When to register a newborn baby. The baby is born: we prepare documents for the newborn. Privatized apartment or municipal one - what is the difference when registering a child?

In connection with the birth of a child, parents have one of the most important tasks for the near future - registration and registration of the newborn, which is better not to delay.

As a rule, parents do not know the law and are surprised when they are presented with a fine for late registration of a child.

Basic rules and terms

We will try to figure out how to register a child correctly and on time in 2016.

The law stipulates that registration and then registration for a newborn child is carried out within a month.

To do this, parents go to the registry office to order a birth certificate for their child.

According to Federal law Article 16, paragraph 6 “On acts civil status» An application for registration of a newborn, confirming the birth of a child, is submitted no later than a month later.

This period is strictly regulated, and for failure to comply with the law, a fine is imposed on parents. However, if parents submitted an application later than the prescribed deadline, the child must still be registered. The fine can be challenged if there were objective reasons why the parents of the newborn could not contact the registry office. In this case, the matter is resolved through the court.

List of documents

To obtain a document confirming the birth of a child, the following documents are provided to the registry office:

  • — parents’ passports;
  • — certificate confirming marriage (if available);
  • — medical discharge from the maternity hospital;
  • - an application submitted in writing.

If the parents are married, then only one parent of the child can appear at the registry office to submit documents. If there is no marriage certificate, then the parents are required to appear at the registry office together to establish paternity. If the parents of a newborn cannot come to the registry office, the law allows the procedure for submitting documents to another person if there is a power of attorney from the parents, which is notarized.

There is no fee to pay when obtaining a birth certificate. Another original certificate costs 100 rubles.

If the parents are not married, then another 100 rubles are paid for establishing the paternity of the newborn.
If a newborn is born and is registered in Moscow, the law provides for the issuance of a written referral to the parents, along with a certificate, which they will provide to the Moscow Department responsible for social protection of the population, for payment of benefits (if the parents are not yet thirty or one of them is registered in Moscow, and also if the single mother has not yet turned thirty). A certificate of birth of the child is also issued, which will need to be submitted to the authorities. social protection in Moscow to provide benefits.

In 2016, children's passports will be marked in the territorial offices of the Federal Migration Service. This provision on the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation has been in effect since 2006. In 2016, parents will also need to affix a citizenship stamp on the back of their birth certificate; without this, they will not be able to receive maternity capital. This can be done at the regional department of the Federal Migration Service by submitting there following documents:

  • original birth certificate
  • and parents' passports.

It is necessary to obtain citizenship so that the child has the right to travel abroad, so that the newborn can receive a passport upon reaching adulthood.
When the parents have the child’s birth certificate in their hands, they must immediately submit documents for registration of registration at the place of residence.

The exact timing of registration has not been established, unlike birth registration, but the law imposes a fine for a person staying on the territory of the Russian Federation without registration for more than 90 days in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses, Article 19.15, including on a person who allows such a person to live on its territory without registration (the age of the unregistered person does not matter).

An application for registration must be submitted within ten days of arrival at your place of residence. But since a newborn cannot independently take care of registration at the place of residence, administrative responsibility imposed on his parents.

As a result, it is advisable that registration be completed no later than 7 days after receiving the birth certificate. Thus, if a child’s registration is not issued within the specified period, a fine of 1,500 to 2,500 rubles is imposed on the parents.

The law, according to Article 65 of the RF IC, states that a newborn can only be registered in the place where at least one of the parents lives. The registration procedure is such that a newborn is registered with his grandmother or grandfather. A newborn up to one month old is registered with the mother only on the basis of her application. After one month of age, a statement from the father is also required. If a child is registered with his father, a statement from the mother is required. The registration rules allow a newborn to be registered at the place of residence of the parents without the consent of the other residents. If parents own real estate, they have the right to register their child for any share.

