communications check at least once a month that manhole covers for inspection wells and storm inlet gratings are at the design level, regardless of their location, and that they are in good working order and closed. In case of absence, damage or destruction of covers, gratings or damage, destruction of the inspection wells themselves, storm water inlets, organizations immediately take measures to fencing them, marking them with appropriate road signs and replacing or restoring them within 24 hours from the moment of discovery. Article 138 of the Decision establishes that when repairing roads and sidewalks, inspection wells of underground structures are installed at the level of the newly restored improved surface by the organization performing the repair work.

Based on the above, I request:
1. Conduct a check on the facts I have stated.
2. Issue an order to eliminate the causes and conditions to the officials responsible for the content of these communications.
3. In case of failure to comply with the order on time, involve the responsible persons in administrative responsibility on the basis of current legislation.
4. Reply to me in writing within the period prescribed by law.

Water / Filters and water quality

Appeared on the St. Petersburg Vodokanal website new service on filing applications for the discovery of open well hatches.

An open well poses a serious danger to citizens

Such requests have priority and are processed by the Hotline first, since any open well poses a serious danger to citizens.

On highways with heavy traffic, manhole covers sometimes become deformed and break. Sometimes manhole covers are stolen and handed over to scrap metal collection points.

If you find open wells or wells with poorly fitting covers, you must urgently report what you saw to the Hotline: by calling 305-09-09 or using the new service on the Vodokanal website.

On the main page of the Vodokanal website ( there is a banner “Open hatch? Report!" This banner opens a special application form ( When filling out this form, you must indicate the location of the open well (on the roadway or on the lawn) and the address of the nearest building. The “Contact telephone number” field is required in the form (the telephone number is needed so that Vodokanal employees, if necessary, can clarify the location of the hatch, and then inform the applicant about the work performed).
After receiving a message about an open manhole, the Vodokanal team immediately leaves for the specified address to conduct an inspection, take urgent measures and ensure the safe movement of vehicles and pedestrians. Vodokanal has approved a standard according to which the maximum period for replacing a damaged manhole cover is 3 hours. In this case, the team must arrive at the address no later than 45 minutes after the call. Hotline employees must inform the author of the request about the work performed.

Currently, the State Unitary Enterprise “Vodokanal of St. Petersburg” operates 587,102 wells (sewage - 490,527, water supply - 96,575).

In 2014, the hotline received 4,695 calls regarding open wells. About 60 percent of such complaints - 2910 - concerned manholes managed by Vodokanal (2116 manholes were on the roadway, 794 on the lawn). These requests were promptly carried out. The remaining 1,785 wells were not under the economic control of Vodokanal, and applications were immediately transferred to the owners of communications: heat, electricity, gas, telephone, as well as road services.

Vodokanal appeals to residents with a request: if you see a manhole with a poorly closed or missing cover, immediately report it to Vodokanal: by phone 305-09-09 or through the website This will allow the problem to be resolved as quickly as possible and ensure the safety of citizens.

Open manholes on the roads are a danger that awaits us all the time. Indeed, in every district of the city there is sure to be a hatch that poses a real threat not only to our property, but also to life. An open well is most often located on the roadway, or, worse, near a playground or school. Often, city authorities and utility services themselves do not know the condition of underground utility wells, although according to the rules of landscaping they are required to check the condition of well covers every month, or even more often.
Article 134 of decision No. 45.
1. Organizations in charge of underground engineering structures and communications check at least once a month that manhole covers for inspection wells and storm inlet gratings are at the design level, regardless of their location, and that they are in good working order and closed.
But it should be remembered that responsibility for wells still lies with the organizations in whose department the hatches are located.
Open sewer manholes are very dangerous. Children, adults, and animals fall into the stone trap. For example, in Tomsk, in the courtyard of school No. 5, a two-year-old girl stepped on a wooden sewer manhole cover, fell and choked on sewage.
01. LLC "19th Worker". So far the issue with this hatch cannot be resolved.

