How to play and rules of the game poker. The main stages of the game, the order of bets. Get free starting capital to play poker

The community cards can be used by any player along with their hole cards to form the best possible five card poker hand. In this case, hole cards can be used in full, partially or not at all.

According to the rules of poker, the best five-card combination wins, which can consist of either five community cards or two face-down cards in each player’s hand.

Poker rules on video

For your convenience and a better understanding of the rules of poker, as well as a visual analysis of the small nuances of the game, we recommend starting your study by watching a short video, which is designed specifically for beginner players and will allow you to quickly learn the basics of playing poker.

After watching, you can consolidate certain points by studying detailed rules poker on this page below.

Complete table rules

Every hand in poker begins with mandatory bets. Before the cards are dealt, two players (sitting to the left of the button) place mandatory bets - the small and big blinds. The small blind is half the size of the big blind.

These bets are needed so that the participants in the distribution have something to fight for. In a cash game, the size of the blinds is determined by the limit with which the game is played at a given table. Traditionally, the table limit is designated as 100 big blinds, i.e. at the NL10 ($10 No Limit) table the blinds will be $0.05 and $0.10. Thanks to the blinds, there is always money in the pot.

After this, each player is dealt two cards face down, and from that moment the game begins. In regular Hold'em, as in most other types of online poker, the player has the opportunity to make several different actions. Full list The actions available to players in various situations are as follows:

  • FOLD- this is a refusal to continue the fight for the pot in response to a bet (bet) or increase (raise) from an opponent. In this case, the player discards his cards and they leave the game in the discard pile. The player who folded can no longer participate in this hand.
  • CHECK– if no one has bet before in the current round, the player can check. Essentially, this is skipping a move and passing it on to the next active player who is sitting on the left. Check doesn't mean refusing to fight for the pot is just giving up the opportunity to make a bet in the current round.
  • BET– if there are no bets in the current round, the player can make a bet (bet). In this case, he sets the price for continuing the game. The players sitting after him decide what to do: throw away the cards (fold), equalize the bet (call) or raise again (raise). The minimum bet in the game is the big blind.
  • CALL– if a bet has been made in the current round, the player can match it by calling and adding the same number of chips to the pot equal to the last player’s bet or raise.
  • RAYZ– if a bet is made in the current betting round, the player can raise it by raising. To do this, he must place a bet that exceeds the last player's bet. To qualify for this pot, all other players must either call or reraise. Otherwise, they have only one option left - discarding their cards, that is, fold. In No Limit Hold'em, the size and number of raises unlimited.

Trading circles (streets)

All of these actions are taken by Hold'em players during each of the four betting rounds, or "streets" as they are otherwise called:

  • Preflop
  • Flop
  • Turn
  • River

In each round, betting continues to the person to the right of the last player to bet or raise. When the turn returns to him, the next round begins or the hand ends if all players before him chose to fold. Below you can clearly see the effect of these poker rules in the photo.


After all the players have received their cards, each of them decides what he will do - refuse to fight for the pot and fold his cards, try to continue the game by making a call of one big blind or a raise of at least two big blinds.

The player to the left of the big blind speaks first. The word then passes from player to player in a clockwise direction. If no raise was made preflop, then last word behind the player in the big blind. If one of the players raises, then the game develops according to the scenario described above until all players have their say.

At the end of the betting round, all bets made by players are collected into one common bank, for which the fight will continue on the following streets - the flop, turn and river.


This round of betting begins as soon as preflop ends. Three community cards are laid out on the table, which are called the flop. As you can see in the photo above, the community cards are located in the middle of the table and are available for everyone to see.

All players can use these cards to make their own combination, but they cannot be taken into your hand or exchanged for the flop cards - they are available to all players continuing to fight in the hand.

Unlike preflop, betting on the flop begins with the first active player to the left of the button. For example, this could be the player in the small blind if he did not fold his cards preflop. The last action on the flop is the button.

Players have access to the same actions as preflop, with one exception - if no one has made a bet before, then the player can check and pass the move to the next player without putting anything into the pot.

After all players have had their say, all bets made are added to the current pot.


After trading on the flop has ended, the fourth community card is laid out (dealt) on the table - the turn (from the English “turn”), which is also used by all players to make their combinations.

Another round of betting takes place, following the same pattern as on the flop. It starts with the first active player clockwise to the left of the player on the button.