Temporary registration

The situation often happens that a child is born to parents who have temporary registration in Moscow. In this case, the child is also issued a temporary registration within the above deadlines. If registration is not completed on time, parents will be fined. If necessary, a temporary registration of a newborn can be issued without liquidating the permanent one. In this case, the temporary registration of the child is carried out together with the mother. It should be noted that temporary registration in Moscow does not give parents the right to receive benefits paid to Moscow residents.
It is advisable to prepare the documents required to register in 2016 in advance.

Registration is done on the basis of:

  • — birth certificate (original and copy);
  • — extracts from a personal account or house register;
  • - statements from one of the parents;
  • — parents’ passports (originals and copies);
  • - consent of the second parent.

Parents are registered in different places

If the parents are registered in different places, then one of the parents is provided with a certificate from the place of residence stating that the newborn is not registered with him.
The documents are certified by the Housing Office and then taken to the passport office.

How to register a child through public services?

In 2016, registration of a newborn child can be issued through the State Services portal on the Internet. The registration procedure through “State Services” is very simple. Find the “Government Services” portal on the Internet, register, get access to personal account. Next, find the column “Registration at place of residence” and enter the data from your documents into the electronic form. Three days later an invitation comes to the FMS to verify documents. If the information submitted via the Internet matches the original documents, you receive registration.

So, the rules for registering a newborn in 2016 are quite simple. If you do not want to break the law and have unnecessary court proceedings, it is better to complete the documents within the specified time frame. The law also allows registration through “State Services” on the Internet: this is especially beneficial for parents who are not able to appear at the Federal Migration Service in person. After registration for a newborn child has been received and citizenship has been issued, you have every right to obtain a medical insurance policy at the clinic at your place of residence, for which you will need a birth certificate and a passport of one of the parents.

Our blog is glad to see our readers! Surely each of you remembers the phrase from the famous Soviet composition “My address is neither a house nor a street...” Nowadays, no one is tempted to find themselves in such a situation, so even the smallest citizens need their own address. Let's look at the question of what documents you will need to register a newborn so that your child can find his own address.

So, you, exhausted but happy, find yourself with a baby in your arms at home. Now you will face a number of legal procedures related to the baby. The first thing you need to do at the registry office is to get the baby’s first document - birth certificate. This document will allow you to take further actions.

Don’t forget about the timely registration of your baby, because if you delay this process for a long time – more than a month – you may be fined. The amount of the fine varies from 2 to 2.5 thousand rubles.

Although the legislation does not limit the time frame for registering a newborn, administrative liability comes into force, which provides for a fine for the fact that the owner allowed persons without registration to live in his home, which also includes a newborn.

So it’s better to devote time to registration right away in order to minimize risks in the future. For example, without a child having a place of residence, you simply will not be able to receive benefits or subsequently register your preschool child in kindergarten.

2. Required documents

The registration process takes relatively little time, although you may think otherwise. It is difficult to name the exact timing of registration; it all depends on the characteristics of the passport office. Ideally, the procedure takes two to three days, with a maximum of seven days.

At least a list necessary documents You may be impressed, they are not difficult to assemble. The main thing is that you need to decide where to register your child if both you and the father of the newborn are registered in more than one place.

Arm yourself with a pen and write down, What you will need in 2016 to register your baby:

  1. Birth certificate of your baby (+ copy);
  2. Your marriage certificate (if the parents are registered in the registry office);
  3. Passports of happy parents (+ copies);
  4. Application from the parent who decided to register the newborn according to his registration, according to form No. 6;
  5. A certificate from the second parent certifying that the baby is not registered in the same home;
  6. Mandatory extract from personal accounts (house books) on the composition of those registered;
  7. The second parent will be required to submit a statement agreeing that he is not against the registration of the young family member at the place of residence of the father (mother).

By the way, all certificates and applications can already be obtained or prepared on site from the passport officer. The procedure is free, which means you will not have to pay any taxes or duties. Please also take into account the fact that during the registration process both your passports and new document The baby will be kept by the passport officer.