Who is responsible for monitoring the hatches? Who should you contact if you see an open hatch? After all, people get hurt and break their cars.
In our city there are several organizations (water utility, sewerage, heating networks, gas workers, communications workers) that service city manholes. Storm sewer hatches are maintained by the city department. Responsibility for maintenance (in particular, an open hatch) and repairs lies with the organization on whose balance sheet the well is located.
Today, residents increasingly report open manholes to city improvement services. An option works in the form of a call to the police duty station at number 02 or if on a mobile phone 112 + 2. The police transmits the data to the administration - specialists in the administration themselves will determine in whose department the given object is located and who to punish for violations.
In practice, organizations immediately respond to calls (knowing about the consequences), close the open hatch with a temporary slab, or inform the “owner” of the hatch, who completely restores the well cover in accordance with all existing requirements.
02. An open hatch has been showing off on the sidewalk along the street for TWO years. Kirov.
If an incident occurs with a motorist, then you should report an open hatch or an emergency situation related to it to the emergency dispatch service DEZ (directorate of the single customer), on the site of which the open hatch is located, or to the city technical inspection. In this case, the well must be closed within 3 days. Hatches that are not assigned to an organization and recognized as citywide are repaired at state expense! I have had several such cases, and all of them were very difficult to resolve - the city, unfortunately, is difficult to reach a positive solution.
What actions should you take if a similar incident happens to you on the street?
1. Official documentation of injury resulting from falling into an open manhole is required. In this case, the testimony of ambulance workers or witnesses to the incident will help (write down their contact phone numbers). Record in the document the exact time and place of the accident. In the case of motorists, the accident with the exact time and place will be recorded in the traffic police inspector’s report.
2. Find out which city organization is responsible for the ill-fated hatch. Remember that communications may belong to different organizations, so contacting the owner is not always easy. However, the Housing and Communal Services Administration of the area where the accident occurred will help identify the affiliation. DEZ is responsible for the abandoned well.
3. Bring all medical certificates and proof of injury due to the fall to the owner organization. You have the right to demand compensation for moral and material damage. If refused, go to court.
4. In court, documents confirming the harm caused must be provided. They can be cash receipts for medications, receipts for clothing repairs, or insurance statements for car repairs.
5. Having collected all the documents and written a personal statement, you can file a claim in court.
Dangerous “black holes” are increasingly found on roads and streets. Cast iron lids continue to disappear, fueling the scrap business. Despite all the laws and threats of criminal punishment for bringing city facilities into disrepair, local thieves continue to do their dirty work, leaving wells open.
How to solve this problem? Utility services are practically inactive - they cover open hatches on sidewalks and lawns with concrete slabs, as a result of which people trip over the slab, and its pieces clog underground utility networks. In this case, roads are restored with a cover removed from a manhole on the sidewalk or lawn! If you see an open hatch, notify the police. If you see a well covered with a concrete cover, send a request to the administration using the form below.
On April 01, 2014, a violation of the rules of improvement of the city of Omsk was discovered. Namely, the well of underground utilities does not have a standard manhole cover, and its role is played by a concrete slab that rises above the sidewalk by more than 2 cm, which contradicts the requirements below and poses a danger to pedestrians. The well is located on the sidewalk along the street. Marshal Zhukov opposite building No. 6 (see diagram). Hatches for inspection wells must comply with the requirements of GOST 3634.
The decision of the Omsk City Council on the rules of improvement, ensuring cleanliness and order in the city of Omsk dated July 25, 2007 N 45 (hereinafter referred to as the Decision) established that manhole covers for inspection wells on the roadway of streets and roads, in the territory of pedestrian communications (including number of street crossings) are located at the same level with the covering of the adjacent surface (Article 142 of the Decision). The manhole cover of the inspection well should not be allowed to deviate more than 2.0 cm relative to the covering level; the gap between the edge of the manhole and the sidewalk covering should not exceed 1.5 cm.
According to Art. 134 Decisions of organizations that are in charge of underground engineering structures and communications check at least once a month that manhole covers for inspection wells and storm inlet gratings are at the design level, regardless of their location, and that they are in good working order and closed. In case of absence, damage or destruction of covers, gratings or damage, destruction of the inspection wells themselves, storm water inlets, organizations immediately take measures to fencing them, marking them with appropriate road signs and replacing or restoring them within 24 hours from the moment of discovery. Article 138 of the Decision establishes that when repairing roads and sidewalks, inspection wells of underground structures are installed at the level of the newly restored improved surface by the organization performing the repair work.
Based on the above, I request:
1. Conduct a check on the facts I have stated.
2. Issue an order to eliminate the causes and conditions to the officials responsible for the content of these communications.
3. In case of failure to comply with the order on time, bring the responsible persons to administrative liability on the basis of current legislation.
4. Reply to me in writing within the period prescribed by law.

Tags: Who is responsible for the hatches on the roads

Sewer hatches - that's the problem

Spring is coming: “snowdrops” will appear - sewer manholes on the roads.