Four open cards on the table already provide a lot of information for players to make decisions and assess their chances of winning.


After bidding on the turn is completed, the fifth and final card is laid out on the table - the river (from the English “river”). After the river card is revealed, players analyze the final combinations they have collected and conduct the final round of betting.

The betting round begins again with the first player clockwise to the left of the button, and the same betting rules apply as on the flop and turn.

All money deposited by players into the bank is added to the current bank, and the game enters the final stage.

Showdown according to Texas Hold'em rules

According to the rules of poker, players who have matched all bets on previous streets take part in the last round of the game - the showdown. This is where the winner is determined and takes the pot. All players show their combinations.

The strongest five-card combination (hand) that the player makes from all the cards available to him wins. In other words, to create your combination, you can use all five community cards, one of your cards and four community cards, or two pocket cards and three table cards.

Important! the winning combination is always determined by five cards

If two players have the same combinations on four cards, the so-called Kicker – This is the highest unpaired card.

For example, if the players have and on the table, then the combination that is higher than the opponent’s five-card hand with a queen wins.

If the combinations and kickers completely match, then the pot is divided equally between the players.

An example of such a situation would be a board where two players show and respectively - in this case their common combination is two pairs of aces and tens with a king as kicker.

There are also situations when the game does not reach the showdown. This happens if a player bets or raises on one of the streets, but none of his opponents decides to call. In this case, the player who made the last bet takes the bank and his cards he may not show.

The order of showing cards

Detailed poker rules very precisely describe the order of moves, which allows you to avoid any controversial situations, and there are also a number of principles for the order of showing cards.

If there are several participants left in the game, the player who made the last bet opens his cards first. If there were no bets on the river, then the first player clockwise from the button shows his hand first.

These rules often cause confusion for new poker players, but when playing online poker you don’t have to worry about this, since the order will be clearly calculated for you. When playing live, you can rely on the dealer or listen to the most experienced player. However, some rooms may deviate from the full rules and actually show cards to both players at the same time. At the same time, opponents’ cards can often also be viewed after the hand in the hand history.

After the pot is transferred to the player who won the hand, the next hand begins. The dealer button (button) moves clockwise to the next participant, the blinds are set, new hole cards are dealt, and new bidding for the pot begins.

Brief rules of online poker

To summarize and consolidate the material, I propose to once again briefly review the main points of the rules and the course of the distribution.

  • The dealer in the current hand is determined and 2 players to his left make mandatory bets;
  • All players are dealt 2 cards;
  • Pre-flop. The first round of bidding takes place, where players see only their 2 cards.
  • Flop. 3 common cards are laid out on the table, which all players can see. Another round of bidding takes place
  • Turn. One more is added to the community cards. Another round of bidding takes place
  • River. Another card is added and the total number of cards on the table becomes 5. The final round of bidding takes place.
  • At all stages of trading, if one player remains in the hand and the rest have folded, then he takes the pot and the remaining rounds are not played.
  • Showdown. If after the final round there are still players in the hand on the river, then they take turns showing their pocket cards and the strongest poker combination is determined, which takes the pot in this hand.
  • If the combinations match, the kicker rule applies, and if the hands are completely identical in strength, then these players divide the pot equally among themselves.
  • The dealer's mark is passed to the next player sitting on the left and the entire distribution process is repeated again.

Congratulations! After familiarizing yourself with the basic rules of online poker and studying all the poker combinations, we suggest you move on to more advanced ones on our website.

Poker rules for dummies is an accessible and understandable article that I once came across on the Internet; it is designed for absolute beginners who do not even know the basic terms, but want to understand the rules and quickly learn this wonderful game. So, poker, rules of the game...

Poker rules for dummies

  • Basic terms and concepts.
  • Description and course of the game
  • Poker combinations.
  • Hold'em poker rules (the most common type of poker)
1. Basic concepts in poker

Kettle- a beginner who doesn’t even know the basics and rules of the game (just kidding).
Bank (pot)— this is the total number of all bets that players made in the drawing.
Opponent- Poker opponent.
Hand- cards that the player has in his hands, or his combination.
Beth— the initial bet from any player.
Raise— an increase in the player’s initial bet by another player.
Pass— refusal to call a bet or raise from opponents, folding cards.
Check- when denied the opportunity to bet, the player simply passes.
Flop- the first three community cards in some types of poker, which are laid out on the general table.