3. Features of registration

When registering a child, there are a number of features:

  • If the child is registered at the mother's address, then the father's consent is not required. But if it’s the other way around, then the mother needs to write a statement of consent and confirmation that the baby is not registered with her.
  • If the parents are not registered married, then both young parents are required to appear at the place of registration of the father.
  • If a child is registered in an apartment, then an extract from the personal account of those registered is required, if private house- a house book that is at the disposal of the owner.
  • If the parents have not married and the father has not confirmed his paternity, then it will not be possible to register the baby with him.
  • If neither the father nor the mother have legal rights to the premises where the baby will be registered, but are simply registered there, then the consent of the property owners is still not required. The rule applies only to the first registration.
  • If not enough square meters according to the standards of the living quarters, the baby will still be registered, so as not to leave him without registration.
  • It is also possible to carry out temporary registration of a newborn. To do this, you must submit an application to the territorial branch of the FMS. The package of documents differs only in the statement. It is filled out not according to form No. 6, but according to form No. 1.

Don’t forget, the child registration procedure is very important and should be treated accordingly. Your baby is just starting a new life and you need it to start well in all respects!

Detailed information about registering a newborn can be found in this video:

If you liked our material, give your friends on social networks the opportunity to read it. We wish you success in collecting documents and see you soon!

After the long-awaited replenishment, parents acquire a lot of responsibilities and additional worries. Not least of all is the documentation for the new family member. It is the parents, as well as relatives who, upon request, deal with the issue of legislative confirmation of the emergence of a new citizen. If someone else is involved in the registration, then it is necessary to issue a power of attorney from the parents, certified by a notary.

The exception is unforeseen circumstances when the child is registered through the intervention of the staff of the maternity hospital where he was born or where he is currently staying.

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As a rule, the baby is registered at the registry office assigned to the place of registration of the parents or to the place of residence of the baby. Less often - in other organs or populated areas. These cases are rare and occur if the child was born in a transport vehicle.

Basic documents

When a baby is born, you should pay attention to the exchange card. The card itself is filled out throughout the pregnancy. The latest adjustments are made to it by doctors who deliver the baby. Sheet 2 of the card is filled out by the obstetrician, who enters data on the patient’s health status.

Sheet 3 is filled out by the pediatrician (neonatologist) on duty who examined the baby. This data is transmitted to the children's clinic. The exchange card itself is sent to the antenatal clinic where the woman in labor was registered.

The first step in processing the child's documents is obtaining a birth certificate.

The child must be registered no later than one month after his birth. Otherwise, irresponsible parents risk paying a fine of 1.5 - 2.5 thousand rubles.

A certificate from the maternity hospital is the baby’s first official document. It indicates the physical parameters with which the little man was born, his state of health, and the peculiarities of childbirth. It is this certificate and birth certificate that are the basis for accruing benefits to parents - assistance for the birth of a child.

A birth certificate is a document that will accompany a person throughout his life. This is the main document until you receive your passport.

Documentary confirmation of the birth of a new person has an official form and contains data on the surname, first name and patronymic of the newborn, the date and place of birth, as well as data on his mother and father. The certificate must be confirmed by the seal of the registering authority.

The next stage is the registration of the baby. The procedure does not require payment and has no time frame. Despite this, there is a penalty for delays in obtaining registration. All documents are certified by an authorized housing and communal services employee.

The package of documents includes:

  • child’s birth certificate + photocopies;
  • identification documents of mother and father + photocopies;
  • statement from one of the parents;
  • data from the house register on the status of personal accounts.

This procedure is accompanied by certain nuances. For example, if a child is registered at the place of registration of the father, and the mother is registered in another place, then her permission in writing is necessary with the actions of the child’s father. The permission of other family members living and registered in this housing area is not required.

Established deadlines

If within thirty calendar days the baby has not been registered in accordance with the established procedure, then registration will take place according to a different scheme. Civil registry office employees do not enter new data, but restore the record.