No matter how the asphalt surface of the road is repaired, manholes, even on a new highway, cause trouble for drivers. Some hatches protrude above the level of the main canvas by 2-5 centimeters, others have completely fallen by 10 centimeters.
The technology for repairing roads near wells and storm drains is muddy, like spring waters....
First, the road workers roll out a new layer of asphalt along with all the hatches, leaving only small holes to mark the place where the hatch used to be.
Road repair work is winding down and specialists move on to the next section of the road.
Perhaps in a few days a team of road workers will appear again on the repaired road. Experts manually hollow out the well hatch, and then make a “map” around it and, possibly, re-roll the asphalt.
On new road"patches" are obtained.
Almost immediately, the asphalt around such patches begins to deteriorate - the manhole cover falls further and further and another hole forms on the road.
Why is it impossible not to touch the new road surface until the well is urgently needed to be opened? And in response - silence! A sure sign of budget money and mutual responsibility.
There are probably certain GOSTs and SNiPs that clearly regulate the technical features of repairing the road surface near well hatches.
It's interesting that:
- When designing highways, such subtleties as the exact designation of the stage of repair of road pavement at well hatches and storm drains are not taken into account. How exactly to build or repair sections of the roadway is chosen independently contractor.
According to SNiP 2.04.03–85, well hatches on the roadway must be made at the same level as the main road surface.
Logically, it would be right to first overhaul and raise all the manholes and wells to the road level, and only then roll out the road surface..., but the wells “belong” to some other organizations that have completely different plans.
You will laugh for a long time, but according to GOST R 50597-93:
3.1.10. Manhole hatches must comply with the requirements of GOST 3634.
The deviation of the hatch cover relative to the coating level is not allowed by more than 2 cm.
3.1.11. Storm water inlets must comply with the requirements of GOST 26008.
Deviation of the storm inlet grate relative to the tray level is not allowed by more than 3 cm.
3.1.12. Elimination of the deficiencies specified in paragraphs 3.1.9 and 3.1.10 should be carried out within no more than 24 hours from the moment they were discovered.
Destroyed covers and grilles must be immediately fenced off and marked with appropriate road signs. Their replacement should be carried out within no more than 3 hours.
There are two options for installing well necks before and after laying the asphalt concrete layer.
Before laying: for this, the old neck is dismantled and the new one is raised to the required level using reinforced concrete stacking rings, which are then concreted. Concrete requires strengthening within 1-3 days, so the road section must be completely blocked.... Ha ha ha, who needs that?
Second, most quick way earning free budget money for restoring well necks using cast asphalt concrete after laying the top layer.
Now you know that by definition we cannot have good roads, since everyone “involved” in their repair has completely different goals. You won’t find a single fool among the road workers, I assure you!
But there is good news: according to new highway design standards, wells are moved off the roadway.

Where to go about open hatches?

How to determine from the markings on a manhole which organization is responsible for its condition... Utility services treat the capital's roads from...

Batten down the hatches: who is responsible for open wells in...

Oct 6, 2014 - Since the day of the tragedy on the street. Four months have passed on Ulyana Gromova Street. The well in which a woman died on June 10 and almost...

Road safety is the responsibility of public utilities (Kozyreva S.N.)

Article posted date: 07/13/2014

Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated January 28, 2014 N 13047/13 is a document that organizations operating inspection wells in water supply and sanitation systems should pay attention to. What conclusion does it contain? What is its practical significance?