Blind- a blind bet made by players in the small and big blind positions.
Street— a round of bidding after the cards are released. For example, in hold'em poker these are preflop, flop, turn and river.
Preflop— a round of betting before the flop appears.
Postflop- these are all rounds of betting after the flop, that is, the flop and beyond.
Dealer (button) - a player who makes the last move on all streets (except for a 1 on 1 game, in which the dealer makes the first move preflop and always the last postflop). The dealer position is also called the “button” or “button”.

2. Description and course of the game
  • pair
  • two pairs
  • seth
  • straight
  • flash
  • full house
  • square
  • straight flash
  • royal flush

In order to see the description and large pictures of each poker combination in more detail,

4. Hold'em poker rules for dummies

Hold'em poker is played by 2 to 10 people at one table with a deck of 52 cards.

First, the dealer is determined. The dealer is the player who makes the last move on all streets. To determine the dealer, all players are dealt one card, and whoever has the highest card has the position of dealer in the first hand. Next, this position moves in a circle, clockwise.

Once the dealer is determined, the small and big blinds are posted. The small blind is located to the left after the dealer, then clockwise is the position of the big blind, which is twice the size of the small blind. The size of blind bets is initially agreed upon before the start of the game.

Once the positions of the dealer and blinds are determined, cards are dealt one at a time, starting with the small blind clockwise and ending with the dealer.

After the players are dealt two cards, the first round of betting takes place, this is the first street, or in other words, “preflop”. The betting round always starts with the small blind and moves clockwise to the button.

After the bets are placed, the second street comes out - the Flop.
The flop is the first three community cards in Hold'em that go to the center of the table, and any player can use these three cards to create a hand along with the two cards they were dealt initially (hole cards). After the flop comes out, a second round of betting takes place, after which the third street comes out - the turn.

Turn is the one card following the three community cards in the center, the turn is also a community card that can be used to make a hand along with hole cards and flop cards. After the turn comes out, a new round of betting takes place, after which the fifth community card, the river, comes out.

River- this is the last community card; after the river comes out, the last round of betting takes place.


After the last bidding on the river has passed, all opponents participating in the bidding reveal their cards, and the winner is determined.
The player who bet or raised always opens first. After it, others open, clockwise.
If everyone checks on the river, then the small blind, the big blind, and so on begin to open, with the button opening last.

After the hand is completed, according to the rules of the game of poker, all positions move one clockwise, the big blind becomes small, the small blind becomes the dealer (button) and so on, a new hand begins.

Poker rules for dummies, especially for, when copying material - an active link to the source is required.

Even though poker today is the game of millions, if not billions of people around the world, there is still a category of people who are not familiar with the rules of poker, and therefore they do not understand how to start playing this game. That is why today we want to tell you about the rules of poker for beginner players, explaining as simply and in detail as possible all the nuances of the game, without going into details and without unnecessary poker terminology.

In the course of my explanation we will try to supplement our text with pictures so that you can more clearly understand how to play poker. However, if even after reading this article you still have unclear nuances or questions, you can always ask them through the comment form below, and we will be happy to answer any of them.

Note that when talking about poker for beginners, we will talk about Texas Hold'em, since this type of poker is the most popular in the world. at the moment. After all, it is according to the rules of Texas Hold'em that all major poker tournaments are held, including the main competition of the World Series of Poker - WSOP.

Poker for beginners with pictures

Texas Hold'em is played with a full deck of 52 cards. In this case, jokers do not take part in the game.

Any hand begins with players placing mandatory bets - big and small blinds. The big blind is set at the minimum bet, and the small blind is half that amount. Blinds are needed in order to make up the initial pot of the hand, for which players will fight later. After the blinds are posted, the dealer begins to deal cards to the players.

Each player at the table receives two cards, and these cards are visible only to him. Showing your cards to other players is strictly prohibited, and it is also prohibited to show them to other people, not even those sitting at the table.

Let us immediately note that in poker there are combinations of cards that differ in their strength. And each player strives to make the strongest combination in order to win the hand and take the pot for himself. In order for you to understand what playing poker is for beginners, all poker combinations are presented below, starting from the highest and ending with the weakest.