Determining the last name, first name and patronymic of a new citizen also has its own rules. If the marriage of the father and mother is registered, the procedure is simplified. If you are divorced, you can register the child according to the standard procedure.

If the mother is not married, then the child is assigned her last and patronymic name according to the father indicated by the mother in the questionnaire. If the marriage has already been declared invalid, then the next 10 months the procedure involves entering data ex-husband, as the father of a newly minted citizen.

The deadline for registering a baby at the place of residence (registration) has its own nuances. This is a week from the moment of arrival at the new place of registration. For a temporary stay, the period is three months. The procedures take place in accordance with strict regulations and do not require much time.

Comments on the law on child registration

Some aspects of the law regarding registration and place of residence:

  • when moving, you must first deregister from your old place of registration;
  • you need to fill out strict reporting forms and submit your passport to the passport office for changes;
  • The document is returned within seven calendar days.

By law, a person is not obliged to live at the place of registration, that is, registration in one city and living in another do not contradict the law

Minors under 14 years of age

Registration of minor citizens occurs in accordance with the rules established by law.

Legislative acts provide comprehensive answers to all possible questions about the registration of children under 14 years of age:

  • Article 20 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation regulates the strict registration of a minor together with his parents;
  • Clause 28 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation contains the registration procedure and a list of all documents necessary for the procedure;
  • some current issues contains Administrative Regulations migration service Russia;
  • Art. The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation introduces the procedure for liability for untimely registration actions regarding a minor.

The legislation provides for the active participation of a citizen older 14 years old in choosing a place of registration and place of residence.

Living standards in a housing area do not in any way affect the possibility of an underage resident committing mischief.

If a child is a co-owner or owner, then one of his parents must still be registered in this living space in order to register the child.

If the housing is at the stage of paying off the mortgage, then the possibility of registration of persons under 14 years of age is controlled by the banking structure.

To confirm the presence of an official place of registration of a citizen before 14 years old a certificate of place of registration is issued. The issuance is made by the registration authority on the third day after the application. This document is required when a child visits kindergarten, secondary school, etc.


Collecting documents for registration of a newborn should not take more than 10 days. The paradox of the legal system is that you can get a child’s birth certificate within a month, but register it within a month. 10 days. Violation of this order is punishable by fines, which can be refuted from the legal side.

Main aspects of registering a newborn:

  • A child can be registered regardless of whether his parents’ marriage is registered. Registration can be carried out at the place of registration of one of the parents.
  • If the marriage is registered, then the registration procedure can be carried out by one of the parents.
  • If the parents are not married, then the presence of both parties at registration at the place of residence is mandatory.
  • If the parents live at different addresses, then in order to register the child, the father must have permission from the mother.
  • Registration of a baby does not require the consent of other owners, residents and interested parties.
  • The square footage of the home does not matter when registering a child.

If the parents of a newborn baby are legally married, this simplifies the registration procedure, and if all documents and copies are available, one of the parents will handle the registration of the baby

By place of residence

After being discharged from the maternity hospital, parents bring the baby to their nest, where everything is ready for his comfortable growth and development. This may be a private house, apartment or part of an apartment, but the law obliges parents to register their child here.

According to Article 20 Civil Code Russia place of residence of minor citizens up to 14 years old, including newborns, the place of residence of their father and mother is recognized.

It is important to clearly understand the difference between the terms place of residence and place of residence. The place of stay is temporary; it can be a sanatorium, boarding house, hotel, etc.

Place of residence - any residential premises in which a family permanently or primarily resides on a leasehold basis, property, etc.


The possibility of temporary registration is regulated by paragraphs 29 and 12 of the Rules, which state that the child receives registration on the basis of documents provided by the parents. In this case, registration is carried out without the consent of the co-owners of the housing, the boards of the housing cooperative or housing complex.

That is, the father or mother of the child can contact the registration authorities in order to register the newborn according to their temporary registration.

Temporary registration is characterized by clear periods of validity from six months to a year.

Is it possible without consent?