It all started with a traffic accident, namely with a car colliding with a sewer manhole, as a result of which the car received mechanical damage and its owner suffered damage. At the request of the motorist, the traffic police department carried out an inspection and recorded a deviation of the manhole cover of the inspection well from the level of the road surface by more than 2 cm. This served as a reason for bringing the water supply and sewerage organization (WSS) to administrative liability under Art. 12.34 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. A fine is imposed for failure to comply with road safety requirements during the repair and maintenance of roads, railway crossings or other road structures, or failure to take measures to promptly eliminate obstacles to traffic, prohibit or restrict road traffic on certain sections of roads if the use of such sections threatens road safety.
The court of first instance confirmed the legality of the officials' actions, but reduced the fine from 30,000 to 20,000 rubles. On the contrary, the appellate court considered that the water and wastewater services organization cannot be considered as the subject of an offense, and overturned the decision of the lower court. The Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court put an end to this dispute, explaining that it is the owner of the utilities in this situation who is the offender, and upheld the decision of the court of first instance. The chain of arguments was as follows.
Repair and maintenance of roads must ensure road safety (Clause 1, Article 12 of the Federal Law of December 10, 1995 N 196-FZ “On Road Safety”).
Officials and other persons responsible for the condition of roads, railway crossings and other road structures are required to keep them in a safe condition for traffic in accordance with the requirements of standards, norms and rules (clause 13 of the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 23, 1993 N 1090). It follows from this that the subjects of the offense in question are the persons responsible for the condition of the roads.
It is not allowed to deviate the manhole cover of the inspection well relative to the coating level by more than 2 cm (clause 3.1.10 GOST R 50597-93 "Highways and streets. Requirements for operational condition acceptable under the conditions of ensuring road safety").
The operation of engineering communications within the boundaries of the right of way of a highway is carried out by the owners of such engineering communications or at their expense on the basis of an agreement concluded by them with the owner of the highway (Clause 2 of Article 19 of the Federal Law of November 8, 2007 N 257-FZ “On Highways and on road activities in the Russian Federation and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation").
In turn, checking the technical condition of wells, the presence and tightness of the lids, the integrity of hatches, covers, necks, brackets, ladders and the implementation of technical maintenance and repair measures based on the results of the inspection are elements of the technical operation of systems and structures of public water supply and sewerage (see . clause 2.10 MDK 3-02.2001, approved by Order of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated December 30, 1999 N 168).
At the same time, local improvement rules clearly state that organizations in charge of underground networks are required to install and maintain manholes for inspection wells and rainwater inlets for storm wells at the level of road surfaces, sidewalks, platforms, and in other places - at the level of the existing terrain (clause 7.5 Rules for the improvement of the territory of the Saransk urban district, approved by the Decision of the Council of Deputies of the Saransk urban district dated July 12, 2012 N 114).
All of the above allowed the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court to come to the conclusion that the water and wastewater treatment enterprise operates utilities within the right of way of the highway and, therefore, is obliged to maintain these facilities in a safe condition for traffic in accordance with the requirements of standards, norms and rules. Violation of such requirements entails the imposition of an administrative fine.
The conclusions of the appellate court that a water and waste water utility enterprise cannot be the subject of an offense were recognized as unlawful. The rationale is as follows. The owner of highways is the local administration, the maintenance of highways is a matter of local importance, and the cause of the accident was not the technical condition of the well and manhole (the presence and tightness of the covers), for the condition of which the water and waste management company is responsible, but the deviation of the cover relative to the level of the coating by more than 2 cm.
We would like to draw special attention to the fact that as of September 1, 2013, the amount of the fine for an offense under Art. 12.34 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, for legal entities increased by an order of magnitude - up to 300,000 rubles. Another point should be taken into account by organizations operating inspection wells: establishing their guilt in causing damage auto vehicle as a result of an accident (collision with a manhole hatch that is in poor condition) means the need to compensate the victim for such damage. As an example, let's give Appeal determination Samara Regional Court dated 09/05/2013 in case No. 33-8341/2013. The court recovered from the organization operating sewer wells the damage caused as a result of an accident (collision with an open manhole of a sewer well). It is noteworthy that such an organization was the company that managed the MKD, since according to the act of boundaries of balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility, signed by the heads of the management company and the water and wastewater services enterprise and not disputed, the disputed well is serviced by the management company. Here it is appropriate to recall the problem of coordinating the boundaries of balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility of engineering networks supplying apartment buildings. It was covered in detail in the article of the same name by E.V. Sholomova in No. 4, 2014. The water and waste water supply enterprise found itself in a similar situation in case No. A56-55483/2011, considered in the Resolution of the Thirteenth Arbitration Court court of appeal dated 06/04/2012. Another example is the Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the North-West District dated May 17, 2010 in case No. A44-895/2009, in which the improper condition of an ownerless storm sewer well was named as the cause of the accident, as a result of which the damage was compensated by the body local government.

The law sets requirements for the condition of manholes for inspection wells in water supply and wastewater systems. If such wells are located within the boundaries of a highway right of way, road safety requirements are also added. Responsible for maintaining the well covers in proper condition is the person operating the wells (the water utility company, management company or homeowners association, local government body, if a specific section of the networks is ownerless), and not the person responsible for maintaining the road itself. It is the person operating the utility networks who is subject to administrative liability (fine under Article 12.34 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation), as well as civil liability (compensation for damage caused to a vehicle as a result of a collision with a hatch).

Yulia Lapina

How to deal with this “inconvenient” part of the roadway during repairs?