After you have received your two cards in your hand, the first round of betting begins, which is called the “pre-flop”. In this round you can match previously made bets (or do "Call") , increase previously placed bets (or do "Raise") , fold your cards (or do "Fold") or put all your chips in the bank (having done "All-in") . All chips that you bet during trading go into the common pot, which will go to the winner of this hand.

As soon as all the players' bets have been equalized, the dealer announces the end of trading and takes three cards from the deck, which he places in the center of the table. These cards are common to all players, and everyone can use them to build their own combination. Let us note that if you are a beginner poker player, we advise you not to make too aggressive bets during this round of trading, keeping an eye on the play of your opponents.

On the flop, each player can also bet, and once all players have made their bets, the dealer takes out the fourth community card and places it in the center of the table. After which the betting round takes place again.

Then the last, fifth community card is placed in the center, and the players again go through the mandatory betting round.

If after all rounds of trading - flop, turn And rivera- more than one player remains in the game, then "showdown" - players reveal their cards, comparing the collected combinations. The player who collects the strongest combination of cards wins. The same player takes the entire bank for himself. If several players have collected the same combination, then they divide the pot among themselves.

We hope that in this article we have explained in detail the basics of playing poker for beginners. In the comments below you can ask a question regarding any ambiguities, and we will try to answer it as quickly as possible.

It's no secret that the rules of playing poker for beginners may seem like an impenetrable "wild" at first. Since there are a lot of terms and a lot of slang words that are very difficult to remember right away. But you shouldn’t try to cover all aspects and nuances; it’s enough to first know a few elements:

  • combinations;
  • start of the game;
  • possible actions of players in trading circles;
  • trading circles;
  • types of table limits.

Knowing these poker rules, it will be easy for beginners to take their first steps and learn to play competently.

Yes, at first the process will be purely mechanical, and there will be losses, but this is a temporary phenomenon; over time, each poker player develops his own style and begins to apply a certain strategy.

Then you can safely count on your first successes.

Winning combinations in poker

There are exactly ten combinations in poker, which at first glance is a lot, but they are very simple, and learning them is not difficult. In the rules of the game of poker for beginners, it is customary to arrange combinations from weak to strong, so it is easier to remember.

  1. High card. The most common set of cards that does not have any power. These are just five elements of the deck, not related to each other in any way ( Ace of Diamonds, Jack of Hearts, 8 of Hearts, 2 of Spades, Queen of Diamonds).
  2. Pair. Two cards with the same value, in fact, the first combination that has real strength and regularity in composition. The combination consists of two elements, three more will be in the role kicker– additional cards that are needed to determine the winner in controversial situations, only their face value is taken into account ( king of spades, king of clubs + 6 spades, 8 diamonds, 10 hearts).
  3. Two pairs. This is a set of two pairs, that is, two pairs of cards of equal value, and one element as a kicker ( 6 diamonds, 6 clubs, 9 spades, 9 hearts +jack of diamonds, ace of spades).
  4. Set. Another name is Troika, Triplet. A set of three cards of the same value and two more kickers ( Queen of Clubs, Queen of Diamonds, Queen of Hearts + 5 clubs, 10 clubs).
  5. Straight. The combination looks quite impressive, but is not located so high. These are five cards collected in strict sequence in nominal order. Important clarification: the cards must be of different suits ( 6 spades, 7 hearts, 8 diamonds, 9 clubs, 10 clubs).
  6. Flash. Five suited cards of any value. The strength of the combination is determined by the rank of the cards; the suits are completely equivalent and do not provide advantages ( king of hearts, 5 of hearts, 2 of hearts, 7 of hearts, 9 of hearts).
  7. Full House. Quite a strong combination, despite the fact that it consists of two elementary combinations - Pair and Set. The strength of the combination is determined by the value of the cards from the Three, if they are equal, then by the Pair ( 6 spades, 6 clubs, 9 diamonds, 9 clubs, 9 spades).
  8. Kare. Opens three “mastodons” among combinations; they are strong, but appear extremely rarely. A hand consists of four cards of the same value plus one kicker ( ace of diamonds, ace of spades, ace of hearts, ace of clubs + 10 spades).
  9. Straight Flush. Combines two combinations. A set of five cards, in rank order and of the same suit ( 9 diamonds, 10 diamonds, jack of diamonds, queen of diamonds, king of diamonds).
  10. Royal Flush. In principle, this is a high Straight Flush, but it is customary to separate it into a separate combination. A royal combination that appears extremely rarely and brings 100% victory. This is a set of the five highest cards of the same suit, ranging from ten to ace ( 10 of clubs, jack of clubs, queen of clubs, king of clubs, ace of clubs).