To register a child, parents do not have to be among the owners of the living space. However, under such conditions, permission from the owner is required to register the child permanently.

If the owner does not want to sign the application for registration, we recommend convincing him.

When a baby appears in a family, he automatically has rights and responsibilities, since from the first day of his life he is a full member of society and a citizen. Russian Federation. Often, parents are completely unprepared to solve the first problem of how to register a newborn child at their place of residence. I hope that this article will help you understand the features of registering a newborn, teach you how to register a newborn child, and save time when collecting and completing the necessary documents. After all, if you prepare everything in advance, the procedure will not turn into bureaucratic red tape, but will take only one day.

We receive a birth certificate

Before registering a newborn, the first thing you need to do is go and get his birth certificate. This document will become the first and only official document from the moment the baby is born until he reaches 14 years of age. To obtain it you need to prepare:

1. A relevant document from the maternity hospital or from a private doctor, which indicates the gender, date and time of birth of the baby, as well as the place of birth.

2. Passports of both parents. If there is only one parent, then only his passport.

3. If the parents' relationship is registered, a marriage certificate must be attached. When the marriage is civil, you need a certificate of recognition of paternity.

Having collected these documents. You can go to the registry office (at your place of registration) to get a certificate. You can also obtain a child’s birth certificate at the MFC (in Multifunctional center to provide public services). The advantage is that when registering the birth of a child at the MFC, you will spend less time in queues, and their centers are open every day of the week. and they don't have lunch.

How to register a newborn

Now let's move on to the question of how and where to register a newborn child. To do this, you will also need to collect some documents in advance, which are submitted to the passport office. If you don’t do this on time, you will have to pay a serious fine, so don’t put this procedure on the back burner and don’t wonder whether it is necessary to register the child after birth? Remember, registration of newborns must be done no later than a month after leaving the maternity hospital, since that is how long the baby’s birth certificate is valid.

In cases where the parents are registered at different addresses, then, before submitting, it is important to decide where to register the child after birth, because this will require a corresponding application. You do not need to obtain permission from other citizens who are registered at the same address. The personal presence of the child’s parent who is registered there is sufficient. Here are the documents required for registration:

Original and copy of birth certificate;

Originals and copies of parents’ passports (in cases where there is only one parent, then the original and a copy of his passport);

Original and copy of the marriage certificate (upon its official registration);

A written application from the parent for the child to be registered at his place of registration;

Written consent and statement from the second parent that the child is not registered with him;

An extract from the house register, which indicates the residents registered in the apartment/house, and also contains information about the status of personal accounts (to obtain this, contact the passport office).

Important to know

The legislation provides for the protection of every child, and therefore the child will be registered in the home even in cases where, according to the standards, there are not enough meters for him. It is also worth considering that the Family Code only provides for children living together with their parents, and therefore a newborn cannot be registered in a separate apartment.

The legislator allows two types of registration on the territory of our country - temporary and permanent, and we will talk about which one needs to be issued in the case of a newborn in this article.

Find out on our website whether you can register a newborn at your place of residence, as well as what is required for this.

Is it possible to temporarily register a newborn?

Temporary registration or, as it is called in the legislation - registration at the place of stay, has become widespread due to the increased flow of internal migration.

It provides for attachment to a place of non-permanent residence for a period not exceeding three years. A significant advantage is that there is no need to give up your permanent registration.

Many parents ask this question and worry, which is absolutely in vain. Things can happen in life different situations– future parents do not permanently live with relatives, work in a foreign city, or are waiting for their apartment to be rented.

When there is no possibility to register children on a permanent basis, the legislator fully allows this to be done temporarily.

The most important rule that must be observed by the child’s parents is that they must temporarily register where one of their legal representatives is registered.

You can learn about what kind of responsibility is provided for, as well as whether you need to get a baby registered at your place of residence, from our articles.

Why is it needed?

Why is this procedure necessary for a newborn? She will allow the child, albeit for a limited period, but still refers to a specific area of ​​a city or town.