The season of active road work in Kirov is coming to an end. By the end of October, all “road deficiencies” will be completed.

No matter how the roadway in Kirov is repaired, well hatches, even on new asphalt, cause trouble for drivers. Some hatches protrude above the level of the main canvas by 2-3 centimeters, others completely collapsed by the same 2, or even 10 centimeters.

The technology for repairing roads near wells and storm drains is also not entirely clear.
First, the road workers roll out a new layer of asphalt along with all the hatches, leaving only small holes to mark the place where the hatch used to be. Road repair work is winding down and specialists move on to the next section of the road. A few days later, a team of road workers appears again on the repaired road. Specialists manually hollow out the well hatch, and then make a “map” around it and roll the asphalt again. There are “patches” on the new road. Almost immediately, the asphalt around such patches begins to deteriorate - the manhole cover falls further and further and another hole forms on the road.

By the way, there is no unified system for repairing roadways at wells and sewer manholes. Thus, a striking example is the recently renovated Karl Marx Street. On a small section of the roadway, some hatches turned out to be completely rolled into asphalt, others were only half-rolled, and others were completely bypassed...

We decided to find out whether there are certain GOSTs and SNiPs that clearly regulate the technical features of repairing the roadway near well hatches.

Irina Deulina, chief engineer highway design group of JSC Kirovvodproekt:
- When designing highways, such subtleties as the exact designation of the stage of repair of road pavement at well hatches and storm drains are not taken into account. How exactly to build or repair sections of the roadway is chosen independently by the contractor. According to SNiP 2.04.03–85, well hatches on the roadway must be made at the same level as the main road surface.
Logically, it would be correct to first make all the hatches, raise them if necessary, etc., and only then roll out the road pavement. But on the other hand, it is very difficult to compact the asphalt surface near a well hatch. The asphalt paver simultaneously rolls a strip of asphalt up to 3.5 meters wide, so it’s hard to imagine that it will go around manholes...

For comments we contacted Director of MUPP "Gordormoststroy" Dmitry Dranom. He spoke about the repair technology:
- The main problem of repairing the roadway near manholes is the difficulty of compacting the asphalt concrete mixture to the required coefficient of 0.98.
This is due to the round shape of the hatch and the design features of the technology for compacting the mixture (rollers).
By rolling up the hatches with a continuous layer of asphalt, we achieve the necessary compaction around the well, so that it is below the top edge of the road surface, thereby eliminating the possibility of breakage of the asphalt paver slab and rollers.
Then we cut out a hatch of the correct rectangular shape, raise the well neck in height to the level of the road surface and fill the cut out area with cast asphalt concrete mixture, which does not require additional compaction with rollers.

At the enterprise MUPP "Gordormoststroy" there are 2 teams working to raise manhole necks after asphalt paving. At night, work is carried out on the central (busiest) streets of the city, and in the daytime - on secondary ones. If necessary, at the request of utility services, an extraordinary lifting of the necks is carried out. To date, more than 200 hatches have been lifted. The company plans to restore all rolled up hatches by November 20, 2010, which is about 200 more.

According to GOST R 50597-93:
3.1.10 . Manhole hatches must comply with the requirements of GOST 3634.
The deviation of the hatch cover relative to the coating level is not allowed by more than 2 cm.
3.1.11 . Storm water inlets must comply with the requirements of GOST 26008.
Deviation of the storm inlet grate relative to the tray level is not allowed by more than 3 cm.
3.1.12 . Elimination of the deficiencies specified in paragraphs 3.1.9 and 3.1.10 should be carried out within no more than 24 hours from the moment they were discovered.
Destroyed covers and grilles must be immediately fenced off and marked with appropriate road signs. Their replacement should be carried out within no more than 3 hours.

Dmitry Dranyi, director of MUPP Gordormoststroy (GDMS):
- Repair of asphalt concrete pavement of the roadway near wells is carried out in accordance with the technological regulations “Repair and installation of asphalt concrete pavement using cast asphalt concrete mixture Type V” developed by Asfalttekhmash CJSC (RF patent No. 2085661. “Method for restoring manholes of wells and a device for its implementation”), and also according to the technological map approved at the enterprise.

By the way, the asphalt around such road patches near wells does not withstand the load and begins to deteriorate almost immediately after repair - the manhole cover begins to collapse more and more, and another hole forms on the road.