It is with combinations that one begins to learn the rules of poker for beginners, all the additional subtleties, nuances, controversial situations cannot be displayed in one article.

Their understanding will come over time, during the game at the table, in addition, online establishments have adopted a system of hints that will help explain certain situations that arise in the round.

Start of the game

Poker rules for dummies should be considered using an example Texas Hold'em - the most popular direction, this is where most players start. The bank draw adopted here is used in the vast majority of disciplines; if there are any differences, they are extremely insignificant, and it will be very easy to deal with them.

After all players are seated at the table, the dealer announces the start of the drawing. The two participants to his left must place big and small blinds, This special rates, making up the original bank. The fight will be for him. Opponents must do them in turn; to determine the order, a special chip is used, which moves away from one player to another with each round played.

After this, all participants are dealt two cards (four in Omaha, five in draw poker). Players must watch them and decide whether to continue fighting or not, followed by the first round of bidding, called preflop. Everyone can discard the cards received and leave the drawing, bet an amount equal to the big blind, raise the money at stake, or equal the bet of the previous opponent. All these actions in the rules of the game of poker for dummies have their own designations, which came from English terms. It is necessary to know them, since they are the only ones used at the table; a detailed explanation is in the next chapter.

What can a player do in betting rounds?

At any stage of trading, the player has the right to make several actions; they are designated by the following terms:

  • Fold. It means leaving the fight with the complete discarding of cards, in this case the player loses only the amount that he has already managed to bet. If he didn’t bet anything, then the participant remains with his own, provided that it was not his turn for the small or big blinds.
  • Beth. Literally “put”. When a participant is ready to continue to claim the pot, the poker rules for beginners state that he can bet any amount of money. The only condition is not to go beyond the established limits, more about which a little later.
  • Raise. Increasing the current rate. For example, the previous participant bet $10, the player can raise it to $20. All active opponents at the table must either equalize the bet (call) or raise it further (reraise).
  • Call. Means that the player has called the opponent's previous bet. If there are not enough chips for this action, then all available chips go to the stake, and the participant will no longer be able to make any moves. He will have to wait for the end of the drawing.
  • Check. The player has the right to skip a move and not put anything into the pot if all participants before him did the same. In this case, the next round begins without changes.
  • All-in. That is, all-in. A player, when he is one hundred percent confident in his abilities, puts all his chips on the line. The rest must call the bet or fold. Sometimes a participant simply bluffs, forcing his opponents to quit the fight.

These are the actions that are described in the rules of playing classic poker for beginners. These terms refer to most of the functional buttons in online rooms, so it is better to learn them by heart so as not to accidentally lose a large amount of money.

Poker trading circles

Trading circles in poker are the stages of the game when participants take various actions to increase the bank and get the maximum win. There are 4 rounds in total. About the first of them - preflop– described above, players trade immediately after receiving two cards in their hands. The following steps follow.


The round is immediately preflop. Three community cards are laid out on the table, players can now make combinations from them and from two pocket elements. Each participant can take the actions described above.


In this round, one more card is added to the three cards on the table. The actions of the players are the same, you can equalize, bet, raise the bet or skip a move.


The last stage. The last fifth community card is laid out on the table. Players have one last chance to have their say. If there are several active participants left in the game, then they move on to the final touch of the drawing.


Means the reveal of the cards remaining in the game of the participants. The principle of determining the winner is simple: whoever has the strongest combination celebrates the victory. In order not to confuse anything, it is recommended that you print out the rules of the game of poker for beginners with pictures and keep them next to you at first.

After these rounds are completed, a new hand and a new round of betting begins.

Table limits

It is customary to play Texas Hold'em and Omaha and other types of poker in several versions of the table limit.