What laws govern it?

IN Russian legislation There are several regulations that regulate such issues.

Thus, Federal Law No. 143 of November 15, 1997, which talks about acts of civil status, speaks in its chapters about what papers are needed for the procedure, in particular, it is discussed in detail question of establishing paternity(Article 7).

Code of administrative offenses provides financial liability in the form of fines for untimely registration newborn (Article 19.15).

Federal Law No. 5242-1 of June 25, 1993, which talks about the movement of citizens across the territory of our country, in Article No. 5 gives general rules design and introduces list of documents, which are necessary for the process.

In addition, there is a set of special Registration Rules Russian citizens, which are used by employees of passport offices and bodies of the Federal Migration Service, where Article 18 talks about the document that is issued upon registration minor.

The legislation of our country is actively changing, so it is quite possible that soon there will be full-fledged normative act , which will regulate all issues regarding the registration of minors, and in particular, newborns.

Where to contact?

Where does this procedure take place? It is issued in one of government agencies- This passport office or office of the Federal Migration Service.

Employees of each of the listed departments are authorized to provide assistance to citizens wishing to undergo this procedure.

In order for the documents to be accepted for sure and help carry out the procedure, you need to select the nearest branch of the Federal Migration Service or passport office to your place of residence.

Required documents

A correctly assembled package of documents plays an important role in registration.

Here it is very important to understand the difference between collecting papers for a child whose parents are legally married or divorced (you can find out how issues of permanent registration of a child are resolved, if so, in our article).

If parents are in a legal union, then for registration you must provide:

  • baby's birth certificate;
  • a statement signed by both parents and drawn up in accordance with certain requirements;
  • copies of parents' passports;
  • certificate of temporary registration of one of the parents (where the baby will be registered in the future);
  • certificate from the maternity hospital.

If the parents divorced, never married, or not yet in a union, you must provide:

  • child's birth certificate;
  • an application from each of the interested parents to obtain temporary registration at a specific address (if one of the parents does not want to participate in the registration procedure, it is possible to accept an application from only one legal representative);
  • certificate from the maternity hospital;
  • certificate of temporary registration of both parents or one;
  • copies of passports of parents or one of them.

Remember that each document must have its own copy.

Timing and cost

Where to submit documents? The documents are submitted to an employee of the passport office or the Federal Migration Service, who gets acquainted with the package and then gives a certificate according to which the papers were submitted for registration. It is with this certificate that you need to appear on the appointed day for temporary registration certificate.

The process itself usually lasts at least one week.

If the parents have permanent registration, in addition to temporary, in other regions, then departure requests to the region and it may take a little longer to receive responses.

Registration does not require any material costs on the part of parents. Monetary fines are provided only if the procedure was not completed in due time, for which administrative responsibility in accordance with .

What will they give out?

What documents are issued after? When you show up on the appointed day to pick up the papers, you need to know what they will give out in the end. In addition to the fact that the previously left documents will be returned to you, they will also be given to you extract, which bears the name .

It contains information that the children are registered at a specific address for the period provided for by temporary registration - three years. This is what will happen official document about the baby’s place of stay for the coming years.

Features and nuances

In this procedure there is many nuances and pitfalls, which you should know about.

So, in order not to fall under Article 19.15 of the Code of Administrative Offences, it is necessary to start processing the paperwork immediately after receiving the birth certificate, that is, no later than two weeks after the birth of the baby.

Also, remember that if the parents are not legally married, but the father wants the newborn to be registered with him, and the mother has nothing against it, legal representatives must be provided document establishing paternity, which would say that a male citizen is the father of a baby (read about how in our article).

Important the first time correctly collect the package of documents for submission to the authority that deals with registration.

You cannot deliver something later; you will have to make an appointment again and fill out an application under a new date.

Now you can exhale with relief, because the registration process is a common practice.

Definitely immediately after receiving the birth certificate start this procedure and after that, you can devote all your time to the baby.

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