Dmitry Drany:
- Destruction of asphalt near wells occurs due to the destruction of the walls of the wells or due to water leaks. Many wells that are not on the balance sheet of our enterprise (their depth reaches 3-4 meters) require complete re-lining of all walls.
Since the wells are on the balance sheet of other utility companies, our company replaces and raises only the necks of the wells.

Maxim Zonov, chief engineer of the road group of the Dorproject LLC Institute:
- You see, all well hatches on sections of roads being repaired must be raised to the level of the road surface. But this requires considerable financial costs. As a road designer and driver, wells on roads simply terrify me - according to the new highway design standards, wells are moved beyond the roadway. This summer there was extensive road repair, but all these wells and storm drains were not really done, you drive along the road and constantly jump up and then fall through the next manhole...

In other cities of Russia you can see other repair technologies. So, there is a special Bobcat cutter that cuts an even, symmetrical shape around the well in just a few minutes. Using this technology, the same road “patches” look more aesthetically pleasing, and a team of workers will carry out repairs to the surface of manholes several times faster without significant blockages of traffic.

Dmitry Drany:
- The Bobcat cutter is expensive equipment. It will allow you to make an excavation of asphalt next to a round, rather than rectangular, hatch.

Of course, you can use other, better road repair technologies. But to do this, vehicle traffic on the roadway will have to be blocked not for a few hours, but for several days. Will Kirov motorists be able to agree to this?

Dmitry Drany:
- It is possible to install well necks before laying the asphalt concrete layer. To do this, the old neck is dismantled and the new one is raised to the required level using reinforced concrete rings, which are then concreted.
Concrete requires strength to gain strength within 24 hours, so a section of the road must be completely blocked, which is impossible on streets with public transport. Therefore, to reduce repair time and avoid blocking traffic, MUPP Gordormoststroy mainly uses the method of restoring well necks using cast asphalt concrete after laying the top layer.

The city infrastructure consists of various utilities. Gas, cable heating networks, water mains, and sewer systems require constant maintenance and monitoring. Most of them are laid under highways and sidewalks for pedestrians. The entrance and exit to these systems form wells that must be securely closed. Cast iron hatches are used for this.

They are round-shaped metal structures with a maximum load from 3 to 25 tons. They are installed outside to prevent unauthorized persons from entering the wells and to protect the roadway from accidents.

Open wells can cause traffic accidents or accidents. The entry of foreign debris into them leads to contamination, which deteriorates the quality of the network.

Main characteristics of cast iron hatches

Cast iron is used to produce hatches that can withstand heavy loads. This metal is highly durable and resistant to temperature changes. It does not corrode and does not deform under wheels. freight transport, special equipment. Has a long service life.

Classification of cast iron hatches and their purpose

Most hatches are called sewer hatches, but each of them has a specific purpose. The surface of the product is marked in the form of letters:

Sewer (K),

Tap (B),

Rain (D),

Firefighter (G),

Gas (GS),

Telephone (GTS).

This helps to avoid confusion in areas with large concentrations of communications.

Depending on the purpose of use, hatches are divided into heavy and light. Heavy ones are found on highways, courtyard roadways, and light ones are found in areas inaccessible to transport, such as pedestrian areas and parks.

The weight of products varies from 55 to 110 kg, but there are heavy ones that are produced for highways, airfields, and drains. Their weight reaches 150 kg ().

Features of installation of cast iron hatches

The installation consists of the following steps:

Attaching the support ring to redistribute the base load,

Maintaining the diameters of the structure and the internal shaft,

Placing the support ring on the floor slab,

Securing the support ring with concrete mortar,

Mounting the product body on the base plate with guide protrusions.

The installation is successful if the top plane of the cover corresponds to the level of the road surface. The hatch should not hang over the edges. Do not remove or move it until the fixing solution has completely dried.

It is recommended to select a certified cast iron manhole support ring. Entrust installation to a professional team equipped with special equipment.

The installation rules are quite simple, but the slightest mistakes lead to negative consequences. A poorly secured hatch can be easily removed for theft. Open access to the well is dangerous for the proper operation of the system due to the likelihood of contamination.

Operating principles of cast iron hatches

Maintenance of underground utility networks is carried out municipal enterprises. Knowledge of how to use a well can be useful to owners of private houses and vehicle drivers:

To avoid injury, open the lid slowly and without sudden movements.

Use a flashlight to illuminate an open well, not incendiary means.

Go down into the well after it has been ventilated, wearing protective equipment and a safety net.

You cannot leave an open well opening without a fence. It is forbidden to descend without a partner on a poorly secured ladder.