  1. Limit. The best option for beginners. In such tables a certain limit is set, beyond which no one has the right. For example, a limit of $10 means that you can bet a maximum of this amount in any betting round. Thanks to this rule, novice players will not immediately lose their bankroll.
  2. Unlimited. The toughest option, suitable only for professionals. In this case, players are not limited in their bets in any way, everyone can bet any amount in the betting circles, the rest are obliged to support him or fold their cards. At first, it is not recommended to sit at such tables, so as not to become easy prey for experienced players and lose your entire deposit.
  3. Pot-limit. A balanced option in which the betting limit depends on the current bank. If $50 is at stake, then the bet size cannot exceed this value. It is obvious that with each round of trading the bank grows, and the limit grows accordingly. Such tables can no longer be recommended to beginners, but not yet to professionals.

Each type of limits is widely represented in all online rooms. You should choose a type of table where you are sure not to lose large sums. You should be especially careful with unlimited options.

Final word

It is impossible to cover all the nuances in one article; theoretical lessons must certainly be accompanied by practical exercises at the poker table. First, you can play on free simulators that do not require a deposit. And only then move on to commercial projects and try your hand at real money.

Poker is one of the most popular card games. Poker gained its popularity not only because the game is relatively simple rules requires both a creative approach and logic, but also due to the fact that sometimes it brings good income. Large quantity online platforms allow you to take part in various tournaments and earn money.

It can be argued that the popularity of poker is only growing. After all, this game is not only a way to earn money, but also entertainment. Besides, this game is for an interesting company.

Texas Hold'em Poker Basics

An interesting variation of poker is Texas Hold'em. The game involves having two cards in hand and five community cards used by all players to collect a successful combination. We'll talk about combinations a little later, but for now let's look at the basics of poker that are necessary for beginner players.

Understanding the rules is not that difficult. Be patient and practice playing in online applications with chips using our tips. Card game will open up new opportunities for you to earn money and have a good time.

Process of the game "Texas Hold'em"

We will tell you about the basics of poker: where to start playing, what successful card combinations are, we will tell you about the names of the actions in the game, and also give a couple of tips for beginners.

The process begins with a small bet, for which all participants sitting at the table will fight. It increases player activity.

After this, those sitting behind the dealer contribute blinds to the common pot - these are mandatory bets that are made blindly, without having cards in hand. An interesting point: the first one to place a bet contributes half, and the next one pays the minimum contribution.

Cards are received after preflop. Two cards are dealt in a circle, which will be the betting circle. All participants receive the flop, which is three cards on the table, and betting begins. The button puts down the fourth card - this is called the turn. Players place their bets. The final round of betting and betting ends after the fifth card is dealt on the table. This is called the river.

The player's task is to make the best combination at the table. A combination is five cards out of seven (two in your hands and five on the table). We will talk about which combinations are considered successful very soon.

Available game

The basics of poker are accessible and understandable to everyone. A little practice and you'll get the hang of it. Don't be afraid to sit down at the table.

But before you start the game, you should know that there are several types of Texas Hold'em: limit, no-limit and pot-limit. The first has limits on bets, and the second implies the presence of a maximum bet with the player’s stack. A game with a pot limit cannot exceed the size of the pot with its bets.

Having become familiar with the basics of poker, anyone can try themselves in the tournament, and there is a high probability that they will become the winner. The main difference between Texas Hold'em and other types of poker is the blinds. This responsibility for betting passes each hand from one participant to another in a circle. This is due to the constant change of dealer.

Leave the party

Poker Basics for Beginners should also remind future players that if after a hand you don’t like your cards, they seem unattractive and unpromising, you can always quit the hand. It is your desire to play with the cards you have drawn or not.

But you definitely need to leave the hand if you do not support the minimum bet. The first person to place a bet indicates its minimum; if you are unwilling or unable to support, you must fold the cards and leave the hand. The cards are discarded into the draw.

Any player can raise the bet, but by doing so he obliges others to raise as well. If one of the players cannot support the one who raised the bets, he must leave the game.

The one who put all-in cannot leave the game, and he cannot leave ahead of time. You have to sit for scrap, waiting for the end of the game and hope for a successful jackpot.

Those are the simple basics of poker, but let's talk about the winning hands in this game.


There are different combinations in Texas Holding, let's take a look at them in descending order, starting from the strongest.

Common mistakes

Finally, let’s supplement our poker basics for beginners with a small list typical mistakes.

Remember the rules of the game and avoid beginner mistakes, and then you will certainly succeed. We hope you find the basics of poker for beginners helpful. Happy gaming!

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